03x21 - Bringing Up Baby

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Growing Pains". Aired: September 24, 1985 - April 25, 1992.*
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Series followed the misadventures of the Seaver family, Jason & Maggie and their three children Mike, Carol, and Ben.
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03x21 - Bringing Up Baby

Post by bunniefuu »

Maggie: No, you are frightening the baby, Jason.I have not known the call.

Jason: Maggie?

Maggie: Too late, Jason.I already scrubbed my own back.

Jason: No, what time it is?

Cameraman: Hi.

Jason: Hi.

Cameraman: We are going to do this again.This time, we really need to believe you are confusing.All right?Five seconds... four... three... two... and...action.

Jason: Who is that?Why are these TV cameras doing in our bathroom?

Maggie: Oh, I feel so good.

Jason: Honey, you are not pregnant.

Maggie: Of course, I am not pregnant.

Jason: Why you said last night that you've been pregnant for the last four months?

Maggie: Excuse me, Honey, you block my sh*t.

Jason: Honey, you are pregnant for 4 months, then once you stepped in the shower, now you are not?

Maggie: Oh, Jason, you must have dreamed all that.

Jason: It couldn't be, honey, that only happens on TV.Bad television.

Maggie: Look at this.I am to tell the television studio.I want that here to fired I don't care how much kid is supporting.

Maggie: Jason, Jason.

Jason: What?What?

Maggie: Look at me.

Jason: What?

Maggie: Look, I am pregnant.

Jason: I know.I was there where it happened.

Maggie: Oh It's a dream.

Jason: Thank you.

Maggie: Not that what I dreamed.

Jason: Oh, what did you dream?

Maggie: I stepped out of the shower, and suddenly, I was not pregnant.Everything that happened for the last 4 months has been changed.

Jason: That only happens on Television.

Jason: Bad TV.

Maggie: Not necessarily.

Jason: Well, I think your dream could mean your have a mixed emotion about being pregnant.

Jason: I can tell you are.

Maggie: So you hate it

Maggie: You are lying.

Jason: You said that you were going to look maternity clothes.

Maggie: Jason, how could I buy maternity clothes, I have no time between work and home and keeping the nursery ready.

Jason: And When your boss can let you slow down a little bit?After the baby is born?

Maggie: Well...

Jason: What did he say when you told him you were pregnant?

Maggie: Not that much really.

Jason: Aha?

Maggie: Aha what?

Jason: You still haven't even told him, have you?

Maggie: Jason, you think you know me so well.

Jason: Yes, I do.

Maggie: Ok, it's just not been the right time now.

Jason: It will take a wrong time next week when you are late when you do your aerobics

Maggie: Before I wear something baggy?

Jason: Honey, I just...

Maggie: You know what I think.I think you are the one who is uncomfortable with my being pregnant.

Jason: What?

Maggie: How well do you explain your dream?

Jason: It was your dream.

Maggie: Oh...

Jason: Maggie, I think the sooner you tell your boss you have the baby, the better.

Maggie: You are right.

Jason: Good.

Maggie: I will definitely tell him today.

Jason: That's my girl.

Maggie: If I see him.

Jason: Oh...

Ben: Boy, this is great; we get a whole school day off.I love teachers' conferences.

Mike: We need more of them.

Ben: What do you think teachers talk about all day?

Mike: You, Ben.

Ben: What?

Carol: Morning.

Mike: School books on the holiday?

Carol: Here is proclamation books of names, carrying suggestion for my new sister.

Mike: Sister?You could waste your time, It could be a boy.

Carol: If it's a boy, then you can name him whatever you want, then I am leaving home.

Mike: You promise?

Mike: Hey, Ben, Come on.Relax, I was just kidding that not our teachers are talking about you.

Carol: Oh, It is going to be so neat.Just buying her Little clothes, taking her for walks.

Mike: Have a vomit for you.

Ben: Babies do that?

Mike: Yeah, it was the nice things they do.

Ben: Did I vomit when I was the baby?

Carol: Yeah, all over me.

Mike: Good Work there.

Carol: Just wait, when new baby gets here, you both have to clean up your a*.

Mike: Big deal.

Carol: You think it's a big deal when mom can't save you that baby defense anymore.

Ben: Baby defense?

Maggie: You know, Jason, go easy.he is our baby.

Mike: Oh, Ben, face it.You've done a lot of dun baby things.

Carol: You change that back.

Jason: Ben, don't play with your food.You are not a baby.

Maggie: Your father is right, Ben.

Jason: You'd better have more than that, You are eating for two.

Mike: So is Ben.

Maggie: Thank you, Jason.

Maggie: Bye, kids, enjoy your day-off.

Jason: Don't forget today, Maggie?

Maggie: Yes, I will talk to my boss, I promise.You want me to write it with blood.Sorry, I've got to go.

Jason: Well, your mother is feeling a little tense.

Mike: A little, but things are never gone.

Jason: Well, she is pregnant, tired and over worked.

Ben: Who is it?

Carol: I understand.Well , mom is very difficult to have a baby in the autumn of her life.

Jason: Don't you ever, ever, never say that to your mother.

Carol: Got that.

Jason: First of all, what we can do for her and make her feel good.She has been worried latelyabout getting ready for the baby, decorating the nursery room.

Carol: Dad, that's it.Dad, we can decorate the nursery today.

Jason: That's not bad idea.

Carol: Thank you.

Ben: But dad, I have a big stuff to do today.

Jason: Wouldn't you like to do something nice for your mother?

Ben: Do I've choice?

Jason: No.

Ben: Sure.

Jason: How about you, Mike?

Mike: Well, actually, I was planning to spend the entire day studying.I would love to help.

Jason: Oh, Great.This is we're going to cheer up.We are going to take the guest room and make it best looking nursery she ever saw.

Jason: Come on, let's go.

Jason: Good thinking, Carol.

Carol: Thank you.

Mike: Yeah, Good thinking, Carol.You are nice to uin the whole day for all of us.

Carol: That was my plan.

Jason: Eleven, Twelve.

Mike: What's wrong?

Jason: Well, I never thought of before the guest room is all the way down the hall.

Mike: So?

Jason: Your mother and I have to be closer to the nursery.

Ben: Well, all the other rooms are taken.

Jason: Oh, what we just might have to is to do some rearranging.I'll be right back.

Ben: Rearranging?

Mike: Oh, no.who is going to lose his room?

Ben: What?

Carol: Mike, it matters it's good for the baby.

Mike: Then you give up your room.

Carol: Well, if that's the decision.Then that's the decision.

Jason: Carol, your telephone.

Mike: Ben, look out, we got to move fast here.

Ben: Move?You mean we are out?

Mike: No, no, I just mean you've got to make sure you don't want to be in the guest room.

Ben: Why do I want to be in the guest room?

Mike: Well, think about it, Ben, whose room is close mom and dad?

Ben: Yours.

Mike: Ok, but between the two of us, which has the least physical damage?

Ben: Mine.

Mike: Right.

Ben: Oh, no.

Mike: I bet Carol is pointing it out to dad right now.

Ben: I didn't mean fun of her?

Mike: If it were me锛孖 would do anything to get out of the guest room.

Ben: Me too.Its wallpaper is as old as grandma.

Mike: I just wish there is some way we can make sure that...oh, wait a minute.Oh, nay, it's too crazy.

Ben: Let's do it.What is it?

Mike: Ok All right, you volunteer to give up your room.

Ben: It's too crazy.

Mike: No, listen, Ben.Dad will be so touched that you offer your room to baby, then no worry let you pick up any other bedroom in the house.

Ben: Great I'll take yours.

Mike: Well, who has the biggest room in the house?

Ben: Mom and dad.

Mike: Ok, the second biggest?

Ben: Carol.

Mike: Right.I know it's not the great thing to do, Ben.But the baby comes at this times.

Jason: Ok where we worry.

Ben: Dad, I want the baby to have my room.

Jason: Oh, that's very unselfish, Ben, I am touched.

Ben: I just want whatever best for the baby.

Jason: You mean that?

Ben: Cross my heart?

Jason: You know your room and Mike's are both so close, it's going to be a tarsar.

Ben: It was?

Jason: Yes.It's because of your generosity Ben, that makes a decision easy for me.

Jason: I want you know as soon as I finished the baby room, then to work against things room for you.Ok?

Mike: Sorry, Ben, we tried.So close.

Maggie: Delmar, would you tell me the minute when Mr.

Delmar: Oh, yeah, I won't be long.He is just talking with Shoner about when she comes back from maternity leave.

Maggie: Oh.How is her baby?

Delmar: Shorner said it's finally sleeping through the night.You're sure you will go through all that again.

Maggie: Definitely, it is all born.You know?

Maggie: I am not freaking.I was just waiting for the right time.This is the right time?

Delmar: When Shorner have told him about the baby, he is thrilling.

Maggie: Really?

Delmar: Maggie, he is a family man himself.He is pushy.

Maggie: Mr.Sid, I just save one moment of your time.

Sid: Oh, Maggie, Wait a second.

Delmar: Sir, you cannot do that.

Sid: I don't want to do that.I just wanted to say it.Well, Maggie, what did you want to see me about?

Maggie: Oh I just wanted to say "have a nice day"!

Delmar: Is she sweet?

Jason: All right, guys.Great job.Please bring these paint cans over to the garage when you finish.What's the reaction of your mother when she sees this?She is going to be so happy; she is going to cry like a baby.

Mike: So, you are never going to talk with me?

Ben: Never.

Mike: You just said.

Ben: Stopping now.

Mike: You did it again.

Ben: Stopping, Mike.

Mike: Come on, look Ben.I said what I've done to you valuable, learning look out yourself, when your place has been replaced by the new baby in the family.

Ben: I will tell Dad.

Carol: Tell Dad what?

Mike: Er, nothing, nothing.He is losing his ...

Ben: Mike said if I gave up my room to the baby, Dad will be keeping yours.

Carol: What?

Ben: Well, he is...

Jason: Wait, wait, wait, hold on....whatever this is about, we must wait.Your mother is on the wayupstairs.When she gets here, we are yelling surprise.Ok?

Maggie: Jason?

Jason: Yes, we all happens in Ben's room.

Ben: Not anymore.

Carol, Ben, Mike, Jason: Surprise!

Ben: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Maggie: You did all this?

Jason: Yeah, no, no, just not myself with everybody.

Maggie: Everybody, except me?

Jason: Honey?

Mike: She loves it.

Jason: I just don't get it.I think you were so pleased we fixed up the nursery.

Maggie: Oh, It was a nice gesture, Jason.Even with the hideous drapes.What kind of mother am I going to be if I don't even have time to take part in getting the nursery ready?

Jason: You are great one, honey, a sensational one.Just doesn't have any taste in drapes.

Maggie: A great mother would've been able to tell her boss she was pregnant.

Jason: What?

Maggie: I chickened out.

Jason: Honey, why are you so afraid to tell him?

Maggie: I am not afraid.I know what it is.I am just scared.

Jason: Why are you so so scared about?

Maggie: I don't know.That he will treat me like I am pregnant.Things are going to change.

Jason: Of course, things are going to change.

Maggie: But I don't want any change.I am finally fitting the work and doing a great job.

Jason: Oh sweet heart.We just have to face it.We are going to make adjustments.

Maggie: What adjustments?

Jason: Well, like I will reduce my patients low.

Maggie: Can you do that?

Jason: Of course I can.I just have to cure those nuts Jason fans.Well, it's a joke, honey.

Maggie: But we never talked about your scaling down your practice before.

Jason: I just never thought of it before.

Maggie: Shouldn't you have thought of it before?

Jason: I guess, I don't know.

Maggie: Oh, great.This kid doesn't have a chance.She gets a terrible mother and athought-joked father.

Mike: All right, Ben.I admitted our plan didn't work out perfectly.

Ben: Oh, sure it did.

Mike: Come on, Ben, I have the best motifs ear.I want carol to get the short in the stake.

Carol: Ben, see what happens when you trust Mike.You end up in the guest room.A guest in your own home.Oh, boy, my soul, you can rent an apartment to something.

Ben: Not bad, Carol, not bad.

Carol: And if Mom and dad found out about this, I promise you they will....you will be in deep deep trouble.

Mike: Look, don't start to blame Ben's housing problems on me.

Carol: Then who is fault with it?

Mike: I think we both move it that way.

Carol: You are blaming this on the unborn child?

Mike: Let's look at the fact, Carol.I mean, so far this kid I even don't know yet.As sold Everybody.It is going to be a girl.

Carol: Mike, I'll pray for you.

Mike: Look, Carol, I mean nobody bothered to ask me how I feel about having a kid around this house.

Carol: So, nobody bothered to ask Ben and me either.

Mike: Bothered thing is... If we have a family meeting about vacations.Shouldn't we have a talk about this?

Carol: You are right.

Mike: Yeah, you know what I think.I think mom and dad try to slip the new kid about.

Carol: Mike, we should still have a family meeting.We obviously have a lot to discuss.I bet mom and dad will think it's a great idea too.They love to communicate.I'll be the one who propose it.

Maggie: Ok, ok, here is the answer about the problem.When the baby cries at night, I'll be onewho gets up.

Maggie: But, Jason, you have to get your sleep to your patients every morning.

Jason: Sure, when I look like hell in the morning, my patients feel better about themselves.That is my job.

Maggie: But what if you resent scaling down your practice.What if you resent me, what if you resent baby?

Jason: Maggie?

Mike: Mom and Dad, we need a Seavor's family meeting right now.I fear for the future of this family.

Jason: Mike, we are a little busy.

Maggie: Your father is tired, Mike.

Carol: Mom and Dad, we really need a Seavor's family meeting immediately.Trust me.

Jason: Carol, that's your mother just explained to Mike.

Maggie: Absolutely, Carol.Let's go.

Jason: What?

Mike: What?Dad?

Jason: You hurt your mother.

Ben: Living room, kitchen, one bir.., what's that bir...?Hm, swimming pool, TV, the refrigerator, no laundry.All right.

Jason: Ben, what are you doing?

Ben: Looking for my own place.

Carol: What?

Maggie: But, sweet heart, why?

Ben: As long as I lost my room, I might get a room with flowers on the wall.

Jason: Well, how are you going to pay for this?

Mike: I'd like to call a Seavor family Meeting to order?

Carol: I moved to talk about how Mike call Ben out of his room.

Mike: Carol, you are not the right fact .I must choose you out at all.

Jason: Mike, what did you do to Ben?

Mike: Oh, Dad, It was not the purpose of the meeting.Today I think we should be talking about how's this baby mass.

Maggie: Baby mass?

Carol: Mike, this baby is a blessed event.

Mike: Where is Sergeant, Just got this lady out.

Carol: Mom and Dad, Mike hates the baby.

Maggie: What?

Mike: No no no no.You have confused me and Ben.

Jason: Ben?

Ben: I just want my room back.

Jason: Did you volunteer to give up, didn't you?

Mike: This meeting has adjourned.Thank you very much.

Maggie: Here's not.

Jason: Mike, back in here.

Maggie: Kids, this new baby is going to change things around here.And some of them will be going wonderful, and some of them aren't.

Carol: All you two can think about yourselves.Personally I am looking forward to everything about this baby.

Maggie: Even coming home straight after school to help out?

Carol: Of course.This won't be everyday, will it?

Maggie: No, Carol, you are ready for things like changing dirty diapers?

Carol: Oh, I thought Ben would do that.

Ben: Why me?

Carol: Because my instinct tells me that you would be good at it.

Ben: Instinct is right.

Maggie: Carol, you should be well doing your share of changing dirty diapers.

Mike: ......

Jason: All right, now, every member of this family is going to make some sacrifices here.

Mike: Me too?

Jason: Yes, you too.You have to get used to the new stereo policy.

Mike: Ok, ok, my stereo will be turned off every night by 11 pm.1am tops.

Jason: That's not what we have had in my mind.

Mike: Ok, midnight, it is you can cam on me.

Jason: There will be no music when the baby is sleeping day or night.

Mike: Day or night, what's left?

Jason: Ben, how do you feeling about making sacrifices?

Ben: It's fine of me, I am going to be hanging out on my due plucks.

Maggie: I am still not clear how Ben lost his room.

Ben: Mike counted me out of it.

Jason: That's the record show, Mike and I will talk later here in the moon light.

Ben: Well, what I don't get is why we have to suffer when you are the one having the baby.

Maggie: Ben, you kids are dealing not the ones to make sacrifices.Here your father can rearrange his whole practice.

Jason: Your mother has to take time off her job she is just getting used to.

Ben: Well.If this baby is messing everybody up, why are you having it?

Maggie: Why?

Mike: Yeah, why?

Maggie: Well, I never thought about putting it into words.

Jason: That's not easy to do.

Ben: That's you don't know either.

Maggie: No no no.we know.I guess because a baby is close to miracle we ever can get to.Andhaving each one of you is the most wonderful thing that happened to me and your father.

Carol: Thank you, mom, that's really beautiful, especially when you include Mike.

Mike: Carol.

Maggie: Does that answer your question, Ben?

Ben: No

Maggie: No?Jason.

Jason: Ben, your mother and I we believe nothing in the world is more important than our family.

Jason: Maybe I reduce my patients low?

Maggie: Nothing.

Maggie: Oh, honey, why don't we come up all the substances?

Jason: I don't know.

Maggie: Oh, this baby is going to be great.

Ben: That doesn't answer my question either.

Mike: I think what Ben is trying to ask here is what's in this baby deal for us.

Jason: What's in it for you?

Mike: It was Ben's question.

Maggie: Well, everything.

Jason: Anything for us.You guys insult each other more than anybody I know, but I also bet my shoulder deep down on earth all that each of you lover each other Oh, Carol, how would you really feel if there is no Mike?Er?Well, Ben, how would you really feel if there is no Carol?Er?Mike, how would you really feel...don't say one word to destroy the sensational scene.

Maggie: Just think, we are all going to have a new person to love.Once she or he is here, we wonder how we ever lived without her or him.

Jason: Ben, does that answer your question?

Ben: I think so.So you are saying, it's not you and mom are having a baby.We all pregnant?

Jason: Oh, you couldn't be more right.Ben.

Carol: This is so sweet.Mike, you crying too?

Mike: No, it's your fee.Oh.

Jason: Oh, Maggie, I cannot remember where I was more proud of those guys.

Maggie: They are finally truly excited about the baby.And you were wonderful.

Jason: Yeah, yeah, yeah, Honey, who are you calling at this hour?

Maggie: Oh, my doctor.it's time.

Jason: What?

Maggie: Just kidding.

Maggie: My boss.

Jason: Why don't call him tomorrow?

Maggie: I don't put this off for another.Hello, this is Maggie.Hello.I'm calling to tell you I am pregnant.I am 4 months long.But if you still want me to put on my leotard next week, I am game.What?This isn't 55512548?
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