01x11 - Pretend Time

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Blue's Clues". Aired: September 8, 1996 - August 6, 2006.*
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A puppy leaves clues for viewers to solve daily puzzles.
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01x11 - Pretend Time

Post by bunniefuu »

Hi, out there!

It's me, steve.

Have you seen blue, my puppy?

There she is!

Come on in.

[ Barking...]


It's great you're here

Because we're having
pretend time.

I'm pretending
to be an airplane.


[ Clears throat]

[ Whistling...]


I'm not pretending
to be an airplane?

But I got wings.

I'm flying and stuff.


Well, uh... What am I
pretending to be?

A bird.

Yeah... You're right.

I'm really just pretending
to be a bird who flaps.

[ Barks]

Come on.

[ Whistling...]

[ Barks]

Hey, blue.

[ Barks]

Do you want to pretend
to be a bird?


You, uh, don't want
to pretend to be a bird?

[ Barks]

Well... What do you want
to pretend to be?

[ Barks]


We're going to
play "blue's clues."

I love blue's clues.

♪ We are gonna play
blue's clues ♪

♪ 'Cause it's
a really great game, yeah! ♪

Blue's clues
will help us figure out

What blue wants
to pretend to be.

Blue's paw prints will be
on the clues: blue's clues.


Well, we better clean this up.

Hey, why don't we pretend blue's
paw print can clean itself?



You're pretty good
at this pretending stuff.

Hey, you know what we need
for blue's clues.



Right, come on.

Blue's clues!

I'm so excited.


Here it is.

You know, I can tell

I'm really going
to need your help today

Figuring out what blue
wants to pretend to be.

Will you help me?

You will?


Let's go.

♪ We got to find the paw print,
that's the first clue ♪

♪ We put it in our notebook,
and now what do we do? ♪

♪ Blue's clues, blue's clues

♪ Blue's clues!♪

♪ We got to find another paw
print, that's the second clue ♪

♪ We put it in our notebook,
now what do we do? ♪

♪ Blue's clues, blue's clues

♪ Blue's clues!♪

♪ We got to find another paw
print, that's the third clue ♪

♪ Put it in our notebook,
and, well, you know what to do ♪

♪ Blue's clues, blue's clues

♪ Blue's clues!♪

♪ Well, we sit down
in our thinking chair ♪

♪ And think, think, think

♪ 'Cause when we use our minds,
take a step at a time ♪

♪ We can do anything...

[ Barks]

♪ That we want to do.



[ Barks]

Did you see where blue went?

Blue went that way.

Oh. This way.


Let's go.

Hey, let's pretend
we're an airplane

And we'll fly to find blue.

You ready?

[ Mimics airplane starting]

♪ We are flying
for blue's clues ♪

♪ We are flying
for blue's clues ♪

♪ We are flying
for blue's clues ♪

♪ I wonder where they are.

A clue, a clue!

[ Mimics airplane]

This is the pilot speaking.

What did you say?

A clue!

A clue?

Do you see a clue?


Where? I don't see it.

Where's the clue?

I don't...


The clue.

You know why it's one
of blue's clues?

Because blue's paw print
is on it.

We have our first clue.

And it's a...


Helmet. Right.

Well, we have our first clue.

Now what do we do?


Put it in our


Okay. So...

Curved line for the top.

A curved line here.

And we've got a helmet.


So, we're trying to figure out

What blue wants
to pretend to be.

Our first clue is a helmet.

What could blue pretend to be
with a helmet?


You think we might need
to find some more clues?

Me, too.

Let's go.

[ Mimics airplane]

There's a star.


Did you hear that?

Where are those voices
coming from?

Right there, a star!

Where's the star?


Hi, birds.

[ Barks hello]
hi, blue.

So, uh, you say you can see
a star in the day time.


A cloud that looks
like a star.

Do you see it?


Well, uh... Hmm.

Uh... No.

You want to find the cloud
that looks like a star?

[ Barks]

Okay, then we'll go look
for more blue's clues.

This I've got to see.

Do you see the cloud
that looks like a star?

Right there.


Oh, look,
it's a star.

[ Barks]

That's great.

All right.

Now, let's go look
for more blue's clues.

Wait, steve.

Here come
some more clouds.

I see a fish.

A fish?

I don't see
a fish.


A fish?


See if we can find
this one.

I don't see a fish, do you?

Right there.


A cloud that looks like a fish.

Wh-wha... Wow.

Let's go look
for more blue's...

Look, look!

More clouds,
more clouds!

I see a tree.

Oh, yeah.

Yeah, right.

A tree.

Do you see a tree?

That one.
That one.

A tree.

I see it now.

That cloud looks like
an elephant, too.



Well, we're going to go look
for more blue's clues

To figure out what blue
wants to pretend to be.

Bye, guys.

Bye, steve.


[ Mimics airplane]

Blue has found shovel
and pail, over.

Hi, shovel.

Hi, pail.


This could be
the baby.

Or this could
be the baby.

What are you
two doing?

we're playing house.

I'm the mother.

I'm the father.

[ Barks]

Blue, do you want
to be the baby?

[ Barks]


What can I be?

You can be...
The helper.

[ Whimpers]

The helper.


Will you be
a helper, too?

You will?

Great. Then we can look
for more blue's clues.

[ Barks]

Now we can
play house.

our house?

How can we play house
without a house?

Oh, oh, oh.

That sounds like
a job for...

The helpers.

We can help.

[ Barks]

Which one would
make the best house?

[ Barks]

[ Barks]


[ Barks]


[ Barks]


The box.

We can go
inside of it

And pretend
it's a house!

[ Barks]

Baby's hungry.

Time to feed
the baby.

Oh, great.

So, uh, what are
you going to cook?

and meatballs!

[ Happy whine]

oh, no.

What can we use
for spaghetti and meatballs?



[ Barks]

Which one would make
the best spaghetti
and meatballs?

That one.

Strings of yarn
and little blocks?

Yeah. Spaghetti is long
and stringy, like yarn.

And those little blocks
can be the meatballs.

Great. We're
ready to eat.

♪ Cook, cook, cook,
cook, cook. ♪

All finished.

Come and get it.

[ Slurping]

[ Smacks lips]

Yum, yum.

That was

that was good.

[ Barks]

But we'd better go look
for more blue's clues.

Thanks for all
of your help.

Helpers, to the rescue!

A clue!

A what?

A clue...


Oh, a clue.

You see a clue.


I don't see it.


Oh. The clue!

It's a...

A star.


A star.

Lots of stars today-- hmm.

So, we have our second clue.

Now what do we do?


Right. Our handy-dandy...




We draw a capital "a."

Then we cross here and here.

Here's our star.

So, remember.

We're trying to figure out

What blue wants to pretend
to be.

And our first clue was a...


And now our second clue
is a star.

So what could blue pretend to be
with a helmet and a star?

I think we need our last
blue's clue, don't you?

♪ Mail time, mail time,
mail time! ♪

♪ Mail time, mail time!

Hey, blue,
the mail's here.

♪ Here's the mail,
it never fails ♪

♪ It makes me want
to wag my tail ♪

♪ When it comes
I want to wail, "mail!" ♪

[ Barking happily]

Ruff, ruff.

I'm pretending
to be blue.

[ Whimpers "blue?"]

Ruff, ruff.

I think "blue" has got
a letter for us.

Thank you, "blue."

Ruff, ruff,
you're welcome.

We just got a letter.

♪ We just got a letter

♪ We just got a letter

♪ We just got a letter

♪ Wonder who it's from?

Ooh, it's a letter
from our friends.

hi, steve.

We're pretending
we're on a boat.

We're just packing some stuff

Because we're going on a trip.

All aboard.

I think I caught one.

It's a goldfish.

bye, steve!


[ Yips]


[ Whimpers]

Are you still pretending
to be the baby?

[ Whimpers]

Hey. We still have
one more clue left to find.

Let's pretend we're, we're...


[ Imitates monkey]

[ Imitates monkey...]

[ Barks]

[ Imitates monkey]

I mean, hey, it's a picture
of a jungle.

Blue jumped right in.



Let's go, too.

We can pretend we're on safari.

First let's find
the rare, red-nosed baboon.

♪ Blue skidoo,
we can too. ♪

[ Birds calling]


The jungle.

[ Barks "the jungle"]

We're on safari

And we're looking
for the rare, red-nosed baboon.

Let's go.


That must be the rare,
red-nosed baboon.

Shh... We must be very careful
not to startle the baboon.

Very easily threatened.


I'm looking
for my friend.

Baboon's on safari, too.

My friend
has a red nose

A long tail
and white paws.

Can you help me?

Of course we can.

Let's use
our binoculars.

First baboon:
that one.


Baboon's friend has a red nose,
white paws and a long tail.


You're quite welcome.

That was great!

Now let's go look for...

The rare, jungle dragon fly.

[ Barks]

[ Buzzing]



It's right here.

I'm looking
for my friend.

Oh, another animal on safari
needs our help.

So, what does your
friend look like?

He's on one of
those elephants

And he looks
just like me.

That one.



One, two, three, four,
five, six legs.

That was great.

Let's go find more
rare jungle animals.

Now let's look for...

The rare jungle swamp frog.

Ribbit, ribbit.


I think I hear something,
don't you?

Ribbit, ribbit.

Ribbit, ribbit.


It's the rare
jungle swamp frog.

I'm looking
for my friend.

She's on safari, too.

My friend has
spots on her back

Stripes on her belly,
and a long tongue.

Come along.

Oh, great.

Do you see frog's friend?

That one.

Well done.

That's the one.

She has spots on her back

Stripes on her belly
and a long tongue.

Thank you.

You're very

Ribbit, ribbit.

You were great!

We found all the rare,
exotic jungle animals

And their friends.

Hey, now we've got to go look
for one more blue's clue

To figure out what blue
wants to pretend to be.

Let's go.

♪ There goes blue

♪ Let's go too.

[ Humming]




A clue.

Zoo? You want to pretend
we're at the zoo.


I'll be a lion.

[ Imitates lion]


It's a clue.


Oh, a clue.

Here I was, doing...

Oh, a clue.

You see a clue.


Over there.


Our third clue!

And it's a, uh...


Rocket. Right.

Well, you know what to do.

Write it down
in our handy-dandy notebook.


Okay, so.

We have a long pointy shape
for the body.

Curved shapes here and here.

A circle for the window...

And a rocket.

Well, we have all three clues.

You know what it's time for?


Thinking chair.thinking chair.

Now that we're in
our thinking chair, let's think.

[ Barks]


So, we're trying to figure out

What blue wants to pretend
to be.

Our clues are: a helmet.

A star.

And... A rocket.


So what could blue pretend to be

With a helmet,
a star and a rocket?

Oh, she wants to put the helmet
on the star and rock it.



I didn't really think so either.

I was just... [ Laughs]

Well, what could blue
pretend to be

With a helmet,
a star and a rocket?

An astronaut.


Astronaut, that's it!

Astronauts wear helmets

Go in rockets

And fly toward the stars.

We just figured out
blue's clues.

♪ We just figured out
blue's clues ♪

♪ We just figured out
blue's clues ♪

♪ We just figured out
blue's clues ♪

♪ Because we're really smart!

Blue, I'm going to get
your helmet and the rocket.

It's time to pretend
we're astronauts

And fly toward the stars.

Ready for launch, blue?

[ Barks]


Buckle up.

Begin countdown.

[ Barks]

Ten, nine, eight, seven, six

Five, four, three, two, one...


[ Imitates engine]


It's the clouds, remember?

We're coming to another planet.

Prepare to land.

We've landed.

Let's explore.



[ Barks]

Ooh, here come
some aliens.

And they look like
shovel and pail.

Together [ like computers]:
rice pudding for dessert.


Oh, look.

It's the rare,
exotic jungle animals.

In space?

You know...

The creatures on this planet
look like some friends I know.

Oh, it's time to go.

Hey, thank you so much
for all your help today.

♪ Now it's time for so long

♪ But we'll sing
just one more song ♪

♪ Thanks for doing your part

♪ You sure are smart

♪ You know, with me and you

♪ And my dog, blue

♪ We can do anything

♪ That we want to do.

Bye, bye.

See you later.

♪ We can do anything♪

Come again, bye, bye.

♪ ...that we want to do.♪

[ Barks "bye-bye"]

♪ We can do anything.♪
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