03x18 - Day 3: 6:00 a.m. – 7:00 a.m.

Episode transcripts for the TV show "24". Aired: November 6, 2001 to July 14, 2014.*
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Counterterrorism agent Jack Bauer fights the bad guys of the world, a day at a time.
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03x18 - Day 3: 6:00 a.m. – 7:00 a.m.

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on 24.

Almeida Tony, it's me, Gale is dead He was suffering so badly No one should have to go through what he did.

There are children upstairs Who are going to die in agony Michelle, unfortunately, there is nothing we can do for them right now.

Actually, there is.

The su1c1de capsules, for the people down at the hotel.

It's against every regulation in the book.


Do it.

Get down! The Saunders' computer file What server did you store it on? A5 Chase, we got a b*mb How much time? None.

I got it.

Go, go! Chappelle.

Ryan, it's Jack, almost the entire MI6 office has just been wiped out.

What? One of the things that Saunders was trying to destroy was all the information that MI6 had gathered on him.

I managed to retrieve the hard drive.

Have you get anything yet? I am trying to follow the money trail.

What do you want? To give you your next assignment.

There is a man named Ryan Chappelle, regional director of CTU.

I want him k*lled.

It's out of the question.

Before you decide, you might want to drop by the Chandler Plaza Hotel, take a good look at what's happening.

Then imaging the same event taking place at hundreds of locations all over the country.

You are insane.

The following takes place between 6:00 am and 7:00 am.

This office isn't above the law.

How can I justify authorizing the m*rder of an innocent man? David, we're fighting a w*r.

Ryan Chappelle is not a civilian.

I still can't order him to be k*lled.

So what's the alternative? Yes, David, I know it's extreme.

I realize that, but it's the only move we have here.

Look at what's happening right now down at the Chandler Plaza.

This man Saunders has proven that he will use this virus to inflict mass casualties if you don't do what he says.

How long am I supposed to let Saunders dictate my actions? How long do I allow him to hold this country hostage? Until we catch him.

And if we don't? We will But until we do, your only option is to sacrifice Chappelle.

I handed the hard drive from MI6 over to the IT lab.

They are sorting through the data now.

London wants you to debrief them on what went down with MI6.

Are we any closer to finding Saunders? He is using a scrambler phone to contact the President.

Adam says it could take up to 24 hours to trace his location.

Is that the only search protocol we have got going? Saunders transferred money to Amador u sing a server somewhere in Los Angeles.

I am trying follow Amador's money trail to see if it leads back to Saunders.

But you haven't turned up anything yet No.

The computer we confiscated from the Go club in Chinatown is a dead end.

I am trying to back trace payments made to Saunders' offshore accounts.

Ok, fine.

Jack, the President's office is holding for you.

Have them transfer the call down here.

He asked to speak to you in private.

He's on the line at station seven.

Excuse me.

This is Bauer.

Agent Bauer, please hold for the President.


President, I have Jack Bauer for you.

Jack Mr.

President Are you alone right now? Yes, sir.

Saunders called me a few minutes ago.

He has made another demand.

What is it? This is a hard one, Jack.

So I am going to be as direct as I can be.

He wants Ryan Chappelle dead.

I, I am sorry.

I don't understand.

He wants his body delivered to the train yard downtown.

Why would Saunders want Chappelle dead? I don't know.

He wouldn't give me a reason.

But he was emphatic about the consequences if his demand wasn't met.

Jack, I feel as though I'm crossing a line that I will never be able to step back from.

So, then you have made your decision.

Sir? Unless you can suggest a way to handle this.

What time is this supposed to happen? Maybe I can find Saunders before then.

That's in less than an hour.

Yes, I know, sir.

I should get going.


I am sorry to put this on you, but I didn't know who else to call.

I understand, sir.

I'll get back to you.


What are you doing right now to help find Saunders? Actually, we are relaying our data streams to division.

Why are you sending them there? Well, they're the hub now.

Chappelle has them gathering information for us.

DOD, MI6 No, forget about that.

I want you to mirror everything they are doing and start your search from here.

Ok, what kind of search? What's the largest base of knowledge we have on Saunders? Financial.

Ok, follow the bank trails.

I will have to clear it with Chappelle.

No, you can't do that.

Well, he gave the order.

He outranks you, Jack.

Chloe, you are gonna do what I asked you, ok? And you are not gonna let Chappelle know, you got it? No, I don't got it.

He's mad at me for, like 12 things.

I am not ganna add that to the list.

Chloe Chloe, I wouldn't ask you to do it like this if it wasn't very important.

Ok, so, please just do this for me.


Thank you.

Nearly a third of the people in this hotel are symptomatic, and it's getting worse every minute.

They should have the choice to end their own lives.

The capsules should be there soon.

Tony? Yeah.

I realize we have both been talking around this, but If my test comes back positive Michelle, don't go there.

Sweetheart, we both know my chances of survival are low.

You still have a chance, and while there's still a chance, I don't want to talk about this.

Ok, just no matter what, I just want you to know, the last 3 years have been the best years of my life.

I should be there with you.

You are.

No, it's not the same.

The best thing you can do for me right now is to make sure those capsules get here.

I will do my best.

I know you will.

Tony, I need to speak to you.

Michelle? Yeah Did she get the test results back yet? No, they won't have them back for another hour yet.

What's going on? Do you know if Saunders and Chappelle had any history if their paths had ever crossed? Not that I am aware of.

What kind of connection are you looking for? The kind that would make Saunders want Chappelle k*lled.

Because that's exactly what he just ordered the President to do.

By 7:00 a.


, he wants Ryan Chappelle dead.

Why? That's what I am trying to figure out.

And the President put this on you.

I don't know what I am going to do if we don't find Saunders by 7:00 Have you told Ryan about this? No, not yet.

I should probably change his security clearance before you do.

You really think he is a flight risk? We can't take a chance right now.

We have to find Saunders.

I will get Chappelle to send all his data over to Chloe.

You prepare her and whoever else you can spare to sort through it.

They are gonna want to know what's going on.

They don't need to know.

I will take care of it.

Thank you Chloe Yeah.

I need you to put all your protocols on hold for at least an hour.

Got it.

What did the President want to talk to you about? You.

Me? What about me? Ryan, come with me.

Just take a seat.

What's going on here, Jack? Saunders called in with another demand.

What does he want now? Jack He wants you k*lled.

Is this some kind of a joke? It's no joke, Ryan.

He's threatened to release the virus into the main population unless we deliver your body by 7:00 a.


What, did Palmer actually go along with this? My god, Jack He has proven he will use the virus.

The President had no choice.

So he sent you to k*ll me? Not if we can find Saunders before 7:00 a.


Oh, great, that gives us a lot of time, doesn't it? I, I don't understand this, why me? We don't know.

Ryan, I need you to think real hard.

Do you have any past connection with Saunders that we don't know about? No.

The first time I heard the name Stephen Saunders was today.

The money transactions that you have been investigating that's what must have triggered this.

I haven't had the chance to trace them to Saunders yet.

The fact that he wants you dead That proves that they lead back to him.

And you expect to figure this out by 7:00? Finding Saunders in time is the only way to keep you alive.

And I will use everything in my disposal to do that.

Ryan, I need your help.

I need all your files, and I mean everything sent over to Chloe's desk so she can start going through it.

I am sorry, Ryan.

Let's find this guy.

What have you got, Ryan? I found Saunders' offshore bank account in the Caymans.

I was able to access his account information off their network, but it's encrypted.

Another brick wall.

Just send it over to Chloe's desk.

If anyone can break the encryption, she can.

Not in the time that we have.

You don't know that, Ryan.

It has to be now, Jack, now.

This is it.

Don't you understand? Of course you understand.

You are the one who is going to k*ll me.

We are doing everything we can.

Don't you realize the possibility that this might not even be relevant? Saunders knows if he kills me, it doesn't k*ll the investigation.

He might want me dead for something else I know, something I haven't made a connection with yet.

Well, then think, Ryan, think.

But don't give in to this bastard.

With all of us working together, we are going to find this guy, ok? Send the encrypted account over to Chloe's desk, I will explain it to her.

Come on.

Chloe, Ryan is forwarding a file to you.

Please let me, let me call my wife.

I am sorry, we are still under orders to keep what's going on secret, so we don't create panic.

Yeah, I won't tell her anything, and your people can listen in.

That order comes directly from the President.

I have done everything I can do to help you, please.

I just want, I just want to hear her voice, please.

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

Can I have your attention, please What I'm about to tell you will be difficult to hear, but it's important that you have all the information so you can each make your own decision.

First, I want all of you to know that once symptoms of infection appear, there is no chance of recovery.

As the virus progresses, it att*cks the body's organs and major blood vessels.

This process is extremely painful.

The estimated time of death is within 6 hours.

I am telling you all of this as directly as possible because we can offer each of you an alternative Some pills you can take that will basically make you feel like you are going to sleep.

It will be up to each one of you to decide when, and if you want to use these dr*gs.

They will be available shortly.

Thank you Michelle, we have a situation.

A woman came forward to tell us she can't find the man she was here with.

She hasn't seen him for a few hours.

Are you sure he is not in isolation? Yeah, we let her look.

What's his name? That's part of the problem.

She claims she doesn't know.

I am agent Michelle Dessler.

I am Kathy, Kathy McCartney.

You realize how important it is that we account for everyone who may have been infected.

Yes, that's why I cameforward.

We need you to be completely honest.

I am.

All I know is that his name is Bill, and I am not even sure if that's real.

What do you mean? We met tonight at a club on hill, and we really connected, so we decided to come here.

Who booked the room? I did.

Do you remember the last time you saw him? Oh, we fell asleep together in the room, and when the fire alarm woke me up, he was gone.

Do you remember what time you fell asleep? I know exactly, I looked at the clock.

, it was 4:02 Stay here, please.

If she is right about the time, then this man was in the hotel when the virus was released and he got out of the building before it was completely locked down.

Is it possible he is hiding somewhere in the hotel? No, no.

We have accounted for everyone in the guest rooms, and we have done an infrared sweep of all the public areas.

Ed, get a forensic team up to her room, dust for prints.

There will be dozens of people's prints in there.

Just do it.

This is agent Miller.

We need a forensic team right now.

Kathy, I need you to come with me.

Why? You need to show me every surface that Bill may have touched.

Come on.

Thanks Chloe needs as much processing power as she can get.

I need you to open up another socket in the network for her.

How's he going? He's scared.

All right, Chase has a strike team assembled.

They're ready to go as soon as we get a location on Saunders.

Also, I ordered you a helicopter from air tactical.

Train yard has all the way across town.

We can't afford to be slowed down by rush hour traffic.

Ok, good.

I will get the socket open for Chloe.

Thanks a lot Jack, the bank used deep encryption.

We are going to have to use a password crack.

How long is that going to take? It'll take as long as 90 minutes.

We don't have that much time.

I am doing the best I can.

Maybe it would help if you told us why this is overriding other protocols.

The only thing you need to know is I need these files decrypted now.

I am doing my very best.

Your tone of voice is not exactly a morale booster.

Chloe, please just do it.

Chloe, let me help, we can parallel process.

Ok, good idea.

Oh, Ryan I am sorry, Mr.


We are not allowed to let you leave.

What? Please return to CTU, sir.

Who the hell do you think We have orders.

From who? I am regional director, I countermand any order you have been given.

Ryan What the hell's going on here, Jack? Why aren't I being allowed to leave the building? You think I am trying to run? I am going outside to smoke a cigarette.

I wouldn't condemn millions of people to death so I could live.

Let me see the cigarettes.

These men will escort you back to holding.

I don't think so.

I am not asking, Ryan.

Under the authority given to me by the President of the United States, I am ordering you.

Tony, it's me.

We have a problem.

We just determined a man who was exposed to the virus got out of the hotel Son of a bitch.

How'd that happen? He must have slipped out right before we reinforced the perimeter.

It's likely he had no idea he'd been exposed.

Have you notified Health Services? Yeah, they are aware of the situation.

The problem is, we don't know who he is.

He wasn't a registered guest.

What was he doing inside the hotel? Having a one night stand.

The woman he was with came forward.

Any sign of him on the surveillance cameras? Nothing at the front desk, and no one seems to have seen him come or go.

What are we doing to find him? Our best shot to ID him is off prints.

We have already pulled dozens from all the obvious surfaces, light switches bathroom fixtures.

All right, look, send the prints over to us; we will work them up.

See what else you can find off this woman.

Got it.

It's all I can remember.


I am sorry I can't be more helpful.

No, you are doing great.

Let's just go over this one more time.

The two of you came into the room I had the key, so I am the one who opened the door.

We didn't turn the lights on or off.

Did he go over to the window draw the blinds? No, we just started kissing right away.

Where were you standing? I was here, by the bed.

And then what happened? He started taking my clothes off.

The clothes you are wearing now? Yeah.

He pulled my shirt over my head and then my pants and then I need your belt Miller, try the buckle.

Prints look like hers.

Hold it.

I got a partial thumb.

It's not hers? Checking No.

She's got inverse swirls.

This print doesn't.

Upload it to CTU, now.

If we don't find this guy before he becomes symptomatic, we might be looking at an outbreak.

Where have you been? I had a client meeting.

I told you that I wouldn't come home if it went too late.

That's right.

I kind of wish you would have called.

I was worried.

I didn't want to wake you up.

Jack, I think I am getting something.

Applying the last layer of key words, it worked, we cracked the decryption.

We have access to Saunders' bank account.

Go into the header, tell me what address they have got on him.

There is several across the country, one in Los Angels.

An apartment downtown, 5 minutes from here.

How do we know the address is real? Every time the money is moved, the bank confirms the physical location of that call.

Saunders called in a transfer 45 minutes ago from that address.

I will call Chase.

Tell him not to go in hard.

Saunders can't see us coming.

Good work.

Great work.

Thank you.

Open it.

Ryan, I think we found Saunders.

Through his bank account? Yeah.

45 minutes ago he made a call from an apartment not far from here.

Chase is leading a strike team over there now.

Good, Jack.

Thank God.

Ryan, we still need to go over to the train yard.

Now? What are you talking about? We have to be in place before the deadline, just in case the strike team isn't successful.

But you said they know he was there 45 minutes ago.

Ryan, this is just a precaution.

We have to do it until we have him in custody, you know that I have got a helicopter waiting for us over in the north annex, but we should go now.

All right, Jack.


We will be in touch as soon as we are airborne.

All right.


Chappelle, division called to confirm your 3:00 briefing.

Is that still good? Sure.



Helen Stuppen from the LA Times just called my office.

She was asking about some kind of toxic accident at the Chandler Plaza Hotel, and if it was connected to the red alert.

What exactly did she say? Not much.

She was fishing.


President, I appreciate that you need to keep certain things from me, but this story will get out, and when it does, I'll need to have answers.

Jerry is right, David.

And the soon we bring him into the loop, the better he can handle the press.

A weaponized virus was released into that hotel's ventilation system.

Oh, my God.

When will you go public with this? Once we are sure that the virus has been contained and there is no longer a threat.

And how certain are you that it will be contained? We are doing everything possible.

Yes, sir.

Jack Tony said you are not coming with me to get Saunders.

That's right.

You and Baker are heading up the strike team.


I don't understand.

Saunders is the priority.

I've ordered Jack downtown to answer a few more questions.

You know what, Ryan, all you do is put obstacles in our way.

We have a chance to get Saunders.

We need our best people.

You tie us down with your bureaucratic BS.


Those are the orders.

What's going on, Jack? Just take care of the strike team.

Any sign that he is in there? I can't get a visual inside.

We have got 3 men outside the building.

We can take them out with a sn*per.

No, we can't do that.

If we miss, Saunders will know we are here.

I want to do this up close.

The building is out in the open, they will see us coming from a block away.

That's why Saunders picked the place.

I don't see how we get to them before they can warn Saunders.

I do.

They are grounding flights from LAX.

Did all the couriers get out with their vials? New York, Washington, San Francisco made it through.

They are on their way.

I rerouted Las Vegas.

Our man is driving there now.

But we missed Chicago and Cleveland.

Did you revise the casualty projections? Of course.

Just give me the number.

Good enough.

Sir, there is a chance that the outbreak will spread beyond the Americas.

We'll be fine.

Don't worry.

Tony, we got results back on the fingerprint from the hotel.

What do you got? If it had been a complete print obviously there should be only one true match.

But because it's a partial, we get results from anyone whose fingerprints match that particular guardant.

How many potential matches we talking about? The FBI database gave us almost 300 possibilities.

All right, look, upload those pictures to Michelle at the hotel.

Have that woman go through them.

Ok, I am on it.

Tony, Ryan Chappelle on line 3 Ryan What's taking Edmunds so long? Has he even called in yet? He's moving his strike team into position around Saunders' building right now.

What are they waiting for? Why haven't they gone in? They are preparing a covert entry, Ryan.

It takes a little time.

Well, get on them, Tony, get those men into that building.

Ryan, Chase is running this operation on the ground, he needs to make this call.

Ryan, Chase knows what's at stake here.

He's going to go in when it's safe.

Just try and relax.

Ryan, you still there? I am here.

All right, I am hooking you up to the real time com feed.


Tony, I have got a visual on the train yard.

Copy that.

There's no one in the lobby Baker and I are moving up the stairs.

Graves and Martinez are coming down from the roof.

Guard at the top of the stairs has been taken out.

We are proceeding down the hall.

We got one man by the door.

We have got to move fast.

On my lead.



No one is here.

It's a switching node.

He's been relaying calls from this location.

Damn it This is Bauer.

You underestimate me, Jack.

Saunders, why are you doing this? Even if I told you, you wouldn't understand.

Try me.

Tell your people not to bother tracing that relay.

I have already switched to another node.

Stephen A van will be arriving shortly.

Leave Chappelle's body with the driver.

Do not attempt to follow the van.

If you don't follow my directions, I will release the virus immediately.

Can I have everyone's attention, please These are the dr*gs agent Dessler told you about earlier.

Anyone who wants to exercise this option can step forward.


Did you find a match? Partial thumbprint gave us a few hundred possibles, which we narrowed down to a dozen men.

We uploaded the pictures, Ms.

Mccartney is looking at them now.

That's not him.

No, no, no, no This one, I think that's him.

Are you sure? Yeah.

I am sure.

Find him Are you ok, William You have been in there for awhile.

I have some kind of bug.

You want me to make some tea? No, I am fine.

Are you sure? Yeah.

Yeah, I got to go to the office.

I have a staff meeting.

Ok Kaufman.

This is Jack.

Have you got satellite coverage on my position now? Not yet, but I will reposition.

There is a black van, no plates.

I am sure they are gonna use counter measures, but do everything you can do to follow it.

Ok We have to go, Ryan.

My legs are shaking.

I have got you.

Ryan, is there anyone you want to talk to? What do you mean, to say goodbye? To say whatever you have to.

I have a brother I haven't spoken to in years.

I don't have that many friends.

Just the people at work.

So, no.

There is no one.

I am sorry, Ryan, we got to do this.

Get on your knees.

There is no way around this, right, Jack? We don't have any outs here? Not that I can see.


All right, let me do this myself.

At least give me the dignity of taking my own life.

That's something you can do.

No, Ryan, I can't do that.

Yes, you can You were right back at CTU to put me under watch.

I wasn't going out for a cigarette.

I was trying to bolt.

But I know this has to happen.

I can't take that chance.

I am giving you my word, Jack I won't run, I swear.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared,but I am not gonna run.

I couldn't live with myself knowing I was responsible for the deaths of all those people.

You got to believe me.

I can't, I can't It's alright.

I am sorry we let you down, Ryan.

God forgive me.
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