03x04 - Day 3: 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Episode transcripts for the TV show "24". Aired: November 6, 2001 to July 14, 2014.*
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Counterterrorism agent Jack Bauer fights the bad guys of the world, a day at a time.
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03x04 - Day 3: 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on 24.

Wayne said you wanted to see me.


He's bringing your ex- husband into this debate, the SEC's investigation into his company.

Well, Ted was convicted and served his sentence, you know that.

All that Ted Packard wants is money! If we pay him off he'll recant before this debate.

It's blackmail! We could have the money within the hour.

Thought you were with my dad Your dad's side-lining me, Kim.

Make him sit up! Look, I know my dad can be hard but he will come around.

We shouldn't have told him.

Well, the only other option I can think of is for us to stop seeing each other.

Chase, what do you want? I want to be able to do my job! Linda! I need your help! These guys, they will k*ll me if I don't get them something.

- Where are you? - I'm at the mall.

CTU knows the powder's not real.

Now they're going after Singer.

- What do you want me to do? - Grab him and take him to containment.

Done! We believe your son was infected with a virus in Mexico earlier this morning before he came home.

We have three hours to find him before he becomes contagious.

We got it, Jack! He's at Los Feliz mall between Vermont and Sunset.

I can land a team there in ten minutes.

OK, fine.

- Kyle? - Who are you? My name is Tony Almeida.

I'm a federal agent but I'm here to help you.

- I don't believe you.

- Come with me, I'll prove it to you.

We have an officer down! Kyle Singer's not in custody! I repeat: Kyle singer's not in custody! The following takes place between 4:00 pm and 5:00 pm.

Doctor! Get out of the way, please! Jack isn't picking up.

Aren't any other agents there? Isn't Tony there? I can't get through to him either.

I'm trying Michael right now.

What's going on? - There's been g*nshots at the mall.

- When? About two minutes ago.

I can't get in touch with my dad, or Tony.

- Michael said someone's down.

- Who? It's either Tony or Jack, he's not sure.

He's about to find out.

Hold on.

It's Jack.

He wants to talk to you.

- Jack, what's going on? Where's Tony? - He's been shot.

- How bad? - He was hit in the neck.

He's still alive.

They're getting him into hospital now.

Oh God! Michelle, I know how difficult this must be for you right now.

But you need to make a decision.

What? With Tony down you're in command.

If you wanna be by his side at the hospital you're gonna have to hand CTU over to someone else.

No- one will fault you for whatever you choose to do.

But if you choose to stay, we need you to work at full capacity.

- I understand.

- Michelle, I'm sorry.

- Is Tony all right? - They don't know yet he was shot in the neck.

Michelle, we're starting to overload the network.

When the virus threat came in, we had start stealing cycles from the main CPE.

- Chloe, now is not a good time.

- What are you talking about? Are you out of your mind? Just deal with it, ok? - Michelle? - Offload the archive files and send them to Division.

That should free up the network.


That's all I needed to know! I have to get to the hospital.

Michelle, I need you in the conference area.

The second call from Hector Salazar's people just came in.

- I am not in the position to deal with this right now.

- Who else is there? You're the ranking agent on site.

Kim, I want you to find out what hospital they took Tony to.

The second anyone knows anything you have them patched through to me.


Deliver Ramon Salazar to the Bad Night Stand, adjacent to the 101 Freeway.

Provide him with a full spectrum band wave radio, adjusted to frequency XQ2137.

Do not attempt aerial or ground surveillance.

You have two hours from the receipt of this message to comply.

If you violate any one of these conditions, we will release the virus.

Does the encoding scheme match the first message? Yeah.

Is there any way you can find out where it came from? I can scan the frequency, maybe we'll get lucky.

Whoever sent this message is controling Kyle Singer's movements.

We have two hours to find him before they release the virus.

- Kyle? - Linda, where are you? I'm trying to find a place to park but they're putting out some kind of barricades, something's going on here.

No, no, don't go to the garage.

Meet me outside the East entrance, ok? On Vermont? Yeah, yeah, go there now.

I'll be there in a sec.

Over here! I found him! Move over! Come on! Get over! - What's going on? - I don't know.

Where are we going? We just gotta get out of here.

It's all contact frequency so if he shows up anywhere please let me know as soon as possible, ok? You got it.

Excuse me.

- What's up? - I just heard about Tony.

- Yeah.

- How's he doing? He's on his way to the hospital.

- Why isn't Michelle with him? - She knows it's gonna set us back if she and Tony are both gone.

- Tell Michell I'm heading over to Downey.

- You going to see Salazar? Yeah.

- My dad said questioning him was a waste of time.

- No, sitting round in here is a waste of time.

Don't you think you should clear it with Michelle first? We lost the kid who's infected with the virus.

- If anyone knows where he's going it's Salazar.

- At least run it by her before you go.

- I'll call her from Downey.

- Chase! Dessler.

- I'm looking for Tony Almeida's wife.

- Yes, this is Michelle.

Michelle, this is Dr Landser at Good Samaritan hospital.

How is he? I'm afraid the wound to your husbanïs neck is gonna require some vascular repair.

We're just about to go into surgery.

CanCan I talk to him? No, we've medicated him.

In fact that's why I'm calling you.

We need your verbal consent to operate.

Yes, yes, yesOf course.

Whatever you have to do - Great, thanks.

- Are you sure he's gonna be ok? Well we can't say anything with a 100% certainty until we get in there.

But he's gonna be in good hands.

Please let me know the second you finish.

I'll find you in the waiting room when we're out of surgery.

Dr Landser, I will do my best to be there but you may have to reach me through this number.

Ok, we'll find you.

- Thank you, Doctor.

- Sure.

I just spoke with Anne's ex- husband.

I'm meeting him in half an hour.

Unless you're changing your mind I've never given in to blackmail in my life.

Yes, but considering everything that you're up against today we decided that I decided to pay! It's my choice.

And David, you're making the right one.

Give this guy some money, he crawls back under his rock and life will be a lot simpler for everyone.

Including Anne.

I hope so.


I have Jack Bauer on the line, sir.

Put him through.

The president's on the line, Mr Bauer.

Mr President? It's Jack Bauer.

Hello, Jack.

I was told that Hector Salazar has given your office final instructions on delivering his brother.

Yes, sir.

I've also been told that you might be able to pre- empt that demand.

We've identified the person carrying the virus.

He is a young man named Kyle Singer.

- Then you know where he is? - No, sir.

Unfortunately we lost him.

Can you find him? Not in the time- frame that Hector Salazar has given us to release his brother.

So, either I hand over Ramon Salazar or risk that his brother will release the virus.

Mr President, I understand that this is an impossible choice.

It's not a choice, Jack.

Not really.

This nation's policy of non negotiation with t*rrorists has been a proven deterrent.

Capitulating to Salazar would effectively destroy that policy.

Mr President, hundreds of thousands of innocent people may die within the week.

More would die in the long run if I released Salazar.

I would be declaring open season on the American people.

- This is your final answer, sir? - I don't negotiate with t*rrorists, Jack.

- I won't negotiate with t*rrorists! - I understand Mr President, thank you.

Conference in CDC and Health Services.

I want a full briefing on quarantine and evacuation procedures.

Yes, Mr President.

Can you just tell me where we're going? I don't know, ok? I've just gotta get out of town for a second, and figure this whole thing out.

I thought you had to meet with those guys.

That's why I brought you the money! Things have changed, all right? What are you into, Kyle? I mean, you ask me to steal this money from my father so those guys won't hurt you over losing their dr*gs I don't think it was dr*gs! What do you mean? What is it about? I don't know.

These cops, they came to my apartment today, and they were saying something about using me toto bring some weird disease into the country! A disease? Yeah.

This cop, he washe was saying it was inside of me.

In your body? I know It sounds ridiculous, right? Right? Man, this whole thing is so surreal, ain't it? Pull over.

What? I said pull over! What are you doing? What are you doing? Take the car, take the money! Whatever you're doing, I don't want any part of it! Hey look, linda! Linda, come on! Come on! Stay away from me, ok? If you've got some kind of disease, I don't want it! - You should have never done any of it! - DON'T YOU THINK I KNOW THAT? Kyle, please! Fine, fine.

Baby, you're right.

You're right, I'll stay away, ok? The money's under the front seat.

Ok, now, come on Linda, please! Kyle, I really don't want anything to happen to you, ok? I really don't but I can't do this! How stupid am I! I'm sorry.

Go! Run! Run, Linda! Go! Sir, we have a monitoring plan for everyone inside the quarantine zone.

- Define the quarantine zone.

- Everyone within a two mile radius of ground zero, ground zero being the shopping center where Kyle Singer was last seen.

Mr President, this is Dr Nicole Duncan at Health Services.

Medical teams are in place and are ready to start screening and releasing people from quarantine over a 72 hour period.

If we move quickly, we believe we can lower the prior casualty estimate.

- Lower to what? - Between 60000 and 90000.

This is Wayne Palmer.

YeahYeah - All right, thank you, Miss Dessler, Dr Duncan - Mr President.

We're about to set into motion a chain of events that will create panick throughout the country, that will take some time to control.

If anyone here sees an option that I'm overlooking, now's the time to offer it up.

It's Jack Bauer.

He needs to talk to you in private, and he said it's urgent.

Could you all excuse me for a moment? In the meantime I want everyone to contact their key personnel, make sure they're ready to go.

- What is it, Jack? - Mr President, is this line secure? Yes.

What do you need to tell me, Jack? For what it's worth, sir, I agree with you supporting this country's policy to not negotiate with t*rrorists Jack, you didn't call me to express your approval of my decision.

- I have another option for you to consider.

- Another option? Yes, one that, I believe, that will protect the integrity of this nation's policy and stop this outbreak from beginning.

- And how would I do this? - By simply doing nothing, sir.

- Nothing? - Yes, Mr President.

- Hector Salazar will view that as non compliance with his demand.

- Not if he gets his brother back.

How? Ramon Salazar would be broken out of prison and delivered to him.

The public and, more importantly, other t*rror1st groups would view this as a prison break as opposed to a capitulation to their t*rror1st demands.

Sounds like quite a plan, Jack! Who breaks Salazar out? - I will, sir.

- By yourself? I know the prison and I have full access to the prisoner.

Because of the nature of my involvement with the Salazars I can break him out and deliver him.

I have a history of insubordination with CTU, they would believe that I've switched sides.

- The cover story would stay clean.

- This doesn't sound like a one- man job.

I think in order to protect you Mr President, this has to be.

I don't know, Jack.

There has to be some other way.

No, no.

Not in the time that we've got left.

The Salazars are going to release the virus in the next two hours.

Regardless of how successful you are at containing the initial outbreak, the resulting civil unrest will far outreach any quarantine zones you've established.

The damage to this country, sir, would be catastrophic.

Mr President? I need your "ok" on this.

Even if you succeed, I won't be able to protect your legal status.

You'll be a fugitive.

I understand, Mr President.

This will be my last assignment.

I don't know what to say.

If you don't say anything, Mr President, I will accept that as a "go" for this mission.

Good luck, Mr President.

I want the information from Dr Duncan's central records in my office.

My eyes only.

Wayne? - Where are you going? - Excuse me.


I'm sorry, Anne but I I have an appointment.

And I am running late.

An appointment? The debate starts in 30 minutes! Who are you meeting? I'm sorry again but that's confidential.

It's government business.

Does this have anything to do with my ex- husband? Like I said: it's government business.

Surgery, nurses' station.

Yes this is Tony Almeida's wife Michelle.

I was wondering if he'd gone into surgery yet? Yes he has.

I just wanted Dr Landser to know that he's allergic to penicillin.

Yes, he's aware of it.

The allergy card was in his wallet.

Is there a way to know how he's doing in there? No but the doctor will contact you as soon as he's out of surgery.

Ok, thank you.

Yeah? Er, the site profiles are done.

You could have sent these to my system.

Yeah, I know.

I wanted to come down here anyway.

Why? Because of earlier.

What is it Chloe? I just want you to know that I didn't know Tony had been shot in the neck, when I was insensitive earlier.

And had I known I certainly would have been more careful about my choice of words, ok? It's fine Chloe.

I do try to be aware of other people, you know that, don't you? I said it's fine.


Gael? What? I think we should be careful about how we talk to Michelle today.

She's really sensitive.

About Tony being shot.

In the neck.

Of course.

So I'm telling everybody.

Make sure everyone in your department knows.

I've got to take this call.

Is this a personal cell? I thought those were prohibited because they can't be monitored? I'm using it for an emergency, I'm moving around a lot.

They'll monitor it at the other end.

I've really got to take this call.

Hello? When did you make the second call? Are they letting Ramon go or no? They're still deciding.

What are they waiting for? They have less than two hours! I'll let you know as soon as I hear anything.

I'm sorry! It's not good to touch what's not yours! - Does your sister know you're here? - No.

Did you know it was loaded? It is a nice g*n, huh? Take it, Sergio, it's ok.

You like the way it feels? Huh? You want to pull the trigger? Hear the noise it makes? That's the power of these things, Sergio.

It feels like a g*n! Can I? Sure.


Come on! You see that vase down there? Ok, now I want you to aim.

And squeeze the trigger.

Very slowly.

What are you doing? Get out of here! Go! Now! How many times do I have to tell you to leave him alone? He's just a boy! A boy who needs to become a man! You're not his father! What you gonna do, huh? You gonna sh**t me? Come on! Pull the trigger! Right here, come on! Get in there! What are you gonna do to us? WhatWhat is this? What are you gonna do to us? Come.

We never really finished our conversation.

I was just wondering what you had decided.

Decided about what? The debate.

What to do about my ex- husband.

I ran into Wayne a few minutes ago.

I know he's never liked me but this was different.

He was avoiding me and I had a feeling I wasn't able to shake.

What kind of feeling? That you're paying Ted to keep quiet! Is that what you're doing, David? Sometimes you have to do the wrong thing for the right reason.

How can you reward someone for threatening you with a lie? That's wrong.

There are political realities I have to consider if I want to stay in office.

I'll tell you something If it makes you feel better It doesn't make me feel better! It just happens to be the truth.

Anne, I have been in this job for nearly four years.

And I have learnt the hard way that there are no absolutes.

Sometimes you have to make compromises Politically, yes! But when it comes to morality David, you have to draw the line.

I have drawn the line.

We're just standing on different sides! You're running scared.

I am fighting to stay in office and serve the people that put me here.

Then face Keeler's lie with the truth and trust that the people will be able to tell the difference.

It's not that easy! You've never been about what's easy.

You've been about what's right.

That's who you are.

That's who the people elected to lead them.

And for what it's worth, that's who I fell in love with.

I was I was trying to protect you.

Protect me? This won't end with Keeler's allegation! You're gonna be in the media's cross hairs.

I am used to public scrutiny.

Not like this! This will be different.

And much uglier than you can imagine.

I can defend myself.

David? Have you made contact with Packard? Just going to.

Are you with him now? No, he's coming over now.

Why? Walk away.

What? You heard me.

David, we've been through this.

Now, you decided to bury this thing, remember? I've changed my mind.

Anne talked to you, didn't she? Wayne! Walk away.

You wanted to see me? I've spoken to Chloe, and Adam, and we'll cover for you if you want to go to the hospital to be with Tony.

Cover for me? Well, we know You've got a lot on your mind right now.

I'm fine Gael! We just thought Look, Michelle.

I've been taking 30% of Chloe's load since the bio- threat came in.

I can handle half of COM's load as well.

We just need the right user password on district servers so we won't be slowed down by request authorization.

It's Joe Tommisello's area, he put a 24 hour delay on user logs because of security problems we've been having.

So what if I call Joe and get him to wait for us? I tried that, he's unreachable.

Is there any other way to do this? More bodies.

We need at least four more system radi- analysts to take on work we've been doing.

I can make some calls, get the next shift in early.

I've already tried that.

By the time they got here it would be too late.

Look, I appreciate this but it's not gonna happen.

So let's get back to work.

Michelle! Listen, I agree.

We can't run this place by committy.

Let me step in for you.

Adam and Chloe can stay at their posts.

What about yours? When I was at Langley, I filled out for my period chief a couple of times and we got through it.

Was there a bio- threat? President in town all in one day? Thank you anyway, Gael.

CTU, Bauer? Kim, it's your dad, what are you doing right now? I'm still trying to locate a point of origin on that phone call from Salazar's people.

Ok, look, I'm gonna need you to do something for me first, it's not gonna take long.

- What? - I need you to generate a prisoner transfer document.

Look in your file form, under the heading "Federal Transit Authorization".

What's this about? I need to move Ramon Salazar.

Why are you gonna move him? Kim, this has been given priority clearance.

No- one in CTU's supposed to know.

That's why you're the only person I can trust to do this for me.

So, please, help.


It's asking for a clearance code.

It's: *99.

Now it wants a pass- word.

Lincoln 65 FGA.


It's cycling.

It's gonna take a minute.

Ok, good.

Look, Kim, I know you tried to come up to my office earlier today to talk to me about something that was really important to you.

And I know I wasn't very supportive and I just wanted to You don't have to do this, dad.

Sweetheart, I do.

I need to tell you I'm sorry.

I know that I'm awfully protective of you.

I just watched so many things happen to you over the last few years I don't want you to get hurt anymore.

The fact is, I trust you, I trust your jugement.

I need you to know that anything that you ever chose to do I would support you in.

Ok? Thanks that means a lot to me.


I love you so much, Kim.

I love you too, dad.

Are you ok? Yeah, yeah I'm all right.

Is the document up yet? Yeah.

Ok, I need you to send it to warden Mitchell, over at Downey, now.


Ok, good.

Let me speak to Chase.

He's not here.

What are you talking about? Where is he? Kim? Kim, where is Chase? He went to interrogate Salazar.

Chase is at the prison, now? He left about 15 minutes ago.

He's gonna be there soon.

I'm gonna have to get back to you.

Son of a bitch! Yeah.

Chase, what are you doing? I'm gonna talk to Salazar! Get back to CTU now! And do what? Some filing and some dusting round the office? No, I want you to work with Michelle and find Kyle Singer! She's got a dozen IT people on that right now! Listen to me! No! Listen to me, Jack.

I know you're angry about me and Kim, I get that! But I'm not gonna let you stop me from doing my job! YOUR JOB IS TO FOLLOW MY ORDERS! You're in no condition to give me orders! Chase, I'm warning you.

Don't go against me! Jack, look.

You know I respect you but you also know I've been covering for you.

Since you've been back, I've been keeping the fact that you're a junkie from Kim and everybody else at CTU! I'm not doing it anymore.

I'm done.

Chase? Chase? Damn it! Get this guy processed and get him out of here.

- Agent Edmunds.

- Warden.

I need to see Salazar.

I've got a lot going on right now.

Have division follow up for written authorization but you need to let me see Salazar now.

Salazar's been buying two murders today.

Nobody gets close to him without full paperwork.

You don't understand what's happening today? Our Salazar has information that I need.

What kind of information? It's classified! This is my facility.

I need to know.

We're dealing with major t*rror1st threat.

Salazar's brother is behind it.

Go ahead and confirm with division if you want to.

But hundreds of thousands of lives are at stake, here.

Now, Jack and I have been coming here twice a week for the last three months.

Salazar's prevented us from doing our job with his stalling and his lawyers and his due process.

We don't have time for that I need to go one on one with him, right now.

He's in isolation cell in B block.

Come on, I'll take you.

- Surveillance cameras? - Yeah, 3.

Get them turned off.

It's against regulations.

Won't be any marks, I promise.

You get 30 minutes.

This is warden Mitchell.

I need you to go black on isolation B.

For how long, sir? Until further notice.

You're a tough guy, huh! You are not worried of what might happen if you lay a finger on me? OkIf you're not worried, neither am I.

Let me know when you start to worry.

Where's Kyle Singer? I told you, I don't know! You're gonna tell me who does! Chase! Put him in his cell.

What are you doing here, Jack? We're running out of options.

We can't find Singer.

Salazar's our only hope.

You were right.

He's tougher to break than I thought.

Maybe two of us can Yeah.

Look, Jack, about what I said before - Forget about it.

- So we're ok? You and me? Yeah, we're ok.

Tell me about the security cameras.

They're disabled.


Get him out of his cell.

Are you gonna k*ll me, now, Jack? I'd love to, but I can't.

If you play this cool, Ramon, you're walking out of here with me now.

You'll be with your brother in the next couple of hours.

Now, grab his feet.

Turn and face the wall.

How are you gonna feel, Anne if David loses this election because of you? I don't think that's very likely.


Then you really don't know what you're talking about, do you? Because this allegation may cost him this debate.

And David needs this debate to win this election.

It was blackmail.

And David made the decision to pay.

It wasn't up to you to change his mind! If he believed the decision was right, he wouldn't have changed his mind.

The problem is, you can't stand the fact that your brother wants me in his life.

Because you're a distraction to him.

And you're a liability.

Compared to whom? Sherry? I'm not gonna sit here and try and defend Sherry.

She went off the rails.

But at least she understood the game, and she understood David.

She was with him for over 20 years.

I have been with him long enough to know the kind of man he is.

You don't know anything about him or what it takes to survive in the world he lives in.

We disagree, Wayne.

We always have.

Anne, I will not stand by and watch you jeopardize everything that he's worked for.

I won't do it.

I don't scare easily.

What's happening, Jack? After all you went through to put me in here, I can't believe you're letting me out! Shut up.

I don't believe you sold out.

It's not your nature.

But then, why knock out the kid? Did your government cave, but can't admit it? Is that what happened? You don't look so good, Jack.

That's a bitch! You wanna get out of here? You'll keep your mouth shut and do what I say.

You understand me? We've been cleared to pass.

The warden wants to see you first.

He'll be here in a minute.


Don't you move.

Sorry to keep you waiting, Jack.

What's the problem? The access codes of this transfer order.

They don't correspond to the ones assigned by the bureau of prisons.

Division superseded those access codes.

CTU has a mandate to prefix.

This is yesterday's prefix.

Son of a bitch.

Someone in my office must have screwed up.

Look, we'll get you the proper prefix retroactively.

Look, I know about the t*rror1st threat.

Agent Edmunds told me.

That's exactly why we need to move the prisoner now.

It's classified priority one, I'm sorry I couldn't tell you.

But I can't afford to lose any time over some small technical detail.

Come on, Kevin, help me out.

Where's agent Edmunds? He's conducting a search of the prisoner's cell.

Trying to find some additional information.

He'll be right behind me, he can help you out with the paperwork.

Right, pick up your badge and go to receiving.

Thanks, we'll hurry out.


Turn on isolation 3, please.

What the hell? Someone turned the camera, the angle's wrong.

Get Binge to meet me in isolation.


Face the wall.

Agent Bauer.

Can I get my g*n and a badge? Open it! Door! Kind of hot today! Yeah, I'm burning! Whatever Bauer told you, he's lying! Come on! Here you are, check your g*n.


Daniel I'm back on post.

Move! Security 3, get a block of the whole ward.

Open the cell blocks, now! I can't do it from here.

Is it worth losing your life over? Do it now! Come on! Get the hell out!
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