03x22 - The Athlete

Episode transcripts for the TV Show "Diff'rent Strokes". Aired: November 3, 1978 –; March 7, 1986.*
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Series follows Arnold and Willis Jackson, two African-American boys from Harlem taken in by a rich white Park Avenue businessman and widower, Phillip Drummond, for whom their deceased mother previously worked, and his daughter, Kimberly.
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03x22 - The Athlete

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Now, the world don't move ♪

♪ To the beat of just one drum ♪

♪ What might be right for you ♪

♪ May not be right for some ♪

♪ A man is born ♪

♪ He's a man of means ♪

♪ Then along come two ♪

♪ They got nothin'
but their jeans ♪

♪ But they got
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the world ♪

♪ Everybody's got ♪

♪ A special kind of story ♪

♪ Everybody finds
a way to shine ♪

♪ It don't matter that you got ♪

♪ Not a lot... So what? ♪

♪ They'll have theirs ♪

♪ And you'll have yours ♪

♪ And I'll have mine ♪

♪ And together we'll be fine ♪

♪ 'Cause it takes
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the
world, yes, it does ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent
strokes to move the world ♪

We did it! We did it!

We won!

Willis pitched a no hitter.

We won! Fantastic! That's great!

We'll be in the city
playoffs next saturday.

Yeah, the bruins never made it

To the playoffs before.

Well, that's because
they never had

A willis jackson pitching
for them before. Ha!

Or an arnold jackson
sitting in the stands.

Tell her about it, willis.

Ok, kimberly. This
is what happened.

Willis mowed them down

Like a submachine g*n.


Oh, arnold, stay
out of it. Come on.

Yeah, let willis tell her.

Okay... Go ahead.

They couldn't
touch his fastball.

And in the 9th inning,
the last... Daddy!


Okay, so anyway... He struck out

The last eight batters.

He also drove in
the winning run.

Willis, you tell a great story.

Yeah, once I get warmed up.

Well, congratulations, willis.


Oh, is this the
jackson residence?

Yes, it's also the
drummond residence.

Well, I'm looking
for willis jackson.

I'm his father.

Oh, but the willis jackson
I'm looking for is black.

I'm still his father.


Oh, I get it.

I think.

I'm ed stockwood. I coach
high school baseball.

Phil drummond.
Come on in. Thanks.

What could we do for
you, mr. Stockwood?

Well, I was at the game today,

And I just wanted to
congratulate your son.

He was terrific!

Thanks. I never could
have done it without willis.

That is my other
son, arnold. Hi.

This is my daughter,
kimberly. Hi.

How do you do?

Well, I got to get
going to the library.

I won't be late, daddy. Okay.

Nice meeting you,
mr. Stockwood. Same here.

Bye-bye. Goodbye.

Kid that was one great
game you threw today.

That's some arm you got. Thanks.

And I ought to know, I played
major league baseball myself.

Hey, you play major league ball?

Oh, sure.

And stockwood's the
guy who stole home

In the world series.

That's right. But that
was a long time ago.

But old ball players never die.

They just end up
coaching high school ball.

That's why I was
at the game today.

Got to keep an eye
on the new talent

Like willis here.

Well, we're bringing
him along very carefully.

Willis is talented all right.

Yeah, that's him.

Mr. Talent.

And I'm not just
talking as his brother.

I'm talking as the guy who has
to carry home his smelly shoes.

Does willis always pitch
as well as he did today?

Frankly, no.

Sometimes he pitches better.

No, seriously though.

He is terrific.

Willis, you're a natural.

You're the kind of a
player that a coach

Just loves to get his hands on.

And the kind of player the girls

Love to get their hands
on too. Right, willis?

I don't know about that, arnold.

Well maybe a few of
them get out of control.

You know, willis,
I'd really like to

Have you on my team next year

When you graduate junior high.

Hey, thanks, coach.

I really want to play
ball for garfield high.


Oh, didn't I mention that i...

I coach at fillmore
high, not garfield.

Are you suggesting
willis go to fillmore high?

Hey, you hear that, arnold,

They want me to
play ball at fillmore.

Hey, that's super!

Yay, fillmore! Terrific!

What's so great about fillmore?

They're only city
champs five times.


But who's counting?

Well, we're delighted

That you want willis
to go to your school.

But I'm surprised.

I thought all the
kids in this area,

Had to go to garfield.

I didn't think we had
any choice in the matter.

Oh, sure you do.

It's done all the time. Really?

Don't worry about
it, mr. Drummond.

I'll take care of everything.

Just leave the
whole thing to me.

Say, by the way,

Where is fillmore, exactly?

It's in queens,
near shea stadium.

Oh, yeah. Yeah, dad,

It's just a hop,
skip and a jump.

Yeah, but look, that's
45 minutes on the subway.

That means you got
to get up earlier,

You will come home later.

And what about
meals and homework?

Can you handle that?

Yeah, dad. I'll have
breakfast between

A hop and a skip,

And I'll do my homework
just before the jump.

Mr. Drummond, we have the best
athletic program in the country.

Then you deserve
the best athletes.

Yeah, the best.

Why some of our players
go straight from high school

Into the majors.
Yeah, the majors.

And I make sure that all
our players get good grades.

I knew there was a catch.

I could do it, dad.

I promise you my
schoolwork won't suffer.

Come on, what do you say?

Well, we'll have
to think about it.

I'll get in touch with
you very soon, ok?

Please, do that.

A kid as loaded
with talent as willis,

Should have the best opportunity

To develop it.

He could have a great
career ahead of him.

And we can be a big help.

I'll keep that in mind.

We really appreciate
you stopping by, coach.

My pleasure. Okay.

Oh, I almost forgot.

I'm taking some of the players

To the mets game on sunday.

Going to introduce them
to some of my buddies

On the team. You want to come?

What time and where?

Arnold, he was talking to me.

Yeah, but I was
listening for me.

If there aren't enough seats,

I don't mind sitting
in the dugout.

Well, I think we can
find room for one more.

Take very good care of
that golden arm, willis.

That's your ticket
to the big leagues.

I'll be seeing you.

We'll keep in touch.
I'm sure we will.


Well, dad, what do you say?

Give me some time to think.

Okay, take as long as you want.

Take 30 seconds.

That long?

Willis, I'm only concerned
about your schoolwork.

Oh, it won't suffer, dad.

I promised, didn't i?

Yes, you did.

Okay, we'll get in touch
with coach stockwood,

And we'll tell him we'll do it.

All right! Thanks, dad!

All right, man, I got
to phone the guys.

Hold it, champ.

You don't want to
hurt that golden arm.

Better let my
fingers do the dialing.

Who am I calling?

Easy, arnold. Just rub it,

Don't pull it out of the socket.

Just think, willis.

After fillmore high
it's the major leagues.

I can see it now.

It's the world series,

You're out on the mound,

Striking out every batter.

50,000 Fans are going wild,

And they're yelling
and screaming,

"That's arnold's brother!"


You don't think
they might be yelling

That's willis jackson?

Maybe so.

But you'll tell them I'm
your brother, won't you?

I mean even after
you're a superstar,

And have a candy
bar named after you?

Of course I will.

Hey, listen, I got to get
started on my math homework.

Ah, you rest up for the game.

I'll do your math
homework for you.

Oh, okay.

I mean, you know
all about factoring,

And um, coefficients,

And inverse ratios.

On second thought,

The only way you're
really going to learn it

Is to do it yourself.

You're right. But it really
doesn't make any difference

If I do my homework or not.

Coach stockwood has
taken care of a few grades

For the players on the team.

Taken care of the grades?

What do you mean?

Well, he sees that
they get passing grades.

Hey, I wonder if he
does grammar schools.

Say, willis,

You think you could teach me
to be a great pitcher like you?

Hey, say no more. Thanks.

Okay now you stand
right here. All right.

Now, you're on the
mound and I'm the catcher.

Now bend over to see
me give you the signal.

I'm going to need
eye holes in this cap.

Okay, little brother.

It's the bottom of the 9th,

Bases loaded, two men out.

Your team's ahead by one run.

Now it's all up to you.

You strike one batter
out you win the game.

Now what do you do?

I panic.

No, you use your head.

You psyche out the batter.

You make him wait.

Now, spit some tobacco.

I don't chew tobacco.

How about bubble gum?

Whatever, just spit.

Look around.

Spit some more.

Now scratch yourself.


Where ever you want.

You're making $200,000 a year.

Now you're ready to pitch.

Now the strike zone
is from here to here.

Okay, now you wind up.

But you don't pitch.

What do you mean I don't pitch?

Arnold, you got
runners on bases.

Get back to the mound.

Okay, now.

You check out first.

Check out second.

Now you check out third.

Wait a minute, willis.

If I make $200,000 a year,

How come I got the bases loaded?

Arnold, just do what I tell you.

Now come on, give
me the old fastball

Right down the middle.

Come on fire it
in, babe, fire it in.

Fire right into
the mit, come on...

A simple "get out"
what have been enough.

I was just practicing.

Look, willis, this
just came for you.

For me? Mm-hmm.

I wonder who it's from.

I know a way to find out.

I hope you don't mind, willis.

Would it matter?

Wow. Oh.

Oh, man, check out this glove.

Man, this will be great
for catching fly balls.

Fly balls? With that,

You could catch
the goodyear blimp.

Hey, look at these
tape cassettes.

Who's your secret
admirer, willis?

It's from coach stockwood.

Hey, listen, he says,
"we're looking forward

"To having you on
the team next year.

Take care of that arm."

Man, he sure is
an all right dude.

Well, why is he sending
you all of these gifts?

Who cares?

Never look a gift
coach in the mouth.

That's about 20
tapes in there. Wow.

That makes 18 for
you and two for me.


That's my 10%.

Say hello to your agent.

Is this right, willis?

Yeah, you see now
you're getting it.

It's not hard.

Anybody could do it? See?

Well, what have we got here?

Willis got some new
cassettes, daddy.

May I cut in?


All right, dad. Get it.

Hey, you dance pretty good.

You come here often? Oh, dad.

Look at this great music, dad.

We got 20 cassettes.

20 Cassettes?

Who bought 20 cassettes?

That's a lot of money.

Oh, we didn't buy them, daddy.

It was a present to willis
from coach stockwood.

Really? Coach stockwood.

Yeah, and that's not all.

Look at this terrific
glove he bought me.

Man, he's really a big spender.

Yeah, that's my kind of coach.

A man with long arms
and deep pockets.

Well, he sure is
generous all right.

Why not? He's
getting a fine athlete.

Mr. Drummond? Yes.

Certified letter for you.

Sign here for
return receipt? Okay.

Thank you. Thank you.

Here. Oh, thank you.

Hey, it's from the
board of education.

Too bad. I was
hoping it was a check

From coach stockwood.

"We have received
notification that willis jackson

"Now resides at 9476 parkway
drive in flushing queens.

"Do to this change of address,

"He'll be required to attend
millard fillmore high school

Next semester."

He did it, arnold. He did it!

All right.

Willis, what is all this about?

Dad, he fixed it
just like he said.

Man, he's really a fast worker.

Well, wait a minute.

Saying that we
moved when we didn't.

That's lying.

Yeah, but that's the only way
I could play for fillmore high.

Even you wanted
me to go there, dad.

Stockwood had
no right to do this.

He didn't tell us that in
order to change high schools,

You had to fake your address.

Well, did you know he was
going to do that, willis?

Sure. It's no big deal.

Well, it certainly is.

Sending gifts is one thing,

But doing something illegal

Is absolutely unacceptable.

Who's address is this anyway?

The coach's sister.

Have the guys on the
team are living there.

That bathroom must
get awful crowded.

Arnold, they're just
supposed to be living there.

Dad, it's just the coach's way
of taking care of his players.


The same way he
gets the dumb ones

Passing grades.


That's grade fixing, willis.

Willis, I am appalled at this.

Yeah, but I'd never
do it myself, dad.

No, you darn well won't

Because you're not going
to go to fillmore high.

Say what?

You're going to go to
garfield where you belong,

And you're going to
return all of these gifts.

Does that include my 10%?

Yes, it does.

But dad, this is my chance

To play with the best.

You can't do this to me.

Well I just did it.

Oh, yeah?


And I don't want you
to have anything more

To do with that coach stockwood,

And that is final.

We'll see about that.

I mean it, willis.

Yeah, and so do i.

Willis, I know
you're disappointed

That you won't be
going to fillmore.

And I'm sorry.

But it's for your own good.

It's for my own good

To throw away a
great baseball career?

Right, dad. He'll be a has-been

Before he ever was.

Dad, you just don't understand.

On the contrary, willis,

I don't understand why
I didn't catch on sooner.

I guess we both
got carried away.

But coach stockwood
is nothing but a

Self-serving, manipulating

fast-talking con artist.

Dad, nobody's perfect.

Dad, you got him all wrong.

He's a great guy
and a great coach.

You want me to give baseball
my best shot, don't you?

Well, of course I do, willis,

As long as it
doesn't mean lying.

And as long as you have
something to back you up like,

For instance, an education.

What's an education
got to do with baseball?

All you have to know how
to do is spit and scratch.

A good education is
important for everybody.

And especially if
you're going to go

Into professional sports.

Look, for every
kid that makes it,

There are thousands
and thousands that don't.

And even if you do
make it, it's important.

Cause it can be
over very quickly.

In the case of an injury.

Yeah, but it's my life.

And I want to go to fillmore.

What gives you the
right to say I can't.

A piece of paper that
says I'm your father.

Yeah, and I'm beginning to think

That was the dumbest
piece of paper I ever saw.


I think your curve ball
has curved your brain.

He didn't mean that, dad.

Yes, I did.

Hey, I'm calling the coach,

And ask can I move
into his sister's place

For real.

That'll make you
real happy, dad.

Now I won't have to lie.

We'll discuss
this later, willis.

After you've calmed down.

Willis... Leave
me alone, arnold.

Willis, you really don't want

To move out, do you?

Yes, I do. I'm
calling the coach.

I can't let you do that.

Arnold, give me the phone.

Why should i?

Because I said so.
That's no reason.

Give me the phone

Or I'm going to hang
you by your feet

From the balcony.

Now that's a reason.

You've always wanted
your own room.

Now you've got it.

Please don't go, willis.

I don't want to sleep alone.

I'll have nightmares.

And what will happen
when I jump down

From my bunk to
go to the bathroom?

Whose head am I
going to step on?

The bottom bunk's all yours.

Look, willis.

You don't need coach stockwood.

If you've got the stuff,

You can become a
superstar wherever you go.

That's not the way
it works, arnold.

Coach stockwood
has all the experience

And all the right connections.

Have you ever seen
any major league

Baseball players come
out of garfield high?

Well, so what if you
don't become a superstar.

Who wants a candy bar
named after them anyway?

Think of all the cavities
you'll have on your conscious.

Arnold. Willis.

Give me the phone. Hey willis.

What do you want?

Oh, willis, stop
acting like such a twit.

You know daddy's right.

Why don't you just admit it.

Because he's not right.

You know what you are, willis.

You are living proof

That not all donkeys
have four legs.

Are you calling me stubborn?

Nah, she's calling
you a jackass.

Well, willis, are
you cooled off?

What is this? A
g*ng-up-on-willis party?

No, no, no, no.

I just was hoping
we could discuss this

A little more calmly that's all.

Yeah, will we've got
nothing to discuss.

Okay, we can talk
about this another time.

But look, you may be mad at us,

But we're not mad at you.

Right. Just because
you're acting impossible

Doesn't mean we don't love you.

Right, and don't worry.

We'll be at the playoff
game tomorrow,

Rooting for you to
pitch another no-hitter.

And if you do, I'll have the whole
team autograph the ball and

I'll show it to you when
you're a real old man

Sitting in a rocking chair,
remembering the game

While you're gumming a banana.

Yeah, well you guys can
forget the game tomorrow.

I don't want any of you there.

What you talking about willis?

Willis, what are you saying?

If you guys ain't going to
help me make it big in baseball,

I'll do it on my own.

I don't need you guys.

These hot dogs were
a great idea, daddy.

Next best thing to
being at willis' ball game.

I tried, but I just
couldn't make them

The way they do
at the ball park.

Cold, greasy and raw.

Now that's what
I call a hot dog.

Oh, gee, I sure hope willis
pitched all right today.

Yeah, I wish we could
have been at the game.

Hey, here he is.


How'd the game go?


We won.

Then how come you
look like you lost?

Did they get a lot
of hits off you?


You mean you pitched
another no-hitter.

For two innings.

Then they took me out of
the game because I hurt my arm.

What's the matter
with it? Where? Where?

Well the doctor said... Ah!

He said I had um...

What was that?

Inflammation of the
lateral epicondyle.

Couldn't they have found a
doctor that spoke english?

Arnold, that means
pitcher's elbow.

May I see that, please? Sure.

But it's not that serious, dad.


I think we better
have our own doctor

Have a look at that.

Anyway, it will be fine

By the time I go to
fillmore next year.

I'm going to get
my arm in top shape.

I'm going to make it big there.

Willis, please, let's
not start that again.


Yeah, sure. Just a minute.

Willis, it's for you. Okay.


Coach who?

Oh, yeah, I guess
you're calling about

Meeting the mets tomorrow.

Yeah, right. What
time should I be there?

Why not?

Well the elbow's
a little tender,

But it's not that bad.


Yes, I understand.

Sure, I see.

All right. Bye.

What is it, willis?
What happened?

Looks like I'm not meeting
the mets tomorrow.

They don't want me at
fillmore next year, either.

I don't understand.

Coach stockwood
was so hot for you.

It sounds as if
willis' injured elbow

Cooled him off. Right?

Right. He said you can't
trust an arm like mine.

Dad, you sure were
right about him.

Well, I wish I had been wrong.

Don't worry about it, dad.

You've been wrong before.

You'll be wrong again.

Coach stockwood
didn't even have the guts

To call me and tell me himself.

That was his assistant.

They said maybe I can come

The year after next.

They don't care about me.

All they care
about is my pitching.

Man, I wouldn't
go to that school

No matter what they offered me

Or whose coaching.

Good for you.

Willis, you know,

Anything really worth
having never comes easily.

All that extra
attention, all the gifts,

That's enough to throw a guy.

You just lost your perspective.

Yeah, I sure did.

I'm sorry, dad.

Will you forgive me?

I think that can be arranged.


And I'm sorry I gave you guys

Such a hard time too.

Will you guys forgive me too?

That's all right.

Yeah, don't worry
about it, willis.

Everything's going
to be just fine.

Just wait until next
year when I'm at garfield.

I'm going to get my
arm in such good shape,

I'm going to blow coach
stockwood right out the league.

No you won't.

Why not?

Because I'm going
to do it first.

I'm going to go to
the school board.

And I'm going to tell
them all about that guy

And how he operates and
that will be the end of him.

All right, let's
pluck that turkey.

Yeah, but I'm still
going to put out extra

Every time I go up
against fillmore.

And I'm going to play
extra hard against fillmore

When I go to garfield too.

What are you going to be?

A great pitcher like willis?

Nah, I'm going to
be a great batter.

I can get on base every time.

Arnold. You're not
that good a hitter.

I don't have to be.

Why not?

I've got a strike zone
that nobody can find.

♪ Now, the world don't move ♪

♪ To the beat of just one drum ♪

♪ What might be right for you ♪

♪ May not be right for some ♪

♪ A man is born,
he's a man of means ♪

♪ Then along come two ♪

♪ They got nothin'
but their jeans ♪

♪ But they got
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the
world, yes, it does ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes
to move the world, mmm ♪
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