02x15 - Day 2: 10:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.

Episode transcripts for the TV show "24". Aired: November 6, 2001 to July 14, 2014.*
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Counterterrorism agent Jack Bauer fights the bad guys of the world, a day at a time.
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02x15 - Day 2: 10:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.

Post by bunniefuu »

- Tony, got a second? - What is it? I think it's time I stepped down.

Here you go.

What's this? Access codes to CTU and Division.

You're the new CTU director, Tony.

Let me out of here right now.

I knowthe b*mb didn't go off.

- I just wanted some company.

- Then what are you doing out here? - This is where I belong.

- I don't.


Take it.

There's cougars out there.

If you see one, fire a shot in the air and it'll take off.

Roger Stanton confesses that he's known about the b*mb for weeks.

You have to trust me, David.

Your presidency is in jeopardy.

Let me help you.


You'll leave now.

If you resist in any way, I'll have no choice but to place you under arrest.

- You gotta give me your badge, Kate.

- No.

I don't believe you'd sh**t me.

(g*nsh*t) Where's the b*mb, Marie? The real b*mb? You can go to hell, you bastard.

I'm not telling you anything.

Why do you want me and my team to leave here so fast? The b*mb's still here, isn't it? Initiate a grid search on every outbuilding at the airport, starting at the north end, headed south.

The b*mb is on site.

I repeat: the b*mb is on site.

- It's armed.

- How much time have we got? I can't tell.

It could be any second.

Let everyone know we'll be working in hangar 12.

We're on standby here.

Anything you need, Agent Bauer.

Copy that.

Right here should be fine.

I need a relay here.

Let me get a look at the circuit panel.

They redirected the circuit.

Bypass ready.

- Easy, easy.

- I got it, I got it.

Go ahead.

Let's check out that timer switch.

Hang on.

Adjust the flash cap.

It's a little tight.

Almost there.

- Got it.

How's that? - Wait.

Cap it off.

I need the bypass.

- It worked.

We're in good shape.

- Good.

George? What are you doing here? This is what k*lled me.

I'd like to be here when they lay it to rest.

Got it diffused yet? - Notyet.

They're looking at ten minutes.

- Is there a timer? - They haven't been able to read it.

- It could detonate any minute? George, they've got it under control.

There's gotta be somewhere else you'd rather be.

I promised myself I would see this through to the end.

That's what I'm gonna do.

- You all right? - Yeah.

I'll just take something.

(beeping) Dammit.

Just give me a minute, OK? - Is there a problem? - The trigger's tamper-proofed.

I should've seen it, but it was disguised.

If it's dismantled or disconnected from the main casing, it'll detonate.

Are you telling me that there is no way to disarm this b*mb? That's what I'm telling you.


They can't diffuse it.

We'll have to fly it out.

This airport doesn't accommodate jets, so find me the fastest reliable plane you can.

There's a Cessna Caravan in front of hangar three.

She's rock solid, cruises at 210.

Get it.

Northwest Regional? This is Jack Bauer.

I need to speak with the president.

It's urgent.

Thank you.

(beeping) - Did you get a look at the timer? - Yeah.

- How much time have we got? - 55 minutes.

(# rock over car radio) Need a ride? - Where are you going? - Where are you trying to get to? - San Jose.

- No kidding.

That's right where I'm headed.

Santa Clara, actually.

It's just a few minutes past San Jose.

- Know what? That's OK.

I'm fine, thanks.

- Don't be scared.

- I'm not.

- Then get in.

- No point wandering around in the night.

- I'll be fine.

One second you need a ride, nextyou don't.

I'm sorry.

It's nice thatyou pulled over.

It's just that Get back in the car now.

You don't know howto use that thing.

Get back in the car and keep driving.

Bitch! - Sir, when will you have a decision? - When will the plane be ready? - Ten minutes.

- I'll get backto you before then.

In the meantime, prepare for the two possibilities we discussed.

- And coordinate with the FAA.

- Yes, sir.

I want maps and charts for both scenarios.

Pacific Ocean here, desert here.

We're ready to assemble.

I'll get backto you when we have a final decision.

Yes, sir.

I wish I had more faith in the reliability - Bestyou can, Mike.

- Yes, sir.

I'll discuss consequences of detonation in the Pacific Ocean.

Lynne will do the same for the Mojave Desert.

In the time available, the plane can get roughly 80 miles offshore.

If it splashes down just before detonation, the b*mb will go off underwater.

The ocean will absorb a large portion of the radiation.

However, prevailing winds would blow a moderate level of fallout back over the city of Los Angeles.

Over time, there would be a high incidence of cancer and other radiation-related diseases.

- But there'll be no immediate casualty.

- We can't be certain.

The shipping lanes into the port of Los Angeles are extremely busy.

In the 80 square miles off the coast of LA, the Coast Guard counts two dozen freighters flying flags from around the world, plus an unknown number of unregistered fishing or pleasure vessels.

It's likely that one or more of them would be sunk or capsized by the blast.

What's the impact on the environment? The blast will wipe out a substantial pocket of biodiversity.

Keystone species would be exterminated, the food chain would be contaminated, and the regional ecological infrastructure would collapse.

Marine resources such as offshore drilling, commercial fishing, even recreational beach usage would become hazardous or impossible for many years.

The ecological and economic effects, Mr President, would be devastating.

- What about the desert? - We can designate a ground zero.

It's isolated, so inhabited areas won't be immediately affected.

Towns could be evacuated within hours without any serious long-term effects.

We can't rule out the possibility of isolated campers and hikers, who would be k*lled or contaminated by the blast.

If the wind shifts substantially during the next few hours, it could blowfallout over Las Vegas.

The best meteorological projections indicate that that is a very, very slight possibility.

Long-term effects? An area of a few square miles around ground zero would be highly radioactive for decades, but the truth is we don't get food or any significant resources from the desert anyway.

So the overall health risk is relatively small.

Sounds like the desert's our best option.

Yes, sir, we do agree with that.

But there is one more thing.

In the desert, ground zero has to be a precise location.

A depression, below sea level and surrounded by mountains, so it could hopefully contain the fallout.

Potential target sites are being researched as we speak.

- All right.

- Point is, the airplane isn't a military craft.

It doesn't have any of the equipment needed to deliver a payload accurately.

To ensure the necessary level of precision, a pilot will have to go down with the plane.

- It's a su1c1de mission.

- Why can't we push it out the side door? It's too imprecise, sir.

If the pilot is flying low enough to ensure accuracy, he would be k*lled by the blast.

One man dies, Mr President, to ensure the safety of millions.

- Jack? - Mr President? - The desert.

- Yes, sir.

Jack, my people tell me that the pilot has to die.

CTU came to the same conclusion.

The b*mb has to be put down on specific coordinates.

I'm sorry, but there isn't another way.

Do we know who the pilot will be? We have a few volunteers, sir.

All of them good men.

Whoever it is, tell him he has the undying gratitude of every citizen of this country.

And tell him we will take care of whatever family he leaves behind.

- Yes, sir.

I will.

- I'll be standing by, Jack.

- Call me back when the plane's in the air.

- Yes, Mr President.

Funny, I don't see any volunteers.

When was the last time you flew a plane? I can get it in the air and put it down, George.

So can I.

I'm current, I'm instrument-rated, and I'm gonna be dead by the end of the day.

- Problem is, you could be dead any minute.

- I can hang on for another half-hour.

If you blacked out and it went down before it got to the desert, a lot of people will die.

- Come on, Jack.

- I know whatyou're trying to do.

But I gotta say no.

Agent Goodrich, this is Bauer.

They chose the desert.

I wantyou to clear air space and start immediate evacuation now.

Gentlemen! Load this b*mb.

We are a go! - (woman) It's not rated as a priority.

- I don't care.

Just do it, all right? - Yes, sir.

- Thank you.

All right, Mr Auda.

Wait here a second.

We'll be right with you.

- Agent Graves.

- Tony Almeida.

We've been expecting you.

- They told you what's in the case? - Personal effects from Ali's safe house? Who's he? His name is Yusuf Auda.

His government assigned him as a liaison.

They gave us information that got us in the safe house.

We couldn't refuse to bring him.

- Do you trust him? - Right now? I don't trust anyone.


Take the case and bring it into that conference room around the corner.

- OK.

- Thank you.

- Tony Almeida, Director of CTU.


- Thank you.

Must have had some trip.

You were 10,000 miles away this morning.

I'm ready to get backto work.

I understand analysis needs to be done on things seized from Syed Ali's apartment.


Our lab needs to do some preliminary work first.

I'll have somebody getyou coffee.

I'll be with you in a moment, OK? Thank you.

The lab is ready for decryption.


Look, I might need somebody to do a little handholding here.

That man's name over there is Yusuf Auda.

Officially, he's a visiting intelligence agent entitled to full cooperation.

Unofficially, I don't want him to see anything he doesn't need to see.

Make sure anybody you assign understands.

- Sure.

- OK.

I'm gonna deal with this Mr Auda myself.

If you need any help, call Jacobs.

- Tony told you to assign someone to Auda.

- I'm assigning myself.

You're still not comfortable working with me, are you? Just do your job, Carrie.

- So, what have we got? - Most of it's innocuous.

There is one thing.

This was well-concealed.

Obviously it was of great importance to Ali.

We tried to read it, but it's encrypted.

We don't have that technology in the field.


I'll get our people on it right away, see what they can find.

- OK.

- Thanks.


- Almeida.

- Tony, have you found Kim yet? - No.

We're still working on it.

- I'm running out of time.

I understand, but we got our hands full.

If you could wait until the plane takes off - Tony, I'm flying it.

- What?! I'd like to speak with my daughter while I still got time.

There's gotta be somebody else to fly it.

Somebody that doesn't have a family or at least no kids.

I didn't have time to take a census.

I can't order anyone to do this.

Please, Tony, you've gotta find her.

- I'll find her.

- Tony, one other thing.

Yeah? In my apartment, there's a safe.

Inside is my will and a letter I wrote to Kim in case something ever happened to me.

I'll make sure she gets it, Jack.

- Thanks.

- I'll get back to you.

- You all right, honey? - I could use a lift.

What are you doing way out here? I was on a date and we parked.

He got a little out of hand, so I got out.

Hop in.

Thank you.

I really appreciate this.

Where would you like to go? I have an aunt in San Jose.

You were on a date, it didn't work out, so you're going to your aunt's in San Jose.

Honey, your business is your business, but I'm not an idiot, OK? I know.

It's just been crazy, and it's a long story, and I'm kind of in a little bit of trouble.

If you have a cellphone, I actually really need to make a call.

- To whom? - My father.

We synchronised this with the timer on the b*mb.

Thank you.

Good luck.

So the plane has some a*t*matic pilot thing? Actually, no.

It'll have to be flown out to a very precise location.

So the pilot Oh, my God.

Who's it gonna be? Jack Bauer.

Jack! I'm sorry, Miss Warner, butyou're gonna have to stay here.

Cessna 47 Fox requesting immediate takeoff.

- (man) 47 Fox, you're clear on runway three.

- Roger that, tower.

Thank you.

Here's your preliminary draft for your statement tomorrow.

- Yes.


Thank you.

- How's the plane doing, Mike? - It's at 3,000 feet and climbing.

- Out of the city yet? It's too soon for that, but they'll clear the main population centres in ten minutes.

This is a good start, but I want to go over it again.

Call Davis.

I want him to get Air Force One ready as soon as possible.

Sir? - Do you mind if I ask where you're going? - Los Angeles.

Mr President, if I may speak frankly, I'm not sure that's a good idea.

It may be a little too "hands-on", for lack of a better term.

The people want to feel thatyou're managing events, not caught up in them.

And, in any case, I doubt if the Secret Service will even hear of it.

Secret Service works for me.

I don't work for them.

Mr President.

Sir, I do agree with Mike.

Once word gets out that this b*mb has gone off, there's bound to be civil unrest.

I don't think you should be associated with that.

The whole country will be traumatised by this b*mb, especially the people in Los Angeles.

I'm gonna reassure them that everything is under control.

Understood? Yes, sir.

I'll call Davis immediately.

Thank you.

We'll leave for the airport now.

Mike, who ended up flying the plane? Did you get a name? Yes, sir.

Jack Bauer.

I'd have told you sooner, but I figured you had enough on your mind already.

(man) Cessna 47 Fox, climb to 10,000 feet, 0-8-niner.



10,000 feet.

Expect final vectors in five minutes.

I copy.

Agent Bauer, I've got Tony Almeida.

I'm patching him through.

Hold on one second.

- Jack, can you hear me? - Yeah, I can hear you.

We found Kim.

She's on the other line.

Thank you, Tony.

Good work.

Have you told her anything? No.

I didn't know if you'd want me to.


- Put her through, will ya? - All right.

- Kim? - Dad! Finally.

Oh, my God, are you OK? - I'm OK, sweetheart.

Are you all right? - Yes, I'm fine.

Thank God.

You've had a hell of a day, haven'tyou? - Yeah.

What's that noise? Where are you? - I'm in a plane.

A plane? Why? There's something I've gotta tell you.

It'll be hard to hear, so I need you to stick with me.

We found the b*mb.

It was wired in a way that made it impossible to diffuse it.

We needed someone to fly it over the desert, so when it exploded nobody would get k*lled.

That someone turned out to be me.

How are you getting off the plane? I'm not, sweetheart.

The b*mb has to be dropped in a very specifiic area.

There was no other choice.

I'm sorry.

But Dad? - Dad, no! No, you can't do this to me! - Kim.

- There has to be somebody else! - I didn't have any other choice.

- Kim, I need you to listen to me.

- I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

- Sweetheart, what are you sorry for? - Oh, God, everything.

I've been so mean and so bad to you.

Honey, anything that ever happened between us it was never your fault.

I love you just the way you are.

I don't ever wantyou to change, you understand that? I love you more than anything in the world.

Kim, can you still hear me? Yes.

Honey, I wantyou to live your life.

I wantyou to be happy.

That's all I've ever wanted for you.

I wantyou to try and grow up and be the kind of person that would have made your mom proud, OK? Oh, God.

Promise me that.

I promise.

Honey, I've gotta start focusing on what I'm doing up here.

I'm running out of time.

I'm gonna have to say goodbye.

I love you more than anything in the world and I will always be with you, OK? Remember that.

I'm proud of you and I love you.

- I love you, too, sweetheart.

- No.


I'm sorry, honey.

What do you want to do? - I gotta get out of here.

- What do you mean? Why? I was supposed to get out of LA, but it doesn't matter any more.

No, wait a minute.

This is crazy.


Just wait.

Call someone else.

I can't.

I'm OK.

I need to be alone.

You OK? We found Kim.

- Jack get a chance to say goodbye? - Yeah.

So what'd you find? We decrypted Ali's hard drive.

It's a recording of conversation that took place four months ago.

Conversation between who? Syed Ali and high-ranking government officials from these three countries.

What we're saying is that these three countries not only knew about the b*mb, but they bought it and supplied it to Syed Ali? - Yeah.

That's what it looks like.

- How sure are we about this translation? We were rushed, it needs to be refined, but the substance of it is accurate.

We'll need voice authentication on all four of these men.

- I've already got people working on it.

- Get Division involved as well.

- (woman) Northwest Regional? - Tony Almeida at CTU.

I need to speakto the president about today's t*rror1st attack.

I'll transfer you.

What is it, Mr Almeida? We have a recording of Syed Ali collaborating with high-ranking officials from three Middle Eastern countries in preparation for today's attack.

- When did this come to our attention? - Just within the last few minutes.

- Who else knows? - Our Division headquarters, sir.

They have ties to the other agencies, which means everybody knows.

I tagged it with a section-four security, sir.

But I did think it was important to get going on the authentication process quickly.

- How long will that be? - We should have confirmation in an hour.

Let me ask you another question, Mr Almeida.

Why would Syed Ali record a conversation like this in the first place? Half the time these people don't trust each other any more than they trust us.

My guess is Ali wanted some amm*nit*on to protect himself, in case any of these three countries ever turned against him.

All right.

Thank you, Mr Almeida.

I'll letyou get backto work.

Good job.

Please pass on my appreciation to your staff.

- Thank you, Mr President.

- Thank you.

Three governments in the Middle East may be behind this b*mb.

Yes, sir.

I gathered that.

We could be at w*r soon, Mike.

And once it begins there's no guarantee it'll be limited to these three countries.

I've been thinking all day about something Lincoln said during the Civil w*r.

"I don't claim to have controlled events but confess plainly that events have controlled me.

" It's bad enough that someone tried to smuggle a nuclear w*apon in here.

Worse that they succeeded.

But once this b*mb actually goes off, my options will narrow very, very quickly.

This is Cessna 47 Fox.

I have just crossed over to the low desert.

I'm on final line to target.

Any change in my coordinates? - (man) Negative.

They're confirmed as given.

- Copy that.

Confirming autopilot 0-8-niner.

- Coordinates are now locked.

- Roger.


(rustling) - Don't move! - Hey, hey, hey.

The service is bad enough.

You don't have to sh**t me.

- What the hell are you doing here? - I felt like taking a ride.

Howthe hell did you get on this plane? Wasn't that hard.

To them, I'm still head of CTU.

Son of a bitch.

Brought something for ya.

It's a parachute.

I can see what is it, George.

I already told you, I'm taking this plane in.

That might have made sense back on the ground, but let's face it, Jack, the hard part's over.

You took off, cleared the city.

What's left but flying straight and level and taking it into a dive? Am I right? Unless of course maybe you wanna die.

- What are you talking about? - You've had a death wish since Teri died.

The way things have been going for you the pastyear, this probably doesn't look like such a bad idea.

You get to go out in a blaze of glory, one of the greatest heroes of all time.

Leave your troubles behind.

This could be the easy way out, huh? (coughs) You still got a life, Jack.

You wanna be a real hero, here's whatyou do.

You get back down there and you put the pieces together.

Find a way to forgive yourself for what happened to your wife, you make things right with your daughter, and you go on serving your country.

That'd take some real guts.

Go on, Jack.

You got 12 minutes.

What's it gonna be? You wanna live or not? - You really think you can do this? - Yes.

You are absolutely sure you can do this? Jack, I'm supposed to do this.

You need to maintain this heading and this airspeed.

The second the LAD reads a minute and a half, you initiate a dive at a 30-degree angle.

- Won't that get me in early? - That's the point.

You have to be certain that the b*mb is already in the depression before it goes off.

I got it.

Thank you, George.

Thank you.

Getyour chute on and get the hell outta here.

- I'm staying with you as long as possible.

- I got it together.

I'm fine.

This is not negotiable.

I'm bailing out four minutes before impact.

That should get me far enough away.

This is Jack Bauer.

Patch me through to CTU.

- (man) Yes, sir.

Right away.

- Almeida.

Tony, this is Jack.

I need you to get a helicopter in the air immediately.

We got a change of plans here.

I'm bailing out.

George is taking the plane down.

What's George doing there? We need authentication from three sources for each voice.

Division has public speeches from ministers.

See if you can get his voice on phone taps.


Send a chopper to trail Jack's plane.

Mason got on board.

Don't ask how.

He'll take the plane the rest of the way.

We need that chopper to pick Jack up.

I'll explain later.

Mr Almeida, may I know whatyou found on the hard drive? - You don't have security clearance.

- Mr Almeida.

I and my country have shown good faith in helping you to find Syed Ali's safe house.

I'm asking you to do the same by giving me some idea of what's going on.

- I'm sorry, but I can't tell you at this time.

- You Americans.

- We Americans what? - Nothing.


- Sir, General Bowden's here to see you.

- Of course.

Show him in.

- Mr President.

- General Bowden.

I understand the b*mb is over the Mojave.

It may detonate without causing loss of life.

- That is our hope.

- That's wonderful news.

- Congratulations on your achievement.

- Thank you, General.

Perhaps it's appropriate to begin discussing the matter of retaliation.

- Go on.

- Yes, sir.

The Joint Chiefs have been assuming the b*mb was the work of Second Wave.

It appears they had the backing of three governments.

- That's not definite yet, General.

- No, sir.

I understand that.

But for planning purposes, we should proceed as if it is.

I request authority to activate plans to invade the countries in question.

Activate? There are plans already in existence? We have plans for every conceivable contingency, Mr President.

I see.

So what exactly do you mean by activate? Putting the relevant military units on alert, beginning logistical operations, coordinating sources regarding the probable level of resistance to an invasion by American forces.

Talk of an invasion is premature.

I agree, Mr President.

This is in the planning stages only.

Activate your plan.

But take no steps to implement without my direct authorisation.

Of course, Mr President.


We may be talking about World w*r III.


I'm set.

George, is there anything you want me to take care of? Oddly enough, I think I got everything squared away.

I even got to spend a little time with my son.

I didn't even know you had one.

- I'm glad you got to see him.

- Yeah.

Me, too.

I don't think he was particularly, but Actually, I wouldn't mind if you checked in on him.

Of course I will.

- It's time.

- Yeah.

- Yeah.

- (whispers) Mr President.

At this altitude, the expl*si*n should be visible on the eastern horizon.

I don't know if you want to take a look.

Three, two
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