01x12 - Till Death Do Us Part

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The A-Team". Aired: January 23, 1983 – March 8, 1987.*
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Four former members of a fictitious United States Army Special Forces team were tried by court martial for a crime they had not committed.
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01x12 - Till Death Do Us Part

Post by bunniefuu »

- Hang on, kid.
- I think I'm gonna be sick.

The guys have just
been caught by Lynch.

- I won.
- Has he won?

General Ludlam and his daughter are
more than likely to be found there.

You heard what I said.
No planes.

Dive! Dive! Aoogah! Aoogah!

- Where are we?
- Borneo.

- Where?
- Shh!

- He's over there.

You will be shot immediately.

Firing squad.

Prepare to fire!

What about a special meal?


Ten years ago, a crack commando unit was
sent to prison by a military court...

for a crime they didn't commit.

These men promptly escaped from a maximum-security
stockade to the Los Angeles underground.

Today, still wanted by the government,
they survive as soldiers of fortune.

If you have a problem, if no one else
can help, and if you can find them...

maybe you can hire...
the A-Team.

Cut, cut, cut, cut, cut.

That was about as scary
as my Duncan Yo-Yo.

Now, please, what I need
here is real fright.

Jeopardy! Go for it! Huh?

Registering my name as a pseudonym of the Screen
Actors Guild. What made you check into that?

Well, Colonel Lynch, chasing
Hannibal Smith as much as we have...

I've come to appreciate
his sense of humor.

Sense of humor? You think that's funny then, uh,
Hannibal Smith working under the name of "Lynch"?

Well, I mean, considering the fact that
we've looked everywhere for him...

and all this time he's working in
the open under your very name...

Well, no, sir. I don't
think that's funny.

Excuse me, we're looking
for an actor named Lynch.

His real name is John Smith.
He's using Lynch as an alias.

Lynch? You'd think he could
do better than that.

- Yes, but is he here?
- Yeah, he's right over there.

I should've known it.
We've got him!

Great. Okay, good. Ho...
What is going on here?

This is not the scene where
the army is called in yet.

- That man is a criminal. I've been chasing him for 10 years...
- Who, me?

- I've got him and I'm putting him in jail.
- Wait a minute. You're kidding?

Now? Do you realize the monster is going
to be under the garbage ready to attack?

This is the most important scene in
the picture. Wa-Wait. Please. Look.

Come on. It took you 10 years to find this
guy. Can't you let me get this one last shot?

- No.
- There he is.

- If it isn't my old namesake.
- Hey, what's going on here?

End of the line, Smith. First, I wanted to be
sure I had you, then we're going to get Peck.

- My boys are just waiting for a chance to drop in on Baracus.
- You got the wrong guy.

- What do you think of that?
- Who's Baracus?

I thought you guys wanted Lynch.
That's him on the motorcycle.

He's headed toward Whitsett. Smith's
going to warn Templeton Peck.

Yes, I'm very happy to see you, but I told you
I don't want to get into anything over lunch.

We're not at lunch. We're walking to get
lunch, so we can clear this up on the way.

Oh, we're going to work out our entire
relationship on a short walk to the corner?

Rhonda, I-I know this has been real
tough on both of us... especially you.

But, uh, well, I sort of thought things
were working out real good for us.

They have been... when
you've been around.

Oh, business takes me away a lot.
I explained all that.

- Vaguely.
- You know, talking about jobs is so boring.

Not when they take you away
to Guatemala for two weeks...

and to the South of France for the
weekend and Brazil for Christmas.

I mean, is there something
you're not telling me?

Another woman?

Another woman?

Oh, Rhonda.

Where would I possibly
find a woman...

who could drag me away from you?

Come on, Face. Lynch is right behind me.
Let's go.


I'll call you. Bye!


Go, go, go, go, go!

Hang on, kid.

And they said I didn't have enough
experience to be a stunt double. Ha-ha!

- I think I'm gonna be sick.
- Not on me.

- I think they got away, sir.
- You think?

Get on the horn to Burrows and tell
him to pick up Baracus right now!

That's a 10-4. He's been holed up inside the garage
ever since we followed him here this morning.

He has no idea we're outside waiting.
Should be no problem at all.


We should be meeting B.A.
any minute.

Look out, Hannibal!

Hey, Grandma, are you okay?

You crazy man. What
were you trying to do?

I wanted to warn you.
Lynch is coming.

- Thanks.
- Good work, Burrows. You'll see a commendation for this.

Thank you, sir. Let's
go in the patrol car.

Oh, I think I'm
really gonna be sick!

"Three former members of a
Vietnam commando team...

who've been fugitives for 10 years, have finally
been captured, according to military sources."

"Colonel John Smith, Lieutenant Templeton
Peck and Sergeant Bosco Baracus...

"were apprehended after a long
military police chase through," uh...

'downtown Los Angeles."

Isn't it amazing how
fast good news travels?

Colonel, I'm impressed
you read the paper.

I thought you stayed away from
anything that didn't have pictures.

Go on, Smith. Say anything you want.
Insult me. Call me horrible names.

It's okay. It's all over now.
I won.

What kind of a rock did
they find you under?

Not nearly as big as the one I'm
going to use to crush you, Smith.

Good morning, Colonel.

Why are you barging
in here, Major?

I'm Major Briggs.
This is Mr. Perry.

- Mr. Perry.
- State Department.

These orders are ridiculous. I'm
not turning these men over.

It's out of your hands, Major. Your
superiors know what this is all about.

No, I know what it's all about.

I've busted my coconut for 10 years to
locate and apprehend these people...

and now someone wants to step
in and get all the glory.

Apparently, you managed to do
that quite well on your own.

And if you think this is a simple
matter of the upper brass...

trying to get credit for apprehending men wanted for
some 10-year-old crime that nobody remembers anyway...

- then you are more
stupid than you appear.

Don't think that I'm not going
to pursue this right to the top.

I am the top, Colonel...

and if you don't want to spend
the rest of your commission...

in a concrete room in Utah...

packing parachutes, then
you will get in line here.

I like this man.

We"ll see about that.

I want a complete security
shutdown on this base.

Cut off the press. No phone calls in or out
till I've had a chance to talk to these men.

- Sir.
- Well, I said I liked the way you talked to the help, Mr. Perry.

- I didn't say I'd grant you an audience.
- I don't see that you have any choice, Colonel.

- Somehow I don't feel this fella has any better news for us than Lynch.
- Hmm.

I'm sorry, Miss Allen. I don't care
who you are. That's the way it is.

But, my press pass always gets me on, and the
capture of the A-Team is already on the wire.

If you would just call Colonel
Lynch, he's expecting me.

Miss Allen, Col. Lynch can't give you the necessary
clearance. Apparently, this story is over.

If you're looking for
copy, go cover a fire.

♪ We went to the animal fair The
birds and the beasts were there ♪

♪ The funniest was the monk who
sat on the elephant's trunk ♪

Murdock? You wanna
pay attention here?

Attention, sir. I was just
rapping with my cousin here.

Now, after we get the results on the series of
approximations on the animal therapy program...

- we think it will prove that each wing
is going to be able to get its own pet.

Monkeys on the west wing...

raccoons on the east...

I'm sorry, but you've reached a disconnected number.
Now, if you feel you've reached this recording...

- in error, how do you think I feel?
- Hey, Murdock, it's Amy.

- Hey, chiquita, how's it shakin', baby?
- Not so good.

- The guys have just been caught by Lynch.
- What? What happened?

I don't know. I can't
get in to see 'em.

There's a security blanket over the military
installation where they're being held.

Which is weird. I mean, I got the story over the
wire, so the press were admitted at one point.

Then all of a sudden, they're
an A-10 security zone.

Just sit tight, the King
of Crazy's on his way.

If they move, stay on 'em. You drop a
trail of bread crumbs and I'll find you.

I'll make it easier for you. I'm just the south
side of the military installation. Past the gate.

- Got you.
- How are you gonna get out?

Ohh, that'll be easy.

As pet owners, we're gonna have to
learn how to take care of them.

Feed them, train
them, bathe them.

You know, Sarge, I
had a cat once.

But every time I tried to give him a
bath, the fur stuck to my tongue.

Okay, let's pick which one we want
for the day as our little friend.

- Who's in favour of the raccoon?
- Eenie-meenie-minie-mo, who wants to stay in my cage?

Let Howling Mad Murdock know.

Murdock? Don't panic.
Don't panic.

All right, let's get these animals back
in their cages. George, after Murdock.

Sergeant, if one of these men makes a
move to get up from his chair, sh**t him.

Gentlemen, at this point, each of you is facing
a little over 30 years in federal prison.

I am here to see that you have an
opportunity to avoid serving that term.

Gentlemen, I believe that you are
familiar with the name General Ludlam?

It is our information that he was your commanding
officer during certain missions in Vietnam.

That sucker sent me to the brig.
Said I didn't salute him.

Yeah. He sent him to jail for
just punching him in the nose.

He called me a liar. Nobody call B.A.
Baracus a liar.

At the moment, the general is languishing
in a military compound in Borneo.

That lunatic RaShaam
and his civil w*r?

Since when is the U.S.
sticking its nose into Borneo?

The U.S. is not involved.
We can't be.

- That's where we come in.
- Exactly.

Since you're already fugitives, you can operate
without any connection to the government.

When you were captured, our computer linked you
with this mission as the perfect as*ault team.

The general went in on his own to get his daughter
out who had been taken prisoner by guerrilla forces.

- Why did RaShaam want his daughter?
- He didn't. He wanted a bargaining chip.

Lights, please.

Kathy Ludlam was working as a
missionary along the Nibong River.

- When RaShaam extended his domain further north, she was taken prisoner.
- Next.

Then RaShaam made us an offer.

"He said he'd send the girl back to us if we would
send to him our Eastern European defense plan.

- Why couldn't you just go in and grab her?
- Due to political considerations...

- the United States couldn't go into action.
- Unfortunately, the general did not concur.

It is our information that RaShaam is
headquartered in this military compound...

twelve kilometres
south of Sen Tou.

General Ludlam and his daughter are
more than likely to be found there.

- More than likely?
- We believe our intelligence is accurate, Lieutenant. Next.

- This is the sketch of the compound.
- According to your so-called intelligence?

Exactly. As you can see,
it's heavily fortified...

with access only from
thejungle and from the air.

Our very best information is that
the general and his daughter...

should be found in the
building on the extreme right.

- Well, how do we know they're still alive?
- We don't.

Lights, please.

We do know that RaShaam desperately needs
to solidify his place with the Soviet bloc.

Our concern is that he will force the information
from General Ludlam and sell it to the Russians.

We cannot let that happen.

More specifically and to the
point, you gentlemen cannot.

What's in it for "we gentlemen"?

A head start. When and if you return, I
will see to it that you are cut loose.

I can't make any guarantee about seeing
the charges against you dropped...

and you do understand this is not
at all sanctioned by the Pentagon.

Terrific offer. A head start.

Uh, could we discuss this
for a while... alone?


I ain't goin' nowhere to rescue
no sucker who calls me a liar.

- Now, B. A...
- Next time I see that sucker, I'm gonna do more than punch him.

- I'm gonna break his neck.
- And I'm not so sure I wanna risk my life...

just to get a day's jump on the U.S.

- Especially not for no sucker who calls me a liar.
- Could we talk this over for a second?

- I ain't saving nobody that calls me a liar.
- I think we got that real clear.

- Face?
- Well, I... I think we're putting a lot on the line, Hannibal...

just to get back to being
what we already are.

- Fugitives.
- You'd rather spend 30 years in prison.

Not really.

But, there's always a chance we
could get out on good behavior.

- Then at least we could start living normal lives.
- That's true.

Thirty years from now, we could all be playing
shuffleboard in the West Valley Retirement Home.

Hannibal, RaShaam is a maniac.

He's a butcher. Reports keep coming
back about t*rture and firing squads.

- Right. We're all agreed.

- Right.
- Right.

We accept the assignment.

It's better than being pulled into a Dumpster by a
slime monster, which I should've been playing anyway.

Hannibal, you're crazy,
just like Murdock.

♪ Oh, five and 20
blackbirds baked in a pie ♪

- Hey, lady, want a lift?
- Murdock, what are you doing with a bakery truck?

Well, Faceman always told me the fastest way
to a man's heart is through his stomach.

And the easiest way to break
security is through the kitchen.

Hop in. I don't want the
general's buns to get cold.

- Hi, what can I do for you?
- Uh, yeah, we got a shipment of desert pastries for the general.

Supposed to get 'em to him about 2:00
for some brass reception or something.

- I don't show any clearance here for your truck.
- It ain't no skin off my back.

You know what I mean?
Here, sign that.

You can tell the general how come he
didn't get his éclairs and tea cakes.

- Éclairs and tea cakes?
- Yeah, four dozen of the general's custard specials.

Come on with the signature already. I gotta get
'em back to the fridge if you don't want'em.

- Okay, okay. Go on in. I'll call the mess.
- Gee, thanks.

Colonel Smith, I'm happy to see
that you think this is a good deal.

Uh, we're gonna
need some things.

First of all, a complete and accurate map
layout of the area we're going into.

- Weapons.
- And a boat.

- I beg your pardon?
- AR-15s.

- Gonna need a boat to get to Borneo.
- You wanna go on a boat?

- B.A. doesn't fly.
- I die before I fly.

That's out of the question. We
don't have that kind of time.

Hey, man. If you want me to
go, then that's how I'll go.

But I ain't gonna fly to rescue
somebody I don't wanna rescue anyway.

- And, uh, some walkie-talkies.
- Walkie-talkies.

- Hey, man, you heard what I said. No planes.
- And some milk.

- I've been thinking about something.
- Drink your milk.

- I don't wanna drink my milk.
- But you love milk.

- I don't want it now.
- Mmm-mm.

Boy, there's nothing like a glass of ice-cold milk
to give the body all the necessary nutrition.

Yeah, Rhonda sure knew how to
keep the old body in shape.

My body's fine. And if we ain't going
by boat, then I don't wanna go.

Which means we'll wind up
back in the federal slammer.

And if that happens, you're
looking at the last...

nonpowdered, nonfrozen nutritious thing
you'll put in your mouth for 30 years.

- Ahh.
- Ahh.

Uh, B.A., you got a little
milk mustache there...

How are we gonna get to Borneo?

By plane.

Look, there they are.

And they're carrying B.A., which means
wherever they're going they're going by air.

It's all arranged.

It'll appear the three of you have
escaped from the military prison.

The two M.P. s will be
found bound and gagged...

and the driver of the limousine
will be found in the trunk.

I don't understand why Lynch wasn't
with them when they got in that limo.

I don't understand either.
Something's goin' on here.

How are we getting to Borneo?

We've got a DC-3 waiting
at a private airstrip.

A DC-3? Are you kidding? Those planes
have been out of service for years.

Well, Borneo isn't exactly
the most modern country.

A DC-3 won't look suspicious
flying in their airspace.

There's something goin' on.

The military has plenty of official airfields. There
must be a reason why they're using this strip.

- What is going on?
- I don't know.

But, if I don't stay on their
tail, I'm never gonna find out.

Stay on their tail? How are you gonna
do that? They're getting on a plane.

- So am I.
- What are you gonna do?

Stash the truck and then meet
me by that plane over there.

Excuse me. Excuse me.

Those were your orders permitting you to take
off I just saw you signing, weren't they?

I thought so. I wonder... I wonder if I could interest
you in some of my new, high-protein doughnuts.

I got 'em over here in my bakery
truck, and they are perfect.

Murdock. Murdock?

- Yeah?
- Where's the pilot?

It was strange. I was standing there talkin'
to him and all of sudden he fell in my arms.

- You knocked him out.
- Let's not get technical.

We gotta stay on those guys. No,
wait a minute. You can't come.

- Get in the plane. We'll talk about what I can't do later.
- But, you can't...

- I said get in the plane.
- I love it when you're angry.

What do you mean they're gone?
- Look for yourself, sir.

They can't be just gone.

- Find Briggs and Perry.
- Yes, sir.

- Search the base. They gotta be around here somewhere.
- Yes, sir.

Security. Red alert!

Code 1. Red alert.

Security, this is a red alert.
Code 1. Red alert.

This is Kilo Charlie
to Oscar Merlin One.

- Murdock, can't you just call me Amy?
- No, it's not as much fun.

Besides, all these fighter
guys got crazy names.

Uh, now, come on now.
How about, uh, Penny?

And I can be Sky King.

Aren't you getting a
little close, Murdock?

Songbird banking low
and out of sight.

There doesn't seem to be a
place where a plane can land.

Two miles north of the
drop zone is a dirt strip.

If you're not there in four hours,
we're gonna have to leave you.

- And General Ludlam and his daughter, right?
- I'm sorry. That's the way it has to be.

- Let's go!
- Good luck.

- Murdock, look!
- That must be our guys.

- What in the world is going on?
- Well, if I knew that, I could run for office.

We're gonna have to ditch this
plane and go in after 'em.

Sky King to Penny, Mayday, Mayday.
We're going in.

Murdock, going in what?

The plane is going in the ocean,
and we are going in the jungle.

Dive! Dive! Aoogah! Aoogah!

Wait a minute, Murdock! I
don't have any idea...

- I don't have a parachute...
- Me Tarzan, you Jane. Dive! Dive!

Don't push!

- How's he doing?
- He's coming to. We better get this chute off him.

Oh, it's too late.

- What's going on, man?
- Shh! Could be guerillas anywhere around here.

- Where are we?
- Borneo.

- Where? - Shh! - Borneo.

You know, small island in the
western Pacific Ocean...

divided between Malaysia,
Indonesia and Brunei.

- Are you sure?
- Yeah, positive. I used to date a geography major.

How did we get here, man?

- The truth?
- Yeah.

- I think he wants the truth.
- The U.S. military pushed you out of an aeroplane.

That's right. Pushed all of us.

Hey, man. The last thing I remember,
we was being detained by the M.P.s.

We all were. And they don't push you outta
no aeroplane for robbing no Bank of Hanoi.

I'm afraid they did. We told them we wouldn't
take the mission if you didn't come along.

- I think they spiked our milk.
- That's a terrible thing to do to something that babies drink.

Come on. Let's get this equipment out. RaShaam's
men patrol this whole area. And keep it down.

- Okay. Go.
- Help! Help!

Murdock! Murdock!

- Get me down from here.
- At Disneyland, people pay money for rides like that.

Do you think you could please figure
out how to get me out of this thing?

Hold on to the straps there.

- Thanks.
- We gotta tag up with Hannibal, B.A. and Face.

You know, I don't
understand any of this.

I mean, first they're captured, then they fly halfway
around the world, and then they bail out over Borneo.

"Bailout Over Borneo." It's
Tracy and Hepburn, right?

1942. R.E.O. Studios. Nominated
for best musical in the jungle.

- What do you got?
- I got a flare g*n and I got some smoke, so we can signal Hannibal.

- Great. Let's go find the guys.
- Okay.

Do you see anything?

Yeah, there's a large clearing
about a quarter of a mile ahead.

All I could see are the tops of
buildings and the rotor of a chopper.

You know, we've only got
two hours until sundown.

No wonder those guys are in the State Department. They
don't know squat about timing on a rescue operation.

We gotta hit that compound in daylight,
or we miss the ride outta here.

- How are we gonna do this, Hannibal?
- Look...

Briggs says this is the hut where
they're holding General Ludlam.

This is RaShaam's headquarters.
That's our target.

We get hold of him,
we control the game.

Now, the plan is your basic straight-on,
surprise hit-and-run attack.

If anything goes sour, we split up
and rendezvous at the drop zone.

- Got it?
- Wait.

- This ain't much of a plan, Hannibal.
- Are you kidding? It's a classic.

It's your half-pincer movement inside a
guarded perimeter. Tried and true, B.A.

- Yeah, and he's on the jazz.
- Then we're in trouble.

Hannibal, this don't look
like RaShaam's headquarters.

Hannibal, this might be a
good time to call King's "X".

Drop your g*ns.

Arrest them.

Some classic,
half-pincer movement.

It needs salt.

Looks like the A-Team's a few
points behind at halftime here.

Hannibal probably tried getting in by
hitting 'em with what he'd call...

"a classic frontal as*ault
with a half-pincer movement."

- Is that what it was?
- Nah, it's just reckless.

But with Hannibal, reckless
is sometimes the best thing.

Course every once in a
while, it just doesn't work.

- General Ludlam?
- Right. My daughter, Kathy.

- How do you do, ma'am.
- Did the government send you here hoping to help us?

That's right, ma'am. We got
some real bad intelligence...

and, uh, we wound up
assaulting the kitchen.

- It was a heck of a battle.
- Doesn't look like it's been too much fun.

- I remember you. You were one of my colonels.
- That's right, sir.

- I remember you too.
- Yeah, I busted your nose in 'Nam.

- March 15, 1971.
- His attitude hasn't improved much.

They wanna k*ll Dad. RaShaam
is power hungry and crazy.

He wants the plans to
the NATO m*ssile sites.

They're gonna have to k*ll
me, because I'm not talking.

Now, General, we're gonna need your cooperation
when I come up with a plan to blow outta here.

It may not be too orthodox, but I'm not gonna let
this RaShaam off without sticking it in his ear.

This place is too

We don't have any weapons.
Just wasting your time.

American commandos illegally
in my country without papers?

This will be an
international incident.

What do you mean,
"international incident"?

We heard that you had great potato soup, and
we wanted to get some before it was all gone.

You're making very funny jokes.

- Now, let me tell you your options.
- Please.

You will sign confessions stating that you're a
guerrilla force illegally airlifted into my country.

You will admit to crimes
against my government...

and you will appear before
the national press...

substantiating these charges.

If you refuse to do so, you
will be shot immediately.

Well, we get a trial, don't we?

Let me lay it out for you, fella.
We're not signing any confessions.

We're not representatives of the U.S.

As a matter of fact, we're
fugitives in the United States...

so you're gonna have a little
trouble making your fantasy stick.

- Then you choose to die.
- What about that trial?

I find you guilty. You will
be shot within an hour.

Justice is a little swift
around here, isn't it?

Martin, prepare a firing squad.

- What are we gonna do?
- We're gonna have to freelance some kind of plan.

- What?
- That's usually Hannibal's end of the stick, but...

That chopper has gotta be
the only way outta here.

Forget about the chopper.
We haven't got a pilot.

Don't matter, I'll
walk before I'll fly.

Hannibal, look.

It's a bunch of gasoline
drums next to an a*mo dump.

That's what it is.

Now, that wasn't
very bright, was it?

You think we could puncture a hole
in one of them and leak a little?

- Maybe.
- Come on.

Uh, now, we've only got an hour because RaShaam's
putting us in front of a firing squad.

But, I've got a plan. Now, if it's
gonna work, I have to get shot first.

- Get up.
- What are you gonna do?

What the Pentagon's paying
us for, be creative.

I said, "Get up." It'll do.

Here he comes.

- You ready to confess?
- I already gave you my answer.

We're Americans. We've
got nothing to confess.

Then you're ready to die.

Well, nobody's ever really ready, but,
it kind of comes with the territory.

- Let's go.
- You.


Hey, listen, dirtball.
I'm in command here.

And in keeping with military
tradition, I get to go first.

Take him away. Your
turn will come later.

Oh, no. Wait, wait, wait, guys. Let's talk
about this. I'm not really with these guys.

Get going, B.A.

Here. You take this. When I throw
one of these smoke flares...

you run like a rabbit
and don't look back...

- All ready, sir.
- Look, I tell you, you got the wrong guy.

- Place him on his mark.
- You know, that other fella, he loves that kind of thing.

You're gonna hear from
my senator about this.


W- Wait a minute, you g...

No-No last cigarette? Huh?

Aw, come on. Just a cigarette?

- Give 'im a cigarette.
- Thanks.

Ah, my brand.

It's good. You know, you check
the Geneva convention...

and I'll bet there's all kinds of
stuff we're missing here, you know?

I mean, uh, what about a special
meal for the condemned man?

I didn't get that. You know? I
mean, no last requests. Not a one.

Pull the sling.

Okay, B.A. Get their attention.

Hey, man! Hey, you!
Can't do this.

I'm gonna make you pay! You
can't get away with this here.

- Proceed.
- Prepare to fire.

Take aim!


Stop the prisoner!

Now, don't get too close.

Get her in the chopper, General.


Get in!


- Face!
- B.A., will you get in?

- No, I ain't gonna fly.
- Is he kidding?

He's afraid to fly.

- Didn't know you had it in you, General.
- I've been waiting a long time for that.

Get this bird up, Murdock!

Here you go, Colonel.

- Over here!
- He's over there.

"A-Team escapes again."
Not a bad headline, huh?

- Thanks, Amy.
- Hey, man...

I don't know why everybody gettin' a big
thrill about reading your name in the paper.

I thought we were supposed
to be a low-profile outfit.

B.A., if everyone thinks we're still in
prison, no one's gonna try to hire us.

A little advertising just to let
people know we're still out there.

If people know we on the street,
Colonel Lynch know we on the street.

He already caught us once. We
gettin' pretty sloppy around here.

Come on, B.A. Just take a minute
and try and relax and enjoy.

- We got out of Borneo alive.
- Yeah, we did, didn't we?

- Barely.
- You guys can relax later.

I gotta get back to bozo barracks
for my self-realization class.

I've been practising my psychic image, my self-esteem
and a little bit of that "I'm okay, you're okay" stuff.

- You ain't even close to being okay.
- Oh, thanks, B.A.

An honest friend is indeed
a friend to the end.

Okay, let's get Murdock home.

It's okay, B.A. It'll take Lynch at least a
couple of weeks to get on our trail again.

I don't get this at all. It takes
me 10 years to capture the A-Team.

It gets kicked upstairs by a
couple of guys I don't even know.

And not only that, the Pentagon disavows any
knowledge of Mr. Perry and Major Briggs.

And I have to read it in the paper that
the A-Team is back on the streets.

It'll take me months
to pick up on...

Hey. Go. Go!

Go, go, go!

Weeks, huh?
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