02x19 - Betty Earns a Formal

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Father Knows Best". Aired: October 3, 1954 - May 23, 1960.*
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The series, which began on radio in 1949, follows the lives of the Andersons, a middle-class family living in the town of Springfield.
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02x19 - Betty Earns a Formal

Post by bunniefuu »

Male announcer: robert young...

And jane wyatt...

With elinor donahue, billy
gray, and lauren chapin

In father knows best.

Margaret, I'm home!

Margaret: we're in the kitchen.

Hello, dear. Hi, honey.

Hi, dad.

What a stack of bills.

Have you seen the mail?

Anything from aunt mattie?

No, but there's one
here from uncle sam

Reminding me of my
quarterly income tax payment.

What's this one?
"The paris shop."

Oh... Oh, that's
for betty's shoes.

Shoes from france?

No, dear. Just plain shoes.

I don't get this one.

It's from an establishment
called "the halo shop."

Who's buying halos?

That's the hairdresser. Oh.

You remember betty had
her hair restyled last month?

Seven dollars and
a half for a haircut?!

Well, it isn't something you can
have done at the barber shop.

You know, one of these days,
daughters may go out of style?

Fathers won't be
able to afford them.

Hi, daddy!

Hey, careful!

Daddy, there's something
you just gotta see!

Oh, what is it?

It's a poodle dog. A live one.

He has curls all over him,

And you just gotta see him!

Oh, you don't say.

He's at the pet shop, and
the man said I can have him.

How much? Only $75.

This is for one dog?

Well, you get a
free collar with him.

Oh... Please, daddy?

Now I understand why your
father looked so relieved

The day you and I were married.

Let me lick the pan!

Where's betty?

Oh, probably over
at janie's house

Making plans for the dance.

They're gonna have a big cinderella
ball out at the country club.

Oh, that's gonna cost me money.

I can just feel it coming on.

Why don't you just quit?

Quit payin' for
her stuff. Just quit.

Silly boy.

Oh, mother!

Oh, the most wonderful
thing! Wait till I tell you!

Do you remember the boy that brought
me home from janie's party last month

And took me to the
movies twice the next week?

You mean the blonde with the cute
butch haircut? Yes, don fredericks.

Well, guess who's taking
me to the cinderella ball

At the country club...
Just guess! Donald duck!

Oh, be quiet.

Could it be don
fredericks? That's right!

Oh, I'll be the envy of
every girl in school.

They're all simply
mad about him.

We call him, "donald
duck." All right, bud.

Well, we do! Does
he look like a duck?

Oh, why can't I ever say anything
without these children butting in?

When is the party
at the country club?

Two weeks from tomorrow night.

Oh, we'll have to start thinking

About what you're gonna wear!

Oh, I have nothing.
Absolutely nothing.

Where's father?

In the living room.

Hold onto your wallet,
dad. Here she comes.

Hello, father. Have a nice day?

Hello, betty. How's the
queen of the campus?

How's the king of
the insurance world?

Not bad, what's up?

I have some wonderful
news for you.

What's it gonna cost me?

You know don fredericks.

Yes, fine boy.

I do quite a little business
with his father hal fredericks,

President of the bank.

Well, then, you'll
be pleased to know

That he's asked me
to the cinderella ball.

Isn't that exciting?

Well, it's interesting.

You know what the
cinderella ball is, father...

It's just the biggest
social affair of the season.

Father, may I have a new dress?

I had a feeling that's what
you were leading up to.

Oh, I have it all picked out.

Oh, it's the dreamiest
thing you've ever seen.

It's down at the fashion shop.

I asked them if
they'd hold it for me.

Well, if this is such
an important occasion,

I guess we can swing it.

It's $89. If you
really feel that...


I know it's a lot, a lot
more than I've ever paid

For a party dress before,

But, oh, this isn't just
an ordinary dress.

It's the loveliest thing
I've ever seen. But, betty, $89!

If it were 15 or 20,
I'd go along with it,

But $89? I know...

Do you realize how much
that is? It's almost $100.

For one dress...

Which you probably
will wear to one party.

Oh, but there'll never be
another party like this one...

Not in my whole life, ever.

Oh, please, can't
i, father, please?

Oh, I'm sorry, princess,
you're asking too much.

You can't go through life handling
money like a kid in a candy shop.

Does that mean I can't have it?

No, it just means
I can't pay for it.

If you want to go out
and earn the money,

Then you're perfectly
free to buy the dress.

All right.

I'll do that. I'll get a job.

What's all this?

Betty's just come up
with a very sound idea.

He says the dress I want for the
cinderella ball is too expensive

And that I'll have to earn
the money for it myself,

So I'm going to get a job
afternoons and saturdays.

Well, how much is this dress?

$89. Oh, dear.

I know where you
can get a job. Where?

Well, they're looking for a
pin boy at the bowling alley.

Very funny.

Well, it doesn't take any brains,
and you could cut your hair.

Go ahead and laugh, everybody
laugh, but I'll show you.

I'm gonna get a job, and in
two weeks, I'm gonna earn $89.

You wait and see!

89 Divided by 2...

She'll never earn that
at the bowling alley.

I have 50 cents
in my bank, betty.

You can have
that. Thanks, kathy.

89 Bucks for a dress.

Well, you could
get a boat for that.

You can't wear a boat.

You can get a dress at the
thrift shop for five bucks.

They got 'em in the window.

Let's keep out of it, bud.

This is betty's private project.

We're not going to interfere.

Is that a promise?
That's a promise.

Why don't you get a job
as an airline hostess?

That'd be fun. Kathy!

What kind of a job could she
get that'd pay that kind of money

In two weeks?

Look, kids, what kind
of a job betty gets,

What she makes is
her own business.

She's doing this
completely on her own,

And we're staying out of it.


Thank you, father.

May I be excused?
I have to hurry.

A little early for
school, isn't it?

I have things to do.

Daddy, are you a tight-wad?


It's not exactly my
reputation, kitten, why?

When patty davis' father
won't give her money,

She says he's a tight-wad.

What's a "tight-wad"?

It's a man who's
stingy with his money,

And believe me, your
father's not that.

Then why doesn't he give
betty the money for her dress?

Kathy, you don't understand.

She must want that
crazy dress awful bad

If she's gonna work for it.

Tsk. I don't get it.

Well, I guess that
covers everything, hal.

I'll have the insurance
forms completed at the office.

I'll send you copies in a
couple of days. No hurry, jim.

I imagine don must be
a pretty excited boy...

Getting his first
new car. Yes, he is.

But he's earned
it... Saved his money.

Just between you and me,

I think he wants that red
convertible to impress your daughter.

I hear he's taking betty to that
big shindig at the country club.

Kids have a wonderful
time, don't they?

Sure do.

Those are my two
children over there.

This is don...

And this is my daughter linda.

She was married last week.

Oh? Pretty girl.

I always thought
of her as my baby.

Of course, she was
the first, I guess.

When I walked down the aisle
of the church to give her away,

It hit me very suddenly...

We wouldn't have her anymore.

The little toddler, the baby with
the curls who used to run to me...

Didn't need me anymore.

She was ready and...

Quite willing to go away.


I thought of all the things I
could've done for her and didn't do

Because I wanted her to
learn to do for herself.

Why did it seem so important?

She's in england now.

Well, when your daughter
gets married, you'll understand.

Yeah, you're right...

I know what you mean.

Honey, I'm home!

Hello, dear.


Going someplace?

No. Just sorting out these
clothes that kathy's outgrown.

They should be just right
for marge clark's little girl.

How was your day? Oh, fine.

Betty home yet? Not yet.

Aw, remember this, margaret?

Kathy's dress when she
was learning to walk.

I'll never forget
the way she looked

The first time you
put this on her.

Like a doll.

Hi, daddy! Hi, kitten!

Oh, what have you been into?

A frosting pan. Oh, what a face.

You like me today, don't you?

I like you every day.

Hey, my clothes!

Bud: hey, shrimp, are you gonna
finish the rest of this stuff?

Leave it alone! I'm coming!

Honey, I got to thinking
today about betty.

You know, she's 17 years old.

Oh, don't remind me.

We're not gonna have her with us
much longer... A couple years maybe.

She'll be getting
married, going to england...

Well, why england?

I don't know, someplace.
But she'll be gone.

I got to thinking about
that dress she wants.

I wondered how long

This "get tough" policy
of yours would last.

Well, if it'd mean so much
to her, i... I can swing it.

You do whatever
you want to, dear.

Well, this is one of those
once-in-a-lifetime things!

Going to that cinderella
ball in that dress

Will be something she
remembers as long as she lives.

Well, you earn the money.
If you wanna give it to her...

Hi, princess!

Oh, hello, father. Hi, mother.

Hello, dear. Come here a minute!

Something I wanna tell ya.

I've reconsidered on the dress.

Tomorrow we'll
go down and buy it!

Well, that's very thoughtful
of you, father, but it's too late.

I have a job! But princess!

After I thought it over, I
decided it was about time

That I got out and started
doing things for myself.

You're right, father. I can't stay
tied to you and mother forever.

Did I say that?

Did you get a job? I
start tomorrow morning.

All day saturdays, and
afternoons from four to six.

Well, what kind of a job is it?

Now, father, you said it was
to be my own personal business.

It's a job, that's all.

Are they gonna pay ya?
Salary and commission.

Now, I'm not going to
tell you anything more.

Did you get a job, betty?

Well, tell us where it's at!

Nobody in this family's
gonna know where I'm working.

You know what'd happen... You'd
all be down there hanging around.

Thanks for offering
to buy the dress, father,

But double-double thanks
for pushing me out of the nest

And making me fly alone.

I didn't push her out!

Where's she gonna fly to?

No place. She's
just hammin' it up.

What did I do?

I guess you said she
should be on her own.

I'll never understand it.

One minute you can talk
until you're blue in the face

And they never raise an eyebrow.

The next minute, you say one
word and the roof falls in.

Has she said anything to you
about where she's working?

Not yet.

How long has it been?
Over a week, isn't it?

Well, she started a
week ago, saturday.

Today's tuesday. That
leaves four more days to go.

You'd think we
would've heard by now,

That one of our friends would've
seen her wherever she's working.

Oh, relax, dear.
Betty's not a child.

Poor kid... Going
to school, working,

Practically k*lling
herself to buy a darn dress.

Well, it's good for her.

As you said, she'll
appreciate it more.

I didn't say that, either!
Everybody keeps saying I said things.

Somebody's walking around.

Hmm, probably bud looking
for something to eat.

Hey, betty!

So that's where you're workin'.

18 Bucks for one week.

And you gotta
make 89 by saturday?

Come in.

What's the matter, bud?
You'd better get sis into bed.

She's fallen asleep at her desk.

I told you, margaret!
She's exhausted.

Betty. Wake up.


Where is it? Huh?

What happened to it?

It's in your pocket.

Did anybody look at
it? Father? Mother?

Look at what? What are
you talking about, dear?

Nothing. Well, climb in.

Good night.

Good night, bud.

Good night, dear.

Good night.

You all right, betty?


I'll be in in a minute, honey.

Princess, listen to me.

You've gone far
enough with this job.

Now, you let me help you.

I'm gonna do it by myself.

I can do it if you'll
just give me a chance.

Just leave me
alone. I can do it.

You can't do anything about
it tonight, so go to sleep.

Well, tomorrow I'm going
to lay down the law to betty.

Stubborn kid.

If I only knew the kind of
people she's working for.

She's just an
innocent youngster!

There's no telling what
might happen to her!

Oh, I've never seen
you carry on so!

Oh, you just don't know how a
father feels about his daughter.

You just don't know.

I want her to be happy.

I've driven her
away. Now she's gone.

But I can't help
her. I don't know...

Where she is or what she's...

Now, get this into
your head, baby!

When I say dance
for the customers,

I mean dance for the
customers! I don't want to!

I didn't know it was
this kind of a job.

I've never worked
before. I didn't know.

She didn't know.
She didn't know!

Well, you're gonna
learn, little chicken!

You come here
to work, didn't ya?

Well, I had to have the money.

My father wouldn't
give it to me.

He doesn't care
what happens to me.

He just wants to get rid of me!

Your father. Your father!

Your father!

Enough of your blubbering!

Get out there
and earn your salt!

Oh, no! Oh, no!
Help, father! Father!

Betty, I'm here! Betty!

Go to work! Go to work!

Go to work! Go to work!

Father! Father! Father!

Let me in! Let me in!

Let me in! Let me in!

Let me in! Let me in!

Let me in! Let me in!

Let me in!

Father, what's the matter?

What's going on?


Oh, thank goodness
you're all right.

Oh, what a dream I had.

What were you doing? Knocking
down the walls of jericho?

What happened, father?

Oh, just a dream
or a nightmare. I...

I'm sorry I woke everyone up.

Good night.


Would you like me to
get you some warm milk?

Oh, no, I'll...
I'll be all right.

You going to sleep?

Ah, I'd sure like to get my
hands on that bartender.

Margaret, I'm home!

Hello, dear.

Oh, hi.

Betty home? Not yet.

Have you heard
anything? Not a word.

Well, we're gonna have it
out when she comes home.

This game of hide-and-seek
has got to end.

It's making a wreck out of me.

Don't forget, you're the one
who suggested that she get a job.

And you did make a promise to
betty that you wouldn't interfere.

I only wanna know what
she's doing. Is that interfering?

Well, tomorrow's
saturday. It's her last day.

Tomorrow night,
the cinderella ball.

How in the heck could she've
earned $89 in two weeks?

I don't know. Oh,
maybe she didn't.

Hello, betty. Hi, princess!

Hello. How's it going?

Oh, all right, I guess.

Well, why the coat and bag?

I was too tired to
change out of my...

My work clothes.


Oh, hello, don!

Sure, wonderful!

Well, that woke up
the sleeping beauty.

Did you ever see
anyone revive as...

How's the new car?
I'm dying to see it!

Betty! What in the...

Oh, sorry, don, gotta dash.
See you tomorrow night.

Margaret: betty!
What do you got on?

You promised not to
ask questions, remember?

That's before you
joined a burlesque show.

Betty! Betty!


Well, where have
you been? Working.

Working? You didn't
tell us you had a job.

I just got it today.
Afternoons and saturdays.

Well, tell us all about
it. Where are you working?

Sorry, dad. I can't
tell ya. Not you, too.

Hey, betty! I got your compact!

You nearly left it on the bus!

Bud! Just can't tell ya, dad.

Well, at least he wasn't
wearing a ballet outfit.

If bud picked up betty's
compact on the bus,

They must've come home
together, right? Mm-hmm.

Well, it's pretty obvious
they're working in the same place.

Although I can't exactly
picture bud in a burlesque show.

Why does he come in and dump
these things on the hall table?

Bud! Wait a minute.

What is this?

Pardon me, young man. Where
will I find the baked beans?

Uh, beans are...

Down this aisle and to the left.


What are you doing here?
I mean, how did you know?

I just happened
to be passing by.

Where's betty? Well, she's...

I promised I wouldn't tell.

Now she's gonna think
I blabbed everything.

I'll explain it to her,
son. Don't worry.

Here they are... Sweet and
luscious, double-delightful.

The best peaches
you ever tasted.

Peachy peaches, the
cream of the crop.

Try a sample of peachy
peaches. You'll find they're...


What are you doing here?

You promised you
wouldn't interfere.

Your mother and I got a
little curious last night

When we saw you in this get-up.

Bud told you, didn't
he? No, he didn't.

Manager's looking.

How're you doin'? No questions.

I just came by to
see if I could help.

Well, thanks, but...

Oh, father, quick, do something.

What's the trouble?
There's don fredericks.

If he sees me
like this, I'll die!

Oh, get back here. I
can't with this thing.

Give it to me. Go on, hurry up.

Are these clings or freestones?

Uh, they're, uh,

A combination.

Oh, thank you!

Hello, don. Hi, mrs. Marks.

Free samples?

Help yourself. Thanks.

Hey... You're mr. Anderson!

Betty's father.

That's right. How
are you, don? Fine.

Uh, you, uh, work here?

No, I'm just sort of
helping out a friend.

What are you doing?

I came to get an ad for the
school paper for mr. Hixon.

Got one, too. Good.

Well, see you later, don.

Yeah. Yeah, so long.

All clear.

Oh, father, I love you.

Have you earned enough
for your dress yet?

Well, not quite.

I still have five hours to go.

Gee, betty, you
look like an angel.

Oh, thanks, kathy.
It's beautiful!

All we need now is
for don to drive up

With a golden coach
and six white horses.

Oh, look at it!

Feast your eyes on it... $89!

I don't know how
you ever did it!

Peaches, mother.

Cases, and cases,
and cases of peaches.

Oh, there's don!

Good night, dear. Bye, princess.

Good night. Have fun!

Bye! Good-bye!

Well, thank
goodness that's over.

Well, it was a great
experience for betty.

It certainly was.

Believe me, it's a difficult
thing for a father to do...

To force his daughter to
go out and fend for herself.

You have no idea.

I can imagine.

Kathy: I'll get it!

Betty probably forgot something.

Eh, the door's unlocked.

Kathy: daddy!

There's a man at the door.

Well, what does he want?

He has some packages for daddy

From hixon's market.

Ten cases of peaches.

Honey, you've
never been a father.

What a family.

Probably thought they
were going to wait up for me

And fell asleep
watching television.

Couldn't quite make it.

Good night, betty.

I had a perfectly
wonderful time.

Betty, may i?

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