05x45 - Festival of Thornies

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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05x45 - Festival of Thornies

Post by bunniefuu »

Tetsu My name is Tetsunosuke Sasaki who silences crying babies.

Tetsu Graduated from bad boy to cherry boy.

Tetsu A lot went down and I've had a change of heart.

Tetsu A lot going on and I'm off to a new start.

Tetsu Got a letter to deliver, quick as a dart.

Tetsu But then I got my shit knocked out, yo.

A Cherry boy! Cherry boy!

B Cherry boy! Cherry boy!

Tetsu This is my brother, Isaburo Sasaki.

Tetsu He loves sending e-mails but he ain't got any mail buddies.

A No mail buddies. No mail buddies.

Yo! Yo! Yo! Yo!

Tetsu Always ready for any situation.

Tetsu His plan is to wipe everyone out, yo.

A Always ready for any situation.

B Ready. Ready.

Tetsu Shinsengumi, Check It Out g*ng, and me.

A Cherry boy! Cherry boy!

Tetsu Shinsengumi, Check It Out g*ng, and me!

A Cherry boy! Cherry boy!

Tetsu Yeah.

Toshi Uh, can you cut it out?

Isabu A rather disparate trade.

Isabu To think that fool would hold as

Isabu much worth as the leaders of the Shinsengumi and Mimawarigumi?

Isabu Onward, men.

Isabu We need not concern ourselves with the hostage.

Isabu Wipe out the Joi.

Okita Go ahead and draw your sword.

Okita I'll jam it right up your ***.

Toshi This is our battle.

Toshi We're ready to cut our way through the bramble to get in.

Toshi It won't be easy to get through these thorns.

Isabu I believe that you look like anything but a cop right now.

Toshi Right back at you.

Both -Evil bastard.-Evil bastard.

Festival of Thornies

Isabu Hijikata-san, do you expect me to take your gamble?

Toshi You'll have to beat us

Toshi if you want to get rid of your brother,

Toshi so you don't really have a choice.

Isabu If my goal is to ruin your reputation

Isabu while disposing of my worthless brother,

Isabu I simply have to alert those thugs to the small band you sent in.

Isabu Once I do that, the hostage will quickly die,

Isabu along with your organization, which caused this mess.

Isabu It's very simple.

Isabu Men, do not be fooled by his cheap taunts.

Isabu It would be idiotic for police officers

Isabu to fight each other while the enemy watches.

Isabu The Mimawarigumi have a responsibility to uphold.

Isabu We will not move a single step or lift a single finger.

Isabu You are sadly mistaken, Hijikata-san.

Isabu My goal is not to eliminate the Shinsengumi and my brother.

Isabu It's to find a solution to this mess in an expedient manner.

Isabu I do not wish to waste my time or people on this farce.

Isabu In other words...

Isabu I simply need

Isabu to eliminate the thorn in my side.

Toshi That's more like it.

Toshi So despite being raised in a greenhouse,

Toshi you haven't forgotten your primal instincts.

Toshi Rosy.

Isabu You're about to learn what happens

Isabu when you defy the Mimawarigumi, brat!

Kondo That woman's like a bringer of death.

Kondo Every strike she makes is lethal.

Kondo Was she trained as an assassin?

Yama We don't have time to admire her technique.

Yama If she attracts too much attention,

Yama the enemy will realize we're here!

Yama If that happens, Tetsu will be...

Kondo It's not that simple.

Kondo If she gets behind enemy lines, she might k*ll Tetsu!

A Who are you?!

B We're under atta—

Nobu I knew you weren't a cop.

Nobu You have the eyes of a k*ller,

Nobu just like me.

Okita Zaki, look after Kondo-san for me.

Kondo Sogo! You can't mean to—

Okita Kondo-san, she doesn't want that loser's head,

Okita and she's not interested in the enemy either.

Okita She wants my head.

Nobu No.

Nobu I want your ***.

Kondo We'll let Sogo handle this.

Kondo Let's go!

Yama Oh. Yes, sir!

Okita Will your *** or my *** get busted up first?

Okita Fun stuff.

Isabu Dance for me.

Isabu He used that shot to lead me into his attack!

Isabu In that case...

Isabu It's over.

All Vice Chief!

Isabu This farce is over.

Tetsu V-Vice Chief!

C F-For real?

Em You did it! You really did it, Sasaki!

C What's that? Why are they lining up?

Em What are you people doing?!

Em Aren't you worried about what might happen to this guy?

Em Hey, hold up!

Em Don't you care about your brother?!

Em Stop! Stop!

Em Is he serious?

Em He's going to sacrifice his brother.

Em So this guy is a worthless hostage?

C D-Dammit!

Em W-Wait!

Em What about this?!

Tamegoro Hijikata

Em I already know that this is a secret message,

Em since this guy was trying his best to protect it!

Tetsu That's the vice chief's...

Tetsu Stop! That letter is...

Em There's a fake name on the envelope,

Em but the address is the Mimawarigumi station.

Em This is a letter Hijikata tried to send you!

Tetsu Impossible... The vice chief's letter was for my brother?

Em Considering the effort that went into disguising this letter,

Em it must be important.

Em Don't you care what happens to it?

Isabu Oh? A letter from Hijikata-san to me?

Isabu You've managed to pique my interest.

Em Don't play dumb!

Em Then I'll read it out loud for everyone to hear!

Isabu Please do.

Em What?!

Em You've got balls.

Em Then I'll read your letter!

Em Let's see...

Em Uh...

Em Er...

C The first word is "dear," boss.

Em Shut up! I know that!

Em Keep your mouth shut!

Toshi Isaburo Sasaki-dono.

Toshi Forgive me for sending this letter without warning.

Toshi A letter addressed to the Mimawarigumi might cause a stir,

Toshi so forgive me for using a false name.

Toshi I believe that by using the name Hijikata,

Toshi this letter will certainly reach your eyes.

Toshi Your brother, Tetsunosuke, who is currently in our care,

Toshi has completely changed,

Toshi training hard under our watch every day.

Toshi It will take some more time to work the damage

Toshi from his lazy lifestyle out of his body,

Toshi but he's doing his best to never stop, to keep moving forward.

Toshi He's matured into a fine young man.

Toshi I'm ashamed to admit that I've learned

Toshi a thing or two by watching him struggle.

Toshi I know that he will become a strong warrior.

Toshi We will make him a strong warrior.

Toshi So, when he becomes fully capable, please show him your approval.

Toshi As his family, as his brother...

Toshi Could you please accept him?

Tetsu I envy you.

Toshi I'm sure that's what he wants.

Toshi He may complain all the time,

Toshi but I know how he truly feels.

Toshi Because it's too late

Tamegoro Hijikata

Toshi for me.

Tetsu Vice Chief...

Isabu That was a waste of time.

Isabu Advance.

Tetsu I-Isaburo!

Tetsu Stop!

Tetsu Please stop this!

Tetsu Don't worry about me!

Tetsu Please! Vice Chief!

Isabu It seems that you're the type

Isabu that keeps coming back until you've drawn your last breath.

Isabu Get out of my way, Thorny.

Isabu Fail to dodge it, and you die. Dodge it, and you still die.

Isabu b*llet or blade. Pick your poison.

Tetsu Vice Chief...

Toshi You should stick to decorating walls,

Toshi you dirty rose.

Toshi This garden isn't for you people.

Isabu You are really something, Hijikata-san.

Isabu Are you saying that the safety of an innocent citizen

Isabu is more important than the resolution of this crisis?

Isabu No, you're merely being selfish.

Isabu You aren't trying to save my worthless little brother.

Isabu You're trying to save the worthless little brother of the Hijikata family.

Isabu It is not our duty to redeem criminals.

Isabu Our duty is to punish criminals.

Isabu You can't punish a criminal if you fear his crime.

Isabu You must be prepared to suffer the same punishment you deal.

Isabu We can never save a single soul.

Isabu We aren't even allowed the right to save ourselves.

Isabu A cog is supposed to keep on turning.

Isabu We can never stop.

Isabu You're out of time, Hijikata-san.

A Get 'em! k*ll 'em all!

Em D-Dammit!

Em I'm taking you with us, then!

Toshi Tetsu!

Isabu Hello? This is Sabu-chan.

Isabu Thank you for leading the Mimawarigumi here.

Isabu Our ambush was a success.

Gin Is my job done then?

Isabu Yes, we can take it from here.

Gin Really. Well, then.

Gin Time to do things my way.

Toshi Wh-What are you...?!

Isabu Oh? You're turning on us?

Isabu That's fine.

Isabu I don't need a mail buddy who never replies.

Isabu I don't intend on leaving you in my address book.

Gin That's what I figured.

Toshi Bastard...

Toshi The Mimawarigumi's charge was meant to draw me up here.

Toshi With the exits blocked, they must plan on k*lling us with the Joi.

Gin Wait, hold on.

Gin I'm not gonna side with the Shinsengumi.

Gin I've never been a fan of the police.

Gin Doesn't matter if you're wearing black or white.

Gin But it's pretty sad when two of the

Gin biggest police forces in Edo are having a childish spat.

Gin We got a foolish cop who only cares about saving the people he knows

Gin and a snappy cop who won't try to save anyone.

Gin I don't feel like joining either side.

Gin I'm gonna side with my boys here.

Gin If you aren't going to save these boys,

Gin I'll step in and save a few criminals in the process.

Gin Show me what you got, Vice Chief.

Gin You're first.

Gin Let's see if you can take down the Joi patriot

Gin known as the White Yaksha.

Toshi Sasaki.

Toshi You chose the wrong person to use as a cog.

Toshi Don't bother.

Toshi You don't stand a chance against

Toshi the biggest thorn in the bush.

Gin You're the one who's lost his mind over a single brat.

Gin Are you too scared to fight me now?

Gin Maybe I should k*ll the hostage so you can focus on the fight?

Toshi Go ahead.

Toshi I've done what I can.

Toshi If you're saying that he's not as important

Toshi as the brats standing behind you, go ahead and k*ll him.

Toshi As far as I'm concerned, they're all the same.

Toshi No, you and I are the same.

Toshi It won't make a difference if we k*ll another kid or two now.

Toshi It's too late for that now.

Toshi We don't seek or expect forgiveness.

Toshi And we're not interested in punishing criminals.

Toshi So we can't punish criminals, and we can't redeem them,

Toshi but there is something that only we can do.

Toshi We can stop them from making the same mistakes we made.

Toshi We can teach them to learn from those mistakes and move on.

Toshi I'm not gonna give up on trying to save people

Toshi like Mr. Smartypants over there.

Toshi We brats have to stick together.

Toshi But if you still want to k*ll him, go ahead.

All Huh?

Toshi You really k*lled him?!

Gin You told me to k*ll him!

Isabu Wrong.

Yama Chief!

Yama I have the hostage!

Kondo Way to hang in there.

Kondo No need to hold back now!

Kondo Go crazy!

Kondo Thornies!

To Be Continued



White Yaksha

The Thornies

can't be stopped!

Letter From Thorny

The festival has kicked into full gear as the battle nears an end. The Thorny arc ends next episode!!

A new letter has been written. What message does it carry...?
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