02x06 - When You Comin' Back, Range Rider?: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The A-Team". Aired: January 23, 1983 – March 8, 1987.*
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Four former members of a fictitious United States Army Special Forces team were tried by court martial for a crime they had not committed.
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02x06 - When You Comin' Back, Range Rider?: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

In 1972, a crack commando unit
was sent to prison by a military court...

for a crime they didn't commit.

These men promptly escaped
from a maximum security stockade...

to the Los Angeles underground.

Today, still wanted by the government,
they survive as soldiers of fortune.

If you have a problem,
if no one else can help...

and if you can find them,
maybe you can hire the A-Team.

All right, head them up over there.

- Carter.
- This is Stryker. Herd got away.

It was that Indian again.

- You let him get away again, too?
- No, sir. Not this time.

You send him back to his reservation
in a basket, you hear?

You say he ships them by rail?

Those railroad tracks that we passed
coming out of town? That's his line.

He's got locomotives and boxcars
which he uses to move out his cattle.

I'm sure he takes the horses
down to a slaughter-house in Mexico...

which is only a short run from here.

I want you to bring the A-Team in.

You were the best troubleshooter
the past two wars.

Until extreme political pressures
knocked the hat off my career...

What I'm interested in, Colonel, is results.

You erase the blot
from our records and I'll be very pleased.

Which means that others
will be very pleased.

Do what you have to do.

Get me the A-Team.

My niece is a good girl.

Young, idealistic.

It bothers me a lot that she even might have
the slightest inkling of what we're doing.

Uncle Bus, I'm through.

I kept Sentinel ready all year long
waiting for you to visit.

You only been riding about an hour.

I think I'm a little saddle sore.

Somehow, riding the horse trails
in San Francisco just isn't quite the same.

And just who the heck are you?

I'm the mysterious rider of the plains,
the Range Rider...

and these are my trusty companions.

Boys, looks like we found ourselves
some goofballs.

And don't worry,
we'll find out who these crackerboxes are.

I figure it's that Indian.

And he's rounded himself up some help.

Only help I'm worried about him getting
is legal help.

On the other hand, if he's just hired himself
a couple of gunslingers...

we know how to handle that, don't we?

Face, this stuff really stinks.

What is in this grease anyway?

- It's not grease.
- What is it?



You know,
this worked great in a movie I did.

The Giant Gila Monster
Versus Billy the Kid, right?

- You remember that one.
- Who could forget it?

I think you know what to do.

Go on, you devils!

Once again,
the mysterious Rider of the Range...

deals another triumphant blow
for the rights of the oppressed.

- Don't ask.
- I wasn't going to.

♪ I'm just a lonesome cowboy ♪

♪ I'm just a lonesome cowboy ♪

♪ And I got no summer home ♪

Whoever heard of bandits on horseback
in the 1980s?

According to Wesley,
they came riding down on the train...

like they was the James g*ng or something.

I want you and the boys to get out there
and round up them mustangs...

before they get to the grassland
and wipe out my herd.

First thing tomorrow morning,
I want you to you ship them...

and every other horse we got out of here.

And find them yahoos.

Well, Bus,
we've checked every hotel there is in Lodi...

and I got a man watching the reservation.

But If they're just camping out someplace...

we're talking
about hundreds of thousands of acres.

Then use the chopper.
Do whatever you gotta do, but find them.

Morning, Miss Lane.

I wouldn't have thought
you'd be up this early.

- I heard you talking.
- Just some business problems.

I don't mind if I do.

Who the devil are you?
What are you doing here?

You'll find out.

This is a stupid move.
You yahoos are crazy to come back here.

I agree. I told you it was crazy.
He never listens.

We're here to file a grievance
against the Carter Railway Line...

for the Wild Horses of America,
Western Divisions.

Not to be confused
with the Horses' Butts of America...

of which we hear you are a member
of long standing.

And we would deeply appreciate it...

if you would stop harassing
our dues-paying loyal membership...

which includes all the wild mustangs
that run in this free land.

Both of you are dead.

No, wait,
you don't seem to get the point here.

We're the ones making the threats
and you better believe us.

We hear so much as a neigh
from one of those mustangs out there...

we'll be back to hogtie
and brand you for good.

Now you get all of your papers
out of your safe...

that have to do with the slaughter-house
you do business with in Mexico.


Bingo. Puppy Love Dog Food Company
in Ensenada.

- Great shot.
- Yeah.

Get out of here!

Hold your fire! Don't sh**t!

It's awfully kind of Miss Carter
to escort us out.

Tell them.

All right,
I want all you high school dropouts...

to count to 125 before you even twitch.

Get them.

Move it!

Not exactly coming naturally, is it?

It's like anything else, Amy.
It takes some practise and a little technique.

A lot like driving a golf ball
or sh**ting skeet.

Come on.

Okay, bring it up.

Straighten this arm and crook your elbow.

Very nice.

Boy, the well is never dry with you,
is it, Face?

If I had pulled that "let me show you
how to aim that thing" routine...

you'd never let me hear the end of it.

I caught the act as I rode up.

So, how's the arm, Danny?
Feeling better, is it?

I'd like to introduce our guest.
This is Miss Carter.

- Bus Carter's niece?
- That's right.

Just how long do you think
you can get away with this?

- With what?
- Holding me against my will.

We're not holding you against your will.
We just borrowed you.

- You're free to go anytime.
- You kidnapped me.

That was just to keep
from being dropped in a deep hole...

on Bus Carter's north 40.

We're not the criminals around here.

We will let the law decide that.

I don't think your Uncle would want
to bring the law in on this.

They might investigate too deeply
and find out...

that he's been rounding up wild mustangs
and selling them illegally.

- My uncle?
- That's right, your uncle.

They round up the horses,
then ship them by train...

to a dog food company in Mexico.

It'd make real interesting reading
for Amy's subscribers.

I see you got yourself
some new arrows there.

Kid, listen, I just brought one jacket, so...

I tried to convince myself it was Stryker.
I even went to Uncle Bus.

I guess I believed he was involved all along.

You just walk up that way north, you should
come across your uncle's men by dawn.

We'd give you a horse to ride,
but then one of us would be on foot.

So, happy trails.

Aren't you afraid I'll tell him where
your camp is, or what you look like?

By that time,
we'll have struck camp and be long gone.

As for what we look like...

I don't plan on sticking around long enough
to get picked out of a line-up.


I think I heard my uncle saying...

that there's still more horses
to be shipped out...

and that Stryker should get that done
first thing.


♪ I'm an old cowhand From the Rio Grande ♪

♪ And I learned to ride ♪
♪ before I learned to stand ♪

If you don't shut up,
I'll knock you off that horse!


Murdock, why don't you take rearguard...

in case one of Carter's men
picks up our trail?

Carter knows we have all the proof we need
to shut him down right here.

Has to figure we're gonna head for the hills.

We are heading for the hills,
aren't we, Hannibal?

I don't know.

It's gonna take a couple of days
for Amy to file that story...

and get an investigation started.

Carter's niece did say
there's another shipment of mustangs...

- going out tomorrow morning.
- Hannibal, come on.

Hitting this guy's train twice in a row.
That's kind of pushing it, isn't it?

A lot. That's why we gotta get
some stuff together...

to keep him from pushing back too hard.

Carter's no idiot. He has to figure that us
making another run on his train so soon...

it's insane. He'll never be ready for us.

No, I don't think he'll ever be ready for us.

You think he'll be ready for us?

- Yeah, I do.
- So do I.

Better sharpen your pencil
and your spurs, Face.

You know, we're only one step
ahead of Decker, too.

- Don't worry, I've considered that.
- Of course you have.

I think he's going
to be a big problem.

Colonel, they're here.

They sure are.

Apparently they mixed it up
with a couple of locals right here yesterday.

No one seems to know what it's about,
but knowing Hannibal Smith and his men...

they've probably took on
some bleeding-heart cause or other.

No doubt requested by Daniel Running Bear.

The shop-keeper said they picked up
some camping gear and other supplies...

so they're out there somewhere.

It could take forever to find three people
camping on the open range.

We'll track them down
through Daniel Running Bear.

Let's go see the sheriff...

and find out exactly
where we can find Running Bear.

Once we've found him,
I'm sure the A-Team won't be far away.

Come on, Amy, I could use the help.

I'm sure you could,
but I'm through being suckered by you.

It's just a straight little scam.

It'll go down easy,
and it'll get us everything Hannibal wants.

Come on. Pretty please? Pretty?

See, the brother-sister act will work great
for this.

Face, what was in the grease?

- I told you.
- No, you didn't tell me.

I can still smell it.

Well, it had a little of this...

And a little of that. I know, you told me that.
But that's not enough, Face.

- Come on, Amy. What do you say?
- Sorry, Face.

If I told you what was in that stuff,
I'm sure you wouldn't help.


Never mind. I'll do it on my own.

Go and check with the office.
I'll meet you back here in a bit.

Colonel, it's Peck!

Can I try one of these on? Thanks.

Where did he go?

Sorry, ma'am.

That's the second time he's done that to me.


I really appreciate your trusting me like that.

Let's just say I liked your face.

Do I have an honest face?

No. But I like it.

Get on the horn, Crane,
and get me the 10 best men available.

Best men, sir?

I'm talking about the best
marksmen that can be rounded up...

and flown in here before the day is out.

Yes, sir. At least we got them located.

We know they're still here.

They're still here.

And this is gonna be the A-Team's Waterloo.

You gotta be kidding.

Carter's gonna be ready for us.
We need a real hole card.

Considering Decker's presence
puts a damper...

on most possible sources of supplies,
I think I did rather well.

Look at it as a challenge, B.A.

Face, I wanted an all-terrain vehicle.

The important thing to remember is
we need something...

that can cover the same ground as a train.

The only thing this thing gonna cover
is the corner of a junkyard.

Mr. Ed could teach you how to fix it, B.A.

Only he's not gonna.

Well, B.A., what do you think?

Oh, Hannibal.

How did I know
you were gonna say that?

It was right around here somewhere,
wasn't it, Wesley?

Just up past that bend.
You don't think they'd hit us twice, do you?

I mean, two days in a row?

Yeah? What's that?

Here they come. Right on schedule.

Don't look like they're slowing down, man.

They'll slow down. They have to.

You keep a full head of steam.

- Are you crazy?
- I said just keep going.

Son of a g*n. They're not slowing down.

All right, back this thing up, hurry!

All right, turn those mustangs loose
or start singing Empty Saddles.

B.A., bring her back!

Forward, B.A.!

All right, last chance. Drop your g*ns.

Don't be shy. Come on!

Go, B.A.

No sneaking up from behind. Drop it.

All right, open them up.

You heard the man. Open it up.

Let's go, B.A. Come on, Face!
Let's get out of here!

Thanks for waiting.

You better step on it.

- I'm going as fast as I can!
- Right.

I love it when a plan comes together.

We're gonna have to replace
these pieces of rail, it's the only way.

You guys sure do know how to make
a nuisance of yourselves, don't you?

We do our best.

All right, let's get to work.
Grab a length of that track...

and move it over here
so we can back this train off the spur.

- That's gonna take some time.
- Let's get moving, then!

Last thing we need
is this train full of horses just sitting.

Mr. Carter wants them out of here.
Let's do it!

We'd offer to help, but...

Skipper, you take a ride with me.

I'm sure Mr. Carter wants
to have a few words with you.

That's fine. I got a few words for him.

Throw these other two in the caboose.
We'll take care of them on down the line.

- Hang in there.
- Yeah, right.

Don't hold your breath.
There ain't no cavalry in this picture.

You keep thinking that.

I'm gonna stick with Hannibal.
You guys go get some help.

Where did he learn how to do that?

Just like the real Range Rider.

If it ain't old Buffalo Bill himself.

It wouldn't do me any good
to call you names...

'cause I can't imagine any name
you haven't been called before.

You're a lucky man
you didn't harm my niece.

Because of that,
I'm not gonna make you die slow.

How long will it be
before that train's ready to roll?

I told them to just keep on humping.

Absolutely. I mean the last thing you need
is to get caught...

with a boxcar full of stolen mustangs
attached to your own train.

You tell Jesse to fire up the bird.

I'm gonna sh**t out there with you,
see those guys don't mess up.

No telling
who else these yahoos called in.

I want that train over the border into Mexico.

What about him?

Fertilise the south 40 with him.

Have a nice day.

I need a distraction.

I want you to count to three.

No. Count to five real slow...

and then scream for all you're worth.

Help, the stable's on fire!

Lane, give me my knife and my g*n.

Were they really going to k*ll you?

I think that was the general idea.

- What about the others?
- Right where we left them.

I figured they weren't going anywhere.
Besides, I had to come for you.

Good idea. Let's go.

Take care of Whacko for me.

- That's Waco, Murdock.
- Waco.

After you get those horses
to Mexico, go find that Indian.

Make sure he don't hire any more help.

The sheriff?
I thought those guys were wanted.

I think we should try to swing
by the reservation.

Maybe we can pick up
a bunch of the guys who'll help.

And if not, then we'd be wasting time.
I wanna head straight for the sheriff's.

My worry is keeping those guys
from being k*lled.

Hannibal can always find a way to escape.

That sounds like the way
Hannibal would think.


How lucky for me,
running into you like this.

I don't understand.

You are Daniel Running Bear,
aren't you?

Why do you ask?

Your license plate.
And I have a description of this vehicle.

I'm Col. Decker of the U.S. Army.

I've been trying to reach you
at home all day.

I finally decided to drive up
to speak with you.

Good thing, too,
or we might have missed each other again.

I have a lot of important things
to take care of...

So do I.

I want to know where the A-Team is.

- The A-Team?
- Yes. I'm sure you can tell me.

If not, I feel certain Miss Allen can.

And I'm prepared to stand here all week.

I hope you yahoos enjoy
your little trip, courtesy Carter Railways.

Unfortunately, though,
there ain't no return tickets.

I've always wanted
to see the country by rail.

Get rid of them guys. We don't want
any outlaw witnesses on board.

All right, the rest of you
head on back. Let's get some work done.

We've still got some steers
need branding.

And when you get across the border,
adiós, yahoos.


Will you hold still? You're gonna rub me raw
with these little ropes.

I ain't moving, it's the train moving.

Boy, that's great. That's just what we need,
an Abbott and Costello routine.

Where are you going?

You don't stop, no matter what.
You got that?

Boy, you must be getting real weak.
You can't break these puny little ropes.

I was just kidding.

B.A., grab that brake wheel.
We gotta stop this train.

Coming to the border.

If those mustangs get into Mexico,
we got no evidence.

Good job, B.A.

There's Murdock.

- B.A.?
- Nighty-night.

- Face, take my hat for a minute.
- Sure.

B.A., give me your hand.

Hannibal, we got a bogey at 11:00.

Come on.

Adiós, bonanza.

Hannibal, come on, let's go!

- He's not close enough!
- What? Are you crazy?

I wouldn't sleep at all tonight
if he didn't see the expression on my face.

- Hannibal!
- Hannibal!

Time's a-wasting, partner.

So long, pal.

- Told you he'd do it.
- That's right.

I think there's something real interesting
you'd like to know about that train.

It's used to move out wild mustangs
off the reservation illegally.

And I think
this gentleman has a lot to answer for.

I do believe that's a federal offense,
isn't it, Colonel?

Yes, ma'am, it is.

Next time, Hannibal Smith. Next time.

Look at them. It's like they know
they aren't being hunted anymore.

How great to be free.

We gotta get going before Decker finds out
we never left the county.

You know, even though he doesn't have
anything positive on me...

you can bet he'll probably have me under
constant surveillance when I get home.

So I thought maybe I'd stay here a while.

- Gather a little background material?
- Something like that.

Then if Amy'll loan us her car, I guess
we can give you a ride to Phoenix Airport.


Here, B.A.

That's so you can show them
to the kids in your class.

Help them understand better...

so they can make one.

Thanks, little brother. I'm sure the kids
at my daycare centre will love the gift.

- Okay.
- So long.

Daniel, will you say goodbye to Ed for me?

And will you tell him
that if he ever needs me...

if he ever feels the need to talk to anyone...

that I'll always lend an ear?

Good. 'Cause you ain't got no brains.

Sure, Murdock.

They really did it.

They always do.

Here, buckaroo.

Hey, he forgot his mask.

No, he didn't forget his mask.

He just left it behind
because his job here is done.
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