01x32 - Life Moves On Like A Conveyor Belt

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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01x32 - Life Moves On Like A Conveyor Belt

Post by bunniefuu »

[Snack House Otose]

[Odd Jobs Gin-chan]

Honestly It's been two weeks.

I wonder where that idiot has wandered off to.

[Gin-san's lost memories.

They never came back in the end]

[The Odd Jobs has been dissolved and Gin-san has gone missing.

It isn't going to end like this, is it?]

[Resumé - Sagaru Yamazaki]

Umm Yamazaki How do you read this? It's Sagaru.

Sagaru Yamazaki.


My name is Sagaru Yamazaki.

I'm a spy for the Shinsengumi The elite police force that makes even children go silent with fear.

So why have I come to this factory And why for an interview? Oh.

I see.

Lost your job, huh? Lately the town has been crawling with samurai who can't find jobs.

Of course, I have not lost my job.

In fact, it's my job that brings me here.

Long ago I once had a sword on my waist, too.

Now, look at me.

Well, there are a lot of Fallen samurai like you here.

Make friends with them, okay? Hey.

Everyone, we've got a newcomer.


["Life Moves On Like a Conveyor Belt"]

What?! You're from the Odd Jobs! What are you doing in a place like this?! It's me.

Yamazaki of the Shinsengumi.

Actually, due to certain circumstances, I've snuck into this place to do an undercover investigation.


Just to let you know, he has amnesia and doesn't know anything about his past.

Amnesia?! That's the case.


You seem to be an old acquaintance, but I don't remember you.

Umm, what's the Shinsengumi? Can I call you Shin-chan? Hold on! I told you that this is an undercover investigation.


I said it out loud!! Why do you keep hitting my head? Do you think you're a tambourine player? If you don't like Shin-chan, then how about Sen-chan for undercover investigation? Are you trying to annoy me? I told you! I'm Yamazaki.

I don't remember you, so I'll call you Tamboura.

You don't remember? You don't even want to remember! Come to think of it, you're acting different than usual and your eyes aren't lifeless.

Huh? But what happened to the Odd Jobs? What happened to everyone else? The Odd Jobs Kagura-chan You came here again? I told you it's dangerous.

This place could come tumbling down Come on, let's go home.

Sis and Sadaharu are waiting.

Will you quit with the nibble-nibbling, already?! Is your name Ohori?! What do you plan to do with all that pickled seaweed?! Kagura-chan, don't tell me you're planning to sit here until Gin-san comes back? The doctor was saying a person's memory is like intertwined branches.

If one of the branches is moved, the others will start to move too.

But if that tree has witheredThen its branches may just fall off.

Gin-san doesn't remember little branches like us He hasn't withered.

I won't let him wither.

We may be little branchesbut if the branches break, then the tree really will wither.

So I won't break.

Even if winter comes and the leaves fall off.

Even if the wind blows and all the other branches fall down, I'll be the last branch of all! I'll stick with the tree until the very end! He'd damn well better come back.

If he doesn't hurry our crap's gonna start turning green.

Hey, don't eat that without my permission! Oh my.

I thought all the noisy ones finally disappeared.

So you're still here? This could be a problem.

See, I want to tear down the second floor right away.


We'll bring back Gin-chan.

You'll bring him back? Do you even know where he is? I heard a man with silver hair is working as a live-in at this factory.

Go bring him back quick.

He still owes me rent.

[Mamushi Factory]

Hey! What are you doing? If one person on the assembly line makes a mistake, the whole line stops! S-Sorry.

Sorry won't cut it.

I keep telling you the same thing.

It's easy.

It's like this! You put this here and assemble it! Anyway, what are we making? What does this factory produce? It's obvious.

Justaways dolls, of course! I'm asking you what a "Justaway" is! A Justaway is a Justaway.

Nothing else.

Nothing more, nothing less.

But it's just a piece of junk! How am I supposed to care about making one! Look.

All you have to do is empty your mind and move your hands.

Check out Sakata.

Wow! He's incredibly fast! As expected of Sakata-san.

He rolls out Justaways so fast you can't even see 'em! At this rate, he'll make vice-president inside a year! Everyone, try not to lose to him! All right! They hire vice-presidents based on assembly line speed? This place is doomed! No, I still haven't found anything out.

Yes Really?! All right.

I'll head back right away.

I'm checking out of here.

Apparently, Chief Kondo has gone missing.

Jimmy, you can't abandon your Justaways just for that.

Nobody does well in the beginning.

You'll get used to things.

Who's Jimmy?! Are you saying I'm boring? Anyway, I was only here to spy! I think you should leave this place as soon as possible.

There are some dark rumors about the plant Boss.

To the public, he's a humanitarian taking care of down-and-out samurai who can't find jobs.

But it's rumored that he actually shelters rebel fighters until he can carry out his plan to overthrow the government.

This factory is actually building weapons to supply the rebels.

And now he's preparing a w*apon of mass destruction.

There aren't any good rumors about him.

Well, in the end, this is the only thing I found But as they say, "where's there's smoke, there's fire" Are you saying that he's an erowrist?! I mean t*rror1st? Stop making up excuses! That man is my benefactor.

It takes balls to hire down-and-outers like me! I don't think it takes balls.

More like a maniacal scheme running off sl*ve labor.

Anyway, what happened to you? I was just a worthless degenerate before I got this job.

Boss Is that so? I'm a little disappointed.

I mean, not about you being a degenerate.

That's obvious.

But Chief Kondo and Vice-chief Okita obviously respect you.

Sakata-san, work's about to start.

Oh no.

I'll be off Sakata-san, could you look at my Justaway? What do you think of it? Well, I think you should lift this up just a bit, Gorilla-san.

Have you lost your frikiking mind?! Gorilla-san! Hello? I found the idiot.


I'm taking him back right away.

Gorilla-san, get a hold of yourself! Jimmy, what was that for?! Gorilla-san is another amnesia victim! His brain's like a cheap game console! Bump it and it freezes! Amnesia?! Is that true, Chief?! You're an idiot, but why have you got such a complicated condition?! You're such an idiot! That's going overboard, Jimmy.

Idiots, in their own idiotic way, have their own idiotic problems! Shut up.

I'm tired.

You two are such a pain.

Anyway, we're going home, Chief! Stop! I still have to fix my Justaway!! I want people to be proud of me! I want to be special!! It doesn't matter what it is, but I promised pops I was going to become number one.

Then don't worry.

You're the world's biggest idiot.

Come on.

Quickly! No! No! An expl*si*n! Boss, did a Justaway accidentally go off? Who is responsible for this?! No way! The Justaway exploded!! No way! We were making bombs?! This is terrible Did pops really do this? He griped a lot about losing his job because of the government and swore vengeance, but Of course it's him! These are all top grade ingredients! What about it can't you believe? It's not the Justaway's fault! That man was bad.

The Justaways have done no wrong.

Are you still carrying those? Get rid of them right away!! You bastards! How dare you ruin my plans! I'm going to slaughter you spies! Ack! Pops is headed this way! Jimmy, this way.

You're not getting away from me!! Hey! I thought you couldn't fight him! But you didn't hesitate there! Did I say that, Gorilla-san? It's no good.

I can't remember.

I have amnesia.

What a convenient form of amnesia! Don't move.

Too bad.

Though I may not look it, I used to chase crooks as a police officer.

They called me Banzo the Viper.

You got me pretty good.

I never thought that you were government spies.

Just a little longer and I would have taught them all a lesson.

But now that this has happened, I still have the power to turn this rotten world upside down.

All right, step back.

It's dangerous.

You'll end up like him.

He doesn't look hurt, but trust me he's suffering inside.

Hell of a mess that turned out to be.

You're pretty messy too.

You think that jerk Yamazaki died in that? I'll bet you're going to die, too, aren't you? Vice-chief! We just got word that the Chief is inside with Yamazaki.

What? Come on.

If it was just Yamazaki, I was going to say forget it.

But I can't do that if Kondo-san is with him.

Hijikata-san I forgot my flute at home.

I'm going to go and fetch it.


Don't come back.


How pathetic.

That's enough.

I'll go by myself.

You all wait here.

Hey!! Look over there! Something's coming out.

What's that? A cannon?! A big-ass cannon came out! T-That's the w*apon they were secretly building? Sogo, I forgot my protractor at home.

I'm going to go and fetch it.

Hijikata-san, it's all right.

I have a protractor right here.

October 6.

Today, my father hit me for the first time.

It was a hard punch.

It was a punch from a man who shouldered our family and many important responsibilities on his back.

My pitiful little fist couldn't have hit like that.

It was the punch of a loser who quit his job and never held anything but a game console controller for two years and three months.

I don't care what you do with your life.

You've got to live with yourself.

Just understand this: If you wallow in crap, you're going to stink.

As he left for work after saying these words, his shoulders looked broader to me than ever before.

Could I become strong like my father? I went outside for the first time in two years.

My legs naturally followed my father.

Banzo the Viper.

That was my father's other name.

Mamushi, a police officer who made criminals tremble.

I wanted to see his face.

I wanted to learn what it was to know him.

But all I sawwas a beaten man with a cheap sake bottle in his hands.

He'd lost his job to downsizing the month before.

No!! You can't imagine how that felt! How it felt to read my son's diary!! If I'd kept my job just a little longer, he would have straightened out his life! Instead, my son went from being a recluse to becoming a yakuza! He's gone from the north pole to the south pole.

That's a great thing to talk about over drinks.

Am I supposed to take that and keep smiling? I devoted thirty years of my life to my country, but my family and the government dumped me like I was garbage! There's something wrong! There's something wrong with this world! So I'm going to change it!! I'm going to destroy this corrupt country and cause a revolution with this Viper Z that took me ten years to make! It's a corrupt country, but you mustn't forget that people live here.

Before you start a revolution in this country, why don't you start one within yourself? That's a lot cheaper.

Shut up! You can't understand how I feel! Ready the cannon.

No, not that way.

Why are you surprised?! I'm the one who should be surprised! Vice-chief!! Isn't that Chief! Yamazaki! Huh?! Why is that guy there, too? I know that They're your friends.

sh**t if you want to stop me.

But they'll be blown to bits, too.

Sogo! Long ago, Kondo may or may not have said that if he was caught by an enemy to sh**t without hesitation.

You fired at them because of a perfunctory reason like that?! They fired! They fired at us! Who are those people?! I thought you said they were your friends?! They're not my friends! Chief, I'm going to quit the Shinsengumi.

Huh? Where's the Chief? Hey.

Over here.

Is everyone safe? Are you all right? Chief, are you all right?! It's as if I've just awakened from a long dream.

Chief, could it be that your memories have returned? Uh, your head! Yes.

It's as if the fog has cleared from my mind.

It's refreshing.

Yamazaki, it seems I caused you a lot of trouble.

Not really.

But, your head Anyway, right now, it's time for us to get out of here.

Let's go.

Chief! Wait! He's still It's all right.

Go, Jimmy, Gorilla-san.

Clear out before they catch you.

Such a pain! Normally, I'd just leave you, but you've done no wrong! Buy me a beer when you get your memory back.

Gorilla-san Hey! What are you doing? Now! Fire!! Boss!! Fire! Use the Viper Z! Crap!! Chief!! Hey, is everyone still alive? This thing is insane.

It seems like it has enough power to really be able to wipe out the country.

Chief! Chief, get a hold of yourself! Chief! Chief! Chief! Did you see the power of the Viper Z?! With this, Edo will be scorched in an instant.

Go ahead! Just try to stop me! You weak samurai who have adjusted to the times cannot stop me! Come on! If you don't hurry, I'll force my next shot.

Everyone's Edo will become a scorched field! What's wrong? Are you frozen in fear? How pathetic.

If you want to sh**t, be our guest.

We don't care if you fry or boil Edo.

You just better not sh**t these people.

Wh-Who are you?! This isn't a place for kids! Go home.

Do you want to turn into ashes?! W-Why? Why are you here? Why did you come all the way here? Didn't I tell you to forget all about me? I said we should live however we wanted to.

You didn't have to tell us that.

We're already living the way we want to.

We came here because we wanted to.

We came here to be with you.

Why? I don't get it.

The Gin-san right now seems a lot more serious than that worthless Gin-san They called me a worthless man.

I mean, not about you being a degenerate.

Why am I Why are they all here? You kids stay out of this.

Do you want to die? What?! You're a kid, too! What's with you guys anyway? I don't like it, but it's our job.

We have to protect ordinary citizens.

What about it, Mr.

Viper? If you want to fire, fire on us all.

I don't care if it's the Chin Cannon That's right.

sh**t at us, Mr.

Laid-off cop!! Baldy! Downsized baldy! Since when was I bald?! All right! I'll wipe you away before I wipe away Edo! Before you wipe us out We'll Wipe you out! Go! Quickly, fire! We still need Time to charge! The Justaway!! Don't let them get any closer! Is it ready yet?! Shinpachi, you brought my wooden sword with you, didn't you? Huh? Oh Yes.


Sorry but I'm handing in my resignation.

G-Gin-san!! G-Gin-chan!! Sorry, but I'm better at being a free agent.

Die Sakata!! Thank you for helping me out.

Let's go home.

That's how I like to see him.

Right, Chief? Who are you? [Preview]

Gin-san is back! My memory has come back, but the Odd Jobs has been demolished! Huh? Unkei and Kaikei, the delivery carpenters? I never asked for them! I want someone else! The next episode: "Mistaking Someone's Name Is Rude!" [It will require a lot of power to fix the Odd Jobs.


[So hammer with us.

Come on.


A round of applause for Gin-chan and the g*ng for giving it their all again today!
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