01x11 - One More Time

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The A-Team". Aired: January 23, 1983 – March 8, 1987.*
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Four former members of a fictitious United States Army Special Forces team were tried by court martial for a crime they had not committed.
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01x11 - One More Time

Post by bunniefuu »

Easterland thinks that if he can
keep my produce from market...

I'm gonna have to sell
the farm to the bank...

It's your classic western.

We're the cowboys in the box canyon. Easterland
and his Indians have got us trapped.

Those guys aren't gettin'
through this valley.

Because when you're
on the jazz, man...

you are dangerous!

Ten years ago, a crack commando unit was
sent to prison by a military court...

for a crime they didn't commit.

These men promptly escaped from a maximum-security
stockade to the Los Angeles underground.

Today, still wanted by the government,
they survive as soldiers of fortune.

If you have a problem, if no one else
can help, and if you can find them...

maybe you can hire...
the A-Team.

I don't like it, Dad.

Neither do I, honey.

But we gotta get this
crop to market...

or we're gonna lose everything.

I figure we got two or three more loads,
then we can clean out the warehouse.

And if we move fast, we won't
lose too much to spoilage.

I don't believe this is happening. I don't believe
Chuck Easterland can just put us out of business.

Sweetheart, it
hasn't happened yet.


he's threatened every truck driver who's
been willing to haul our produce.

What's to stop him
from k*lling you?

Honey, they whole Vietcong
Army couldn't k*ll me.

I'm not about to let
Chuck Easterland do it.

Now give me a kiss. Come on.

Stay inside like I told you, Ellen.
Don't go anywhere near Green Valley.

I'll call you when I get to L.A.

He's headin' out!

Which way out of
the valley, Whit?

He's takin' I-16 south.

Okay. Well, you stay with him.

- Now, some of you boys haven't
worked for me very long.

Do this one right, and
there'll be a big bonus.

Comin' towards ya, Milt.

We're all set.

Just what is your interest
in all this, uh, Miss Allen?

My interest is as a reporter.

The L.A. police already took his
statement and said that I could stay.

I'm writing a story on Mr. Penhall
and what's happening to him.

You don't say.

Sheriff Murphy is Chuck
Easterland's brother-in-law.

He's not going to
give us any help.

Sure sorry you had to make the drive
all the way from Green Valley...

just to keep up
appearances, Dale.

That's about all that kind of
junk I'm gonna listen to, Ellen.

You're accusin' me of collusion in this here
crime, and I ain't gonna stand for no more of it!

- Lunch-time.
- Can't that wait?

- Huh?
- I said, can't that wait?

Nope. No steak. Not today.

I didn't say "steak."
I said "wait"!

I'm tryin' to do a
police report here!

No dribble straws left. Gotta
be careful with the juice.

I got the physical description
as best as you can remember 'em.

I'll get to workin' on it.

Goodbye, Sheriff.

Thank you for writing
this story, Amy.

I don't know if it's
going to do any good...

but at least it will
make Easterland squirm.

I guess your friends
decided not to help us.

I don't know why. I really don't.
I thought one of them would come.

Carrots look real runny today.

You know, Easterland thinks that if
he can keep my produce from market...

I'm gonna have to sell
the farm to the bank...

and then all he has to do is step right in
and buy it up, like he did all those others.

He owns half the valley by now. It's
an impossible situation, Ellen.

I... I feel like we're licked.

My friends specialize in
impossible situations.

I don't have any money. It's
all tied up with the bank.

But if your friends can move my produce, I'll
see to it that they get 30% of the profit.

I don't really think that's
going to be necessary.

Ain't allowed for people to be
in here when I feed this man.

Bad for his digestion.
Hospital rule.

- So if you'll just step outside...
- I don't really think that we're...

Both of you, please.
Won't take a moment.

Thank you.

- What was your unit in 'Nam?
- What?

Well, underneath this
putty nose and make-up...

is a remarkably handsome veteran who
was stationed for a while at Plei Ku.

Lieutenant Colonel, Fifth
Special Forces Group.

I know that unit. Had a
commanding officer...

some lunatic by the name
of Hannibal something.

- At your service.
- You're Amy's friend?

You guys are a bunch
of criminals.

I read all about you when I
was pullin' out of 'Nam.

- The world is full of ironic complications, isn't it?
- You're gonna help me?

Let's say maybe I'd be interested in
getting your watermelons to market.

- Do you have any trucks?
- No. I hired a trucking company... a Lone Horse Trucking.

Its owner, Bill Mather,
accepted a $1,000 advance...

to move my crop, and
he never showed up.

Easterland paid him off.

All the other guys that I hired either
got run off the road or got shot at.

- And nobody's even gonna drive in that valley now.
- I will.

Now, 30% of the crop...
How much is that worth?

Well, that all depends on what the market
value is and how ripe the melons are.

- Well, how ripe are they?
- They're too ripe.

They gotta be there by Friday.
That's two days.

- I"ll be in touch.
- Where are you gonna get your truck?

You bought a ride from
Lone Horse Trucking...

so we'll just count on Bill Mather
to supply any trucks we need.

Easterland bought him off.
He double-crossed me.

There's no way he's
gonna help you.

Sure, he will.

He just hasn't been
asked the right way.

- Oh, you never told me your unit.
- 101st Airborne.

You guys took it
real bad up in Hue.

At least there I
knew it was coming.

This thing came right out of nowhere.
Colonel, I thank you for helping me.

I haven't done anything... yet.

I don't know where he is.
He said he'd come.

He did. Come on, kid. We're
in the watermelon business.

Hannibal, you did
it to me again.

Come on, boy. Come on, Billy.
Come on, boy. Yeah, boy.

Yeah, yeah, boy. Hey, uh-uh-uh!

He won't even stay under
my bed any more, Face.

I put his bowl under there and everything. I think
the psychiatric ward is makin' Billy nervous.

He won't eat regularly.
He barks.

In the middle of the night.

Have you changed
his flea collar?

When a dog gets fleas, it twists
'em, Murdock, makes 'em crazy.

Look, Face, this man
don't have a dog.

So why are we sittin' around here
talkin' about a dog that don't exist?

B.A., it isn't that
Billy doesn't exist.

In a practical sense,
Billy does exist.

He represents a, uh,
love fixation...

that bridges a relationship gap
Murdock had when he was a child.

Absolutely, man. Go on, Billy.
Go on.

This is my van, and I don't wanna hear
no more talk about Billy in my van.

You got it?

All right.

We're on a case. We are
hauling produce...

for 30% of the market price.

- B.A., you still got a line on that '80 Buick sedan?"
- Yeah.

We'll have to dress that up.
Face, we need some truck scales.

- What about me?
- You take Ellen on up to Penhall Farm and wait for us.

- Where is Billy? I don't want to step on his tail.
- Shh. He's right there.

Ain't no dog.

All right. Who
wants to be a cop?

Don't look at me.

Oh, me. Me, me, me.
Oh, please, me.

Okay, Face. It's you.

Come on, Billy. Come on, boy.
Come on. Yeah, boy.

What kind of produce
we haulin', Hannibal?


Murdock, why are you doing that?

I gotta paint it,
I'm-a gonna sign it.

You got the "out of
service" signs, B.A.?


He's throwin' our sweet rolls
on the floor, Hannibal.

Well, he's just, uh, feeding
his dog Billy. Relax.

Murdock throwin' our
food on the ground.

Ain't no Billy! Man, how long
we gonna put up with this mess?

The next stop's the Gear Jammer's
Café at the bottom of the Grapevine.

Let's go.

Come on, Billy. Come on.

Why we gotta be out of service?

Well, this is a pretty good mock-up
of a squad car, but it's not perfect.

So we're transportation people
from Universal Studios...

making a movie called
It Came From Planet X.

That way, if we get pulled over by a real
Highway Patrol car, we're not gonna get busted.

Good luck with that one, sucker.

You're up, B.A.

Okay, let's do it.

Hey, Lone Horse, you
look a little heavy.

When you find a good spot, pull over.
We're gonna have to weigh ya.

- B.A., you reset those scales?
- Don't worry, man.

This guy gonna weigh heavy,
no matter what he's carryin'.

You just better hope no real cops
come along and see us doin' this.

Come on. I'm okay. Haven't got
more than 80,000 pounds per axle.

Is this rig over 60 feet?

59', 11", man. I'm cool.

What are ya haulin'?

Paper rolls for roofing.

Okay, let's measure the rig
and get it up on the scale!

- Who's that?
- Mechanics from Barstow.

They run the scales for us and
tow any rigs that are illegal.

- You guys got nothin' better to do?
- Not this afternoon.

Now, drive it up on the scale.
And go easy.

You hit your brakes and bust my
scale, I'm gonna rain on you hard.

Yeah, yeah. I've heard
all that before.

You slimy smokies.

Well, well, well. Will
wonders never cease?

This guy's overloaded.

106,000 pounds! Something's
wrong with your scale, bud.

You're over gross 16,000 pounds. You're
gonna have to unload this truck.

Aw, come on, you guys!
Are you kidding?

Get the load out of the box, pal, or get
another truck out here and split the load.

Either one. I don't care. But you're
not movin' till you're legal.

Yeah. Let me speak
to Bill Mather.

Hey, what's goin' on here, huh?
This truck's not overloaded.

- I want your names and your badge numbers.
- What's your name?

I'm Bill Mather. I
own these rigs.

What's goin' on? This
driver isn't over-grossed.

- I know.
- Huh?

- We're here to help you with a problem of conscience.
- What are you talkin' about?

Well, we don't want you
to lose any sleep...

over taking Joe Penhall's money
and then double-crossing him.

Yeah. That's the kind of thing that
could give a man sleepless nights.

Oh, not now, maybe.
Not this very moment.

But, uh, some Christmas Eve,
you'll be sitting home alone...

and you'll start wonderin' how you could've
sold out a nice guy like Joe Penhall.

Yeah. We've all seen it.
It's tragic.

You're lucky we came along
in time to save you from it.

- Who are you guys?
- We're the Ghosts of Christmas Future.

We're also hijackers. So just
give us the keys and take a walk.

We'll call you in a couple days and
tell you where to pick up your rigs.

Do you know what Easterland's
gonna do to me? To you guys?

You're in deep trouble if you
try to go through that valley.

Now, that's the trouble
with taking a moral stand.

Somebody's always angry. But it
makes you feel good, doesn't it?

Oh, one other thing.
We're kind of crazy.

So, uh, you report this to either Easterland or the cops,
we're gonna come back and score some points on ya.

- Yeah. I'm real scared.
- Huh? What'd he say?

Okay. Okay.

All right. Head 'em
up and move 'em out.

Always wanted to say that line.


Well, we'll dump the
uniforms and the squad car.

And that concludes phase one
of Operation Watermelon.

Penhall Farms is just up 89
here, about another 12 miles.

You guys stay in line.

Knockin' at your
back door, brother.

And they're in the stretch. Aladar is
along the rail and leads by a length.

Two For The Road is holding on,
and Lady Luck is dropping off...

as they come to the
clubhouse turn...

Why do you always do that when my horse is in
the lead? I could've won the daily double.

Hannibal, this fool
is startin' up again.

I told you we should've left him
back there in the squad car trunk...

with his stupid invisible dog.

Talk softly. Billy has
finally gone to sleep.

Looks like we're gonna
have to run a roadblock.

- B.A., stay in tight.
- I didn't know this was a toll road.

It's not.


Well, somebody's gonna
be mad at somebody.

Ellen, my friends are very
good at what they do.

If Hannibal says he can
take care of Easterland...

you can pretty much count
on that happening.

Well, I hope you're right. Because if the
crop doesn't get to market, we're through.

Let's go.

Miss Penhall? Hannibal Smith.

These are Bill Mather's trucks.

- You even got two of 'em.
- He was running a sale.

Steal one, get one free.

We don't really need two. We've had some
spoilage. I think one would handle it.

Okay, okay, okay!

Go on! Run along! Make sure
you stay outta the house.

- Hope he doesn't mess on
the front porch there.

Let's get goin'. We got
a lot of work to do.

- Who are you?
- I'm B.A. Baracus, and I'm here to pick up your crops.

Oh, fine. Fine. The
barn's right up there.

- Uh, do you have a phone I can use?
- There's one in the kitchen.

Face, we've got a barn full
of watermelons we gotta load.

Hannibal, I have to monitor the market,
try and get a report on watermelon sales.

What's the matter? You don't
wanna get your hands dirty?

Uh, you said the phone was
in the kitchen, right?

Thanks. I'll be right back.

That's Chuck Easterland. How'd he
find out about you guys so soon?

It could have something to do with
Hannibal blowing a roadblock a ways back.

I wanted to draw him out. I always like
to see the size of the slug I'm after...

before I step on him.

Murdock, B.A., take the right.
Face, stay with me.

- Uh, Hannibal, if we're gonna fight, I prefer to be teamed with B.A.
- Me too.

Are you guys sayin' you don't
wanna team up with me?

- Yes.
- Yes.


I'll tell you why. Because when
you're on the jazz, man...

you are dangerous!

I want you and your men out of here.
This is private property.

You're all trespassing.

Why don't you call the sheriff
and sic the law on us?

And how would you like
some good advice?

I love advice.
Especially good advice.

Uh, excuse me, but would you mind terribly
taking your foot down off the bumper there?

- Uh, no offense, but it's so rude.
- I'm a rude guy.

Oh. Well, in that
case, go right ahead.

- Here's your advice...
- Excuse me. My dog moved.

Billy, get over here!
Get over here!

Now, if you're not gonna be good,
you're stayin' on your leash.

He doesn't bite.

You guys are a bunch of clowns.
Very funny.

- I'm bustin' a gut here.
- He's a mental patient.

He's not dangerous, usually,
but he does hallucinate.

Now, you were giving
me some advice.

Yeah. Here's your advice: Get back in
those trucks and roll 'em out of here.

- That's it?
- That's it.

I don't like that advice. Have
you got any other advice?

I got a promise for ya.

If you're not out of here
in a half an hour...

I'm gonna wreck your trucks, and
I'm gonna wreck all your guys.

Billy, stay put! Don't move.

Now, what if I was
very nice and said...

"Please, just let us do our
job and don't hurt us"?

Would that make any difference?

That wouldn't make any
difference at all.

Then it really doesn't matter whether
I stay on your good side or not.

Not in the least.

In that case...

Watch out for my car!

Uh, B.A.!


Is he all right?

Likes to see how big the slug is before
he steps on him is what he likes to do.

What'd he say?

He said, "I love it when
a plan comes together."

What do you think, B.A.?

Oh, man, this rig is
about 16,000 overweight.

And the rear brakes
is whistlin' "Dixie."

And these air hoses...
They got dry rot.

Wonderful. All they have to do
is get to Farmers Market in L.A.

Hi. Just checking with the
produce exchange in L.A.

I'm on hold.

Amy says you're all
wanted by the military.

And you hire out to
help people, right?

Uh, yeah. That's pretty much it, Ellen.
It's a long, very sad story...

a story of injustice.

I don't want to bore
you with our problems.

Uh, yeah. I wanted to
check what the, uh...

Yeah, I'll hold.

Never owned 30% of a
watermelon crop before.

You know, if you can get
Dad's crop to market...

you'll save the farm for us.

I don't know how I'll ever
be able to thank you.

You don't?

Uh, hi. This is Penhall Farms.
We're checking the price of...

Yeah, I'll hold. They
sound very busy.

Price is probably going
right through the roof.

Uh, yeah. Yeah. What's the price
per bushel of watermelon?

Beautiful, rich,
succulent watermelon.

- Green or white what?
- Rind. They're green.

Green. When were they harvested?

- Last week. But don't tell them that.
- Yesterday.

We got 100,000 pounds.

Yeah. Okay. Okay. Bye.

He says that if they're not too ripe,
he'll give us 40 bucks a bushel.

That's bad. It's off
50 cents a bushel.

- But some of them are already going bad.
- Bad? Didn't you take care of them?

They've been sitting in the
barn for a week and a half.

Well, then we gotta get 'em to market. I
want to get at least 40 bucks a crate.

I think I have a real feel for
this business. Don't you?

No. But I like you guys anyway.

- What's it like out there?
- Lousy.

Easterland and his men have their pickups barricaded
across I-16 north, with about 15 guys with weapons.

It's the same action in the south.
We're penned in, Hannibal.

Watermelons just dropped off
another 50 cents a bushel.

Business is a little
tougher than I thought.

Pretty soon we'll have to pay
someone to take 'em off our hands.

Yeah, man. But first we gotta
get 'em to the market.

Now, we've all seen this before.
- We have?

Of course. It's your
classic western.

We're the cowboys in the box canyon. Easterland
and his Indians have got us trapped.

Oh, maybe we could trade our way
out of this with beaver pelts.

B.A., do you think you could put a
cowcatcher on the front of this truck?

- Oh, Hannibal...
- Good.

Now, we need a chase car.

Something fast, light. Something
we can plate for protection.

Hannibal, where are
we gonna find that?

Of course you're kidding. Not my new car.
Come on. It's not even paid for yet.

Kid, the way I'm doin' with watermelon futures,
you're gonna want to get rid of that thing.

Get yourself a Mercedes...
or a Cadillac, anyway.

You guys think you're gonna hang
armour plating all over my new car?

You're nuts.

You got us into this, Amy. We
gotta use what's available.

Don't worry, lady.
I'll be real careful.

Put three holes in the front...

cut here and there, won't
even change a thing.

I'll have it back to
you just like new.

But it's my new car.

We're cut off. They've got
a tractor across the road.

Forty guys with g*ns, and you're
worrying about your little car?

Amy, Amy, Amy! I'm
ashamed of you.

Boy, you could con anybody out
of anything, couldn't you?

Okay. Go ahead.

Right. I wanna be out of here in two hours.
Let's get going.

Put those trucks together. I don't want any
gaps, just in case they try to squeeze through.

Mr. Easterland, Sheriff
Murphy called.

He's real nervous 'cause the Highway Department's
all over him about this detour request.

That's too bad.

That's what he's gettin' paid for...
to keep the heat off.

Those guys aren't gettin'
through this valley.

How's the market, Face?

- Frisco bid in at 43 cents more a bushel than L.A.
- Great.

- Where's my car?
- Isn't it beautiful?

Lady, a couple of bolts, fresh
paint, it'll be good as new.

How do I get into these things?

Let's mount up!

Here goes nothing.

- Do you think they'll get through?
- Probably not.

- Then Easterland will k*ll them.
- And that probably won't happen either.

Here they come.

What's that on the
front of the truck?

Milt, they're comin' south,
and they mean business.

You boys get down here
and give us a hand.

They're makin' their way south.
Let's go.

Okay, Face, I'm gonna
thread this sucker...

through the eye of the needle.

Oh, no.

They sure don't look like Indians to
me, Face. I think we misjudged 'em.

Come on! Get in the truck!
Let's get after them!

Whitaker, they got through us.

Go with the backup plan.

- Murdock, can you see?
- I can't even see your teeth!

Look out!

Howdy, neighbour.
How's everything?

Get out! Now!


I told you to get outta here.
Maybe next time you'll listen.

I doubt it. I'm stubborn. It's
a serious character flaw.

How about Billy? Don't
forget my dog, Billy!

Yes. At least let him take his pet dog.
I mean, fair is fair.

Thanks, Colonel. Hey, Billy!

You think that's funny? We'll see how
hard you laugh when we burn your crop.

All right, boys. Open up the
tail and torch that load.

Like the man said, the
watermelon market's real soft.

All right, wise guys. Where's
the rest of those watermelons?

Beats the heck outta me.

You know, I thought they were
with Murdock's dog, Billy.

They're headin' south. I
pulled that roadblock.

They got about a 15-minute
head start on us.

You take these guys over to
my place and get the chopper.

The rest of you guys, come with me. And call
Bill Mather. Tell him to pick up his rig.

That truck's not gettin'
through this valley.

See ya, guys.

Outta here. Move it.

Go tell Lenny to fire up the chopper.
I'll be there in a minute.

Don't even think it, mister.

Just... takin' out a cigar.

- No, you ain't.
- Oh, no.

Murdock, please... don't
look at the horses.

Horses. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no!

No! I used to have
horses on my walls...

horses in my bedspread,
horses in my closets!

Horses... Horses everywhere!

- What are you, nuts?
- Sure is. Certified by the state and everything.

Shut him up, man.

Whoa! Whoa, big fella. Whoa!
Easy! Easy, big fella!

Whoa! Whoa. Here. Here. Here.

Easy. Easy, big fella.

Whoa! Whoa! Easy.

Easy, big fella! Whoa! Whoa!

Jake, get the extinguishers!

Mark, get those
horses outta there!

Hey, fella! The whole barn went!
Some sort of gas main!

They got guys crawlin' around
lookin' for their heads! Terrible!

You better get down there!

- You gotta be kiddin'!
- We've gotta have some firepower.

Get on the horn. Let
Mr. Easterland know.

How do you think the
others are doing?

Probably not too good. There
was Easterland men back there.

This whole plan sounded
ridiculous from the start.

I should've known it
wouldn't work out right.

Hannibal's plans never work right.
They just work.

- They're alongside, B.A.
- I know.

Oh, boy! Is somebody
in for a surprise!

One of us has got to do it.

Take her down, Murdock!

This is Lady Crazy Pilot
to Lady Crazy Bombardier.

We're over the target, and I'm turnin' the
craft over to you. Commence b*mb run.

Aw, Face! You lack experience.

Let's get outta here.

Nice drop, Kemosabe.

He wanted watermelons. I
just gave him a couple.

What happened to
my car, Hannibal?

I told you. B.A. and
Murdock are bringing it.

We had to leave it at Easterland's.
We took the chopper.

There's something
you're not telling me.

- Somehow you hurt my car.
- Hurt your car?

You're really hurting me by
saying that, guys. You...

You think I got a bad deal.

I'm the one who
got the bad deal!

It's not that I don't appreciate
what you done and all.

If you hadn't driven our crop to
market, we would've lost everything.

But $33.60 a bushel is a lot less
than we said at the Frisco market.

Well, maybe I'd have got that if
you'd have taken better care of 'em.

I mean, who wants to eat
watermelon that are too ripe?

- Not me. I can tell you that.
- Face.

Uh, yeah, okay. Okay. I said
we'd reduce our cut to 20%.

That should make the difference.

I was just trying to boost
profits for everybody.

Hannibal, my car!

I want my car! That's
all I care about!

- I want my car!
- It's on its way.

I feel like I'm
waiting for a baby.

Well, here comes the
little darling now.

With the excitement
and the escape...

I don't remember it
looking like that.

A couple of bolts
and some new paint?

Look, lady, I was
with you, remember?

You talked me into this, Face.

Whatever it takes to put my cute,
little, new Le Car back into shape...

is comin' outta your end.

- Wait. My end?
- Mm-hmm.

Oh, uh, my end's already
down 10 percent.

Don't feel bad, Amy. Billy
and I will chip in too.

Won't you, boy? Good doggie!
Good doggie!
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