03x02 - Clean Up Time / Neighborhood Cleanup

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood". Aired: September 3, 2012 – present.*
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Inspired by `Mister Rogers Neighbourhood', `Daniel Tiger's Neighbourhood' features 4-year-old Daniel Tiger who invites a new generation into the Neighbourhood of Make-Believe.
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03x02 - Clean Up Time / Neighborhood Cleanup

Post by bunniefuu »

Hi, neighbor!
We're playing farm today.


And then, we're going to help
clean up the playground!

I love playing with you.
And I'll be right back.

♪♪ It's a beautiful day
in the neighborhood ♪

♪ A beautiful day
for a neighbor ♪

♪ Would you be mine?
Could you be mine? ♪

♪ Won't you be my neighbor? ♪

- ♪ It's Daniel Tiger's
Neighborhood ♪

♪ A Land of Make-Believe ♪

♪ Won't you ride
along with me? ♪

- ♪ Ride along ♪

- ♪ It's Daniel Tiger's
Neighborhood ♪

♪ So much to do,
so much to see ♪

♪ Won't you ride
along with me? ♪

- ♪ Ride along ♪

- ♪ I've got lots of friends
for you to meet ♪

♪ In this Land of Make-Believe ♪

♪ A friendly face
on every street ♪

♪ Just waiting to greet you ♪
♪ It's a beautiful day
in the neighborhood ♪

♪ A beautiful day
for a neighbor ♪

♪ In Daniel Tiger's
Neighborhood ♪♪

- Neigh! Neigh! Giddy-up!

Hi, neighbor! I'm playing farm!

This is my horse. Neigh!

And this is my cow. Moooooo!

Say it with me. Moooooo!

Come and play!

Ba-da-boom, ba-da-boom.
O the Owl is playing too, see?

- Neigh!
- Neigh!

Farmer Daniel is back.
And look who came too.

- Hi, neighbor!
Hi, Farmer Daniel!

- That's me!
Farmer Daniel

with my farmer hat,
farmer scarf,

and farmer... watch!

- Uh, farmer watch?
But, Daniel,

you always wear
that watch.

- I know. It's not really
a farmer watch.

It's my special watch
from my dad.

I'm pretending!
- OK.

- Bawk, bawk!
Hello, Farmer O! Bawk, bawk!

- Hello, Farmer Daniel.
Oink, oink!

- Howdy!
- Hey, Daniel,

I really like
your farmer's hat!

- Thanks.
- I wish I had one too.

- I think I have another one
somewhere around here.

Hmm, where is that hat?

- Uh...
- Not over here.

- Uh...
- Haaaat, where are you?

- It's getting a little messy,
hoo-hoo. Hoo.

- Aha! I found it!

Just a little smushed.

There. Here you go.
Your hat!

- Wow! Just call me
Farmer O!

- OK, Farmer O.
You be a farmer too.

♪ O and Daniel had a farm,
ee-i-ee-i-o ♪

- ♪ And on his farm
he had a... pig! ♪

- ♪ Ee-i-ee-i-o ♪

- ♪ With an oink oink here
and an oink oink there ♪

- ♪ Here an oink,
there an oink ♪

- ♪ Everywhere an oink oink ♪

♪ O and Daniel had a farm,
ee-i-ee-i-o ♪♪

- Good one, O!

Oink, oink, oink, oink!

Uh-oh, Farmer O. Look.

Pig is running away!
- And cow is running away too!

- Let's make a fence so
the pig and cow won't get away.

- Good idea, Farmer Daniel!

Hoo! Hurry, hurry!
Before they get away!


- The fence is done!
Phew! That was close.

(O snorting)
(O gasps.)

- Piggie jumped over the fence!
- Oh, no, little piggie.

Back over the fence.
- OK. Weeee!

- There you go! Phew.
All the animals are safe
and sound back over the fence.

I wish I was a real farmer
with real farm animals.

Hey, do you want to make believe
with me?

Let's make believe
that we are really on a farm!

♪♪ Ee-i-ee-i-o-o, ee-i-ee-i-o ♪

- ♪ Daniel Farmer loves
to sing ♪

- ♪ Ee-i-ee-i-o ♪

- ♪ And on his farm he had
a horse who loved to say ♪

- ♪ Neigh, neigh! ♪

- ♪ Ee-i-ee-i-o-o, ee-i-ee-i-o ♪

- ♪ One day his sheep ran away ♪
- ♪ I rode my horse and saved
the day ♪

- ♪ Ee-i-ee-i-o-o, ee-i-ee-i-o ♪

- ♪ They all went back home
where they'd be safe ♪

♪ With all their friends
at their favorite place ♪

- ♪ Ee-i-ee-i-o-o-o ♪♪

- Wasn't that grr-ific?

- Howdy, farmers!
- Howdy, Mom!

- Hoo-hoody!

- What are you boys doing?
- We're playing farm animals!

- Oh, we have to feed
the animals!

Hungry, oink, oink!

- OK, let's go play in my room.
I have toy food in there
that we can use!

- Nifty-galifty!
- Good idea, Daniel.

Whoa, farmers! Before you go,
be sure you clean up!

♪ Clean up, pick up, put away,
clean up every day ♪

- But it's such
a big mess!

- Well, if you clean up

you'll be done
in no time at all!

- (Daniel and O): OK.
♪ Clean up, pick up, put away ♪

♪ Clean up every day ♪

- All clean!
Come on, Farmer O.

Let's ride our horses
to my room!
- Yessiree!

- Neigh! Let's ride!
- Giddy-up!
- Giddy-up!

- ♪ O and Daniel had a farm ♪

♪ Ee-i-ee-i-ooooooo! ♪
(O laughing)

- Quick! Let's look
for food.

These animals are

- Moooooo,
sooo hungry.

- Where is my animal food?

There's got to be some food
in here somewhere.

Oh, food! Where are you?

- Hoo-hoo. Your toys are getting
everywhere, Daniel.

- Oh, yeah.

But look! I found lots and lots
of food for the animals!

- Nifty-galifty!
That IS a lot of food.

- Let's feed piggie first,

so he doesn't try
to run away again!

O, what do pigs eat?

- Want to know what animals eat?
There's a book for that! See?

The pig eats corn.

The horse eats carrots.

And the cow eats grass.

- Tiger-tastic!

OK, time to feed piggie!

Help me find food
for the pig?

Hmm, what does the pig eat
again? Oh, yeah. Corn.

Where's the corn?

There it is!
Here you go.

Oink, oink!
OK, horse is hungry!

What do horsies eat again?

Oh, yeah! Carrots!

Where's the carrot?

Oh, there it is.

Mm-mm! Yummy carrot!

- What do cows eat again?
Oh, yeah, grass.

- Hmm. I don't have any grass.
I'll pretend.

Nom, nom, nom!

Now everyone eat
their yummy, yummy snack!

Munch, munch, munch!
- How are my farmers doing?

- We are feeding
our animals, Mom!

- Oh, good. Well, how about
a snack for YOU then?

Farmers have to eat too,
you know!

- (O and Daniel): OK!

- Daniel,
where's your watch?

- Where IS my watch?

I always wear it right here!
It's gone!

I have to find my watch.

It is so, so, so special to me.
I'm so sad.

- Ohhh.
- Where could it be?

- Well, here's what I think.

I think your watch is here
somewhere in your room,

but it's so messy.

- It IS pretty messy in here.

- Yeah, it is.

I don't see it anywhere!

So what should we do?

- Well, we should clean up
this messy mess

so we can find it.

- ♪ Clean up, pick up, put away,
clean up every day ♪

If we work together, it will be
easier to find your watch.

- You'll help me look
for my watch?

- ♪ Clean up, pick up, put away,
clean up every day ♪

- Cleaning up is
actually kind of fun!

You can help
by looking for my watch

while we clean up. OK?

Our farm is
getting cleaner!

- ♪ Clean up, pick up, put away,
clean up every day ♪

- Do you see my watch yet?
I don't.

Let's keep cleaning!
- Hoo-hoo!

- ♪ Clean up, pick up, put away,
clean up every day ♪

- That's right.
- Look! Here it is!

- You found your watch! Hoo-hoo!
- There!

- We did it.
- Hoo-hooray!

- I found my watch!
With everything so clean,

it was easier to see
where my watch was.

♪ Clean up, pick up, put away,
clean up every day ♪

- ♪♪ Clean up ♪
- ♪ Pick up ♪

- ♪ Put away ♪
- ♪ Clean up every day ♪

- ♪ Uh, oh, oh,
this bedroom is a mess ♪

♪ Now let's clean it up ♪
- ♪ Clean up! ♪

- ♪ Clean up ♪
- ♪ Pick up ♪
- ♪ Put away ♪

- ♪ Clean up every day ♪

- ♪ Clean up ♪
- ♪ Pick up ♪
- ♪ Put away ♪

- ♪ Clean up every day ♪

- ♪ Pick up your toys
off the floor ♪

♪ And put 'em
in your special drawer ♪

- ♪ Pick up! ♪
- ♪ Clean up ♪

- ♪ Pick up ♪
- ♪ Put away ♪
- ♪ Clean up every day ♪

- ♪ Clean up ♪
- ♪ Pick up ♪
- ♪ Put away ♪

- ♪ Clean up every day ♪
- ♪ Where does this go? ♪

♪ Let's take a look ♪
- ♪ There! ♪

- ♪ And put away
our favorite book ♪
- ♪ Put away! ♪

- ♪ Clean up ♪
- ♪ Pick up ♪
- ♪ Put away ♪

- ♪ Clean up every day ♪
- ♪ Clean up ♪
- ♪ Pick up ♪

- ♪ Put away ♪
- ♪ Clean up every day ♪♪

- All right!

Shall we go have
our farmer snack now?

O's Uncle X will be here soon
to pick him up.

- All right!
- OK. Hoo-hoo!

- What do you think farmers eat
for snack?

- Hoo, I don't know.

- Mm-mm! I bet farmers would
like this snack.

- Oh, yes, it's yummy.
I like crackers.
(Daniel laughs.)

I like playing
farm animals with you.

- Me too. And thanks
for helping me clean up.

- Hoo-hoo! Ready to go home?

- Hi, Uncle X!
Bye, Farmer Daniel.

Thanks for having me over.

- Bye, Farmer O!

It was fun playing farm with O.

The table is kind of messy, Mom.
But I know what to do.

- ♪ Clean up, pick up, put away,
clean up every day ♪

- Have you ever made a mess?

Did you clean up?
It's a good idea to clean up,

and it can be fun too!
Let's play again soon!

Ugga-mugga! Oink, oink!
Ha! Ha! Ha!

- (Teacher Harriet): Hello,
neighbor. Today,

our friend Nate is visiting
a farm.

Let's go see the sheep.

Sheep have thick white hair
on them

called wool. People use wool

to make sweaters and blankets

to keep us warm.

- ♪ Ee-i-ee-i-o ♪

(Harriet laughs.)

- Cows are fun animals.
Just like people,

cows get thirsty too.

- ♪ Ee-i-ee-i-o ♪

♪ Ee-i-ee-i-o ♪
- Those are some big pigs.

They look sleepy, don't they?

- ♪ Ee-i-ee-i-o-o ♪

♪ Ee-i-ee-i-o ♪

- Now, Nate's going
to visit the ducks.

I just love ducks!

- ♪ Ee-i-ee-i-o-o, ee-i-ee-i-o ♪

♪ Ee-i-ee-i-o-o, ee-i-ee-i-o ♪

- Oh, look at the chickens!

They're pecking the ground
looking for food to eat.

Thanks for taking us
to the farm, Nate.

- Hi, neighbor!

Katerina and I are going
to the playground

for a picnic today!
Want to come?

- We can twirl,

- Twirling is fun,

- Hi, kids!

- Hi, neighbor! Are you all
ready to go the playground
- Yeah!

- Yes!
- Smile!
- Oh! Cheese!

(camera click)
- (Dad): Great shot!

- Hi, Trolley!
- Meow-meow!

- Trolley, please take us
to the playground.

- For our picnic, meow-meow!
(Trolley dings.)

- ♪ We're going
to the playground
to have a picnic ♪

♪ Won't you ride along
with me? ♪

- ♪ Ride along! ♪

- ♪ Won't you ride along
with me? ♪

- Ooh-ee, it's still windy
out here!

- Mm-hmm.
- I guess it's still

a little windy
from our windstorm last night.
- Yes, that was quite a storm!

- But now it looks
like the leaves are dancing!

- They're twirling,

- And we're here.
- Meow-meow!

- Bye, Trolley!
- Thanks, Trolley!

- Race ya to the swings!

- OK, meow-meow!


(Both gasp.)

- Meow, no!
- Oh, no!

What happened to our playground?
- It's a mess, meow-meow.

- Oh, dear me. There are leaves,

and sticks, and trash
all over the place.

- That windstorm caused
quite a mess.

- If the playground is
messy, we can't play on it!

(Katerina and Daniel sigh.)

- Meow-meow! Look!

It's King Friday!
- Royal greetings.

Royal greetings.
- Hi there.

- Hello, King Friday.
- Hello, Tiger family.

- Hi, friends!
- Hello!
- Hiya, toots!

- Ahem. Neighbors,
as you can see,

a giant wind storm has made
a mess of our beautiful

Prince Wednesday.

It has blown trash
and leaves everywhere!

- It's such a mess,
no one can play on it.

- We can't play
on the swings.

- We can't play
on the jungle gym.

- And when something is
a mess, we...

- ♪ Clean up, pick up, put away,
clean up every day ♪

- That's right!
And so, I hereby declare:

today is Cleanup Day!
Let's get cleaning!

- I'll help with the cleanup.
- Grr-ific!

- Nifty-galifty idea!
- I'm a good cleaner-upper!

- We can clean up together!
- Ahem!

We all need to work together
to make our playground
beautiful again.

Doesn't that sound like fun?
- Yes!

- Good idea!
- (Elaina): Yeah!
- Ha! Ha! Ha!

- ♪ Clean up, pick up, put away,
clean up every day ♪

- I have trash bags and gloves
for all of us,

so we can stay clean
while we clean up!

Everyone come and get
your cleanup kits!

- Cleanup kits!
- Here you go.

One for all of you.
- Thank you!

- Meow!
- Thanks!
- Thank you!

- Hee! Hee! Hee!
- Look! I have a cleanup kit.

We have to clean our playground,
and then we can play.

- ♪ Clean up, pick up, put away,
clean up every day ♪

- Meow, meow, meow-meow-meow.

- Katerina, we have to clean up
before we play.

- I don't want to clean.
I want to twirl!

- Hmm. I want to clean up
some more.

Come on, cleaner-uppers!

♪ Clean up, pick up, put away,
clean up every day ♪

Sing it with me!

♪ Clean up, pick up, put away,
clean up every day ♪

- Wait a just a minute there,

- What is it, Mr. Owl?

- I want to show you something

Bring that plastic bottle
over here so I can recycle it.

- Recycle? Hmm, what does
recycle mean?

- Hoo-hoo.
- Well, now,

recycling is when
you turn something old
into something new! Hoo-hoo!

- Hoo-hoo! Want to know more
about recycling? There's a book

for that! My book says

we can recycle plastic,
like plastic bottles.


And paper, like newspaper.

- Yes! Recycle!
- Hoo-hoo! OK!

- Did you know that recycling is
turning something old
into omething new?

Wouldn't it be funny
if the recycling bins were real

and could help us recycle?

Ha! Ha! Hey, do you want
to make believe with me?

Let's make believe

that the recycling bins help us

- ♪♪ Recycling is something
you can do ♪

♪ It makes old things
something new ♪

- ♪ Recycle a bottle
in my bin! ♪

- ♪ Recycle a can in me! ♪

- ♪ Recycle that paper in me,
the recycle bin! ♪

- ♪ Recycle, let's begin! ♪

- ♪ When you recycle,
we all win! ♪

- ♪ Recycling is something
you can do ♪

♪ It turns old things
into something new ♪

♪ Glass and cans and paper too ♪

♪ It makes old things
something new ♪♪

- Wasn't that grr-ific!

Let's clean up some more!

- Meow, meow-meow, meow-meow.

Meow, meow-meow!
La, la, meow-meow. Twirl!

Twirl! Meow! Meow!

- Are you OK?

- Yes. This is a messy mess.

I need to help clean up
before we play!

- Grr-ific!

- I'm sorry I didn't help
before, meow-meow.

- Here's a cleanup kit for you.

- ♪ Clean up, pick up, put away,
clean up every day ♪

♪ Clean up, pick up, put away,
clean up every day ♪

- I like being a cleaner-upper.
Meow-meow, twirl!

- I'll help you clean up,


- ♪ Clean up, pick up, put away,
clean up every day ♪

- O, nice job

- Litter, recycling,
litter, recycling.

Everything is in its place.

- Look at all the cleaning
we did!

- Meow-meow, we picked up
SO much trash!
- Wow.

You've all have done
a lot of work cleaning up!

- We are super
cleaner-uppers! Grr!

- Cleaning up
makes me huuuuungry!

- How about a Cleanup Day snack?
- Yes, please!

- Hoo-hoo!
- Good idea!
- OK, meow-meow!


- Yummy, yummy, in my tummy!

- (kids): One, two,
three, weeee!

- Look at all the snacks
in the picnic basket!

Here you go!
- Hoo-hoo, I will
have an apple, please.

- Strawberries!
- Meow-meow. Grapes,
crackers, and cheese!

- Upside down banana!
This is how monkeys eat bananas,

you know. Ooh, ooh, ah, ah!

- Deeeelicious!

- Meow-meow, mmm.
- Royally good.

- Meow-meow, done!

- Hoo-hoo, all done!

- Let's play!
- Meow-meow!
- Hoo-hoo!

- Yeah!
- Hold on a second, kids.

- Oh.
- We left a messy mess!

- We didn't mean to.
- We know you didn't,

but you've got to remember to be
cleaner-uppers all the time.

That's how our neighborhood will
stay clean.
- OK.

- I'm a royally
good cleaner-upper!

- Me too, hoo-hoo.
- I'll always clean up!

- ♪ Clean up, pick up, put away,
clean up every day ♪

- I like this recycling thing,

- Looking good!
- Oh, here I come!

- Hoo-hoo.
- Hello, neighbors!

You have done a wonderful job
cleaning up our playground!

- (Elaina): Hooray!
- (Wednesday): That's awesome!

- Wonderful, wonderful!

Now... race you to the swings!
- Yay!

- Twirl! Meow-meow. Meow-meow!

- ♪ Clean up, pick up, put away,
clean up every day ♪

- ♪♪ Cleaning up, cleaning up is
a gift we give to each other
each day ♪

- ♪ Because everywhere
we want to be ♪

- ♪ We like it most
when it's clean ♪

- ♪ Music Man Stan is painting
that fence white again ♪

- ♪ Baker Aker cleans
the bakery, scrubbing it clean ♪

- ♪ Clean up, pick up, put away,
clean up every day ♪

♪ Clean up, pick up,
put away, yeah! ♪


- ♪ Mr. McFeely polishes
his bike, you see ♪

♪ So it shines
on his deliveries ♪

- ♪ Teacher Harriet rakes leaves
to keep the school yard clean ♪

- ♪ Clean up, pick up, put away,
clean up every day ♪

- ♪ Clean up, pick up,
put away, yeah! ♪♪


- Wah-ohhh!
- OK, everyone,

let's get together
for a picture!

- Yeah!
- Say, "Clean up!"
- (all): Clean up!


- I'm glad you were here
to help us clean up.

What do you do to help clean up?


- ♪♪ It's such a good feeling
to play with family
and friends ♪

♪ It's such a happy feeling
when they lend you a hand ♪

♪ You wake up ready to say ♪
- Hi!

- ♪ "I think I'll make
a snappy new day" ♪

♪ It's such a good feeling ♪

♪ A very good feeling,
a feeling you know ♪

- ♪ That I'll be back ♪

♪ When the day is new ♪

♪ And I'll have more ideas
for you ♪

♪ And you'll have things
you'll want to talk about ♪

♪ I will too ♪♪

Because it's you I like.

- ♪♪ Cleaning up, cleaning up is
a gift we give, to each other
each day ♪

- ♪ Because erywhere
we want to be ♪

- ♪ We like it most
when it's clean! ♪

♪ Clean up, pick up, put away,
clean up every day! ♪

♪ Clean up, pick up,
put away, yeah! ♪


♪ Clean up, pick up, put away,
clean up every day! ♪

♪ Clean up, pick up, put away ♪

♪ Clean up, pick up, put away,
clean up every day! ♪

♪ Clean up, pick up, put away,
clean up every day! ♪

♪ Clean up, pick up,
put away, clean up ♪

♪ Every day, clean up,
pick up, put away ♪

♪ Yeah! ♪♪
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