02x05 - Miles' Big Adventure

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Murphy Brown". Aired: November 14, 1988 – May 18, 1998.*
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Murphy Brown is the star reporter of "FYI," a newsmagazine series.
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02x05 - Miles' Big Adventure

Post by bunniefuu »


Got it.

You know my number?

How many times are you going to ask?

I'm as good as gone.

Six days of fun and sun in tobago

so long, nonstop calls.

Good-bye, chronic deadlines...

Frank, your piece on the big three auto makers

has to be edited by tuesday.

What's he still doing here?

Just say you'll do it, frank.

I'll do it. I'll do it.

Ah, look.

Here's the elevator.

Miles, look. I know this is your first vacation away from f.y.i.

But you've got to learn

to loosen up, my man.

The only thing

you should be worrying about

is how you're going to fend off all those gorgeous island women.

Frank, you think I'm going there to meet women?

It's a chance to unwind, recharge the gray matter.

The club takes care of everything.

You don't even need your wallet.

You pay with beads that you wear.

You wear around your neck.

It's a good thing, because I don't really see

any pockets on these.

Why, miles, you show dog.

Doesn't leave much

to the imagination.

Give me those.

What's the meaning this?

Miles was just leaving.

Bye, miles.

Just a memo about the sponsor's meeting.

The third memo this morning.

I just wanted to make sure my desk was clear so I could get out of here.

Knowing that you've screened the piece on the c.i.a.?


Reserved satellite time?


Did you..?

Get out, damn it.

Murphy, make him go. I'm sick of him.

Miles, do we have to fax you there?

I think we can get by without you for six lousy days.

Yes, I know.

Okay... I'm going.

Corky: miles...

Am I glad I caught you.

And I hadn't even left the building.

I completely forgot to give you the list of things I want

from the duty-free shop.

I wrote them down in order of importance

but if you give yourself enough time at the airport

you should be able to get everything.

I definitely need a bottle of shalimar perfume--

not the cologne, not the toilet water

the perfume.

They may try to sell you one of those boxes with a lot of little perfumes in it.

I don't want that.

If you get it, I'm t paying for it.

Now, the next thing...

Hey, got to go.

Everybody, say good-bye to miles.

All: bye, miles.

Okay, see you on show night.

Marv, I'm counting on you.

Bobby, you got the new graphics.

Frank, if there's any...

Go! Go! Go!

Yeah, I told you.

She stepped away from her desk

(slowly:) stepped away.

It means she's not here, okay?

A message?

Oh, great.

Now I got to find a pen.

Hi. Did I get any calls?

Did you get calls?

All day you get calls

and everybody wants something.

Like I don't have a life too.

Another message from miles.

He's called 27 times in six days.

I'm the one who needs a vacation.

He's coming home today.

That should ease your workload.

I quit my last job

because I couldn't stand the pace anymore.

So far, this isn't much better.

What was your last job?

18 Years at the d.m.v.

Blink all you want, jerkface.

I'm on a break.

(With a french accent:) hello, murphy brown's office.

And whom shall I say is calling?

Get off the phone.


Get off the phone.

You'll thank me.

Get off the phone!

She's not here.

She's at the cheese shop.

I'll have her call you when she gets back.

This better be good.

I heard from my ears at the pentagon

word is, an american pilot took off with a fighter jet.

Frank, that's not get-off-the-phone material.

So some cowboy's taking a joyride at mach one.

Oh, yeah? This cowboy is riding a jet loaded with nuclear warheads

and he has no intention of bringing it back.

You're kidding. Got any confirmation?

Not yet, but I'm working on it.

Murphy, frank, I just heard something.

I don't want to talk out of school.

Nothing's been confirmed.

We can't jump the g*n on merely hearsay and rumor...

Jim, just cut to the chase.

Some bozo stole a plane.

He's threatening to blow up its nuclear missiles.

Wait a minute, a pilot can't detonate missiles himself. Doesn't he have to have a code?

He has the code.

I want to put a team on this right now.

Find out how the failsafe system broke down.

Guys, get a load of what just came in over the wire.

Yeah, we know.

What do you want to do?

It's your call, jim.

Scrap tonight's show.

Pull as many people as we need.

Let's go live with this tonight.

All right! You got it.

(Phone ringing)

murphy brown's office.

Aw, miles.

Reach out and touch somebody else.

I can't talk now.

Hold on.

No, murphy, don't put me on hold!


You know what I was just thinking?

What are the chances, of all the people in the world

you and I would be paired off in a sing-along?

Now here we are, both of us, stuck in the tobago airport.

I can't believe this.

We're sending men to the moon and rockets to neptune

and this stupid airline

can't even get me to washington on time.

I'm going to miss the broadcast.

I find your work so fascinating.

My ex-boyfriend neil was in sales.

Sales attracts passive-aggressive people.

He was basically manipulative, not like you.

You know, rochester isn't far from washington.

I went once, my senior year in high school.

I haven't been back since

but then, I never had a reason to.

Okay, at 11:17, air force pilot major glenn dixon

took off in an F-*5 eagle from macdill air force base.

At 11:47, he veered off course over venezuela and radioed in

that unless his estranged wife, one bonnie dixon, reconciles with him

he'll detonate the nuclear devices on the jet.

Very good.

Corky, nice job.

Who's your source?

I just had lunch with a congressional aide. He told me everything.

He wants to get to first base--

like he has a prayer.

The pentagon spokesman is stonewalling.

You should hear his voice crack. It's as good as a confirmation.

You've got a source at the defense department.

Can you find out where that jet is now?

I'm on it.

Oh, damn, miles.

If you're calling to have me confirm

your kosher meal on the plane one more time...

Murphy, my plane's been delayed.

I'm going to miss the broadcast tonight.

This is a disaster.

I came this close to going to cancun, but no, I had to save 50 bucks.

Miles, get a grip. We've got a major story here.

An air force pilot took a fighter jet.

He's threatening to blow up his warheads.

Oh, jeez!

The biggest story of the year

and I'm stuck in a hot, sweaty airport watching luggage spin.

Let me put more cream on that nose.

I'm in hell!

We're looking for the pilot.

Get back when you can.

I'd be on my way now

if they hadn't closed the runway.

Let me tell you this-- I better get double mileage on my frequent flyer account

because they do not know who they're dealing with.

Murphy, hold on a minute.

Do not hang up.

Hi. Is this really murphy brown?

I'm phoebe cramer.

I love you, murphy.

You know, I saw you on tv once

wearing this burgundy sweater with buttons on the shoulders

so I bought one

just like it.

Did you have trouble with the button holes unravelling..?

What kind of plane did you say that pilot has?

An F-*5.

The eagle-- the long-range twin engine interceptor with the dual tail fins?


Where did all those tanks come from?

Murphy, either they're having a very small air show

or I know where that pilot landed.

Phil: lunch!


egg salad sandwiches.


hey, hey, hey, hey. You want 30 sandwiches in 30 minutes

that's what you get.

But I sliced the pickle.

I don't do that for just any outfit.

You guys must feel pretty good.

The nightline guys are crying in their beer

about how you aced them.

We got lucky.

We got miles on the island and an hour of live television in prime time.

Now we got to make it work.

Some vacation miles took, huh?

If that b*mb goes off

all the sun block in the world

won't save him.

(Phone ringing)

murphy brown's office.


Guys, it's miles.

Tell us what's going on there?

They're evacuating the island.

Almost everyone's gone except some guards

a few tanks, me...

And a lunatic with an h-b*mb.

I want you to listen to me very carefully.

Nobody has to be a hero.

If you want to get out, it's okay.

I know that.

But this is a once-in-a-lifetime situation.

This is what it's all about right?

They're boarding my flight

I could stay with you.


I mean, thanks anyway, phoebe, but it's too dangerous.

I can't allow the risks that I take

in my line of work to hurt innocent people.

My dear, sweet, brave miles.

Always thinking of others

even if it means having to face this alone.

Just think, miles

I could be the last woman you'll ever see.

Murphy: miles?

I'm here, I'm here.

Has anybody approached the fighter?


There's some bigwigs here--

air force and state department.

They're in the control tower.

I couldn't get past the guard.

He's having trouble

getting past the guard

miles, this is what you do.

Make a connection with him.

If he has a brother, you have a brother.

If his family's from a small village, your family's from a small village.

Get his trust, then bribe him.

Go for his ego, miles. Tell him you'll put him on the air.

Forget the guard.

There've got to be people going in and out of the control tower.

Make contact with one of them. Push your way in, but don't be too aggressive.

But don't scare them off.

Try the locals. What about the wife?

Is she there yet?

Is there a time limit?

Slow down! Slow down!

Okay, that's it. Frank and jim have to go now.

Don't you, frank and jim?

You are doing a great job, buddy. Got to run.

Wonderful job. Truly.

I'm still here, miles.

Now, I'm going to say this one more time.

This is tough, even for a seasoned reporter.

Maybe you should get out while you have the chance.

Look, murphy, I hear things around the office.

I know some people don't think of me as a real journalist.

They think I'm just a pencil-pusher.

I want this story.

It's important to me.

Then do it, miles. Get into that control tower.

We all know you can do it.

I'll talk to you on the phone again tonight.

On the air.

Stage manager: listen up, people.

We start with miles

then frank at the pentagon

go to murphy's pre-taped interview from the state department

and finish with corky's piece.

Unbelievable. We still don't know how the pilot got those detonation codes.

The public depends on us for facts,

yet minutes before we're to go on the air

we're struggling to pull information from 100 places, our resources pushed to the limit.

Does it get any better than this?

Oh, did anybody get miles' picture to the booth?

I found one in his office.

Miles, what else do you have?

Just some stuff about a defense department task force

and a few quotes from some locals. Doesn't feel like much.

You would have made it into the control tower.

Well, that's me.

Whatever you have, I'm sure will be fine.

Is that miles?


Tell him our prayers are with him

and we're proud of him--

giving the world a close-up account

of an event that could wreak environmental havoc

and tell him that even if he blows it completely

we'll still love him.

Corky says "hi."

All right, people, take your places.

This is it.

Good luck.

Going live, in five, four, three, two...

(F.y.i. Theme song)

good evening.

Welcome to a special edition of f.y.i.

For your information tonight, something out of a movie--

something the experts said couldn't happen--

is taking place on the small island of tobago.

An air force fighter pilot

despondent over the breakup of his marriage

is holding the western hemisphere a nuclear hostage.

Only one newsman, f.y.i.'S executive producer, miles silverberg

is at the airport in tobago.

In this exclusive live report

he talks by phone to murphy brown.

Miles, we've all heard the official reports

coming out of the white house and the pentagon

but you alone are there at the scene.

Tell us, what is happening at the airport?

Well, murphy...

Operator: please deposit an additional $1.15 for the next minute.

Miles: what? I don't have...

(Dial tone)

I can make you ring.

I can make you ring...

Right now!

I can make you ring...

Right... Right...


I can make you melt.



Miles! Guys, it's miles.

Before you jump on me, I thought I had enough change.

Beads up the wazoo, but no change.

I tried to call collect, but there's not a single operator left on the island.

How are you calling now?

I saw this car phone in one of the jeeps

so I borrowed it.

Way to go, miles.

We got miles hooked up. We're going live.

Wait a minute.

Miles, remember, you can do this.

I'm here to walk you through it.

In five, four, three, two...

We've reconnected with f.y.i.'S miles silverberg

the only newsman on the scene in tobago.

He now talks with murphy brown.

Miles, can you describe the scene for us?

Murphy, it's been over 12 hours

and the pilot is still holding his ground

aboard the F-*5 eagle.

There is an eerie stillness.

The scene's so quiet you'd think even the birds have left the island.

I'm on the runway.


You're where?

In a jeep, about ten feet

from the waiting jet.

What's he doing? He's crazy.

Tell us, miles, how did you get there?

I saw a jeep.

I got into it.

I drove it real fast.

Oh, my god...

I can see major dixon inside the cockpit.

He's spotted me.

I am holding up my press card.

He's raising the hatch.

A good reporter like yourself doesn't need to be reminded

that frequently, these people are in no mood to talk.

Major dixon!

My name is miles silverberg!

I have a live hookup to the states.

If you speak loudly

you can send a message to your wife.

Dixon: can you hear me?

We can hear him.

Miles: we can!

How are you doing in there?

Dixon: right now, I'd k*ll for some orange gatorade

and charlie pride on the headset.

Miles: major, why did you steal the jet?

Dixon: if you know a better way to get my wife's attention

I'd like to hear it.

She won't take my calls, answer my letters...

Hell, I even sent her flowers.

Big deal.

Miles: is there anything you'd like to say to your wife now?

Dixon: bonnie...

I love you.

If you're going to leave me

just give me a chance to talk to you first.

Just talk to me

and I'll climb down out of this plane.

That's it.

That's all I have to say for now.

Miles: thank you, major.

A man who loves his wife.

This story isn't so complicated.


Back to you, jim.

We'll continue with this special edition of f.y.i.--

Tobago: time b*mb of terror-- after this.

We are into commercial.


miles: and as the hatch closes

a light rain begins to fall

upon the giant bird of destruction--

a gentle rain that lets linger the fateful question

whether innocent babes of this island may return

to suckle of mother's milk, safely come the morn...

God, I hate the day after a big story.

Such a letdown.

The rush of adrenaline, gone.

Your step, slower.

Face it-- a madman with a warhead can really spoil you.

Hi, guys.

All hail the conquering hero!

We're so glad you're home.

Miles, got to hand it to you, you made it through some hairy moments there, buddy.

It's funny.

After talking to him, I felt confident he'd surrender.

I wasn't afraid.

You could be radioactive dust

contaminating somebody's drinking water.

I've been in situations

that weren't half as bad and I've been afraid.

Great, because I was scared out of my mind.

My legs were rubber

my stomach was clamping up, I was sweating everywhere...

Have some pride, miles.

I want you all to know it really helped

knowing you were back here, supporting me.




So what did you think?

Nice job.

I knew you could do it.


Wait a minute.

It's not true.

I didn't think you could do it, miles.

I didn't think you had it in you.

I was wrong.

You were really great out there.

Really great.

Right now, I feel like I can handle anything.

(Elevator bell rings)
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