02x30 - Betty, Girl Engineer

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Father Knows Best". Aired: October 3, 1954 - May 23, 1960.*
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The series, which began on radio in 1949, follows the lives of the Andersons, a middle-class family living in the town of Springfield.
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02x30 - Betty, Girl Engineer

Post by bunniefuu »

Robert young...

And jane wyatt.

With elinor donahue, billy
gray, and lauren chapin...

Do we get paid for these jobs?

Heh! Oh, no.

This is merely in the
nature of training.

Various local institutions
are cooperating

To provide this opportunity

For a firsthand look at the kind
of a career you think you want.


Chemical research. Fine.

You go out to the, uh, altro
corporation monday morning

And report to a mr. Hodgeman.

Thank you.

Do you know what
you're gonna sign up for?

Definitely. There's
no doubt in my mind.

Well, what I'd really like
to be is a ski instructor.

Oh, they wear such cute clothes.

Glover: next.

Oh. It's my turn.

Oh, dear. Oh, dear.

You sign here. Name,
secretarial work... Or whatever.


Oh. Oh, how do
you spell "cinema"?

The local firms and the
departments of the city hall

Who are cooperating
in this project

Will hardly be
able to provide you

With practical training
as a cinema star.

Oh, I was gonna put
down cinema usher.

That'll give me a chance
to see some free movies.

Yes, well, I would suggest

That you put down
"secretarial work".

I think that would be best.

All right.

Report to this address
monday morning.

Thank you.

Mr. Glover, I want to tell you

That I think the series
of vocational lectures

Has been just wonderful
and very helpful.

They certainly helped me.

Well, that's fine.

Before I was just sort of
flopping around, floundering.

Didn't really know which
way to turn. But now...

Yes, that's fine, miss
anderson. Sign right here.

Now I feel as though my whole
future's been crystallized.

Right here... Name
in this column.

Yes, sir.

Betty, you must be kidding.

Look what you put
down. You don't mean that.

Why not? What's wrong with that?

But... You're a girl.

Are girls people?

Thank you, mr. Glover.

Isn't it cute? I just
couldn't resist

Buying it for betty.

I hope she'll like it.

Like it? She'll grab it and
race from mirror to mirror,

Swooning at every glance.

Why do girls act so
silly over dresses?

It's almost simple-minded.

So that they'd look feminine

And trap some simple-minded male

And get him to pay for
all their silly dresses.

Touche, touche.

Actually, betty's
getting to the age

Where she needs some
grown-up... Mother?

Mother, father...

I have something to tell you,

Something quite important.

And I have something
for you, too.

Very nice. Now listen...

The best way to take
things is calmly and quietly,

Especially for parents.

Calmly and quietly,
and not to go to pieces

Till you've had time to
think things through.

In case you didn't
catch it, this is a dress.


It's very pretty.

Now, there's no need for
anyone to go off the deep end

Because when you look at
this in its true perspective,

It makes sense, it really does.

What does?

Father, how can I explain it

If you keep interrupting? Sorry.

The last few weeks
at school, we've...

Father! I'm listening!

We've been having a series of
vocational guidance lectures,

Taking tests and
all. The purpose is...

Mother! I'm listening.

The purpose is to mold
our putty-like little brains

Into the channels
they were intended for,

Help us find out
true niche in life.

We know what vocational
guidance is. Just tell us...

I'm trying to.

I have found my
niche. I know my bent.

Your what? Bent.

Then why don't
you straighten up?

Ha! Pretty good one, huh?

Jim: great.

So, what I want to do...

Hi, mom. Boy, that
claude messner...

You know, he's
got this jalopy...

Bud, don't let your
jacket lie on the floor.

Oh, here I come home
with fabulous news,

And no one pays
any attention to me.

Then stop beating
around the bush

And tell us what
this fabulous niche is.

Guess. Guess what
I'm going to be...

What I'm cut out for.

Well, let's see...
Grease monkey?

Sandhog? Mattress renovator?

Oh, all right. If you
jokers will just keep quiet,

I'll tell you.

I am going to be an engineer.

Betty, I think if you
try this dress on...

Mother! Didn't you
hear what I said?

I'm going to be an engineer.

Yes, I heard you.

But you don't believe me.

Certainly not. You're joking.

Oh, am i? Do you know
what I'm going to do

All next week during
spring vacation?

I'm going to work with a
county surveying crew.

Surveying crew?

Surveying crew?!

That's right... A
surveying crew.

Surveying crew?

Oh, who asked you anything?


Surveying crew? Surveying crew?

Surveying crew?


Jim, she can't
possibly mean that.

Can she? Huh? What'd you say?

This business of going
out with a surveying crew.

You don't think she's
really serious, do you?

Oh, yes, she's quite serious.
For the moment, at least.

But I'd say after half a day
of tramping through the dirt

And lugging
surveying instruments,

She'll be ready to take up some
nice vocation like crocheting.

I will not give this
up after half a day

Or half a year or anything else.

Can't you understand
I really mean this?

Oh, betty.

This isn't the sort
of life for you.

You shouldn't be out
working with a road g*ng.

It's not a road g*ng, mother.

I'll be with the county
surveying crew...

Approved by the high school...

Getting practical experience.

That's the idea of it...
Practical experience.

It doesn't sound
very practical to me...

A girl.

Well, what's wrong with girls?

Girls enter all kinds of professions
now, and why shouldn't they?

Answer me that.

Um... Did you try
on that new dress?

No, I haven't had time.

Say, which one do you
think I ought to wear...

This one or the western?

I guess the wool would
look better with bud's boots.

What about bud's boots?

Relax, I'm just gonna
borrow them for a few days.

Now, wait just a minute.

Are there any other
girls going on this thing?

Well, not on surveying,
but on other jobs...

Whatever they're interested in.

I'm the only girl who
signed up for surveying.

I'm surprised
they'd take a girl.

Why shouldn't they?

Besides, they
don't know I'm a girl.

When I signed up, I
used my initials... B.j.

Now, about these boots, b.j.

Oh, don't be so stingy.

Betty, before you plunge
headlong into this thing...

I'm not plunging. I went
to all the lectures.

I took all the tests. I showed
a strong aptitude for it.


It appeals to me. I
love the out of doors.

And I'm no dummy at math.

No, what little
you've had so far.

But wait till you run into
trigonometry, calculus.

Do you realize
engineering schools

Are some of the
toughest to get into?

So, you think I
should give up a thing

Just because it's difficult?

Uh... No. No, I
just mean that...

You're a girl...
That's the main thing.

What's your
training been so far?

Music, ballet,
english literature.

There's music and
poetry in a fine bridge.

One lecturer said there's beauty

In a well-constructed
sewer pipe.

Wait a minute.
This, uh, lecturer...

Is he tall, dark and handsome?

Oh, don't be so
juvenile, father.

There's more to life than
romance and all that gonk.

The point is, I have
found my niche.

My life now has direction.

There's a great demand
for engineers today.

And it's a profession
that pays very well.

Then why don't you
buy your own boots?


Betty, breakfast!

Your breakfast is getting cold.

I heard you.

I don't know why we have
to get up for breakfast.

I thought we were supposed
to be having vacation this week.

Hey, is that your
engineer costume?

I guess so.

Don't look right to me.

All the pictures
of engineers I saw,

They had high blue caps and
red bandana handkerchiefs

And big gloves...

I'm not running a train.
I'm not a railroad engineer.

What are you, a brakeman? No.

Caboose? No.

Well, there are no
other jobs on a train.

I'm not gonna be no a train!

I'm going to... I don't know...

Build bridges.

Oh, giving up the
engineer idea, huh?


Margaret: betty, breakfast!


There's a mixed up kid.

And I don't see how you can
be so complacent about it.

I feel as though we don't
have a daughter anymore.

I'd hardly know what kind of
towels to hang in her bathroom...

His or hers.

Look at it this way, mom...

You're not losing a daughter,

You're gaining an engineer.

If anybody's losing
anything, it's me. My boots.

Don't worry about it. It'll work
itself out sooner than you think.

So, you still
think I'll give it up.

Oh, good morning, b.j.

Is it that late? I
don't have time to eat.

Well, you've got
to eat something.

You can't go gallivanting
around the country

With that chain g*ng
on an empty stomach.

It's not a chain g*ng,
for heaven's sake.

Well, whatever.
Shall I fry you an egg?

Mm. Haven't the time. I
have to report for work.

Yeah, better hit the road, b.j.

After work, don't hang
around the pool hall.

Have plenty of
chewing tobacco, b.j.?

Oh, aren't you funny?

Good-bye, mother. And
stop looking like I'm going off

To join the foreign legion.

I'll be back. But
not by noon, father.

There's freddie.

He signed up for
engineering, too. So long!

So long, b.j.!

B.j. That sounds awful.

B.j. Anderson?

Do they know you're a girl?

What do you suppose they'll
say when they find out?

Well, what difference
does it make?

All that matters is that...

Okay, guys.

Don gilbraith.

Don, report to room 26,
just down the hall that way.

Russell crotter,
you go to room 19.

Freddie bo... Bow...
Baycham... Beacham.

Okay, you go to
room 26, too. Yes, sir.

B.j. Anderson, you...

You're b.j.?

Yes. I'm a girl.

I mean... Well, I have
my notebook and all.

Okay, b.j., You're with my crew.

This is john linn scott, you'll
meet bib miller out in the rig,

And I'm doyle hobbes. Let's go.

How do you do?

Doyle: b.j., Let's go!

This, kiddo, is
known as the chain...

The everlasting,
ever-loving chain.

This is a chain?

That's what they call it, kiddo.

You're now a bona fide
member of the chain g*ng.

All you do is follow
me around with this,

Stick close, hand it
to me when I ask for it.

Pretty complicated
stuff, isn't it?

Get some flags out and locate
me that center line, okay, john?

Okay, doyle.

Okay, over here, b.j.

Actually, a surveying party
should have a five-man crew.

We've got three. It should
have a chief of party

And an instrument
man. I do both.

A head and rear chain
man... That's john and bib...

And john acts as the rod man.

Why did you sign
up for surveying?

What did you say? Why
are you taking this up?

Well, i... I want to study
it... Engineering... In college.

Why? Well...

Okay, get out your
notebook and take some notes.

This job is a road
survey for paving.

We're gathering data
for the finished rig.

This is a field book. We
put our information in this,

And our information is turned
over to the design engineer.

What are you running away from?

I'm not running
away from anything.

All right, first thing we do is
find a benchmark to start from.

We lay out a
straight line with this.

The transit, or g*n, we
call it. Know how to use one?

No, you don't. Okay.

Oh, wait! How do
you know I don't?

Well, do you?


Look through the telescope.

Huh? Look through here.

You see those
crosshairs clearly?

Not clearly.

That better? Yes.

You mad at your boyfriend?
Don't you like your home?

What about the crosshairs?

Those are put in there to
help you lay out a straight line

And not get off the track.
Like, say, a good-looking kid

Fooling around with surveying
when she ought to be home.

Look, I signed up for vocational
experience in surveying,

Not psychiatric counseling.

Maybe you got the wrong course.

All right, this is a vernier.

Know how to read a
vernier? No, you don't. Okay.

See this plate?

The major is marked
off in these numbers...

Zero to...

Did I do something wrong?

Yeah, you signed up for
surveying. Anyway, the vernier...

Look, why don't you go home
where little girls belong?

I'm not a little
girl. You're a girl...

And a girl has the
obligation to be one.

A woman's place is in the home,

Not knocking around with a
transit and couple of chainmen.

The plan of life was
worked out long ago.

The male has his job,
the female has hers.

Don't confuse them.
Now, the first thing...

You have everything all
figured out, don't you?

Things were figured out
long before I came along.

All right, we find out...

Did it ever occur to you
the world might be changing?

Women vote now, you know.

Yeah. My sister votes,
my mother votes,

And my aunt votes. But
they wear skirts to the polls

And they don't go till they
cook their husbands' breakfasts.

Now, five divisions
on the vernier.

4 1/2 Divisions on the...

Okay, doyle. I
set the flags out.


Come on, j.b. I'll show you

How we center the
g*n with the plum bob.

Plum bob. Ooh!

Here you go, bib.

John, the one big difference
between you and me...

When I have something
to say, I say it.

Doyle, they told me you got
a good head for this business,

That you're going
places someday.

I understand you're a real
hot engineering student.

I wouldn't know much about that.

All I know is holding
the other end of a chain.

But I know enough not to try to
run other people's lives for them.

Let's get this job
done, okay, john?

Okay, b.j., Come here.
The purpose of this plum...

Hey, where's b.j.?

I don't know. She
was here a minute ago.

I'll go get her. No, I'll go.

Why you?

Because it's my

For the high school
vocational department.

Why didn't she stay
home where she belongs?

Not only did I get
treated like a little girl,

I got blisters on my
feet from walking home.

Why on earth didn't
you call your father?

After all those cracks about
me quitting by noon... Oh, no.

Well, maybe it's
all for the best.

It's not all for the best!

I'll still make good.

I'll show him,
that doyle hobbes.

Whoever heard of a name
like that? Doyle hobbes.

Who is he... One
of the road g*ng?

It's not a road g*ng. It's a...

Oh, I don't know what
it is. But whatever it is,

Doyle hobbes is the big
deal of it, the big cheese.

He's a young punk,
that's what he is.

Big college boy, but this year,

He's working to earn money
so he can finish school.

Isn't that noble?
Well, it does sound...

That poor old john linn's
got almost twice his age...

Has to take orders
from that little pipsqueak.

Well, I'm not going to.

Nobody's asking you
to... I'm not gonna do it!

Oh, good. Now, that's settled.

Let's try on that new dress.

What for?

Did you know that doyle hobbes

Was the engineer who drew
up the original plans for life?

For life?

Yes, he did this all several
thousand years ago,

And now he keeps everything
going in a nice neat, straight line,

With a transit and a
ver... Vermouth scale.

They had this in yellow,
but I thought this was cuter.

Once every year, his mother
and his sister and his aunt

Put on long black skirts and
they go to the voting booth,

And then they run back home!

You seem to have learned an
awful lot about him in just half a day.

What's he look like?

Like a plum bob. What?

You try this on
while I go downstairs

And answer the phone.

Plum bob.

Phone's ringing, mommy.

Hello? Yes.

Oh. Well, yes, she's home.

I see. No, she won't
be there tomorrow.

She's decided to give
that up. I have not!

All right. Thank you
for calling. Good-bye.

I thought you were
out building bridges.

Change your mind again?

Who was that? The
high school office.

Apparently, mr. Doyle call them

And reported that
you'd left your job

And were on your way home.

How does he know I
was on my way home?

For all he knows, I might be
lying in a ditch, dying of thirst.

He assumed... With a broken leg.

When did all this happen?

He thinks he's so smart.

I hope he trips
over his transit.

Bud: well!

What are you doing home, b.j.?

Get thrown off the job from
brawling in the pool hall?

Oh, keep quiet.

She broke her leg. I did not.

This is serious. Claude's
got an engineering problem

He wants me to
ask your advice on.

I told him you were
taking up this stuff.

Don't bother her with that now.

Betty, come in the kitchen
and help me with lunch.

Wait a second. Claude's
rebuilding his old jalopy,

And he put the
engine in the rear.

The only way he can go forward
now is to throw it in reverse.

Wait a minute. I'm not through!

Jim: margaret, I'm home!
I don't want to see him

He'll rub it in about me
quitting, just like he said.

Oh, no, he won't.

Can a fella get something
to eat in this hash house?

Well, betty.

See, what did I tell you?!

What did I do?

Well, it's a long story.

And the title of it is "doyle
hobbes, boy engineer."


Okay, so much for the plum bob.

Okay, look at this bubble, kid.

Yes, sir.

This helps us adjust the plate

So it's exactly horizontal.

Look at that bubble.
Tell me when it's leveled.

Uh, freddie, this girl b.j.

Do you know her pretty well?

I think she's a little
off, mr. Hobbes.

Oh. Oh, yes. Well, we adjust
with these two screws.

We turn them toward each other.

You in her class?

Who's class?

This girl... B.j.

Who's b.j.?

Oh, you mean old betty anderson.

Hey, she's way off
the other way now.

Okay, we turn it back then.

Betty anderson, huh?

I guess you live
pretty near her.


Well, where do you live?

On menlo.

Hey, it's still off.

She lives on menlo, too?

Nope. Maple.

Maple. Look, kid, if you ever
expect to be an engineer,

Learn to give specific, accurate
answers with all the information.

And that's been
going on all day.

Reading those silly
engineering books.

I'm sure she can't make
head nor tail of them.

She's wasting her
whole spring vacation,

Ruining her disposition.

I certainly never though
she'd carry on with this.

Especially after the
high-handed treatment

She got from that
young doyle punk.

I'd like a chance to
tell him a thing or two...

Oh, no. Let's just hope
this is a closed chapter.

Where's old b.j.?

In the living room.
And stop calling her b.j.

Bud: okay. Hey, b.j! Hey!

I was just over to claude's,

And here's what
he's figured out.

With the motor in the
rear, he can back up

In three speeds.

Now he gets to backing
up about 60 miles an hour.

That's not save driving...

I'm not interested
in claude's problem.

Get the door.

So, here's what
he's figured out.

He's gonna turn the seat
and the steering wheel around

So he can see where he's
going when he's backing up.

Answer the door!

Doyle: how do you do?

Is b.j... I mean betty...
Is she at home?

Bud: yeah, she's here. Come in.

She's right in here, reading.


That's funny. She was
here just a minute ago.

Have a seat. I'll
find her. Thanks.

Betty! Hey, b.j., There's
somebody here to see you!


I don't want to see him.
Tell him I've gone, or I'm sick.

Jim: what's going on
here... Judo lesson?


He's in there. Who's he?

Doyle hobbes. What?!

What's he doing
here? I don't know.

But I don't want to see
him. You go talk to him.

This is just the chance
I've been waiting for.

What's going on? Shh!

How do you do,
sir? How do you do?

I guess you're mr. Anderson.
I'm doyle hobbes.

Yes, I know. Nice
place you have here.

Looks like a good
place to raise children.

Well, we hope it is.

That's important. I
met your daughter

On a school vocational project.

Yes, i, uh...

Nice kid. Very
good-looking, bright.

But, mr. Anderson,
what is your opinion?

I mean, about a girl
taking up a man's job.

It just don't seem right.

It seems to me if a girl
wants to take up something,

It ought to be... Well,
music and things like that.

My sister used
to play the violin.

I can just see her
playing... In a voting booth.

Doyle: how do you feel
about it, mr. Anderson?

Doyle: well, i... It just
don't seem right.

Dad's sure telling him off. Shh!

Doyle: it's not that she
couldn't be an engineer.

She might be a darned good one.

But think what a dirty trick
that might be on some guy.

Dirty trick? On what guy?

Any guy. Maybe
some young engineer.

Some guy who works hard
all day in the dust and the heat.

Why does he do it? So
that when the day's over,

He can come home to
some nice, pretty wife.

That's what makes working all
day in the dust and heat worthwhile.

That's why you have bridges and
roads and everything we've built...

To make a nice place for the guys
and their wives and kids to live in.

But if the nice, pretty girls are gonna
be out there in the dust and heat, too,

Who are the guys
gonna come home to?

Look, doyle...

I don't know. Maybe
I'm old-fashioned.

But the way I look at girls...

I like to think of
somebody in a pretty dress,

Somebody you can
give a box of candy to,

Not a stack of grate
stakes and a sledgehammer.

Somebody who reminds
you of your mother

When she was a
girl... The timid type.

Hold it, doyle. You're
wasting this talk on me.

You don't have to sell me.

Come along.


Betty, this young
man... Where's betty?

Well, she... She's not here.

Oh, excuse me. Margaret,
this is doyle hobbes.

How do you do?

I can see where
b.j... Uh, betty...

Gets her good looks.

Well, thank you.

You look nice and motherly.

Uh. Thank you.

Where is she?

She want that-a-way.

Guess she doesn't
want to see me.

It does look that
way, doesn't it?

Yeah, I was hoping
to have a chance

To explain things
better to her, but...

Well, it was nice
meeting both of you,

And... Oh, this
is kind of silly.

But do you like
chocolate-covered cherries?

Oh, thank you ever so much,

But why don't you
keep it yourself?

Maybe you'll have better
luck some other time.

No, it looks like
I set my transit,

Took my readings,
and for the first time,

My calculations were off.

Way off.

Well, it was nice
meeting both of you,

And maybe we'll meet again
someday. Who knows? Bye.

Good-bye, doyle. Good-bye.

Betty: well, mr. Hobbes.

I didn't know you were here.

Whom did you wish to see?

Why, you. Who else?


What did you want?

Yeah. Yeah, this is
more like it. Yeah.

I'm so happy you approve,

That I fit into your blueprints.

Oh, cut it out. Betty...

How did you find out my name?

Look it up in your
vermouth scale?

It's vernier, not vermouth. Didn't
you learn anything out there?

Yes, I learned a few things.

Okay, d.h., Step over here.

See this instrument,
kid? This is a telephone.

Line, we call it. Know how to
use it? No, you don't know how.

Okay, you dial these
little numbers, see, d.h.?

And if a girl answers, you say, "may
I have a date for saturday night?"

And what does she say?


Chocolate-covered plum bobs?


Want some candy, father?
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