02x05 - All the Right Angles

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Cyberchase". Aired: January 21, 2002 –; present.*
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Matt and his group of friends use gadgets and follow clues to mysteries and any other problem that comes their way.
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02x05 - All the Right Angles

Post by bunniefuu »

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Okay, there's this really
bad dude named hacker --

Hacker: the hacker, to you!

He wants to take over

The cyberworld
from motherboard.

[ Gasp ]
the three kids
are sucked into cyberspace,

And they use brain power
to help save everybody.

okay, here's the plan.

So they travel
all over and run into all these

Weird creatures...and have all
of these awesome adventures.

It's totally up to them
to save cyberspace.

Can three cool kids and a wacky
bird outsmart the hacker?

Hacker: never!
Matt: there's only one way
to find out!

Tune in
to "cyberchase"!

Tune in
to "cyberchase"!
♪ Cyberchase!

♪ Cyberchase!

♪ We're movin' we're beatin'
hacker at his game

♪ Don't tell me that he's trying
to hack the motherboard

♪ We'll get him every time

♪ Cosmic worlds, freaky places
that we've seen

♪ We got the power
of one, two, three, four!

♪ Runnin' in a cyberchase

♪ We'll meet him
face to face

♪ We'll stick together,
all the time!

Adventures in cyberspace

♪ The chase is on!

♪ Just wait and
c-y-b-e-r- chase!

And now which direction,

left at the blue coral reef!

If my calculations are correct,

You are above the encryptor
chip now!

No chip here, motherboard!
But wait... What's this?

While we didn't find
the encryptor chip

To cure your virus - we did
find something of great value.

Ivanka the invincible's
treasure map!

ivanka was the most famous

To sail the cyber-seas.

Clever, daring, and most of all

Unbeatable indeed!

According to legend, the secret
to her invincibility

Is inside this very chest!

marbles, I need you here today
to run a custodian program

On my language circuits.

We'll e-mail the map to jackie,
matt and inez.

They must find the treasure
immediately! (Static)

It must not fall into the wrong

Map ready for scanning,

Just use your buddy list.

Error alert! What happened?

You were right -

That language circuit of yours
does need fixing.

The virus caused you to send
the map to your buddy list...

And your baddy list!

are-we-done yet, boss?

No! I need more energy! Faster!

I'm-not-built-for this, buzzy!


you two rusty rustbuckets
are useless!

(ding-ding-ding) cyber-mail!

who's it from, boss?


Gee, that's nice.

It's ivanka the invincible's
treasure map!

Doesn't the treasure hold
the secret that made ivanka

So strong and smart?

Of course it does!

And once this map leads me
to her treasure,

I'll be the strongest
and smartest!

Nothing will stop me again!


Except for maybe that ghost.


uh huh! They say ivanka's ghost
guards her treasure.

But don't worry, boss,
we know you're afraid of ghosts.

ha yeah, we'll protect you.

We're not scared of nothing,
right, delete?!

I'm back!


digit? Don't just stand there,
you duncebuckets, get him!

hey, hey, easy on the feathers,

Like I said, I'm back
and I'm bad!

are you trying to tell me
you left motherboard,

You two-timing cyber-turkey?

How do you think you got
the treasure map, huh?

You really think it was sent
here by mistake?

you're responsible for this?!

Yep. Motherboard doesn't
have a clue what happened.

fine! I'll give you another
chance to work for me

But if you ever cross
the hacker again,

I'll clip your wings faster
than you can say

Bada bing bada...
Whatever you say!

oh, thanks, boss, you won't be
sorry you took me back.

You'll see.

Gee, buzzy, I never hugged
the boss. Have you?

I don't think I want to.

Arrr, she said...

As she landed feet first
on top of yellow beard.

Another bad guy caught
by jumpin' jax! To the max!

Jackie! Hacker alert!
Pirate map! Cover all angles!


whoa! Oof!

whoa! We've started off
in cheerier places than this.

this is too spooky, guys!

Hey! This looks like ivanka's

Why don't we just ask ivanka's
ghost where the treasure is?


come on, matt.

Everyone knows there are
no such things as ghosts!

Even if there were, I don't
think she'd tell you

Where her treasure was!

hey, what's this?



move out, mateys!

Good moves, me mateys!

What's with all this matey
stuff, jax?

I always dreamed about being
a pirate - aharrr! Haven't you?

Oh yeah, a pittsburgh pirate.
You know, a baseball player!


Whatever. C'mon, you guys!

According to motherboard,
hacker accidentally

Got e-mailed this map, too.

And he's got a huge head start
on us.

Looks like we're supposed
to begin at this telescope.

the telescope is over there!

follow me! We can take a
shortcut across these rocks.

Um, I hate to say this,
but my rock just moved.

Huh? Ahh!


next time no shortcuts, okay?

You know, this is really weird
working without digit.

Mother b said no digit
for this one.

I hope everything's okay.

Hey! Check out those

Hacker probably made them.

Maybe ivanka made them
to throw us off.

Oh c'mon, matt, ghosts don't
leave footprints. Do they?

This isn't going to be easy.

There aren't any landmarks
on this map to follow -

Just riddles.

The first riddle says:

Ye turn the glass,
ye look inside,

Find the arrow,
and spy me ride.

This telescope must be
the glass - a spyglass!

I'll take a look, mateys -
just like the riddle says.

A rubber ducky sailboat?

No way ivanka the invincible
would sail in that!

that can't be the right
direction to go in.

Okay, but it says here:

'Ye, turn the glass,
ye look inside...

We did that 'ye' stuff.
Then find the... Wait!

We looked inside...
But we didn't turn the glass.

Turn the telescope!

It won't turn! It only points
in one direction.

No wonder, the scope's locked!

Make that... Unlocked.

Stand back, mateys,

I'll find ivanka's ride
for sure, this time!

Turn it so it points past
that mountain!

No, no, point it in that
direction, past those bushes!

Look, one direction at a time,

the riddle says:

Find the arrow,
and spy me ride.

You see an arrow anywhere?

Found it!


I see it! Ivanka's ride!


which way? I don't see it.

You guys are looking
the wrong way!

Turn so you're looking along
the same direction

The telescope is pointing.

I don't see anything.

turn a little bit more
this way.

More, more... There!

See the tippy-top of the mast
with the flag?

if that dark spec way out there
is the flag, I see it!

good thing we could change
the angle of the telescope

Or we never would've found it.

all we have to do now is head
in the direction of the flag

And we'll reach the ship!

Come on, you scallywags,
let's go a-treasure-huntin'!

one would think ivanka
the invincible's riddles

Would be a little more

not for a genius mind
like yours, boss.

uh, puh-lease!

So true, digit.

My magnificent mind has already
solved the first two riddles.

Two more to go and the treasure
is mine!

I don't think so!

oh... Uh, warren... Hi.
So what are you doing out here?

On vacation, hmm?

Don't give me that, hacker!
I got the same e-mail you got -

And I'm gonna get that treasure

And no one's gonna stop me!

[Warren's mom]
warren! Warren plotnick!
Come home now!

oh mom! Now? No fair!

[Warren's mom]
you are still grounded, mister!
Come home this instant!

that was a close one.

I certainly didn't want to
share the treasure with him!

oh, yeah? Well, you're
grounded, too, mister!

That was you talking -
not warren's mother?

How positively brilliant!

Good to finally have some
decent help around here!

Step lively, digit,
we have a treasure to find!

I'm with ya, boss!

I can't believe it!
They're best buds!

ahoy, you land-lubbers!

The ship's in sight,
straight ahead!

Hey, my feet are stuck!

we're sinking in quicksand!

It's not quicksand, matt!
It's cyber-sand version .!

what's the difference?

This stuff is faster!
Way faster!

ahhhh! Help!

help! Help!

This is not good,
this is not good at all!

if only digit were here!

Well, he's not.

But jumpin' jax is!


Grab on, guys!



What's this?

It's hacker's wig gel!

Straight that way, boss!

why thank you, digit. Got it!

You're smarter than these two
dunderheads put together!


but boss, he's not bad
like we are!

yeah! He's lying!

[Ghostly voice]
whoooooo whoooooooo

what was that?

whoooo whooooo whoooooo!

it's the g...g...g...ghost!


ivanka's ship!

is the treasure here?

I don't see any, yet.

hey, look at this!
Ivanka's old boots!

I've always wanted to walk
in a pirate's footsteps!

Hey! These boots aren't going

They're nailed to the deck.

riddle number two:
nose to shoulder,

Spy the boulder that looks like
a hen, but remember the turn,

For ye will learn,
ye will need it again.

man, talk about a hard riddle.

Where's my yo-yo?
I gotta think.

Okay, let's take the riddle
in pieces.

Nose to shoulder...

spy the boulder that looks
like a hen...

I've got it! Jax, your nose
points in this direction -

And your shoulder points
in this other direction, right?

So maybe at an angle between
your nose and shoulder

Is a boulder that looks
like a hen!

Sorry, guys.
No boulder... No hen.

I'll turn my spyglass between

The angle of your nose
and the angle of your shoulder.

what do you see, matt?

I see the hen boulder!

It's in that direction!
Come on!

Wait! There's more
to the riddle!

Remember the turn, for ye will
learn, ye will need it again.

remember the turn? What turn?

must be this turn.
From where we started...

To pointing at that
hen-shaped boulder.

How are we supposed to remember
how much of a turn that was?

jackie can just keep her arms
like that

Til we get to the boulder.

are you kidding me? No way, my
arms are already getting tired!

I have an idea!
But we need some string.

Oh no. Not my yo-yo - no way!

This is really embarrassing.

we've almost got it.

Just tell me when I'm lined up
with hen boulder.

Go more to the right,
a little more...

Too much, back a little...

you sure we're all lined-up?

I'll double check.

Lined up at the cannon!

And this one points
to hen boulder!

Okay! The string shows us
how much you turned!

Great, but how are we going
to remember it?

I can't walk around with
a piece of string on my nose.

I'll trace it!

You better not get ink on me!

just don't sneeze, okay?

Now that's what I call
an angle!

ahar! Steady as she goes,
mateys - onward to hen boulder!

woooo... Wooooo...!

(sobs) don't hurt me! I'm not
here to find your treasure!

Okay, I'm here to find your

Perhaps we can share it.


Hey! Where's digit?

I smell a rat, deedee.

Wooooooo... Woooooo...

Wooooey! It's the ghost
of ivanka the invincible!

You guys better run for it!

I mean it! Never mess
with a ghost!

Okay, if you don't like
two-thirds for me

And one-third for you -
how about fifty-fifty?

That way I'll only be half

Uh, boss? We solved
your ghost problem.

you did?


motherboard probably sent him
here to stop us

From finding the treasure.

I knew it! Well, guess what?

I was only pretending to be
scared so I could trap you!

you were?

he was?

nice try, digit. But it's time
to pay for your blunder!

I've always wanted to make
someone walk the plank!

hey, boss! You better hurry up!

Those kids are getting closer!

You stuck your beak in the
wrong place this time!

The plank... Now!


I don't suppose an apology
would help.

I said walk!



go away!

do you really think you can
fool me

With more ghostly high-jinks!

but i...i...i...

you could've at least made this
ghost scary.

She looks more like
ivanka the inferior,

Ivanka the inept, ivanka the...


it is a g...g...g...ghost!


Is it really you, ivanka?


you know, you really need
to do something

About your breath.



hen boulder... We made it!

oh, man! There's still
no treasure.

here's the next riddle:

Stand at the beak,
face the tree,

Turn to the right,
turn by three.

Where you see, the treasure be.

[Matt and jackie]

okay, I added that part.

all right, I'm at the beak.
What next?

okay. Face this tree,
it's the only one around.

Now turn to the right...
Turn by three.

Three whats?

Wait a minute! The last riddle
said 'remember the turn'.

So maybe it's the size of the
turn we recorded at the ship!

Look at your drawing!

but this angle only gives us
the size of one ship turn.

We need three of these!

So copy the size of that turn
three times.

this'll make it easier to copy.

Way to go, nezzie!

Don't call me nezzie - matthew!

Here's one turn...

Two turns...

Three turns! Whoa! This gives
us a much bigger angle!

Okay, let's do what we did
at the ship.

very cool!

Now turn to the right, jax...
And turn by three!

where you see, the treasure be!

I see it! I see where
the treasure is...!

It must be in one of those

but which one?

riddlecheck! Last one guys.

Stand on the stone?
Eye the dot!

Me treasure's yours.
X marks the spot!

stand on the stone?
What stone? There!


now what?

eye the dot.

There's gotta be one there

I see it. Treasure ho!

yay! Ya! Yes!

x marks the spot!

argh! Start digging, mateys!

jax - enough with the mateys,

whoa! The treasure
of ivanka the invincible!



get it!

Thanks to you, kiddies,
I will soon be invincible!

Nothing can stop me now!

oh yeah?!

Hey there, earthlies!


you again! You don't really
think you can stop me, do you?

Nope. But ivanka can!

aarrrrggg! That's my treasure!

Keep me treasure safe, mateys!

Never know when I might need

ay ay, captain!

you got it, ivanka!

Ahhhh! No, no, no!
Please no!

I can't believe it!
That was a real cyber ghost!

How totally cool!

Where have you been, didge?

Motherboard thought if I made
hacker believe

I was back on his side,

I could trick him long enough
for you to find the treasure.

I guess it worked.

c'mon, let's see what made
ivanka invincible.

a book?

All this work for a book?

how to be invincible
in three easy steps.

I always said books
are powerful!

step one: make a fearful face.

Step two: growl. Grrrrrr...

There's no step three!
The page is missing!

ivanka is one smart pirate.

She kept the secret of her
power to herself after all.

that's okay, didge.

I'm sure motherboard doesn't
want anyone to be invincible,

yeah yeah yeah, I know.

I just wanted to be invincible
for like a second or two...

Hmm, maybe there's a step four
or something.

our ride's here, g*ng!

Let's get the book back
to motherboard!

ay, I sure am going to miss
this place!

It was totally to the max!
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