11x12 - Under Siege

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu". Aired: January 2011 to present.*
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"Lego Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu" revolves around the adventures of six ninja: Kai, Cole, Jay, Zane, Lloyd, and Nya.
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11x12 - Under Siege

Post by bunniefuu »

[theme music]

♪ Go, Ninjago ♪

♪ Jump up, kick back
Whip around ♪

♪ Hey, go, Ninjago ♪

[Master Wu] "Under Siege."

You're the Deceiver?

Wait, wait, wait,
let me get this straight.

You broke your own father's law,

snuck into the land
of the Serpentine,

and nearly started a w*r?

It... It wasn't quite that--

And you befriended a snake,
and thought

it would be a good idea
to teach her Spinjitzu?

Well, it was a complicated--

And then you stole a dangerous
scroll from your father,

the First Spinjitzu Master,

and broke the law again
to defeat her?

[ominous music]

Yes. Okay? Yes, I admit it all.

What can I say?
I was young and reckless.

And, and...


I never thought to hear
the name Aspheera again.

I thought all of this
was in the past.

-[building thuds, rumbles]
-[all grunt]

What was that?

The past, catching up to us.

[tense music]

[Cole] Look out!

[all grunt]

[all gasping]

Looks like Lloyd and the others
didn't slow Aspheera down much.

This is because of you,
Master Wu.

You're our teacher,
the one that's always lecturing

about responsibility, and,
and true potential.

I made a mistake.

I never thought this
would come back to haunt me.

[all grunt]

[Kai] I can't believe this.

Get down!


You said your father created

two Scrolls
of Forbidden Spinjitzu, correct?

Yes. We used them
to defeat Aspheera,

which made my father very angry.

He hid them from us.


-Hid them where?
-I don't know.

[Kai] Well, someone
must have found them.

Because Aspheera got one
of the scrolls at the museum.

[all grunt]

So where's the second scroll?

If the scroll was at the museum,
logic would dictate

an archaeologist
or explorer found them.

[all] Clutch Powers!

-[people clamouring]

Great, the whole city
is under attack,

and we have no idea
where Aspheera is.

[Cole] Lloyd. Nya. Zane.

We are here.
But we have bad news.

We have lost Aspheera.

That's okay. We found her.[/i]

She's attacking the temple.

-[Lloyd] What?
-[Cole] Yeah, that's not all.

We found out
who the Deceiver is,

and, um, well,
I'm just gonna say it.

It's Wu.


[Cole] It's a long story.

But the good news is,
we have a plan.

We know how to defeat Aspheera.

There's another scroll
out there somewhere,

and we think Clutch
knows where it is.

[Nya] Great. So where's Clutch?

[button clicks]

Mr Powers, you hit
the emergency call button?

What's the emergency?

Say, could you raise my bed
just a smidge?

One smidge.
Two would be too many.

-[button beeps]
-[machine whirs]

[slurps, sighs]

Now, this is what I call living.

[banging on door]

Fire-Fang, destroy the doors.


[both grunt]


Well, those doors aren't
gonna hold much longer.

-And we just replaced them.
-What do we do?

We still have a few surprises
in store.

-Come on.

[tense music]

[Master Wu]
When we renovated the temple,

Pixal thought it would
be wise to incorporate

several new defensive measures.

[machines whirring]

[steam hisses]

[shouts, snarls]

Rubber shurikens. Nice.

[Jay chuckles]
Take that.

The Deceiver uses
his weapons against us.

Bah. Parlour tricks
for one who possesses

the Scroll
of Forbidden Spinjitzu.

Fire-Fang, the doors.

[Ninja scream, groan]


[serpentine growling]


Come out, you coward.

Come out and face me.

Yes, face Aspheera.

Queen of the Serpentine,

and rightful ruler
of all Ninja...

Oh, stop blathering, you fool,
and ransack the temple!

-Find him!

You heard her!

Stop blathering
and start ransacking!


We'll have to make our way out

through the vehicle bay doors.

[computer chimes]

[Pixal] Negative.
We are surrounded.

We cannot get out that way.

Great. Now we're trapped.

Another thing I blame you for.

Kai, uh, maybe it's time
to back off Master Wu

and focus on what to do next.


Aspheera stole
his elemental fire.

He feels useless now,

and that's why
he's so angry at you.


Pix, if we can't get out of here
on foot,

what's the plan?

You usually have something
up your sleeve.

Well, it's not complete yet,

but, there is this.

[computer chimes]


New mech!

[Jay] What are we waiting for?

Let's get to work.

[suspenseful music]

-Weld that onto the manifold.
-On it.


Oh. Right.

I'll just grab
the welding torch, I guess.

[Master Wu] If it weren't
for me, he'd still be able

to control the element of fire.


He's paid the price
for my mistakes.

"That's when I knew
that both the treasure,

and her heart,
would belong to me."


Finally, enough peace and quiet

to work on my memoirs.

We need the second Scroll
of Forbidden Spinjitzu.

It is logical for you to comply.

Time for you to earn
your keep, Explorer-Boy.

What? No.
No, no, no, don't tell me.

I don't wanna know.

You wanna know
why I don't wanna know?

Because it sounds like you want
me to go on an adventure,

and no thanks.

You're an explorer.
All you do is adventure.

No, all I did was adventure.

Now, all I'm gonna do
is cash big checks

for writing books about
those adventures. Cha-ching.

Dr Powers, all of Ninjago
is at stake.

Can I tell you something
about Ninjago?

Its fate is always at stake.

Besides, I've got a broken leg.

I couldn't help you
even if I wanted to.

Which I do not.


But without the second Scroll
of Forbidden Spinjitzu,

-we'll never--
-Oh, the second Scroll?

That's what you're looking for?
Ha, no problem.

It's at the Explorers Club.

Great, you're a member.
You can help us.

Yeah, no.
You see, that's the thing.

Sounds like the beginning
of an adventure.

So, uh, how should I put this?


-That's it.

You're coming with us,
whether you like it or not.

Oh, my! Oh, Doctor.

I'm feeling woozy.

Oh, no. Your visitors
will have to leave.

-But we--
-[Zane] Back off, Mister.

[Nya] Come on.
We don't need his help anyway.

[clicks tongue]

[ominous music]

[dish clangs]





Enough, you fools.

Find me the Deceiver!

But... but we've searched

[Char] He's not here.

Maybe we should take a break,
get some dinner,

come back with a full belly
and a fresh set of--

[Aspheera] Silence!

A lift. Behind the... The...

-A lift.
-[Char] Yes.

Well done, my queen.

We have found it together.

All hail the queen!

[both hiss]



I will have my revenge!

Revenge in a minute.

Sometimes, it takes a while.


-[button clicking]
-Any minute.

-[computer beeps]
-[Jay] Oh, no.

Someone's called the elevator.


I've stopped it.

But it's safe to assume
they know where we are.

What do we do?

I wish Lloyd
and the others were here.

I guess we're gonna
have to fight them.

Power or no power.

No. I will pay
for my own mistakes.


You can't do that.

Aspheera will destroy you.

Perhaps that is for the best.

What-- How can you say that?

Because Kai was right.

[Master Wu] I cannot be
your master.

I cannot teach you
to take responsibility

if I run away from my own.

You have paid for my mistakes,

and for that, I am sorry.

Allow me now to make amends.

Master Wu. Don't.

I'm sorry I was angry.

We all make mistakes.

But giving yourself
over to Aspheera

would be another one.
She can't be trusted.

She'll still be dangerous
and on the loose.

And besides all that,
we're a family.

We stick together.
No matter what.

[dramatic music]

-[Jay sobbing]

That was beautiful.

Let's get ready to kick
some Serpentine butt.


[all] Yeah!

[closing theme music]
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