02x01 - The Brothers Silverberg

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Murphy Brown". Aired: November 14, 1988 – May 18, 1998.*
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Murphy Brown is the star reporter of "FYI," a newsmagazine series.
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02x01 - The Brothers Silverberg

Post by bunniefuu »


?? Ooh-ah, ooh-ah, cool, cool kitty ??

?? Tell us about the boy from new york city ??

?? Ooh-ah, ooh-ah, come on, kitty ??

?? Tell us about the boy from new york city ??

?? He's kind of tall ??

?? He's really fine ??

?? Yeah, yeah ??

?? Some day I hope to make him mine, all mine ??

?? Yeah, yeah ??

?? And he's neat ??

?? And oh, so sweet. ??

Oh, miles, I'm so sorry.

Was it someone you were close to?


The person who died.

No one died.


Nice suit.

I don't know, I've cut the story to the bone.

Morning, guys.

Whoa, what's with the suit?

It's brooks brothers.

Top of the line.

Figured I'd treat myself.

My brother's coming into town today.

I wanted to look good. You know, show him

His kid brother's doing pretty well for himself.

So you bought that suit?

What's wrong with this suit?

It's a good suit isn't it, jim?

Certainly. Silk lining?


Hand-stitched lapels?

I don't think so.

Double seam?

I didn't ask.

Looks nice.



Morning, everybody.

Hi, murphy.

Whoa, miles, I'm impressed.

Well, thank you, murphy.

I just think it's really special when somebody 25 years old

Can still fit into his bar mitzvah suit.


Murphy, I need...

I need to talk to you.

I got a little favor to ask.

They're sold over the counter these days.

Miles, you don't even

Have to ask the pharmacist.

Got it out of your system?

I would like you to have lunch with me today.

My brother's coming into town.

And it would be great if you could join us.

You know, so he could meet you.

Can't I just stay here

And pound my thumb with a hammer?

Okay, let me add something else to the mix.

I managed to convince admiral poindexter

To come onto the show.

Now I have to decide who gets this very hot interview.

Talk about a rock and a hard place.

Okay, okay, I'll have lunch with you today.

But this is where I draw the line.

No more meals with family members.

No more tea with your sister

Or brunch with your cousin from dubuque.

And I'm not calling you "mr. Silverberg."

You got it.

I'll see you at phil's, 1:00.

You know, one "mr. Silverberg" wouldn't k*ll you.

Hi, phil.

Gee, miles, I'm not really looking for a maitre d'.

My brother's in town.

I'm meeting him for lunch.

Wait a minute.

You have a brother?

Why didn't I know that?

Not that I can be expected to know everything.

It's hard enough remembering who's in, who's out.

Those new dan quayle limericks.

I'm 66 years old, miles.

The pressure's starting to get to me.

It's all right, phil. You don't have to explain.

It's just that I've got all these things

Running around in my head.

Maybe it's time

To let go of harry truman's hat size.

Hey, bro!


All right!

You look great.

k*ller suit.

What is that italian or something?

Yeah, armani. It set me back a few bucks

But I figured I'd treat myself show my famous brother I can keep up with him.

Look out, women of washington.

The silverberg brothers are back!

How long do you get to stay?

You got me for a whole week.

I'm up to my eyeballs in meetings with this case.

We've got at least a week's worth of catching up to do.

We'll start with dinner.

I made reservations at get this...



What did you have to do to get a table there?

Don't tell me.

I'm older than you, but I'm still impressionable.

Josh, washington is my town, my burg, my beat.

I'm connected.

In fact, I made the reservations for quatro

I am going to get you a date!

Now wait a minute.

No, no, no. No arguments.

A little payback for all the times

You bailed me out, remember?

Sophomore dance...

Junior prom...

Senior picnic...

Senior prom.

Okay, okay, I'll chance it.

Besides, we always had the same taste in women.


Amy turlow! Amy turlow!

Phil:hey, miles...


They find me everywhere.

I'll be right back.

Hey there, murphy.

Hi ya, phil.

Is miles here yet?

I'm meeting him and his brother for lunch.

Miles is on the telephone.

That's his brother.

Murphy: that's miles' brother?

Whoa, mix-up at the hospital!

I didn't even know

He had a brother.

I got to start writing things down.

Excuse me, I'm following a hot lead.

Rumor has it you're a silverberg.

You've got that right. Hi, josh silverberg.

Murphy brown.

I know.


I guess miles didn't mention I'd be joining you for lunch today.

It was my idea, actually.

I'm so darn fond of miles

That when he said his brother was coming to town

I just had to meet him.

You're an older brother, right?

Right. One year, eight months.

A year and eight months...

That would make you...



So what brings you to our nation's capitol?

Business. Actually, research. I'm an attorney

Working on a case involving tel-tech chemical.

You're representing the company

Responsible for dumping waste into an iowa family's backyard?

No, I'm representing the family.

Not exactly the way to early retirement

But at least I can sleep at night.

I'm doing a lot of legwork here.

Going over contracts filed with the e.p.a.

Getting depositions from experts on hazardous waste.

I could give you a name. Kind of an underground source.

He's a subversive chemist who's willing to give information on...

Dr. Bruce jannisteck, hooker chemical, '76 to '79.

Resigned after love canal.

I have his home phone number

If you'd like it.

Twenty-seven, huh?

Murphy, you're here!

I see you met my main man. The top guy, the firstborn.

God, I love this.

Maybe the two most important people in my life.

Sitting at the same table.

So what do you think?

He's great.

She's great.


Have you been telling him what a fantastic relationship we have?

It's all about respect, josh.

Boy, did she make me earn it.

It was around the time of the ollie north trial

That we really broke through that barrier.

I had to make a very tough decision about her conduct.


Oh, god.

I'm staring at you.

I'm really sorry.

I don't usually do my impression of the village idiot

Till I really get to know someone.

It's just that I'm really a fan.

I know this sounds corny, but I respect your work so enormously.

Oh, get out of here.

Murphy, did you just giggle?


You giggled. I never heard you giggle.

I didn't giggle, miles.

And why didn't you tell me

Josh was an environmental lawyer?

It's probably the single most important issue of the decade.

I'm trying to learn as much about it as I can

I'd be more than happy

To spend some time with you, fill you in on some of the work I've been doing.

I don't know, josh, we have a lot of things planned and with murphy's schedule...

I would definitely clear time.

This could be very helpful. Maybe even give me an angle for a story.

Miles made reservations for sardella's tonight.

You probably have plans

But if you'd to join us...

I'd love to...

If that's okay with you, miles.



Of course it's okay.

Why wouldn't it be okay?

It's extremely okay.

Kind of like a double date only nobody's really dating here.

Just two people going to the same place

To eat and talk together.

I love this.

I've always wanted to eat here, miles.

This is a pretty impressive place

To take someone on a blind date.

You know, audrey, I've spoken to you on the phone so many times

Over at the british embassy

It doesn't really feel like a blind date. It feels more like third date, don't you think?

I don't think we have to mention that it's a "blind date".

Oh... Okay.

Hey, guys!

Hi, miles.


Let me just introduce everybody.

Josh silverberg, murphy brown,

This is audrey... Audrey...


Cohen, that's right.

So, I was getting kind of worried about you guys.

Where were you?

Sorry we're late. The sunset was so beautiful driving over here

We just has to stop and look at it.

As long as you're safe.

Oh, what is that you got there, murphy?

Some kind of flower?

It's a rose, miles.

Josh gave it to me.

It's always interesting when you encounter a co-worker outside of the office.

That's a kind of a new look for you, isn't it, murphy?

Welcome to sardella's.

May I bring anyone a beverage?

We'll just see a wine list, please.

May I see some i.d., Please?


Are you kidding?

I need to ask the lady and gentleman as well.

No need to see your proof of age, ms. Brown.

Thank you very much. Here's the wine list, sir.

I'll be back shortly to take your order.

Can you believe that?

He can kiss his tip good-bye.

Here's a nice wine.

Ch?teau lacoste '84.

There's a monte nido cabernet '83.

It's gold medal winner.

I think this could be better.

We'll have the ch?teau lacoste.

Is he like with you, audrey?

Oh, yes. Terrible.

One time we got lost

Trying to find this little restaurant in virginia.

We drove in circles for hours

Because he was too stubborn to ask directions.

He was like that as a kid too.

So one time dad took us to a drive-in movie.

Miles insisted on going to the snack bar by himself.

Of course he gets lost.

Wanders around in his pajamas for an hour trying to find the right car.

Crying his eyes out...

Can we order?

Good idea, honey.

I'm starving.

The pastas look incredible don't they, murphy?

Do you want to share a couple?

That's a great idea.

I'd love to.

There must be 20 pastas on here.

Why do they do that? Four or five good ones would be plenty.

They wouldn't have to scrunch all them up on one page.

Murphy can't see.

I can see, miles.

She can't see.

It happened this year

Right around her 41st birthday.

You're 41?


My mum's 41.

Her birthday's in two weeks.

Be sure to send a card, miles.

Not like last year.

The cinematography was so lush

It was like watching a painting.

I thought the score was outstanding. It really enhanced the narrative.

What want to know is

How do they get the nerve to charge $2.50?

For a small popcorn?

I don't know, miles.

Boy, what a great evening.

Great dinner, great movie, great company.

We should go back to that sushi place

We found last night.

Best tuna roll in d.c.

Okay, 11:00...

Time for the news.

Come on.

Let's get informed.

Come on, come on, come on.

News anchor: a government bill to crack down

On laboratory experiments on animals

Is expected to become

Law today. Animal-rights activists have been pushing for the bill

For nine years...

Oh, geez.

Talk about dense.

Guys, I'm sorry.


You probably want to be left alone.

Thank you for understanding, miles.

Well, great.

I'll just get out of your way.

I'll just watch tv upstairs. You won't even know I'm here.

Josh, let me know, when you want to go home.

Although, I should mention, I have to be at the office early tomorrow.

Hey, scooter.

Look, I've got to talk to you a minute.

I don't think I need a ride home tonight.

Gee, josh, don't you think you might be making

A pretty big assumption here?

It's okay, miles.

He doesn't need the ride.

Well, then...

Well, then, I'll just go on home by myself


(Answering machine beeping)


It's me, miles.

Is anybody there?


I don't want to bother anybody.

Don't pick up if guys are sleeping.

Or anything.

It's really not important.

It's probably something that can wait until tomorrow.

So if you don't want to pick up the phone, like I said, it's okay.

Miles, what the hell are you doing?

It's 3:00 in the morning.

No, you can't come over.

It's not a good time.

I'll see you tomorrow.


Who is it?


I called you from my car.

I was parked out front.

God, miles, come in if you're coming in.

I just wanted to tell you

I made a decision about something.

I'm definitely going to give you

That poindexter interview.

Ah, come on miles, you didn't come all the way over here

Just to tell me that.

There's something you want to say.

Whatever it is, just say it

Because we've been through too much in the past year

To hold anything back.

Yeah, okay.

You're right, murphy.

I feel kind of silly about this, but

I hate it that you're dating my brother

I hate it, I hate it, I hate it!

I tried to be big about it, I tried to be a sport

But it's just not working

I'm a small, petty, petty, petty, little person.

I want it to be over because you are mine.

M-i-n-e, mine!


Oh, my god.

I'm sorry.

No, I didn't mean it that way.

I just meant...

Boy, where do I start?

I have been living under josh's shadow forever.

He handed me down his clothes

His schoolbooks, his girlfriends.

I spent my entire life

Trying to prove that I could top him

And I finally did.

I'm running a prime-time news show

Starring murphy brown.

I've finally carved my own niche.

What does he do?

He moves in.

He invades my territory.

Why do I feel like the only tree in a kennel?

We've got a big problem here, miles.

How about I put on some coffee

And see if we can find an answer?

I've said everything I needed to say.

Besides, it's late and you probably want to get back to...


Josh isn't here, miles.

He isn't?

He knew when you left that you were upset.

He was so worried he couldn't...


So he went out to look for you.

You're kidding?


Now what?

Who is it?


I couldn't find him anywhere.

I checked the apartment, I checked over at phil's.

I think we should call the police.

When he left, he...

Where the hell have you been?

I've been here.

Here? What are you doing here?!

I can be here if I want.

This is unbelievable.

Here I am running around washington

Like a crazy person!

You look great.

Don't you know how to use the phone?!

Don't you know how to leave a note?

Why don't you show a little consideration...

I don't have to answer to you!

I don't have to do anything that you want me to do.

Like the time you ran away from home.

He packed all his things into little hobo bags...

Stop telling those stories!

Stop taking care of me,

Stop trying to outdo me,

And stop being six feet tall!

Just stop it!


I'm not trying to outdo you.

If anything, I'm just trying to keep up with you.

You can try to push me away all you want

But I'm always going to keep looking out for you.

That's just the way it is.

I love you, man.

I'm an idiot.

No, you're not.

You're my main man.

The top guy.

My bro.

Ah! Ah!

Listen, I'm starving.

I know this great little place that's open all night.

Josh: terrific!

We'll get a burger, some beer...

Oh... Uh, you can come, too, murphy.

I'm sick of the silverberg brothers.

I got to do this.

I'll call you tomorrow.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

What just happened here?

Hey, there, hi, there, ho, there.

I hate that bathrobe.

Eldin, what are you doing here?

It's 3:00 in the morning.

Two guys are leaving here in the middle of the night

And you ask me questions?

I got a sudden inspiration.

You know, the ceiling in the guest bathroom

Needs a mural.

What do you think of this?

The hud scandal: an american disgrace.

Eldin, I don't want you to paint now.

It's been a rough night.

And besides that, you're a man.

Believe it.

I don't want any men around right now.

I don't understand them.

And I don't need them.

So you know what I'm going to do?

I'm going to start my own country.

Women only.

We'll just have men around to do the electrical and the plumbing

Maybe we'll have one to open jars.

Other than that men are dispensable.


Do you think I'm attractive?

You're okay.

But you're no brigitte nielsen.

I'll open my own jars.
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