02x05 - Mrs. Garrett's Romance

Episode transcripts for the TV Show "Diff'rent Strokes". Aired: November 3, 1978 –; March 7, 1986.*
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Series follows Arnold and Willis Jackson, two African-American boys from Harlem taken in by a rich white Park Avenue businessman and widower, Phillip Drummond, for whom their deceased mother previously worked, and his daughter, Kimberly.
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02x05 - Mrs. Garrett's Romance

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Now the world don't move
to the beat of just one drum ♪

♪ What might be right for
you may not be right for some ♪

♪ A man is born He's
a man of means ♪

♪ Then along come two They
got nothin' but their jeans ♪

♪ But they got
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes
to move the world ♪

♪ Everybody's got a
special kind of story ♪

♪ Everybody finds
a way to shine ♪

♪ It don't matter that you
got not a lot, so what ♪

♪ They'll have theirs and you'll
have yours and I'll have mine ♪

♪ And together we'll
be fine 'cause it takes ♪

♪ Diff'rent strokes to move
the world Yes, it does ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes
to move the world ♪♪

Since Mrs. Garrett started night school,
she does more homework than me.

A kindergarten dropout does
more homework than you.

So, Mrs. Garrett, how does it feel to
be back in school after all these years?

Nothing's changed.

Last night the fella across
the room hit me with a spitball.

Only this time he
was 72 years old.

Some of those older
delinquents are really good sh*ts.

Okay, g*ng, here
are your flapjacks.

Thank you.

And in between flaps, I'm
gonna try to finish my term paper.

I don't see why anyone would want to
go to school when they don't have to.

Oh, I love my
self-awareness class.

I'm broadening my horizons
and expanding my consciousness.

See, Arnold, you have to
understand that some people...

want to keep learning
all of their lives.

Well, isn't that
dangerous for your head?

You get too many facts in there,
they start falling out of your ears.

Drummond residence.

Oh, Leon! What a nice surprise.

I haven't spoken to you
since after school Wednesday.

Sounds like Mrs. Garrett's got
a little extracurricular activity.

It sounds like Mrs.
Garrett's got a boyfriend.

No wonder she
likes school so much.

Cool it. Cool it, cool it.

Leon, you're so funny.

What? Tonight?

I'd love to.

- She'd love to what?
- Have dinner.

- Have dinner.
- Oh, Leon, you say
the sweetest things.

Okay, 7:00 tonight. Bye.

Leon's taking me
out to dinner tonight.

- I'd better get ready.
- But you have all day,
Mrs. Garrett.

Ten hours? I'll
just about make it.

Let's see. There's
so much to do.

I gotta go to the cleaners
and get my dress, do my hair,

glue on my new nails...

Man! Women glue on nails,
paste on eyelashes, stick on wigs...

When I get married, I hope
my wife don't come out of no kit.

You know, that's very
chauvinistic, Arnold.

I have a feeling I'd get mad
if I knew what that meant.

It means, Arnold, that
men think that they're

better than women.
Right, Mr. Drummond?

Right. Only now we're
not allowed to say it.

Daddy! Mr. Drummond.

I'm kidding, I'm
kidding. Come on, girls.

Where's your superior sense
of humor? Ha, ha, ha, ha.

Mrs. Garrett, how serious is it
between you and this dude Leon?

Arnold! You don't ask a
person a direct question like that.

As long as he did,
how serious is it?

Mr. Drummond.
It's not serious at all.

Leon and I are
just casual friends.

Then how come you
won't use your old nails?

Daddy, what time is it?

It's nearly 7:00. Why?

Because Leon is gonna
pick Mrs. Garrett up at 7:00.

And we're gonna
check him out at 7:01.

Now look, Mrs. Garrett
doesn't want you kids...

hanging around
when Leon gets here.

- No. You'll all be upstairs.
- Well, can we take
the telescope?

We only want to see him, Daddy.

Yeah, we just want to
meet him, not mug him.

Arnold, there will be no
snooping on Mrs. Garrett.

Well, okay. I'll hide
behind the couch.

We don't want to embarrass
her. She's entitled to her privacy.

Then let's all hide
behind the couch.

- Hi, g*ng.
- Ooh, Mrs. Garrett.

- Do I look all right?
- ♪ A pretty girl
is like a melody ♪

You look...

You look fantastic,
Mrs. Garrett.

What a pretty dress.

Dig that foxy lady.

Very sweet of you,
but tell me the truth.

Do you really like my dress?

Well, I wouldn't wear it myself,
but on you it is sheer poetry.

Good. All right.

What about my hair?
What do you think?

Perfect. Your hair is gorgeous.

You're not just saying that?

This is my own, but I got
three other colors in my closet.

Well, what about blonde?
They're supposed to have more fun.

Hmm. You don't see Lola
Falana sitting home and crying.

Well, then, you really
think I look okay?

We really do. You look lovely.
What are you so nervous about?

Well, I've had several coffees with
Leon after school, but this is different.

This is... dinner.

Yeah, and a guy
expects a lot more...

when he pays for a whole dinner.

Yes? Oh, Leon.
Right. Be right down.

Leon's downstairs with a cab.

Kimberly, can I have
my shawl, please?

You mean we're not gonna get to meet
him? How about when you get back?

Oh, that'll be much
too late for you kids.

- Well, what time you plan
on getting back?
- Oh, about 11:00, 12:00.

Could you come home sooner? I
hate meeting people when I'm asleep.

Well, uh, I'll be seeing
you in the morning, kids.


Bye. Have a good time.

11:00 or 12:00? Mm-hmm.

Isn't that sort of late if you're
just going out for dinner?

I mean, once you've
eaten, what is there to do?

Well, they'll
have a little talk,

and then maybe take a
walk, and talk a little more.

Stuff like that, Arnold.

Stuff like what?

Let me put it this way, Arnold.

A man and a woman...

can always find something to do.

Get it, Arnold?


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You asleep, Willis?

I was until the eyeball
freak woke me up.

Well, I'm sorry, but
it's almost midnight.

Happy new year!

Come on, Willis.

Mrs. Garrett will be home soon.

Let's go see what her
new boyfriend looks like.

Arnold, we tried that at 11:00,

and Mr. Drummond sent us and
Kimberly right back to our rooms.

That's 'cause last time I
gave him a bad excuse.

Everybody knows there's no such
thing as monsters under the bed.

Right? Right.

Arnold, what are you doing?

Just double-checking.

Hey, guys, it's almost
midnight. You wanna try again?

Come on, Willis.
It's two to one.

You against me and bionic head.


Turn the TV set off.


♪ The home of the brave ♪

Hey, where did
you kids come from?

Hey, I thought I
told you to go to bed.

Well, yeah,

- but we couldn't sleep
with all those loud noises.
- What loud noises?

Well, I'm so hungry my stomach
was growling and it kept me awake.

Yeah, and it kept me awake too.

I even heard it in my room.

Do you expect
me to believe that?

It would help a lot if you did.

And, uh, what are
you doing up, Daddy?

- Oh, I was just
watching television.
- Come on, Mr. Drummond.

You're just as anxious
to meet Leon as we are.

No, no, I'm not.
I just fell asleep.

Okay, we'll believe your dumb
excuse if you believe ours.

Okay, g*ng. Let's go to bed.

Mrs. Garrett's home. Okay,
now you've stayed up this late.

You can meet Leon. Then we'll go upstairs
and give them their privacy, right?

- Right.
- I had a wonderful time, Leon.

So did I, Edna. It was
an unforgettable evening.

For me too.

Why'd they stop talking?
Are they making out?

Arnold, cool it.
Tell that to Edna.

Good night, Leon.

Good night, Edna.

Well, I wasn't expecting
a reception committee.

Oh, I was just
watching television.

And I was helping him
change the channels.

- And Willis and I were...
- Okay, kids.

Confess. They were
waiting up to meet Leon.

Yeah. Uh, why were
you home so late?

Well, honey, we
had a long dinner.

Six hours?

We lingered over dessert.

That ain't lingering.
That's loitering.

Oh, and after dinner, you
won't believe what we did.

Neither of us never did
anything like it before.

We passed this disco place
and decided to peek in. Mm-hmm.

And before we knew it,
we got down and boogied.

Step aside and watch her glide.


Who could that be at this hour?

Probably some
neighbor wanting to cut in.

- Oh. Leon!
- I'm back.

Come in.

You, uh, dropped this earring.

I wouldn't want you running
around with a naked earlobe.

Oh. I must have dropped it when
we were getting out of the cab.

Oh, yeah... Getting
out of the cab.

Oh, Leon, I'd like
you to meet my family.

This is Mr. Drummond.

How are you, Leon?
How do you do?

And, uh, Kimberly,
Arnold, Willis.

Sorry to barge in so
late. Oh, that's all right.

Well, uh, it's late and,
uh, my meter's running.

I mean the taxi's meter.

So good night.

Good night. Bye.

Good night, Edna.

Good night, Leon.

My meter's running too.

I think I'll go to bed now.

♪ Good times ♪

♪ These are the good times ♪

♪ Leave worry behind ♪

Whoo! Good night.

Daddy, are you as
surprised as I am?

Well, Leon didn't look exactly
the way I thought he would.

He's kind of young
for Mrs. Garrett.

Yeah. She won't know
whether to kiss him or burp him.

Man. I can't get over how
young Mrs. Garrett's boyfriend is.

Me either. I was expecting
somebody close to her age, not mine.

Now, come on, guys. That's
Mrs. Garrett's business.

Right, and I think it's perfectly okay
for women to go out with younger men.

Well, who are you dating
next week, a seven-year-old?

- Good morning, everyone.
- Good morning.

Would you please,
please, forgive me?

Oh, sure. Yeah.

I overslept.

Last night I forgot
to wind the clock.

I don't know about your clock,

but the rest of you
was sure wound up.

All right, I know
what you're thinking.

Leon's too young for me.

Who's thinking that?
Who? Who? Who?

Not me. Me neither.

Yeah, yeah. I know what's
going on around here.

Well, we weren't really talking
about how young he was.

We were talking about
how old he wasn't.

How old isn't he?

He's 34, and he's
a wonderful man.

And when we're together,
we don't think about age.

Well, if Leon makes you
happy, that makes us happy.


Yeah, and I'd be a lot happier if we'd get
off Leon and on to some ham and eggs.

You got it, Arnold.

Just as soon as I
answer the door.

Gee, that really changed
her life. What did?

- Dinner with Leon.
- Maybe she got stuck
with the check.

Leon! What are you doing
here? I wasn't expecting you.

- Can I come in?
- Oh, sure. Come in.

It's nice to see
you again, Edna.

You too, Leon.

Oh. Oh. Here.

Oh, I must look terrible.

Oh, no, Edna To me you
look lovely in anything.

Oh, Leon, I don't.

Do I?

I-I'm sorry. I should
have called first,

but I've been up all
night thinking about this.

I've got something to ask you,
and I couldn't wait. It's too important.

Well, what is it, Leon?

I don't know how to say it.

See, I want to ask you to
marry me, but I just don't know...

I just said it.

- Marry you?
- Don't answer now.

Uh, think about it, and
take all the time you want.

I'll be back in five
minutes for your answer.

Oh, and, Edna, I love you.

He loves me.


He wants to marry me!

What am I doing?

- Who was it, Mrs. Garrett?
- Oh, Leon.

He was just up here last night.

What did he do,
sleep in the hallway?

Apparently you've made
quite an impression on him.

Yes, he just asked
me to marry him.

What you talkin'
about, Mrs. Garrett?

I said he just asked me to
marry him. Toast, anyone?

Wow! Wow! Well, how about that?

Man, that Leon is
quiet, but he is fast.

He's like me... The
strong, silent type.

The only thing that's strong and
silent about you is your gym socks.

Well, congratulations.

Mrs. Garrett, can
I be a bridesmaid?

- Me too.
- Hey, hold it, hold it,
hold it, g*ng.

He just came to the
door, asked me and left.

That's right. All he
did was ring your bell.

He sure did.

Oh, I don't know.
It's all so sudden.

He said he's gonna come back
in five minutes. for my answer.

Well, he didn't give you very
much time to make a decision.

Oh, Mrs. Garret, this is so
romantic... just like a movie.

Oh. Would you kids mind
taking a little intermission?

- What do you mean?
- What she means is, Arnold,

the conversation's
gonna be X-rated.

How am I gonna learn what I'm
not supposed to hear if I don't hear it?

Come on, Arnold. let's
go. Wait a minute, now.

Come on, Arnold. Forget
it. I wa... I wanna hear this.

No. Maybe I'll get married.

What's up?

Oh, Mr. Drummond,
if you don't mind,

I need to discuss this with you.

Well, if I can help, I'd
be very happy to. Thanks.

When I'm with Leon, he
makes me feel so young,

so romantic, so happy...

in a way I haven't felt
in many, many years.

But it does concern me,
this difference in our ages.

Yes, there seems to
be quite a difference.

You didn't have
to agree so quickly.

Anyway, the difference in age
may not seem important to you now,

but years from now,
when he's 50, you'll be...

Older than 50.

But if there are a lot of
happy years in between,

it would be worth
it, wouldn't it?

Yeah, I suppose so, if
that's what's important to you.

Does that mean you're
gonna marry him?

Oh, I don't know. It's a toss-up
between my head and my heart,

and my heart's
leading by half a length.

Well, I'm sure you'll do the
right thing... in the stretch.

Mr. Drummond.

Well, I'd better change.
Thanks, Mr. Drummond.

Good luck. Thanks.

You know something? If Mrs. Garrett gets
married, she's probably gonna leave us.

Maybe not. Maybe Leon'll move
in here and become our butler.

If they get married, they're
gonna have their own apartment.

- Oh.
- The best we can do
is go over there for meals.

Whoa, Daddy. What'd she say?

Well, kids, Mrs. Garrett's
a little undecided right now.

- She's not sure what do to.
- Well, then let's
straighten her out.

We love her and we
can't let her get married.

Well, Arnold, it's
because we love her...

we have to let her do what
she thinks is best for her.

I'll get it.

Oh. Hello,
Mr. Drummond. Hi, Leon.

Come in.

Oh. Is that for me?

Oh. Gee, no.

But if I'd known that you...

Oh, that was a joke.

Apparently not.

Have a seat. I think
you know my family. Yes.

Hiya. Hi.

So, you want to marry
Mrs. Garrett, huh?

- Arnold, cool it.
- Well, yes. I love her very much.

- We all do.
- Marriage is a big step.

Are you up to it?

Arnold, behave
yourself. I'm sorry, Leon.

- It's all right.
- What line of work are you in?

- Oh, I'm an accountant.
- How much do you make?

Arnold, that is none
of your business.

Well, what if he can't support Mrs.
Garrett in the style she's accustomed to?

Penthouses are expensive.

That is enough, Arnold.

But Mr... Uh-uh-uh, Arnold.

You heard what Daddy said.
One more word out of you,

and your mouth's gonna
get the other end in trouble.

- Sorry to keep you
waiting, Leon.
- Oh, that's all right, Edna.

Okay, kids, let's go. Wait a
minute. I got some more questions.

We're going now. I didn't even
talk about the honeymoon yet.

You look lovely, Edna.
Did I say that before?

- Yes, but who's counting?
- Oh. This is for you.

Oh. Thank you, Leon.

Does it look like
it was on sale?


Oh. It was. Oh, but I'd
have bought it anyway.

I love your honesty, Leon.
It's part of your charm.

That's what my
mother always says.

Really? Well, she's right.
Shall we sit down? Oh.

We could sit on
the floor. Oh, no. No.

This... This is fine.

Boy, you sure
surprised me before.

I guess you must have
thought I was crazy. Mm-hmm.

But I just know that marrying you is the
best thing that could ever happen to me.

I had such a wonderful
time last night.

Oh, so did I, Leon.

But, uh, marriage is a big step.

I take more time buying
a Thanksgiving turkey.

No offense.

Oh, don't be
silly. I love turkey.

You see how much
we have in common?

Sure, but you can't base
a marriage on a drumstick.

With us it's not just
a drumstick, Edna.

It's the stuffing and
the cranberries...

and the sweet potatoes
and the giblets...

It's the whole enchilada.

Oh, Leon.

I need more time.

You see, I tried marriage once,

and, uh, it was a disaster.

Well, how bad
could it have been?

We used to refer to our relationship
as The Poseidon Adventure.

It could never be that
way with us, Edna.

We'll have a
terrific life together.

Oh, and wait'll you meet
Mother. I know she'll adore you.

I'm sure that I'll like her too.

And don't worry. we won't
live with her. Live with who?

Mother. As soon as
you say yes, I'll move out.

You mean... you still
live with your mother?

Oh, yes. She's a
marvelous person.

She does everything for me...
cooks, cleans, irons my shirts.

But Mother will have to
realize that'll have to stop.

Soon there'll be someone
else to take care of me.

Me? Yeah, you.

You know, you and my
mother are a lot alike, Edna.

I'm beginning to see that.

You remind me so much of her.

Except you're not
possessive like she is.

I wanted to move out for a
long time. Why didn't you?

She wouldn't let me.

Look, Leon.

You're a very nice
young man. I like you.

We have a lot of fun together.

But marriage just
wouldn't work for us.


Because... I don't do mothers.

What... What do you mean?

Well, I mean that
when two people marry,

it should be for
the right reason.

I don't understand.

I hope one day you will.

We can still be friends.


I guess I'll be going.

I, uh... I'd like to
keep this if I may.

Oh, I'd like you to.

Will you still help me
with my homework?

Sure, Leon.

Bye, Edna.


You think she's gonna
say yes? She could say no.

If she says maybe,
we'll never get to eat.

Okay, cool it, kids.

Thanks, kids.
I'll finish up now.

What happened? Did you say yes?

- Are we getting married,
or aren't we?
- Hold it, g*ng, hold it.

Now give Mrs. Garrett a chance.

Maybe she doesn't feel
like talking about it right now.

Well, what happened?

I'm not getting married, but
it sure was nice being asked.

Well, I'm sure you
made the right decision.

You okay? Oh, fine. Thanks.

How come you decided not
to get married, Mrs. Garrett?

Well, if I tell ya,

will you promise not to
let it out of this house?


He was too old for me.


Don't feel bad, Mrs. Garrett.

If you still like younger
men, you've got me.

♪ Now the world don't move
to the beat of just one drum ♪

♪ What might be right for
you may not be right for some ♪

♪ A man is born He's
a man of means ♪

♪ Then along come two They
got nothin' but their jeans ♪

♪ But they got
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes to
move the world Yes, it does ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪♪
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