02x23 - Kathy, the Indian Giver

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Father Knows Best". Aired: October 3, 1954 - May 23, 1960.*
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The series, which began on radio in 1949, follows the lives of the Andersons, a middle-class family living in the town of Springfield.
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02x23 - Kathy, the Indian Giver

Post by bunniefuu »


Announcer: robert
young and jane wyatt,

With elinor donahue, billy
gray and lauren chapin,


Whatcha making?

Get lost, squeegee.

Beat it, will ya? We don't need
any sidewalk superintendents.

This backyard is a free country!

Then it ought to be
free of pests like you.

You're real mean!

Leave my stuff alone.

I need this brush, bud. I'll
trade you this cap for it.

What do I want
with that old thing?

Put my brush back
and get out of here.

Oh, no, you don't! Mommy, mommy!

She swiped my paintbrush!
I didn't swipe it! It's a trade!

A trade? Do you
call this trading?

It's good salesmanship,
like what daddy does.


There must be
sometime when it's okay

For a gentlemen to sock a girl.

There isn't. Now,
what's this all about?

He won't trade me! He won't
trade me! She swiped my...

Now, wait a minute. Kathy,

Why don't you go and play
with some of your girlfriends?

There's nobody around today.

Well, can't you find
something to do?

If bud would let me have this
paintbrush, I could use my painting set.

Trade? And she'd
leave you alone.

What do I want
with this old thing?

Well, you could wear it when
you're riding your scooter or bike.

Please, bud?

Okay. Anything
to get rid of you.

You worked hard
enough to get that brush.

Why don't you go
and use it... Now.


I finished it, mother.

Isn't it the living end?

Bought the cap, sewed
the sequins on myself.

That's pretty,
but a little gaudy.

Oh, only for women
of your age, mother.

Nobody'll wear scarves
anymore. These are much more chic.

Gee, I'd sure like one.

Wait'll boys start taking
you out in open cars.

Well, I could wear
it when I ride my bike.

Okay, you can have
the leftover sequins.

Do you have another
cap I can have?

No, you'll have to
find one for yourself.

Hi, dad. Hi, mr. Anderson.

Hello, dear. Hi, father.

Bud give me back my cap.
Here's your paintbrush.

How can a guy get anything
done with you around here?

What'd you do with my cap?

I'm keeping it. You pestered me to make
the trade, and now you're stuck with it.

It's mine now! Break
it up! Break it up!

She pestered me to
trade the brush for the

Cap, and now she wants
to call off the deal.

It's a woman's pra... Pri...

Right to change her
mind, isn't it, daddy?

Well, kitten, when
it comes to trades,

Both sides have to agree,
and it looks like bud doesn't.

You're darn right
I don't! You got to!

No, no, no, no.

Once the property's changed
hands, you have no claim to it.

I'm sorry, kitten, but
those are the rules.

Daddy, you sure
got a stubborn son.

Now, don't cry, dear.

You know I didn't
get soap in your eyes.

Hush. I know you're hungry.

Your bottle's warming.

We're behind
schedule this morning,

But a woman's
work is never done.

Say hello to grandma, dear.

Oh, let's not rush things.

I wish my doll could say
something besides "mommy."

I know what you mean, darling.

I remember I wished the same
thing when I was your age.

Gee, mommy, were you
really my age ever?

Gee. Genevieve, I wish

I didn't have to
talk for both of us.

My imagination gets tired.

It does?

No one would ever know it.

Watching you makes me
sort of lonely for a baby.

Hey, maybe that's what
we need around here.

Let's stick to dolls.

They only grow as
fast as you want them to.


Hi, susie!


Want to go for a walk?

Can't. Have to mind
the baby. Come on in.

But be quiet. Debbie's sleeping.

Debbie's so cute.

Wish I had a real
baby instead of a doll.

Nobody has to mind a doll.

I got to stay home all
the time on account of her.

But a real baby's fun!

You sound just like mommy.

She and daddy think
debbie's so great.

They don't think that about me.

But they gotta, susie. You
were once their baby too.

Not anymore, I'm not.

"Isn't she cute?"
"Isn't she darling?"

You'd think she was the
only baby they ever had.

Gee! That's not right.

That's treating
you like cinderella.

I wish debbie was a doll...

Instead of a baby.

I got my doll genevieve,

And I wish she was a baby.

You got debbie,

And you wish she was a doll.

Wouldn't it be great
it we could trade?

If we did, you'd be sorry.

You'd want genevieve right back.

No, I wouldn't.
Besides, my daddy says

Once you trade with
someone, you can't trade back,

Unless the other
person wants to.

I'd never want to.

Then what are we waiting for?

Wait a minute.

Daddy says you can't
trade what's not yours.

Debbie isn't your
baby. Yes, she is.

Mommy and daddy are always
telling me she belongs to all of us.

I'm going now, susie.

I'm going shopping, dear,

And I want you to take
good care of debbie, will you?

I got to take care
of her all the time!

Oh, but, darling, she's
your very own baby sister.

You should love
taking care of her.

I'll tell you what you do.
Pretend she's your doll, susie,

Like your very own little girl.

Oh, gee. Mrs. Martin,

Is debbie really susie's baby?

Well, of course
she is. Her very own.

Isn't she really
yours and mr. Martin's?

Well, no more so
than she is susie's.

Well, can't she do whatever
she wants to with debbie?

Bet she can't.
Well, yes, she can,

As long as she doesn't do
anything to hurt the baby.

But susie wouldn't do anything
like that, would you, sweetheart?

No, mommy. Look, I
have to hurry now.

Be sure and give debbie her
bottle as soon as she wakes up.

I will. Bye, girls.

Okay, I guess you're right.

Is the carriage yours too?

I don't know. Mommy never said.

We'd better not include
it in the deal then.

I think my buggy's
big enough anyway.

With debbie gone,
maybe mommy and daddy

Will pay some attention to me.


Shh, debbie! Shh!

I'll get you a bottle.

I'll get it. I'm
expecting a call.

Don't cry, honey. I'm
gonna feed you too.

But you haven't got any teeth.

Shh! Please!

I want you to be a secret!

Bud anderson,
you've got your nerve!

You're not getting
away with this!

That was a sneaky thing
to do. What's eating you?

You're eating my sandwich.
That's what's eating me.

You're batty. This is my
sandwich. I made it myself.

Made it yourself? I'll bet.

Did mine walk away by itself?

Well, I know I'm home.
Nice, peaceful household.

Father, he's impossible.

I can't say that you're possible
at this moment, princess.

Margaret, I'm home.

That can't be a baby crying.

Well, if it isn't, this
house is haunted.

Well, that's the "livest"
ghost I've ever heard.

What in the world?

Please, baby, please!

Everybody's gonna hear you!

I don't want them to
know you're here yet.

They shouldn't
find out all at once.

She's mine!

I was gonna let you
know a little at a time!

But, kathy, this is news you don't
break gently. It's debbie martin.

I traded genevieve
to susie for her.

Oh, mrs. Martin must be frantic!

You traded a doll for a
baby? Kidnapping, just about.

It was a fair trade!
Betty, call mrs. Martin

And tell her I'm
bringing debbie back.

I'll explain what
happened when I get there.

No, mommy! Debbie's mine now!

Mrs. Martin said the
baby belongs to susie,

So susie's got a right to trade!

Darling, you can't
trade off human beings!

Susie doesn't
want the baby! I do!

Oh, kitten, be sensible!

I traded just the way you
told me yesterday, daddy.

Comparing a baby
with a paintbrush?

You're not that
dumb. Or are you?

Bud, you'd better go
downstairs. I'll take care of this.

I guess your fair
trading is only for kids!

Grownups can
cheat all they want!

Darling, you must understand...
I don't love you anymore!



Oh, mrs. Martin certainly
was relieved to get debbie back.

Poor little susie.

Were you able to
explain things to kathy?

Oh, I can't do a thing with her.

She just can't seem to
understand the difference.

Any second-grad kid would
know you can't trade off a baby.

It's like... Well, it's like
sl*very. I'd like to sock her one.

You don't punch ideas into people's
heads, bud. She's just being stubborn.

No, no, kathy has a blind spot
about this thing, and it's my fault.

I made such a point of
explaining fair trading

That now she's... She's...

You'd better sit down, dear,
before you wear out the carpet.

Honey, I don't think you
realize how serious this is.

Well, it isn't as serious
as you think, dear.

But it's more than
stubbornness. She's confused too.

I'll go along with
you on the confusion.

I'm a fairly logical thinker.

I can usually get
my ideas across.

But I can't reach kathy on this.

Maybe when she
gets hungry enough,

She'll come down and
we can all talk to her.

Not eating dinner worries me.

When kathy refuses
to eat, that's serious.

I'm gonna have one
more try at this.

If I can't make my own daughter
understand the difference

Between trading a human being

And-and a thing,

Then I'm not the
salesman I think I am.

The way everybody
acted around here,

You'd think I was one of the
fbi's most-wanted crooks.

What did the
martins do to susie?

Oh, if you could only talk,

I'd bet you'd give me an earful.

Jim: kathy, darling,
may I come in?

Kitten, please unlock the door.

You always say there
are times when even kids

Have the right to privacy.

I want to be alone.

Well, don't you want
something to eat?

You must be starved!

No, thank you, daddy.

I don't think I'll
ever be hungry again.

Oh, be a good sport and
unlock the door, honey.

Mommy and I are worried
about you. So are betty and bud.

Bud and betty... They
don't care about me.

They just think I'm a pest.

Oh, no, they don't
think you're a pest.

We all love you, and we
want you to feel better.

I don't feel like
feeling better, daddy.

Good night.


Mission a failure. Poor father.

You and dad ought to
get tough with kathy, mom.

Being young's no excuse
for being so dopey.

I'm glad you realize that.

Margaret, she was
painfully polite,

Which means she's
seriously upset.

She's just acting up 'cause she
likes to be the center of attention.

The little pest is
upsetting everyone.

I'll tell you one thing... You're part of
the trouble, always calling her a pest.

She just said so now. She
thinks you don't love her at all.

Oh, jim, dear! Well, of
course we love her, father.

Sure, but she is a pest.
You treat her like a pest,

Always chasing her away
whenever she wants to play with you.

No wonder the poor child
wanted the martin baby to play with.

She certainly doesn't get any companionship
out of her own brother and sister.

Well, goodness, father,
she's such an infant.

Yeah. Gee, dad.

All the more reason for not
being so impatient with her.

Well, the two of you
aren't so busy you can't

Devote a little time
to your baby sister.

I guess maybe
you're right, father.

I suppose you've got to make
some sacrifices for your family.

I don't know what anyone can
do now. Kathy's too disturbed

To be influenced by anyone.

Well, maybe we can
reach her, father.

After all, we're more her
contemporaries than you and mother are.

Yeah, we dig her
age group easier.

Let's give it the
old school try.

Betty: roger.

I've never felt this
helpless with kathy before.

Oh, you know how kathy is, dear.

Whenever she gets contrary,
she always takes it out

On the one she loves
best, and that's you.

Then she certainly
must be crazy about me.

Hi, kathy, dear.

Hello, betty. Hiya, kid!

How about asking us in?
I was just going to bed.

"Bed"? It's too early.
I'll tell you what.

How about a game of checkers?

You hate playing
checkers with me, bud.

You always say so.

Well, heck, can't a
guy change his mind?

Did daddy bawl you out?

Is that why you're
being so nice to me?

How would you like me
to read you a story, kathy?

Come on, honey. You can
get into bed, and I'll read.

It's not necessary, thank you.

Sure. Let her read.
You don't need me.

Oh, no, you don't.

Come on.

What story shall I read, honey?

I don't really care
for one, thank you.

Here's your genevieve.
I know you want her.

I just want my baby.

Maybe we can go to the
movies tomorrow. It's saturday.

I'll give you the cap back and
you can wear it to the show.

And you can keep
the paintbrush too.

I guess daddy must've bawled
you out something awful.

Listen, kathy, how would
you like me to fix you

A great, big, double,
extra-special banana spit

With chocolate and
marshmallows and nuts?

And mom's got some
watermelon pickle.

That ought to spark it up swell.

Oh, that sounds
like a great idea, bud.

Kathy must be awfully hungry.
That'll make you forget debbie martin.

You can't trick me
into feeling good.

I don't want
anything but my baby.

I give up.

We offer to sacrifice ourselves,
and you don't appreciate it.

Well, go ahead! Be miserable!

If only he hadn't
mentioned the banana split.

I wonder if watermelon pickle

Would be good on it.

Someday when I eat again,

I'm going to try it.

We're big flops too.
Just like you, father.

She's really nutty, dad.

I wonder what she'd say
if you suddenly decided

To trade me off for claude messner...
Would she think that was okay?

Oh, she'd think that was great,
except she can't stand claude.

Don't be ridiculous.
Wait a minute, jim.

Maybe it's not so ridiculous.

I we can make her
laugh at herself,

She'll soon snap out of this.


Good morning, kitten.

We have sausages, french
toast... Everything you like.

Good morning, daddy, mommy,

Betty, bu... Claude!

If you don't mind, mom...

If you don't mind,
mommy, I'd like to eat

My breakfast in my
room this morning.

Oh, all right, dear,

If that's what you want.

Here, let me fix you a plate.

Well, kitten, we'd like you
to eat with us this morning.

Thank you, daddy,
but I'm not in the mood.

The french toast is swell, mom.

Could I have some more, please?

Have some sausage too, son.

Thanks, dad.

What's going on
here? Where's bud?

Oh, that's right.
You didn't know.

We traded bud for claude.

I was you who gave us the idea.

We thought it might be fun to
exchange sons with the messners.

You know, have a new
boy around the house.

If it was okay for
you to trade bud,

Why wasn't it okay for
susie to trade debbie?

Ah, there's a difference.

The parents agreed
to trade bud for claude.

Now, susie has no right to trade
debbie without her parents' consent.

Of course, we can always
trade back with the messners.

Only if they agree. Now
do you understand, kitten?

I understand one thing...

Bud's no angel, but I'd nev...

Daddy, you got
yourself a bum deal.

She was supposed to laugh.

She acts like this is okay.

I just can't believe
she'd take this seriously.

Wait a minute, margaret. Maybe
we're carrying this thing too far.

I don't for one minute believe
she's as calm as she pretends.

She's probably thinking
if we did this to bud,

We'll be trading her off next.

I don't think so, jim.

I'm beginning to go
along with bud and betty...

Kathy's being stubborn.

Well, I'm going upstairs
and tell her the truth.

I think she deserves an apology.

As soon as I eat,
I'm gonna do it.

It's the only right thing to do.

I'm surprised I can
eat, upset as I am.

Come in.

I'm glad to see you ate
your breakfast, kitten.

My strength was falling down.

Kathy, there's something... I
want to tell you something, daddy.

Ladies first.

What did you want to tell me?

Daddy, I've been
awful mean to you,

And I'm sorry...
Real, honest sorry.

Well, I've been mean to you,
too, kitten, and I'm sorry.

What did you do to me?

Well, we didn't really
trade bud to the messners.

We just pretended to, to
show you how awful it was

To trade off people.

Oh, daddy, you
didn't really think

I fell for that, did you?

I'm not that silly.

I knew all the time
why you were doing it.

I knew all the time susie
didn't have the right

To trade that baby.

I'm a little stubborn, I guess.

"A little stubborn"? Oh, kitten.

Why did you act like
that and upset us all?

I wanted the fun of playing with

A real, live baby.

But I guess you
wouldn't understand,

Not being a mother.

What I don't understand
is how susie could

Give up her baby sister.

She wanted to be the only
child in the family for a while.

She thought her mommy and
daddy would pay more attention

If the baby wasn't around.

Well, it's perfectly natural
to be jealous of a tiny baby.

Betty was jealous of bud when
he was born, but she got over it.

Was bud jealous of
me when I got born?

Her certainly was.

And if we had another
baby, you'd be jealous of it

Till you saw how foolish it was.

But, daddy, I'm not
the jealous type.


Mommy, I'm home!

Margaret: oh, hello,
darling. Look what I've got.

What's debbie doing here?

Mrs. Martin and susie had an errand,
so I'm keeping debbie for the afternoon.

Isn't she darling?

Yeah. Mommy, I'm hungry.

Mommy, I'm hungry!

You are the darling-est thing.

Come on! Smile! Come on!


Do you want something,
kathy? Never mind.

Oh, you're the sweetest
thing I've ever seen!

My own mother,

Giving me the cold
shoulder for a baby!

And I wanted to
trade you for debbie.

Boy, am I glad the
deal fell through.

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