01x04 - Daniel Gets Mad / Katerina Gets Mad

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood". Aired: September 3, 2012 – present.*
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Inspired by `Mister Rogers Neighbourhood', `Daniel Tiger's Neighbourhood' features 4-year-old Daniel Tiger who invites a new generation into the Neighbourhood of Make-Believe.
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01x04 - Daniel Gets Mad / Katerina Gets Mad

Post by bunniefuu »

- Hi, neighbour! Today
Prince Wednesday is coming over

to play at the beach!
And then we're going

to Music Man Stan's Music Shop
to play with the instruments!

Will you come play too?

I'll be right back!

♪ It's a beautiful day
in the neighbourhood ♪

♪ A beautiful day
for a neighbour ♪

♪ Would you be mine?
♪ Could you be mine?

♪ Won't you be my neighbour?

- ♪ It's Daniel Tiger's

♪ A land of make-believe

♪ Won't you ride
along with me? ♪

- ♪ Ride along

- ♪ It's Daniel Tiger's

♪ So much to do,
so much to see ♪

♪ Won't you ride
along with me? ♪

- ♪ Ride along

- ♪ I've got lots of friends
for you to meet ♪

♪ In this land of make-believe

♪ A friendly face
on every street

♪ Just waiting to greet you
♪ It's a beautiful day
in the neighbourhood ♪

♪ A beautiful day
for a neighbour ♪

♪ In Daniel Tiger's

- Hi, neighbour! Come on in!

I can't wait to go play
at Jungle Beach today!

And... Prince Wednesday's here!

- Hello, hello, hello.
It's me, Prince Wednesday.

I have my royal pail,
and I have my royal shovel,

and I'm ready for the beach.

[both laughing]
- Beach day, beach day!

Swimmy-swim-swim. Hey,
want to pretend to swim with me?

Come on!

Swim, swim, swim!

I can't wait to go
to the beach!

- Swimming, swimming, swimming!
- Swimmy, swim, swim, swim.

- Swim, swim, swim.
- Hey, I have an idea.

Let's make-believe...

we are swimming with the fish
in the deep blue sea.

♪ Swimming, swimming,
swimming in the deep blue sea ♪

♪ Just you, the fishies, and me
swimming in the deep blue sea ♪

♪ Hi, fishies
- ♪ Hi, Daniel. Come with us

- ♪ OK
- ♪ Swimming, swimming

- ♪ Swimming
in the deep blue sea ♪

- ♪ There's lots for us to see

- ♪ When we're swimming
in the deep blue seaaaaaaa ♪

- Wasn't that grr-ific?

- Daniel, Daniel, Daniel!
When we get to the beach,

I'm going to build
a great big sandcastle!

- Me too. I can't wait
to go outside and play!

[They gasp.]

- Oh, no.
- It's raining!

- Ready to go outside?
Oh, wow. Look, it's raining.

We can't go outside
if it's raining.

- Why not?
- Well, because this much rain
will make you soaked and cold.

- And the sand is
all soggy.

- I can't go outside
to play on the beach?

That makes me soooo...
mad! Roar!

- I'm mad too!
Royal grrhmpf!

- Me too. Grr!
It's OK to be mad...

- Roar! What can we do now?
I'm too mad!

- Well, first we need to stay
calm so we can figure out
what to do.

♪ When you feel so mad
that you want to roar ♪

♪ Take a deep breath
[She inhales.]

♪ And count to four

One, two, three, four.

Now you.

- Will you do it with me?


- ♪ When you feel so mad
that you want to roar ♪

♪ Take a deep breath
[They inhale.]

♪ And count to four

One, two, three, four.

- How do you feel?
- Better. I do feel calmer.

But I'm still mad.

- But now that you're calm,
you can think of what to do.

- What should we do?

- Yeah, I royally wonder
what we can do.

Let's put our heads together
to think.

So, Daniel, what do you think
we should do?

- Well, we want to play
at the beach

but we can't go outside,
so... what if we make a beach...

- [both]: Inside!
- Inside Beach Day! Good idea.

- Will you help us
make a beach inside?

You will? Great!

Let's think
about what we need.

- We have sand pails
and... shovels!

- Terrific! Now, we need a sun
for our inside beach.

Let's go to my room.
- Good idea.

- Do you see anything
that looks like a sun?

Let me know
when you see a sun.


- Over here!
- Oh-ho-ho.

Look, the sun I made at school.
I made it out of a paper plate.

- And yellow, yellow,
yellow paint.

- We have our sun.
What else do we need
for our inside beach?

- Think, think, think.
Uh, maybe some shells?

- OK! Let me know
when you see shells.

- Shells!

It will look
sooo beach-y.

- What else do we need
for our inside beach?

- Sand!

- Come on!
Let's use some sand

from right outside.
There's a dry sand spot

underneath the porch.

- ♪ We're setting up
an inside beach, yeah! ♪

♪ We're setting up
our inside beach, yeah! ♪

- Let's set up the inside beach.
Let's put the sun here.

- And the shells will go here,
and here, and here.

- Look. I will put
two beach chairs facing
our pretend deep blue sea.

- And our sand pails and shovels
go rrright here.

- ♪ We're setting up
an inside beach, yeah! ♪

- Let's add the sand to our...
inside beach!

- ♪ We're setting up
an inside beach ♪

- ♪ Yeah!
- ♪ An inside beach

- My word! What are you doing
with those buckets of sand

inside the house?
- Boy, Mom,

your cheeks are red.
And your face looks funny.

Are you mad?
- I am mad.

Sand is for outside!
Oh, I must calm down.

♪ When you feel so mad
that you want to roar ♪

♪ Take a deep breath
[She inhales.]

♪ And count to four

One, two, three, four.

OK, I feel calmer now.

- Good job, Mom.
- Thank you, Daniel.

Now, why is there sand
inside the house?

- Because we wanted
to make an inside beach.

- Oh, right, OK.

But real sand is not
for a pretend inside beach.

See the house? Real sand makes
such a big mess on the floor.

- But how can we make
an inside beach without sand?

That makes me
so angry. Grr!

- Daniel,
remember the song?

♪ When you feel so mad
- ♪ That you want to roar

- [both]: ♪ Take a deep breath
[Both inhale.]

♪ And count to four

- You count too.

- [both]: One, two, three, four.

- OK, I'm calmer now.

- Nice job, Daniel
and Prince Wednesday.

- Thank you. We want to make
an inside beach with sand.

- Yeah, with sand.

- An inside beach is
a good idea,

but what else can we use
for sand?

- I know. Let's think.

You know what, Daniel?
We made a sun

out of paper plates
and yellow paint in school.

- Yeah?
- So, do you think

we could make sand
out of something else?

- Good idea. And please put
the pails of sand back outside.

- OK.
[Mom humming]

- And-and-and sweep up
the sand too please.

- OK. Help me scoop up the sand,
will ya?

Scoop, scoop, scoop, scoop!

- Scoop! Scoop,
scoop, scoop! Scoop!

- So, what could we use
that looks like sand?

Is there anything that is
the color of sand?

- Maybe... these blankets could
be sand and water!

[Daniel gasps.]
- Blankets for sand and water?

Good idea! Let's try it!


- And I could put the shells
on top of the blanket--

Oh, I mean sand.
- Ha! Ha! Ha! Great!

And the pails and shovels go
on top of the sand too.

- That's awesome!

- Inside beach with blankets
for sand and water.

- Royally great!

- Let's play
at our inside beach.

Swimmy, swim, swim.
- Scoop, scoop, scoooooop.

- Swim, swim, swimmmm!

- ♪ What do you do
with the mad that you feel ♪

♪ When you feel so mad
you could... ♪
- Roar!

- ♪ When the whole wide world
seems oh so wrong ♪

♪ And nothing you do
seems very right ♪

♪ What do you do?
Do you hit a drum? ♪

♪ Do you cross your arms
and pout? ♪
- Grr!

- ♪ Do you round up friends
for a game of tag ♪

♪ And see how fast you can go?

♪ You can stop when you want to,
stop when you wish ♪

- ♪ You can stop, stop, stop
any time ♪

♪ And what a feeling,
to feel like this ♪

♪ And know that the feeling is
really mine ♪

- ♪ Remember there's something
special inside ♪

♪ That helps us with being
so mad ♪

♪ You can take control
when things go wrong ♪

♪ Just by remembering
this song ♪

- I love
this inside beach!

Clever idea to use blankets
for sand and water.

How about a beach ball?

- But toss it gently, 'cause
this is not a real beach.

- Good idea.

Ugga mugga,
Daniel Tiger. Toss!

- Toss!
- Toss!

- Thanks for helping me
when I got mad today.

What makes you mad?

Next time you get mad,
take a deep breath
and count to four.

Ugga mugga!

♪ When you feel so mad
that you want to roar ♪

♪ Take a deep breath
[Daniel inhales.]

♪ And count to four

- [Katerina]: ♪ I wanted to play
with the triangle ♪

♪ But someone picked it first,
and that made me mad ♪

♪ Really, really mad

♪ When you feel so mad
that you want to roar ♪

♪ Take a deep breath
[Katerina inhales.]

♪ And count to four

♪ One, two, three, four

- ♪ We can take turns
playing the triangle instead ♪

- [Daniel]: ♪ The house we built
got knocked down ♪

♪ And it made us mad, grr mad,
really mad, mad, mad, mad! ♪

♪ When you feel so mad
that you want to roar ♪

♪ Take a deep breath
[Daniel inhales.]

♪ And count to four

♪ One, two, three, four

♪ I can build
an even better house instead! ♪

- [kids]: ♪ When you feel so mad
that you want to roar ♪

♪ Take a deep breath
[Daniel inhales.]

♪ And count to four!

- Hi, neighbour!

We're going to visit Music Man
Stan's music shop today

to play with his new

Instruments like... drums.

Do you like to play drums?

Me too. Boom! Boom! Boom!
[Dad laughing]

- You ready to go play music
with all your friends?

- Grr-yes! Boom! Boom! Boom!
Boom! Boom-ba-da-boom-boom!

- Yeah! Nice beat, Daniel.

Ready to go?
- Mm-hmm.

Hi, Trolley.
[Trolley dings.]

Will you please take us
to Music Man Stan's Music shop?

[Trolley dings.]
[Trolley chugging]

- Hey, Daniel, Trolley has
a nice beat too. Listen.

- ♪ We're going to the Music
Shop to play some instruments ♪

♪ Won't you ride
along with me? ♪
- ♪ Ride along

- ♪ Won't you ride
along with me? ♪

- Here we are.

Thanks, Trolley.
[Trolley dings.]

I'm so excited!
- Ah, me too.

- Whoa. There are so many
musical instruments.

Boom! Boom! Boom!



Ha! Ha!

Hey, I have an idea.

Let's make-believe

that the instruments can play
just for us.

- ♪ Welcome to the music shop

- ♪ We're the drums
and we drum drum drum ♪

- ♪ Hoo, ha!

- ♪ I'm a jazzy trumpet,
look out, here I come ♪

- ♪ I'm a guitar
and I strum strum strum ♪

- ♪ I'm the piano,
ba-did-a-li-de-dum ♪

- ♪ We love to play music

♪ So come along
and play with us, yeah! ♪

- ♪ Yeah!

Eh-heh... Oops.
[Daniel chuckling]

- Wasn't that grr-ific?

- Hey, hey, Tigers.
- Hey.

- Grr!
- High fives!

Welcome to my daddy's
music shop!

- Well, thank you,
Miss Elaina.

- Hi, Daniel. We sure are glad
you came to New Instrument Day.

- My neighbours came too.
- Hey there.

- [O]: Awesome!
- Hi, kids.

- Hoo-hoo!
- Look! My friends came too!

Hi, friends.
- Hi.

- Meow.
- Hello!

- Welcome
to my daddy's shop.

- I'll be back to pick you up,
OK, my fuzzy little tiger?

- OK. Ugga mugga, Dad.
- Ugga mugga.

- OK, here's the plan. First...

♪ Look at all the instruments
and see which one you like ♪

- Cool!
- Rock on!

- I want to play the triangle,
meow, meow.

It's so pretty.
- It's really nice.

- ♪ Now everybody get in line
and we'll pick an instrument
one at a time ♪

- Meow, meow. I'm ready
to pick my instrument now.

- Hey, I was first.

- Katerina, you were first
last time.

Now it's Prince Wednesday's turn
to be first, huh?

- But I want to be first today,
meow. Meow, meow.

I... am... so... mad!

Meow, meow!
[She clears her throat.]

- Katerina, good job
using your words.

You are mad.
You wanted to be first.

- I AM mad! Meow, meow!

- I know you're mad,

but you need to be calm
to solve your problem.

- I'm too mad to be calm!

- Let's try this:

♪ When you feel so mad
that you want to roar ♪

♪ Take a deep breath
[He inhales.]

♪ And count to four

One, two, three, four.

- ♪ When you feel so mad
that you want to roar ♪

♪ Take a deep breath
[She inhales.]

♪ And count to four

One, two, three, four.

- How do you feel now?
- Better, meow, meow.

- You look calmer.

And you got calm
in your own special way--

you danced your mad out.

- Meow meow.
I danced my mad out,

and now I feel calm.
Meow meow.

So... can I be first,
meow meow?

- No. Sorry.

Prince Wednesday is
still first.

But now that you're calm,
talk to him about it.

- OK.

Prince Wednesday,
sorry I yelled.

I can wait
for my turn now. Meow.

- Thank you, Katerina.

- I still hope
I get the triangle.

- OK, Prince Wednesday...

♪ What instrument do you want
to play? ♪

- I want to play...

the trumpet.

- Baba-lee-boppa-lumpet...

- [all except Wednesday]: Prince
Wednesday picked the trumpet.

- ♪ How will he play?
Loud or soft? ♪

- Is he playing loud,
or soft?

[loud trumpeting]

- [all except Wednesday]: Loud!

- Oh, I really want
the triangle.

[Triangle dings.]
- Your turn, Daniel.

♪ Skeedle-dee-diano

- [all but Daniel]: Daniel
picked the piano!

- ♪ How will he play?
Loud or soft? ♪

[soft piano playing]

- Soft.
- Soft.

[Triangle dings.]
- Meow, meow. Oh, please
let me get the triangle.

- My turn, my turn!

- ♪ Doodle-dee-dum

♪ O is on the drum

♪ How will he play?
Loud or soft? ♪

[soft drumming]

- Soft.
- Ahem! Hoo about now?

[loud drumming]

- And that was quite... loud.

[kids laughing]

- OK, Daddy, it's my turn now,
and I pick the...

[Triangle dings.]

- No! The Triangle? No!

Miss Elaina, I want
the triangle, meow, meow!

- But, um... I'm next
and I picked the triangle.

- ME-OW!
- Hmm.

It seems like there's a problem.
Let's talk to Katerina.

- Katerina, are you OK?

- I feel... mad!

Meow, want to play the triangle,
but Miss Elaina has it!

Meow, meow, mad!

- Katerina, I can see you're
feeling mad, but remember:

♪ When you feel so mad
that you want to roar ♪

- Meow, roar!

- ♪ Take a deep breath
[He inhales.]

♪ And count to four

- One, two, three, four.

OK. I feel calm.

Now I can talk
to Miss Elaina.

Can I please have the triangle,
meow, meow?

- No. I really want to play it.
- What?

- I really, really want
to play it.

- Oh. Hmm. Meow, meow.

- But... I guess you can have it
when I'm done.

- When you're done?
Meow, meow, OK!

- Heyyy, taking turns
with the triangle?

That's music to my ears.

♪ Great job working it out

- Yeah!
- Meow!

[loud triangle playing]

- Ta-da!

- [others]: Loud!

- Here, Katerina.
I'm done with the triangle now.

Your turn.
- Meow! Thanks, Miss Elaina!

- Don't mention it, toots,
'cause I want to... dance!

- Let's play some...music!

- [kids]: Yeah!
- I'm excited!

- You can play too.
Clap. Like this.

♪ When you feel so mad
that you want to roar ♪

♪ Take a deep breath
[She inhales.]

♪ And count to four

- ♪ I wanted to play
with the triangle ♪

♪ But someone picked it first,
and that made me mad ♪

♪ Really, really mad

♪ When you feel so mad
that you want to roar ♪

♪ Take a deep breath
[She inhales.]

♪ And count to four!

♪ One, two, three, four

♪ We can take turns
playing the triangle instead ♪

- ♪ The house we built got
knocked down ♪

♪ And it made us mad, grr-mad,
really mad, mad, mad, mad ♪

♪ When you feel so mad
that you want to roar ♪

♪ Take a deep breath
[He inhales.]

♪ And count to four

♪ One, two, three, four

♪ I can build
an even better house instead! ♪

- ♪ When you feel so mad
that you want to roar ♪

♪ Take a deep breath

- ♪ And count to four!
- Meow!

- Yeah!
- Hoo-hoo!

- Playing music today was
so much fun!

What instrument did you like
the best?

I liked all of them. Ha! Ha!

Ugga mugga!

- ♪ It's such a good feeling
to play with family
and friends ♪

♪ It's such a happy feeling
when they lend you a hand ♪

♪ You wake up ready to say
- Hi!

- ♪ "I think I'll make
a snappy new day" ♪

♪ It's such a good feeling

♪ A very good feeling,
a feeling you know ♪

- ♪ That I'll be back

♪ When the day is new

♪ And I'll have more ideas
for you ♪

♪ And you'll have things
you'll want to talk about ♪

♪ I will too

Because it's you I like.

- Hi, my name is Ivy.

- My name is Lilly.

- My name is Marco.
- My name is Micky.

- Today we're going to learn
about music.

- These are timpani drums, and
these make very angry sounds.

- This is a trumpet,
and it sounds like this.

- This is a violin,
and it sounds like this.

- This is a guitar,
and this is how it sounds.
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