03x15 - The Angel's Sweater

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Father Knows Best". Aired: October 3, 1954 - May 23, 1960.*
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The series, which began on radio in 1949, follows the lives of the Andersons, a middle-class family living in the town of Springfield.
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03x15 - The Angel's Sweater

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ ♪

Narrator: robert young

And jane wyatt


With elinor donahue, billy
gray, and lauren chapin...

In father knows best.

[Christmas music]

♪ ♪

Kathy, kathy, stop
rattling your presents.

Huh? I am... I wasn't
rattling them.

I was, um, well, just
shaking the dust off.

Oh, I doubt there's
any dust on them,

Not after all the
handing you've given them.

You know, your father
takes a pretty dim view

Of trying to peek at your
presents ahead of time.

Can I open just one?

It's christmas eve... Almost.


I want you to wait till after
aunt neva arrives and we all...

Oh, by the way,

Here's the present I
bought you to give aunt neva.

It's a pretty little teapot.

Now, remember, when you
hand it to her this evening, smile,

And say something nice.

And mean it.

Oh, I'll say it, but I
don't think I'll mean it.

Oh, kathy, I'm ashamed of you.

Aunt neva's very
nice, isn't she?

Isn't she?

Yeah, certainly.

Well, frankly, I don't like her.


Well, you always tell
us to tell the truth,

And that's the truth.

Look, shrimp, this is christmas,

So don't start anything and
mess it up for the rest of us, huh?

Well, heck, it never
really seems like christmas

With her around.

She... She takes
a dim view of kids.

Oh, no, she doesn't.

Well, she might feel a,

Well, a little uncomfortable
around children,

You know, never having
had any of her own.

But I'm sure she loves you
all very much in her own way.

Some way.

How come not aunt
neva ever married?


Oh, I don't know.

Some women prefer
business careers.

[Car honking] some prefer...

Hey, I bet that's them.

Yeah, there's dad and aunt neva.

Oh, happy day! [Canned laughter]

Hey, bud, I want
no more of that.

Aunt neva is your
father's only sister.

So for his sake, as
well as for hers,

You try to make her
christmas a happy one.

Now I want you all to be very,
very cordial and cheerful,

Especially you, kathy.

You make her feel welcome.

Really welcome.


Well, here we are,

All set for a cup of
hot christmas coffee.

[Chuckles] it's
cold out tonight.

Cold enough to snow
and I keep hoping it will.

Neva, how wonderful
to see you again!

Merry christmas.
How was the trip?

Oh, quite nice,
margaret, quite nice.

Considering there were children
running wild all over the... Uh!

Oh, betty, you look very nice.

Thank you, aunt neva. We're
very glad you could come.

And bud?

Welcome. Very.

And little kathy.

Well... Well...

Well, kathy, had you
nothing to say to aunt neva?


I'm very, very
cordial to see you.

Very much.

Uh, bud, why don't you help
aunt neva with her coat?

You betcha. You betcha.

Well, we better get organized
for a fine christmas eve.

Aunt neva, knowing you, I'm
sure the first thing you'll want

Is a good hot bath
after your train ride.

What room will
she have, kathy's?

Yes. Oh, no, no.

Uh, i... I think betty's
would be much better.

Fine. I'll take your suitcase.

Oh, kitten, you better
let me handle that.

No, I wanna help aunt neva.

Oh, honey, look out!

Oh, child, what have you done?

Why don't you watch
what you're doing?

Oh, it's all right.
No harm done.

Perfectly understandable.

She just shouldn't
have attempted it.

No harm done.

Bud, there we are, take these
up for aunt neva, will you?

Sure. You betcha!

[Canned laughter]

And, um, betty,

Why don't you show where
the towels are and everything,

While I prepare a few
things in the kitchen.

Yes, certainly. Come
along, aunt neva.

And I'll fix a big, fluffy
christmas eggnog.

So come down as soon as
you had your bath and relax,

And we'll sneak a few
advance peeks at our presents.

And have a wonderful
christmas eve.

♪ ♪

Oh, poor kathy.

She was trying so hard.

It really wasn't her fault.

I know.

Sometimes, it seems
as if those two

Were destined not
to get along. [Chuckles]

But no matter what, we must
make neva's christmas a happy one.


♪ ♪

What are you grumbling about?

Oh, I don't care.

Look, stop acting like a
little wounded groundhog.

Aunt neva knows
it was an accident.

She's forgotten all about it.

I bet.

Come on now, fix up
for christmas eve.

If you keep this up,
you won't have any fun.

Oh, you'll spoil
christmas for all of us.

It's already spoiled!

She didn't have to
scream and shout at me!

She didn't scream
and shout. She did, too!

I wish she'd never come.

I wish she'd go off!

She's just a big, old wom...

Shh. She'll hear you.

You don't want to
get a little hide tan.

[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Hey, what's all this
water doing on the wall?

What water?

Oh, my gosh. Father!

Oh, come here quick!

The water pipe's busted again.

What? Right there.

Oh, no!

Bud, run outside and
turn the water off.

You know where it
comes into the house?

Hurry before it gets any worse.

A... And betty, run upstairs

And tell aunt neva we've
had to turn the water off.

No bath. Oh...

I'm sorry, but there's
nothing else we can do.

What is it? What's happened?

That. Oh, no!

Oh, dear, we just can't
have this happen to us now!

We can't go all through
christmas without any water.

I know. But what can we do?

There's nothing
open christmas eve.

There's no one we can call.

There must be someone.

Surely there are some people
on some kind of emergency.

Firemen are always on duty.

Well, that's where
we made our mistake.

We should have
had a fire instead.

[Canned laughter]
what about this?

Day and night calls.

Day and night, yes,
but not christmas eve.

Mr. Fixit.

Probably fixes
bicycles. [Canned laughter]

I fix anything.

Roofs, floors,
fireplaces, water heaters.

Jim, call him.

Maybe he can do
it. Well, I'll try.

But I'm sure he's not gonna
come over here on christmas eve.

Well, tell him we're desperate.

Tell him we have a
house full of relatives.

And a small child.

No, that'll keep
him away for sure.

[Canned laughter] hello,
is this mr. Fixit?

Well, i... I know it's
preposterous to ask you

To come over here
at a time like this,

And I apologize for even asking.

And I wouldn't ask
if... Well, ask him.

[Canned laughter] if we
weren't so desperate.

But a... A water pipe burst
or something and... Well, what?

Uh, anderson.

607 South maple.

Oh, [laughs]

And mr. Fixit, you have
our undying gratitude.

He's coming?

What a wonderful,
accommodating man.

I knew he'd come.

Did you explain the water
situation to aunt neva?

[Sighs] how did she take it?

All right, but I think
you better talk to her.

She feels she's
inconveniencing us.

Thinks she ought
to go to a hotel.


Oh, I never heard of
anything so ridiculous.

I'll go right up.

Oh, oh, and you
better have a talk

With that little hobgoblin
daughter of yours.

She says she's not coming
down for christmas at all.

Oh, dear.

Such a thing to happen now.

Everybody upset.

I'll work fast and
keep out of your way,

So I won't chimcham up

All your christmas festivity.

[Laughter] I'll fix you up,

So your family can
have a fine christmas.

Ah, yeah, good.



Well, who is this little elf?

Oh, don't be frightened.

I just wanted to ask what
time you think is coming,

Old kris kringle tonight?

Who? Oh, it's santa claus.

Have you got your
stocking hang up?

I'm not gonna hang my
stocking up this year.

Well, now.

Well, now...

Well, now what?

Well, now, I thought
christmas was a time

When all little girls
were happy and jolly.

Well, I thought so, too.

Maybe all is not
so bad as you think.

When it comes to singing,
when it comes to presents,

And to cookies and to
christmas stories by the fire,

Say... I know a little
christmas story.

Maybe it will cheer you up.

My mama used to
tell me this story

When I was a little
boy in the old country.

It's about a young
girl... Like you.

And her name was...

By the way, what is your name?


There you see

Even the name is alike.

Katrina was her name.

Little katrina lived in
a little fishing village

In denmark, sweden
maybe, could be any place.

Can you picture such a village?

Well, think of the old pictures

In your little story books.

[Whimsical music]

The cobblestone streets,

The sloping roofs
covered all with snow.

It was christmas eve almost.

With her mama,

Katrina was walking along
in the shop windows looking,

Looking for a very special gift.

You see, for these villagers,
it was a christmas custom

To find the nicest
gift they could afford

And give it to the church as a
christmas offering to the poor.

But katrina, oh,
she could not decide

What should she give.

Mama, mama, what should I give?

Cakes, toys, mittens?

This year I want to find

The most wonderful
gift in the world.

Oh, my, such big ideas
for one so small a purse.

Now, there's a pretty candle.

It will give warmth.

And the pennies
you have will buy it.

Oh, no.

A candle is not great enough.

I want something big.

Like a big beautiful
carriage with red wheels.

But a carriage is of no
use to a poor fisherman.

He has no fine
clothes to wear it.

He has not even
a horse to pull it.

Come, we will find
something useful.

Like an old cow I
suppose, that gives milk.

A cow is good.

But it is not easy
to wrap a cow up

Into a pretty christmas package.

Come, we'll find something
a few pennies can buy.

No, you go ahead.

I must think first.

What is the greatest gift?

Such a big problem
for such a little head,

Thinking, thinking.

And just then,

Coming skillery, scullery
down the street was hans,

A young fisherman,
on his way to church.

And suddenly, he
spotted his little friend.


Come along, katrina.

Come with me to church.

Soon with christmas,
the bells will be ringing.

But I cannot go yet.

I have no gift, and
neither have you.

Oh, but I have a wonderful gift.

But I don't see them.

That is because it is invisible.

Oh, hans, do not tease me.

I am not teasing.

I speak the truth.

Hans, this is not the
thing to treat lightly.

What is it? A cookie?

[Giggles] maybe a doll.

A toy? A trinket?

Oh, greater than that!

A pearl?

Oh, greater than that!

A ruby?

Oh, greater than that!

Greater than all!

Hans, what is it?

What is the greatest gift?

That is not for
me to tell katrina.

It is said that each
must learn it for himself.

But how?

How do I learn it?

No one knows.

To everyone, it is different.

I learned it from a seagull.

A seagull?

You are a seagull.

It was in a great storm at sea.

The seagull was dashed to
the deck of our fishing boat.

I picked it up and fed it

And cared for it
'till it could fly again.

And that is when it told
me the great secret.

Huh? Oh, christ!

Fly away on your seagull wings!

So poor little katrina sat there

More mixed up than ever.

What was the greatest gift?

What was it she wondered?

Yeah, what the heck was it?

[Canned laughter]

Oh, I'm coming to that.

But what do you
think happened next?

A wondrous thing.

Guess this, you never will.

A seagull swooped down.


An angel appears.

An angel?

A real regulation angel
floated right down in front.

Scared the dickens
out of katrina.

Was this the christmas angel?

It's possible.

You're supposed
to be getting ready

For our christmas eve, grumpy.

Oh turn blue. [Canned laughter]

What does this angel look like?

It looked like a
bit, like that one.

An angel like her?

Boy, this is sure a fairy story.

Anyway, there she was kneeling

In front of little katrina.

Little katrina didn't
know what to think.

She just stared
and the angel said...

Be thou not so
surprised, katrina.

I am just an angel.

What kind of angel?

Regulation kind. [Sighs]

I heard that you're
wondering so hard.

I came to help thee.

You can hear people wondering?

Oh, yes, that is
regulation with us.

I better watch what I wonder.

Can you always tell?

Most always.

Let me wonder something,

And you tell me
what I'm wondering.




Thou art wondering why I
do not catch cold in just this.


And won't you running
about in your night gown.

Oh, no.

We angels are much too busy
to worry about such things.

I am here to help thee.

Then tell me, what
is the greatest gift?

It is as hans told thee.

Thou must learn it for thy self.

How shall I learn it?

Do what thy heart bids
thee and thou shalt learn.

And thou shalt learn,

And thou shalt learn,

And thou shalt learn.

She will freeze,
I am sure of it.

So then came an idea
into katrina's head.

Something she must
do before all else.

Something she must
do in one of the shops.

But which one?

Ah, yes!

The shop of her
[ph] guckenheimer.

Now guckenheimer is
the one with the nice face,

And a friendly manner.

He will not laugh
at the little girl

Who makes a strange request.

Ah, katrina, come in!

One more minute,

I would have been
closed for christmas.


And you should be on
your way to church by now.

Yes, but first, there
is something I must buy.


A sweater.

Ah, a sweater is good.

Now, what size shall it be?

Oh, I do not know.

Well, that is no problem.

Herr guckenheimer
knows the size of everyone

In the village.

You just tell me who
is the sweater for?

It is for an angel.

Hmm, uh...

Herr guckenheimer does not
get many angels for customers.

[Chuckles] in fact, none.

You do not believe me?

Of course, I believe you.

If you say it is for an
angel, it is for an angel.

Now, let me see.

Would you say, uh,
uh, average size?

Oh, no.

She's, um, she's above average.


Well, then, uh, what
about, uh, regulation size?

Oh, yes, that is it.


Now, here is a sweater,

Any self-respecting angel
would be proud to wear.

Is it warm? It must be warm.

Warm enough to keep
out the coldest demons

Flown down from the
north sea, on wings of ice.

What is the price?

Uh, the price,
that is the trouble.

The price is, uh, quite
a respectable amount.

I have these pennies.

Is this a respectable amount?


This is a respectable
amount... In a small way.

Too small.

But this is all I have.

Well, perhaps a little
candle will keep her warm.



We are forgetting

Herr guckenhiemer's traditional
policy of christmas discounts...

For angels.


Now, let me see.

Uh, seven, take away three,

Divide by, um...


It comes to exactly that amount.

Oh, what luck!

Yes, what luck!


I know she will like this.

We will wrap it in
ribbons of silver and gold.

[Whimsical music]

Did she like it?

Boy, that'd look funny,

An angel flying
around in a sweater.

Now, wait, you are trying
to get me ahead of myself.

First, there's another
part of the story.

In this village was an old woman

Dressed all in black.

She was a mean, old woman,

And nobody likes her.

You wouldn't know
any such type woman.

Oh, wouldn't i?

[Canned laughter]

Anyway, this old
woman watched katrina

When she came out with her
package and followed her.

Oh, katrina was a
happy little girl now.

Ah, but wait, another problem.

How do you give a
present to an angel?

Do you put it on your roof?

Do you run it up
on a kite string?

How do you do it?

As katrina sat down
to figure this out,

The old woman snatched up
the sweater and it was gone.

But you know something?

When katrina looked and
saw it was gone, she wasn't sad.


She was glad.

She thought the
angel had taken it.

Oh, she has it!

The angel has it!

Now my gift is
invisible just like hans.

I have found the greatest gift!

No, katrina.

Thou has not yet
found the greatest gift.

But I gave you
the sweat... [Gasps]

But you are not
wearing the sweater.


Angels cannot wear sweaters,
because of the wings, you know.

Now I shall never know
what is the greatest gift.

Thou shalt know it.

Because thou bought the
sweater for me, thou shalt know it.

[Whimsical music]

♪ ♪


Oh, do not be so sad.

I know who gave you this
sweater, and so it is all right.

Be happy.

Because the angel
gave you this sweater,

She must love you,

And so I shall love you, too.

["The first noel" plays]

Oh, child.

♪ ♪

Child, thou hast given me

What no one else
have ever given me.

♪ ♪

Thou hast given me love.

That is truly the
greatest gift of all.

This shall be my
gift to the poor.

Thou hast already given yours.

But what do you
think happened next?

A wondrous thing.

The old woman's
face became beautiful,

And the old black dress
turns to silver and gold.

And as they walked hand
in hand to the church,

The others all saw
them and they marveled.

And the bells in the church
rang out more beautifully

Than anyone had ever
heard them before.

Yes... More beautifully

Than anyone ever
heard them before.


Now, isn't that a
fine christmas story?

[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪

I guess I do not tell it so good

As my mama used to.

My gosh!

All done already?

[Laughs] you did work fast.

It looks good, too.

I should have done better.

Oh, no, it's fine.

It's wonderful. [Chuckles]

Oh, how much do I
owe you, mr. Fixit?

Oh, no, this is not the
night to talk of money.

I'll send the bill.

Well, all right.

I just wish I could tell
you how grateful we are.

How much we appreciate
your doing this for us.

Here, mr. Fixit.

I hope your family
likes fruitcake.

Oh, no. No. Oh!

This is too much,
no. No, go on. Take it.

We have to get rid
of this stuff someway.

Well, this is very nice.

It's nothing.

And we do hope that you'll have

A very nice,
wonderful christmas.

Thank you.

And I wish you the
very same. [Chuckles]

And the little girl, I hope
hers will be happy too.

Yes. Well... [Chuckles]

They say this is the
time for miracles.

I think we're gonna
need one tonight.

Well, kitten, it
won't be long now.

Pretty soon we'll get a
glimpse of old santa's boot

Coming down the chimney.

If he does, she'll
give him a hotfoot.

Come on, kath,
snap of out of it.

What are you trying
to do, veto christmas?

Boy, some christmas with
little grumpy down here and...

You know, mom's still upstairs
trying to talk aunt neva

Into coming out and join us?

Why'd she make
the trip here if she...


Well, this looks very
festive and christmassy.

Doesn't that tree look pretty?

Yes. Lovely.

Come in and join our merry band,

And we'll make the
welkin ring. [Chuckles]

Anybody here ever
rung a welkin before?

Neva... My favorite
sister, may I serve you

From the traditional
anderson wassail bowl.

[Chuckles] here.

Oh, I ran across a
recipe the other day

That tells how they used
to make a wassail bowl.

It sounded horrible.

They used to put
sugar and nutmeg

And a lot of stuff
in the ale and wine,

Then they heated the whole mess.

Had cooked apples
floating in it.

I can just see countess
so-and-so daintily lifting her cup

And getting slapped in
the puss with a soggy apple.

[Canned laughter]

Well, uh...

Here's to a very,
merry christmas.

Merry christmas.

Merry christmas.
Merry christmas.

Merry christmas.

Well, let's not let our
enthusiasm get out of control.

Maybe we need a
good rousing song.

Or, uh... No, let's, uh, sneak
a look at our presents.

How about opening a few?

What do you say, kitten?

I hope you'll get something
I can play with. [Laughs]

Oh, here's one. Uh, "for kathy".

Oh, no, I'm wrong.

It's "from kathy"
and it's for...

Uh, aunt neva.

Well, deliver your
present to aunt neva, kathy.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Merry christmas, aunt neva.

[Christmas music]

And I don't hate you
anymore, I love you!

Why, kathy.

♪ ♪



Geepers! A real
regulation miracle!

Then it's true.

Do you know what the
greatest gift is aunt neva?

You bet I do.

I've just received it. Oh!

Merry christmas, kathy.

Merry christmas.

Merry christmas, aunt
neva. Merry christmas.

Here, let me help you
unwrap your presents.

No, kitten, I think
she can do it herself.

We'll do it together.

Listen to those church bells.

I never heard them
ring that loud before.

[Church bells ringing]

Look, it's snowing!

Oh, ho-ho-ho! [Giggles]

[Chuckles] oh!

Why, they sound as if
they're right in our yard.

How much is all that
ringing just for us.

They are! That's regulation.

That's part of the miracle.

You know something?
I believe that.

[Chuckles] I believe it.


[Church bells ringing]

[Theme music]

♪ ♪
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