04x03 - Day 4: 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.

Episode transcripts for the TV show "24". Aired: November 6, 2001 to July 14, 2014.*
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Counterterrorism agent Jack Bauer fights the bad guys of the world, a day at a time.
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04x03 - Day 4: 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.

Post by bunniefuu »

- Who's this? - My name is Jack Bauer.

I work for Secretary of Defense Heller.

He was kidnapped less than half an hour ago.

I believe the same people that kidnapped him are chasing you now.

The safest thing for you to do is let me bring you in.

- I found out who stumbled onto our server.

- Is he with you now? - No.

I'll have him shortly.

- Find out who he's talked to.

- Who are you? - I'll k*ll you if you don't follow my orders.

This is a simple task, Behrooz.

But these are the ones where mistakes can be made.

- Debbie, what are you doing here? - I followed you.

Omar saw you with someone outside the compound.

She didn't see anything.

I made sure of it.

We've spent years planning for this, waiting for this day to come.

Now it's here and you've compromised everything.

It's a simple job.

You pick up the subject and bring him in.

Bauer has not been in the field for a year and a half.

Which is why I need you to keep him on a tight leash.

For the record, I think Driscoll made a mistake letting you come.

You get the gate.

I'll get the kid out of the car.

My father is the secretary of defense.

Richard, you are the only witness to your father and your sister's kidnapping.

We need your help.

You don't have anything to hide, do you? - We'll be fine.

We're still on US soil.

- What are they gonna do? I don't know, but if they wanted me dead, they would have k*lled me at Richard's house.

Our soldiers have taken the t*rror1st James Heller into custody.

In three hours, Heller will be tried for w*r crimes against humanity.

If he is proven guilty, he will be ex*cuted in accordance with our laws.


As you know, the secretary of defense and his daughter have been kidnapped by t*rrorists.

The t*rrorists have announced that they'll put Jim on trial for w*r crimes, then execute him, all of it broadcast for the world.

Make no mistake.

This country is under attack.

Foreign t*rrorists are operating on our soil.

Intelligence indicates that the kidnapping may be some kind of trigger.

The first step in a series of larger att*cks.

Mark, what kind of protective actions are being taken? We've changed all the codes the secretary has knowledge of.

The other cabinet members have been sequestered.

Melissa, where are we with keeping these people from broadcasting this? The media outlets will not air it, but the t*rrorists have announced that they'll use the Internet.

We can't control that.

Their feed is untraceable, and we can't shut down the Internet without disabling the functions of the government and the economy.


President, the only way to stop this is at the source.

- We have to rescue Secretary Heller.

- Erin, where is CTU on this? We have search teams out in force.

We're working a few active leads.

- Anything promising? - We'll know very shortly.

Keep us closely posted.

Nothing takes priority over finding the people who have Jim Heller, and stopping them.

Thank you.

- Where are we with Heller's son? - Finding out what he knows.

If he had anything to do with his father's abduction, we need to know.

Get on it.

- Try his emergency frequency.

- Where's Ronnie and Bauer with the witness? - We don't know.

- What? I just spoke to transit police.

A hostile intercepted Andrew Paige.

- We can't reach Ronnie or Jack.

- What do you mean? They're not answering their phones.

There's been a report of a sh**ting at the station.

Get pictures of Andrew Paige to our people.

And set up a security grid around the station.

- My system's logged on.

I can get it faster.

- All right, fine.

You'll do tactical with me.

Let's go, Edgar.

Edgar Stiles.

Miss Driscoll, Jack Bauer's on line one.

Where are you? Why have you not been in contact? - Erin, Ronnie's been k*lled.

- What are you talking about? He was shot by a hostile who kidnapped Andrew Paige.

- Where are you now? - I'm tracking them, but he doesn't know it.

- I'll send backup.

- Erin, I don't think that's the right call.

I believe that they'll lead me to Heller and the kidnappers.

Listen to me.

The t*rrorists will try and execute Heller in less than three hours.

- Bring the man in now.

- This is our best chance of finding him.

- Jack, we had a deal.

- You're breaking up.

Have SWAT and rescue teams standing by.

I'll call you when the hostile reaches his destination.

- That call.

Do you have a location? - No, it had a block on it.

I've been informed that Ronnie Lobell has been k*lled in the line of duty by a hostile connected to Heller's abduction.

At this point, Jack Bauer is no longer cooperating with this investigation.

All departments need to work on the capture of Jack Bauer and the hostile he's tracking.

Reconfigure the grid to include routes from the station.

I want all ground teams on this.

MTA, downtown.

This is CTU.

Do you have any new information about the kid who was abducted? We told you everything a few minutes ago.

I can access surveillance cams if you give me the port codes.

We're looking at them right now.

There's nothing.


- Yes? - What are you doing there? - I need you to help me with this grid.

- What kind of help? - The northeast quadrant is pass-coded - Pilot L one.

- What? - That's the log in.

- Chloe, could you just get back here? - I'm trying to find my friend Andrew.

Get down! - Yes? - I have the programmer.


We need to know what he told CTU as soon as possible.

- Proceed as planned.

- Understood.

- There was a problem at the train station.

- What? - An agent interfered, I k*lled him.

- Are you being pursued? No.

Anyone who left the station after me would have caught up to me by now.

Unless they don't want you to know they're there.

Take precautions.

Make sure that you are not being followed.


Move! Dad.

You OK? - Did they hurt you? - No.

They just wanted me present while they broadcast an announcement.

- They're gonna put me on trial.

- For what? - Crimes against humanity.

- That's ridiculous.

When? Less than three hours.

Jack and the president will do everything they can.

They may get here before then.

I can deal with anything these bastards have got for me.

I wish you hadn't come this morning, that's all.

This is a list of the offences you are being charged with.

Sign it.

I'm a senior member of the United States Government.

I'm not signing it.

Then you will die, Mr.


Pick up the document and sign it.

- No! - Let her go! Leave her alone, you son of a bitch! Leave her alone! - k*ll her! - All right.

All right, I'll sign it.

Pick up the document.

Pick it up! Dad.

- Where are we on finding Bauer? - So far, nowhere.

- That's unacceptable.

- We're working up everything we can.

- What are you doing to find Heller? - I'll find out what his son knows.

- Sarah's working on the forensics.

- Anything new yet? - No.

- Great.

What else? - Sarah Gavin.

- I'm tracing the t*rror1st webcast.

- And? - I can't get into the file.

- In other words, nothing.

- Miss Driscoll, it's the president.

Make something happen.

- Yes, Mr.

President? - I understand you lost a field operative.

Yes, we did.

Were there any witnesses or prisoners? - Not yet, but there's some hope.

- Tell me.

Jack Bauer, who, as you know, used to work here, is currently trailing a suspect.

- Trailing? Why doesn't he bring him in? - We're in the process of doing that.

Erin, are we going to be able to save Jim and his daughter before this "trial" starts? I certainly hope so, sir.


President, I have to ask you something now, as we may not have time later.

What? We may end up in a situation where we have Heller's location, but can't extract him safely.

If that's the case, would you authorize in advance an all-out as*ault? The assumption being that the secretary would not survive? Correct.

We'll cross that bridge if the scenario presents itself.

- Yes, sir.

- Goodbye, Erin.

- Manning.

- Hey, Curtis, it's Marianne.

- I know you're busy with the kidnapping.

- Yes, I am.

My friend said you're calling in level-five consultants.

- We added personnel because of the crisis.

- She said you struck my name from the list.

- You don't meet the criteria.

- Don't give me that.

I have the qualifications.

Why did you exclude me? You want it straight? I don't think we'd work well together.

Why? Because we slept together and you stopped calling me? I stopped calling you because you were using me to get ahead in your career.

That's your interpretation.

You didn't have a problem at the time.

- I'm not having this conversation.

- I'll have it with Erin.

- Marianne.

- This would be a huge opportunity for me.

And I'm not gonna let you get in the way because you're uncomfortable.

Where should I post those FBI bulletins? Exit three.

- O'Brian.

- It's me.

Can you talk? - What happened with Andrew? - Someone got to him.

Did you tell anyone where we were meeting him? No.

What are you doing? Driscoll said you're operating outside her authority.

- She's not handling this right.

- What if you're wrong? - This is our best chance of finding Heller.

- If anything happens to Andrew - Chloe, we have to find these t*rrorists.

- So why are you calling me? The hostile's headed toward the canyons.

I need satellite surveillance to track him.

You want me to steal satellite bandwidth from CTU.

- Yes.

- Where are you? I'm on Orchard Road, just north of the 14, about four miles east of Valencia.

Caltrans has traffic cams in the area.

You'll need satellite coverage nearer the canyons.

Call me back as soon as you've got the coverage.

I'll keep a private channel open.

- Who was that? - It was personal.

- Something wrong? - I'm not sure.

Chloe's acting kinda strange.

That's nothing new.

- Hey.

What do you need? - I just spoke to Marianne Taylor.

Erin, whatever she told you, it's coming from a very disturbed place.

That may be, but she's as qualified as any of the others you brought in today.

I'm not comfortable with her.

- That should be enough.

- Normally, it would be.

She mentioned that your pillow talk included a synopsis of the new data-mining protocols.

That's a lie.

If she got that information, it was from someone else.

She's using it against me.

She knows details about the new UVX system.

That's classified information.

She can force us into a security reboot and a six-month investigation.

- I don't believe this.

- I asked her to come in.

Deal with it.

Do you have the results on Secretary Heller's son yet? Yeah.

The polygraph shows he had no knowing involvement in the kidnapping.

But? He insists he didn't tell anyone his father was coming to his house.

The polygraph was inconclusive on that claim.

- You think he's lying? - It's possible.

Richard was the only one who knew where his father would be, and he may have told someone about it.

Why would Richard protect somebody who's betrayed him? Because he's too arrogant to believe that's what's happened.

It'll take days to go through his phone records.

I want you to see if you can get the name out of him another way.

- What do you mean? - You know what I mean.

- Erin, we're not sure he's guilty of anything.

- This is how we'll find out.

Get started.

Did Father talk to you about Debbie? What about her? When Dad told me to take the briefcase to Omar Debbie followed me.

She didn't know where I was going, she just wanted to talk.

Debbie saw the warehouse where we're holding Heller? Yes, but there wasn't anything I could do about it.

You could have broken up with her a month ago like your father and I told you to.

I know I made a mistake, but Father found out and he wants me to get her over here.

You know what that means.

If he thinks there's a chance she could expose us I didn't realize you felt so strongly about her.

She's not going to mess anything up.

I swear to you.

- What do you want me to do? - Talk to him.

He'll listen to you.



Your father is on his way to a meeting.

I'll try to reach him.

Thanks, Mom.

- When can I get outta here? - Secure him.

Goddammit! What the hell are you doing? Get your hands off me! Argh! Argh! Who else knew your father would be at your house? I told you, no one.

- What are you? Crazy? - This works on a neurotransmitter level.

Makes every nerve ending feel like it's on fire.

You're bluffing.

You know you can't get away with this.

By the time you're released, the mark will be gone.

It'll be your word against mine.

My father's the secretary of defense, for God's sake.

I thought you hated him.

Now he's dear old Dad.

Help me! Somebody! Please! Help me! Stop.

I can't do it, Erin.

I'm not gonna let Eric work on Richard Heller.

- Why not? - Maybe he's protecting a friend, but he wasn't knowingly involved with the t*rrorists.

- I gave you an order.

- Then give it to me in writing, Erin.

- What are you suggesting? We release him? - No.

Sensory disorientation gives good results.

Cut off his sight, saturate his auditory.

It's noninvasive.


Try it.

- Yes.

- I spoke with Behrooz.

He told me about his girlfriend.

He's very upset, Navi.

That's what concerns me.

He has feelings for this girl despite what he tells us.

- Now she's seen the warehouse.

- I know.

It's very troubling.

I told him to get her over to the house.

Did he make the call? No.

He asked me to talk to you instead.

- Go upstairs.

- Are you talking to Father? - I'll talk to you soon.

- You'll take care of this? - Yes.

- Thank you.

What did he say? Do I still have to call Debbie and get her over here? No.

Thank you, Mother.

I'm gonna pull over soon and we're gonna talk, OK? Mm-hm.


There are some things I need you to know.

Today is not about me or you.

It's about something bigger.

What I need to know is that whatever you saw on the Internet will not interfere with what we have planned.

You have to convince me of that.

Yeah? It will be a while on the satellite.

The load is through the roof.

- How much longer? - I'm not sure.

What is your position exactly? The suspect pulled over just past mile-marker 31.

Why? There's nothing there.

I don't know.

I gotta go.

Get back to me as soon as you got the satellite coverage.

Get up.

Nobody! Nobody! - Jack, I'm watching this.

- How? On a traffic cam.

You've gotta stop this.

If I intercede now, we lose our opportunity to find Secretary Heller.

What did you tell CTU? That someone was going to put positioning code on the Internet.

- What else? - I tried to dig deeper, but everything was in some kind of Arabic.

I couldn't read it.

- That's all you told CTU? - Yes.

I promise.

Argh! - Are you sure? - Jack, stop them.

Just stop them.

That's all I know.

I swear, I promise.

Please, just don't hit me any more.


I talked to the programmer.

He didn't tell CTU enough for them to be able to stop us.

- Are you sure? - Yes.

He only got a brief glimpse of the code.

He was never logged on to our server.

I need you here.

Get back on the road.

Have them see what else they can find out.

- And then get rid of the body.

- I will see you soon.

Talk! Chloe, how do you open a secure pipe to Division? - Ask Edgar.

- I did.

He's busy.

- I'm busy.

- Why are you so impatient with everybody? Not everybody, just you.

Now, please go away.


- What's happening? - I've got to follow the hostile.

Jack, you can't leave Andrew there.

They'll k*ll him.

Jack! Jack, please! Jack? Jack? - Jack? - Yeah? - Is Andrew alive? - Yes.

Dispatch an ambulance to this location.

Get me the damn satellite coverage.

That's right.

Just off the road next to the What's wrong? When the trial begins, you may have an opportunity to escape.

You have to take it, even if it's dangerous.

- Maybe we'll have a chance before then.

- They'll never take their eyes off of me.

It has to be when their attention is on the trial.

- I don't want to get out of here without - Forget about me.

You have to take every chance.

Promise me.

Dad, I I I can't.

Yes, you can.

You can.

I want you to live your life.

A full life.

I want you to have a family.

That's all I care about.

You're my baby.

- I can't do it.

- Yes, you can.

You can do it.

Come on, now.

- Chloe, you want me to get that? - No.


- Chloe, it's me.

- I was looking at the CHP dispatch report.

Andrew is in really bad shape.

I will never forgive you.

Do you hear me? I understand how you feel, but you've gotta think clearly.

We have t*rrorists who bombed a train and kidnapped the secretary of defense.

We have to follow this hostile and hope he leads us to Heller.


I'm not listening to you any more.

This is over.

- I'm going to Driscoll.

- No.

You know I'm right.

No, I don't.

Chloe, if you didn't believe in what I was doing, you'd have turned me in already.

- I hate that this is happening.

- So do I.

Chloe, I can't do this without you.

I need your help to stop them.

- Chloe.

- What? Are you with me? Yeah.

I'll call as soon as I have the satellite.

- Thank you.

- Yeah.

- Miss Driscoll, this is Marianne Taylor.

- Thank you.

Ms Taylor.

I'm very excited to have this opportunity to help you here.

- Hello, Curtis.

- Marianne.

Curtis, take Marianne to an empty station and get her started on the data sorts.

Let's go.

You'll be working over here.

You know, Curtis, I didn't want to go over your head, but you left me no choice.

- Is that so? - I'II let it go if you will.

Get to work, Marianne.

- Is there a problem? - No.

Why? - What are you working on? - A Division protocol manifest.

I need you to build a firewall around station four.

- Who's that? - Marianne.

I want to make sure she doesn't stray from her area.


- O'Brian.

- What's going on? - I don't think I can do this, Jack.

- Why? I'm spread too thin.

I've got to get a satellite on an overloaded system.

I need more time.

We don't have it.

In five minutes we'll be on Route 11.

It's a two-lane road.

We'll be the only cars for miles.

There's no way I can follow him without being seen.

All right.

I think I know a way I can speed this up.

I'll get back to you.

The satellite system tanked and Driscoll wants these updates.

OK, I'll be right there.

I hope Driscoll doesn't get upset.

She overreacts sometimes.

This happened to me a few days ago.

You can retrieve your files from the backups in the server room.

Good idea.

- Yeah? - I stole a block of time.

There's no continuous coverage.

I'll have to order a reposition.

Fine, then do it.

Hold on.

We're catching a break.

He's pulling into a gas station.

Well, I hope he stays there a while.

This will take some time.

- Get back to me as soon as you've got it.

- OK, I will.

- Edgar? - Yeah.

I'm Marianne Taylor.

Driscoll asked me to help on data and logistics.

I heard something about that.


- So can you do me a favor? - A favor? Yeah.

Everyone's busy.

I'd be more useful if I had an overall on what's going on.

The secretary of defense has been kidnapped.

- I know.

I mean tactically.

- I don't have time for this.

I'm busy.

- Why don't you give me the main points? - All right.

- We think Bauer's following a t*rror1st.

- "We think"? - Yeah.

He's off on his own.

We can't find him.

- I thought he didn't work here.

He doesn't.

Driscoll gave him the authority to do this one thing.

All right.

Thanks, Edgar.


How long do you think it's been? What? How long do you think you've been sitting here like this? Three, four hours.

It's been less than 30 minutes.

Time's the first thing you lose track of in sensory disorientation.

It only gets worse.

This is illegal.

You can't keep me here.

- Tell me what I need to know.

- I told you everything I know.

Your father was kidnapped by t*rrorists.

Our analysis shows that you're hiding something that might help us find him.

- Just tell me what it is and all this stops.

- You're not going to do this.

If you don't care enough about your father to tell me, I'll get it out of you this way.

You're not gonna do this! Please! Stop! You're not gonna Argh! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! O'Brian.

- How long for the satellite reposition? - My request is still in the queue.

We've got to get that coverage up and running.

There's nothing I can do.

You'll have to stall him.

It'll take as long as it takes.

- Just hurry.

- OK, I will.

Why is Debbie here? - What did you do? - I called her and asked her to come over.

You said that you would help me.

That you talked to Father.

Your father is right.

We need to find out who she told.

- I told you she didn't see anything.

- Then there shouldn't be any problem.

- What did you say to her? - That I was concerned about the two of you.

- Mom.

- Behrooz You know what's at stake.

You do as you're told.

Understand? - Debbie, thank you for coming.

- Sure.

- Hi.

- Hi.

Come in.

Debbie, please make yourself comfortable in the living room.

I'll make tea.

- Hi.

- Hey.

I'm glad your mom called.

- If she has problems with us we should talk.

- Debbie.

- What's wrong? - You don't understand.

You shouldn't have come here.

Why do you always say things like that? O'Brian.

Will I have satellite coverage in the next minute or two? It'll take at least five.

- That's too long.

- That's the best I can do.


I'm gonna have to figure out a way to keep this guy here.

Keep working on it.

Everybody put your hands up now! You, don't move.
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