08x09 - True Potential

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu". Aired: January 2011 to present.*
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"Lego Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu" revolves around the adventures of six ninja: Kai, Cole, Jay, Zane, Lloyd, and Nya.
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08x09 - True Potential

Post by bunniefuu »

HARUMI: Connect me
to the Departed Realm.

It's him.


You are
under arrest.




In other news, Ninjago City

has once again
been saved by ninja

from the clutches of
a militant biker g*ng

calling themselves
the Sons of Garmadon.

Yeah, hear about that?

Happened just a few blocks away.
Crazy, right?

Over of its g*ng members

have been sentenced
to Kryptarium Prison,

while its suspected leader,

the Royal Jade Princess
of Ninjago, Harumi,

is being questioned by police.

Uh, what I wouldn't give
to be a ninja.

Hoo. Hah. Hyah.


Hey, easy there,
Master of Trash.

This shift just started.

Aw, this drive--
it's k*lling me.


She calls me.

She calls you what?

I didn't say anything.

She... calls... me.


She... calls... me.


Has she talked yet?

Yeah, she hasn't
given us squat.

They don't call her
the Quiet One for nothing.





No, it can't be--

Sir, watch out.



You're free.

Now free me.







♪ It's time for training,
And we're getting started ♪

♪ It's on, you know

♪ And we wanna see you
Whip and shout it ♪

♪ We rock

♪ You roll
♪ You roll

♪ They say go slow

♪ And everything
Just stands so still ♪

♪ We say go, go

♪ We're ready for the fight
We know the drill ♪

♪ It seems so long ago...

This part is--
Okay, listen--

Okay, here it comes.

♪ They say go slow

♪ And everything
Just stands so still ♪

♪ We say go, go...

That must be a strange sight--

to see someone
you've known for so long

suddenly look so young.

He always had a young soul.
At least he's happy.

♪ ...jump
And do it again ♪

♪ Ninja go,
Ninja come on... ♪

Not everyone is happy.


You cared for her,
didn't you?

What does it matter?

It mattered to you.

Bruises go away.
Bones break and heal.

But getting
your heart broken?

Take time to mourn,
but don't let it destroy you.

If you bury
what's good about you

beneath a hard shell,

you'll turn out
no better than Harumi.

♪ ...gonna see us
Rip into it ♪

♪ Just jump up, kick back,
Whip around, and spin ♪

♪ Then we jump back,
Do it again ♪

♪ Ninja, go

♪ Ninja, go

♪ We're gonna do it again

♪ We just jump up, kick back
Whip around... ♪

Darreth, cut the music.

♪ Then we jump back
Do it-- ♪

Hey, don't--
Come on.

What is it, Lloyd?

It's always good to see
my beautiful Gayle Gossip, ah.

Where an assailant
rammed a stolen garbage truck

into the front of it.

I'm hearing word
it was a jail break.

A prisoner
was freed from custody.

Okay, maybe not
always good.

Hey, didn't you just
put the princess in jail?

You don't think
it's her, do you?

Okay, I'm getting verification
the prisoner that was freed

was the recently apprehended
Jade Princess Princess Harumi.

Security footage
caught the two on video...


Holy cow. That looks like--


That... That's impossible.

Could be anyone.

But he has four arms.

So does Mr. E.

Heh, who doesn't have
four arms these days?

We stopped the ceremony,
didn't we?

I'm telling you,
that's not him.

If that's Lord Garmadon,
heh, I'm Lord of the Jig.

That-That's when she said,
"Kneel before Lord Garmadon."

Ah. Okay.
That's definitely him.

You better start jiggin'.

Misako, can you find a place
to keep Wu somewhere safe?


I have a corner pad
on the east side.

You two can make it
your own. Heh heh.

Just don't mind
the underwear lying around.

We'll take him there now.

The rest of us--
we've got work to do.

I got this place in case
the Brown Ninja

ever needed
a secret headquarters. Heh.

I'm a little bummed

the ninja
haven't needed me more.

Well, we need you now.
This is perfect, Darreth.





The toilet's on your right.

If it's yellow,
let it mellow.

If it's brown,
flush it down.

If it's blue--
Uh, I don't know what to do.


Sorry. I guess
this isn't the time for jokes.

In all seriousness,
no one should find you here.

Gayle Gossip?
Ha ha ha ha.

What can I say?
I'm a news junkie.



Uh-oh. For a safe house,

I guess it could be
a little more child-friendly

or, uh,
little master-friendly.

I gotta be honest.

This little dude
is freaking me out.

No offense, Wu.

This will do just fine.

Thank you, Darreth.
Or should I say Brown Ninja.

Heh heh.
The honor is all mine.


And you're sure
it was Garmadon?

Yes, but he's not the man
I remembered.

This is someone... else.

Like they just brought back
the worst parts.

Twenty of my officers
tried to take him down,

but-- just--

Ah. We couldn't stop him.

I tried to reason with him,
but it was like

there was nothing left inside
to reason with.

But you saw
where they were going.

He didn't just break Harumi out
and disappear.

They must have left a clue.

All they left us with
is broken glass,

a handful of sore backsides,

and a healthy dose
of humility.

Ah. Sorry I couldn't be
of more help.

You did what you could. Besides,
this is my fight to bear.

You sure
you're up for this, son?

We all are.

And look on the bright side,
it's your father and Harumi.

At least the rest of
the Sons of Garmadon

are locked away, right?

I'm now standing outside
the Kryptarium Prison--

JAY: Aw, come on.
More breaking news?

I'm getting word
there's been a prison break-in,

but you heard me correct,
folks--a break-in.

The entire prison

has fallen under the control
of its prisoners.

Ha. At least
you got to admit

we've got
a top-notch newscenter.

And we now know where Harumi
and Lord Garmadon are.





Uhh. Uhh.

The warden
wants to make a deal.

Ahem. Y-You and all your friends
are free to go.

No one needs to get hurt, right?

I think we're gonna stay.

In fact,
if there's anyone leaving...




The ninja will be coming.
Make preparations.

Heh heh heh. Oh, yeah.
Heh heh heh.

Sons of Garmadon,

no longer shall
I be the Quiet One.

No longer shall I be silent
and no longer shall you,

for our father has returned.





BIKERS: Garmadon.
Garmadon. Garmadon.

Garmadon. Garmadon.



This is not good.
This is really not good.

You barely beat them
last time.

And that was when
we had the help

of the entire
police force.

And now they have Lord Garmadon
on their side.

We go to Kryptarium Prison.

Okay. We take on Garmadon,
Harumi, and her entire g*ng

while they're fortified
in an impenetrable bunker.

Not the best idea.
Anyone have anything else?

Okay, not all at once.
One at a time, please.

I have to face him.

I turned him once.
I can turn him again.

Ah. That sounds like
a really bad idea.

And Kai knows bad ideas.
He's full of them.

I agree. It's too dangerous.
That's exactly what they want.

And, Lloyd, you heard

what the Commissioner said
about your father.

It's not him anymore.

We don't know that.

I have to try.

Ah. I believe
in this instance,

your past may be
clouding your judgment, Lloyd.

Yeah, you're just gonna
have to trust us.

We need to stay as far away
from that place as possible.

Listen to the Lord of The Jig.
He's right on this one.

Ah. Okay,
then what do we do?



Good. Your strength
has returned.

But there's still
so much more.

All those years,

your father and brother
kept the truth from you.

They were afraid
of what you'd become.

The blood of both Oni
and Dragon flows through you.

You have the power
to create and destroy.

Ahh. Tell me.


As Wu had previously
taught the ninja,

you too can unlock
your true potential,

a dark potential.

But to achieve it, you must
overcome the one obstacle

that has always
stood in your way.

The one person
who has always held you back.

My... son.

Yes. Lloyd.

Then bring him to me.

I won't have to.
He will come.


That's odd.
Who locked the navigation?

Oh, there you are, Nya.

The guys wanna talk

Uh, gimme a minute.
I just have to unlock this.

It can wait.
Pixal has a plan.

You're gonna wanna
hear this.


I know it's tough to take
a backseat on this one.

I get it.
We can't be impulsive.

We don't want this
to spiral into anything worse.

Okay, Nya.
So what's your plan?

My plan?
I thought it was Pixal's?


NYA: Lloyd,
what are you doing?

I'm sorry, Nya.
I have to confront him.

I have to face him.

COLE: No, you can't.

KAI: Come on, Lloyd.

It could be a trap.

JAY: Yeah, and, hey,
we can talk it over.

We'll figure it out.

I'm sorry, guys. It's something
I have to do alone.

NYA: Lloyd.
JAY: Lloyd. Stop.

COLE: Don't do this.
NYA: Lloyd, come back.





You don't have to do this.

What would Wu do?

This isn't you.




Stand back, guys.


Come on.

COLE: He's in his car.

He's heading toward
Kryptarium Prison.

I-I can't change course.
He's locked the navigation.

Zane, find a way
to override it.


The Green Ninja's coming. Alone.

Don't do this.

I'm not in the mood to talk.
This ends now.

No, Lloyd,
this doesn't end now.

It's a two-way frequency.
Come on, buddy.


get rid of us that easily.




Come out and face me.

Do you want us
to deal with him?

No. Are these cameras
on a closed channel?

They don't have to be.

Broadcast it to the world.

Let them see
what true power looks like.

Heh heh heh heh heh.

Heh heh heh heh heh.



Hey, Daddy, look.
It's the Green Ninja.

Ah, that should do it.

We've regained control
of navigation.

Hey, what's with Lloyd
on the TV?

Harumi. She wants us to watch.


It was foolish to come here.

Show yourself, Father.




You've changed.

So have you.

I don't wanna
have to fight you.



Please, this isn't you.

This is the new me.


You have power.



I didn't come
to fight you.


My father
is somewhere in there.

I've saved you once.

I'll save you again.

There is nothing left to save.



I've played many roles.



Worn many masks.








But only one
was summoned back.





HARUMI: It's the fight
that fuels him.

He's finding it--
his true potential.


Get us there.

But listen to me.

You don't have to do this.

Harumi's using you as a pawn.

You are the pawn,

a pawn to your own
foolish hopes.



Get up, son. Get up.














You wouldn't hurt me.

Your son.

I have no son.









Ha. The streets
are in fear.

Everyone saw Lord Garmadon
defeat his son.

Let him live
to see his father's reign.

Gather everyone.
We ride to the city at dawn.

It's time Ninjago
meets their new emperor--

Emperor Garmadon.

ULTRA VIOLET: Heh heh heh heh.



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