04x07 - Day 4: 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Episode transcripts for the TV show "24". Aired: November 6, 2001 to July 14, 2014.*
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Counterterrorism agent Jack Bauer fights the bad guys of the world, a day at a time.
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04x07 - Day 4: 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Post by bunniefuu »

- Stand down! - Step back or I'll k*ll her.

- Put your g*n down now.

- Step back! I'll k*ll her! I will k*ll her! When I was inside, I recognized one of the men.

Who? I can't place him, but I know that I saw him before today.

Why did they think you were holding something back from them? But I am not going to tell these people things about my private life they don't need to know.

That you don't think they need to know.

Why are you here? Your mother told Marwan you took care of the American girl? - Yeah.

- Then you need help getting rid of the body.

He's going to k*ll our son.


I took care of the girl.

Marwan knows.

It's not Marwan who wants you dead.

Who wants me dead? Your father.

Thank you for helping me out.

They said Maya's arrived.

She's in the exam area.

We're about to do a workup.

She suffers from schizophrenia.

I want us to be together again.

I'm sorry, Paul.

I'm seeing someone.

Paul, this is Jack Bauer.

Nice to meet you.

What was your courier transporting? It's a Dobson-type override.

What exactly does this override do? It can remotely take control of a nuclear power facility.

A person with this program, could they do the opposite? Create a disaster at a plant, a meltdown? Theoretically.

How many nuclear plants in this country would be vulnerable? All of them.

- Yes? - It's me.

They found out about the override.

- Did you get the surveillance footage? - No.

The Heritage dinner was monitored by a private company, Felsted Security.

They've got the tapes, but they're working off a closed system.

I've got to go pick up the tapes for you to ID.

- Where are you on the guest list? - I'm having it sent here.

- You know, we're running out of time.

- What do you mean? Is it that urgent? Yes.

It turns out your kidnapping was just a cover for a much larger attack.

The trial was used to overload the Internet to divert us from what they were really doing.

- I need a full tactical for my vehicle.

- Which is what? They're in possession of a device called an override.

With that they have control of 104 nuclear plants in this country.

The device maintains heat levels of the reactors.

Effectively, they can melt down every one of those plants.

Thank you.

The man you saw when you were held c*ptive, he's our only lead.

Let me come to Felsted Security for the ID.

It'll be quicker.

I can't.

After what you've been through today, I'm not gonna put you at risk.

Our nation's nuclear plants will melt down if we don't find that override.

We can't afford to waste any more time.

Come with me.

There are 104 nuclear power stations in the US.

We've learnt that t*rrorists are trying to convert all 104 cores into weapons.

Give us the worst-case casualty scenarios.

This graphic represents a single meltdown scenario.

Edgar, break it down.

The override will stop the coolant system and the core will melt through containment.

The population within a ten-mile radius will receive the highest doses of radiation.

Those people will die within two days.

Now, the smallest of these 104 cities represents 75,000 people.

Multiply that by 104.

We're looking at The environmental impact will be catastrophic.

will be uninhabitable for at least five years.

Don't plants have security systems to prevent breaches? They do, but the override has already de-activated them.

And if we don't succeed, how long before these cores start to melt down? We're projecting the first radiation shock waves in approximately three hours.

I want comm and logistics to work on getting a handle on the software.

The rest of you will handle support along with NRC personnel.

Let's get to work.

- Erin, we're leaving now.

- Where are you going? Audrey's given us a lead we need to follow up.

- What kind of lead? - I recognized someone, an American.

I saw him at a function a couple of months ago.

We're going to view surveillance tapes at a private security firm.

I don't want her going out now.

Why can't you access the tapes here? I wish we could, but they're offline.

They'd have to record four hours of material for us to view.

We don't have time.

These people want to use nuclear plants as weapons.

We have to follow this lead now.

Sir, Audrey's the only person who can make this ID.

If anything happens, Jack, I will hold you personally responsible.

I understand.

- How far away is this facility? - Not far, Burbank.

- Audrey.

- Paul.

- I'll get the team set up.

- We need to talk.

- We'll do it when I get back.

- From where? We're following up on something.

Please, can we do this later? - How many on your team? - Four.

Set up a weapons package.

I'll meet you in the motor pool.

I don't know about this, but I know about you and him, and I am not OK with it.

- You and I aren't together.

- We were trying to work things out.

Yeah, I tried.

But you kept putting it off, so I gave up.

We haven't been together for months.

We're not working it out.

- Sorry to interrupt.

- She is my wife.

Paul, please.

Excuse me.

She's my wife.

Don't you forget that.


Let's go.

- Jack, I'm sorry.

- It's fine.

I just received these files from DOD.

I need to give them to Bauer.

- Oh, you can't.

Jack just left.

- Oh.

Can I forward them to him? He went with Audrey to Felsted Security to look at some archive footage.


I guess I could just hold onto them for him.

Yeah, that'd be fine.

- Paul.

- Jim.

We need to talk.

Come in here.

Do you know about Audrey and Jack Bauer? Not till an hour ago.

They were carrying on right under your nose.

That's pretty unprofessional, wouldn't you say? Look, I understand your feelings about this, but you and Audrey have been separated for almost a year.

Paul, I'm sorry.

She's a big girl, she can do what she wants.

Well, what she's doing is she's breaking my heart.

- Marianne.

- Sarah.

- What do you need back here? - Edgar asked for a manual reboot of hub five.

- I can do that for him.

- No, no.

It's fine.


- Yes? - Bauer and Audrey left five minutes ago.

- Where'd they go? - Felsted Security.

357 White Oak Boulevard.

All right.


You're going to need to set things up on your end.

What? I should be done here.


When Jack Bauer and Audrey Raines are k*lled, CTU is going to know that someone inside leaked their location.

- All right.

What do I do? - Divert suspicion.


I'm standing live just outside the perimeter.

Unfortunately the Pentagon is not commenting, but we do know that at 12:10pm Secretary Heller and his daughter, Audrey Raines, were successfully rescued.

The number of fatalities is unknown, but sources say there might have been as many as 20 t*rrorists inside the building, and there are no survivors among them.

- Yes? - Any lost data? The critical instructions uploaded before the as*ault.

- Good.

Then we're all set? - Yes.

- The override has control of the plants.

- What about Behrooz? What about our son? We have to be strong now.

We'll mourn him when this is over.

- Hello? - Mom? Behrooz? Are you all right? Tariq tried to k*ll me.

He was gonna sh**t me.

- I had to defend myself.

- What did you do? - I k*lled him.

You can't let Father know.

- Why not? He's the one who told Tariq to do it.

He wants me dead because I messed up with Debbie.

Behrooz, that's not possible.

Your father would never want to hurt you.

It's true.

Mom, I don't know what to do.

- You have to help me.

- Where are you now? I'm near the Metro link station on Lassen in Chatsworth.

- Are you using Tariq's car? - Yes.

Hide it.

I'll pick you up there in a half hour.


- Who was on the phone? - It was nothing important.


- What did Behrooz do? - What did you do? Did you give the order? Behrooz was not committed.

It was just a matter of time before he turned against us.

You ordered Tariq to k*ll him.

To k*ll our own son.

No, no, no! You - Where's Tariq? - Behrooz k*lled him.

- That's impossible.

- Because you think he's weak? He's not.

Nothing, nothing will stand in the way of what needs to be done.

Not him, not you.

- Where is he now? - Why? What are you going to do? - You're hurting me.

- I will do more than that.

Now, you listen to me, woman.

You will do exactly as you told him.

You will pick him up in half an hour.

What did you say to Paul? That I'm filing for divorce as soon as I get back to DC.

Are you sure that's what you want? Yes.


Do you have something? It seems the override hasn't completely taken control.

I'm starting to get some response.

- What can I do? - Stay off hub five, I need it.

- I thought hub five was out for a reboot? - No.

Curtis, come here.

- Could I talk to you for a minute? - Actually, I'm kind of busy.

You lied to me about doing a reboot for Edgar.

- Yes, I did.

- Why? I made a personal call and I knew it was inappropriate during the crisis.

- I didn't want anybody to know.

- Why'd you do it in here? Why didn't you just go outside? I was trying to make it look like I was working.

OK? Look, I'm sorry.

It won't happen again.

It's Marwan.

- Yes? - Has Tariq taken care of your son? I haven't spoken with Tariq, but if there was a problem he would've called.

The fact I'm even talking to you about this is a problem.

The next two hours are crucial.

I can't be distracted.

I understand.

I will personally oversee the situation to make sure it's resolved.

- Fix this, Navi.

- Of course.

What is Marwan going to say if he finds out Behrooz k*lled Tariq? Tariq is expendable, like we all are.

Marwan understands that.

All he cares about is that Behrooz is silenced.

I will not be able to look at you after today without thinking about what we did to him.

- I think I got it.

- What? - The override.

I got a piece of the code.

- What does that mean? I can turn off the override, - stop some of the meltdown.

- What do you need? To get into the kernel, but the NRC won't let me.

It's too dangerous.

- Why? - If I screw up, I could start a chain reaction.

All right.

I need you to present this to Heller.

He can order NRC to let you in.

- Heller? - He's in the situation room.

Why? - I shouldn't.

- Why not? - I could faint.

I have low blood sugar.

- It's just Driscoll and Heller.

- Driscoll's in there too? - You'll be fine.

Excuse me.

I'm gonna have to interrupt.

- What is it? - This is Edgar Stiles.

He's requesting access to the kernels of the power plants.

My understanding is that no one is to manipulate those kernels while the plants are online.

There is a way to do it if you're careful.

I'd stay away from the precompiled headers while putting a lock on the override code.

The chances of a load imbalance I don't understand what you're talking about.

Just tell me what the downside is if the kernels are disrupted because of your manipulation.

If I make a mistake, I can accelerate a core meltdown in some of the reactors.

This is a bad idea.

Maybe we shouldn't do it.

- If you're successful, you can regain control? - Yes.

Edgar, what we need to know is can you do this without making a mistake? - Yeah, I can do it.

- You're not filling me with confidence, Edgar.

Look, I'm just a little nervous, but if I say I can do it, I can do it.

- He'll run away the moment he sees you.

- He won't see me.

You'll be the only one in the car when you pick him up.

- It's Behrooz.

- Answer it.

- Hello? - Are you almost here? Yes.

- What did you tell Dad? - I didn't, I just left.

He was busy working.

What are we going to do? Wherever we go, he'll find us.

No, he won't.

I know a safe place.

I didn't understand until today what it would feel like doing these things.

They're wrong, Mom.

And I see it now.

Don't think about that any more.

You'll be safe now.

But I am thinking about it.

I should go to the police and tell them everything.

We'll talk about it when I get there.


You did well.

- Who are they? - Don't worry about it.

Take the second exit at Angeles Crest.

- He's going to ask me why I'm stopping.

- Let him ask.

- What do I tell him? - Don't tell him anything.

We'll meet you there.

- Erin.

We're making good progress.

- Tell me.

- We've taken 87 plants offline.

They're safe.

- What about the other 17? The t*rrorists blocked a shutdown.

- Everything we're trying is repelled.

- How do we get around it? Believe me, Erin, we're trying everything.

If there's a way, we'll find it.

I'll keep you posted.

- Sweetheart? - Mom.

- How are you feeling? - Not good.

I want Dr Arnowitz.

- You can't see him today.

- Why not? Because I can't leave, but I want you close by.

Then stay here with me.

I'll be back in a few minutes, I promise.

But you have to do something for me, OK? I need you to do something.

Maya, look at me.

You need to cooperate with the doctors.

- OK? - OK.


Come on.

I'll be back.

I promise.

Take these, please.

Your son underwent SDT for two and a half hours.

- What'd he say when you took him off it? - Nothing.

You tortured my son for almost three hours and ended up yielding nothing? You gave the order, sir.

- Give us a moment, please.

- Yes, sir.

I'm sorry this had to happen, but we had to make sure you weren't withholding anything.

I hate you.

I never want to see you again.

Please understand that I am responsible for the lives of millions of people.

You t*rture me and now you want me to forgive you? It just confirms everything I always knew about you.

Am I free to leave? Yes.

- Yeah, Paul? - Audrey, do you have a minute? Sure.

Your dad said something that I've been thinking about.

He said you were a big girl.

- I think I've been treating you like a child.

- I don't think that, Paul.

Whether it comes off that way or not, I need to respect your choices, respect who you are, and I've been so stupid about all of this.

I've lost sight of the things I love about you.

Look I hear what you're saying, but I I don't really know how to respond to that.

You don't have to.

I just want you to know that I've been wrong about a lot of things.

Before you make any big decisions, that you're entitled to make, let some time go by.

Is that fair? Is that fair of me to ask? Yeah, yeah, that's fair.

OK, well, I'll I'll see you later.

Yeah, see you later.

- How far out are we? - A few miles away, sir.


- Where are we gonna go? - Out of the city.

Why did Father want to k*ll me? I'm his son! Stop, Behrooz, you can't think about that now.

Get in, get in.

We k*lled two people today.

- I can't do this.

I'm freaking out.

- Sh.

Get on the train.

- What? - Your father's following us.

- What? - It was the only way I could save you.

Now! Dammit, Behrooz, get out! Go! Go! - Obey me! - Mom! Go! .


the secretary's rescue.

Mark Scortino is standing by.

Mark, what's going on down there? - Is it taken care of? - No.

There's a problem.

My wife and Behrooz have betrayed us.

- Where are they now? - I don't know.

But Dina's wounded.

She'll need medical attention.

So you come to me, asking me for help with this mess? I can't do it alone, Marwan.

I'm ashamed of myself.

Allow me to make this right.

- What would you need? - To monitor the local hospitals.

I'll also need drivers, as well as access to police frequencies.

- You think she'll go to the police? - No.


But they may pick her up if they find out she's been shot.

I told you.

I can't be distracted by this right now.

Give him what he needs.

Make sure Dina and the child are captured before they do us harm.

Thank you.

Thank you.

No matter what happens today, you will answer for this.

I understand.

- Has she seen the tapes? - No.

- I'll put the guest list together.

- How long will it take to create the database? Not long.

Once you identify him, we'll run it through.


- I'll let you know the second it's done.

- OK, Marcy.


We have a copy of the guest list from the dinner.

Once you make an ID, we'll send it through a database, find out who it is.

- OK.

- I'm carrying.

Yeah? - This is Marianne Taylor at CTU.

- What is it? Curtis says that as soon as Audrey recognizes someone from the video, he wants it sent to my system.

I'm on 60 Casper.

Why didn't he tell me himself? They're trying to shut down the remaining plants.

Everybody's on that.

Are they gonna be able to control them in time? - I don't know.

- OK, keep me informed.

- What is it? - We don't have a lot of time.

- She's doing better now she's sleeping.

- That's very good news.

- Did you give her Haldol? - Mm-hm.

Why? She's allergic to it.

It's in her file.

- The date is old, it's the wrong file.

- Maya! Maya! She's unconscious.

Mary, we have a code.

I need 25ccs of norepinephrine.

How could you have got the wrong file? Excuse me, please step back.

I need that syringe now.

- Doctor, 25ccs.

- Ms Driscoll, Secretary Heller - Let's go, Mary.

- Mary, make sure I get a crash cart What is it, Sarah? Sarah? - Secretary Heller needs you.

- For what? He's going online with the president and wants to know our progress on the reactors.

Tell him Edgar's still trying to get control of the kernel and we'll know more in 15 minutes.

If we do stop the meltdown, he wants to know if there'll be any system contamination.

No, there won't be any contamination.

It'll take 36 hours to reboot the reactors.

- Is there anything else? - No, that's all.

All right, go.

We had security cameras running on only two areas.

One covering the main ballroom, one at the entrance.


Put them both on.

Ballroom angle's too wide.

Let's just go with the entrance.

- What time is that? - 6:39.

That's too early.

I met him when I arrived, around 9, 9:15.

All right.

Wait, stop.

- Can you back this up a few frames? - Sure.

Wait, wait.



I think that's him.

- Can you enhance him right here? - Yeah.

That image won't process.

We need it clearer.

Let me see if I can get that for you.

Who's supposed to be at that desk? Oh, that's Mitchell.

Probably went out for another smoke.

That gate's open.

No one's there.

Do you copy? Craig? Rick? - How many ways into this area? - Two.

Put 'em up.

Rick! Get down! - You OK? - Yeah.


I'm gonna call for help, but I need to know where the tape is.

Where's the source? The main server.

How do I access it? - On the flash memory.

- OK.

Watch the security monitors.

Do you have Sticks? - Gary, do you have Sticks? - In my p-pocket.


Stay with me.

- He's gone.

- Jack, they're coming! - They're sealing us off.

- Should we call CTU? No.

CTU's been compromised.

That's the only way they'd know we were here.

We gotta get out of here.


Go, go! Go.

Come on.

Go, go.

- There's one in the pipe.

Safety's off.

- Jack.

You can do this.

We'll cover each other.

- I thought CTU had been compromised? - It has been.

Then who are you calling? The only person I can trust right now.

And if there are 17 nuclear power plants about to melt down, I need to update an evacuation strategy.

I agree.

I've laid the groundwork with the National Guard.

They will go into individual communities and effect evacuation upon your command.

A worst-case scenario gives us approximately three hours? That's correct, sir.

Erin, what are our chances of shutting down the remaining 17? At this time, I would say it's less than 50 per cent.

But we're trying something to improve those chances.

- When will you know more? - 15 minutes.

- Keep me updated.

- Yes, Mr.


Let's find out if Jack and Audrey have come up with anything.

Yes, sir.



I can have a room prepared for you to rest, if you'd like.

You've been under a great deal of strain.

No, I don't think I can rest.

But thanks anyway.

- Erin.

- Yes, sir? I understand your daughter's down in the clinic.

- Yes, but it won't interfere with my work.

- I'm sure it won't.

I was just wondering if everything was OK.

It's something we've lived with since she was six.

There are good days and bad days.

Today's a bad one.

I'm sorry.

We gotta go right.

OK, come on.

We're clear.


Move! I don't think there's anybody here.

We'll get through this, but you gotta listen to me.

I need to get that guy's w*apon, I need you to cover me.

Save your amm*nit*on.

Space out your sh*ts.

You ready? OK.

Dammit! - Audrey, get down! - I'm out! Stay down! - I'm empty.

I'm empty! - What? - Jack! - Tony! - You OK? - Yeah, we're all right! Move.

Move! - Edgar's on the final sequence.

- Is he in the kernel? Yes.

He can't make a mistake or it'll accelerate the meltdowns instead of stopping them.

Sarah, look up the op-code for the load A register conditional.

- FFO9.

- No, that's a jump A.

I need a load A.



- That's it.


I think I got it.

- What do you mean you "think"? - I'd like to go through it again.

- How long will that take? - Ten minutes? - We don't have time.

- Let me just check the headers.

- Now, Edgar.

I did the best I could, sir.

I hope it works.

So do I.

There's no response.

Come on.

There they go.

- Congratulations, Edgar.

- Thank you, sir.

- No, don't tell me that.

- Edgar, what's going on? Why are some of the reactors still not shutting down? Edgar, talk to me.

Six of the reactors are immune to the k*ll sequence.

- The override's taken over their system.

- Those six are going to melt down? The shutdown codes have been completely corrupted.

Contact Bauer.

Either he finds the people responsible for planting the override, or we're looking at a nuclear holocaust.
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