03x01 - Day 3: 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Episode transcripts for the TV show "24". Aired: November 6, 2001 to July 14, 2014.*
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Counterterrorism agent Jack Bauer fights the bad guys of the world, a day at a time.
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03x01 - Day 3: 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Post by bunniefuu »

The President's down! We need medical assistance.

Help! Three years later.

The following takes place between 1:00 pm and 2:00 pm.

Events occur in real time.

This is security, I need help here at the ramp.

Officers, main blocks are in lockdown.

Stand by Go, sir.

Right hand on the screen.

It's clear.

Step over there please.

I'll give back your IDs.

Open 1.

You're ok, Jack? I'll feel ok until we get this thing signed.

That's not what I meant.

Ok, we are here.

- What kind of change is we're talking about? - Don't worry, Jack.

They're not deal breakers.

He's still gonna give a part of t*rror1st cells he deals with.

He just want to go to a classe 2 detention.

Not maximum security.

- And you're gonna give it to him, right? - Yeah.

My client's not happy that you won't hold him in Florida.

- He's getting Minnesota, that's the deal.

- Give him Florida, it doesn't make a difference.

I let you two do your jobs, why won't let you do mine? Because we don't want this thing going south over small detail.

Salazar is instable, we can't predict what's gonna push his buttons and to be frank: there's too much in stake.

- Listen Jack, I know you two spend last year getting Salazar and I respect that but there's a protocol that I have to follow - Luis, come here for a second.

Putting him away, it's not the point here.

If he doesn't talk, we haven't accomplished anything.

I didn't lose a year of my life to arrest some drug dealer.

Salazar does business with t*rror1st cells around the world.

Bringing them down is our only objective, are we clear? - I understand.

But if you give Salazar everything he asked for, he's just gonna want more.

This is the deal and he's going to take it.

You'd better be right.

Is that my life you're holding in your hand? It's ready to be signed.

Are you in there, Jack? Forget about Bauer.

How can I forget about the man who put me here? Pretended to be my friend? I'm concerned about you, Jack.

The things you did to get me here I wouldn't wish on anyone.

Let's face it, you'll never be the same.

Hey! Neither will I.

So, I guess we are in the same boat.

I'm about to name names, Jack.

This is a big moment for both of us.

That makes me happy, because you see, we are connected now.

I don't know, maybe we always have been? - I've marked the changes.

- I don't need to see the changes, but I do need a pen.

Unless you want me to sign it with my own blood.

It's kind of funny.

My own blood.

Where do I sign this? Right here.

You've done a good job as my counsellor.

In a go- to guy, as they like to say here in States.

I think that I own to you but I don't think you have what it takes to keep your mouth shut.

- What do you mean? Son of a bitch! Open the door! Open the door! Do it! Now! Get a medic in here! This is your fault, Jack.

And what happens next is on you too.

- Is that a threat? Is that a threat? Son of a bitch! Back off! - Take a walk! Did you hear me? Did you hear me? What happens next is on you, Jack.

It's on you! Dr Macer? We isolated the body like you asked.

- You said my name was on it? - Yes, it's on his chest.

Spread a full panel of tests just to be sure but I think we're dealing with a new immuno- virus type 3.

- Type 3? Isn't that the virus group your team's been doing simulations on? Yeah, I think that's why this was addressed to me.

Has CTU been contacted again? No, we're been waiting for you.

Go ahead and start the preliminary tests, I'll call Director Almeida.

- All right.

Hey! the President arrived at SC yet? Just about.

We're swapping at some of our people now and the secret service is in place.

They're waiting for your resource assessment.

- Alright, I'll call him.

- I've had it Tony, I swear to God! - What's the problem, Adam? Chloe O'Brian does not touch my data.

If field ops wants something, she asks Jack or talks to you, and you tell me.

- Did she damage anything? - That's not the point.

The reason my department has zero down time is because of the procedures I put in place.

- Did she damage anything? - No, she didn't but I will - Go.

Look, Jack's got his department, I got mine.

We are all in the same roof, understood? Good.

Now lighten up.

Don't drive yourself and the rest of us crazy.

All right, hold on.

Sony Macer from Health services is on the line.

By the way, have you heard from Hertzog? No, not yet.

Relax, Michelle, you're gonna get the job.

It had better, you're not going in Langley without me.

Hey! Sunny, what's up? - This is what I'm really sorry to be right about.

- What are you talking about? Cordella virus, it's a type 3 immuno- virus.

Remember last month at the conference, I raised the possibility a strain could be out there.

- Yeah.

- Well, it is.

Someone just dropped out a dead body infected with a virus.

Tony, these guys are serious.

They blew a hole in the door to get our attention.

This is obviously some kind of message.

- A message? What? That somebody's got the virus and is willing to release it? - Yeah, exactly.

- Do we need to issue a quarantine adviser? - No, once the host is dead, he's not contagious.

Right, do me a favour, call the other county facilities and see if there's anymore cases.

I will.

What about the ID on the John Doe? Send everything you have over here.

We'll work it up.

- It's on its way.

- Yeah, thanks Sunny.

What is it? Initiate the level 1 setting protocol.

- And I don't think you have what it takes to keep your mouth shut.

- What do you mean? Salazar wanted to k*ll Shaye.

He could have done any time in the last - He's cutting his deal.

- Maybe, but I don't think so.

This is your fault, Jack.

And what happens next is on you too.

What happens next? CTU.

This is Bauer, patch me through to Almeida.

- Hey, Jack.

- Tony, is there anything going on over there? - We just had a major protocol come in, possible bio- threat on the city.

- Tell me about it.

Well, a dead body infected with the Cordella virus was left at the Health Services.

We figure it's just a first shoe dropping, we're waiting for somebody to take responsibility.

Jack? Yeah.

- Do you think that this is connected to Salazar? - I don't know.

I don't know.


Look, I'll get back to you.

I need copies of all four images.

- Right away.

- Hello, Mr President.

- Wayne, are we ready for the run- through? Yeah, almost.

The events team dropped the ball so we can't get in there for a few minutes.

- That's fine.

- No, no, it's not fine, David, I fired Judy, it was her fault.

- She's done some good work for, hasn't she? - Listen, tonight's debate is critical.

and she should have had every single base covered but she didn't.

Mr President, how do you feel about tonight's debate with senator Keeler? Confident, ready to go.

Sir, this is your first come back to Los Angeles since the attempt on your life.

- Were you uneasy about coming back? - Not at all! Los Angeles is a great city.

We'd be back here sooner if events had allowed it.

What is important, is that we're here now, looking to the future.

Thank you, that's all for now, a formal Q&A later this afternoon, you'll be briefed.

David, we've gotta talk about those GAO numbers.

I mean Keeler is gonna break it up tonight.

You know who he is, and I'm just not really David, you're all right? - I'm fine.

Let me call one of the resident doctors.

- No, it's all right.

I'll wait for Anne.

Where you're going Jack? We have to talk about this.

- Not now! - Then when? - Call me.

Right now, we've gotta get back to CTU.

- Why? Salazar k*lled Shaye for a reason.

He picked today to do it.

We've gotta find out why.

Fine, let's just go back in here and put the squeeze on Salazar? You think he's gonna talk to us after all we just watched him do? Not a chance.

Come on, let's go! Jack! Just call me.

Right, so, what else did Almeida say about this dead body? - Jack! - What? I asked you about Tony.

What else did he say? He said the body was dropped to Health Services, they're trying to ID it.

You know, you never answered me before About how you're doing? - What are you talking about? - You know what I'm talking about.

- This is Bauer.

- Jack, it's Chloe.

I have Kate Warner for you, should I put her through? Yeah, put her me through.

- Jack? - Hi, Kate.

I just wanted you to let you know I found out that leather jacket you thought you'd lost.

Oh! Ok, great.

So, what do you wanna do? I can bring it over or send it.

No, you don't have to do that.

Look, I'll just send someone over to pick it up.

- You're sure? - Yeah.

Ok, then.

Kate, how are you? You know, it's hard.

I miss you.

I'm really, really sorry.

Don't be.

- Take care of yourself, Kate.

- Bye.

- How's Kate? - She's all right.

- So you guys are still talking? - No, not really.

- All right.

None of my business.

I'm sorry.

I didn't mean it like that, she's just trying to return a couple thing of mine.

That's all.

I need water.

I talked to Sony.

She's gonna check with other facilities to see if there're anymore cases.

If there are, find out where.

Also let's take regional cells that they have bio- t*rrorists capabilities and put them in the high speed cash.

- Ok.

Tony, it's Larry Hertzog from Langley on line 2.

Hey, Larry.

Yeah, we are.

Yeah, I will.


Is that about me? Yeah.

He doesn't have a job for you right now.

There's no new fund until the end of the election.

I see.

AlsoLarry told me that he needs an answer from me by the end of the day.

Turner hurried the field post.

You both know you can pass this up, it's major career move Call him and tell him it's yes.

And you'll come along as the wife? Without a job I'd go anywhere with you.

As so long as I don't have to cook.

Sweetheart, if you promise not to cook, I will take you with me anywhere.

But, if they don't have a job for you, I'm not interested.

Tony, homeland security on line 1.

We'll talk about it later.

Pretty much, I just have to refresh the data on my panel.

- Hey! Kim? - Yes, Michelle.

- Have you ever done a capability search? A couple weeks ago, I had to do one for Tony.

- East european cells? - Yes.

- Good.

This one it's different.

It's gonna be global.

- Here is my access codes.

- I'll be right on it.

- Thanks.

Hey Adam! Does the link 4 have a DES encryptions? No, it's 2 key.

- Why is the filter on? - It's 2 to 7.

- Thank you.

- You're welcome.

Está ***.


Puede ser que no está listo.


Está listo.

Se le ve en los ojos.

Me recuerda a ti, chiquitita.

Are you saying you had to break me? No, mi ángel, it was you who break me.

¿Que más? Tienen el cuerpo.

- ¿Y saben con quién están tratando? - Creo que sí.


Pare 10 minutos por que entre al systema.

Luego haces tu llamada.

Sí señor.

Ok, it's coming up now.

Thanks, Chris.

- Adam, I'm piping this over to your system.

- What is it? Frags on the body that was dropped off at the Health Services.

We're doing an ID analysis.

Kim, where are you on the capability search? It's still running, it's gonna be another 15 minutes.

So, you're open? Yeah, what do you need? Adam is gonna break up a part of an ID.

We need a name.

- Give her the DNA file.

- Michelle, I don't need her help.

Yes, you do.

This is urgent.

I'm ready, Adam, send the file.

- I'm open, Adam, send me the file.

- No.

- Michelle just told you.

- I don't need anyone doing my work for me.

- What is your problem? - My problem is that everyone in this place earned their job.

You got it because of your dad.

What the hell is this? - Tracy, is your system locked? - No, it's not.

- Ok, thanks.

You know, it could be that you forgot to set the group permission someone who knows the structure and changed the ownership.

That wouldn't be, because I'm incompetent and I only got this job because of my dad.

- Change the ownership back, Kim.

- Send the data fork.

It's your ass Michelle is waiting.

Fine, I send it.

Just unlock my system.

No problem.

- Hey Jack, I'll be up in a minute.

- Ok.

Chloe, give me what you got.

Are we in sync with other systems downstairs? Everything Health Services sent on the body is in volume one and I've reprieved all the Salazar information you wanted.

- Where are the date keys? - I couldn't get those for you.

- Why not? You'll have to talk to Tony, so that Tony can tell Adam, and Adam can give them to me.

- You're kidding me, right? - No, Adam's completely a**l about that kind of stuff, and he hates women.

Chloe, just get it for me, ok? Please.

And close my door.

Jack, it's Michelle.

The teleconference with Health Services is about to start, you might come down.

- No, I'm gonna stay up here.

Just pass them through, ok? - Ok.

- Thanks.

You scared me! - What are you doing in here? - Iam refreshing a drive.

What's going on with Salazar? You were there when it happened? YeahYeah, it's been crazy.

How's my dad taking it? He's ok.


Then, I was thinking about talking to him today.

- Ok, today might not be the best day.

- Chase, no day is a good day.

We said it that we would tell him if we were still together after two months.

It's almost three.

Why don't we just tell him and get it over with? All right.

But I'll do it.

Ok? Are you sure? - Yes, I'm sure.

- Really? Really? Ok, look, you can't put the drive in there, what I need you to do is look under - 6, right? - Yeah.

We just received results of more tests, Tony.

Unfortunately, the news isn't good.

This is a weaponized strain.

- The virus has been engineered to k*ll more rapidly.

- How rapidly? It's a bit of a guess, but based on the autopsy if infection starts at t = 0 hours, there's a non- contagiously latency period of 14 hours.

After 14, it presents.

After 20, the host is incapacitated.

By 24, the host is dead.

- What are the epidemiological consequences? - If the virus initiates in a single location, there will be a couple hundred cases by the end of the day 1.

By the end of the day 2, there could be in the thousands.

But, from there, it's easier to talk about it in percentage of population.

By the end of the first week, 9% of Los Angeles county would be infected.

- That's over 1 million people.

- And those people will die within 24 hours of infection.

Right, tell me, if someone is gonna try to release this virus in the general population, how would they do it? - That's a $1 million question.

It could come from anywhere.

We don't know who has it.

There's no way to know where they've planned to release it.

We don't even know what form it's in.

Kyle? Yeah, 'ma.

Tim wants you to know that he's down at the pool.

Can you take me to the doctor later on this afternoon? - What's dad doing? - On a job interview.

Fingers crossed.

Can aunt Norma take you? What? What's so important that you can't take me? I mean, it's just that I've got a bunch of stuff to do today, 'ma.

I'm sorry.

- Fine, I'll call Norma.

- Thanks.

Love you, 'ma.


President, the country was in shock after the attempt on your life.

But his prayers were answered when it was clear that you would survived.

That said, many americans have expressed concerns that you are not fully recovered and may not be strong enough to serve for 4 more years.

How do you respond to those who make such claims? I wake up every morning at 5 am.

I spend the first hour in the wait room.

While I'm exercising, I'm preparing for my morning meetings.

And then, I could in a 16- hours - Hold down! Could you pause the video please? Get ready to play it back.

Sorry, Chuck.

Hold on.

Don't dignify that question with a defensive response.

I didn't realize that stating the facts was being defensive.

They bring up this assassination attempt, fine.

Let them.

You remind everyone that it was your administration that had only arrested the man behind the attempt on your life but you also exposed his organisation and put a stop to your people way as well.

All this while you're in this so called "weakened state".

And Keeler would be lucky to have a fraction of your energy! That's what you tell them.



- Go ahead, Chuck.

- And mum called him "the timid brother".

Ah! There is my doctor.

- How are you? - Mr.


- All right everyone.

Let's break for a few minutes please.

- I'm fine.

How's he been? - He seems a little tired - I am not tired.

- Just a little joggled.

- How's this going? I'm definately winning the run- through! - 130/80.

- Good.

This is Wayne Palmer.

- How tired? - I'm fine.

We haven't done a work upon you in a while and I'd really like NoNoNoNo tests.

You start looking for something, and you don't stop until you find it.

I'm fine, Anne.

Ok, but when you get back to D.


, I want you to have a complete physical.

- Doctor's orders.

- Yes, ma'am.

Anne, I need him alone for a minute.

So, he's all yours.

- What is it? - I just received a very disturbing phone call from Health Services.

It seems they found a body here in Los Angeles that's been infected with an extremely contagious and deadly virus.

Now there's concerns this is not just a random occurrence.

- Meaning what? Meaning CTU is looking for the possibility that this could be a criminal action.

Criminal action? Based on this one death? I don't know the details David but it has to do with the circumstances in which the body was found.

- Keep your eye on this one.

- Ok.

- Chuck, can we go on the question number 7 please about homeland security? - Yes, sir.

Chloe? - Yes? - Where is the transcript of Salazar and the D.


? I sent them to your system, it's in your directory.

Damn it, I didn't want it in my directory, I wanted it stored with the rest of the files from Salazar! Ok, I'll do it.

Chloe, listen to me.

If you can't start getting things right the first time, just let me know because I can get someone else who can.

I did do it right.

If you wanted it with the other files, you should have said so that it isn't standard so I wouldn't think of doing it in that way, would I? Just do it that way from now on! Ok? I can read minds, Jack, you've just gonna have to spell it out for me, otherwise this relationship won't Damn it, Chloe! Just do it now! Fine.

- Hey Jack.

- What? - What was that about? - I need you to replace Chloe for me.

- Replace her? But she's the best analyst we got.

- No, she's not.

She's slow.

She's not slow.

I mean, she may be a little weird but she knows her stuff.

You look like hell.

What did you say to me? Well, we're in actif protocol, ok? And I need to know if you're up for it or not.

I like you Chase, you're a nice kid.

But don't you ever come in my office and talk to me like that again.

Do you understand me? I'm just saying you're on edge.

Ok? I mean, come on man, you're about to fire Chloe for no reason.

I'm sorry I took your head off.

I was just in a bad mood.

Ok? You're happy? Look Jack, there's one more thing I've gotta talk to you about.

Ok, we'll be right down.

They got something on Salazar.

What do you wanna tell me? Nothing.

It will hold.


So, in order tu plug any possible security breaches, we're doing day checks from now on.

Break your logs into 8 hours or less - Did you tell him? - No, there's a lot going on right now.

It will happen, I promise.

An anonymous phone call just came in FBI by 10 minutes ago.

We're getting into this right now.

- Did you hear it? - Yeah.

- Ok, it's ready.

- Bring it up.

I know you received our package and realize we're in possession of a type 3 pulmonary immuno- virus.

Listen very carefully to these instructions.

Our demand is very simple.

We want the release of Ramón Salazar in the next 6 hours.

If you refuse to comply, the virus will be unleashed to the general population.

As your experts will tell you, you would not have time to stop its spread.

Details how Ramón is to be delivering will follow.

- That's it.

- Do we know where the phone call originated from? We don't know yet.

It came from a scrambled satellites, you know.

We're trying to narrow it down.

Jack, you know Salazar better than anybody else here.

Who do you think we're dealing with? Without a doubt his brother.

Hector was next in command.

He went underground the second Ramón was taken into custody.

Now look, I know for a fact that the Salazars own multiple properties in South America and Mexico registered under dummy corporations.

Unfortunately, right now, the Mexican government, it seems they can't locate them.

So we've gonna to throw out a pretty large net to try and trace the origin of that call.

- Right, we'll work on it.

- Ok.

How are we doing with the ID on the dead body? - Michelle is working on the DNA.

- Ok.

What about prints and dental? - No teeth, no finger tips.

- Ok.

Look, we need this ID.

This's the only hook we've got into their operation.

- What about questionning Salazar? - Complete waste of time.

This is a man without vulnerability.

He doesn't respond to physical interrogation, and he doesn't care about another living soul including his own children.

Tony, we've a match on John Doe.

Michelle, what did you get? The dead body is a David Goss.

He's a street dealer in east L.


, also an informant.

It looks like he flips sides some many times DEA stopped working for over more a year ago.

- Do we have a last known address? - We're working on it.


We're gonna need to know who infected Goss.

You've gonna to work up a list of everyone who's being involved in this life over the last weeks.

All right.

We'll pull together everything we got hands on.

Ok, but work it from the other side as well, go through Salazar network.

See if you can find this supplier who sold to Goss.

Good work.

Chase, come with me.

We'll see if anything is coming on Hector.

Que es eso? Los que no se usamos.

- ¿Y no va afectar mi tierra? - No! No, no.

La tierra va a quedar bien, señor.

- ¿Entonces, asegura que no se note nada? - Sí, señor.

Why do have my father doing this kind of work for you? It's not his job.

It is today.

Why did you k*ll Shaye? Take a look around, Ramón.

You're in an U.


prison where your ass is going to rot until you're ex*cuted.

You want to improve your condition here? You'd better start talking to me.

- What do you want to talk about? - Why did you k*ll your attorney? - I didn't want him talking to you.

- About what? - About anything.

It's eating at you, isn't it? What am I up too? Come on, Luis.

You have me in chains.

Two tough guys waiting for a chance to beat me to a pop.

Do it, Luis! See if you can me beat it out of me! You are no fun.

Where are you going? Claudia.


Claudia! What's wrong? My father is a ranch foreman.

You promised me he wouldn't be involved in your other activities.

I pay your father 3 times more than usual.

No! I told you when we came to live here that I didn't want him or my little brother to be exposed to your illegal business.

You broke your word, Hector.

And that hurts me.

It hurts.

- I'm sorry Claudia, please I'll make it up to you.

- How? I'll give your father some time off, an extra month pay.

That's your solution to every problem, isn't it? Money ClaudiaClaudiaClaudia! - Have you made the call to the FBI? - Yes, I did.

Andwhat about our boy? - I'm watching him now.

- Keep him close.

I will.

So, what was it like to get knee deep in some fine Tijuana tale? - I did not do that.

- What do you mean? - I mean I didn't go down there to get laid.

- But you said - I knowI know what I said.

I just didn't wanna tell you in case something happened.

What's the big secret? - You remember Zach Parker from High school? - Sure.

- Didn't he get busted last year for dealing coke? - Whatever, he set me up to this guy from there.

- What do you mean he set you up? How do you even know him? - I know him! Ok? What are you into here man? You're selling dope? No, not exactly So exactly what are you doing? This guy, he payed me $5000 to bring some coke over the border.

I did that last night.

Today, I drop it off.

I get another $5000.

- You goota be out of your mind.

- This is one time.

Getting over the border was the hard part.

It's already done.

- Why are you doing this? My mum is under dialysis, my dad is out of a job.

We're about to get evicted from this crappy appartment.

- Is that good enough for you? - You are seriously insane.

Look Tim, I'm about to make this drop later today.

I was just thinking maybemaybe you and I, we could go together - Forget it! No way! You wait in the car.

I go in, I make the drop, I come back, and that's it.

There's no big deal.

I'm not interested.

Think about it.

- When did FBI get this call? - About 20 minutes ago.

And we don't know who we're dealing with? It was a scrambled voice on an open line.

All we know is what he said.

They want Salazar or they're gonna release the virus.

What's your take on this, Wayne? Do we cancel the debate? So far, DOD, the Pentagone and CTU have recommended raising the alert level but they are discussing whether or not we should stay in Los Angeles.

Doctor Packard is here, she's asked to see you.

- Tell her I'm busy please.

- Yes, Mr.


Aaron, wait.

Tell her I'll speak with her.

You really wanna do that right now? Yes, Wayne, I do.

Yes, Anne.

I want you to start taking these.

One on the morning and one before you go to bed.

It will help your energy.

I told you I was fine.

I know what you told me.

Are you gonna trust your doctor or not? Of course, I am.

What's going on? You seem upset.


It's just gonna be another one of those days What does that mean? I've got to get back.

- Ok.

- We'll talk later.

- What is wrong with this system? - What? The grid won't come up.

Because you need a control access.

You're still on navigation.

Thank you.

Look, can you just patch it through to my office? - What's his problem today? - Nothing.

This timeline does not make a sense, it goes straight from december to february.

What are you trying to do, Jack? Same thing you should be trying to do.

Solve this problem.

That's not what I'm talking about.

Listen Jack.

I'm gonna be honnest with you.

I look up to you.

I'd take a b*llet for you if I had to but right now I'm gonna hold the mirror up.

You were under of Salazar for 6 months.

I know what they did to you.

And I know what you did to yourself.

You can't make that go away over night.

You think I didn't know? You should mind you own business, Chase.

All I'm trying to say is that I'm here for you.

But today is not the day to try to prove to everybody that you are better.

It's about to hit hard, you know that and I know that.

So do what you've gotta do, man.

Get your head straight, so we can do our work.

Dad, you're up there? Dad? Yeah.

Can I come up? I need to talk to you about something.

Not right now sweetheart, I'm in the middle of something.

Ok, well call me when you have a few minutes.

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