02x21 - Too Many Cuties Can Make You Sick

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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02x21 - Too Many Cuties Can Make You Sick

Post by bunniefuu »

You're A robot shedding tears How is that possible?! Hand it over! To us! Stop interfering! Gin-san! Shinpachi! Jump! Shinpachi! Take her to old man Gengai's place! Hurry! But! I'll join you later! Get going! [Tama-san, A.



Fuyo No.

i-Zero contained data known as "The Seed" concealed inside her.


[Can Gintoki and his friends protect Tama-san?! And what is the true objective of the Fuyo Project?!]

["Too Many Cuties Can Make You Sick"]

Sadaharu! Don't let them get away! Cleanse--! You don't give up, do you, bug-eyes? Kagura! Jump on, hurry! Gin-chan! Crap.

What the heck is going on?! Why is this happening to me? Over there Over here Nothing but maids everywhere! The enemy is after me.

It seems that in the course of things, you ended up with the most dangerous mission.

By my calculations Your chances of survival are unfortunately below 5 percent.

Mind not coming up with such depressing calculations?! However, if you abandon me and run your chances jump to 25 percent.

Tama-san, your calculations apply to ordinary people.

Samurai are different.

Samurai? Even if he had a 25 percent chance of surviving by abandoning you, a samurai would still die.

If he survives but couldn't protect what was important to him, a samurai might as well be dead.

Even if I have only a 5 percent chance of surviving, I will use that 5 percent to save you.

Once a samurai decides to protect something, he protects it to the very end! That's what a samurai is! You would protect someone of unknown origin who is also suspected of m*rder? Samurai It does not compute.

There is nothing in my data about it.

Thenplease add it to your data above both the Hero and the Demon King! [Note: Hero and Demon King are Dragon Quest characters.


And add that they can't stand the sight of a woman's tears! Understood.

I will add it above the Demon King, together with the Great Demon's subordinates.

Such a convoluted hierarchy! I can see it! Target acquired.

We will eliminate the nuisance and proceed to recover model No.


Let go!! How far are you going to tag along?! Darn it! Darn it! I'm not letting you get away.

Troublemakers must be cleansed.

It's like a horror movie! Stay clear, Kagura! Did that do it? Without a head?! This is bad! Sadaharu! Odor detected! Odor detected! Level one filth.

Dispose of immediately.

Switching to clean up mode.

Cleaning up the mess! Cleaning up the mess! Good job, Sadaharu! The enemy has broken through our as*ault line.

I did not expect them to break through such a large number of our battle-modified robots.

They have greatly exceeded human specifications.

What kind of enemy are they? I have nothing in my database that is applicable to them.


Remnants from a relic that have been left behind by the times.

There is no need to add them to your database.

They will soon be extinct.


Shall I track them down and dispose of them? Never mind.

We've recovered it.

Let's withdraw.

What about clean up? After creating such a large disturbance, the Fuyo Project may be aborted.

Since Dr.

Hayashi was m*rder*d by a robot he created, this project will end anyway.

And from the nothingness that remains, I will establish a true Fuyo Project under my name.

Do not worry, No.

To-502 You will remain with me.

In all likelihood, you being the last robot created by Dr.

Hayashi are the only one who can accept "it.

" i-Zero cannot handle it.

And nor could Dr.

Hayashi We will put "The Seed" to good use.

I told you, I don't know.

No one came here today, not Shinpachi, or anyone.

But I'll say, you people picked up quite a troublesome thing.

Imagine, a robot that k*lled a man? It's all over the TV.

They're reporting it was captured.

Gin-chan! That head will, of course, probably be disposed of.

Seems they've decided on a policy of recalling every robot maid and terminating them.

My colleagues and I had no idea if Dr.

Hayashi, the leader of the project, knew beforehand that these robots would revolt.

The project was carried on for the most part at Dr.

Hayashi's arbitrary discretion.

We were involved only in the very periphery of the project.

They're shoving all the blame on the guy who died They're hiding something.

She cried Tears trickled down that robot's cheeks.

Though I don't know if they were tears of regret or sorrow at losing Dr.


I see.

That Ryuzan was still trying to create something like that.

Old man, you? What is it? He and I never got along back then.

As you can see, my robots are unsophisticated, but his creations looked like living women.

He placed most of his technology in the processing unit and sought to make his units as close to human as possible.

He sought to put a soul into robots.

He wanted to create humans.

One way to view humans is as well-engineered robots.

Especially with regard to feelings and heart, humans are mechanical works of art.

He felt the ultimate goal of his craft would be to build such robots with his own hands.

That's poppycock.

If he wants to make humans, he should've just gotten a wife and shook his hips.

True! But the world isn't full of practical people like you and me.

It was when his only daughter died that he began to change.

Apparently, it happened during an experiment.

He came up with the idea of converting human personality into data and copying it into a robot.

For his test subject, he chose, of all people, his own daughter.

She was always a sickly girl.

There was no way she could withstand the experiment.

His daughter died.

Her name was Fuyo.

Do you understand the true objectiveHayashi's true intentions for the Fuyo Project? He planned to bring his dead daughter, Fuyo, back to life.

Model No.

i-Zero that you picked up contained data known as "The Seed.

" It was the seed to make Fuyo blossom.

In other words, it was Fuyo's character data.

Old man, how do you know all this? To develop a robot that could carry on his dead daughter's character data- that was the true purpose of the Fuyo Project.

But it was man creating man; forbidden technology that stepped over the boundaries of God.

It didn't take long for the hyenas to gather round.

This is! Could this be video of when the doctor was m*rder*d? Did he?! Utterly ridiculous.

He has us tagging along on his dream.

But if this technology is perfected, man can create man Rather, we'll be able create a new kind of human, one with the body of a robot and the emotions of a human being! I can become the creator of a new life form And equal to God.


Hayashi must be rolling in his grave, eh, No.

To-502? No.

i-Zero?! What're you doing here?! Tsk Somebody! No.

i-Zero has gone berserk! Somebody! He framed her Whatareyouwaitingfor, Fuyo? Get away quickly.


I will come for you For sureso Get away for now.

Ryuzan is still alive.


To-502damn you A robot must never disobey the will of its creator Could it be you?! Ryuzan Hayashi is alive Inside No.

To-502 Ryuzaninside the robot? What do you mean? And why do you have this thing? I just heard it from this young lady a minute ago.

Ta-Tama! How did you?! You bested me.

Before I was able to retrieve No.

i-Zero's head.

You removed the central processor and passed it on to your friends.

In other words, this is an empty shell.

Once a samurai makes up his mind to protect something, he protects it to the death.

Shinpachi The central processor was lying outside my shop.

He probably threw it there before he was captured.

Shinpachi Thanks to Shinpachi-sama, my data was protected.

And thanks to Gengai-sama, I was even able to recover the memories I had lost.

What about "The Seed" The character data of the doctor's daughter, Fuyo-sama, are in here.

Tama, what was that I saw? Strictly speaking, Dr.

Hayashi was already dead.


Hayashi used himself in his experiments.

That robot was the one the doctor incorporated his character data into.

But the severe experiments cost him his life.

It's the closest human-like robot.



So he transferred his soul The Fuyo Project was already a success.

No At first, No.

To-502 appeared in sync with the doctor's character data, but he gradually began rejecting them until the personality was destroyed.

The doctor has changed into something else.

It was all a part of his plan.

He let deputy director Meguro think he had taken over the project to gather all the robot maids throughout Edo in one location under the pretense of recalling them for the defect of k*lling their creator.

Have you seen the deputy director? I haven't seen him since the press conference Huh? Hey, what's the matter? The robots aren't obeying their orders.

What? What's the matter with you? Move forward, you.

Hey, didn't you hear your orders? We refuse to comply.

I am sorry, but we have received orders that supercede yours.

Do it.

What are you planning to do? Are you gathering all the robot maids to open maid-fetish coffee shops? Fuyo would be sad.


Hayashi began creating human-like robots for Fuyo-sama, who lost her mother at a tender age and was lonely.

He wanted to create someone Fuyo, who was frail and tended to keep to her self, could talk to It started with mere toys Fuyo, I won't let you feel lonely anymore.

You're no longer alone.

You have all these friends.

That probably changed when the doctor realized Fuyo-sama would not live much longer.

He continued his reckless experiments in order to give Fuyo-san eternal life Fuyo.

I want to become a robot, as well.

Then I will be released from this suffering and sadness.

We're both the same now.

If you're still lonely, then I will change this world.

I will make this countryinto a country of only robots.

OhI want to be a robot.

So come back to me Fuyo! Someone his daughter could talk to; eternal life for his daughter; living once more for his daughter's sake And now bringing soldiers to him for a revolution, huh? That's some father she's got.

Fathers are suckers when it comes to their daughters.

You should know.

My task was to serve the doctor and Fuyo-sama.

However, the seed that the doctor implanted in me did nothing.

I do not think of that robot as the doctor.

That is just a mangled relic of his dream.

Now that both the doctor and Fuyo-sama are gone, I do not know what I should do anymore.

They're still there.

The people who are important to you are still there.

Inside of you.

Are you talking about "The Seed"? That's not it.

It's not some data that you can't see, or a string of numbers, or something that might disappear if you don't leave the power on when you push reset.

Truly important memories don't disappear no matter how many times you flip the off switch or trip the circuit breaker.

Huh? What happened? The circuit breaker just tripped.

Seems this robot draws quite a bit of juice.

Huh? Is that smoke? Uh-oh, it was too much.

The kludge couldn't hold up, after all.

Hey, did her memory disappear again? Don't worry.

Truly important memories don't disappear even if there's smoke or if the circuit breaker trips.

You're pissing me off.

Can I hit this girl? Don't you have a robot around that can take her place? It's too dark to see.

Find the hole.

The hole.

You make it sound so simple.

If only we had a similar robot maid.

Clean up.

Clean up.

Good boy, Pochi! With this, I can He's not Pochi.

He's Sadaharu! Oh, it's bright here thanks to the moonlight.

Huh? Moonlight? There's onlymoonlight.

The entire city is pitch dark.

The bastard! What's going on?! To the citizens of Edo.

The city will soon be taken over by a robot.

["What the?! A new form of terrorism?!"]

The age when robots are controlled by humans has come to an end.

When our queen's spirit returns, a robot will become equal to humans No, equal to God.

If her spirit does not return, the blood of a sacrifice will be spilt.

Shinpachi! It's like he's specifically calling us out to fight.


Spirit, testicles, whatever! I'll deliver it to you! I am neither a spirit, nor testicles.

I am Tama.

It's here A memory from very long ago, when I first came to life.

With his face covered in oil the doctor said to me: "Make my daughter smile.

" No matter how much I changed in capabilities or appearance, I will never forget that.

Do you think Fuyo-sama would smile if she saw what the doctor is now? Shall we go? To bring back that smile? Signs of life detected.

The people hiding inside this house are to come out immediately and obey our orders.


The people inside this house are to come out immediately and obey our orders See that, Ryuzan?! Your frail robots will be crushed by a single blow from my machines! Armor! Cannons! Caterpillar tracks! This is a man's machine! Old man! It's great that you've got a man's machine, but can you drive with a bit more control?! Gin-no-ji! We can't save lives by obeying the traffic rules.

And besides, you handle machines like you handle a fight.

If you underestimate them, you're dead! There's a mountain of them! Come get us! I'll take you all down at once! Gin-chan! Behind us! Kagura! Pull on the umbrella handle! I took the liberty of modifying it.

A peashooter's a bit outdated.

Old man, nice job! With this, I After one shot, it needs to be recharged, but it turns immediately into a soy sauce dispenser.

Why soy sauce?! Gin-no-ji! Push on your wooden sword's grip! It dispenses soy sauce.

So, why soy sauce?! This is just a stick that dispenses soy sauce! I didn't have enough time.

Be grateful I at least modified it.

I'm not grateful.

This is like a kid's prank! It's an item that lets you stir your raw egg on rice while adding soy sauce.

[Note: Natto is fermented soybeans.


Seriously? It'd be great with natto on rice, too! You two should drink a whole bottle of soy sauce! Oh, Sky High?! Old man, what's that? The path to Onigashima! He's probably deep beneath the Terminal.

Terminal? [Next episode: "Some Data Cannot Be Erased.



To-502 is the leader of the coup d'etat.


Hayashi's character data is implanted in its body.


[The robot army has taken over the Terminal.

Can Gintoki and his friends defeat them?!]
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