03x11 - The Loan

Episode transcripts for the TV Show "Diff'rent Strokes". Aired: November 3, 1978 –; March 7, 1986.*
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Series follows Arnold and Willis Jackson, two African-American boys from Harlem taken in by a rich white Park Avenue businessman and widower, Phillip Drummond, for whom their deceased mother previously worked, and his daughter, Kimberly.
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03x11 - The Loan

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ To the beat of just one drum ♪

♪ What might be right for you ♪

♪ May not be right for some ♪

♪ A man is born ♪

♪ He's a man of means ♪

♪ Then along come two ♪

♪ They got nothin'
but their jeans ♪

♪ But they got
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the world ♪

♪ Everybody's got ♪

♪ A special kind of story ♪

♪ Everybody finds
a way to shine ♪

♪ It don't matter that you got ♪

♪ Not a lot... So what? ♪

♪ They'll have theirs ♪

♪ And you'll have yours ♪

♪ And I'll have mine ♪

♪ And together we'll be fine ♪

♪ 'Cause it takes
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the
world, yes, it does ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent
strokes to move the world ♪

I'm just reminding all the
tenants, mr. Drummond,

The goodwill truck
will be here at 4:00.

Right. Bye.

Hi, mannie!

Hey, muchacho! Como esta?

Um, muy good! Como
esta yourself, uh, hombre!

Hey, your spanish is
getting good, amigo.

How'd the game go?

I only made one error.

Yeah? What happened?

I showed up for the game.

Well, there's more important
things than sports, amigo.

At your age, school
is where it's at.

You gotta study hard so you can
get a good job when you grow up.

I think you have
a neat job, mannie.

No. It's ok.

But, I'd much rather
be my own boss.

There's a lot of advantages
of being your own boss.

Yeah, when you goof
up, you can call yourself

Into your office,
and you're the one

That gets to chew yourself out.

Right, and you can give yourself

A big fat pay raise every week.

And it could happen a
lot sooner than you think.

See, I got a chance to buy
into a limousine business.

You know, driving
around a lot of v.i.p.s.

What are vips?

That stands for very
important people, arnold.

Visiting dignitaries,
rock stars, movie stars.

Just make sure
you got seat covers

If you get boomer
in the back seat.

I'll do that.

And there's big bucks in the
limo business, too, arnold.

In no time at all,
I'll be loaded.

Just make sure you don't
drive in that condition.


There's just one thing stopping
me from that limo business.

What's that?

I'm going into it
with some guys,

And we each gotta
chip in 4 grand,

And I'm a little bit short.

How short? 4 Grand.

I'm really broke, arnold.

Well, don't give up.

So is chrysler.

Can't you get the
money from the bank?

Sure, if I ask them real nice.

And hold a g*n in my hand.

My bank turned me down.

Well, how come?

They always give you money
on those tv commercials.

You know, you
dance into the bank,

You sing a song with the teller,

And they give you
a bag of money.

That's only in
commercials, arnold.

There's gotta be some
way you can get that money.

Well, it better be fast.

I gotta have it by next week,

Or I can kiss my limo
business good-bye.

And there goes a
chance of a lifetime.

Wait a minute! I know
someone who could help!

You do?

Yeah! My dad.

He has more money than
I know what to do with!

He gives it to all
kinds of organizations.

He's a real philanderer.

Well, maybe he'd like to throw
a little philanderer my way.

I'll ask him.

Oh, that would be
great, muchacho!

I'll be up later with your
dad's afternoon paper,

And we'll work
out the details, ok?

Fantastico! Gracias, amigo.

Uh, de nada. Hasta la huevos.

Ok, I'll see your
eggs later, too.

Dad, you'll have to roll a
double to get out of jail.

Either this gets me out
or I go over the wall.

Hey, two threes.

Free, free at last.

That prison food was k*lling me.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Oh, no!

Hey, that's perfect! You
landed right on my property.

Let's see, with one
hotel you owe me $950.

Lay them duckies on me, brother?

Would you settle for
$120 and a firm handshake?

Hi, everybody!

All: hi, arnold.

Dad, can I talk to you?

You sure can, arnold.

It looks like I'm
finished in this game.

Wait a minute, dad.

I'm not gonna be one of
those ruthless tycoons.

Listen, I'll give you a loan
until you get back on your feet.

No, willis, daddy's too
proud to accept a handout.

No, I'm not.

But, willis, you shouldn't
throw money around like that.

Speak for yourself, dad.

He can throw
money at me anytime.

No, I mean,

It's not good business.

But it's just a game, dad.

Well, yeah, but it's
a game that happens

To be a lot like real life.

But this money
isn't worth anything.

That's what I said.
Just life real life.

Now listen, this is a good way
to learn money management.

Now, of course, it's different
if it's just family or friends.

But in general, it's not good
business to lend money to anybody

Unless they have collateral.


That means something
valuable you own, arnold.

Right, like stocks,
bonds, real estate.

Of course, if you
can't pay the loan back,

Then they keep the collateral.

Oh, I get it, like the
gooch in school.

He loans money to the kids.

Well, what if you
can't pay it back?

Then like dad says, he
takes the collateral.

Usually your nose or your ears.

Holy smoke, I nearly
forgot I've got a meeting.

Boy, time sure flies when
you're going bankrupt.

Now listen, remember g*ng, the
goodwill truck is coming about 4:00.

I put some of my
clothes out on the bed,

Some things I haven't
worn for... 20 Pounds.

You like your own jokes, huh?


Hey, you clean this up, arnold.

Yeah, arnold.

There's some things
I can give away.

Yeah, like that blue bikini.

It's so small,
you'll never miss it.

Well, it may be small, but it
does what its supposed to.

Oh, what's that?

Keeps me from getting arrested.

Hey, arnold, did you
want to ask me something?

Uh, yeah, dad.
How strict are you

About that collateral
thing when you make a loan?

Well, I'm pretty strict.

Even if it's a really,
really nice guy

Who really, really needs a loan

Really, really, really bad?

This really, really nice
guy didn't really, really

Go through his
allowance already, did you?

Oh, it's not for me, dad.

It's for mannie the doorman.

He has a chance to buy
into a limousine business,

And he needs $4,000 fast.

4,000? Ooh, that's a
lot of money, arnold.

Well, we're filthy rich. Can't
we get mannie a little dirty?

He's a really,
really nice guy...

That's enough, arnold. Really.

I mean, mannie's a nice guy,

But if I loan
thousands of dollars

To every nice guy who asked me,

I'd need a loan myself!

Even if he has some of
that collateral stuff?

Well, in that case, I guess
we'd have to consider it.

But I have to run
now, arnold. Bye.

Oh, hi, mr. Drummond.

Oh, hi, mannie.

Your afternoon paper.


Mannie, arnold was just telling
me about your business opportunity.

Maybe we could find
time to talk about it,

I'm in kind of a
hurry right now.

Hey, can I carry
you to the elevator?

I think I can make
it. Thanks, bye.

Bye, mr. Drummond.

Thanks, arnold! Maybe
I'll get that loan?

Dad said he'd consider it,

But you have to
have some collateral.

Oh, there's that word
again, collateral.

That's what you
need to get a loan,

That proves you don't
need a loan in the first place.

Man, this ain't my day.

I can't even take advantage
of something that just came up.

If I only had $100, I can
turn it into $4,000 real fast.

All you need now is $100?

Yeah, but let's face it.

I'm so unlucky, black cats
don't even cross my path.

Well, mannie, I have $100.

You do?

Yeah, I've been saving a
whole year for a 10-speed bike.

But this is a lot
more important.

Aw, thanks, arnold, but
I can't take your money.

Sure you can. It's just a loan.

Besides, my feet won't touch
the pedals for another year.

Hey, you're real
serious, aren't you?

Now, does this look like the
face of a person who's joking?

You're something else, amigo.

But I can't take your money.

You've gotta take it, mannie.

You said yourself it's
a chance of a lifetime.

Don't worry about my bike,
I can rough it in dad's limo.

Ok, arnold. And
I'll tell you what.

For loaning me that $100 today,
I'll give you back $200 tomorrow.

$200? Wow!

I'd buy 2 bikes!
One for each leg!

Oh, don't leave the scene,
I'll be back with the green.

Excuse me, guys.

Oh, could you turn
around and close your eyes?

This is top secret.


And just turn around
and close your eyes,

Both of you. Just for a second.

And keep them closed.

Don't open them, and
don't turn around.

All right.

Now let's see.

Is that five to the left?

Or is that five to the right?

It's three to the right.

Then four to the left
and two to the right.

Thank you.

Now how did you guys know that?

Because you told everybody
your secret combination

In case you forgot it.

Oh, yeah. I forgot.

Hey arnold where are you
going with all that money?

Can't talk now, I got
a big deal cooking.

There you go, manny.

100 Big ones.

Oh, thanks arnold.

You're a good friend.

Tienes un corazon muy grande


Well if that means I'm a get
down muy cool little dude,

We're talking the same lingo.

We sure are, amigo.

I'll see you tomorrow
with your $200.


Hey, arnold. Hey, what did
you do with your money?

I just made a
brilliant investment.

What investment?

I found a way to double
my money in one day.


I loaned mannie the
doorman my 100 bucks.

You what?

He's going to
turn it into 4,000,

And give me back 200 tomorrow.

Now how's he gonna do that?

I don't know. I didn't
discuss that part with him.

Arnold, if your brain had
a number, they'd retire it.

How could you give mannie
$100 and not even ask him

What he's going to do with it?

Well, investing is
mannie's department.

My department is
raking in and spending it.

Well, I'd like to know
what he's doing with it.

Hey, mannie, arnold wants
to ask you something.

No, I don't!

Yes, you do.

Hey, mannie. Como esta?

Well, as long as your muy bien,
I'd like to ask you a small detail.

What are you gonna
do with my 100 bucks?

Oh, I see, right. Ok, bye.

Well? What did he say?

No problem. He's just
betting it on a horse.

What? Horses?

It's surefire.

Arnold, no horse
race is surefire.

That's the horse's name.

Surefire in the 5th race

At 40-1 odds.

It's going to be on
tv. We could watch it.

Arnold, you better go
down there right now,

And get your money
back from manny.

Yeah. Dad's gonna k*ll you.

Some choice.

Either I lose my friend,

Or I lose my behind.

Mannie, wait!

Hey, what is it, arnold?

If I'm going to make it
to off-track betting,

I've gotta move!

Well, I was just wondering
if you ought to make that bet.

Hey, don't tell me
you're getting cold feet.

Just a little case of frostbite.

Look, I dig. And hey, if
you want your money back,

Just say so.

I want my money back.

Well, it's your money.

Thanks, mannie.

How come you want
your money back?

I didn't know you were
going to bet it on a horse.

Arnold, this isn't
just any horse!

Surefire is an inside tip!

If the other horses had
money, they'd bet on her too.

She can't lose.

She can't lose? Right.

I want my money back.

Ok, you've got it.

Say, did I tell you about
surefire's bloodline?

Her mother was
the cincinnati mare.

And surefire's a great mudder.

A great mudder? She's
good to her children?

No, that means she likes
to run on a muddy track.

And the prediction
is for rain today.

But look, I don't
want to influence you.

You want your
money back, you get it.

I guess I do, mannie.


Don't be sorry, amigo.

The only reason I
took it in the first place

Is 'cause, for a
minority guy like me,

The opportunity to make a big
score comes along once in a lifetime.

Yeah, I know where
you're coming from.

Before I struck it rich,
I was a minority myself.

You'll get another
chance, mannie.

'Cause you're
such a terrific guy.

You'd be surprised how
many people don't know that.

You may not have
noticed, arnold,

But I speak with
a slight accent.

I noticed. Instead
of saying yes,

You sometimes say "jes."

"Jes," I do.

But, you know, it
turns some people off.

And it prevents you
from getting a good job.

I mean, ronald reagan didn't
ask me to be secretary of state.

Mannie, you're ok if
you can laugh about it.

It's better than crying.

But that's my
problem, not yours.

I'll see you later, amigo.


Aw, what the heck.

Here, mannie, I
want you to take it.

You really mean it?


Fantastico. I'll bet the
whole thing on surefire's nose.

Let's hope that's the
end that comes in first.

I kinda hate to
part with this shirt.

What's so special about it?

What's so special?

Do you know I was wearing
this shirt when I met diane?

And when I met shirley.

And my new true love, charlene.

I mean, doesn't that
tell you something?

Yeah, it tells me you should
change your shirt more often!

Come on, guys. It's
almost time for the race!

I can't believe you, arnold. How
could you do such a dumb thing?

You sure are anxious to
watch your money go up in mud.

Willis, when that race comes on,

Just watch me go
from tyke to tycoon.

Arnold, you're gonna
find out the only way

You can clean up on the
track is with a shovel.

You guys keep forgetting
that mannie had an inside tip.

Yeah, well I've got an inside
tip for you too, little brother.

Get out of town
before dad comes home.

By the time dad gets
home, I'll be a winner.

And nobody spanks a winner.

But, arnold, you know
that gambling is wrong.

Yeah, but this isn't gambling.

Surefire's a cinch. She's
got a long line of blood.

In fact, she's related to
the mayor of cincinnati.

And the prediction is for
rain, and she's a terrific mudder.

And so is her
fadder. I mean, father.

She can't lose!

And the horses are
approaching the starting gate.

The forecast was for rain,
but it's a beautiful sunny day.

And the track is...

You better know how
to do a rain dance, arnold.

All the horses are in
the gate now, except one.

She's bucking and her jockey
is trying to control her.

It's number 7, surefire.

She doesn't seem happy.

She's not the only one!

Surefire has turned and is
bolting away from the starting gate!

She probably doesn't
dig horseracing!

Yeah, maybe she'd
rather be skiing.

Surfire's still acting up.

If her jockey doesn't get
to her to the gate on time,

She could be scratched
by the stewarts.

Get into that gate you
four-legged turkey.

Hi, kids!

Well, hi, daddy. I thought
you had a meeting.

Oh, I did. We broke up early,
we couldn't find anything else

To disagree about.

Anyway, that's left me free
for the rest of the afternoon.

I'm all yours, kids.

Dad, it's saturday. Why don't
you go for a bike ride in the park?

I don't think so, I hate
having my tires stolen.

Well, then don't park your bike!

No, I mean while I'm riding it.

Hey, daddy, why
don't you go upstairs

And get all those old
clothes for the goodwill?

Oh, yeah, the trucks
ought to be here soon.

I think I hear it
downstairs now!

Wait a minute, aren't those my
things right there on the desk?

Oh, sure, but this is such
a worthy cause, daddy,

Couldn't you give
just a little bit more?

What about that ratty old beat
up sweater you keep in the den?

My favorite sweater?

But it's full of holes!

I love those holes! I know every
moth that made them personally.

Now, come on, daddy.

Somebody needs that sweater

A lot more than you do.

You're right. All
right, I'll go and get it.

And see what else you can find.

Hey, yeah, take your time!

Give till it hurts.

Let's watch upstairs.


Hey, you know what I think?

I think I'm talking to myself.

I hope they got
surefire into the gate!

Well, they finally got
surefire into the gate.

Ah, terrific.

Now, if they could
just turn her around

To face the right direction.

Arnold, I think your
horse is made in detroit.

They're turning her
around now, she's in the gate.

The flag is up, and
they're off and running!

Sly avenger is going to
the front of the inside

Glory boy is second,
dream racer third,

Followed by ginger
candy, then vanilla shake,

Danny's darling, snow mist,

And bringing up
the rear is surefire.

Come on, surefire. Get
your rear into gear!

Hey, g*ng. Why
did you all leave?

Dad, we're just trying to find
some more things to give away.

Oh, good. You're all
getting in the spirit.

All right, I'll go through
my closet again, too.

I'll be right back.

No, arnold! Dad said
he would be right back!

Let's watch downstairs!


I hope it's not over yet.

And in the back
stretch, it's sly avenger

By a length and a half.

In front of vanilla shake.

Where's surefire?

Here comes surefire, trying to
find running room between horses.

Let her through, move
your tails, turkeys!

And down the stretch they come,

It's sly avenger and
surefire, neck and neck!

Stick out your neck,
surefire, come on!

It's your neck or arnold's!

Forget stick out your
neck, stick out your tongue!

It's sly avenger and surefire,

Surefire and sly avenger,

And coming to the wire, it's
surefire winning it by a nose.

What is going on here?

Why are you
watching a horse race?

Tell him, tycoon.

Dad, your son, the
short, brilliant one,

Just made a 100 big
ones in 2 minutes.


Are you telling me you
bet your money on a horse?


But that's gambling!

Not if you win.

Arnold, I am shocked.

Oh, daddy, he didn't
actually make the bet.

He just loaned
mannie $100 and he bet.

Yeah, mannie's
giving him $200 back.

I can't believe
what I'm hearing.

Arnold, why didn't you
tell me about this first?

I'm sorry, dad, but maybe
you can get in on the next one.

I'll get it.

Hi, mr. Drummond.

Hi, mannie. Just the
fellow I want to talk to.

Come in. Yes, sir.

Hey, mannie! We
did it! We did it!

Did you bring the money?
Tell my dad how much we won!

Arnold, I didn't
bet on the race.

What you talking about, mannie?

I was about to make the bet,

When I suddenly
thought, what if we lost?

You're too good a friend, and I
just couldn't risk your money.

How come it's wet?

I got a few tears on it.

40 To 1. Oy vey.

Bet you that was a
tough one to lose.

And you know something,
mannie, you were right.

The horse won.

Please, don't rub it in.

I thought I could win the
money for my limousine business.

That's about the only
way I could ever get it.

Mannie, let me
ask you something.

You've got a good job, I
know that you get nice tips.

How come you have to
borrow $100 from a little kid?

You know what it costs
to raise a family today?

I didn't know you were married.

Who can afford to get married?

I'm talking about my
relatives back home.

Father, mother, uncles,
aunts, nieces, nephews.

I've got my own
foreign aid program.

I'd like to bring them all here,
but there aren't enough boats.

Tell me, mannie. About
this limousine business.

How much would...


I can help you.

I'll tell you what I'll do.

You'll give him the money?

No, but I'll co-sign
a bank loan for you.

And that way, if he
can't pay back the loan,

I'll cover for him.

All: aw, thanks, dad!

But I don't have any
collateral, mr. Drummond.

But you've got something

That's much more
important than that.

You've shown us that you've
got honesty and decency.

That's good enough for me.

I'll never forget
this, mr. Drummond.

Neither will i.

You won't get stuck for a cent.

The limo business is
really going to pay off.

Me and my partners, we've
been researching it real good.

And before you
know it, I'll be rich.

You know something,
mannie, with all your talent,

It must have been a struggle
to stay poor for so long.

Thanks again, mr. Drummond.

Never mind the thanks.

How about a tip
on another horse?

♪ Now, the world don't move ♪

♪ To the beat of just one drum ♪

♪ What might be right for you ♪

♪ May not be right for some ♪

♪ A man is born,
he's a man of means ♪

♪ Then along come two ♪

♪ They got nothin'
but their jeans ♪

♪ But they got
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the
world, yes, it does ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes
to move the world, mmm ♪
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