03x14 - The Bus

Episode transcripts for the TV Show "Diff'rent Strokes". Aired: November 3, 1978 –; March 7, 1986.*
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Series follows Arnold and Willis Jackson, two African-American boys from Harlem taken in by a rich white Park Avenue businessman and widower, Phillip Drummond, for whom their deceased mother previously worked, and his daughter, Kimberly.
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03x14 - The Bus

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Now, the world don't move ♪

♪ To the beat of just one drum ♪

♪ What might be right for you ♪

♪ May not be right for some ♪

♪ A man is born ♪

♪ He's a man of means ♪

♪ Then along come two ♪

♪ They got nothin'
but their jeans ♪

♪ But they got
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the world ♪

♪ Everybody's got ♪

♪ A special kind of story ♪

♪ Everybody finds
a way to shine ♪

♪ It don't matter that you got ♪

♪ Not a lot... So what ♪

♪ They'll have theirs,
and you'll have yours ♪

♪ And I'll have mine ♪

♪ And together we'll be fine ♪

♪ 'Cause it takes
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the
world, yes, it does ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent
strokes to move the world ♪

Wait till you guys hear.

Opportunity is
knocking on my door.

Hi, kids!

Dad, you're home!

Boy, I couldn't wait to see you.

Boy, am I glad you're back.

Aw, glad you're home.

Arnold, I'm only home from work.

I'm not out on parole.

Read this! Read this! Read this!

I will! I will! I will!

I want you to sign that.

It's from my
principal mr. Gibson.

He picked me to
be an ambassador.

An ambassador?

I didn't even know
you were republican.

So what does it say, daddy?

Well, it says that
"arnold's school is starting

"A voluntary experiment
for one semester.

"5 Minority children from
arnold's school will be bussed

"To new chester school in
the suburbs, which is all white,

"And 5 children from new
chester will be bussed

To arnold's school,
which is integrated."

Yeah. I'd say it's integrated.

You got white, black,
chinese, puerto ricans...

And there's even one guy
we haven't figured out yet.

Apparently this is an attempt

To expose the students

To each other's
culture and environment.

I'm gonna teach the kids at
new chester my way of life.

They want to learn
how to over eat?

Hey, arnold, why
do you want to go

All the way to new chester?

Because my friends are going,

And it's an adventure.

I'll be traveling
to a new place.

Kind of like star
trek, only on a bus.

It's also an honor.

Only 5 of us were picked
out of the entire school.

I don't like it.

How come they picked you?

'Cause I qualify.

Well, according to the letter,

"The students selected
for this voluntary program

"Have been judged
to have the best blend

Of social skills,
intelligence, and adaptability."

You boil all that down,

They picked you
'cause you're black.

I qualify for that, too.

Well, I think it's
great for kids

To share each other's
culture and things.

I'm all for sharing.

As long as it doesn't
include my lunch.

Dad, if arnold goes
to that white school,

He's gonna feel
like a chocolate chip

In a plate full of
vanilla ice cream.

Now he may feel a little
strange at first, willis,

But arnold makes
friends very quickly.

Sure. It'll be fun
going to a new school.

And me and my friends

Signed an oath in
blood that we'd go.

In blood?

Well, it was in the cafeteria,

So we used ketchup.

The only thing that bothers me

Is that new chester
is 30 miles from here.

Dad, they've got a bus.

I don't intend to walk there.

That's not so far, daddy.

The bus leaves at
6:30 in the morning.

That means that you
have to be up at 5:30.

No problem.

That means you
have to be in bed by 8.

No problem.

That means you're going to
miss all you favorite tv shows.


Dad, just because it's
an all white school

Doesn't mean it's any
better than our own school.

Well that's true, willis.

But the letter says
that new chester has

Very high academic
standards too.

I'm just thinking
of you, arnold.

I'm telling you, dad,

They're all going
to stare at him.

Not if I make sure
to zip everything up.

Well I think arnold
ought to go, daddy.

It's only for one semester.

Yeah, dad. I want to go. Please?

W-will you sign the letter?

Here's a pen.

That's drummond. D-r-u-m-m...

Thank you.

I think I know how
to spell it, arnold.


Arnold, I almost
overslept. What time is it?



Oh, no, I missed school.

I slept 19 hours.

It's 5:30 in the morning.

Say what?


Oh, I'm sorry.

I must've woke you up, huh?

Oh, no. I always sleep
with my eyes open.

Willis, today is my first
day at my new school.

That's why I set the alarm.

Arnold, the alarm clock
has done enough damage.

I'm going back to sleep.

Aw, come on, willis.

Today is my first
day at new chester,

And you're gonna let
your little brother

Eat a lonely breakfast
alone in the dark

Before he sets off
into the big, cruel city?

Would you do that to me?

Well, since you
put it that way...


I'm gonna have waffles with
lots of butter and syrup,

With crispy bacon on the side,

And a glass of cold milk.

You're gonna make all that?

No. I was hoping you'd make it.

All I know how to
make is the cold milk.

Come on, willis.
What do you say?

Well, let me put it this way...

Ok. Let me put it this way...

Surprise! Surprise!

Did we startle you, son?

No. My shorts always
jump up to my armpits.

You didn't think we'd let you
go off to your new school

Without a send-off, now did you?

Fooled you, huh, bro?

I'll say.

I apologize for what I
was thinking about you

On my way downstairs.

I must say, arnold,

You certainly kept your word

On getting up on time.

It wasn't hard.

I get up to go to the
bathroom at this time anyway.

I still say you
shouldn't go, arnold.

To the bathroom?

No. To a school 30 miles away

Where you're not wanted.

I am too wanted there.

Why did they invite us?

Maybe they'll put you
in a jockey's outfit,

And stick you in the front lawn.

Come on now, willis,

This is arnold's send off party.

You know if we were
toasting him with champagne,

You'd be hitting
him with the bottle.

Willis, I think you're
overreacting to this whole thing.

Yeah, willis. I
wouldn't be going

If dad didn't think
it was all right.

No offense, dad, but
you may be wrong.

Yeah, willis, I sure could be.

Well, when it's a matter
of who's right and wrong,

I always go with the
guy who pays the rent.

Yeah, well, as soon as
your daughter gets in,

Mr. Davis, could you call us?

Yeah. Thanks a lot.

Hi, everybody.

Hey, daddy, arnold's not
home from school yet.

I told you you shouldn't

Have let him go to
that white school.

Now, now, now,
now. Let's not panic.

I'll just phone the principal
at his regular school.

Yeah, well, we already did that.

He doesn't know where they are.

Well, then I'll just phone
arnold's friends that he went with.

We did that, too.
They're not home, either.

Well, I guess
we're back to panic.

But first I'll call the
principal from his new school.

Information, may I please...

Hi, everybody.

Never mind,
information. He's here.


Where have you been? Are you ok?

Yeah, I'm ok.

Arnold, how come you're so late?

Did you have a
problem getting home?

No, I didn't have a
problem. The bus did.

What's wrong with
it? Some flat tires.

Some flat tires?

Yeah, 6.

6? How could that happen?

Easy. Somebody let
all the air out of 'em.

Who would do a thing like that?

I don't know. Maybe it
was one of those pickets.

Pickets? Wait a minute.

What pickets?

I told you, dad.

Arnold, how many people
were picketing you?

Well, they weren't
really picketing me.

It was more the bus
they were mad at.

They kept throwing things at it.

I knew it.

What kind of things were
they throwing, arnold?

Tomatoes, eggs, fruit.

The bus looked like a salad.

I want you to sit right down

And tell me everything
that happened today.

And start right from
the very beginning.

The beginning? Yes, and
don't leave anything out.

Well, it started at 5:30
when the alarm went off,

And willis jumped
up and hit his head.


Don't go that far back.

Just tell us what happened
when you got to school.

Well, there were these people

With signs saying no busing,

And they were
marching up and down

And yelling names.

What names?

If you go out of the room,

I'll tell dad and willis.

Never mind.

Then what happened?

Well, when school was over,

Some of them were still there,

And they yelled some more
of those names and waved at us.


With their fists.

That's terrible.

I told you you were
asking for trouble.

But there wasn't
any real trouble.

I had a good time
at new chester.

Some of the kids there even said

They were sorry that
the people yelled at us.

Well, I don't like this at all.

I'm gonna call your principal.


Yes, he does.
This is his father.

Who's this?


Now you listen to me, you!

I've got... Hello? Hello?

Who was that, dad?

I don't know.

Some obnoxious anonymous jerk.

You mean one of these
guys who talks dirty

And breathes into the phone?

No, I'm afraid that
what that was,

Was a threat.

A threat?

But why would anyone
want to hurt you, dad?

Not me, arnold, you.

That man said that if you come
back to new chester tomorrow

That there'll be real v*olence.

But why would anyone at new
chester school want to hurt me?

I told you why.

They don't want black kids
coming on their white turf.

I think this is just terrible.

I mean I was worried
about the distance.

I never dreamed anything
like this could happen.

Well, I sure don't want
arnold getting hurt.

Neither does arnold.

I'm not going back to that
school tomorrow or ever.

Listen, arnold, I don't
want you to get hurt, either.

But now you've got to
go back there tomorrow.

What you talkin' about, willis?

Willis, you're the one

That was saying all along

That he shouldn't go.

But that was before.

Now these turkeys are saying

He's got no right to be there.

We can't back down.

I can.

But, willis, I admire
your bravery

In the face of my danger.

Well, I'm against
arnold going back.

Yeah, I'm afraid I have
to change my mind, too.

He's not gonna go back, willis.

But, dad, he's gotta show up.

You kidding?

Would custer have showed up

If the indians called
him the night before?

Probably that same
guy who called before.

Tell him I just left
on the space shuttle.


Oh, hello, mr. Robinson.

How are you?

That's just one of
the kids' fathers.

Ah, thank goodness.

My heart was in my mouth.

You won't believe
where mine was.

Yes, I'm afraid we got that kind
of a phone call, too, mr. Robinson.

Well, I guess we're
all in the same boat.

Maybe we should all get
together and discuss this.


Well, we could meet here.

You know where we are.

Fine. Well, would you
call the other parents?

Right. I'll see you about 8:00.


What did that bigot do?

Call the families
of all the kids?


Looks like a hate campaign.

I'm telling you, dad.

We've gotta fight back.

But, willis, we also
have to consider

The safety of the children.

Yeah, that's the
most important thing.

Aw, all they's trying to do

Is throw a scare
in all the kids.

Sure is working
with one of them.


Sorry, I must have
the wrong apartment.

I'm looking for
the busing meeting.

No, no. This is it.

I'm phil drummond,
arnold jackson's father.

You're sure?

Well, that's what it says
on the adoption papers.

I'm mr. Davis.

I was expecting a
minority person.

At this meeting, I am
a minority person.

Come in.

You sure it's ok to watch?

Sure. It concerns
you, doesn't it?

Then how come I'm
not in the meeting?

'Cause parents make
decisions for their kids.

How long does that go on?

Only till you're 80.

Well, I guess we all
know why we're here.

The question is, what are
we going to do about it?

I mean, should we
withdraw from the program?

Or, if we don't, do we expose
our children to possible v*olence?

No! No! Y no!

My wife and I agree.

Oh, uh, excuse us.

She speaks very little english

And I have to translate for her.

Well, my wife and I
are going to send

Our son right back
tomorrow. Right, honey?

If we don't, we're giving
up our basic rights.

I agree.

I vote with the robinsons.

Hmm. I'm not so sure
that I want to send

My daughter back to
those crazy people.

What do you think, drummond?

Well, to tell you the
truth, I don't know.

I am still so angry.

I'm having trouble just
trying to think straight.

Well, my mind is made up.

My son is going back.

Is something wrong?

My wife disagrees. With whom?


Well, I can't say
that I blame her.

I mean, how do you ask children

To stand up to an
angry, bigoted mob?

Mr. Drummond, that's
something every minority child

Might have to face some day.

Sooner or later.

We have to ask
ourselves, "why not now?"

And I must ask myself,
"why not later?"

Folks, we have to remember

That this is only a
voluntary program.

I mean, there's no court order

That says we have
to continue with this.

Mr. Drummond, look.

I... I know you mean well.

But look. My wife
and I were down south

And we were marching
for civil rights.

And they came after us
swinging baseball bats!

But we fought back
and we won our rights,

And that includes the
right to attend any school.

We didn't back down then,

And I don't think we
should back down now.

Right on!

That man's a fighter.

Yeah, you gotta
agree with him, arnold.

He's a real lion.

I'm a christian.

I don't agree with lions.

Well, I think it would be awful

If we give in to these
ignorant people.

That's right.

Well, I've been on
the receiving end

Of as much prejudice
as anybody else,

But I'm not gonna take a chance

On some h*nky clobbering my kid.

Excuse the expression.

That's ok.

This h*nky excuses you.

I'd better be going. Good luck.

Thanks for coming, mr. Davis.

That guy's got no guts.

Oh, he's just worried
about his little girl.

His little girl almost beat up

Half the football team.

Well, mr. Drummond,
the rest of us

Have all made up our minds.

What about you?


I still have my reservations.

But I do realize
that it's important

To stand up to this thing.

Ok, I'll let arnold go
back to new chester

For at least one more day,

But I'm gonna go with him.

That's a good idea.

Hey, let's all be on
the bus tomorrow.

Very good. Very good.

All right, then, fine.

We're all together.

Now, how about
joining me for a drink?


Dad, if anyone
needs a drink, it's me.

How long have you
kids been up there?

Long enough.

Dad, you made
the right decision.

Yeah, I guess maybe you did.

Arnold, tomorrow, I'm gonna
be standing right beside you.

Then you'll be
standing in my bed,

'Cause that's
where I'm gonna be.

I can't believe you'd
run scared like this.

You're chicken!

You got it. How do you want me?

Fried, roasted, or barbecued?

Arnold, you gotta
take this thing on.

This may be the most
important thing in your life.


Look, son, I owe you an apology.

I should never have
made a commitment

Without checking with you first.

You don't have to go to that
school tomorrow if you don't want to.

Are you mad at me
'cause I'm scared?

Aww, of course not.

Only a fool wouldn't
be scared. You're no fool.

Just a coward.
That's what willis said.

No, I didn't!

You said I was a yellow-bellied,

Lily-livered, weak
sister with no guts.

I didn't say lily-livered.


It's not your job to fight
the battles of grown-ups.

You're gonna go back to your
regular school tomorrow.

I... I wouldn't be
letting you down?

Certainly not.

How about you, willis?

You wouldn't be letting
willis down either. Right, son?

If you say so, dad.

Fine. All right, I'll go
let mr. Robinson know

That you're
definitely not gonna be

On that bus tomorrow.

You... You're disappointed
in me, aren't you?

Look. You got a
right to be scared.

I'd be scared, too.

But that's not the point.

I mean, you gotta
do what's right.

Like papa did the
time he was scared.

Our papa was never scared.

Except maybe of mama.

Well don't you remember
the time that papa

And those other janitors tried
to start a custodians' union?


All I remember about papa

Is when he tried
to potty train me.

Yeah, well you were too young.

Well anyway a bunch of
g*ons came into that meeting

And beat them up.

Mama didn't want papa

Going back to the next meeting.

But he went anyway.

Was he scared?

Well mama said he
was shaking so hard,

If he was carrying
a pail of milk,

It would have turned to butter.

In other words you're saying

I should do the same as papa.

Well, if it's something
you really believe in.

Like this.

I don't know what to do.

Listen, you think
about it, champ.

I don't wanna influence you.


Like russia doesn't
wanna influence poland.

Man: earn your
way! Earn your way!

Earn your way here.

Man: no right to be here.

Come on, arnold. Let's go, son.

Dad, let's get off
at the next stop.

That's using your head, kid.

Why don't you go back home?

All right!

Now, listen, you
people. These children

Are here at the
invitation of your school.

Not by us, they
weren't invited, huh?

Well, you have no
right to intimidate them

And prevent them from
getting an education.

We don't need your kids here

And we don't want 'em here.

Man: well, we pay taxes.

Yeah? Well, we're
the taxpayers here

And that gives us the right

To keep this
school for our kids.

Woman: hey! We pay taxes, too!

Not up here, you don't.

Are you just gonna
stop them with a sign?

Where's your g*n?

I don't have a g*n.

Oh, last night on the phone,

You told me you did.

I never said that.

All I said was that if you...

I thought your voice
sounded familiar.

All: ahh!

He's lyin'.

Wally, did you thr*aten
this guy last night?

All the parents were
threatened, right?

Yeah, I called.

Hey, we agreed, wally.

No v*olence, no threats.

Just a peaceful demonstration.

Ahh, peaceful.

That's my kinda language.

I'm sorry.

B... But we all worked hard

To buy our houses out here, see?

And we're worried
about, you know,

Property values going down.

Aw, we've heard that before.

That's just an
excuse for racism.

It's a crock!

Why don't you go
back to your ghetto.

What ghetto?

I live in a penthouse
on park avenue.

Listen, mister.

I'm sorry if I lowered
the value of your house.

A-and I didn't mean
to shake you up.

I just wanted to meet some new
kids and learn about each other.

And I already made
some new friends

And... And we were
just here one day.

Now, I was kinda scared
coming in here today

And now I'm a little bit more
scared of being late for class,

And I'd hate to get a tardy
slip on my second day,

So, could you please
get out of the way

So I could get in
for an education?

Yeah! Ha ha!

Very good!


Move it, mister.

Who's gonna make me?

Me! You? Ha!

And those 5 police cars

That just pulled
up behind our bus.

Let's go, everybody.


I have never been
more proud of you.

Thanks, dad.

I'm proud of you, too.

♪ Now, the world don't move ♪

♪ To the beat of just one drum ♪

♪ What might be right for you ♪

♪ May not be right for some ♪

♪ A man is born ♪

♪ He's a man of means ♪

♪ Then along come two ♪

♪ They got nothin'
but their jeans ♪

♪ But they got
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the
world, yes, it does ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent
strokes to move the world ♪
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