01x09 - Clock Like An Egyptian

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Cyberchase". Aired: January 21, 2002 –; present.*
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Matt and his group of friends use gadgets and follow clues to mysteries and any other problem that comes their way.
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01x09 - Clock Like An Egyptian

Post by bunniefuu »

* Cyberchase!

* We're movin' we're beatin'
hacker at his game

* Don't tell me that he's trying
to hack the mother board

* We'll get him every time

* Cosmic worlds, freaky places
that we've seen

* We got the power
of one two three four!

* Runnin' in a cyberchase
we'll meet him face to face

* We'll stick together,
all the time!

* Adventures in cyberspace

* The chase is on! Just wait
and c-y-b-e-r- chase!

[Dr. Marbles]
there it is! There it is!

That's strange, according
to my data

There should be an entrance
around here somewhere.

But I can't seem to -


Data lock confirmed!

The encryptor chip is precisely
where archimedes

Said it would be.

Soon, motherboard, I will be
able to eliminate your virus!

Ugh! Can't quite reach.


Oh no! Ahhhh!!!



Oh, great.



dr. Marbles has found
the encryptor chip.

well, that's great news!

(static) but...marbles has
been captured.

...the pyramid. The tomb of rom
...mummy chamber...

...no time to waste!


hey guys!

hey matt. Looks like we
got trouble.

big time.

let's do it!

well, here we are, guys,
another day at the beach.

but I get the feeling
we won't be swimming

And soaking up the rays.

not a chance, we gotta find
the doc.

Come on.

motherboard said something
about a pyramid and a tomb.

It's gotta be around here

somewhere? Somewhere? We've
been walking for, like,

For like...hours!

jacks, we've been walking
for two minutes.

whatever! The point is,
there's nothing but sand.

Sand...and that!


must be the pyramid motherboard
was talking about.

yeah, but what's that?


so, you find the doc
and the encryptor chip, yet?

we just got here. We haven't
been inside.

I tell you what, you go in -
I'll stand guard out here.

come on, didge,

You're not afraid of a little
old pyramid, are you?

I'm not afraid of the pyramid,

It's what's inside that I'm not
too excited about.

well you won't have to worry
about it

If we can't figure out how
to get in.

in the movies, you just press a
brick and a secret door opens.

this has as much chance of

As I have of growing feathers!


wow! Awesome.

over here!

did you find a clue?

maybe hieroglyphs!

Word pictures used by
the ancient egyptians.

hmm...a hippo...some kind
of bug...a cat...

And up here...what is that??

it looks like a mummy.

I was afraid you'd say that.

look over there, above that

another hippo.

just like this one!

you know what I think.

I think this is a map that
shows the different rooms

In the pyramid!

I think they're called

rooms, chambers - whatever.

My guess is, we're right about

And marbles and the encryptor
chip should be right here!

in the mummy room?

that's what motherboard said.

let's go.

wait. Let's scan the map into
the skwak pad

In case we get lost.

map scanned!

cool! Let's get started.

who dares enter the tomb
of rom?


who's that?

silence! Leave now or suffer
the consequences!

what's going on?!

really, I do love the drama
of it all.

don't you, mummsie?

be scarier. Binky!

One intruder is enough for
the day.

I'll start lowering the slab.

That should cause a fright.

uh! Am I having a moment,
or is that thing getting lower?

but we've gotta go through
there to find dr. Marbles.

go no further!

this is not good. This is not
good at all!

should you choose to proceed

And the door reaches all
the way to the floor...

You will be sealed forever
in the tomb of rom!



[Dr. Marbles]

know you listen to me,

This is my pyramid.

And they're here because you're
here! So don't blame me.


hold on.

Ow! The name hacker mean
anything to you?

hacker? That double-dealing

Spare the children,

And I'll give you something
hacker desperately wants.

and...ah... That is...?


it's like every minute,
that thing gets lower!

come on, we're wasting time.

We've gotta find marbles fast!

matt, wait! You heard what that
voice said.

If we go any further, we could
be trapped!

good point. Time to go home.

hold it. I think time is the

If only we knew how much time
we had before the door shuts.

hey, check it out. The water
seems to be running out

At a steady pace.

And it looks like the door is
dropping at the same rate.

I bet if we could figure out
how long it takes

For the water to drop one

We could figure out how much
time we have left.

Gimme your watch, matt,
I'll time it.

it's busted.

no problem. You're in the

Of the queen of steady

Just tell me when the water
gets to the next stripe

And I'll start.

hold it...hold it...count!

one alligator, two alligator,
three alligator...

- Four alligator, five
alligator, six alligator...

did you say dr. Marbles??!

I want him!

that's the problem with you,

It's always me, me, me.

You never think of anyone but

fine! Let's talk about marbles,

Give him to me!

I'll get back to you.

did you make the deal?

not, yet. (Exhale) but I will.

...sixty-one alligator,
sixty-two alligator,

Sixty-three alligator...


Ok, it takes about a second
to say each alligator.

So, sixty three alligator is

- a minute.

except you lost count a couple
of times when you sneezed.

close enough! If it falls one
stripe every minute -

How much time do we have?

...fourteen, fifteen stripes
left. At a minute a stripe -

We have minutes to find
dr. Marbles

And get back here before...

before we get stuck in here

That's a little risky, don't
you think?

we have no choice, jax.

well, wait a second matt,

not again!

if we don't keep track of time
while we're in there,

How will we know when our
fifteen minutes is up?

we'll...let jax count out
in gator time.

no way! What if I lose track?
What if I sneeze again?

And - how will we know how much
time is left?

there must be a way to measure
the passage of time

While the door is dropping.

what we really need is a clock.

oops. Sorry about the hour

Now it's a (chuckle)
half-hour glass. Ha!

wait a minute!

An hourglass measures time by
dripping sand at a steady rate

All we need is the top part
to do that!

And something to drip through!

how about these?

let's try it.

Pour some in.


the rubies are dripping at
the same rate as the water!

and the same as my alligator

so we can use them to keep
track of time!

but that means we have to count
every single ruby

As it falls out!
No way we can to do that!

hey, look what else I found!

an ancient me! See the boid!
See the boid drink!

that's just what we need
to measure time!

uhh! Tell me I didn't see that!

let'em drop, jax.

it works! We don't have to
count the rubies one-by-one,

We can catch them in the bird
cup. Then when it's full...

it empties itself!

alright! We can keep time
by counting cups

Instead of rubies!

you forgot something, guys.

now what?

we need to know how many
cups it takes

For the door to drop one

it's almost at the next stripe!
Fill it up!

get ready.

Start the clock.

clock started.

measuring time!

time measured!

this is perfect!

The bird cup fills up in
the same amount of time

The door drops one stripe!

twelve stripes - that means
we've got twelve

Cups of time to get to the
mummy chamber and back.

Let's motor!

let's go!

Oh dear, they are stubborn,
aren't they?

release the scarab beetles!

according to the map,

The beetle chamber should be
right around this corner.

cups of time left! Let's go!

ewwwwwwwwww!!! Yuck!

yup! This is definitely
the (gulp) beetle room!

c'mon! We're wasting time.

[jackie], come on!

you can make it!

there is absolutely no way
I'm getting near those bugs!

Nope, not gonna do it. You can
just count me right out.

See ya. Bye-bye!

this isn't about you, jax -
or us!

It's about motherboard!

she needs you!

you know what? That is so
totally unfair! Oh, man!

Okay, here goes nothing!


Way to go, jax! Good job!
Good job!

another bird cup down. Only
about minutes left.


next you take the bat wing,

And gently pin the lizard
skull right there,

Right in the middle.

These are a beautiful touch
to any evil gathering.

Really beautiful.

(Cheers and whistles)

hoo. That wicked sure does have

I want her to redecorate
the tomb.

hellloooo? Tomb of rom,
how may I help you?

I'll say it again, stinky,
give me dr. Marbles!

eh, dr. Marbles is all tied
up right now.

don't mess with me, you
fur-brained feline!

Hand him over!

hmmm...what does mummy get in

nothing! You get nothing!

is that your final answer?


Oh, some people are so selfish!

binks! They got past the bugs!


Hmmmm...time for my ghosts.

alright! We made it to
the cat chamber!

good. Cats I like.

next stop, the mummy room.

nine cups of time to go -
or is it eight? I forget.

it's nine.

excuse me, we're talkin'
life and,

Ah.. You-know-what, here.

This is no time to be guessing.

digit's right! There's gotta be
a way to keep track

Of how much time has passed!

maybe we can use this! Look.
It's got ten stripes on it -

We can mark off one stripe for
every bird cup.

And I can use my bracelet
as a marker!

classic! Just start it at the
ninth stripe

And move down one stripe every
bird cup. That way,

We'll see for sure how much
time we have left.

the ninth stripe it is!

it works for me! Now let's go!

oh, no!

hey! What was that?!

I - I don't know.

Let's put some
light on the situation.

I uh...i think we have company.

go get 'em, girls.

what are we gonna do?


Go away! Scat! Ow! b*at it!
Get outta here!

oh no! I dropped the rubies.

oh, man! Bugs, ghosts cats,
lost rubies.

Can things get any worse?

Of course.

what a way for a bird to go.
Buried in kitty litter.

if only we had a mouse.

did you say mouse? No problem,
got ya covered, mattster.

Alright! Way to go! Way to go,

oh, at last, the mummy chamber!

so where's dr. Marbles?
He's supposed to be here.

before we look for the doc,
we better look for more rubies.

when we run out of rubies,

We won't be able to keep track
of time!

We'll be trapped in here

we still have seven stripes

seven stripes - seven minutes.
That's not much time!

looks like I'll have to take
care of things myself!

As usual.

meow. Hellloooo? Tomb of rom.

for the last time, give me
dr. Marbles!

I have a proposal. Ahem.
You know the wicked witch?

of course I know her!

it's your lucky day, then.

Bring me wicked,
and dr. Marbles is all yours.


you heard me. Wicked for
marbles. Ta-ta.

I can hardly wait. This place
has such potential.

you two!

yeah, boss?

go to the pyramid and get
dr. Marbles now!

Right away, boss! Yeah.

got 'em!

pour them back so we don't lose
any time!

six minutes to left!

okay, what have we got?

It took us five bird cups
of time to get here -

So we need five bird cups
to get back.

we only got one bird cup to

We got one minute to find
the doc, or...

uh-oh. Don't look now, but
there's somebody behind us.


somebody has to look!

okay. When I count to three,

We all look at the same time.
One...two... Three!

[Dr. Marbles]


Ahhh, whoa, ugh

Least he coulda done is drop us
a little closer to the pyramid.

hey! What's that?

hey. Just what we need. Get on!

Now, how do we get this thing
to move?

what is that, dr. Marbles?

[Dr. Marbles]]
this, my young friends, is the
encryptor chip!

wow! So that's what it looks

It was here all the time!

[Dr. Marbles]
we must return it to
motherboard immediately.

we better leave sooner than

We only have five minutes left!

nobody leaves the tomb of rom!

and nobody hurts the doc,

ahhhh! Ahhhh! Ahhhh!

you think we can make it out
in five minutes?

ah, make that four!

but we need five!

yike! We're trapped!!

[Dr. Marbles]
not yet we're not.

The mummy took me through
a short cut

After he captured me.

lead the way, doc.

[Dr. Marbles]
this is it, the secret

let's see if I can tell where
it comes out.

Right now we're here at the

And across from here is where
we saw the bugs.

oh, no! Are you saying we have
to travel the bug

Superhighway again?

time is dripping, jax.

[Dr. Marbles]
and quite nicely, I might add.

A steady b*at...a cup to

The passage of time...

And even a counter.
I'm impressed.

uh, thanks for the compliment,
dr. Marbles,

But can we talk about his

We're down to three bird cups!

ew-ew-and-triple ewww!

I will never touch another
bug again!

the rubies!

forget about 'em! We don't need
the clock anymore.

There's only two cups of time

[Dr. Marbles]
exit lock! We're almost out!

run for it!

wuh-oh! Wing cramp!

let your wings down!

I can't!

hang on!

I'm hanging!

come on!

what happened to matt
and digit?

we're almost home, didge!
Go for it!

hurry, matt!

hurry! Run!


[Dr. Marbles]

close, huh!

[Dr. Marbles]
now that we have the encryptor

We'll have motherboard restored
to full power in no time.


oh, thank you very much!

(laughs) good one, buzzy!

[Dr. Marbles]

got it, boss.

hahaha. The encryptor chip is

And motherboard is still at
my mercy! (Evil laughter)

no! This can't happen!

don't worry, it won't!


Woah, ooops. Oh, this is bad.

the chip. It's in the dust

oh, I don't believe it. The
encryptor chip is lost again!

now we'll never save

don't despair, kids
...you saved dr. Marbles

Time is still on our side.

You'll find the chip...
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