03x31 - Bud, the Philanthropist

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Father Knows Best". Aired: October 3, 1954 - May 23, 1960.*
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The series, which began on radio in 1949, follows the lives of the Andersons, a middle-class family living in the town of Springfield.
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03x31 - Bud, the Philanthropist

Post by bunniefuu »

[Classical music]

♪ ♪

- Narrator: robert young...

And jane wyatt...

- [Laughter]

- With elinor donahue,
billy gray, and lauren chapin

In father knows best.

- You know, it's amazing
how much a man can save

By just using a
little elbow grease.

Now, this wax job would
have set us back $12, $15,

Maybe more.

Here we take an hour or so
out of a sunday afternoon,

A dollar's worth of wax
and a few muscles, and...

[Canned laughter]

You better slow down,
boy, you're k*lling yourself.

- Huh?
- How can you stand the pace?

Don't you think you better
lie down and rest awhile?

Yeah, maybe you're right.

- Bud, come back here.
- But you said take a rest.

- Rest period is
over. Come on back.

And bring your mind with you.

You can't work with your
mind a million miles away.

- Well, i... I had some
pretty heavy thinking to do.

- Oh, I see. Got a big problem?

- Yeah, kinda.

But it's something you're
not supposed to go around

Talking about,

According to what they
teach us in sunday school.

- Oh?

- Well, they say when you,
uh, do good deeds, you know,

Give to charity
and things like that,

You're not supposed
to tell people about it.

- Well, you're right about that.

- So that's why
I can't tell you.

- Well, that's a good reason.

- I suppose I could
tell you, though.

Dads aren't exactly
people. (Canned laughter)

- Since when?

- Well, I mean... Well,
that's a compliment, dad.

- Thank you.
- That's okay.

- [Grunts]
- tell me something, dad.

Why is it you're not suppose
to tell about your charities?

You know, 'cause actually
not telling just crosses you up.

- Oh, I doubt that.
- Oh, no, no, wait.

Now, let me tell you what
happened this morning

In sunday school.

Now, you... You know
that $10 I've been saving up

To buy track shoes with?

- Yes.

- Well, this morning, mr. Royal,
he's our sunday school teacher,

He suggested a
good deed project.

Now, we do these things
every once in a while,

Like the time we, uh,
gathered clothing

For the flood victims

And the time we put up posters
for the community chess...

- Yes, I remember.

- Well, anyway... This morning,

Mr. Royal suggested a good deed

That had to do
with a little kid.

- His name is frankie,
frankie platt.

He's younger than you fellas,

But, perhaps, some
of you have seen him.

He sells papers downtown
at the corner of 9th.

Now, he's gonna be laid up
for a while with his broken leg.

- How'd he break it?

- A car hit him, hit and run.

Now, uh, I was wondering
what you fellas would think of,

Uh, chipping in and
buying him a little radio.

It might help him to
pass the long hours

He'll have to spend in bed.

- Don't they have a radio?

Everyone has a radio.

- Not everyone.

Some people can't afford them.

I'm for it, mr. Royal.

Whether the other guys are
not, I'm a hundred percent for it.

- Fine. Well, what do
the rest of you say?

- Do you agree with kippy?
- Sure.

- All right. Fine.

We'll start collecting
the money in this box.

And remember now... No
one has to contribute.

You only do this because
you feel in your heart

You want to.

All right, I'll put the box
here and at the end of class...

[Bell rings] well, I
guess that's it.

By the way, next sunday,
try to be as prompt to arrive

As you are to leave.

- [Laughter]

- Come on, let's...

- Okay. Okay.

- So there I was, no change,

Just the $10 bill
for my track shoes.

Naturally, I couldn't
chunk that in.

I hated not putting anything in.

What else could I do?

[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪

I could feel the
guys staring at me.

It didn't make me
feel very good.

♪ ♪

In fact, when I got
the ways down the hall,

I got the feeling so cheap, I
knew I had to do something.

But what?

I needed those track shoes,
but I didn't have any change.

So you know what I did?

♪ ♪

I went back and
took my hard-earned...

My sweet-earned
sawbuck, and I chucked it in,

The whole works.

[Canned laughter]

Yes, sir, I plunked in my
track shoes, spikes and all.

- Well, that's fine, bud.

And I'm very proud of you, son.

- Yeah, but nobody saw me.

Nobody knows I've put
in anything, let alone $10.

- Well, that really
doesn't matter.

The only important
thing is that you...

- Yeah, I know all
about that, dad.

But darn it, I kinda
like to have people say,

"By george, that bud's okay.

He plunked in 10 bucks

For a little kid he
doesn't even know,

Sacrificed his track
shoes, his track shoes!"

- [Laughs] well, now, look, bud.

- Is that so wrong?
- You...

- To want people to
say you're a nice guy?

- Well, no, of course not.

But if you put in that
money merely to get credit,

That is wrong.

- Um, yeah, but... Well,
even if I do get credit,

The money still does the
same good deed, doesn't it?

- Well, yes, materially.

But you see, with that attitude,

It's no longer a good
deed on your part.

It's a bargain you're making.

You're using your money to
get a good name for yourself.

Do you see that?

- Oh, i... I guess so.

Oh, evidently, I do

Because I didn't tell
anybody what I did.

I wish they knew,

So they'd know I
was the kind of guy

Who didn't want them to know.

[Canned laughter]
- [laughs]

You want too much
for your money.

Oh, the real reward is
something you feel inside of you,

The strength that
adds to your character.

- Jim, bud. I fixed
you some lunch.

Come and eat it while it's hot.

- Okay, honey.

Come on, philanthropist,

Let's go in and fill our
stomachs as well as our souls.

[Canned laughter]
- you know in the movies,

A guy does a great,
wonderful thing for somebody,

And he never tells about it.

He even goes to his
death without telling,

And nobody knows.

- But the whole audience
knows, [canned laughter]

Thousands of people.

- [Laughs] life isn't a movie.

- Yeah, but if it was
me, nobody knows.

- Oh, you're wrong there.

The two most important
ones in the whole world know,

You and the... One who
made up all these rules.

Come on, let's go in.

♪ ♪


Ah, that looks good,
almost good enough to eat.

- Bud, did you...
- Yes, I washed.

- Did you...
- Yes, I used soap.

- How about water?
- Yes, i...

Now, you see, dad,

What a low opinion everybody
holds me around here?

- [Chuckles]

- Now, if I could just
tell them about my $10 bill.

- What $10 bill?

- The one that i... Nothing.

- Oh, speaking of money.

I sat next to your
sunday school teacher

This morning in choir,

And he told me about you
boys raising that money

To buy that radio.

- Oh, what radio?
- Oh, it's for a little boy.

A little newsboy who's
in bed with a broken leg.

- Oh, I think that's
a very nice idea.

Oh, yeah, mr. Royal
was pretty amazed

Because, well, the collection
only started this morning,

And already the
boys have raised $10.39.

- Oh, well that is amazing.
[Canned laughter]

- What did you say? $10.39?

- Yes.

You wouldn't think
there was 40 cents

In that whole little group
of playboys put together.

- Dad, did you hear that, $10...

- Yes, I heard. Congratulations

- But, dad, 39 cents from
those eight other guys,

That's hardly a nickel a piece.

- Well, every nickel
counts they say.

- Bud, what on earth
is the matter with you?

- There's not a thing
in the world to matter.

Is there, bud?

- No, sir, not a thing.

Please excuse me.

I'm not very hungry after all.

- Now, what was that all about?

- Well...

- Well, he seemed almost upset
that his class was so generous.

- Well, you see, his generous
class contributed only...

- Thirty-nine cents.
[Canned laughter]

Bunch of bums.

Nothing but pennies.

And who gets all the credit?

They do, the whole
big-hearted class.

- Hi! Who you mad at?

- Nobody.
[Canned laughter]

Better get out to the
kitchen if you want some lunch.

- Won't they let
you eat with them?

- I'm finished.
[Canned laughter]

Say, wait a minute, kathy.

How do you like
to do me a favor?

- Not now. I'm hungry.

- Well, this won't
be until next sunday.

All you have to
do is come up to me

When I'm standing with
the bunch of the guys

In the sunday
school class and say,

"Bud, i... I forgot to bring
money for sunday school.

Would you lend me some?"

And I say, "I'm sorry,
kathy, but I haven't got any."

- That figures.

[Canned laughter]

- Well, then you say...
You look surprised,

You say, "but I know
you have a $10 bill."

- But I don't know
you have a $10 bill.

- Well, you know it now.

[Canned laughter]

Well, anyway, um,

You say, "what
happened to your $10 bill?

"Uh, which you were
saving up for track shoes,

Which you need very badly?"

But I refused to tell you.

- Then, why ask you?

- Well, you just keep
trying to drag it out of me.

No matter how many times I
try and change the subject.

And then finally you...

[Canned laughter]

You just forget about it, kathy.

- No, no wait.

You want me to come up to
you in sunday school and say...

- I said skip it.

I was only kidding.

- But, wait!
- Kathy, your lunch is ready.

- [Sighs]

- Bud, I'm beginning to be
a little ashamed of you.

Bad enough trying to finagle
credit for your donation,

But using your little sister...

- Don't say any more, dad.

I'm beginning to feel
cheap enough as it is.

I'll drop the whole thing.

- Good.

And try to act a little
cheerful about it.

- I'll try.

[Comical music]

[Canned laughter]

- And I was lucky enough
to pick up a nice little radio,


So the money you fellas kicked
in last sunday did the trick.

Incidentally, I think
it should be mentioned

That most of the, uh, credit
for the success of this project

Belongs to one of our members.

I could tell by the, uh,
arrangement of the money

That one of you
put in most of it.

I'm especially
proud of this boy.

I don't know who it is, and I'm
sure he doesn't want it known.

[Canned laughter]

His blessings, his reward
is what he feels inside him

And what it does toward
building his character.

Now, I can, uh, pick the radio
up either tuesday or wednesday,

Then it will have to
be delivered to frankie.

Whom shall we
give that honor to?

- Kippy, who else?

- Sure, kippy.

He's the one who gave
the biggest contribution.

- No, now wait fellas.

- Don't be modest, kip.

- No!
- Let's give it to kippy.

- Yeah, let's give it to kippy.
- No, jimmy, I don't!

- Well, kippy, I guess
you're elected.

- Say, how did you
figure it was kippy?

- Oh, who else could it be?

He was the one who so
anxious to buy the radio.

He was the first
one to contribute.

- Well, it doesn't
prove anything.

- I suppose it was you who
chunked in the big dough.

- Maybe it was.

- Yeah.

You didn't even contribute.

You walked out.

- I came back.

- Yeah, sure you did.

- Oh, by the way, kippy.

I wish you'd stay
after class a moment.

There's another project
I wanna talk to you about.

- Okay.

- All right, who's known
the verses for today?

Okay, kippy.

- Matthew 6, verses 3 and 4.

"But when thou doest alms,

"Let not thy left hand know
what thy right hand doeth.

"That thine alms
may be in secret,

"And thy father which
seeth in secret himself

Shall reward thee openly."

♪ ♪

- I thought that was a very
good sermon this morning.

When reverend swayne
tackles a subject like...

Well, son, how come you didn't
stay for church this morning?

- Oh, I didn't
feel much like it.

I... It's kinda tough to
sit that long with a tie on.

- Well, that isn't
much of an excuse.

- Well, this tie is
very stiff material.

- Well, you
should've been there.

They honored your friend kippy.

- They what?

Honored him? What for?

- He was chosen to represent
our young people's department

At the youth
conference next week.

Oh, uh, anything
in the refrigerator

A fella can nibble on?

- Oh, don't touch
that blueberry pie.

That's for dinner.
[Canned laughter]

- Youth conference?
- Yes.

Evidently, your sunday
school teacher, mr. Royal,

Recommended him very highly.

- So that's what he wanted
to talk to kippy about.

- Well, kippy got up and
made a very nice response.

Very modest.

Said he didn't
deserve the honor.

- Boy, he's so right.

- Oh, bud, I'm ashamed of you.

That's no way to talk
about your friend.

- Well, you would too if you
saw what happened this morning

- In sunday school class.
- Oh, hi, bud.

You should've been in
church this morning.

- Your friend
kippy got up and...

- Yeah, yeah. I
know all about it.

- I just always thought of kippy
as being an average knucklehead

Like the rest of your group,

But evidently, he's a
very wonderful boy.

- Oh, yeah, he's the most
charming thing alive.

- Oh, now, you wouldn't
be jealous, would you?

- No, I'm not jealous. I just...

I promised dad I wouldn't
talk about it anymore.

- Oh.

- But if you ever hear of
anybody with gall enough

To take credit for donating
a huge sum of money,

Which he didn't do,

Don't be a bit surprised
if his name begins with a k.

- Oh, are you talking
about that $10 you donated?

- How'd you know about that?
- Father told us.

Is that what kippy's done,

Taking credit for
your contribution?

- Well, he didn't
actually say, "put it in",

But he didn't work very hard
to discourage the other guys

From thinking he did.

- Well, of all the nerve!

- He's got a very sincere
way of denying something

So you don't believe him,
you know what I mean?

- Well, I think you should
go and tell mr. Royal.

- Well...

I couldn't do that.

I'd just feel cheap.

A fella can't go up and say,

"Hey, look at me, I'm
the one who's great".

- No.

- Somebody else
has to do it for me.

Say, like for
instance, a guy's sister.

- Oh, well, bud, i...
I shouldn't do it.

It sounds like bragging coming
from someone in your own family.

- Well, you could sort of
let it slip out accidentally.

You could say I made you promise
never to tell under penalty of...

- Boy, you never
give up, do you?

[Canned laughter]

I thought you agreed
to drop this subject.

- Well, I did.

- I think he has
a point, father.

The kids all think it was...

It was kippy who
donated bud's money.

- Oh, really?

- And because of that, he was
picked to deliver the radio.

And that's probably
why he was picked

For that youth
conference thing, too.

- Well, if that's true, that
does make it a little rough.

- Well, it's injustice, dad.

It... It's hypocrisy,
right? Hypocrisy.

[Canned laughter]

- Hmm.
- Hmm.

- What do you think we
ought to do about it?

- Nothing.
- Nothing?

- Look, son, the only thing
that's important to you

Is that you've done right.

That's all that really matters.

And as for the injustice...

You just have to have faith
that things all balance up

And work out all
right in the long run.

I know that's hard
for you to believe

Under these circumstances,
but give it a try.

You never really know if a
thing works until you do try it.


- Well, okay.

- [Chuckles]

- [Sighs]

Well, maybe things will
work out in the long run,

But is there any harm in...

Giving 'em a little nudge for
speeding things up a little?

Especially when it's in the
interest of justice and truth?

Even dad would
have to admit to that.

It wasn't for me,
it was for justice.

That sanctimonious,


Big-hearted, phony kippy.

That pho-o-o-o-ony.

[Canned laughter]

And just what do you
think you're doing?

- I was just walking through,
anything illegal in that?

- Well, it's not nice
to sneak up on people

And eavesdrop.

- I wasn't eavesdroopin'.
I didn't hear anything.

[Canned laughter]

Why don't you go over
and beat up on kippy?

[Canned laughter]

- That's not too bad an idea.

At least bring him
to a showdown,

Make him admit the truth.

There's surely nothing
wrong in bringing out the truth.

No one can object to that.

The truth is a very
high-class quality.

And anybody searching
for it can only be high class.

This is a very honorable...

Hello, mrs. Watkins?

This is bud anderson.
Is kippy there?

- Oh, no. He is over
at mr. Royal's place,

Working on a speech or something

He's going to give at
the youth conference.

Oh, my, we're proud of kippy,

And of the fact you
boys have chosen him

For all those honors,

Makes us feel just
awfully good to know

He's so well-thought
of by his friends.

Oh, is there any message
you want me to give kippy?

- Hmm.


Oh, no.

No message.


Boy, that working
out in the long run

Must be awful long.

[Canned laughter]

[Doorbell rings]

- Oh, hello, kippy.

Come on in.

- Thanks.

Is bud home?

- Yes, he's up in
his room studying.

Is that the radio
for the little boy?

- Oh, yes, this is it.
I just picked it up.

- That's nice.

Uh, you can go up to
bud's room if you want to.

- Okay, thanks.

[Comical music]

♪ ♪

[Canned laughter]

Hi, bud!

[Canned laughter]

What do you say, kid?

- What are you doing here?

- Oh, uh, I just drop by,
just picked up the radio.

You wanna see it?

- I've seen radios before.

- Yeah.


Bud, I got to talk to
you about something.

- I gotta talk to you
about something, too.

- Well, let me get
this off my chest first.

I feel miserable!

- Y... You? Miserable?

- Big, popular, handsome...
- That's just it.

I'm not what you fellas think.

This'll surprise you,

But I didn't chunk
in that 10 bucks.

My conscience has been
gnawing at me so hard

I just had to tell somebody.

And you're the
only one I could tell

Because you're
the only one I'm sure

Who didn't put in that money.

- Well, now, wait just a minute.
- Well, let me finish.

I don't dare face the other
guys because one of them,

The one who did
chunk in that 10,

He knows what a bum I am.

Bud, I couldn't
look him in the face.

You don't know what a
miserable feeling this is.

Why he hasn't exposed
me? I don't know.

Either he's a great guy

Or he's smart enough to know
what tortures I go through?

Bud, will you do me a favor?

- Well, I don't know.

- Will you please deliver
this radio to frankie for me?

- Well, you were the
one who was chosen.

- Yeah, I know.

But I just can't do it.

When I'd go in there
and hand this to frankie,

He'd start thanking me and
telling me how wonderful I am

And... Well, I just can't
stand any more of this.

Will you do it, bud? Please.

- Well...

- Please, bud!

I... I'm beginning to imagine
people are staring at me.

When I came in your house,

I imagine betty and
kathy were staring at me.

Of course, I know it
was just my conscience,

But... Will you do it, bud?

- Well, sure.

- Oh, thanks, bud.
I knew you would.

You know, you're
the best friend I have.

You're a bum like I am,

But at least, you're
an honest bum.

From now on, I'm gonna
try to be more like you.

I'll see you, boy.

- Well, what do you know?

- Where are you going?

- Out of the way, kathy,
I got to deliver a radio.

- Radio? How did you get
that away from kippy?

- Justice did it.

Credit is about to be
given where credit is due.

See you later, kathy.

[Canned laughter]

- Now, wait a minute.
Let me get this straight.

You say kippy
arrived with the radio,

But left without it,

And then bud left saying
he was gonna deliver it?

- That's right.

- Oh, how do you suppose
bud got the radio?

- Maybe he beat kippy
up, like I suggested.

- Oh, he wouldn't.
- Oh, that boy.

He just couldn't
let the matter drop.

Had to push it into something.

Down and determined
to get credit

For this piddling
little contribution.

Uh, where does this boy live?

The one he's
delivering the radio to?

- Oh, I have no idea, but,
uh, kippy would know.

- I wouldn't call him.

- Or, mr. Royal,
I'm sure he'd know.

Well, let's call somebody
and get the boy's address.

I wanna head off
this young scamp

Before he gets over there

And says some things
he wished he'd never said.

- Yes. Yes, a man called.

Uh, mr. Royal,

He said you were bringing
something for frankie?

You must be kippy
watkins? Come in, kippy.

- I'm not kippy,
I'm bud anderson.

- Oh, I must've gotten the
wrong name over the phone.

He's right in here. He'll
be awfully surprised.

I didn't tell him
you were coming.

Frankie, you have a visitor.

This is kip...

[Canned laughter] what was it?

- Bud anderson.

- Yes, bud anderson, and
he's brought you something.

- It's, uh, just a
little something

To sort to help you
get well quicker.

- Yeah, for me?

- Open it.

[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- My gosh, a radio.

♪ ♪

(Breathes deeply)
look, mom, a radio.

Oh, man, this is crazy.
We got a radio, mom!

- That's real nice.

That's real nice.

- It's so pretty.

- Oh, man, is this something?


Let's try her out.

Let's plug her in
and give her a try.

- Here, here, I'll
do that for you.

- Hey, uh...

Well, how come you did this?

I mean, it's wonderful,

But why should
you do this for me?

- Well, uh...

- Gosh, you don't even know me?

But I think it's great
you understand.

I think you're great,

But, gosh, these
things cost money,

And you could use
the money yourself?

- Well, frankie, i...

You know, this
radio isn't from me.

It's from all the guys in
the sunday school class.

They all chipped in on it.

- All chipped in, huh?

That makes it even better.

Thank them all for me,

- Will you, bud?
- Sure.

- Funny how things work out.

A fella breaks his leg,

And all of a sudden, he's
got a whole lot of friends.

- Yeah.

Well, let's, uh...
Let's turn it on.

The thing probably
might not even work.

It takes a little while
for 'em to warm up,

Get the old tubes hot.

Oh, hi, dad. What
are you doing here?

- Hey, listen, mom!

- Turn it down,
frankie, too loud.

Turn it down.

- Isn't this great?

- To be honest, bud, i, uh...
Came over here to stop you

From trying to make yourself
up to be a big philanthropist.


I apologize, I need
not have come.

- Well, I'll be honest, too.

I... I was planning on it.

One look at frankie's
face when he saw the radio,

It changed all that.

I think right then, I
started to understand

What you've been
trying to tell me.

Dad, why is it I have to learn
every thing the hard way?

- [Chuckles]

I don't know, son.

I guess maybe
that's the only way

Any of us ever really learn.

- Hey, where's bud? Hey, bud?

- Comin' up, frankie.

♪ ♪


[Theme music]
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