03x15 - Day 3: 3:00 a.m. – 4:00 a.m.

Episode transcripts for the TV show "24". Aired: November 6, 2001 to July 14, 2014.*
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Counterterrorism agent Jack Bauer fights the bad guys of the world, a day at a time.
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03x15 - Day 3: 3:00 a.m. – 4:00 a.m.

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on 24.

Alan Miliken is dead.

All signs point to a heart attack.

What happened, Sherry? I went to the house to speak to Julia.

There was an arguement and he had a heart attack.

Julia, I need for you to tell me exactly what happened.

I tried to get his medication.

What do you mean you tried? Sherry stopped me.

We believe Michael Amador's in possession of Cordina virus.

He's either heading to Los Angeles or he's here already .

Our only lead is Nina Myers She thinks Amdor's meeting with the man by the name of Marcus Alvers What about Nina? She's out of the pay check.

I hope so.

She can point to both of us.

Just want to get you an update on Nina.

Richards is working on her now.

I think that's a mistake.

Why? I don't think anybody should be in there that hasn't worked with her before doesn't know what she's capable of.

All Richards does is inflicting pain.

There's no way for her to manipulate him Nina, I don't think you've met Darron Richards.

How much more of this you want to into it, Nina? I think this is about it.

She hurt her neck.

Let's call medical.

No, she's bleeding.

Come on, we've got to take her down now.

Nina tried to commit su1c1de.

Where is she now? She's in the clinic being operated on.

Damn it.

Drop the g*n.

Put your hands on your head.

Come on, k*ll me.


Damn it.

You don't have any more useful information, do you, Nina? I do.

No, you don't.

The following takes place between 3:00 am and 4:00am Tony What happened? Nina Myers is dead How? Jack shot her Chappell's on his way to talk to him right now Was it justified? Jack wouldn't risk this operation just to get vengeance Are you sure about that? This is the g*n I used, send it over to ballistics for a match Yes, Sir.

Secure this area till forensics gets here and pull the surveillance footage off of there Jack, can I have a word? Just give me a minute No, Jack.

Now! Look it's ok, I'm fine.

Go Be right back What the hell happened here? Nina tried to escape Yeah, I know she tried to escape How did she get shot? She pulled her g*n I pulled mine in self defense Just like that? Just like that.

Nina was our best chance at locating this virus She was a material witness in an ongoing investigation I know exactly what she was, Ryan Division's going to want me to certify this sh**ting Then do it You have to come with me and look at security playback Fine Kim, you all right? Yeah, I'm ok I got here as soon as I heard To go with Chappelle for a moment, I will be back as soon as I can.

I will stay with her, Jack It's ok, I am fine She tried to k*ll me It's over now, ok? Your father stopped her Yeah, except, I don't know what happened What do you mean? He told me to leave the room, and I heard sh*ts.

Kim, you are safe.

Ok? And that's all that matters.

I don't know.

Ever since she k*lled my mother, I have been wanting Nina dead, and now that she is It's not going to bring my mother back And I just didn't think I was gonna feel this way How do you feel? I'm not sure It's ok Come on He is here We were getting worried We have a job to do You have got plenty of time I am curious About what? Why you chose such a limited target? Why not the airport? Or a sports arena? If the objective was to inflict maximum casualties, That's not the objective.

Not yet.

Then why are you doing this? To send a message.

Most of you already know, but for those of you who don't Jack Bauer shot and k*lled Nina Myers while she was trying to escape custody The order from division specified that we use non lethal force It's over, Chloe.

She is dead.

So how can we find the virus.

Alvers has it, and Nina was our only connection to Alvers.

Not necessarily.

The reason we were onto Alvers in the first place is because he was Michael Amador's contact in Los Angeles.

The search order for Amador is still active.

Technically, yeah.

But we've pretty much exhausted all our leads Then run them again and widen the parameters.

Cross reference financial transactions, travel itineraries, aliases, whatever it takes to find him.

We are still operating under the assumption that Amador's in Los Angels with the virus? That's right, and the Russians have just sent us some intel that supports that assumption.

It's a detonating device, part of the Soviet's bio warfare arsenal till late 1980s It's used to disperse pathogens throughout the atmosphere.

Three weeks ago, a dozen of these were stolen from an armory in the Ukraine.

They also believe that Alvers and Amador are arming these detonating devices with vials full of the virus, which means we all have to work fast, so let's get going.

Place the vial here To actually arm the device, flip switches one and two Then wait ten seconds and flip the third switch, which activates the timer.

When the timer goes off What's the dispersal radius? A hundred meters, and the dispersal rate increases geometrically, depending on wind and weather Better than I thought I made some modifications.

So, Michael Tell me how it went down in Mexico.

You don't think I would find out I didn't think you needed to know As long as you got what you wanted You were stupid enough to believe that Jack Bauer had turned against CTU.

And now you've got every intelligence agency in the country after you.

Bauer's story checked out.

Don't presume to tell me about Jack Bauer What you did in Mexico was stupid, it was greedy and it may have cost me my advantage.

Alvers and I still expect to be paid The authorization code is 7QV78 This is only half.

I'll release the balance after I've received confirmation on the hotel The deal was, we get paid in full The deal changed when you went down to Mexico Now after you've hit the hotel, you'll get the rest of your money Fine Adam I've got to comb through these data streams, Chloe, so unless it's important I don't really have time right now.


I think I have a thread on Amador.

What are you talking about? A gold certificate account registered to one of Amador's aliases It's a Zurich bank, but it was activated by a local server.

When? Just a few minutes ago.

Kim, get over here I need you to run a back trace.

What's going on? Chloe found a bank in Zurich that maybe talking to Amador Chloe, what's the sequencing program? Beta one If this turns out to be real, how long before you tag the location? Five minutes, ten tops She was down when you shot her She was going for her g*n Yeah, that's what you keep telling me It's the truth You knew where the security camera was You stood in front of it to obscure any visual record of the sh**ting Ryan, she was going for her g*n I wish I could believe that, but I don't For God's sake, Jack, there's something called due process.

It's why we've got judges and juries and laws.

Don't you dare tell me about the law Nina Myers k*lled my wife and they let her go, and she would have k*lled my daughter if I hadn't gotten there when I did Using dr*gs to maintain your cover is one thing I was willing to look the other way But I have got to answer to my bosses about the questionable sh**ting death of a key witness.

Excuse me, sir.

we're in the middle of something here.

I assume finding the virus is a priority What do you got? We may have Amador.

Chloe flagged a Zurich account registered to one of his aliases Someone accessed it locally, we'll have point of origin any minutes now.

Get the field teams ready Tony's on it Jack, this isn't resolved yet We've got a live lead, Ryan.

And what do I tell division? That I let you stay on active duty while you've still the subject of an investigation? It's my ass on the line here, too.

Look, I've been working with Jack all day, and with all that's happened, he's still operating at a higher level than anybody else in the field, including me I didn't ask your opinion I'm giving it to you anyway.

Excuse me? Sir, if this lead turns out to be real, we need Jack on site.

And believe me, you will want him there.

They'll crucify me if I let you back out in the field Will you give me a minute? It's your call, Ryan I understand the position you're in But I give you my word, I can do my job.

Thank You Listen, Julia I thought I was clear you can't be contacting me today I'm scared, Wayne.

They've already started to question Beatrice, and I'm next.

I don't know what to say.

Where's your lawyer? He's not here yet.

Ok, first of all, you're innocent.

Remember that, all right? I'm not innocent.

I let Sherry convince me not to give Alan his medication.

I could have saved his life.

You don't know that.

What about Sherry? Has she said anything to the President? No, No, she won't.

She told him it was an accident.

Now, whether he believes her or not is another matter.

I just Wayne? Yeah Wayne Yeah, Bill, the President just walked in, so I'm going to have to get back to you on that.

Oh, God.

I'm so scared.

Yeah, yeah, and I understand that.

Just, remember what I said, ok? Yeah.

All right Well, what did bill have to say? Uh, found out that Alan died That didn't take long.

Yeah He wants us to know that we have his support on the health care bill That's good Have you spoken to Julia yet? No.

Maybe you should call her.

Get her side of the story.

David, I think we should stay as far away from this as possible Which means you don't believe Sherry that it was an accident.

Look, I don't know what to believe All I know is what it will look like You calling Sherry to deal with Milliken, and a few hours later he winds up dead.

Let's go Dad, just heard back from division They're going to have a man on the inside His name is Jim Wong Here's an update on your strike team.

Thanks You ok? Yeah, I'm ok Did Chappelle question you about sh**ting Nina? Yeah And? I told him I wasn't sorry that Nina was dead.

I wasn't sorry that I shot her She posed an immediate threat to you, to me and to thousands of innocent people You had to do it, didn't you? Yeah Come here I got to go Wayne? What's going on? You tell me Look, it's late and I'm a little too tired Sherry, I know about Alan Milliken Yes.

It's awful.

I already told David what happened.

Except you left out the part about you preventing Julia from giving Alan his medication.

You stood there and you watched a man die.

You would have done the same thing had you been there.

I never would have been there in the first place! Listen, David asked me to come here to help clean up your mess.

What do you think he expected me to do? What he expected was for you to get Alan off his back, Sherry, but no like this Complex problems sometimes have the simplest solutions, Wayne, you know.

Oh, for God's sake You're upset.

That's understandable.

But what is done is done.

This is insane.

Sherry, you are insane We can control the situation, Wayne.

We just need to be on the same page.

Sherry, I'm sorry, but David's going to have to handle this.

David can't know about this.

For his own protection, if he doesn't know anything, he's got nothing to deny.

Sherry, we can't cover this thing up.

We can and we will.

That's why you're talking to me instead of David Because you understand what has to happen, Wayne.

Yeah, you've got it all figured out, don't you? Wayne What did you say to Julia? Not to talk to anyone until she spoke to a lawyer.


Then as long as she keeps her mouth shut, we'll be fine.


Milliken? I'm detective Norris I am sorry for your loss.

Thank you I know this is a difficult time for you, but I'd like to ask you a few questions.

Unless that's a problem.

No, no, it's just that my lawyer wanted me to wait for him before I talked to anyone.

Really? Did he say why? You know lawyers.

Unfortunately, I do.

But these questions don't require counsel.

They are pretty straightforward.

According to the officers, you told them that you were asleep in bed when the body was discovered.


Alan and I have had separate bedrooms since the stroke.

And you didn't hear anything until the housekeeper woke you up? That's right Because you see, she says she heard a car starting up and leaving the driveway.

Our driveway? That's what woke her up.

She got to the window in time to see a light colored car driving away.

She thought it was a Mercedes.

I didn't hear anything, so I wouldn't know.

Do you have any friends that drive a light colored Mercedes? Detective, half the people we know own a Mercedes, and we know a lot of people.

Are you aware that the security cameras in your surveillance system are shut down? According to the time code, it appears they were shut down about an hour before your husband's death.

Beatrice is the one who arms the system before she goes to sleep, so you should ask her My partner did.

She doesn't know anything about it.

Neither do I.

Are you sure about that? Yes You don't sound very sure.

Detective Norris, exactly what are you implying here? My husband was a very sick man.

He died because he was sick.

That's probably true.

But it's beginning to look like he might have had some help.

I'm sending you revised grid coordinates, so open up a data pipe.

Tony, how close are you? Whoever accessed Amador's account did it from somewhere on this grid.

We're guiding the field units as we go.

Chase, did you get the new coordinates? Yeah, I got them You're too far north.

You're gonna have to adjust toward Broadway.

Ok, go right on college.

I'm not going to have an address for another few minutes, so why don't I call you when I get it.

All right Ok, I appreciate what you said to chappelle earlier I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it Still Finding the virus is all that matters right now Everything else can wait.

You're gonna wait to tell Kim about your daughter? No, we talked about it How'd she take it? She's handling it fine.

She's handling it fine? Look, it's between Kim and me.

If you don't mind, I'd like to keep it that way.

Yes, I mind.

She's my daughter.

She's a grown woman, Jack.

We care about each other.

We should stay focused on what we've got to do Where are you? I am here How long will it take? About 25 minutes Hurry I will Get it done so we can get our money It's got to be done right I don't want to be in any of the body bags they will be carrying out of here.

Hello Is this Sherry Palmer? Yes.

Who is this? I'm detective Michael Norris with the LAPD.

I'm sorry to bother you this time of night.

Detective Norris, how did you get this number? It was given to me by a woman named Julia Milliken.

Do you know her? Yes, I do Were you with her tonight? Tonight? No, I wasn't She says you were.

Well, she's lying.

I have been right here all night And where is "here"? Here is in the district offices, with my ex-husband president Palmer He asked for my help on a political matter, and I am sorry, detective, do you mind telling me what this is about? Mrs.

Milliken's husband died about an hour and a half ago.

Oh, I'm so sorry.

She claims that you and she caused his death by withholding his medication.

Well, that's preposterous.

I haven't seen Mr.

Milliken or his wife in over three years.

And you say that you were with the President since what time? Since about 10 o'clock That's over five hours ago.

And if we were to contact president Palmer, he'd be able to confirm that? I am sure he will Thank you, Mrs.


We'll be in touch.


Outbreak scenarios from the National Health Services.

Nothing like a little light reading.

They're sending over a liaison to answer any questions that you may have.

No doubt I'll have many.

Anything else? No.

Wayne I'm your brother I think I know when there's something on your mind No, I just wanna make sure you're ok I'll let you know when this is all over David Yeah The reason I joined your administration was because I thought I'd be an asset.

The last thing I ever wanted was to be thorn in your side.

Wayne, you are an asset.


Well, There is a lot of smart people out there you could have hired.

But none that I trust as much as you.

Wayne Palmer.

Wayne, it's Tony, we have lead with virus.

Jack is on the way with a team now All Right I'll have someone updating you I want you to stay on the line with me I want to be apprised of everything that happens as it happens CTU may have located the virus.

Jack Bauer's leading the operation What about this area? He's walking his way down Jack Hey, Bill This is my partner Chase Edmunds.

Have you get a man on the inside? Yeah.

He's been through about half the rooms in the club.

Have you seen Alvers or Amador? Not yet Captain, north room is clear.

I'm moving down the main corridor I count 15 people I'm still not seeing either target Copy.

There are three rooms adjacent to the hall.

They may be offices.

I'm checking it now.

Captain, I've got an armed man outside the door of the southernmost room Don't move He was looking in your room.


Lieutenant Wong Get your men in there now Team A, move on target.

Team B, maintain perimeter.

Let's get out of here.

Get down on the floor.

Get down! Get in there! Let me see your hands! Target's been neutralized, repeat, target's been neutralized All units sweep the building Where's the virus, you son of a bitch? You're too late, Jack Chase Take him into one of the other rooms.

We got some works to do I don't want to be disturbed by the SWAT guys.

Set him down there You betrayed me, Jack You were with CTU all along That's all right, Amador, you betrayed me, too I am just better at it than you Yeah, well, it won't matter in the long run.

You have no idea what you're up against.

Why don't you tell me? He knows who you are, Jack What are you talking about? Who knows who I am? Don't presume to tell me about Jack Bauer.

That's what he said If you go against him, you're a dead man.

All I want to know right now is where the virus is.

I don't know I've passed it off.

Look, you can do what you want to me, I'm not gonna tell you anything.

What are you afraid of? Who are you afraid of? We can protect you.

Can you, Jack? Yes And my family? Yes You couldn't even protect your own.

I'm going to ask you this one last time Where is the virus? Go to hell Chase Where is the virus? When he comes to, you do it again.

This is Bauer Jack, I'm transferring you to Tony right now I'll take it over here Jack, I'm putting you on speaker.

Ryan's with me.

We've got Amador.

What about the virus? No, we were late.

He had already passed it on.

Passed it on to who? We haven't been able to find out yet.

Amador's terrified, and he doesn't scare easily.

He did tell me one thing, though Whoever's behind this apparently knows me very well That's not much to go on, even if it's true Yeah, I understand that But we also just can't ignore it I want you to cross check everybody that I've worked with over the last 5 years on both sides of the law See what names we come up with We'll check it against what we know about the virus.

All right, we're on it.

Agent Bauer Yeah We found an incubator There is no contamination, but we are gonna isolate it, run a few tests, then send it back to NHS We also found some prints, a few hairs.

We're sending them back to your lab for a workup.

Ok, good work Jack, what's going on? They found the incubator There is no leakage.

They're gonna run some tests and then send it over to NHS.

All the other evidence is coming back to our lab We're gonna do the workup Agent Bauer Yeah We found Amador's laptop Tony, hold on one second Most of the files are heavily encrypted Can you read any of it? Chandler Plaza Hotel on Wilshire What about it? His hard drive has the dull architectural schematic.

Structural, plumbing, electrical When was the last time this file was accessed? Tony, I think we got a high probability target What is it? The Chandler Plaza Hotel on Wilshire Boulevard.

Adam, get me head of security at Chandler Plaza Hotel Sure.

Jack, should we evacuate? No.

We don't even know if the virus has been released.

Evacuating the hotel could only accelerate an outbreak.

We need to contain the building.

We need to do it without starting a panic All right, look, I'll set up a soft perimeter, no police presence We'll send a team from here run the operation on site Tony, no one, and I mean no one, goes in or out of that building, Do you understand me? Copy that.

Good Dennis Yeah.

I need you to call NHS, have them send teams to the hotel as soon as possible.

And most importantly, they have to operate under the radar, all right? Tony, I have the head of security for the Chandler Plaza Hotel, Craig Phillips Mr.

Phillips, this is Tony Almeida, head of CTU.

How can I help you? There's been a threat against your hotel.

As of this moment, it's very important you not allow anybody in or out of the structure, you understand? I understand, what's the nature of the threat? The release of a infectious substance inside the hotel.

You're saying that the substance has already been released? It's possible.

We don't know for sure.

Do we know who's responsible? You're probably looking for a man named Marcus Alvers.

His description is being sent to you as we speak.

Now, I want your people to do a search of the hotel as soon as you get it.

Does that mean Alvers is already inside the hotel? We have to assume that's the case, yes.

All right, I'll start a search All right, I'm bringing a CTU team.

I'll call you as soon as we arrive.

Right Thanks What the hell is this? Ryan assigned me to head the team that's going to the hotel.

Ryan, this is not I don't want to hear it As the head of CTU, you have an obligation to stay here at the center of information flow Michelle has more hours of disaster control simulation than anyone else on staff, not to mention her practical experience from the DC anthrax outbreak Michelle will lead the team, Gael will second.

You will be in constant communication.

Pass on any guidance you can based on intel that comes in.

They're waiting for me Michelle Look, I don't care what Ryan says.

I can get somebody from division to take your place.

No, he's right.

I should be the one to go.

All right, then you let me know the second you get your people set, all right? We're a couple minutes away from the hotel Where's NHS? They're getting ready.

They should get there in a little while A while? What does that mean, two minutes? Ten minutes? Probably closer to 20 We don't have that kind of time, Tony I understand, but you wait until they get there, all right? I don't want anybody going inside that hotel without bio suits.

We can't wait too long, Tony.

if we have to go in and stop the virus Michelle, you wait All right, that's an order Fine Anything else? No What's wrong? Just stuff between Tony and me.

Sorry Things haven't been right since he got back from the hospital.

The last couple of months, Tony and I have been working pretty closely together, planning this operation It's been eating away at him that he wasn't able to talk to you about it.

I just want this day to end Did you lock the garden doors? Yes, sir Good Mr.


CTU has just arrived.

They're outside the front door.


Listen, a maintenance man just walked through.

I don't remember seeing him before.

Turnover's pretty high in engineering.

Check it out anyway, all right? He was here not ten seconds ago.

Yeah, sure Good This is Phillips Mr.

Phillips, this is agent Michelle Dessler from CTU Have you circulated the Marcus Alvers photo yet? Yes, so far, nobody has seen him We're halfway through the common areas of the hotel After that, I need you to start on the guest rooms.

That's going to take us some time unless you can lend us some manpower We'll be coming in as soon as the Hazmat suits arrive.

My people don't have any Hazmat suits.

I know that, Mr.


We'll bring some when we come in.

Yeah Michelle, I pulled this off the security camera Alvers.

How long ago was this? About half an hour ago Has he come back out? Not as far as I can tell Half an hour He may have already released the virus But if he hasn't, we may be able to stop him I can't order anyone in because it's against protocol But Alvers is in there, we might still have a chance to stop it.

Did you find that maintenance man? No.

But Pence says he just saw someone he didn't recognize heading toward the utility room.

He's going to check it out Mr.

Phillips, where can we set up? You can use this area or this area over there I thought you were going to wait for these Hazmat suites They'll let us know as soon as they get here.

This guy you're looking for, we might have an idea where he is Let me take you there Why don't you tell me and I'll check it out? Put your hands in the air I am a federal agent Lady, lady, take it easy Slowly Move over to where I can see you I am a maintenance man, for God's sake I just set the thermostat in the other room Stop right there Put your hands on your head! Put your hands on your head!! Wrap your right arm around the pipe Now cuff yourself Where is the virus? If this virus gets out, you die just like everyone else It's in the central ventilation unit Gael, can you hear me? I hear you The virus is in the central ventilation unit I am on my way Found it.

It's in a vial Stay clear, Gael NHS should be here any minute.

I will send down a Hazmat suit There may not be enough time for that, Michelle The vial's inside a detonating device The timer is armed.

I got to get to it and disarm it
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