05x20 - Jugem

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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05x20 - Jugem

Post by bunniefuu »

A: Hey, did you hear?

A: There was a messenger from the shogun.

Yagyu Dojo

A: It seems that the shogun wishes for the Yagyu to take custody of a key man.

B: It must be someone of Tokugawa blood.

B: If not, it will surely be someone from a noble family.

B: The Yagyu used to be responsible for providing instruction to the shogun.

B: It will be an honor to train alongside a relative of the shogun.

B: Still, I wonder who it's supposed to be.

Papa: I'm sure that you've heard the rumors.

Papa: The shogun has requested that we take custody of a key man.

Celebrity Life

Papa: We are supposed to drill him in the teachings of the Yagyu

Papa: and raise him to become a proper celebrity.

Papa: And so...

Papa: I want to put you in charge of his upbringing.

Papa: As you know, my father, Binbokusai Yagyu {I: Theres missing context in this translation, binboukusai is translabteable}

Papa: once instructed the shogun's father in the art of the sword.

Papa: Now it is your turn.

Papa: You will stay with our guest at all times,

Papa: while training him to become a warrior and keeping him safe.

Papa: Can I count on you?

Kyubei: Understood.

Kyubei: I, Kyubei, swear to fulfill my duty to the Yagyu...

Kyubei: No, to fulfill my duty to the shogun, Father.

Papa: Yes, an excellent response.

Papa: But...

Papa: It's not Father, it's Papa!

Papa: Or Daddy if you insist!

Papa: You must act like a celebrity!

Celebrity Life

Kyubei: I-I'm sorry, Papa!

Papa: Listen, you will be teaching him more than how to use a sword.

Papa: You must teach him to behave like a celebrity,

Papa: to live the celebrity life!

Papa: If anything happens to him,

seppuku will only be the beginning of our punishment.

Papa: Protect him with all of your might and

raise him to become a worthy celebrity!

Papa: Failure will not be allowed.

Kyubei: Yes, sir.

Papa: Then Kyubei, you must introduce yourself.

Kyubei: Introduce myself?

Kyubei: To who?

Papa: What are you talking about?

Papa: He's right there.

Kyubei: Papa, this is...

Papa: A key-mon.


Gin: What's this?

Gin: Are we supposed to laugh?

Gin: Will you spare us if we laugh?

Shin: So what is going on here, Kyubei-san?

Kyubei: The shogun bought his younger sister a monkey as a pet,

Kyubei: and this is that monkey's son.

Kyubei: However, this monkey is a mischievous prankster who refuses to listen.

Kyubei: The retainers were at their wits' end,

so they decided to assign its training

Kyubei: to the Yagyu.

Gin: So they're passing along the hard work.

Gin: The former instructors of the shogun have

been reduced to monkey tamers.

Gin: The prosperous must decay, huh?

Gin: This stinks! What is it?!

Kyubei: Be careful.

Kyubei: The second this guy senses that someone is insulting him,

Kyubei: he launches poop as fast as Eastwood.

Kyubei: He has the pride of a celebrity, at least.

Gin: Where would you find a celebrity that throws shit around?!

Gin: Roppongi Hills?!

Otae: Kyu-chan, Gin-san is right.

Otae: The shogun's retainers just wanted to be rid of it.

They won't come back for it.

Kyubei: That may be the case, but an order is an order.

Kyubei: I must obey.

Shin: You're going to keep on looking after this key-mon?

Kyubei: He may be naughty, but he's learned how to apologize.

Kyubei: Now apologize.

Shin: He threw poop while he was apologizing.

Shin: He looks as guilty as a regular shoplifter who's gotten caught again.

Kyubei: Now that he's my responsibility,

Kyubei: I intend to raise him into a celebrity monkey who

can stand with the best of them.

Kyubei: But there's one problem.

Kyubei: This monkey doesn't have a name yet.

Kyubei: They intended to give him to one of the shogun's relatives,

Kyubei: so they were going to leave the naming to them.

Kyubei: But that idea fell through, so he has no name.

Kyubei: Since I'll be taking care of him, it would help if he had a name.

Kyubei: I would prefer a lucky name that he can be proud of

Kyubei: once he returns to the shogun's family.

Gin: It doesn't matter what you name a monkey.

Gin: How's Monkiki sound?

Kyubei: He doesn't like it.

Gin: Hey! He doesn't know how to express himself without using shit?!

Gin: And how much shit is he packing?!

Kyubei: Plain old Monkey would be better than Monkiki

Kyubei: since the name change hurt his popularity.

Shin: Who are you talking about?

Otae: A lucky name?

Otae: How about Jugem?

Shin: What's that?

Otae: It's a way of wishing for someone to have a long life.


Kyubei: Oh, he likes it, Tae-chan.

Gin: What the hell?

Gin: He still throws shit when he agrees?

Gin: And why am I always the target?

Gin: I have a feeling he just doesn't like me.

Gin: Let's call him Shit-Tosser!

Kyubei: If it brings luck, it'll work.

Shin: It'll bring a lot more than luck. That's for sure.

Shin: The name's not subtle enough.

Shin: We should try for something that's more fluid.

Kagura: Runny Diarrhea?

Shin: That's not what I meant!

Shin: I didn't mean that the poop should be more fluid!

Shin: I was saying that we should try for a name

that flows better and isn't so obvious!

Gin: Hey! Now he's throwing shit that's more fluid!

Gin: Do something about this!

Otae: Isn't so obvious...

Otae: Oh, then...

Otae: How about Shin-chan's Two-Day-Old Underwear?

Shin: They were dirty?!

Shin: Why are you telling everybody this?!

Kagura: That would be mean.

Kagura: Let's just name him Shinpachi's Sorry Life.

Shin: Now you're making it sound like I'm covered in shit!

Gin: Hey! Enough already!

Gin: I'm the one who's covered in shit!

Kyubei: I see.

Kyubei: Then let's go with Jugem Jugem Shit-Tossing the Life of

Kyubei: Shin-chan's Two-Day-Old Underwear Runny Diarrhea.

Shin: That's long!

Shin: Why did you combine them all?!

Kyubei: Well, everybody was helping me brainstorm.

Kyubei: And it can't hurt to have too many lucky names.

Shin: None of those are lucky names!

Shin: Most of them involve poop in one form or another!

Kyubei: However, this name may be lucky, but it lacks class.

Kyubei: We should try to make his name something that is more socially acceptable.

Shin: You want to keep going?!

Shin: It'll be damn hard to turn that into something socially acceptable!

Shin: It'd be like turning the last boss into the hero!

Shin: That Runny Diarrhea part will be the hardest to spin!

Shin: You don't have any chance of finding a hero

that can add class to that name!

Jugem Jugem Shit-Tossing the Life of Shin-chan's Two-Day-Old Underwear Runny Diarrhea

Shin: We'll need a really cool name to make it work!

Kagura: How about Balmung Fezalion?

Shin: That's so juvenile!

Shin: This is supposed to be the name of a monkey!

Kagura: Balmung Fezalion.

Kagura: Also known as the Black Wind.

Kagura: Captain of the Fakinaway dark knights.

Kagura: He is normally a composed person,

Kagura: but when his comrades are in trouble,

Kagura: he loses sight of his surroundings and goes berserk.

Kagura: A minus.

Kagura: His dreaded enemy, the Demon Emperor Runny Diarrhea, is his father.

Kagura: A third eye appears on his forehead when his true powers awaken.

Kagura: Later became the Brutal Emperor Kaiser Fakinaway.

Shin: Who are you talking about?!

Shin: Nobody's asked to...

Kagura: His ultimate attack is Dark Fakinaway.

Kagura: It only works when his third eye is open.

Kagura: Hell Fakinaway.

Kagura: It only works when it's that time.

Shin: Why are there commands for his ultimate att*cks?!

Shin: And when is that time?!

Otae: He sounds pretty cool,

but he seems to be depending too much on Fakinaway.

Shin: Uh, that has nothing to do with his name!

Otae: And it's not very lucky to rely on the powers of darkness.

Shin: Nobody's using any powers of darkness!

Shin: They don't exist!

Otae: How does this sound?

Otae: Issac Schneider.

Otae: Also known as the Prince of Light.

Otae: Balmung's younger twin brother.

Otae: While his brother was abandoned at young age,

Issac was able to live in comfort.

Otae: He realizes his father's dark intentions

Otae: and achieves peace with Balmung after the Ragnarok Shepherd w*r.

Otae: Then they form a band, which is now known as B'z.

Shin: Now known as B'z, my ass!

Shin: Stop lying through your teeth!

Shin: Why would they ignore their father's evil and start a band?!

Otae: Special card ability:

Otae: Bad Communication.

Otae: Return all opponent's attack cards to their hands.

Otae: My selfish love won't let met me hurt you.

Otae: My selfish love destroys all cards that aren't Matsumoto.

Shin: Hey!

Shin: Is this supposed to be a card game or a fighting game?!

Kagura: You're awesome, boss lady!

Kagura: You've helped to turn Balmung back to the side of light!

Shin: Are you sure?!

Shin: Are you sure she didn't just turn him into a band member?!

Kyubei: Yes, the threat of Runny Diarrhea has been avoided.

Shin: The hell it has!

Shin: They ignored it!

Shin: They ignored it and started B'z instead!

Kyubei: Okay, time to get serious.

Kyubei: What should we try next?

Shin: You still want to continue?

Shin: His name is too long already.

Otae: Yes, let's try...

Kyubei: Okay, finished.

Kyubei: Jugem Jugem Shit-Tossing the

Kyubei: Life of Shin-chan's Two-Day-Old Underwear

Kyubei: Balmung Fezalion Issac Schneider

Kyubei: / True Love / Hangnail Anxiety

Kyubei: Betrayal Knows My Name Or Does It Really

Kyubei: Ignore Calls Squid Dogfish Halibut Trout-Cod Dogfish...

Kyubei: This Is a Different Dogfish, I'm Talking About The Dogfish Shark

Kyubei: Kaluga Angler Ray

Kyubei: Yuuteimiyaoukimukou Pepepepepepepepepepepepe

Kyubei: Runny Diarrhea.

Shin: That's frickin' long!

Shin: And it turned into a game of Shiritori halfway through!

Shin: And look at the last part!

Shin: That's just a Spell of Resurrection!

Shin: What happened to all that talk about class?

Kyubei: A true name represents the name of your soul.

Kyubei: If someone were to learn your true name,

they would have free reign over your soul.

Kyubei: But since your name is this long,

nobody will be able to profane your soul.

Kyubei: Isn't that wonderful,

Kyubei: Jugem Jugem Shit-Tossing the

Kyubei: Life of Shin-chan's Two-Day-Old Underwear

Kyubei: Balmung Fezalion Issac Schneider

Kyubei: / True Love / Hangnail Anxiety

Kyubei: Betrayal Knows My Name Or Does It Really

Kyubei: Ignore Calls Squid Dogfish Halibut Trout-Cod Dogfish...

Kyubei: This Is a Different Dogfish, I'm Talking About The Dogfish Shark

Kyubei: Kaluga Angler Ray

Kyubei: Yuuteimiyaoukimukou Pepepepepepepepepepepepe

Kyubei: Runny Diarrhea.

Shin: It's frickin' long!

Shin: It's obviously too frickin' long!

Shin: You just ate up thirty seconds!

Otae: The road ahead will be tough, so hang in there.

Otae: Let her take good care of you,

Otae: Jugem Jugem Shit-Tossing

Otae: the Life of Shin-chan's Two-Day-Old Underwear

Otae: Balmung Fezalion Issac Schneider / True Love / Hangnail...

Shin: Enough! Enough already!

Shin: You don't have to say his entire name!

Kagura: Don't spend all your time throwing poop around,

Kagura: Jugem Jugem Shit-Tossing the

Kagura: Life of Shin-chan's Two-Day-Old Underwear

Kagura: Balmung Fezalion Issac Schneider / ...

Shin: Hey! Cut that out!

Shin: We aren't going to get anywhere like this!

Shin: And you guys have really good memories!

Kyubei: Thank you, everyone.

Kyubei: I will raise him to be a celebrity monkey!

Kyubei: Let's go, Jugem Jugem Shit-Tossing the Life...

Shin: Leave already!

Shin: Please leave already!

Shin: W-Was it really such a good idea

to give him that long-ass name?

Otae: I'm sure that Kyu-chan will be fine with

Otae: Jugem Jugem Shit-Tossing the

Otae: Life of Shin-chan's Two-Day-Old Underwear

Otae: Balmung Fezalion Issac Schneider

Otae: / True Love / Hangnail Anxiety

Otae: Betrayal Knows My Name Or Does It Really

Otae: Ignore Calls Squid Dogfish Halibut Trout-Cod Dogfish...

Shin: Enough!

Otae-chan Love

Tojo: They're incredibly close.

Tojo: She treats him like her own little brother.

Tojo: Dammit!

Tojo: How could I, Ayumu Tojo, be foolish enough to let a monkey one-up me?!

Tojo: Before he came, I was always the one at my lady's side!

Gin: More like you were always watching her from the shadows.

Tojo: I was the one meant to rest upon her shoulder like a chirping bird!

Gin: More like you were meant to rest in a soapland.

Tojo: My only refuge is in the corner

of the loft next to a sliding shower curtain ring!

Tojo: I'm like a leftover sliding shower curtain ring!

Tojo: The curtain has no room for me!

Tojo: But when it slides left or right, I still get pushed along!

Tojo: Sliding between the dojo and the loft!

Tojo: I'm like a sliding ring that slides until it dies!

Tojo: I'm sliding!

Tojo: But it's a slidin' shame!

Tojo: 'Cause I slide!

Gin: Enough with the slidin' already!

Gin: Why did you come here?!

Gin: Nothing's changed at all!

Gin: Go slide yourself off in a soapland!

Shin: That's right.

Shin: How can you be jealous of a monkey?

Shin: And this is a good experience for Kyubei-san.

Shin: You were the one who wanted her to act more like a girl.

Kagura: That's right! Kyu-chan's never looked like this before!

Tojo: Shut up!

Tojo: What would you know?!

Tojo: In that case, tell me this!

Tojo: A monkey's ass looks cute in anime,

Tojo: but in real life, it's all rough and gross!

Tojo: It's damn sick!

Shin: What is he even talking about?

Tojo: When I think about how that filthy ass

has been rubbing up against the lady's shoulder,

Tojo: I just... I just...

Tojo: Feel so jealous.

Gin: Hey, Kagura. Make his ass all rough and gross.

Tojo: That hurts!

Tojo: Hey, this isn't funny!

Tojo: I'm sorry! Forgive me!

Tojo: Not there!

Tojo: Regardless, I long to turn that monkey into monkey soup.

Tojo: However, he is a member of the shogun's family.

Tojo: I can not lay a finger on him.

Tojo: It pains me to admit this, but the monkey may

be having a positive effect on the lady.

Tojo: But I haven't told her this yet...

Tojo: I have bad news for her.

Tojo: Though it's good news for me.

Tojo: The shogun's family has requested the return of the monkey.

Tojo: You heard that the monkey was supposed to be a gift to a relative, right?

Tojo: Apparently, they've heard that the monkey has been trained,

Tojo: so they have requested that the monkey be gifted to them.

Kagura: I-It's not fair to ask for him now!

Kagura: They're the ones who didn't want him!

Tojo: But we knew this from the beginning.

Tojo: They requested that we train the unruly beast.

Shin: But Kyubei-san will be...

Tojo: I wouldn't have been worried about the lady before.

Tojo: But now that she's grown so attached to that monkey...

Tojo: I beg you!

Tojo: Could you please break this news to the lady?!

Kagura: Huh?! How can you even ask such a thing?!

Tojo: Because!

Tojo: She'll hate me if I'm the one who tells her!

Tojo: Lords Binbokusai and Koshinori are so mean!

Tojo: They always give me the tough jobs!

Tojo: If I tell her to return the monkey, she'll stop talking to me again!

Kyubei: I see...

Kyubei: They want their monkey back...

Tojo: L-Lady...?

Shin: Kyubei-san...

Kyubei: I am relieved.

Kyubei: I was able to fulfill my duty.

Tojo: Huh?

Kyubei: Jugem Jugem Shit-Tossing the

Fast Forward

Kyubei: Life of Shin-chan's Two-Day-Old Underwear

Kyubei: Balmung Fezalion Issac Schneider

Kyubei: / True Love / Hangnail Anxiety

Kyubei: Betrayal Knows My Name Or Does It Really

Kyubei: Ignore Calls Squid Dogfish Halibut Trout-Cod Dogfish...

Kyubei: This Is a Different Dogfish, I'm Talking About The Dogfish Shark

Kyubei: Kaluga Angler Ray

Kyubei: Yuuteimiyaoukimukou Pepepepepepepepepepepepe

Kyubei: Runny Diarrhea will no longer cause trouble for anyone.

Shin: Uh, that long-ass name could cause a lot of trouble.

Kyubei: I've taught him to throw his poop into a toilet instead of at people.

Gin: You might wanna teach him that I'm not a toilet.

Kagura: But Kyu-chan, are you okay with parting with him?

Kyubei: I don't see what the problem is.

Kyubei: That was the job.

Kyubei: I am his teacher, not his owner.

Kyubei: My duty is to return him to the shogun once he's trained.

Kyubei: This will be our last night together, but I can't let you sleep with me.

Kyubei: Tomorrow, you'll be sleeping somewhere else.

Kyubei: You need to get used to it.

Kyubei: A celebrity samurai must be able to fall asleep in any location.

Kyubei: Well, good night.

Kagura: But they didn't even want him!

Kagura: And now they change their minds?!

Kagura: And you gave him a wonderful name and took such good care of him!

Kagura: I'm sure that he'll miss you.

Kyubei: I am simply following my orders from the Bakufu.

Kyubei: I do not feel any particular affection for this monkey.

Kyubei: Quiet. Go to sleep.

Kyubei: Quiet.

Kyubei: You don't need to feel sad.

Kyubei: It doesn't matter if we're separated by a screen...

Kyubei: Doesn't matter how far apart we are...

Kyubei: I'll always be by your side,

Kyubei: Jugem Jugem Shit-Tossing the Life of

Kyubei: Shin-chan's Two-Day-Old Underwear

Kyubei: Balmung Fezalion Issac Schneider

Kyubei: / True Love / Hangnail Anxiety

Kyubei: Betrayal Knows My Name Or Does It Really

Kyubei: Ignore Calls Squid Dogfish Halibut Trout-Cod Dogfish...

Kyubei: This Is a Different Dogfish, I'm Talking About The Dogfish Shark

Kyubei: Kaluga Angler Ray

Kyubei: Yuuteimiyaoukimukou Pepepepepepepepepepepepe

Kyubei: Runny Diarrhea.

His name is so long that we'll have to continue this in the next episode.

Next Episode

Tojo: D-Damn it all!

Tojo: After that monkey toyed with the lady's feelings, he ran away!

Tojo: How dare he abuse her kindness!

Tojo: I'm so jealous!

Kyubei: Shut up.

Tojo: Yes, ma'am!

The Name Reveals the Person

Kyubei: Next time:

Kyubei: The name reveals the person.
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