02x08 - Day 2: 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Episode transcripts for the TV show "24". Aired: November 6, 2001 to July 14, 2014.*
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Counterterrorism agent Jack Bauer fights the bad guys of the world, a day at a time.
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02x08 - Day 2: 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Post by bunniefuu »

- Why are they asking Dad questions? - You started a witch hunt in our family.

- What did you accuse my father of? - I didn't.

You're pointing at him to cover yourself! He says Bob Warner had dealings with Syed Ali.

Bring them in.

We'll separate them and turn up the heat.

I need help.

I have to get into my father's private records.

Who is the man in Visalia?! The man in Visalia is Mamud Faheen.

He also thinks I'm in prison.

- You make him believe you got out.

- I need to see Mamud.

- (Rick) Should we go? - Not until I have confirmation it's Faheen.

That's it.

Everybody go! - We have to talk about Ron Wieland.

- Does anyone know he's sequestered? No, but soon they'll figure out the last person they saw him with was you.

I've invoked executive privilege and granted Sherry provisional security clearance.

Seems every time I turn around, somebody advises me to send you away.

Why don'tyou? You may be able to get information nobody else can.

- Dammit! Just play it cool.

- (Kim) Cool? We're in a stolen car.

Step out of the car, please.

And open the trunk.

- (Miguel) Oh, my God! - Carla! - Oh, my God! He k*lled her! - Putyour hands behind your head.

- So whose car is it? - It's her father's.

- Did he give it to you? - Not exactly.

- Then what, exactly? - We took it without permission.

- You stole this car? - I can't believe he k*lled her.

Gary Matheson, the man Kim works for, beat his wife and was starting to hurt his daughter.

Kim called me to help get Megan away from him.

If that's true, why didn'tyou go to the police? Why do I find you 20 miles outside of LA? I thought so.

You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be used againstyou in a court of law.

You have the right to an attorney.

If you can't afford one, one will be appointed for you.

Do you understand these rights? Is it safe in here? Stay away from cordoned areas, you'll be all right.

- This building was bombed this morning.

- Yeah.

- Hey.

- You got the rooms ready? Yeah.

They're a little messed up, but good enough for interrogation.

- How we doing here? - Final tally 30 dead, 17 wounded.

Davidorff and Lindauer are critical.

What about Paula? Could you do me a favour and take them backto the rooms? Follow me, please.

Listen, can I talkto you alone? Stay with them.

I'll be there in a minute.

- Find anything new? - No, just what I told you on the phone.

The two men are contradicting each other.

There's definitely a tie to Syed Ali.

Looks like Ali is at the centre of this.

I hope it brings us closer to finding the nuke.

- Just tell me how hard I can push him.

- Hard as you have to.

Stick bamboo sh**t under their fingernails.

Get what they got.

Time's running out.

Call Henderson at FBI.

Set up a conference call with him and the Attorney General.

- Lynne.

You have a sec? - Sure, Roger.

I understand that Sherry Palmer has been given provisional security clearance.

Yes, that's right.

The president has invoked executive privilege.

You OK with that? - It's different.

- Yes, it is.

I've weighed in about it.

If I feel that she's becoming a problem, I'll let the president know.

She's his ex-wife.

That's a problem all by itself.


Sandra, thank you.

I'll get back with you.

- Tell me about Ron Wieland.

- What about him? I just got off the phone with Sandra lvany at the network.

She said no one's heard from him since he met with you this morning.

David? You didn't detain him, did you? You are here today to help me, not question my judgment.

And I am trying to help.

What's going on with Wieland? - He was gonna go public with a rumour.

- About the b*mb? I cannot afford a panic.

You can't keep him locked up indefinitely.

People are already asking questions.

We're holding him at the OC.

When the crisis passes, I'll let him go.

Well, meanwhile you've got a problem.

His disappearance could raise questions you don't want to answer.

- I putArmus on it.

- Apparently it hasn't helped.

- The word is getting out.

- What do you suggest? Give him an on-air exclusive when this is over.

I offered that to him.

He didn't want it.

Then let me talkto him.

David, one talentyou know I have is dealing with the media.

And I know Ron.

He likes me.


You're here to gather information.

And to help.

You said so yourself.

And today you can't afford to ignore that.

Let me try talking to Ron.

What would you say to him? I'll make it worth his while not to say anything.

- Kim, I'm scared! - It's OK, Megan.

You're gonna be OK.

It's gonna be fine.

Where are you taking her? She can't go backto LA.

- Why not? - It's not safe.

- Why didn'tyou tell him? - My dad said not to tell anyone.

He didn't know you'd be charged with m*rder.

- I'm gonna tell him.

- No.

You can't.

I'm telling you, Miguel, my dad said no one can know about this.

I think you should tell him who your dad is.

Let them call him.

Letyour dad explain why we're trying to get out of town.

Come on, let's go.

Come on.

My father works at CTU, the place that got bombed this morning.

His name is Jack Bauer.

Please call him.

He'll explain why it's not safe to be in LA today.

You can call your father after you've been processed.

(speaks Arabic) Nina: "Who are you working with in LA?" (repeats phrase in Arabic) (speaks Arabic) Faheen: "I'm not going to give you any information.

" (speaks Arabic) Faheen: "It's too late.

Don't waste your time.

The operation will be done.

" - This is not working.

- It will work.

- I just need a little more time.

- No, you're done.

- Jack, don't do this! - On your feet.

- We're going back.

- Did he talk? - No, he wouldn't talkto her.

- What do we do? Have Division set up a white room.

We'll handle it in LA.

Wrong move.

The deeper you bring him in, the more he'll shut down.

- We'll see.

- Rick, give me more time with him! You've had enough.

Make sure Faheen gets to the airport.

- And you? - I'll be right behind you.

- You see what he's doing? - Jack, you can't take her.

I have a document signed by the president! He can't do this! - My orders are to stay with you and her.

- Forget that.

All they need is Faheen.

Don't push this.

I can't leave you alone with her.

- It's got nothing to do with you.

Back off.

- Step away from the car, Bauer.

- Paul Koplin.

Nice to meetyou.

- Thanks for coming.

Come in.

No problem.

I spoke to Ralph, he told me what files we're going to have to get into.

- The ones that linked Reza to this t*rror1st? - Yes.

That's Syed Ali.

The company computer is networked into this house.

I'll have to hack some passwords.

I assume you're authorising me to do that.

- Yeah.

Yeah, of course.

- Is this it? I don't know why they dragged my family in for questioning on my sister's wedding day.

I'm a little surprised about that, too, but it's a whole new world out there now.

I'm sorry that happened, but as private investigators we're required by law to report any t*rror1st-related information to Homeland Security right off.

Here it is.

I accessed the monthly statements but I couldn't get into any detailed records.

All right.

Let's see what we can do.

Armus? Where are you going? I'm taking Mrs Palmer to one of the conference rooms.

- Does she have clearance? - Excuse me.

Butyou don't need to speak about me as if I weren't here, Mr Stanton.

I'm sorry, Mrs Palmer.

Roger Stanton.

I know who you are, Roger.

It's just a highly restricted area.

Yes, I know.

However, I have been granted access.

- Why do you need to be here? - Thatyou'll have to askthe president.

- Armus.

- Excuse me.

My apologies, Mrs Palmer.

It's just we're very careful about the flow of information today.

There's no need to apologise.

I would assume thatyou're careful about the flow of information every day.

Thank you.

- Sherry Palmer.

- Hello, Ron.

Just when I thought this day couldn't get any stranger.

I can imagine you're not happy about all of this.

- I'd like to know what "this" is.

- I don't exactly know myself.

I don't believe you, Sherry.

But unless they k*ll me I'm gonna have the story of the year.

I was kidnapped by the leader of the free world.

That's not necessarily true, Ron.

There actually has been precedent for this kind of executive action.

If you're here to shut me up, you're wasting your time.

I sensed I was onto something.

That they locked me in here only confirms it.

I'm coming out of here with a story.

Deal with it.


- Mind if I sit down? - Of course not.

We'd like to release you, Ron.

And we will.

But we need assurances you won't go public with the rumour you threatened to broadcast.

In return for what? I get an exclusive with the president on some watered-down story? Not a watered-down story.

Something else.

You go out there, let everyone know thatyou are not missing.

Don't say anything about this morning.

The president will letyou inside of the OC to report first-hand.

No journalist has ever been inside there.

Why did he send you down here to make this offer? In fact, what are you even doing back inside David Palmer's circle? Take the deal, Ron.

In a couple of hours they'll brief you and then you'll know more than I do.

(speaks Arabic) (loud bang) (speaks Arabic) Hey! Guys, you need some help? Yeah.

(speaks Arabic) Nina: "The only way out of this is to cooperate with them.

" (speaks Arabic) Nina: "Mamud, it does your case no good if you end up dead.

" (speaks Arabic) "Think about it, Mamud.

We're on our way to Los Angeles.

" (speaks Arabic) Faheen: "I'm not afraid to die.

" (speaks Arabic) Nina: "How big is the b*mb?" "What time is it supposed to go off?" Faheen: "You betrayed me.

You betrayed us all.


" Bring her back here now.

Come on.

We are out of time.

If you want to live through this, be straight with me.

- When was this planned? - Six months before I was arrested.

- And Faheen approached you? - Yes, but through an intermediary.

- He didn't tell you about the nuke? - No.

I didn't know what the endgame was.

I just knew it was something big.

- Is there another way around Faheen? - No.

Is he really willing to die? Yes.

Jack, what are we gonna do? Take her back.

Don't drive too long on that spare.

There's not a lot of tread left.

- Yes.

Thank you very much, sir.

- Why not follow me to Ventura Boulevard? - There's a tire store there.

- No, no, no.

We'll be fine.

All right.

You're all set.

- Here.


- Don't worry about it.

You know anybody who needs pool service, give 'em my card.

OK? Of course, of course.

- Thank you.

Thank you, sir.

- See ya! (man on phone) The kid said it was dangerous and to stay out of Los Angeles.

This one told me a similar story.

No details, though.

- Do you think it's true? - I don't think so.

- What, then? - They're telling stories.

- Want me to call it in? - Wait until we get back, OK? - I'll see you there.

- Yeah.

- Your friend's got quite an imagination.

- What did he say? Thatyou were leaving town because some b*mb's supposed to go off in LA today.

That whatyou meant when you said it wasn't safe? Please, just call CTU and try and reach my dad.

You need to get Megan, the girl that was with us.

Keep her out of the city.

LA Dispatch, this is 621.

Put me through to Frank Reed over at FBI Local.

(woman) I've been unable to reach anyone at the FBlfor 45 minutes.

- Unable to reach them? Why? - Lot of traffiic on their lines for some reason.

Keep trying.

Give me a call when you get through.

Copy that.

What the hell is going on? - How did it go with Wieland? - He's not gonna play ball.

He thinks he's got the upper hand.

He knows we have to let him go eventually.

Whether there's a legal precedent for this or not, he has a hell of a story.

I'm so sorry, David.

I thought I could charm him.

OK, Sherry.

That'll be all.

David? Why are you treating me like this? It's not aboutyou.

I just have more important things to deal with right now.

You know, you've always been able to forgive.

Always given everyone a second chance, but not me.

I came here today to tell you thatyou were right.

Right to kick me off the campaign, right to file for divorce.

Where's all this coming from? A place of honesty, of realisation.

I was too caught up in the power.

- And you're not now? - Of course.

You know I love it.

But now I am aware of what I can and can't handle.

So what are you asking for? Let me help you.

If what I bring to you can be useful, then you can consider it the start of a new confidence.

All right.

But I promise you absolutely nothing in return.


(speaks Arabic) (speaks Arabic) (shouts in Arabic) All right, there are the transaction records.

On the week of the 23rd, Reza made four withdrawals from the company's discretionary account.

$175,000, $150,000, $50,000, another $50,000 - That's almost a half a million dollars.

- Yeah.

- What did he do with the money? - Let's see.

He wrote a checkto Syed Ali for $475,000 in return for "consulting services.

" So what? Maybe they were doing business.

Syed Ali's only business is bankrolling t*rrorists.

What about my father? What's his connection to all this? Reza convinced CTU your father authorised these transactions, or maybe he just did them on his own.

I'm speculating.

My father is not involved in terrorism.

The government made a mistake.

We have to find it and clear him.

All right.

Let's try and get into his personal calendar.

Let's see what he did the days the checks were written.



Here's your father's schedule for that week.

- Nothing here, either.

- Of course not.

My father has nothing to do with any of this.

I shouldn't have called you.

This is a waste of time.

- Wait a minute.

- What? There's a file in his personal directory that's accessed almost daily.

It has a resource tab on it, which means it's a government file.

- My dad has government clients.

- Whoa! - What? - It's an auto-delete program.

- Can'tyou do something? - Yeah, I'm trying.

- This can't be right.

- What? The data on this volume has a comsat grid.

You see, these are addresses.


- That's an encoded coordinate.

- I don't know whatyou're getting at.

The only people who have files like these have government security clearance.

- Why would my dad have that? - I don't know.

- Why have I been kept waiting here like this? - Sit down, please, Mr Warner.

- I have some information.

- Sit down! What information do you have? I'm not supposed to talkto anybody about this, but under the circumstances I am a consultant for the CIA.

There's the contact code for my liaison.

Call Langley, they'll verify.

- Why didn'tyou tell me this at the house? - Come on.

You knowthe drill.

I'm not supposed to talkto anyone about this without clearance.

What's your l-3 protocol? I was approached about five years ago because of my international investment work.

They asked me if I'd like to help my country and I said OK.

What do you do? My corporation is used as a conduit to pass information back and forth.

- To whom? - I don't know.

That is the truth.

Now you listen to me, Mr Almeida.

I am not an enemy of this country.

I am a patriot.

I love my country.

I don't know any Syed Ali, nor why there is a record of me doing business with him.

Well, if that's true then you have nothing to worry about, do you? But there is a connection between your company and Syed Ali.

And I'm gonna find out what it is.

So in the meantime, sit tight.

I'm gonna checkthis out.

- Kimberly Bauer? - (man) Yes.

We need to talk to Jack Bauer.

- He's not here.

What's this about? - His daughter is in custody.

It's important we speak to him immediately.

Hold on.


Laurie, I need you to call downstairs George, Bob Warner just told me he does deliveries for the CIA.

CIA? Did you check it out? No.

I was about to call his liaison, but it looks like he's got a legitimate contact code.

If that is the case, then Reza's lying to us.

I don't know.

I pushed Reza pretty hard.

- I think he's telling the truth.

- We have to push harder than usual today.

So dig in and see whatyou can find out.

Let me know.

Mr Mason? It's the sheriff in Newhall.

They're holding Kim Bauer.

- Why? - She's been charged with m*rder.

Call Jack.

This is George Mason.

Who am I speaking to? - (phone rings) - Bauer.

- It's Michelle.

- What? I don't know howto say this.

We're on the line with the sheriff in Newhall.

- They're holding Kim.

- For what? - She's being held on some criminal charges.

- What are you talking about? She's on the line.

Should I patch her through? - Yes.

Get Mason on this.

- I'm on with the precinct.

We're working on it.

There's a mistake.

I need you to straighten it out and get Kim out of LA.

- I'll take care of it.

- Daddy? - Kim, what happened? - I was leaving the city, like you said.

I was with Megan and my boyfriend, Miguel.

And the CHP pulled us over for speeding.

They found a body in the trunk.

Carla's body.

- Carla? The woman you work for? - Yeah.

We took her husband's car.

He must've done it this morning and put the body in the trunk.

- Oh, my God, help me.

- Just relax, we're gonna straighten this out.

He beat her up.

That's why I needed to take Megan.

He was hurting her, too.

CTU will send someone.

They'll getyou out of there now.

I don't want them to send someone else.

I wantyou to help me.

Can'tyou do that? They think I k*lled Carla, Dad.

(speaks Arabic) Dad, I need you here now.

Hold on a second.

Michelle, are you there? - Yeah.

- What is Faheen saying now? Nina told him that US forces have been sent to his village, that they're rounding up his family.

Faheen called her a liar.

- Dad? - Kim, hold on.

(speaks Arabic) She just told Faheen that she has the power to save them.

- Dad? - Kim, hold on.

What are they saying now? (speaks Arabic) - We can't pick it up.

The audio's too low.

- Are you there? Yeah.

George, I need you to help Kim.

If you have to supersede local authority, do it.

- Get her out of LA.

- Done.

Nina, what did he tell you? Everything.

- No! She just slit his throat! - (Kim) Hello? I got her! Get him on the floor! Get him on the floor! (man) Can't stop this.

Dad! - You got him? - (man) We're losing him.

Son of a bitch! - Jack - Secure her! I know where the b*mb is.

Take the plane to San Diego.

I want civilian transport to Sao Paolo.

I'll tell you everything when we're down.

- George, are you getting this? - Yeah, I am.

- He's gone! - This is your call.

We're out of time.

I don't like being dicked around.

We can bring her into CTU and press her there.

- No.

It'll take too long.

Take her to San Diego.

- Fine.

- Tell the pilot to go to San Diego.

- (man) You got it.

This is how it works.

We land, you tell me where the b*mb is.

We're gonna hold you until we get a result, you got that? Got it.

Sir? I may have found something in the Faheen recordings.

- What'd it say? - A name.

Marko Khatami.


(Faheen speaks Arabic) Marko Khatami.

- Did you try cross-referencing? - Yeah, he's connected to Syed Ali.

- Mr Naiyeer? - What? - Who's Marko Khatami?! - I have no idea! Who is he?! Get off! - (Marie) Somebody help me.

- You're crazy! - You're mad! - Just cool it! Cool down! Let me go.

- Are we being released? - No.

You're being transferred.

- To where? - I don't know.

Someone from CTU called.

Said they were coming to pick you up and take over the case.

What about Megan? You brought her back here, right? - What's gonna happen to her? - It's none of your business.

You can't take her backto LA! You listen to me.

I checked you out.

Your father works for CTU.

You tell me, what did he tell you would happen today in LA? I can't say anything, butyou can't take Megan back.

Just tell me what's going on.

It's a nuclear b*mb.

They didn't say anything because they don't want to start a panic.


- Did you get anything else off the recording? - It's 99%noise.

- You OK? - Just running on empty.

- Then why don'tyou get something to eat? - No, I'm fine.

Your neck's bleeding here.

It's somebody else's blood.

Michelle, why don'tyou take a few minutes, get cleaned up and changed.

You'll feel better.


We're gonna survive this day.

All right? Come on, get changed.

Come on.

Mr President? These are the updated guidelines Stanton sent to local law enforcement and the FBI.

- I understand Sherry ran into Stanton.

- I didn't hear that.

Has he said anything to you about her being here? - I don't think he's very happy about it.

- Do you have a problem with her? - I know you think she's useful to you.

- That's not what I asked.

I welcome help wherever we can get it.

If you feel she performs a function here - Sir, you better come out here.

- What is it, Mike? I've confirmed that there is an imminent threat to national security and public safety.

While I cannot confirm the target or nature of the attack, it may come from Middle Eastern t*rrorists, but t*rrorists in the US may also be involved.

How did he get out? What lfind troubling about this story is our president knows about this threat and isn't saying anything to the public.

- Who was controlling that room? - Armus.

I want to see him now.

It doesn't make sense.

If my father really does work for the government, which is impossible to believe, wouldn't he know if Reza did something illegal? I'd think so, especially if terrorism was involved.

If he knew about Reza, what does that mean? My guess is your father was aware that Reza was involved in some kind of illegal activity.

- He was monitoring him for some reason.

- But that doesn't make sense either.

My father would not let someone he was investigating marry Marie.

He got upset if anyone made any critical remark about Reza.

- He treated him like a son.

- I know AgentAlmeida at CTU pretty well.

I'll give him a call and see if we could find out (screaming) (man) Go! Go! The Sunday before you k*lled my wife, Teri and I went down to the boardwalk in Venice.

Just watching all the rollerbladers and musicians, laughing at the crazy people Just spending time together.

And Teri sees this snow-cone stand.

She giggles like a kid, she takes off running and she wants to get in line, she wants one.

I remember I was watching her I couldn't help myself.

She was talking with an old lady in line behind her.

The two of them were laughing.

I remember thinking to myself "Howthe hell does she do that?" "How does she strike up a conversation with an absolute stranger?" And they just started laughing like they'd been friends forever.

That's a gift.

I remember thinking "God, I wish I could do that.

" But I can't.

That was Teri.

My wife.

That's whatyou took from this world.

That's whatyou took from me and my daughter.

I just wanted you to knowthat.

(expl*si*n) (Jack) We got a man down!
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