05x21 - The Name Reveals the Person

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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05x21 - The Name Reveals the Person

Post by bunniefuu »

Kyubei: But there's one problem.

Kyubei: This monkey doesn't have a name yet.

Otae: How about Jugem?

Gin: Let's call him Shit-Tosser!

Kagura: Runny Diarrhea?

Otae: How about Shin-chan's Two-Day-Old Underwear?

Kagura: Let's just name him Shinpachi's Sorry Life.

Kagura: How about Balmung Fezalion?

Otae: Issac Schneider.

Kyubei: Okay, finished.

Shin: That's frickin' long!

Tojo: I have bad news for her.

Tojo: Though it's good news for me.

Tojo: The shogun's family has requested the return of the monkey.

Kyubei: You don't need to feel sad.

Kyubei: It doesn't matter how far apart we are...

Kyubei: I'll always be by your side.

Kyubei: Take care.

The Name Reveals the Person

Papa: T-T-T-T-T...

Papa: Terrible news!

Kyubei: Fa- Papa, is something wrong?

Papa: That monkey ran away!

Papa: How can this be?

Papa: Now, the honor of the Yagyu Family is in peril.

Papa: Wait! Kyubei!

Kyubei: The third squad will search the area near the castle.

Kyubei: The second squad should be setting traps to capture it.

Kyubei: Everyone else should head into town and comb the streets.

Kyubei: Understood?

Kyubei: Don't forget your bananas and nets.

All: Yes, ma'am!

Kyubei: Move out!

All: Yes, ma'am!

Kyubei: Please be safe,

Kyubei: Jugem Jugem Shit-Tossing the

Life of Shin-chan's Two-Day-Old Underwear

Balmung Fezalion Issac Schneider

/ True Love / Hangnail Anxiety

Betrayal Knows My Name Or Does It Really

Ignore Calls Squid Dogfish Halibut Trout-Cod Dogfish...

This Is a Different Dogfish,

I'm Talking About The Dogfish Shark

Kaluga Angler Ray

Yuuteimiyaoukimukou Pepepepepepepepepepepepe

Runny Diarrhea.

Otae-chan Love

Papa: There you are!

Papa: Wait!

Papa: Please wait!

A: Found it!

B: This is where the last sighting took place.

Kyubei: I see.

Kyubei: Continue the search.

Both: Yes, ma'am!

Odd Jobs Gin-chan

Shin: Kagura-chan, what are you doing?

Kagura: Writing a proposal.

Shin: A proposal?

Kagura: Since this Odd Jobs business isn't making any money,

Kagura: I'm going to sell this idea to Bandai Namco for a huge profit.

Kagura: Then I can live the rest of my life in comfort.

Kagura: All done!

Shin: Huh? What is this?

Kagura: Record of Light and Dark: Fakinaway.

Shin: Wait!

Record of Light and Dark: Fakinaway Trading Card Game Proposal

Shin: You're going to continue the joke from last week?!

Kagura: This age of chaos begins with what is

later known as the Ragnarok Shepherd w*r.

Shin: Uh, what does that even mean?

Shin: And what's about to begin?!

Emperor: You have done well to make it here, my son...

Balmung Fezalion Also known as the Black Wind.

Emperor: Balmung Fezalion!

Captain of the Fakinaway dark knights. He is normally a composed person,

but when his comrades are in trouble, he loses sight of his surroundings and goes berserk.

Emperor: No, I should call you the Black Wind now.

A minus. His dreaded enemy, the Demon Emperor Runny Diarrhea, is his father.

A third eye appears on his forehead when his true powers awaken.

Balmung: Demon Emperor Runny Diarrhea!

Later becomes the Brutal Emperor Kaiser Fakinaway.

Balmung: It all ends today!

Balmung: I will avenge my dark knights!

Balmung: Right now!

Balmung: I will put everything I have into this strike!

Balmung: Ultimate attack!

Shin: The command still shows up?!

Balmung: Hell Fakinaway!

Shin: Uh, Kagura-chan?

Shin: You can stop.

Shin: How much longer until this drivel is over?

Kagura: We're about to get to the good part.

Balmung: What?

Emperor: You never realized that the powers of darkness

I granted you could never be used to defeat darkness?

Emperor: Though the outcome may have been different

if you had powers of light.

Issac: Sorry to keep you waiting.

Emperor: Y-You are...

Issac Schneider Also known as the Prince of Light.

Emperor: The Prince of Light...

Balmung's younger twin brother.

Emperor: Issac Schneider!

While his brother was abandoned at young age, Issac was able to live in comfort.

He realizes his father's dark intentions,

Shin: The timing on his entrance is a little too perfect!

and achieves peace with Balmung after the Ragnarok Shepherd w*r.

Issac: Balmung, we will talk later.

Issac: Right now, we must focus on defeating him.

Balmung: Hmph, don't expect me to thank you.

Issac: Brother...

Issac: Let's do this!

Issac: Hey, hey give me your body,

Issac: no, no, that's all I need.

Issac: Kiss on my lips to shut it up!

Issac: Don't touch me!

Balmung: Hey, hey I don't anything!

Issac: Any more about me,

Both: wow, wow, wow, wow,

Both: wow, wow, wow!

Both: Bad communication!

Otae: Then they form a band, which is now known as B'z.

The End

Shin: Hold on a second!

Shin: That's how the story ends?!

Shin: They're just going to ignore their father?!

Kagura: I had to suppress my instincts and think hard

all night to come up with this ending.

Shin: Don't act like you actually put any thought into this crap!

Shin: Yes, who is it?

Shin: Tojo-san?

Tojo: D-D-D-

Tojo: Damn it all!

Tojo: That monkey ran away after three days!

Tojo: It's managed to run around the city while evading all pursuit!

Tojo: As a result, the Yagyu family has been accused

Tojo: of failing to properly train the monkey,

Tojo: and every single member has been forced to search for the monkey!

Gin: I knew that would happen.

Gin: The beast isn't going to listen to anyone besides Kyubei.

Kagura: Serves them right.

Kagura: That's what happens when you take someone's pet away from them.

Tojo: This isn't the time to be gloating!

Tojo: The lady has been searching for the monkey

for the past three days without any rest!

Tojo: She's so worried that she's barely eaten anything!

Tojo: And if we can't find the monkey,

the lady will have to disembowel herself as punishment!

Shin: That sounds extreme for one monkey...

Tojo: Yes, this is Tojo...

Man: What are you doing?! Haven't you found the monkey?!

Tojo: I-I'm very sorry!

Tojo: Please wait just a little longer!

Man: Do you understand?!

Man: That monkey was a gift from the shogun!

Man: If anything happens, the responsibility will lie with the Yagyu!

Boy: Hey, Gramps.

Boy: Did Goku come back yet?

Man: Don't worry, young master.

Man: Goku will be back very soon.

Man: Hey! You hear me, Tojo?!

Man: I'm sure that you know what will happen if you fail!

Tojo: Worry not.

I was able to secure Shit-Tosser's favorite target.

Tojo: Yes, if we use Shit-Tossed as bait,

Goku will come to throw shit at him, yes.

Gin: Hey, when you say Shit-Tossed, you're referring to this, right?

Gin: You don't mean me, right?

Tojo: Please!

Tojo: Think of this as a sacrifice for the lady's sake!

Gin: Bastard! You're going to use me as a shit receptacle?!


Tojo: That monkey is obsessed with throwing shit at you!

Tojo: We can use that obsession to draw him out!

Tojo: You're going to just let the lady die?!

Gin: You're going to let me be covered in shit?!

Kagura: Does it really matter?

Kagura: It's not like you're losing anything.

Gin: I'm losing something deep inside that I can never have back!

Kagura: You were always aloof like the gas from a septic t*nk.

Gin: Normally, you say that a person is aloof like a cloud!

Gin: How does that metaphor even work with the gas from a septic t*nk?!

Shin: Gin-san!

Shin: Gin-san! Look!

Shin: The shit's hit the fan!

Emergency Bulletin A large number of monkeys have escaped from the zoo!!

Shin: A bunch of monkeys have escaped from the zoo!

Emergency Bulletin Shocking! A monkey that can open a lock!!

N: We bring you footage from the security cameras.

N: Watch as an unidentified animal opens the door to the monkey cage.

Tojo: It's him!

Tojo: That monkey has released all of those monkeys

into the city to interfere with our search.

Gin: That's impossible.

Tojo: How can a mere animal be so clever?!

Tojo: We won't be able to single it out from that troop of monkeys!

Tojo: It appears that you are our last hope!

Tojo: The monkey that runs straight here to throw shit at you

is the one we want!

Gin: Hey! Hold on!

Tojo: Monkey!

Tojo: Show yourself!

Tojo: I've brought your favorite shit receptacle!

Tojo: Now get your ass out here!

Tojo: Unload your shit!

Gin: Hey! What's going on?!

Gin: All of the monkeys are aiming for me!

Gin: What is this?!

Gin: What do they think about me?!

Gin: How do they see me?!

Tojo: Was one of your ancestors a crab, or perhaps Frieza?!

Kagura: No, that's not it.

Kagura: Gin-chan is descended from gas
that was expelled from Tripitaka's butt.

Gin: That would be a fart!

Gin: That would mean I was descended from a fart!

Shin: What do we do, Tojo-san?!

Shin: We'll be covered in shit before we can pick out the correct one!

Tojo: Let's use Odd Jobs' extensive network to create a perimeter.

Tojo: Tell them to set up in locations around Edo, use bananas as bait,

and call his name!

Gin: We're going to fall back on the oldest trick in the book?

Tojo: We can make it work if we have the numbers!

Katsura: What?

A monkey that has a bell around its neck?

Katsura: And its name is...

Gin: Uh, it's Jugem Jugem Poop-Tossing...

Kagura: You got it wrong.

Kagura: It's Shit-Tossing.

Gin: Oh, what she said.

Madao: Uh, Jugem Jugem Shit-Tossing the

Life of Shin-chan's One-Day-Old Underwear...

Madao: Huh, not one-day-old?

Madao: Wait, which is it?

Gin: When did he get shit on his underwear?

Kagura: Just say it was today.

Shin: I don't have any shit on my underwear today!

Okita: Jugem Jugem Shit-Tossing

the Life of Shin-chan's Two-Day-Old Underwear

Balmung Fezalion Issac Slicer...

Okita: Huh? Schneider?

Okita: It's Balmung Schneider?

Okita: No?

Okita: Oh, you mean Issac?

Okita: Huh?

Okita: Right, so when did Shin-chan get shit on his underwear?

Gin: Uh, when was it?

Kagura: Just say it was tomorrow.

Shin: How am I getting shit on my future underwear?!

Tsukiyo: Jugem Jugem Shit-Tossing the

Life of Shin-chan's Two-Day-Old Underwear

Balmung Fezalion Issac Schneider

/ True Love / Hangnail Anxiety...

Tsukiyo: What?

Tsukiyo: / True Love?

Tsukiyo: What about the other two thirds?

Tsukiyo: Hold on, um...

Tsukiyo: When did the underwear get dirty?

Gin: It's always dirty, I'd say.

Shin: Cut it out!

Shin: Give me the damn phone!

Shin: Now, you've got it wrong.

Shin: It's Squid Dogfish Halibut Trout-Cod Dogfish.

Shin: Yes, but This Is a Different Dogfish!

Shin: No! You're missing a pe!

Shin: Pepepepepepepe...

Shin: This will never work!

Shin: Most of the questions are about the shit on my underwear!

Shin: How are we supposed to tell people this long-ass name?!

Shin: That's why I said we should make it shorter!

Shin: What do we do now?!

Shin: We can't draw it out!

Tojo: Yes.

Tojo: What? Is that true?

Tojo: Thank you so much!

I don't know how to thank you.

Tojo: I appreciate the help!

Tojo: Rejoice!

Tojo: Katsura-dono just told me that he's captured the monkey!

Shin: Huh?

Tojo: You have such amazing friends!

Tojo: He dispatched someone to bring the monkey here.

Shin: Really?!

Shin: I don't see how he was able to remember the name.

Kagura: Ah, Elizabeth!

Kagura: Is that it?

Balmung Fezalion Also known as the Black Wind.

Kagura: There's a bell on his neck.

Shin: Wait a sec! Isn't that Balmung Fezalion?!

Shin: How did they find him?!

Shin: And he's real?!

Shin: Why would a banana work as bait for a dark knight?!

Kagura: It's Balmung!

Kagura: Later becomes the Brutal Emperor Kaiser Fakinaway!

Gin: Seriously, how did he mistake that for a monkey?

Gin: What do we do?

Gin: This is bad.

Gin: Balmung's glaring at us.

Gin: His third eye is glaring at us, too.

Kagura: Oh no!

Kagura: Once his third eye is open,

it will bring another Catastrophe of Sephiroth!

Gin: Hey! Somebody apologize to him!

Gin: Go tell him we got the wrong guy

Gin: before he starts the Catastrophe of Sephiroth!

Balmung: Hell Fakinaway!

Gin: Oh, shit!

Gin: He's going to use Hell Fakinaway!

Gin: That's bad! Hell Fakinaway is bad!

Shin: You're also gonna throw shit?!

Shin: Balmung is throwing shit at us!

Shin: Balmung is throwing a shitload of shit at us!

Gin: That wasn't Hell Fakinaway!

Gin: He's no different from those monkeys!

Issac: Wait!

Issac Schneider Also known as the Prince of Light.

Issac: Enough of this.

Shin: Th-That's...!

Shin: Issac Schneider!

Shin: Hasegawa-san brought us the Prince of Light

who was able to turn Balmung back to the side of light!

Madao: Everything's okay.

Shin: Whew, they're going to talk things through.

Shin: Now we can relax...

Both: Here's our...

Both: Bad Communication!

Shin: What kind of shit are you trying to pull?!

Gin: Issac is just a monkey!

Shin: And why is Hasegawa-san throwing shit?!

Shin: What kind of Bad Communication is this?!

Kagura: Gin-chan!

Kagura: We've been surrounded by so many monkeys!

Gin: Hey! Somebody do something!

Shin: Th-This is...?

Kyubei: Tojo, everyone...

Kyubei: Thank you for serving as decoys.

Kyubei: We were able to capture all of the monkeys.

Shin: Kyubei-san!

Gin: Monkeys, huh?

Gin: There were three idiots mixed in there.

Kid: Wow! So many!

Kid: So many monkeys!

Man: Hmph, took you long enough.

Man: Is the young master's monkey in there?

Kyubei: Yes, most likely.

Man: But we won't be able to identify which one is his.

Man: What do we do?

Kyubei: Look for a bell.

He should be the only one that's wearing a bell.

Man: Curses!

Man: Clever little rascal.

Man: Goku, you don't want to be my pet?

Man: You don't like me?

Kagura: That's not the problem.

Kagura: It's just that there's someone who he doesn't want

to be separated from, who he loves more than you.

Shin: Kagura-chan!

Man: Little girl!

How dare you insult Lord Mori Mori?!

Man: Let me educate you!

Man: This is the nephew of the Shogun, Lord Shige Shige...

Kid: Shut up, Gramps!

Man: Y-Yes...

Kid: Is that true, Yagyu guy?

Kyubei: Huh?

Kyubei: Uh, well...

Kid: That means I took Goku away from someone he cares about.

Kid: No wonder he ran away.

Kid: Sorry, Goku.

Kid: I'm always stuck inside the castle,

so I never had any friends to play with.

Kid: So when I saw Soyo-chan's monkey,

I got really jealous.

Kid: I just wanted to be your friend.

Kid: But I ended up taking you away from your friend.

Kid: I'm sorry.

Kyubei: Lord Mori Mori, please stop crying.

Kyubei: He doesn't hate you,

and he isn't unwilling to be your friend.

Kyubei: That's not the problem.

Kyubei: But his name...

Kyubei: He has a wonderful name that carries the hopes and

dreams that were given to him by his friends.

Kyubei: Will you call his name with me?

Kyubei: Ready and...

Kyubei: Jugem Jugem Shit-Tossing the

Life of Shin-chan's Two-Day-Old Underwear

Balmung Fezalion Issac Schneider

/ True Love / Hangnail Anxiety

Betrayal Knows My Name Or Does It Really

Ignore Calls Squid Dogfish Halibut Trout-Cod Dogfish...

This Is a Different Dogfish,

I'm Talking About The Dogfish Shark

Kaluga Angler Ray

Yuuteimiyaoukimukou Pepepepepepepepepepepepe

Runny Diarrhea.

Shin: Yeah, he can't say that.

Shin: He can't say that.

Shin: Lord Mori Mori can't say that.

Kid: Diarrhea...

Kid: Jugem Genome Barbossa Fanta Pipipipipipipi Barf Diarrhea!

Shin: He made up a name!

Shin: Lord Mori Mori couldn't remember the name so he made one up!

Kid: I'm sorry!

Kid: I'm sorry about what I did!

Kid: I'm sorry about getting your name wrong!

Kid: Here you go, Yagyu guy.

Man: Lord Mori Mori?!

Kid: It's okay.

Kid: I don't want to see my friends look sad,

Kid: whether it's Barf Diarrhea

Kid: or the Yagyu guy.

Kid: Besides, I can't remember such a long name yet.

Kid: In return...

Kid: Uh, Yagyu guy... I have a favor to ask.

Kyubei: What is it?

Kid: Uh, could you let me add to his name?

Kyubei: Jugem Jugem Shit-Tossing the

Life of Shin-chan's Two-Day-Old Underwear

Balmung Fezalion Issac Schneider

/ True Love / Hangnail Anxiety

Betrayal Knows My Name Or Does It Really

Ignore Calls Squid Dogfish Halibut Trout-Cod Dogfish...

This Is a Different Dogfish,

I'm Talking About The Dogfish Shark

Kaluga Angler Ray

Yuuteimiyaoukimukou Pepepepepepepepepepepepe

All's Well That Ends Well Runny Diarrhea.

The End

Gin: Ask Mr. Ginpachi

Gin: Ask Mr. Ginpachi...

All: ...is back!

Gin: Okay, we have a little time leftover so I'll read a postcard.

Gin: From someone with the pen name "Okita-kun Love Pudding."

Gin: I have a question.

Gin: Couldn't you write out Odd Jobs with two kanji?

Gin: Why do you use three?

Gin: Please tell me why.

Gin: Okay, here's your answer.

Gin: Originally, it was just two kanji,

Gin: but people might mistake us for some

kind of general store that sells everything.

Gin: We're supposed to be a bunch of people

who are willing to do everything.

Gin: So we added the extra kanji to differentiate.

Gin: Well, the result is that

our various guests keep reading it wrong in the script.

Gin: I should mention that a lot of people also read Amanto wrong.

Next Episode

Katsura: The maid was watching

Katsura: when the man who is feared as the Destroyer of Edo

revealed his true nature.

Katsura: A shocking truth about the father...

Matsu: Next time:

The Man's Household Situation is Hard, His Heart is Soft

Matsu: The man's household situation is hard, his heart is soft.
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