01x09 - A Snowy Day

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Blue's Clues". Aired: September 8, 1996 - August 6, 2006.*
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A puppy leaves clues for viewers to solve daily puzzles.
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01x09 - A Snowy Day

Post by bunniefuu »

Hi, out there!

It's me, steve.

Have you seen blue, my puppy?

There she is!

[ Barks "hello"]

Come on in.

[ Barking...]


Ooh, hey, it's cold out there.

Come on in.

Hey, blue, look who's here.

We were just getting ready
to go outside.

Right, blue?

Did, uh... Did you see
which way blue went?

Blue went that way.

This way-- great.

Let's go see what blue's up to.

[ Barks questioningly]

What are you doing, blue?

Is blue cold?

[ Barks
"no, I'm not"]

Well, uh, do you
have an itch?

[ Barks
"no, I don't"]

Out the window?

[ Barks excitedly]

Oh, yeah,
mailbox is outside.

Hiya, mailbox.

[ Barks "hello"]

Wait... What's this?

It's snowing!

[ Barks "it's snowing"]

[ Laughs]

What do you want to do
in the snow, blue?

Oh, okay, we'll play
"blue's clues"

To figure out what blue wants
to do in the snow today.

I love blue's clues.

[ Music starts]

♪ We are gonna play
blue's clues ♪

♪ 'Cause that's
a really fun game, yeah! ♪

Now, remember, blue's paw print
will be on the clues--

"Blue's clues."

Oh, yeah, I know
what we have to do.

We have to clean
this paw print off.

Hey, you know what we need
for blue's clues--

Our handy-dandy...


Notebook, right-- come on.

Blue's clues,
I'm so excited.

Oh, here it is.

You know, I can tell I'm really
going to need your help today

Figuring out what blue wants
to do in the snow.

Will you help me?

You will?

Oh, good.

♪ We got to find a paw print,
that's the first clue ♪

♪ We put it in our notebook,
and now what do we do? ♪

♪ Blue's clues, blue's clues

♪ Blue's clues!♪

♪ We got to find another paw
print, that's the second clue ♪

♪ We put it in our notebook,
now what do we do? ♪

♪ Blue's clues, blue's clues

♪ Blue's clues!♪

♪ We got to find another paw
print, that's the third clue ♪

♪ Put it in our notebook,
and, well, you know what to do ♪

♪ Blue's clues, blue's clues

♪ Blue's clues!♪

♪ Well, we sit down
in our thinking chair ♪

♪ And think, think, think

♪ 'Cause when we use our minds
and take a step at a time ♪

♪ We can do anything...

[ Barks]

♪ That we want to do.

Okay, you ready to go look
for blue's clues?

Because I am so ready.

I am so ready, I'm...

I'm... Not so ready.


Did you see which way blue went?


That way.

Oh, this way.

Whew, thanks.

[ Music starts]

♪ We are looking
for blue's clues ♪

♪ We are looking for
blue's clues ♪

♪ We are looking
for blue's clues ♪

♪ I wonder where they are.

A clue!

A clue!

Did you say, "a clue"?


Right there!



Celery, lettuce, clue, tomato...

Oh! Clue!

This... This carrot has
blue's paw print on it.

It must be one of blue's clues!


Now what do we do?



Let's write it down
in our handy-dandy...


Okay, so...

A long line like a triangle

And a squiggly line
for that green stuff on top

And there we have a carrot.


So our first blue's clue is
a carrot.

And we're trying to figure out

What blue wants to do
in the snow

With a carrot?

Huh... I think we need to find
some more clues, don't you?

those two.

oh, yes, those two.

Hey, that sounds
like our friends

Mr. Salt and mrs. Pepper.

Let's go see what's going on.

Hi there.

See the pattern?

Yes, see how
they look alike?

[ Clears throat]

Excuse me, mr. Salt
and mrs. Pepper.

Hey, blue...

[ Barks "hello"]

What are you
all doing?

Oh, hello, steve.

Hello, steve.

It's snowing!

Yes, look--
it's snowing!

It is snowing.

And we're
figuring out

What blue wants
to do in the snow.

What are you doing?

I found two,
right there.

Oh, yes,
over there.


What is it?


patterns, see?

Snowflakes, huh?


[ Barks


Can you find
the ones...

That look alike?

Look alike?


See the patterns.


Do you see
the snowflakes
that look alike?

[ Barks]

Those two.

Oh... Oh, yeah!

Those two snowflakes
look a lot alike.

Good job.

Oh, look!

Oh, look!

Ooh, you see more
snowflakes, blue?


Do you see the
snowflakes that
look alike?

Right there.

Oh! Oh, yeah.

Right there.

Hey, good job!

More snowflake

Here they come.

Okay, we're ready.

[ Barks "okay"]

How about now?

Do you see the
snowflakes that
look alike?

Those two.

Right there.


Oh, yeah,
right there.

What great

Hey, look at
the snowflakes.

Oh, we still have
to look for more
blue's clues

To figure out
what blue wants
to do in the snow.

Thanks, mr. Salt and
mrs. Pepper... Bye.



Oh, look at
that pattern!

♪ We are looking
for blue's clues... ♪


Do you see blue?

There she is.



Blue's hiding, uh-huh.

[ Whistling tune]


[ Laughing]:
blue, I got you...

You're not blue.

[ Barks happily]

[ Music starts]

Calendar kid:
♪ january, february, march♪

♪ April, may, june, july♪

♪ August, september, october,
november, december.♪

[ Barking to beat]

[ Music stops]


What's going on, blue?

[ Barks]

Is that supposed to be
a winter month?


[ Blue barks]

[ Barking tune]

There goes blue
into the calendar!

♪ Blue skiddoo, we can, too.

Hi, blue,
hi, steve.

[ Barks "hello"]



[ Barks]

Hey, the seasons are
all mixed up here.

Yeah, it's supposed
to be winter.

Oh, like at
our house.

Will you help make it
look like winter again?

Ooh, will you
help fix this
calendar picture?


So, uh...

What's the weather
supposed to be
like in winter?



Yeah, it doesn't snow
everywhere, but here it does.

Oh, yeah, I
can see that.

So, did we fix


[ Barks "no?"]


Okay, well...

What else do we
need to fix

In the calendar picture?

[ Clears throat]

Well, I ama little cold.


[ Chuckles]

I'm so sorry.

Let's help you.

Uh, do you see
what our friend needs

To keep warm
in the winter?

Those over there.

A coat and one mitten.

Thank you.

I'm much warmer now.

Something is still wrong
in my picture.

Oh, yeah?

Hey, do you see
what else is wrong

In this
calendar picture?


Oh, yeah...

[ Laughs]

You can't swim outside
in the wintertime.

It's just too cold.

[ Barks "too cold"]

Hey, what else
can you do on a lake

In the wintertime?

That one.

Ice skating?


Hey, now it really
looks like winter.

Yeah, this is
much better.

Thank you.

[ Barking tune]

A clue, a clue!

My shoe?

No, it's a clue!

Oh, oh, a clue!


[ Hat jabbering]

[ Jabbering]

[ Jabbers]

[ Jabbers]

[ Jabbering]


It's a clue!

[ Hat jabbering]

It's a hat!

It's a hat clue!


You know what we need?

Our handy-dandy...


Okay, so, a hat.

An oval for the top...

A line down here...

Another line.

There's the brim

And a hat.


So our first blue's clue
was a carrot

And now we have a hat.


So what could blue
want to do in the snow

With a carrot and a hat?

Huh-- I think we need
to find our last blue's clue.

[ Alarm ringing]


[ Chuckles]

Sounds like
our friend tickety tock.

Come on.

♪ We are gonna play
in the snow today ♪

♪ Got to go play
in that snow today ♪

♪ Gonna go play
in that snow today... ♪

[ Ringing]

Soon as we find
all our blue's clues.

Hey, tickety.

Hi, steve.

We heard
your alarm bells.

What's up?

Yeah, steve,
I wanted to tell you

It's snowing!

Yeah, it is snowing.

And we're figuring out

What blue wants
to do in the snow.

Are you playing
blue's clues?


Hey, tickety,
have you seen blue?

Yep, she's right
over by the closet.

Oh... Thanks, tickety.

Come on.



Did you see blue?

I thought she was

Right over here
by the closet but...

Blue's right there.

Right here?

[ Laughs]

This is just
a pile of clothes.

[ Barks]

Oh! Blue!

It is you.

What are you up to?

[ Barking]


You're all ready
to go outside.

Okay, let's see.

Well, now,
you've got, uh...

Got your hat,
got your coat

Got your little boots

And you have
your earmuffs.

So blue's all ready
to go outside.



Blue's not all ready?

Well, uh...
What is she missing?

Her hat!


[ Laughs]

Her hat fell off.

[ Barking happily]

Okay-- well,
you got your hat

So now you are
all ready, right?



Blue's still not ready.

What is blue
missing now?

Her coat.

Oh, her coat fell off.


[ Barking happily]


Now, you got
your coat...

And you got your hat.

So now you are
all ready, freddy.

[ Barks



Did you just say "no"?

Well... What is
she missing now?

Her boot.

Oh, yeah.

[ Chuckles]

One of her boots
did fall off.


[ Barking happily]

[ Exhales]


Now, you've got
your boots...

You got your coat
and you got your hat.

Now are we all ready?


We are?

[ Barking happily]

That's great!

But, uh, we're not
going outside right now.

[ Barks "no?"]


[ Panting]

But soon.

We only have one
more clue left to find.

♪ We are looking
for blue's clues... ♪

♪ Mail time, mail time,
mail time! ♪

♪ Mail time, mail time!

The mail's here!

♪ Here's the mail,
it never fails ♪

♪ It makes me want
to wag my tail ♪

♪ When it comes,
I want to wail, "mail!" ♪

[ Barks]

Mail's here,
mail's in.

Hey, steve,
it's snowing!

Oh, hey!



I could see that.

Have a nice letter.




We just got a letter.

♪ We just got a letter

♪ We just got a letter

♪ We just got a letter

♪ Wonder who it's from.

Oh! It's a letter
from our friends.

hi, steve.

We're making snowflakes.

You can make different
kinds of designs.

You can move the scissors
a different way

Every time you snip.

Okay, little snips.

I think they're all
going to be different.

I'm going
to open it now.

see the snowflake.

This one has snips here
and this one doesn't.

[ Gasps]

bye, steve!

It's snowing!


That was cool.

Did you see all those
little patterns and...

Do you want to go see
if it's still snowing?


Yep, it's still snowing--
big flakes.


A clue!

Oh... Oh, a clue!

Do you see another one
of blue's clues?


Oh... In the snow.

Look at that.

A snowball!


Oh, you know what we need?

Our handy-dandy...



So, a snowball.

Looks like a big circle.


There it is.

Okay, a snowball.

Well, we have all three clues.

We've just...

We have all three clues.

You know what this means?

We're ready for our...

Thinking chair!

Thinking chair!


So, we're trying
to figure out what blue...

Wants to do in the snow today.

And our blue's clues are...

A carrot

A hat

And a snowball.


So... So what could blue
want to do in the snow

With a carrot, a hat, snowball?

Ooh, ooh, wait a minute.

Could blue want to put
the snowball in the hat, huh?

And have a snowball sundae
with a carrot on top?



Well, what could blue want
to do in the snow?

Carrot, hat, snowball.

Snowball, hat, carrot.

What was that?

Build a snowman!

A snowman!

Well, but that's it!

That's brilliant!

Blue wants to build
a snowman out of snowballs

With a carrot for its nose
and a hat on top of its head.

We just figured out
blue's clues!

♪ We just figured out
blue's clues ♪

♪ We just
figured out blue's clues ♪

♪ We just figured out
blue's clues ♪

♪ Because we're really smart.


It's snowing.

Let's go outside
and make a snowman in the snow.

Okay, not bad.

Oh, look!


It's mr. Salt and mrs. Pepper.


You remember the snowflakes
that looked alike?

Hey, and look,
it's our friend from the...


Calendar, right.

It's wintertime.

[ Boinging]

Here comes tickety tock.

It's... It's snowing!

[ Barking happily]

Okay, blue.

[ Clears throat]

Hat, boots, coat, earmuffs.


Thank you so much
for all your help today.

♪ Now it's time for so long

♪ But we'll sing
just one more song ♪

♪ Thanks for doing your part

♪ You sure are smart

♪ You know, with me and you

♪ And my dog, blue

♪ We can do anything

♪ That we want to do.

Bye-bye! See you later.


♪ We can do anything
that we want to do.♪

♪ We can do anything...♪
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