02x32 - Dilemma for Margaret

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Father Knows Best". Aired: October 3, 1954 - May 23, 1960.*
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The series, which began on radio in 1949, follows the lives of the Andersons, a middle-class family living in the town of Springfield.
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02x32 - Dilemma for Margaret

Post by bunniefuu »


Announcer: robert
young and jane wyatt,

With elinor donahue, billy
gray and lauren chapin,


Oh, it's lovely, dear.

It's self-expressive.

It shows I'm a modernist.

All handwork reveals
the inner self of the artist.

Kathy! Oh, the pta
can't sell this, mother.

I like it. It expresses me.

But nobody will buy that.
Not unless it was halloween.

I made a selling deal
before I even baked it.

Oh, no. Who's that crazy?


Poor father. Always
the family goat.

He doesn't feel
that way about it.

This design expresses
hostility towards the world.

I learned that in my
psychology class.

It could mean she
hates everybody.

I don't hate anybody. I
just love hobgoblins.

Oh, I'm sure of that, kitten.

Who left all that
trash out there?

You did, bud, this morning.


You were going to take
it to the incinerator.

Oh, that's right.
I must've forgot.


Ah, ah, ah.

So this is what you made for
the pta bake sale, huh, squirt?

Uh-huh. Beautiful, isn't it?

Hmm, you made it, you defend it.

You look like a barbarian.

Bud looks like a normal boy
who's just finished a baseball game.

He doesn't have to get
this dirty doing that.

Betty, when you get further
in your psychology course,

You'll learn that clean
sport is one of the best ways

Of channeling excess energy.

It's the channeling
that makes a boy either

A juvenile delinquent
or a good citizen.

What do all those 10-syllable
words mean, anyway? I don't dig it.

I'm not, too.

Naturally, psychological
terms are not for infants.

Maybe bud and me are ignorant,

But mommy knows all
about juvenile delinquency.

She has to, to
keep you two in line.

Oh, but you're
okay. You're perfect.

You finally found out.

Oh, I'll get it. That's for me.

Oh, hi, evelyn.

Here's the thing for tonight.

You haven't told anyone,
have you? Not a soul.

You'll find your instructions
inside the package,

And they'll tell you what to do.

I'll phone you around seven.

Is it going to be real horrible?

You'll see.

Jim: hello? Where is everyone?

In here, daddy!

Hi, daddy! Oop!

I got your cake all done.
Can I have my money now?

You can trust me.
I have good credit.

Hello, princess.
Good evening, father.

Where's the first lady of
the house? Right here, dear.

Margaret, why
didn't you tell me?

Why hide your light
under a bushel basket.

What gives? Listen to this.

Mrs. James anderson, mother
of three school-age children,

Will represent the
springfield high school pta

As a speaker at the
local district pta seminar

On child guidance.

Margaret, that's wonderful.
Why didn't you tell us?

Goodness, mother, why
hide an honor like that?

You're a big-shot
at school, huh, mom?

That's great, mommy. I
don't know why, but it sure is.

Well, I was going to tell
you all at dinner tonight.

Oh, I don't know why
the committee picked me.

There are certainly other women
who are better qualified than i.

Really, mother, it's
archaic to be so modest.

You gotta blow
your own horn, mom.

Come on, children.

Margaret, conceited women are
something that I can do without,

But you carry modesty too far.

Well, I'm very pleased
at being chosen. Really.

But I'm a little
frightened, too.

There's no need
to be frightened.

All you have to do is tell
them in your own words

How you manage our own three
and keep them from going bad.

Use those two as your
horrible examples, mother.

Well, you're horrible
enough to be included.

Yeah, mommy wouldn't
leave you out, betty.

Well, after dinner, you can all
give me suggestions for my speech.

Mommy, I know why
they picked you.

If all the kids had
a mommy like you,

Nobody would ever be bad,
except when they weren't good.

I want to say
something about a child's

Natural desire for
thrills and excitement.

That's important, but what
point did you want to make?

Well, something about
the duties of parents to

Channel those desires
into harmless directions.

Like playing baseball instead
of playing chicken in a hot rod.

That's right, bud. I'm
going to bed now, mommy.

Well fortified for a famine.

Do you and betty read
the same dictionary, daddy?

All I mean, kitten, was I see you're
not gonna starve during the night.

Just a minute.

Call me when you're ready for bed,
and I'll come up and hear your prayers.

Okay, mommy.

Betty: I'll get it. It's for me.

Hello? Yes, I'm almost ready.

I think so. I was just about
to try it when you called.

I think the whole
thing's ridiculous.

Well, of course
I want to, but...

Well, this is pretty infantile.

Oh, all right, but...

I just hope we don't
get into trouble.

I'll meet you outside
in ten minutes.

I have to put it on
after I leave the house.

I don't dare let
the family see me.

Okay, bye.

Betty, what are you running for?

I'm in a hurry.
Go to bed, kathy.

Oh, how corny can you get?

Oh, genevieve, darling,

The minute you see me
eat, you get hungry, too.

You always wait
until I get settled,

And then you call me.

Really, genevieve,

You know I've had a hard day.

Mommy! Daddy!

Help, help!

Help, mommy, daddy!

Mommy, daddy!

Mommy, daddy! Kathy!

Kathy, what is it? Oh, daddy!

Huh? Darling, what happened?

I saw a ghost!

"A ghost"?

Oh, kitten, you know
there's no such thing.

I know there
isn't, but I saw it!

Angel, you're letting your
imagination run away with you again.

You probably had a
nightmare eating all that stuff.

She didn't eat it, dad.
And I wasn't asleep!

Well, just looking at
that conglomeration'd

Make you think you
had a nightmare.

I wasn't faking, either.

I was looking out the
window and I saw it!

It sparkled, sort
of, like sparklers

After the stars have gone!

Well, I don't know
what you saw, kitten,

But I'll guarantee
it wasn't a ghost.

Darling, you can't see
something that doesn't exist.

But where did the
sparkle come from?

Now, you settle down
and go to sleep, kitten.

There's nothing to be afraid of.

If it'll make you feel
any better, I'll get

My flashlight and have
a look around outside.

If you throw this away, I'll get my
sweater and help you look around.

I'm not in the mood
for being alone!

Won't someone keep me company?

Okay, squirt, I'll stick
around for a little while.

Oh, thank you, bud.

It's nice having a
big, brave brother.

You sure can turn on the sweet
talk when you want something.


It's just like on television.

I'm gonna go down
and see what's cooking.

Well, I'm going with you.

Dad'll send you right
back as soon as he sees you.

He won't let either of us stay.

Let's go out through the
patio and sort of creep around

To the front so
no one will see us.

Well, okay.

Man over radio: reports vary as to
the number of persons involved.

There may be six or 20.

Those reported in the
vicinity of the high school

Have dispersed, with no arrests

Having been made.

Car 33... Do they have
any idea who it is?

Well, it has to be the
students, mrs. Anderson.

Who else would be crazy enough to run
around in phosphorus and coated sheets?

That's a fool stunt, all right.

Scaring people,
raising a racket.

Breaking a school window makes it
more than a fool stunt, mr. Anderson.

That's vandalism. I just
don't understand it.

Well, I hope it wasn't a clever
trick to cover up a robbery.

So kathy really did see someone.

Policeman: if you want, we'll take a
look around for you, mr. Anderson,

But they're bound
to be gone by now.

It's betty!

Oh, it's you.

Golly, you're the ghost!

Shh! What are you
doing out here?

Everybody's outside
looking for ghosts.

The police are out front
with mommy and daddy.

Yeah, I know. I saw them.
Boy, you're sure in a mess.

We don't want you to go to jail.

I have to burn this, but
I haven't got a match.

Come on, quick!
Get in the house!

What about the sheet?

Well, I'll burn it before I
go to school tomorrow.

Policeman: there's nothing
around here now, mr. Anderson.

Whoever kathy saw
is far away by now.

Jim: well, if high-school students
are involved in this, I blame the parents.

This goes far beyond
a childish prank.

Bud! What got you up so early?

Good morning, mom.

I just remembered, I forgot
to burn the trash yesterday.

I'm gonna go do it now.

What made you think
of that all of a sudden?

Well, I don't know, mom.

I guess I'm just
getting conscientious.

Your sudden change
astonishes me.

Gee, mom, a guy has to think
of his responsibilities sometime.

I won't argue with that.

But what brought this on?

I guess I can't answer that.

Well, hello, dear. I thought
you were in the shower.

Jim: oh, I've been up
for almost an hour.

I got up quietly so I
wouldn't wake you.

I guess what happened
last night was on my mind.

You should read this account.
It's worse than we thought.

Bud, what miracle got
you up at this hour?

I, uh, remembered I
had a job to do for mom.

His conscience bothered him because
he didn't burn the trash yesterday.

Well, I'm glad that's all
he has on his conscience.

The boys who pulled this ghost stunt
must be pretty conscience-stricken

This morning.

"Boys"? Does the paper say
they caught the boys who did it?

No, it doesn't. They're
still investigating.

Well, excuse me dad. I'll go
take care of the trash now.

Wait a minute, bud. I
want you to hear this.

"The police are convinced that the
ghosts were high-school students.

"Some of the ghosts later took part
in a fight on the high-school grounds.

"Rocks were thrown and
a large window shattered.

"The high-school principal,
hubert t. Armstead,

"Is cooperating with the police

In an effort to learn the
identity of the culprits."

An old lady saw one of
them last night and fainted.

She's still hysterical
this morning.

I still can't believe that
our students are involved.

Well, betty, why
aren't you dressed?

Good morning, princess. What
are you doing down so early?

Oh, well, i... I didn't
sleep too well last night.

I woke up before
my alarm went off.

Did you have something
on your conscience too?

Wh-what do you mean, mother?

Oh I'm just joking, dear.

Bud woke up early this
morning because the trash

He was supposed to burn
yesterday was on his conscience.


Well, I'm glad you children aren't
involved in this silly ghost business.

Whoever is, is in for
a mess of trouble.

I'd better get dressed.

Well, you too, bud, or
you'll be late for school.

Hurry, and I'll take
all of you to school.

I have an appointment
out that way this morning.

Go on, go on.

It must be tough on
parents to have destructive,

Inconsiderate kids like these.

You're being a little harsh
in your judgment, dear.

I think this ghost business
started innocently enough

And then just got out of hand.

Well, maybe so, but when
old ladies start fainting

And school property is damaged, it
begins to look like malicious mischief.

Oh, I hate to think so.

Because you're an old softie.

Don't worry about it. I'll burn it
as soon as I get home from school.

What do you think? Mother's gonna
leave the trash out there all day?

She won't throw it away.
She's got to teach me a lesson.

Maybe I'll get a chance to
destroy the evidence myself.

Oh, you've been super, bud.


Well, you don't
have to overdo it.

Goodbye, mommy.

Hello? Oh, yes, mrs. Tyler.

You heard what happened at
the school last night, of course.

Yes, it's a shame.
Well, this afternoon,

The school principal would like to meet
with the pta committee to talk it over.

I'd like you to go with me.

And incidentally, this'll give you
more material for your speech.

I'll be there. Good.
Then I'll see you at 11.

Goodbye, mrs. Tyler.

The students' assembly this
morning was not fruitful.

No one would admit anything.

So what we've been
forced to announce

Is that if the culprits
do not reveal themselves

By the close of school tomorrow,

All social clubs will be
suspended indefinitely.

Oh, I hope it won't
come to that.

It seems a shame to punish all the
children for the actions of a few.

We're in an
embarrassing position.

Our students get involved
in trouble the very day

We announce our participation
in the pta's child guidance forum.

I agree. But I'm afraid
that we may have to use

Drastic measures to
find the guilty ones.

We can't let them go unpunished.

Well, the punishment
isn't our primary concern.

What we have to do is to
make the children understand

How serious the
consequences can be

When our harmless bit
of fun gets out of hand.

Why, yes, of course,
mrs. Anderson.

Margaret always
makes good sense.

That's why we've asked her
to represent us at the forum.

Well, perhaps when we
find the culprits, and we will,

We ought to turn them
over to mrs. Anderson.

Oh, dear.

Oh, I'm glad you're home in
time. I could use some help.

What's the matter, mother?

I've been at meetings practically
all day over this ghost business.

Bud, you can get yourself a snack if
you want to and then burn that trash.

Sure, mom. I haven't
even made the beds yet.

I'll do them. Mother,

Have they learned anything new?

Nothing that wasn't in
the papers this morning.

Oh, what on earth?

Something slipped.

Well, it certainly did.

What were you doing, kathy?

Well, children.

I'm not allowed to
play with matches,

So I couldn't burn it.

I'm not talking.

You can hang me from the
highest jibber, and I won't talk.

You can make me
walk the plank, mommy,

But I'll fall off without
saying another word.

Well, you've certainly
taught me one thing.

I'll never criticize anyone
else's children again.

Not after I see what my own
have done. I'm sorry, father.

But not sorry enough to
tell mr. Armstead the truth.

I've told mother,
and I've told you.

If I admit it at school, then everyone
will know it was my club's initiation.

The girls will never speak
to me again if I tell on them.

So you'll let all the
clubs be suspended instead?

I'm ashamed of you.

If betty won't tell the truth to
mr. Armstead, margaret, maybe you'd better.

Well, that'll sure make
betty look like a crumb.

It'll make all us
andersons look like crumbs.

Well, I have no intention
of telling anyone about this.

I believe that when betty
thinks the whole thing over,

She'll do the right thing.

If you'll talk to
the girls in the club,

I'm sure that you could convince
them to do the right thing too.

But you don't
understand, mother.

The teenagers have,
well, a code about tattling.

The underworld has its code
too, but we don't live by it.

I haven't any influence
with those girls anyway.

I'm not even a full-fledged
member of the club yet.

If you can't do it,
betty, I'm deeply sorry.

But I know what I
have to do. What?

Well, since I can't convince
you, I don't feel I'm qualified

To speak on child guidance.

I'm going to call mrs.
Tyler and resign. Margaret!

Well I'd be like a hypocrite
if I did anything else.

Our own house has
to be put in order.

I'll tell mrs. Tyler
that a family matter

Keeps me from
representing the pta..


It isn't fair for you to
put me on the spot like this.

I just can't tattle.

If only I'd kept my
cotton-pickin' fingers

Out of that incinerator.

I never thought I'd ever
be ashamed of betty.

Oh, don't lose faith in your
princess so quickly, dear.

Betty has more
courage than she thinks.

A man expects so much
from his daughter.

She holds his
pride in her hands.

He expects the best from
her. Maybe a little more.

Maybe it isn't fair to
want your daughter

To be just a little
kinder, a little sweeter,

A bit better than other girls.

But you want it

Because you love her so much.

Want her not only to have
the best but to be the best.

And then when she falls
short of those expectations...

Betty won't fail you, jim.

Why'd you want us
to meet you here?

Make it quick, will you?
The guys are waiting.

All right. I'll make
it short and sweet.

One of us has got to go in that
office and tell mr. Armstead the truth.

I had a hunch you were gonna
spring that. Come on, russ.

Hold on just a
minute. Let go of me.

Look, you two fight
it out. I'm leaving.

Come back here.
Wait, betty anderson.

If you want to play rough...
You heard what I said.

One of us has gotta
go in there and tell

Mr. Armstead what happened,
and it's gotta be done now.

Let's face it.

We can't let the rest of the
clubs in school be ruled out

Just because of
something we did.

It's not fair.

And if we don't do something
about it now, it'll be too late.

Why are you so
steamed up about it?

Because she's afraid they won't let her
mother make a speech on child guidance.

That's got nothing
to do with it, evelyn.

And don't you talk about
my mother, or I'll slap you

Like you've never
been slapped before.

You think that's funny?

Oh, we ought to be
ashamed, all three of us.

We think we have
the code of honor.

Pretty honorable, isn't it,
to let innocent kids suffer

Because we haven't got the courage
to take the punishment we deserve.

It was our club initiation
that started the whole thing.

And you and your club horned in and started
the whole fight and broke the window.

Now, let's go in and tell
mr. Armstead and get this over with.

All right, I'll go in alone.

If you say one word,
I'll... What will you do?

Hold it.

You win.

Into the valley of
death rode the 600.

She's sound asleep.

Hi. How'd the speech go?

It was nice and dull, but
your father applauded.

We talked to
mr. Armstead afterward.

What'd he say?
What's the verdict?

You're all to be
shot at sunrise.

The boys are to
pay for the window,

And the girls are to apologize
to the lady they frightened.

And no more crazy initiations.

You can sleep now
with a clear conscience.

Feels good, doesn't it? Mm!

Good night, princess.

That was a fine
thing you did today.

Thank you, father.

Good night.

Sometimes raising children is
the hardest job in the world.

Then they turn around and do
something that makes it all worthwhile.

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