04x02 - First Day Blues

Episode transcripts for the TV Show "Diff'rent Strokes". Aired: November 3, 1978 –; March 7, 1986.*
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Series follows Arnold and Willis Jackson, two African-American boys from Harlem taken in by a rich white Park Avenue businessman and widower, Phillip Drummond, for whom their deceased mother previously worked, and his daughter, Kimberly.
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04x02 - First Day Blues

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Now, the world don't move ♪

♪ To the beat of just one drum ♪

♪ What might be right for you ♪

♪ May not be right for some ♪

♪ A man is born ♪

♪ He's a man of means ♪

♪ Then along came two ♪

♪ They got nothing
but their jeans ♪

♪ But they got
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the world ♪

♪ Everybody's got a
special kind of story ♪

♪ Everybody finds
a way to shine ♪

♪ It don't matter that you got ♪

♪ Not a lot ♪

♪ So what? ♪

♪ They'll have theirs
and you'll have yours ♪

♪ And I'll have mine ♪

♪ And together we'll be fine ♪

♪ 'Cause it takes
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the world ♪

♪ Yes, it does ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the world ♪

Willis, what on earth
is holding you up?

Arnold left for
school 10 minutes ago.

I want to make sure I pick the
right outfit to wear to school, dad.

I guess this is ok.

Oh, daddy, he's just nervous
about starting his new school.

Yeah, I'm not gonna
know anybody.

All my friends went
to different schools.

I know what you're
going through, son.

I will never forget my
first day at high school.

It was awful.

Was I ever nervous.

They kicked me out of class.

How come?

I showed up at the wrong school.

Did that really happen, daddy?

Just trying to make
willis feel better.

I don't think bad
jokes are gonna do it.

You're right.

Anyway, the point is, son,

The other kids in your class

Are gonna be just as
nervous as you are.

You're all in the same boat.

I hope it's not the titanic.

You know it's after 8:30.

You don't want to be late.

Maybe I better drop
you off at school

On my way to work.

In the limo?

Hey, dad, can I ask you a favor?

What's that?

Can I drive the last
block to school?

You can't drive, willis.
You're not old enough.

Oh, come on. I can do it, dad.

Man, will I make an
impression on that school.

Especially when they see you
drive right into the building.

Come on.

Sorry about that.

Hi. My name's willis jackson.

I'll make a note of that.

Move it, will ya?


I want to get to my locker.

Oh. Sorry about that.

It's my first day here.

That's my locker right
there. We're neighbors. Ha.

You know, I didn't
quite get your name.

Nice talking to you, brother.

I'm sorry.


You did that very well.

What are you
majoring in, clumsy?

See you around, klutz.

Hey, julio.

Nice to see a face
from junior high.

Oh, man, I tell you, being
a freshman is the lowest.

I mean, it's the pits.

Man, you're telling me.

I've been shoved,
ignored, insulted.

Man, I feel like the vice
president of the united states.

Hey, you wanna hang out?

With another freshman,
man? Are you crazy?

I wanna move with the
older guys, man, the jocks.

I'll catch your
act next semester.

You know, I think I'll tell
everybody I'm a junior.

Hey, that's a thought.

Hey, mama. Sorry
about the books,

But I got it all together now.

Good. Take it out of town.

Did I hear you call
this girl your mother?

Mama? Oh, no, that's
just an expression.

Oh, I see.

You hear that, doug?

That's an expression
that black folks use.

They sure talk funny.

Hey, aren't you art jones,
the all-city tight end?

That's me, tight head.

I've seen you play.
You're fantastic.

He sure is, and I'm
not just saying that

'Cause I'm his girlfriend.


Get the picture?

Ha ha ha.

Come on, you guys.

I wasn't trying to hit on her.

Then what were you doing, fool?

Well, he was just apologizing

For knocking my
books out of my hand.

You did that to my girl,
you dumb freshman?

I resent that.

How do you know I'm a freshman?

I could be a dumb junior.

Only a freshman
could look that stupid.

Artie, did we look this stupid
when we were freshmen?

You gotta be kidding, doug.

Nobody, but nobody,
could look that stupid.

Hey, listen, guys, I was just...

You were just leaving.

Right on, brothers,
I was just leaving.

What do you want
to do this afternoon,

Go shopping or
watch a soap opera?

Now, tootie, just because
we're still on vacation

Doesn't mean we can't do something
more meaningful with our time.

What do you suggest?

Let's call some boys.

Right on.

Aren't you glad our school starts
2 weeks later than public schools?

That's the good part of
going to an all-girls school.

The bad part is... All girls.

[Telephone rings]



Oh, hi, arnold.

No, daddy's not home right now.

I'm sorry, arnold.

I really can't give you
permission to do that.

Hi, kids.

Oh, hold on, arnold.
Dad just came in.

Here, dad, it's arnold.

Arnold. Hi, arnold.

How was the first day at school?

Oh, that sounds exciting.

Great. Terrific.


Ok, that tells me what
you had for lunch.

Anything else?

Yes, I guess you can stay
over at dudley's place tonight.

What about a change
of underwear and socks?

Not mine, yours.

Ok. You can borrow
some from dudley.

Just be sure they're not
the ones he wore today.

Yeah. Ok. Have a good time.

Don't worry. We'll
feed the goldfish.

Good-bye, arnold.

Hey! How'd it go, son?


That bad, huh?

What happened, willis?

What didn't happen?

Come on. It can't be that bad.

I made a total, complete,
100% jerk of myself.

Yeah, but outside of
that, what went wrong?


Dad, I wish I could go
to another school.

Hey, wait a minute.

Whatever the problem is,

I'm sure we can work out.

What's wrong with the school?

It's not like junior high.

I mean, back there, I was a
star athlete, class president.

I was the main man.

I had lots of friends.

And here, I'm just a...

Just a...


Well, don't feel bad, willis.

Just go out there

And be the best
schnook you can be.

Put a sock in it, tootie.

Dad, it was awful.

I did everything wrong today.

You were probably
just trying too hard, son.

You know, when we
make a change in life,

We have to make
adjustments. It takes time.

Just relax. You will be fine.

Yeah, willis. Just speak
up and introduce yourself,

And you'll make
plenty of friends.

I tried, and all I did
was get chopped.

Now, willis, what you got to do

Is get your confidence together.

Now, you just walk
up to somebody

And say "hi, there.

"Willis jackson's the
name, and sports is my game.

I'm a mean, clean teen
who wears a designer jean."


Why don't you go play
in the trash masher?

Now, now, that's
enough of that, willis.

You know, there is a
trick to making friends

That's guaranteed to work.

There is?

Just get people to get to talk
about their favorite subject:


How do you do that?

Well, it's easy. Here,
let me show you.

See, suppose I want to be
friends with you, all right?

I come walking up to you...

And I say, "hey, man,
how'd the summer go?

"What did you do?

"Did you happen to
watch tv last night?

Say, what's your favorite show?"

Simple as that, willis.

Yeah. It's called sucking up.

Well... Ahem...

I wouldn't have put it that way,

But that does get to
the heart of the matter.

Sure, willis, just
do what dad says,

And you'll make
plenty of friends.


Because as a certain
fellow once said to me,

He said, "willis is smart,

He's attractive, he's
sharp, and he's a winner."

What fellow said that?

You did.

Hi, guys. Remember me?

You know, willis jackson.


Say, how'd it go this summer?

What's your favorite tv show?

Tell me a little bit
about yourselves.

You know, your
likes, your dislikes,

Your hopes, your dreams.

Who are you, barbara walters?

I just want to get to know
you guys better, that's all.

Well, we sure know about you.

Yeah. You're pretty famous.


You mean 'cause I was letterman
in baseball, basketball, football,

And track at junior high?

No, 'cause some guys saw you
getting out of a big limo yesterday.

Oh, that. Well, when are you
guys gonna talk about yourselves?

Where were you born?

You must really be loaded, huh?

Not me, my dad.

You guys got any hobbies?

I hear you live in a big
penthouse on park avenue.

Yeah. What did you guys
do on summer vacation?

Did you have a nice time?

How'd you like to
come to a big party, kid?


Yeah, a party. You
know, fun and games.

Are we going too
fast for you, jackson?

Oh, no, it's just that you guys
really want me to come to your party?

There's gonna be
some fine chicks there,

And we're going to
have plenty of grass.


You do grass, don't you?


Maybe he's straight.

Hey, who's straight?

Man, I'm as crooked
as they come.

It's just that you gotta
be careful, man, you know?

Narcs all over the place.

Hey, then you in, johnson.

Jackson. When's the party?

As soon as you get the grass.

Say what?

Well, see, uh...

We're a little low in
the bread department,

And you're loaded.

So, uh, you think
you can score a lid?

Score a lid?


Just one?

Well, if you can afford
at these high prices,

Get 2, jefferson.


Listen, maybe we
better leave it at one.

Hey, you're ok, my man.

I'll tell you what,
we're gonna let you

Take us to lunch in
the cafeteria, jason.

Jefferson! Uh...


You guys got
it, man. It's on me.

We're depending on
you to get the grass.

You can trust me, man.

I mean, in junior high, they
called me smokey the bear.

Right. Smokey.

Hey, julio.

Oh, man!

I told you next semester.

Tell me something, man.

How much is a lid
of grass going for?

Oh, uh, I think about 150.


Hey, sure, dude.

That's a whole ounce.

Where do I get it?

Don't look at me, man.

I'm mr. Clean.

Oh, no.

What am I gonna do, man?

Grass is the game,
mud is my name.



[Low voice] hello.

Oh, hi, art.

Yeah, sure I got
the... The grass.

Yeah, all you got to
do is ask around school.

I only had enough
money for a half a lid.

Hey, it wiped out
my bank account.

Don't worry. I'll
get the other half,

And then we'll have
a real party, right?

Yeah, sure this is good stuff.

Yeah, of course I've tried it.

Man, this stuff is out of sight.

Ok. Ok, I'll see you tomorrow.

Guess I'm gonna have to try it.

[Knock on door]

Hey, willis. How
was school today?


I made some
terrific new friends.


Seniors? Wow! Can we touch you?

My only problem now is money.

I hadn't realized how
expensive high school can be.

Any chance of putting
a bite on you for a loan?

Well, sure. How
much do you need?

Well, I could use $75.

75? What are you
buying, your own school?

Listen, you guys, I
really need that 75.

It's for something personal.

Well, that's an awful
lot of money, willis.

Now, wait a minute, kimberly.

This isn't some stranger.

This is your brother,
and he needs help.

Thanks, tootie.

You're welcome. Now,
let's talk interest rates.

Listen, I'll pay it back
to you guys real soon.

I promise.

Well, ok.

I'll see how much I've got.

Me, too.


You know, the only
one around here

That my brothers
don't hit up for a loan

Is arnold's goldfish abraham.

Hey, aren't you
supposed to feed him?

Oh, yeah. Thanks
for reminding me.

The poor thing must be starved.

Oh, let me feed him.

Where do you keep the food?

Right there, in that drawer.


How often does
arnold feed him this?

Twice a day.

This has gotta be the
goofiest goldfish in new york.

Hey, what do you got there?

It ain't dried worms.

It... It's marijuana!

What'd you say?!

What are you doing with that?

The question is, what
are you doing with it?

Butt out.

That's what you needed

All the money for, isn't it?

That's my business.

If dad finds out, you
will be out of business.

What's the big deal anyway?

A lot of guys at
school smoke grass.

Yeah, willis, but you don't
have to be one of them.

Hey, listen, I've never
touched the stuff myself.

I just made believe I had
to convince the guys.

Great, when they bust you,

You can make believe
you're not in jail.

[Knock on door]

Hi, g*ng.

Oh, hi, dad!

Take it easy, willis.

What do you think you're doing?

I'm just practicing how to fall.

You know, for football
season so I don't get hurt.

Oh, that's right.

You be careful, especially
on that artificial turf.

Or does your school have grass?


Well, how'd it go at
school today, willis?

Not bad. I made
some new friends.

Hey, that's great.

See, I told you.

Yesterday, you were
down in the dumps,

Today, you're flying high.

Tomorrow, he'll be even higher.

Willis, I'm delighted you
made some new friends.

You can tell us all
about it at the restaurant.

Oh, dad, if you don't mind,

I can't go to dinner
with you guys.

I have so much homework,
and since it's my second day,

I don't wanna goof off.

We'll miss you, but I
admire your attitude.

And don't worry about me.

I'll find something
in the refrigerator.

Yeah, willis, try pot luck.

Well, shall we, girls?

I'll bring you home
some dessert, willis.



Hey, thanks for the nice
dinner, mr. Drummond.

You're welcome, tootie,

But next time you could fight me

A little harder for the check.

Hey, why don't we
take this ice cream

Upstairs to willis
before it melts, huh?

Yeah, sure.

[Sniffs] hey, what is
that strange smell?

Do you smell it?


You can say that again.

Willis, what have you
been doing in here?

Oh, just watching a little tv.

The tv isn't turned on.

And I think you are.

Willis, how long have you
been smoking marijuana?

About 20 minutes.

I didn't mean that.

What else have you tried?

Nothing, dad. Honest.

I just wanted to try it once.

It didn't do a thing to me.

Where did you get this stuff?

At school.

Hey, it's all over the place.



Could you lend me 75 bucks?

What for?

For more grass.

They need it for the big
party tomorrow night.

That party is all over.

At least, as far as
you're concerned it is.

Hey, where you going, dad?

I told you, I need
that for the big party.

[Toilet flushes]


Looks like the only
one around here

Who's having a party
is the tidy bowl man.

Then that brother
owes me 75 bucks.

I thought you were more
intelligent than this, willis.

If I ever hear of you going
even near that junk again,

I will take you to the
police station myself.

Why is this any worse
than having a few drinks?

I've seen you do that.

I'm not defending drinking.

Too much of that
can harm you, too.

But at least alcohol
happens to be legal,

If you're the right age.

Look, dad, I'm not
trying to defend willis,

But, you know, kids at school
do make it awfully difficult

Not to try pot at least once.

Kimberly, don't tell
me you've tried it, too.


Uh, yes, daddy, I have.

Once. And I hated it.

I'll never do it again.

I've never even tried it,

And I'll never do it again.

Neither will i.

Man, I don't like this feeling.

But I hope it doesn't
make any difference

To my new friends.

If friendship with them
depends on marijuana,

You'd better just keep on
looking for some newer friends.

Yeah, you're right, dad.

Now, what are you gonna
tell them tomorrow?

That I don't want
anything to do with grass.

sh**t, I won't even
go near a lawn.

There he is.

Hey, jackson. How's my main man?

Where's that great
stuff you picked up for us?

Well, let me put
it this way, guys.

I've got some good
news and some bad news.

What do you mean?

Well, the bad news is

I didn't get the
other half a lid.

What's the good news?

Well, the good news is

The half a lid I did get,

My dad flushed
it down the toilet.


You call that good news?

Well, it is when
the choice is that

Or your father flushing
you down the toilet.

Anyway, guys, what's
so special about weed?

I mean, we can have fun
at the party without it.

Forget it, jackson.

We don't wanna see
that dumb face of yours

Around here again.

Get lost.

You're the one
who's lost, brother.

Anyway, who needs you

If I gotta buy your
crummy friendship?

Pardon me. Aren't
you willis jackson?


My junior high school
played against yours.

You scored the
winning touchdown.

Man, you were terrific.

Hey, thanks.

My name's henry lindren.

Boy, it's sure tough starting
in a new school, isn't it?

Nobody talks to you.

But I guess it's easier for you,

'Cause you're a big shot.

When you're a freshman,
nobody's a big shot.

You gotta start all over again.

But, anyway, we're talking.

Yeah, we are.

You got room for another friend?

Sure, I have.

Listen, you just stick with me,

I'll show you around.

Gee, thanks.

Hey, come on.
I'll buy you lunch.

No way, man. Good friends
don't have to do that.

Well, actually, I
am a little short.

♪ Now, the world don't move ♪

♪ To the beat of just one drum ♪

♪ What might be right for you ♪

♪ May not be right for some ♪

♪ A man is born,
he's a man of means ♪

♪ Then along come two ♪

♪ They got nothin'
but their jeans ♪

♪ But they got
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the
world, yes, it does ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes
to move the world, mmm ♪
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