03x30 - The Spelling Bee

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Father Knows Best". Aired: October 3, 1954 - May 23, 1960.*
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The series, which began on radio in 1949, follows the lives of the Andersons, a middle-class family living in the town of Springfield.
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03x30 - The Spelling Bee

Post by bunniefuu »

[Classical music]

♪ ♪

Narrator: robert young...

And jane wyatt...

- [Laughter]

- With elinor donahue, billy
gray, and lauren chapin...

In father knows best.

- Mommy!

Look at what I've got!


- Champion, oh, angel,
this is wonderful!

Champion speller of your room.

Oh, when did this
happen? [Panting]

Was the contest today?

Oh, this is wonderful.

Oh, I had no idea you
were this good a speller.

- [Panting] I didn't either.

- Your father's gonna
be very proud of you.

- Oh, do you think
that things like this

Is worth a big
fat piece of cake?

- Yes, but not right
now before dinner.

- I mean now before dinner.

Cake tastes so much better when
you're not supposed to have it.

- Well, in view of
the circumstances...

- Thanks, mommy.
- Oh, hi, daddy.

- Oh, oh.
- Hmm.

Oh, look at what
mommy's got, big surprise.

- Oh, what's the big surprise?

- Oh, we have a
champion in our family.

- Oh, champion what? Hog caller?

[Canned laughter]
- oh, no, speller.

- Oh, what do you
know about that?

- Pretty good, eh?

- Amazing!

You know after seeing
the way bud mangles

Half the words in
the english language,

I thought spelling
was a lost art,

[Canned laughter] at
least in this family.

- Hey did I hear somebody here

Use my revered and
venerable name in vain?

- You certainly did,
here, have a look at that.

- Yeah, what is it?
- Well, read it.

Your little sister
just walked off

With the spelling
honors of her classroom.

- Yeah? So what?

- So what?

Could you do it?

- Well... Can she do 40
pushups without stopping?

[Canned laughter]
- no, but...

- Can she peg a baseball from
third to first on a dead run?

- Look, we're talking
about spelling.

- But what's so
great about spelling?

Can you make a living
out of it? Is that a career?

- Well, no, you can't
make a career, but...

- Did you ever hear anyone say,

"There goes john d. Rockefeller,

Millionaire speller."

- Bud...

- Or, "oh, look, j.p.
Morgan, when he was only 6,

He used to spell words
on the street corner

For just a few pennies.

And now he's head of the first
national spelling corporation."

If you ask me, the
kid's wasting her time.

[Canned laughter]

- Well, what do you
think of me, daddy?

- Well, sir, I think
you are a genius,

And richly deserved
to be decorated

With all that cake frosting.

- Yeah, I just hope I do as
good in the contest tomorrow.

- Huh?
- Tomorrow?

Well what contest is that?

- Oh, no, I got to
be in the contest

To pick the champ for
the whole grammar school.

- Good heavens, why
didn't you tell me?

- [Whistles]

- We're gonna have
to get you ready.

- Yes, we'll have to
get in a little training.

- [Laughs]
- fix something nice

For you to wear.


- That's the trouble
with parents,

They always get so nervous.

[Canned laughter]

- Hmm.

- Are you sure you don't
want another waffle?

I'd be happy to make some more.

- Well, now don't
fill her up too much.

We don't want her going into
that contest today feeling logy.

- Well, she has to
keep her strength up.

- Oh, ho, ho.

- What is she going into,
a weightlifting contest?

- Well, if you're finished,
you better run upstairs,

Wash the syrup off your face,
and brush your hair better.

- Okay.

- What a lot of
fuss over nothing.

D-o-g, dog, c-a-t,
cat, g-a-z-i-l, gazelle.

Oh, brother.

- Well, you better get your
books and be on your way.

- Wait a minute.

What was that you just said?

- G-a-z-i-l, gazelle?

[Canned laughter]

- G-u-z-i-l?

[Canned laughter]



[Canned laughter]

- Really all excited and
jumpy about the big contest?

- I guess so.

- Well, you don't
much sound like it.

If I was in your place...
Hey, put down my lipstick.

- Well, don't you think i...
- No.

- Well, I'm gonna be standing
in front of the whole school...

- No, you look all right.

- Oh, gosh. Then can I wear
some of your jewelry?

- No!

You're entering a spelling
bee, not a modelling contest.

- Hey, what's this old thing?

- Stop pawing around in there.

- I was just gonna ask

What is this old
penny with a hole in it?

- Oh, that's nothing.
It belonged to ralph.

He claimed it was
his good luck penny.

- Good luck penny?
- Uh-huh.

He said he always used
to rub his hands on it

For good luck before
he threw the shot put.

Until one day he dropped it,

And then trying to pick it up
quickly, he sprained his ankle.

- It wasn't very lucky, was it?

- Hmm.
[Canned laughter]

- Can I have it?
- Oh, I don't care.

But what do you want
that old thing for?

- Hurry up, kathy, or
you'll be late for school.

- Okay, I'm coming!

- Now, you do real
good today, squeegee.

- You spell 'em all down.
- I'll try.

I'll be waiting anxiously
to hear how you do.

- Hurry up, angel.

- Give it everything
you got today, old man.

- I wish you were
gonna be there, daddy.

- I wish so too, kitten,
but I'll be there in spirit

- And your mother will be there.

- Right in the front row.

- So good luck, kitten.
And do your very best.

- Okay. Now, you be
sure and be there.

- Oh, don't worry,
you can count on me.

Now, hurry up, you don't
wanna be late for school.

- Bye.
- Goodbye, dear.

- Bye.

[Dramatic music]

- [Both sigh]

♪ ♪

- Oh, it's you.

- Oh, come on, hurry up. Tell
me, how did kathy come out?

- I don't know.
They're not home yet.

- Not home yet?
- Say, aren't you...

Oh, I thought you were kathy.

- Oh, I can't imagine
what's taking them so long.

Unless maybe they're started
giving them real tough words

Like gazelle.

- I was wondering, maybe
I'll try to call the school.

- Here they come!
Here they come!

- Huh? Oh!
- Come here.

- Oh, she lost. I can tell
by the look on her face.

- [Sighs]

- Well, maybe not.

- Hi!
- Hi!

- What did they say?

- [Sighs]
- oh.

- Well, you might as well give
us the whole gruesome story.

- Did she lose real bad?

- Well, she didn't
lose. She won.

- Won?

- Oh, here's her
ribbon, school champ.

- Kathy.
- Why, you little faker.

- Trying to fool us, eh?

- [Laughs]

- She's not faking.

- What do you mean?
- She's not happy.

She's frightened to death

Because now she
has to go to lafayette

And compete for the
county championship.

- County?
- Uh-huh.


- She says she won't go.
- Well, I don't get this.

When did she become frightened?

This morning she... She seemed
to be taking the whole thing

In stride.

- I think it began when she
suddenly found herself

Up on that stage
facing the whole school.

I could almost sense it.

- Well, how did she do?

Oh, well, obviously,
she did all right.

She won. [Chuckles]

- Actually, it was remarkable.

Well she stood up
there and spelt words,

That and I'm sure I
would have missed,

But I could tell that she
was getting awfully nervous

Towards the end.

- That's strange.

Well, kathy, old man,
I'm mighty proud of you.

- Gee, I should think you
consider this a big opportunity.

It will be fun going
to another town.

- [Chuckles] sure, it will.

You'll have a fine time, kitten.

- She says she's not going, dad.

- Oh, well, a fellow's
bound to feel that way

After the excitement of
today's contest and all.

Things will look
different tomorrow.

- I'd be too scared.

- Oh, no.
- Oh, no, you won't.

It will be no different
from the contest here.

- That's the trouble.

I was scared in this
one. [Canned laughter]

- Well, you'll get
over that, kitten.

That happens to everyone.

And it would be a shame to
miss out on a trip like this.

When is that
contest in lafayette?

- Saturday.

- Oh, well, good.
Maybe we can all go.

Make a family trip out of it.
How does that sound, kitten?

- Oh, kathy, that's ridiculous.

- Uh, I think we ought to
just forget it for now.

Anyway, it's time to get dinner.

- Yes.

I think that's what we
all need, a good dinner.

- Come on, dotty,
I need your help.

- All right.

- Boy, was I scared, only shook
like a bunch of macucarachas.

- Well, the important
thing is you won.

If you're that good here,

You'll be just as good
at the county contest.

- I was just lucky.

I spelled words I
never heard of before.

I don't know how I did it.

- Well, you're just a
natural speller, that's all.

You just happen to
have a knack for it.

- I don't know how I did it.

- Betty!

- I'm coming.

Well, look, don't worry.

Things will work out just fine.

- I don't know how I did it.

Bud, did you ever
have a lucky penny?

- Hmm, I guess so.

I used to have some.

- Were they...

Could they really
bring you good luck?

- Hmm...

- Could they help you
do things you can't do?

- Oh, I doubt it.

- But maybe?

- Maybe.

- Bud, give me a hard word
to spell, a real hard one.

- Hmm, gazelle.

[Canned laughter]
- no.

I mean a real hard one.

One I don't know how to spell.

Find one in your magazine.

[Canned laughter]

- Um, how's this?


- Too easy.

[Canned laughter]

- Okay, uh..."Differential."

- Yes, that's good.

I don't know how
to spell that one.


- That's right.
[Canned laughter]

- Now give me another
one I don't know.

- Okay.

Here's one, "carburetor."

- Yes, that's good.

C-a-r, uh...

- Car-bur-ator.

- C-a-r-b-e-r-a-t-o-r.

- Wrong.

- It worked.
- What worked?

You missed that.

- I know it.

Daddy, daddy, what time
do we leave for lafayette?

[Canned laughter]

[Birds chirping]

- We're right here on no. 2,
So the car is okay where it is.

- "Indispensable", come
on now, kathy, spell it.

- Oh, heck, I'm tired of that.

- [Laughter]
- come on, gangway.

- We'll have to keep at
it if you expect to win,


- I-n-d-i-s-p-e-n-s-a-b-l-e.

- Right, "corroborate."

- There is a single and
double bed in there.

You three girls
can use that room.

- I better look myself
before I agree to anything.

- A-t-e.
- [Laughter]

- Right, "heterogeneous."

- Uh-oh, I don't know that one.

- Um, try it.

- H-e-t...
- Don't you think

You ought to give her a
little rest for a while?

- H-e-t, um...
- [Sighs]

- Keep going.

- H-e-t-e-r-o-g-e-n-e-o-u-s.

♪ ♪

- Did you spell that word?

- I didn't know you heard me.

- Oh, well, I was wondering.

I thought maybe
there were ghosts...

[Canned laughter]
- hey!

Are you gonna be in
the spelling contest?

Oh, me too.

- Oh, what's your name
and where are you from?

- Mara zurney, I'm
from wattsville.

I'm kathy anderson,
from springfield.

- Oh, mara, I fixed
some sandwiches.

Come on, mara.

- Well, looks like

You're gonna have some tough
competition there, squeegee.

You better get to practicing,

Especially on
heterogeneous, come on.

Uh, "effervescence."

- Oh, I know that
word backwards.

- And they're not gonna ask
you to spell 'em backward.

- You try it forward.
- E-f-f...

- I don't know...
- E-r...

- I think this
dress is too tight.

Maybe you better
put on the other one.

- Oh, it's all right.


- Right.

Um, "apocryphal."

- Don't you think you're
over training her?

- Oh, not with the
competition she's gonna have.

You should hear that
little mara next door spell.

- Yeah, but she's
not practicing now.

She's eating sandwiches
her mother fixed for her.

- Fixing sandwiches?

Well, there are no
kitchens in places like this.

Why don't they go out to eat?

- I can guess why,
it's to save money.

Did you see that little dress
she had on, I felt so sorry for her.

Oh, "apocryphal."

- A-p-o-c-r-o...
- No, no, no, no.

Y. "Apo-cry-phal."

- [Breathes heavily]


- Uh-hm.
- F-a-l.

- No, no, no. P-h-a-l.

Now, try the whole thing.


- I think maybe there's
some cleaner in the car.

- Okay.

- A-p-o-c-r-y


- Hey, they got a good
movie playing here.

Why don't we go and see it after
the spelling nonsense is over.

- Oh, you can go to
the movies at home.

- Oh, somehow it's different
in another town, though.

- [Chuckles] [canned laughter]

Oh, hello there.

You must be mara.

- I... Could kathy come out?

Oh, not right now.

She's getting ready,
but, oh, won't you come in?

- [Sighs]



- I hear you're gonna give
kathy a little competition

This afternoon.

- These are very nice books.

- Oh, you like books, mara?

- Oh, yes!

Did you know they're giving a
whole set of the encyclopedias

To the winner today?

- Yes, I know.

Sounds like a fine prize.

- Oh, yes!

- Oh, hello!

- Hello.

Oh, that's a pretty dress.

- Oh, it's kinda old.

Hey, do you feel
kinda scared inside,

You know, kinda jumpy and stuff?

- Mara, I think I saw your
mother looking for you.

She probably wants you
to get ready for the party.

- Get ready?

I'm ready.

- Oh, no. I mean
change of dress.


Well, i... I think she's...
She's looking for you.

- Mara!

- Coming!

[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- [Sighs]

Isn't that a shame?

- You know, an
occasion like this,

You know, it's a big
moment in her life.

- Mommy, you said this dress
was too tight for me anyway,

Would... Could she wear it?

- Oh, yes! Certainly!

That is if you don't think
it would embarrass her

- To accept it.
- No! Mara, mara!

♪ ♪

- [Sighs]

♪ ♪

- Boy, is that little mara
happy with the dress?

I wish you could see
the look in her eyes

As she left just now.

- Hey, we better
be leaving, too.

Kathy. Is kathy ready yet?

- She's all ready. Let's go.

- Come on, kathy, we're leaving.

Bud said little mara looked
pretty happy with the dress.

- Oh, I'm so glad.

Come on, kathy.

- [Sobbing] I can't go yet.

I can't find it. It's lost.

- Oh, what's lost?
- My good luck penny.

I've looked
everywhere. It's gone.

- Oh, now come on.

We haven't time to bother
with a thing like that.

- No, no. I can't go without it.

It's the only way I can spell.

- What good luck penny
you're talking about?

The... The one you
found in my jewelry box?

- I gotta find it.

- Oh, kathy, there's nothing
with that good luck stuff.

- There is with this one.

I had it with me when I
won the school contest.

That's how I could spell
those words I didn't even know.

- No, kathy. No, it isn't.

- Yes, it is.

I even tested it with bud.

Didn't i, bud?

- I don't know what
she's talking about.

I just gave her a
couple of words

To spell out of a magazine.

- Yes, and when I held
the penny, I got it right.

And when I didn't, I missed.

I've gotta find it.

- Honey, look, we don't
have time to hunt now.

And besides, it isn't the
penny that helped you win,

It's your own ability
and you still have that.

- It's the penny.

The penny!


- And it is a thrill for
me to preside again

At the annual county-sponsored
spelling contest.

And to see in action
all these fine, young,

Intelligent competitors,

I only wish we could award
each one of the contestants

A set of encyclopedias,

Instead of... Just the winner.

All right, now.

You all know the rules.

One miss eliminates you,
and you leave the stage.

This continues until
we have two finalists.

So spell carefully, and
good luck to each of you.

- Oh, look at her, jim,
the poor little thing.

I wish there was
something we could do.

- I wish we've known
about that penny business,

- Then maybe we could...
- Shh!

- Here we go for round one.

Number one, please stand.

Your word, "inconceivable."

- I-n



- Correct.

Next, "vicissitude."

- V-i-c



- Oh, I'm sorry. That is wrong.

Number three, "vicissitude."

- V-i-c



- Right.
[Canned laughter]

Next, "loquacious."

- L-o-q-u-a-c-i-o-u-s.

- Right.


- V-o-r-a... C-i-o-u-s.

- Good.

Next, "physiology."

- P-h-y-s-i-o-l-o-g-y.

- Correct.

Next, "solicitous."

- Solicitous.



- Right.


- O-b-e-i-s-a-n-c-e.

- Correct.

Next, "tumultuous."

Here, here. What's going on?

What are we fighting over?

- Nothing, just an old penny.

- Considering what's
at stake here today,

I hardly think a penny
is worth bothering with.

From now on, let's have no
more tumultuous conduct.

[Canned laughter]

Well, let's see now.

We've had, uh... Seven rounds.

Seven hot and heavy rounds.

Let's see how many
survivors we have.





That's all there are, four.

All right, we now have to
find two finalists in this group.

So here we go.

Number one, "isosceles."


- I-s-s...




- Oh, I am sorry.
That's not right.

[Canned laughter]


- Isosceles.






- No, that is not correct.

I'm sorry.

Number four, "isosceles".

- I-s-o s-c-e-l-e-s.

- That is right.

Number six.

Think hard now or it's all over.


- Oh, that's rough.
That's rough.

- P-r-o-s


- Right!

And so here we have
our two finalists.

Two very excellent

And very pretty spellers.

So now we'll just give
them a few moments to relax

And regather their
strength and wits

Before the final encounter.

I think maybe we all
need a moment to relax.

I'm sure I do.
[Chuckles] [canned laughter]

- I don't know what
that silly penny has,

But it certainly
perked kathy up.

Oh, isn't she amazing?

- Yes, she is.

But I'm kinda sorry
she thinks that penny

Has anything to do with it.

- Oh, look, father, don't
quibble, she's winning,

- Isn't...
- Shh! They're starting.

- All right!

Here we are now
with the final round

To determine who will be
our new county champion

And win the fine set
of encyclopedias.

Mara zurney of wattsville

Or kathy anderson
of springfield?

So here we go.

Ready, girls?

All right, mara,
we'll start with you.

And your word is, uh...


- Oh, why couldn't
that be kathy's word?

She knows that backwards.

- E-f-f



- Oh, mara.

Please, think.

- E



- No, that's not right.

- [Indistinct chattering]

- Wait, wait, you...
You're a finalist.

You still may have
a chance to win.

Your competitor
still has to spell.

All right, kathy.



- E-f-f



- No, I'm sorry.

It's s-c-e-n-c-e.

So we still have a tie.

All right, mara, let's see what
you can do with your next word.

- It's a good luck penny.

- Come, come, let's hurry.

Your word, mara, "pseudonym".

- Pseudonym.




D-o-n-i... No.

No, y-m.

- That is correct.

[Audience applauding]

All right, kathy.

It's up to you.


- Oh.

What a break, she
can't miss that.

- Come on, shrimp-o'.

- A-p-o



- Oh, I'm very sorry, kathy.

That's not right.

Here is our new county champion.

[Audience applauding]

- Kathy?

[Dramatic music]

- Ow.
- Ow.

- I wanted to win, but then i.

- Oh, we know, we know.

- I hope you're not
mad at me for losing.

- Oh, never.

Oh, angel, you just won
the biggest contest there is.

- You know something?

I gave the penny
away so I couldn't win,

But I still could.

That luck stuff's no good.

- No, but the stuff you
have is pretty good. [Chuckles]

- Hey, kathy, come on.

They want to give
you a medal too.

[Audience applauding]

♪ ♪

[Theme music]
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