08x01 - The Mask of Deception

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu". Aired: January 2011 to present.*
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"Lego Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu" revolves around the adventures of six ninja: Kai, Cole, Jay, Zane, Lloyd, and Nya.
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08x01 - The Mask of Deception

Post by bunniefuu »








Nice masks.


You could almost
pass as Ninja.





Ah, man.



Pixal, I need my car.

Your coordinates,
Master Lloyd?

Somewhere over...
You know how to find me.



I could kiss you, Pix!

I don't think Zane
would approve.

Who am I chasing?

He or she is not
in our database.

Whoever they are,
they're good. I need backup.

All of the others are on active
missions throughout Ninjago.

You are on your own.






Master Lloyd,
are you all right?

Are you there?

Yeah, I'm here.

It's time to get
the team back.





Ugh. This sun is blistering.


You heard your master. Work!

Huh. You there, peasant.

Bring me water.

You hear me?

Bring me some water!



Ah. It's--

The Master of Water, Nya.

I don't care. Get her!





Still thirsty?







Cole, you're my friend, but
right now you're my worst enemy.

You have no idea
how time travel works.

If someone goes back in time
and alters the past,

our reality as
we know it would change.

We could look totally different,
and not even know it.

But we don't.

Thus, Master Wu
must have slipped

into a timestream
into the future.

Whenever he is,
it's been a year.

It's time we find him.

Uh, hi. Sorry to bother you.
Cole, Master of Earth.

Uh, this is Jay,
Master of Blabber.


We heard that an old man
who lost his memory

wandered in from the cold.

About so high, long beard,
drinks a lot of tea.

I told you not to introduce
yourself as the Master of Earth.

No one knows what
that means.

No, you bolt-head, everyone
here took a vow of silence.

Can you point us to him?

Thank you!
I-I like your place!

Wait. If it's him,
and he lost his memory,

don't remind him of that stupid
TV show I once hosted, okay?

Uh. Master Wu?


Oh, come on. We came
all this way, and it's not him?

Ugh. That's it.
I quit.

I'm tired of
losing people in my life.

Wu would never quit on us,
and we're not quitting on him.

If he's really still
out there,

couldn't he at least send
a letter from the future?

Or leave a message
to stand the test of time?

He's wise.
He'd find a way.

We just have
to keep looking.

Yeah, you do that.
And while you're at it,

I'll be doing something
more useful, like being a Ninja.

Ha! Some Ninja you are.

You talk more
than you fight.

At least I'm entertaining.

All you do is judge, and
act like you know everything!

Would you stop fighting?


Way to break your vow.

Oh! Oh no,
I spoke too!

Ha, ha, I knew you
didn't have it in you!

I've been holding this in,
but I just want to say,

I hate doing your dishes!

Well, if everyone is doing it,
I'm doing it too.


Ah! That's our cue.
Got to run!

Zane, Master Lloyd requires

Kai and your attention
in Ninjago City.

Is it serious?

It appears so.
Did I catch you at a bad time?

Zane, a little help?

Hot off the press.
The Mechanic is back, Ninjago.


Ugh. Whoever said
"Fight fire with fire"

didn't know what
they were talking about.

We will be there shortly.

Watch out for the crossfire!

Hey! You're stealing my lines!


Who likes ice cream? I do.

How was that
for a last line, Kai?

Can we lea

Needs a little work.

Gonna have to give me
a minute to thaw, though.


Hey, there he is.

You're late.

Kai was late too,
if it is any consolation.

Thanks for meeting me here.

It's been a while since
we've all been under one roof.



Are we going
to talk about it?

Talk about what?

Your voice. It's--


Sounds like our little
Ninja is growing up.


Leave him alone.


Any word from your mother?

Not since she went
searching for Master Wu.

I don't know where she is.

She'll come back, Lloyd.
And so will Wu.

Not everyone
comes back, Cole.

But that isn't
why I called you here.

I called you because of this.


Your father?
Lord Garmadon?

After poking around, I've
learned it's the symbol to--

The Sons of Garmadon.
A mysterious criminal syndicate

growing in prominence
in Ninjago City.

Seventy-two hours ago,
they stole a powerful relic

from Cyrus Borg.
Some mask--

Not 'some' mask.
The Oni Mask.

There are only three
in existence.

Whoa, I'm confused.

How can there be
three masks

when you just said
it's the only mask?

Not only, Jay. Oni.

The Oni are said
to be all-powerful beings.

Demon that predate

Each mask embodies
one of the three Oni warlords.

If all three masks
are united,

whomever owns them
will wield tremendous power.

Ninja, this is Mr. Hutchins.

Master at Arms and Counsel
to the Royal Family.

I've asked him here.

The Royal family?

Apologies if
you aren't familiar.

They honor their privacy,

as they do
the safety of Ninjago.

Let me guess,
they have an Oni Mask too.

"Too?" Now there's two?

The Emperor will be delivering
a public speech tomorrow,

and I'm worried
the Sons of Garmadon

may try to steal the mask.

We could use your
assistance, that is,

if you can keep
a low profile.

We are Ninja. No one
will know we are there.

Just let us know
where and when.


As many of you know, my family
has kept a private life.

We aren't interested in meddling
with current affairs.

But as crime has risen,
so has our concern.

So it is time to step out of
the shadows, and into the light.



I don't like this one bit.

If the Royal Family
likes their privacy,

why give such
a public speech?

I think it's nice. They're
reaching out to the people.

Why all the hate, sis?

You just don't like
getting gussied up.

All that gold and glitter
is for show.

The Royal Family
are figure heads.

They don't have any real power,
what purpose do they have?

Their purpose
is to be protected,

as do all of our traditions.

I believe Master Lloyd has
spotted something of interest.


Looks like he's got
an eye for the Princess.

I guess green
is her favorite color.

You do know
I can hear you, right?

The Emperor is almost finished.
Let's just do our job.

...and always stay united.


Be on the lookout.


I see a--



Is the threat clear?

Huh. Firecrackers.
False alarm.

You protected
the Royal Family.

You have their gratitude.

You are invited to be
their guests in the palace.

He! No one ever gets
invited into the palace.

Are you sure
they meant us?

It's just a palace.

Once you've seen one,

you've seen them all.

We'd be honored.


Welcome to the Royal Palace.

Also known as
the Palace of Secrets.

Ooh, why do they call it
the Palace of Secrets?

If I were
to tell you that,

then it wouldn't be
a secret, now, would it?


Look at that.

I already feel royal.

It's beautiful.

Yeah, I could really get used to
living in a place like this.

Well, don't.
We're only here as guests,

then back to
protecting Ninjago.

Hmph. Too much gold
in my opinion.

I present to you the exalted
Emperor and Empress of Ninjago,

and their daughter, the
Jade Princess, Princess Harumi.

We are honored
by your presence.

The honor is all ours.

I have read much
about you.

Your heroics will
surely become legend.

Kai, the hothead
who acts without question.

Cole, the rock
and foundation of the team.

Jay, the joker whose mouth
is as fast as lightning.

Zane, the cold
and calculating android.

your Highness.

And Nya, the girl.

The girl I've wanted to be ever
since I first heard about her.

With her mastery of water
and her skill

that could rival any master.

I like her.

And Master Lloyd,
the Green Ninja.

The youngest
but most powerful protector.

The chosen one.

I too have lost my parents,

but we are both not
without family, hm?

We adopted Harumi
and raised her as our own.

When her parents
passed away.

Thank you for inviting us
into your home.

It wasn't us.
It was our daughter.

And she would like you
to stay with us,

until the threat
to our throne is over.

These are troubling times,

and as long as
we have an Oni Mask,

we fear our lives
are in jeopardy.

The masks must never be
reunited. Please say yes.

Then you have
our help.

Great. Then Mr. Hutchins
can show you the palace.


While you are in our service,

you have full access to
the complimentary royal buffet.

Anything you want
is at your disposal:

exotic fruits,
assorted vegetables, scones,

and all you can eat cake.

Ah, thank you,
but I gave up sweets.

My body is a temple.

Ever since Master Wu
went missing,

Cole has been
a real party pooper.

Party pooper?

I'll explain later.

The palace is equipped
with secret passages

to get anywhere fast.

Oh, so that's why
they call it

the Palace of Secrets.

Yes, but as to
the locations

of these secret passages,

only the Royal Family knows.

Sure. You mean
like right...


Nope. Not there. No.
Or here? Or right here?

How about here? Here? Or here?
No. Nope. No.

Or this one? Here?
Nope. Wrong.

This got to be it.
Wrong again.

This is a big one. Here?

Uh, ha, ha, we'll
clean up after ourselves.


Anyone else think
there's something

a little off about this guy?

He's holding
something back.

And finally,
the reason for your protection:

The Mask of Deception.

Ugh. A face only
a mother could love.

Why would anyone
want that?

That's up to us
to figure out.

Just being in
the same room with it

gives me
the heebie-jeebies.

If this is
the Mask of Deception,

what was stolen
from Borg Industries?

The Mask of Vengeance.

And who has the third one?

No one knows the location of
the Mask of Hatred,

but my sensors tell me
it won't be lost for long.

Zane is correct. Though no one
has found the third mask,

it has given the Royal Family
little resolve...


...for we know dark forces
are looking to acquire it,

And that's why we need
eyes on it at all times.

Don't worry, we're Ninja.

We're experts
at this kind of thing.


All clear.

Here too. Wait, look!

Who's watching who?

Mm. Mm.

Are you sure you don't want any?
This cake is delicious.

Ah. My body is a temple.


Well, the buffet is clear
of any threats,

and they're out of bologna.

Can we discuss now
what is a party pooper?

Ugh. Jay's upset
I'm the responsible one.

With Master Wu gone,
someone has to keep us in check.

In that case, you are correct.
You are responsible.

It is nice to have
a pooper at the party.



So you're the Mask of Deception.



Princess Harumi?

Are you there?
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