04x12 - Kathy Makes a Wish

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Father Knows Best". Aired: October 3, 1954 - May 23, 1960.*
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The series, which began on radio in 1949, follows the lives of the Andersons, a middle-class family living in the town of Springfield.
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04x12 - Kathy Makes a Wish

Post by bunniefuu »

[Announcer] Here are...

with Elinor Donahue, Billy Gray,

and Lauren Chapin in...

Would you look up
the log of that, Dad?


[Margaret] Kathy, where are you?


Where are you going?
Your mother's calling you.

Oh, just outside.

This time of night?

Well, um, I was just going to
the garage to get something.

I'll be back in two seconds.

Well, don't fool around
with any of my stuff.

I won't.

Well, I'm looking
for a small girl.

She went thataway.

Oh, I swear it's like trying
to keep track of a flea.

What do you have there?

It's my horseshoe.

I found it in a vacant
lot this afternoon.

Neat, huh? A real horseshoe.

All you need now is a horse.

Well, let's put your
real horseshoe away

and gallop up to bed.

But this is what I
came down after.

I'm going to take
it to bed with me.

Oh, no.

A horseshoe in bed?

A horseshoe is lucky.

If you find one and
make a wish on it,

it'll come true.

No kidding. It really will.

Oh, that's a fairy tale, shrimp.

You don't believe in that stuff.

Sure, I do. It's
true. Isn't it, Daddy?

Well, usually you have to do

a little more than wish
for something you want.

Work helps.

You're right, so I'm going
to work real hard wishing.

Well, you can't
win them all, dear.

If this is a good horseshoe,
and I'm pretty sure it is,

I'll get my wish in the morning.

Well, isn't that asking
for pretty fast service?

Oh, I got my order in early.

I made my wish this afternoon.

What is the wish, kitten?

Well, if you tell somebody
what you wish for,

the wish won't come true.

Oh, no. That just applies to
blowing out birthday candles

and the first star
you see at night.

Well, I suppose you and mother
should know what I'm getting

so you can fix up the garage.

He'll have to sleep in
the garage, you know.

Well, who's he?

A pony.

It'll be here tomorrow
morning probably.

But a pony's a pretty big order.

I wouldn't count too much on it.

Well, it doesn't
hurt to wish, does it?

No, but you mustn't
be disappointed.

Oh, I won't be.

I already have a name
picked out for him.

I'm going to call him Cookie.

Cookie Anderson.

- Yes, but Kathy...
- Well, now, kitten...

Now, if he comes
here in the morning,

don't anybody feed him.
I want to feed him myself.



Good night.

Good night, angel.

Good night.

Good night, Cookie.

I'll see you in the morning.

You'll be my very own pony.



Is anything wrong?

What are you doing out of bed?

Well, I...

What do you want, angel?

Well, I was just wondering...

Do ponies have blue
eyes or brown eyes?


We'll talk about
it in the morning.

Go on back to bed.

What color eyes do they have?

Blue eyes or brown eyes.

Whoever told Kathy
she could make a wish

on that confounded
horseshoe ought to be...

Who would've thought that...

So it was you.
You're the culprit.

Well, how did I know
she was going to make

a spectacular thing out of it?

Yesterday afternoon she
came in with that old horseshoe

and asked me what
she could do with it.

I was reading, I
didn't even think.

I just said make a
wish. That's what I said.

- That was enough.
- Yeah.

When she comes down here,

you can explain why
the pony isn't here.

Oh, Father, Kathy
isn't an infant.

She doesn't really believe
in that wishing thing.

Maybe not, but she's
trying awfully hard.


Is my pony here?
Is my pong here?

Maybe he's in the back.

Jim, she shouldn't be
outside in a nightgown.

All right.

I can't understand
what happened.

Cookie's not here.

[Bud] Cookie?

My pony.

I made the wish
like you told me.

I wonder what's wrong.

Well, you see, kitten, uh...

Making wishes on horseshoes,

four-leaf clovers, and
all those things is fun.

But it's kind of a
pretend game, mom?

You know more for little kids?

I'm little.

No, that's not
what's wrong, Daddy.

I'll bet it's too early yet.

I'll bet that's why he's
not here. Oh, sure.

That's it. It's early.

He'll be here easy by lunchtime.

Do you like the name Cookie?

Oh, yeah, that really sends me.

Well, I'm going to get
dressed. I'll be down in a minute.

You're a goofy little kid.

Keeps selling herself that's
she gonna get her wish.

I don't get it.

Well, fairy tale lady,
any suggestions?

I'm never going to open my
mouth in this house again.

Ho ho ho.

I'm going over to Marge's

to pick up some
crepe paper and candy.

Have to make table
favors for the class lunch in.

I'll be back in a little while.

I have 90 favors to make
before tomorrow. Ugh.

Could you help me,
Mother? Oh, thanks a million.

The girls in this family.

Nothing but crackpots
and racketeers.

You realize it's almost noon?

And the committee said
making favors is easy.

Only take you a few minutes. Ha.

You have any more jellybeans?

No more jellybeans. This sack
of gumdrops is all we have left.

Well, the girls won't
eat them anyways.

They're all on diets,
but they'll look pretty,

and that's all that matters.

- Need a hand?
- No.

And keep out of our candy.

Say, where's Kathy? How
come she isn't getting in on this?

Oh, she's sitting on the front
steps waiting for her pony.

Boy, is she gone.
She's way out there.

Where does she expect this
pony to come from? Out of the sky?

[Kathy] Mommy! Mommy!

Mommy! Mommy, come here quick!

Hurry, come on!

Lookit! Look at there!

Oh, Cookie. Cookie.

Oh, I knew you'd come. Oh.

Well, where did it come from?

Oh, there's the answer.

It's my pony. Look,
just what I wished for.

Now, wait, Kathy.

The pony belongs
to this man, angel.

But I wished for him.
That's why he's here.

It happens every day, ma'am.

He's a pony a thousand
kids have wished for.

You can't blame them.

- What's her name?
- Kathy.

Kathy, honey, would you like

to have your picture
taken on this little feller?

Go ahead, Kath.

Give you a chance
to sit on it anyway.

Three for a dollar, ma'am.

I make them up real nice.
Nice little frame and all.

I guess so.

Well, you got to
have a cowboy hat on

while you get
your picture taken.

There, that fits real fine.

Now, come on.

Now, swing right on here.

- Is that wonderful.
- Up you go.

Come on.


[Margaret] Oh, that's
wonderful, Kathy.

Hey, you look pretty good
up there, Two-g*n Tessie.

- Oh, come on.
- Oh.

Push your hat back so
we can see your face.

Can your turn
head a little, honey?

Now, can I have a little smile?


Oh, that's wonderful, Kathy.
You look like a real horsemen.

This is the last one.
Now, everybody smile.

There that was a good
one. Nice family picture.

That was wonderful.

Oh, he's so sweet.

He's quite a hay burner.

I can get down.

Do I pay now?

No, ma'am, you can pay me
when the pictures are delivered.

Ah, he's a lover
boy, that little feller.

I hate to break this up,

but I think the man would
like to be on his way.

Uh, about lunchtime. Do you mind if
I eat my lunch under your tree there?

Oh, no, go right ahead.

How would you like to
walk him around while I eat?

Would you like that?

Oh, could I?

Don't let go of him
now. He'll wander off.

Oh, I'll take good care of him.

Now, you eat as
slowly as you want to.

No, hurry. Come on, Cookie.

Come on. Come on.

They just don't understand.

You are my pony. Aren't you?

You're my Cookie
that I wished for.

I know you are.

Where's lunch?

Oh, it's coming. Just sit down.

You ought to see Kathy
and Cookie out there.

She insists that animal is hers.

Well, she wants to think that.

She having sort of last
fling at childhood fancy.

You can imagine
what it would be like

if that pony were hers.

We have that silly creature

right in the house with us.

Come on in. Pull up a chair.



Oh, for heaven's sakes.

I told you she have
him in the house.

- Has he had his lunch?
- Uh-huh.

He had a lot of grass
from the backyard,

and he ate some
daisies for dessert.

Now, you back up, Cookie.
I want to talk to Mommy

and I don't want you to listen.

You know, I think we better
tell the man with the camera

whose pony this really is.

He's really mine.

I wished for him.
You know I did.

Now, angel, let's be reasonable.

The man has probably
had this pony for a long time.

Well, somebody had to
keep him till I wished for him.

But, honey, he needs
the pony to make a living.

So you wouldn't want to take it
away from him now would you?


I have an idea.

Why don't you let
him use your pony?

Sort of lend it to
him for his work?

How would that be?

I guess you have
to go with the man

because he needs you.

But you're still my pony.

I'm just lending you
to him, you know.

Time for us to go now, Kathy.

Much obliged to you
for minding him for me.

You'll take good care
of him, won't you?

Oh, yes indeed, I will.

I won't work him too hard.

Don't you worry.

Now, when she comes
in, don't say anything.

Oh, let's have some
lunch now. You'll feel better.

It's all right.

Cookie, will come back.
He knows he belongs here.

Oh, no.

Well, he is. He is coming back!

You'll see! [sobbing]

You had to say something.

Oh, horseshoe, I got
to tell you the truth.

Yesterday I didn't believe
you'd answer my wish, really.

I was just hoping.

But you did send me my pony.

So I sure believe you now.

And I just want to ask
you one more favor.

I had to let the man take him,

but don't let it be for keeps.

Send Cookie back to me.

Send him back alone.


Poor tired little girl.

Hi, Daddy.

Hi, kitten.

Dinner's ready.

I'll be right there.

Okay. Come on.

My, my, what a nice big
family we have this evening.

[tap tap tap]

I have an announcement to make.

We're engaged.

Isn't that wonderful?


He's mine forever
and ever and ever.

Kathy, honey, are you all right?

Oh, yes, Mommy.

I just dreamt about Cookie.
That proves he's coming back.

Kathy, angel,

let's try and think
about something else.

You're right, Mommy.

Now, that I know that
Cookie's coming back,

I've got to start thinking

about a bed for him to sleep in.

Hi, kids. What's going on here?

Cleaning out the garage, I hope.

- I'm making...
- Your brilliant girl child

is making a hotel for
an imaginary horse.

Well, that's all right.

Imaginary horses
are the very best kind.

You don't have to feed them.

- But, Daddy, I won't have...
- What's all this?

Well, I was filling
these with gumdrops,

and somebody got into the candy

and scattered it all over.

Oh, I like to lay my hands
on the fiend who did this.

Probably Kathy or Bud.

Anything happen
around here today?

Ask Mother. She'll tell you.

So what happened when it
came time for the pony to leave?

Well, I tried to
smooth things over.

Told her she's letting
the man use her pony,

but she wasn't happy about it.

Do you have a bucket?

Bucket, what for, kitten?

To put water in for
Cookie when he comes.

A big pan will be all right.

Look, kitten, we don't
mind if you make a place

for your pony to
sleep in the garage.

As long as you know
that you're just pretending.

I mean, don't plan
on a real pony.

But I have a real pony.
You'll see him when he comes.

Oh, Kathy, you're too
big for this silliness.

It's not silly.

You know perfectly well
that pony is not coming back,

so why don't you
accept the fact?

He is coming back.

Now, look, all right.

Let your father and me
talk to Kathy about this.

But all you do is encourage her.

I know you don't believe in
my horseshoe, but it works.

It worked this morning,
and it's gonna work tonight.

You'll see. Cookie
will come back.

Oh, for Pete's sake.

Sure, you think I'm silly.

Bud doesn't believe it, either.

He says I'm twisted.

You're sick, sick, sick.

That's spelled S-I-C-K. Sick.

Sick in the head.
Spelled S-E-A...

No, H...



Bud, for heaven's
sake, what is a matter?

It's Cookie. He's here.

Oh, I told you, I told you!

Well, this just can't be.

Can it?

My Cookie. My Cookie. Oh.

Well, he's a nice pony, kitten,

but he doesn't belong to you.

Apparently, the man with the
camera tied him somewhere,

and he broke away.

But why did he come
back if he's not mine?

Well, I have to admit

that I don't have the
answer to that one.

Hold him a minute, Daddy. I
have to get his house ready.

How did Kathy know
he was coming back?

I got a better one than that.

Why did he come back?

[imitating Charlie Chan] Oh,
number 1 son, think have answer.

Pony have sweet tooth.
Steal candy at noon.

Now return at scene of crime.

- That's it.
- That little thief.

He's the one who scattered
the gumdrops all over.

That explains why
he came back all right.

A good, sound,
logical explanation.

But I kind of like
Kathy's reason better.

She just wished for him.

Well, I'm going to tell Kathy.

Oh, wait, uh...

Let her think she
wished him back.

Well, aren't you
going to tell her?

She lured the pony away
from the guy who owns him.

She's practically a horse thief.

Oh, she didn't know
he had eaten the candy.

Well, okay.

If you want to keep a hot pony.

We're not going
to keep him, silly.

What do you mean?

You have to tell
her sooner or later.

Oh, you're good
at that sort of thing.


Come on, Cookie.


Now, here's where you're
going to live, Cookie.

It isn't much, but
it's the best I have.


Kitten, look at me.

We always tell each
other the truth, don't we?

Do you really believe
that this is your pony?

That was honest. Thank you.

Look at it this way.

You're taking care of Cookie
till his master comes for him.

You have to treat him
just as if he were your own.

Isn't that right?

I'll have to call
the animal shelter

and tell them that
we found the pony.

But the chance are the
man won't show up for him

until tomorrow morning.

So tonight he's all yours.

Now, we'll fix up
a little stall for him

here in the garage.

Can I sleep out here with him?

Well, I don't think
that Cookie would want

someone sleeping
in his stall with him.

But he'll be afraid
out here all by himself.

You want me to sleep out
here with you don't you, Cookie?

See, Daddy?

[Margaret] Jim?


You won't be frightened

because I'll be sleeping
right out here with you.

There's someone
at the front door.

I think you better speak to him.

Well, who?

The man looking for his pony.


Why did he have to come tonight?

You looking for your
wandering Shetland?

Yes, Mrs. Anderson
said he came back here.

I swear I left put a
chain on that little feller.

He's just like a hound.

Somebody feed him, and
he comes traipsing right back.

Well, he's out in the garage.

I... I'd like to
ask you a favor.

If we assure you that he
would be well cared for,

could you leave him
with us for tonight?

Well, I...

It would mean an
awful lot to Kathy.

I suppose I could
stop by in the morning.

Don't matter, really.

You'll make one
little girl very happy.

All right. I'll see
you in the morning.

Thank you.

- Good night.
- Goodbye.

Good night, Ralph.

Oh, Mother, where are you going?

Well, I'm taking a couple
of extra blankets out

for our little friends
in the garage.

You know, the horsy set?

Kathy isn't sleeping out there?

Oh, yes, she is.


No, she has company.

There are three of them.

Cookie, Kathy, and friend.

Oh, no.

The one on the
left is your father.

[Betty] The things he
has to do for this family.

But what about Kathy? She's
gonna be heartbroken in the morning

when the man
comes for that pony.

No, she's reconciled.

She knows the pony
leaves in the morning.

Her one wish was to just
sleep here with it tonight.

Father couldn't
refuse, could he?

Oh, what a softie.

Well, maybe so,

but how lucky we
are to have him.
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