03x18 - Drummond's Fair Lady

Episode transcripts for the TV Show "Diff'rent Strokes". Aired: November 3, 1978 –; March 7, 1986.*
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Series follows Arnold and Willis Jackson, two African-American boys from Harlem taken in by a rich white Park Avenue businessman and widower, Phillip Drummond, for whom their deceased mother previously worked, and his daughter, Kimberly.
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03x18 - Drummond's Fair Lady

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Now the world don't move ♪

♪ To the beat of just one drum ♪

♪ What might be right for you ♪

♪ May not be right for some ♪

♪ A man is born ♪

♪ He's a man of means ♪

♪ Then along came two ♪

♪ They got nothing
but their jeans ♪

♪ But they got
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the world ♪

♪ Everybody's got a
special kind of story ♪

♪ Everybody finds
a way to shine ♪

♪ It don't matter that you got ♪

♪ Not a lot, so what? ♪

♪ They'll have theirs,
and you'll have yours ♪

♪ And I'll have mine ♪

♪ And together we'll be fine ♪

♪ 'Cause it takes

Diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the world ♪

♪ Yes, it does ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes
♪ to move the world ♪

Yes, howard.

I agree that jim
cunningham's a smart fellow.

But this isn't just
any ordinary job.

We're looking for somebody
to head up our new division.

Sure, I got to know
him. I spent time with him.

I even took him to
dinner. I just don't like him.

I know why.

Dad got stuck with the check.

Now, listen, I've got one more
person to interview today,

And if that doesn't work out,

I'll go along with you and
the board on cunningham.

Right. Good-bye.

We're with you, dad.

Yeah. We want the
best man for the job.

Well, do we? Since when did "we" get
interested in the company business.

Since you gave us these
10 shares of stocks.

We're not kids
anymore. We're tycoons.

Right. I mean, you've heard
of the silent majority.

We're the noisy minority.

That's 2 minorities I belong to.

Daddy, we're all
concerned stockholders.

You know, in yesterday's
wall street journal,

It said our stock
went down an eighth.

Yeah, and we would
like an explanation

Since you're
chairman of the board.

Very well. Well...

We're currently experiencing a
sharp uptrend in product outgo,

Accompanied by a marked
increase in cost-earnings ratio,

With a subsequent
dislocation in preferred payout.

What does that mean?

I wish I knew.

That does it. I'm
selling my stock.

Don't be too hasty.

The company's doing great.

And if I get the right person
to head this new division,

The profits could soar.

Not if you give the job
to that jim cunningham.

Yeah, we don't like him.

He's a nerd. With lapels.

How could you
possibly judge him?

He was only here twice.

Well he didn't seem
very sincere, daddy.

I mean he laughed
at all your jokes.

You're not that funny.


And another thing, dad.

He had the fake smile
on his face all the time.

Like this...

Maybe he was trying
to look pleasant.

But it came out constipated.

And another thing,

He was agreeing with
everything you said.

You don't want
an yes man, do you?


Just a little corporate
kidding there.

See? You're not very funny.

You sure know how to hurt a guy.

Anyway, here's the
résumé of the last person

I have to interview.

Young, age 27;

Phi beta kappa;

Harvard business school;

Graduated magna cum laude.

What's his name?

Rebecca conway.


That's a funny name for a man.

Not if he's a woman.

A woman? Daddy, that's super.

I hope she gets the job.

A woman? For a
big job like that?

Oh, willis, you're being sexist.

Why do we have to drag
the birds and bees into this?

Well, I hope you
hire her, daddy.

Well, I'll tell you, if she
looks as good in person

And she comes off on paper,
I'll really have to consider it.

Wow. That's punctual.

She gets an "a" for punctuality.

Hi. I'm rebecca conway.

How do you do? Please come in.

Thank you.

I'm philip drummond.

I know. I saw your picture
in corporate weekly.

And may I say, you're much
better-looking than your picture.

Thank you.

May I say you're much better
looking than your resume.

I think the job was just filled.

I want you to meet my family.

You know, I feel
like I already have,

From that article
in corporate weekly.

Uh, you're kimberly... Mm-hmm.

Arnold, and willis.

Well, you've certainly
researched us.

Hi. How are you?

Nice to meet you.

Hi. I understand you
graduated magna cum lousy.

Something like that, arnold.

Would you please
excuse us now, kids?

Sure. Good luck, ms. Conway.

I'd love to see a
woman get the job.

So would i.

Hey, dad, if you
need any advice,

Us stockholders
are just upstairs.

Right. When e.f. Arnold
talks, people listen.

I gave them each some stock
as a present for christmas,

And it's really stimulated
an interest in the company.

That works with grownups, too.

Touché. Would you
please sit down.

Thank you.

Can I get you something?

Some coffee, tea, wine,

A cigar?

A cigar?

I'm trying not to be sexist.

Actually, I'd love a cigar,

But I'm trying to cut down.

Just a little tobacco titter.

My kind of humor.

Would you join me
in a glass of wine?

All right.

Uh, by the way,

The job means that you'd have
to leave chicago and move here.

Does that bother
you? Not at all.

I've had to relocate before.

I have to level with you.

There are some
members of the board

Who will resist your
getting the position

Simply because you're a woman.

Look, I've run into this
kind of opposition before.

Wearing a dress is
an a*t*matic turn-off.

In your case, it
should be a turn-on.

Oh, I hope that wasn't
a chauvinist remark.

It was.

And thank you.

I hope things never
become so equal

That men stop
noticing we're women.

I'll drink to that.

Although rebecca has
all the qualifications

For the job,

What bothers you about her?

It's those eyes.

What's wrong with her eyes?

Not her eyes, dad's.

He looked at her like he was dying
of thirst and she was a cold beer.

So what's wrong with that?

Rebecca's a beautiful woman,

And daddy's a normal man.

Yeah, but it's been a long time

Since I've seen him
look that normal.

Yeah. I knew he lost his cool
when he started to drool.

Well, maybe daddy's ready
for a relationship with a woman.

It's been a long time.

Exactly how long
does it have to be

For a man to be without a
woman for it to be a long time?

Well, in my case, 3 days.

Willis, stop clowning around.

Arnold it could
be 3 days or 3 years.

Daddy's probably at the point

Where he needs that
attention and companionship

From somebody who loves him

And who will always be around.

Then why doesn't
he just get a dog?

Great idea.

How about a bloodhound.
They give juicy kisses.

Well, personally, I hope
rebecca gets the job.

I'll give you odds
she gets the job.

What makes you so sure?

Because hers are not
the legs of a loser.

So I pushed him into
the elevator... Yeah?

The doors closed,
and I walked away.

That's really funny.

Good for you.

You know, I've got an idea.

What's that, phil?


She only met him
a few minutes ago.

We've known him for years,

And we don't call him "phil."

That's just how
sophisticated people talk.

Dad's strictly business.

So if you're really
not busy tonight,

Why don't we just continue this
discussion over dinner, becky?

I'm all yours, phil.

Strictly business, huh?

"Becky, I'm all yours."

It means nothing.

Oh, yeah? Can you imagine
a guy sayin' that to dad?

"I'm all yours, phil."

If you ask me,
she's got the job.

If you ask me,
she's got dad, too.

Look, howard, will you
quit pushing cunningham?

I told you, he underwhelms me.

Yeah. I've narrowed
my choice down to one.

Rebecca conway.

What are you implying?

Sure, I took her out
to dinner a few times.

I did the same thing
for jim cunningham

When I was interviewing
him for the job, didn't i?

Of course I didn't
take him dancing.

He's a lousy dancer.

Oh, really?

Well, let me give you
the bottom line, howard.

I am going to present
rebecca's name for that position,

And I'm not gonna wait till the
board meeting on monday morning

Because there are too many
other things on the agenda.

Now, I want the executive committee
on personnel here tomorrow morning.

I know it's saturday, but I
want to get this thing resolved.

Yes. And look,

If you guys can't
go with me on this,

Then you don't need me.

I may as well resign as
chairman of the board.


Daddy, would you really
resign over hiring a woman?

Yes, I would. This is
a matter of principle.

It really bugs me.

You have a business dinner
with a prospective employee,

And just because she
happens to be a woman,

It's interpreted as
a sexual interest.

You can't blame them,
dad. She is a foxy lady.

She is. She's very attractive,

But that is beside the point.

You are absolutely right, daddy.

You know, those
men at your company

Are just being
old-fashioned and puritanical.

Yeah. They're just
jealous of you

'Cause you're makin' a fool of
yourself over a young chick.

I wouldn't have exactly
put it that way, arnold.

If I had another chance,
I wouldn't, either.

Look, guys,

Rebecca just happens to be the
best qualified person for the job.

Sure, we like each other,

But that's just a
delightful dividend.

Well, I better get ready.

Look, if she gets here, tell
her I won't be long, will you?


Arnold, that was
a dumb thing to say.

Which dumb thing do you mean?

About rebecca being so young.

Daddy's attractive and vital.

He's only about 20
years older than she is.

You mean when dad was
20 she was still in diapers?

Good thing he
didn't meet her then.

He'd take her to dinner
and have to burp her.

Look, daddy sounds
serious about rebecca.

That could lead to anything.

Even marriage?

It's possible.

Well, if I'm gonna
be tucked into bed,

She'd be a great tucker.

Hey, kimberly, how do you
feel about having a stepmother?

Well, I guess for a while,
right after mom died,

I would've hated the idea,

But now I realize
that life has to go on

And whatever makes daddy
happy makes me happy, too.

Yeah, that goes for us, too.

Let me ask you something.

Do you think she
likes dad for himself

Or because he can
get her the job?

Oh, that's an
obnoxious question.

Could you give us
an obnoxious answer?

That's probably her.

I'll put on some fresh coffee,

And you guys make
her feel at home.

I'm getting the feeling
this is gonna be her home.



Hi, arnold.

Man, do you look
nice, miss conway.

Why, thank you, willis.

Hey, hey, hey.

You dress that way
when you went to harvard,

No wonder you stood
out in your class.

How did you know
I went to harvard?

Dad let us look at your resume

Since we're big stockholders.

Oh, well, then you
must know all about me.

Yeah, how come
you're not married?

Actually, I was once,
but that's another story.

We got time.


Tell us, what happened
to wreck your marriage?

Excuse me a minute.

Uh, arnold, why don't we show

Miss conway our
stock certificates?

Excuse us a minute.

Our daddy will
be down real soon.

He's getting ready.

Yeah, he wants to
smell good for you.

Mind if I use your phone?

Oh, help yourself.

Yes, I'd like to make this
a collect call, please,

To area code 312-787-1098.

My name is rebecca conway.


Hi, steve?

How are you, sweetheart?

Oh, it's so good
to hear your voice.

I miss you, too.

Oh, it's gone better
than I expected.

I think I've got the job.

It's not the same
without you, honey.

I love you, too.

Rebecca: ok, sweetheart,

I'll call you again tomorrow.


Hi, miss conway,

I didn't know you were here.

Oh, hi, kimberly, how are you?

I'm fine, thank you.

I just made some fresh
coffee. Would you like some?

No, but thank you
very much, kimberly.

Oh, here's our stock
certificates, miss conway.

Kimberley's got 10 shares, too.

It's not a lot,
but it's a start.

Well, maybe one day
the stock will split.

Oh, no. This stock ain't
going anywhere without me.

Oh, good, you're here, rebecca.

I need your opinion desperately.

Ah, some corporate problem.

No, something much
more important than that.

I can't decide which one
of these ties to wear.

The ties are fine.
The suit has to go.

Would you please come up

And fashion coordinate with me?

I'd love to, phil.

Excuse me, guys.

You know, she
seems like a nice lady.

I guess I was wrong about her.

No, willis, I was wrong.

She's only playing
daddy for a fool.

She's got a boyfriend.

What you talkin'
about, kimberly?

How do you know
she's got a boyfriend?

She doesn't know
it, but I heard her

Talking to him on the telephone.

His name is steve.

Oh, you were right, willis,

She's only using
daddy to get the job.

I guess she is one of
those "ambitious women."

Poor dad.

She's gonna scratch and
claw her way up to the top

And leave him
lying in the gutter...

A heartbroken bum.

With his clothes ripped and torn

And no shoes.

And broken toenails.

The only time he gets to shower

Is when the truck comes
by to water the street.

Arnold you left out the part

Where he becomes
a hopeless drunk.

I was coming to that.

You know we got to lay this
whole thing on dad right away.

Oh, it wouldn't do
any good, willis,

She's got him walking on air.

He wouldn't believe us.

There's gotta be some
way to let him know.

I know! We'll send
him a letter that says:

Me, willis, and
kimberly found out

That sneaky rebecca
has a boyfriend."

Arnold, he'll know it's from us.

Not if we sign it "anonymous."

Listen, I don't think
will ever convince daddy

To lose interest in rebecca.

But maybe we can get rebecca
to lose interest in daddy.

Right. Let's tell
her he's crazy.

Ridiculous, arnold.

You're right. Let's tell
her he's got malaria.


Yeah, he was bitten by a
tsetse fly, right on the tsetse.

Arnold, the tsetse fly
doesn't cause malaria.

It gives you a
sleeping sickness.

Well tell her he's got that too.

No that's too far fetched.

We have to think of
something more believable.

Hey, yeah. We could
tell her he had amnesia.

I know that would turn her off.

Amnesia. Perfect.

We'll tell her that
if she marries dad,

He'll go to bed with the cat

And put her out for the night.

No, arnold, that's
not good, either.

But what are we
gonna say to her?

We're gonna say,
"hello, mrs. Drummond."

Ok, we're off, kids.

Now don't stay up too late.

Good night.

I hope to see you
soon. Good night.

Bye, dad. Bye-bye.

Bye, miss conway.

See you guys later. Bye.

"Good night, kids."

"Hope to see you soon."

Going out with dad,
and all the time she's got

A boyfriend named
steve warming up

In the bullpen.

What a hypocrite.

Hey! I've got an idea!

If she doesn't get that job,

She'll go back
to chicago, right?


So what's the idea?

That's the part I
haven't figured out yet.

Oh, terrific, arnold.

What do you want from me?

I'm not as bright as I look.

Hey, maybe there
is a way to keep her

From getting that job. How?

Well, that's having a board
meeting here tomorrow, right?

So? So we're stockholders.

We'll come to that board meeting

And lower the boom on her.

Yeah, but daddy said he'd quit

If she didn't get the job.

Kimberly, when dad
said that, he was in love.

He wasn't in his right mind.

Philip: now, this
is no idle threat.

I mean it, gentleman.

I will resign as
chairman of the board

Unless you support
me in hiring rebecca.

Phil, why you leave yourself
out on a limb like that?

I'm voting against you,
and so are ben and marty.

It's three to one.

Phil, this is the first time

So many of us are against you.

We can't all be
wrong, phil. Be sensible.

I am the only one
who is being sensible.

I don't care if
it's three to one.

Make that six to one.


What do you mean by
listening in on our meeting?

Well, daddy, we
don't have a vote,

But we have something
to say against rebecca.

Kimberly, since when
did you turn against her?

I thought you were
the one that wanted

To see a women get the job.

Well, I do it,
daddy, but not her.

You can't trust her.

Everything about her is shifty,

And that includes
the way she walks.

Well, I don't know what
you're talking about.

We can discuss it later.
Now go back upstairs.

But we've got a
right to be here.

Yeah, we each have
10 shares of stock.

They've got a point, phil.

Why not listen to the
junior stockholders?

Please, daddy, we really
have to talk to you.

It's for your own good.

Well, all right.

Excuse me a minute, gentlemen,

I'll be right back.

You had better have a good
reason for interrupting me.

We do.

Well, daddy... This
isn't very easy,

But, well, I found out that rebecca
isn't being very honest with you.

She's just using
you to get the job.

I don't believe that.

She's got a
boyfriend in chicago.

That can't be true.

It's true, dad.

Kimberly heard her
talking to him on the phone.

Well, so what?

Who cares? Is he
younger than me?

He couldn't be much older.

I mean...

Uh, well, you know what I mean.

Daddy, I don't know
anything about him.

You're still gonna
give her the job?

Yes, I am.

Even if what you say
is true, she is still

The person best
qualified for that position.

See what happens?

Love turns your
brain to grape nuts.

All right, gentlemen, now
you've all read rebecca's resume.

You've all met her.

And you know that she is

The best qualified
person for that job.

I'd just can't believe
that you would

Let a person as
valuable as she is

Get away from us.

Phil, we'd just be more
comfortable with a man.

So, you're turning her down
just because she's a woman.

Maybe the truth is
you're afraid that

She'll show a lot of people

That she's smarter
than they are.

I'm surprised at you.

I thought you guys were
more enlightened than that.

Phil, we know how you feel...

But it still three
to one against her.

Wrong, howard.
Oh, wait a minute, ben.

You, marty, and me.

That's three to one.

Phil does have a point,

And I'm voting on his side now.

Thank you, ben. That
makes it two to two.

Excuse me.

When we take over
the company, ben's out.

You ought to be
ashamed of yourself.

Just for opening the door?

What's the matter, rebecca?

Don't give me those
innocent blue eyes.

You want to know
about my past, ask me.

How dare you have a private
detective question steve.

Why would a detective
question your son?

Perhaps your
narrow-minded company

Doesn't allow a
woman to have one.

Well, I didn't know
steve was her son.

Kimberly, you sure
flunked eavesdropping.

Rebecca, I assure you

I had nothing to do with that.

Who do we have in our company

That would do
anything like that?

Well, i... I just thought
it was good business.

A private detective.

Well, that does it for me.

Make that three
to one on phil's side.

Make that six to one.

Yeah. Right.

Rebecca, I apologize.

But congratulations.

After all this, you
finally got the job.

You're too late, phil.

I already took a job.


When I found out
about your private cia,

I accepted an offer
from mcdill and company.

I've been holding
them off for weeks.

Oh, now, rebecca,
please reconsider.

We're much bigger than mcdill.

Yes, but now that I'm
going to work for them,

Maybe that'll change.

Rebecca, please.

Phil, it's better this way.

Look at what's happened already.

At your company,

I could even have a
meeting alone with you

Without creating a scandal.

It would be a no-win situation.

Unfortunately... I'm
afraid you're right.

Does that mean that we
won't be seeing you anymore?

We sure want to.


I'll be right here in new york.

That's up to your father.

Then the answer is yes.

Right, dad?

Well, I'll tell you, arnold,

I have a rule I always follow.

Never disagree
with a stockholder.

As long as you
feel that way, dad,

How about a dividend

On this stockholder's allowance?

♪ Now the world don't move ♪

♪ To the beat of just one drum ♪

♪ What might be right for you ♪

♪ May not be right for some ♪

♪ A man is born ♪

♪ He's a man of means ♪

♪ Then along came two ♪

♪ They got nothing
but their jeans ♪

♪ But they got
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the world ♪

♪ Yes, it does ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the world ♪

♪ Hmm ♪
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