01x02 - Whale of a Squid

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Wild Kratts". Aired: January 3, 2011 - present.*
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Live action/Flash-animated educational children's television series created by the Kratt brothers, Chris and Martin.
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01x02 - Whale of a Squid

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Wild Kratts ♪

Hey, we're
the Kratt brothers!

I'm Martin.
And I'm Chris.

And we're going out
on the biggest habitat on Earth.

The ocean.

Looking for the largest
creatures in the world.

The whales!

Early morning,
seas are calm.

Perfect time for
looking for whales!

Whoa! We're going
right into the fog!

It's a thick mist.

How are we ever gonna
find a whale in this?

Because of the mist,
we can't see the whale.

So we're gonna stop right here
and listen for the sound

of their spouting.

(Water hissing)

Did you hear that?

There's whales all around
us in the mist!

I think I saw something
down there.


Fin whales!

The second largest
whale in the world.

A fin whale can live to be
over years old.

Tiny little fin,
but a big animal--

They're fast.

Come up, breathe,
and then dive again.

Some whales can hold their
breath for over an hour.

But when they're
travelling like this,

they stay under for
only five minutes.

Look at all the swirls.

They've gone down.

All right,
let's keep movin'!

Even though whales are
the biggest animals on Earth,

they can be the hardest
to hang out with.

They live in the water,
often freezing cold water.

They swim fast
and dive deep.

Some whales, like the sperm
whale, dive so deep,

they're impossible
to follow down there,

where they hunt giant squid.

Imagine if we had
whale powers

and could join whales
wherever they go.

And do whatever they do.

What if!

♪ On adventure with
the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans to the trees ♪

♪ The brothers Kratt are going
places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with
their creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready, it's the hour ♪

♪ We're gonna see
some animals today with ♪

♪ Creature power ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild, wild ♪

♪ Cheetah speed
and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight and lion pride ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild, wild, wild Kratts ♪

(Machinery humming)



Navigation systems online.


Viewing port activated.

All right, let's take this new
amphisub for a test drive.

Whoo hoo! Yeah!

Whoo hoo!

This is an awesome sub.

It's so maneuverable.

And what a view!

You can see everything
going on all around us.

And, who knows what's happening
down there in the depths.

There's the question:

Can this sub go deep enough
to find out?

Whoa, incoming!

Arrow squid,
and they're feeding on...

Little amphipods,
tiny microscopic animals

floating in the water.


These squid are squishy.

And slimy!

Oh, and their suction cups
kind of tickle!


Hey, Aviva, I love this
exploration valve feature.

Oh yeah, this amphisub
rocks the deep sea.


Got one more thing for the sub
before you deep dive.

Just hang out there until I can
finish up this robot arm.

Where's my mango juice?

Oh, in the fridge.

Might as well test
the robot arm.



Guys, this robot arm is gonna be
a great add-on to the sub.

Perfect for deep sea discovery.

I like these
exploration valves better.

I can pet wild

This is Squiddo.



Martin, are you
squidding me?

Ha ha,
squidding me!

Good one, Chris.

There's no way you could
come up with names

for , squids.

We'll see.

This little guy is-- Ah!

He nipped me.

Your fangs!

Whoa, check that,
make it beaks.

A squid has a beak,
like a parrot. Whoa.

Aviva, are you sure
this sub has what it takes

to take on the mystery
of the deep sea?

I mean, really deep sea?

Well, that's what
I'm designing it for.

Small squid att*cks
are one thing,

but what about bigger ones?

Or the water pressure?

I know, the deep sea
is harder to explore

than outer space.
I'm working on it.

We need a sub that can go as
deep as a sperm whale

and keep up with it.

Nobody has ever followed
a sperm whale

into the deep before

I love the challenge.

But it might not be something
I can crack in a day.

Not unless I have some
big inspiration.

(Rumbling outside)

Uh, how about this?

Sperm whale at : !


Now that's a huge whale.
Uh, no.

That's a huge whale.


Mother sperm whale.

And her calf.


Heh, is that big enough
inspiration for you, Aviva?

Might be.

It might be!

Whale powers.

Let's see, a sperm whale
can dive deeper

than any other whale.

She has flexible ribs that can
fold up under intense pressure.

And she has a thick layer of fat
to keep her warm

in the cold, deep waters!

I can learn a lot
from these whales.

This is gonna be the best
Creature Power suit yet.

(Loud boom-click)

Whoa, what was that!?

It's coming from the big mama
sperm whale's head!



Okay, it's true.

Sperm whales are the loudest
animal in the world.

They're echolocating on us.

Yeah, that booming sound.

Comes out of her
big, bumpy head.

Bounces off us.

The soundwaves travel back
to her lower jaw,

which takes the sound
up to her ear.

Then to her brain!


That's what you call sonar.

And the sperm whale gets
a sound picture of us.

Or her lunch.



Whoa, she gulped down hundreds
in one mouthful.

That's like a bathtub full of
squid in one bite.

And she can eat eight bathtubs
full of slimy squid a day.

Aww, look how closely the calf
follows his mom.

He's cute!

I'd say he looks
about a year old.

I'd say he looks like
a little rascal.

Oh, I'm gonna have to come up
with a funny,

playful little name
for this guy.

Can't be too little
of a name.

He's already as big
as a mini van.

Following a mom who's as big
as a school bus.

They're heading towards you,


The sperm whale is the
largest toothed predator

that ever lived
on planet Earth.

Thar she blows!


Do sperm whales
rule the sea, or what?

Almost, but not quite.

They can get ganged up on by
pods of hunting k*ller whales,

drifting fishing nets called
"ghost nets" tangle them up.

And then there are the stories
of epic battles

with giant squid.

But no one's ever seen it,
because they meet in the deep.

What's going on up there?

The whales are each
taking a big breath in

through their blowhole.

A whale breath is the same
amount of air that fills a car!

They must be getting ready
for a deep dive.

Yeah, going deeper,
looking for bigger squid.


Hey, we're not a beach ball!

Or a bumper boat.

Bumper, that's it!

You're Bumper.

The newest member
of the Wild Kratts team.

Here we go.

Nobody's ever followed hunting
sperm whales into the depths.

We're with you, Bumper.

Okay, Aviva.

How deep can this sub go?

Deeper than any mobile sub
ever created by humans.

I hope.

Losing all the sun's light
at feet,

leaving the ocean sunlit zone.

Entering Twilight Zone.

Sub lights on.

Oh-ho, we're
going deeper.

Uh, Chris, do you ever get the
feeling we're being watched?

Sure, the Wild Kratts crew
is always keeping an eye on us.

An eye the size of a

There's only one creature on
the planet with an eye this big.

A giant squid!

Huh, now that's a whale
of a squid!

Behind you, Bumper!

Oh no, squid attack!

(Urgent boom-clicking)

She heard Bumper's
distress call!

Bumper's mom to the rescue!


That's gotta be the world's
most powerful head butt!

Because the sperm whale
has a giant head.

Only the blue whale's
is bigger.

This is it, what we've
dreamed of seeing,

what happens every day
where people can't go.

The creature battle no one
has seen before.

I'm on it.

Keep with them, Chris.
I'm on it!

No, we're in it!


Ugh, Chris!

I just discovered something!

Giant squid suction cups have
serrated cutting teeth!



That's enough squid slime
for one day.


Battle between sperm whale
and giant squid.

We can't miss this!

How deep can this sub go?

Not any deeper.

Sensors indicate you're
nearing collapse depth.

Collapse depth?

If you go much deeper,
the sub will be crushed

like a tin can.


Uh oh.

Uh, Chris, we might
have to head back.

We can't miss this battle!

Yeah, but we don't wanna get
crushed, either.

The sub controls
are acting funny.

I have no controls!

Must have been
lost in battle!

We're sinking!

Fifty feet until collapse depth.

Forty-nine, forty-eight--

Why will the sub collapse
if they go deeper?

It's the pressure.

What pressure!?

The water pressure.

The deeper the sub goes,
the more water is on top,

the heavier that water gets,
pushing in on the sub.

That's pressure.

If there's too much water weight
pushing down on the sub,

or pressure,
the sub will be crushed!

Gotta pull them
out of there!

Okay, I get it,
I get it!

I see why it's harder to explore
the deep sea than outer space!

I wish we'd gone
to the moon.

The worst part is,
we saw the start of the battle

between the sperm whale
and the giant squid--

And we'll never know
how it ends.

Almost there!

Ten feet to collapse depth.

Nine, eight, seven--


And going up.

Aviva, we've got to get
back down there.

I just pulled you up!

But a never-before-seen wildlife
battle is going on down there.

And if the mother whale loses,
so does our buddy, Bumper.

But my sub couldn't handle
the pressure.

How are you gonna
get down there?

Creature Power suits!

Oh yeah!

Bring on the
Creature Powers.

Okay, I've pre-programmed
the discs for sperm whale

and giant squid, but I haven't
run any trials.

It's too soon.

And I obviously haven't
figured out how to deal

with the pressure!

We'll have to rely on
the code found

in the whale
and squid DNA.

What do they
always mean, DNA?

DNA is the biological code
that gives every animal

their special features.

Every type of animal has
their own DNA code

hidden in every cell
of their body.

But how are you gonna access
the DNA code

when you can't even
touch the animals?

Uh, hello?

I'm touching a giant squid
right now!

I was slimed by
the giant squid, remember?

I'm covered with squid slime!

Ah, and I've got
a whale tooth!

Activate Creature Power suits!


Gotta get to the water!

I'm just a blob of jelly
with eight arms.

Wait a second,
did you say arms?

Don't you mean tentacles?

Hey, I've got those, too.

Squids have both arms
and tentacles.

The eight shorter ones are arms.

You can tell, because they have
suckers all the way down.


So the two longer ones
are the tentacles.

They only have suckers
on the ends.

Whoa, that's awesome!

Uh, need water to move.

Oops, sorry, guys.

Oh yeah!

These are the best
Creature Power suits!


Let's dive.

Giant squid,
ruler of the deep!

Oh, I could eat you right now,
I've got teeth.

I'm a toothed whale.

Heads up, big head.

Tentacle under, over.

Whoo hoo!


Martin, we've gotta follow
the real sperm whale

and giant squid
before it's too late!

Let's go!

How deep can they go
in those suits?

I admit it,
I'm out of my depth

when it comes to dealing with
the pressure of the deep.

I just hope the secrets
of the whale and the squid

are in the Creature Power suits.

I'll be keeping one giant squid
eye on the pressure gauges.

We're passing the depth
where the sub crumpled.

Feeling a little squeeze,
but good.

How 'bout you, bro?

Comfy, like snoozing
in a bed of jelly.

How's that comfy?

It's a squid thing.


Oh, the squid.

And the whale.

They're still at it!

If the whale gets enough
of the squid in her mouth,

holy calamari, lunch over.

Not so fast.

This mollusk monster
is getting a grip.

Arms latched on.

And remember, those suction
cups have cutting edges.


That's where she got those
sucker scars.

But with every shake,

the squid gets sucked deeper
into the whale's mouth.

The squid knows better.

He's thinking,
"Not gonna let that happen."

Ink blast!

Oh, whoa, didn't
see that coming.


Listen, that's Bumper.
He sounds scared.

A ghost net!

Bumper's mom!

The net's dragging her down!

Even sperm whales can't go
deeper than , feet.

Okay, she can hold her breath
for minutes, max.

We have to save Mom.

To the creature rescue!

I'm gonna monitor
your depth and pressure.

Right now, you're at , feet.

The sea water above you is
putting pounds of pressure

per square inch.

That's as heavy as wearing
a school bus as a hat!

You're right.

That is a lot of weight.

And a lot of pressure.

How are you feeling?

Actually, okay.

So the Creature Power suits

must be working their
biological magic.

There she is.

Wait, but where's Bumper?

He was just with us.

I'll use my sonar
to look for him.



(Sound waves rumbling)

Must be that he can't dive
any deeper than that.

Yeah, he's just a kid.

He can't dive as deep
as the adults.

So he's gotta hang out and wait
when his mom dives super deep.

I'll keep an eye on him
with my sonar,

just like a whale would.

Speaking of mother sperm whale,
she's still sinking.

Let's go.


All right, Bumper's safe.


Oh, there she is!

Three-thousand feet
and still hanging in.

Oh, it's a good thing
the sperm whale holds the record

as the deepest diving
air breathing animal.

But you're entering
the Midnight Zone.

It looks like even a sperm whale
can't go deeper than that.

I'll grab her!

Ahh, gotcha!

With my tentacle club.


A , pound sperm whale
is really heavy,

even under water.

Yes! We're
reversing her fall.

Hey, and this is another never
before seen creature moment.



Squid and whale powers,
working together!

Ha ha-- Oof!

Oh yeah!

Oh, better check
on Bumper.


A giant squid!

Wait, it's a different
body shape.


Ten feet longer!

Oh, it's a colossal squid!

A newly discovered species.



It's after Bumper!

I've got to get there first.

Go, Chris, go!

Oh, but hurry back!

I'm running out of
squid strength!

Ahh, we're sinking!


Who's gonna
get there first?

I can't tell.

Too close to call.

Hurry, Moby Chris.


Not gonna get there
in time!

But my sonic boom can.


A powerful whale sound

that can stun the squid.

Arms off!

Uh oh.

Arms off Bumper,
but now they're on me!

The colossal squid has sharp
section cups, too.


Got an arm.

Oh, but you've got
nine more.

Whoa, and colossal squid
tentacles have spinning hooks.

And they've got me.

Ah-- But listen, colossal squid,
and listen close:

So what if you've got
spinning hooks?

So what if you've got the
largest eye in the world?

As large as a large pizza.

You don't scare me.

Can you take the shake?

(Metal rattling)

Okay, then.

Martin, help.

Uh, Chris, I was just gonna
ask you the same thing.


Because we're sinking
right towards--

Underwater volcanoes!

And they're active.

But the squid just chewed off
one of my fins.

But I'm drifting straight
to a pool of bubbling lava.

Ah, his spinning hooks
are shredding my back!

A volcano's erupting.

Chewing through the glass!


Giant gas-filled rocks
hurtling towards me!

Oh! Giant gas-filled rocks
hurtling towards me!


Whoa! Goin' up!

Hang on, mama whale!

Whoo hoo!

Hurry, when he's done
destroying my whale suit,

he's gonna devour me!

Uh, excuse me,
your colossalness?

Uh, don't you know it's not nice
to eat creature rescuers?


I've got no strength
to fight back.

She's almost torn through
my suit!

The sperm whale has only
five minutes of air!

It's too deep for us
to help you.

Can anybody say, "Uh oh"?

Oh no, stay away, Bumper.

Save yourself!


Aww, what a buddy.

He's trying to save us with
a little boom-click.


Bumper, was that you?

I don't think so.

Only one creature
could do that.

The loudest animal on earth.

A full-grown bull sperm whale!

A direct hit from his boom-click
could knock down a small house.

It totally stunned
the colossal squid.

Whoa, he's bigger than
an -wheeler truck.

The biggest toothed predator
in the history of planet Earth!

The battle between a colossal
squid and a bull sperm whale.

A face-off between the largest
eye and the biggest brain

in the creature world.



The sperm whale wins!

Come on, let's go.

Hang in there, mom,
we're heading to air.

Thar they--


She made it!

Now that was
a whale of a rescue.


Let's get you out
of this ghost net.

Looks like Bumper's happy
to have his mom back.

All right, here they are,
the sperm whales.

The biggest-brained animals
that ever lived.

Who make the loudest sound
of all animals.

Are the deepest
air-breathing divers.

The eaters of giant
and colossal squid!

Swimming free
and in the wild.

There are two different
groups of whales,

the toothed whales--
And the baleen whales.

Toothed whales, like sperm
whales, beluga whales,

k*ller whales and dolphins,
have teeth.

And they're predators.

So they hunt their prey
using echolocation.

Baleen whales,
they don't have teeth.

Baleen whales are whales like
fin whales, humpback whales,

minke whales and instead of
teeth, they have...

Baleen in their mouths.

And this is how they
catch their food.

The water comes in this side,
goes through the baleen,

and then when it
comes out this side,

these little hairs catch all
the tiny plants and animals

floating in the water,

and that's what the
baleen whales eat!

The baleen whales
are all around us,

using their baleen
right now!

Let's move out!

Chris, you got that camera?

We can stick this pole cam
right in the water

when we find them.

Shh, listen.

(Water hissing)

A humpback!

We heard a humpback.

Where is she?

There's a humpback whale
swimming around.



See why they call them humpback,

they've got that knobby hump,
and then the dorsal fin

goes up--

And then down.

Humpbacks are also
baleen whales.

And that's why the
whale's here: to eat,

to filter all those plants
and animals,

those tiny microscopic

out of the water
that is the whale's food.

Oh wow, that white,

that's her fin,
the white's her fin.

And white on the edge
of the tail-- Here she comes.

Oh! So close!

We're just drifting
and she's drifting along.

We're in perfect position.

That was a good spout!

Now that spout is
a breath of air.

It's kind of like when you
breathe out in the winter:

The hot air from inside the
whale mixes with the cool air,

and then you get that mist

There he goes.

The humpback whale.

Whales are great!

Oh yeah!

We'll see you on
the creature trail.

Keep on creature

To find out more
about cool animals

and collect your own
Wild Kratts creature powers,

go the Wild Kratts

At pbskidsgo.org.

We'll see you there!
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