01x04 - Flight of the Draco

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Wild Kratts". Aired: January 3, 2011 - present.*
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Live action/Flash-animated educational children's television series created by the Kratt brothers, Chris and Martin.
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01x04 - Flight of the Draco

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Wild Kratts ♪

Hi, we're the Kratt brothers.
I'm Martin.

And I'm Chris.
And we love lizards.

Oh yeah. They're scaly.

They have claws.

They're cool.

Uhh, you mean cold-blooded.

Yeah, that too. But I mean cool.
Check out the attitude.


A monitor lizard. All lizards
have certain things in common:

the claws, the scaly skin,
the general body shape.

Plus, a lot of lizards do
similar things.

They prowl, like this guy,

who walks around, sh**ting out
his tongue to smell.

They climb, like the green
iguana who climbs trees, or me.

They swim, like marine iguanas
of the Galapagos islands.

But there are very, very few
lizards that can glide,

gliding lizards that can
jump out of a tree,

glide through the air like the--

Flying gecko. This special
lizard has skin between his toes

that act like wings,
so, when he jumps off a tree,

those foot wings help him
glide through the air.

Look at those flying feet.


It even has skin around
the sides of its body,

perfect parachute-like features.

Imagine if we could fly
through the rainforest

with the gliding lizards.

What if?
What if?

♪ On adventure with
the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans
to the trees ♪

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going
places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with
their creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready, it's the hour ♪

♪ We're gonna save
some animals today with ♪

♪ Creature Power ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild, wild ♪

♪ Cheetah speed
and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight
and lion pride ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild, wild, Wild Kratts ♪

Woo-hoo! Zip lining is one great
way to get around up here.

Yeah, but we've been
zipping around all day

and we haven't found zip.

Where are you, draco lizards?


No time for sightseeing, bro.
You've got to keep up if we're--

What are you talking about?
I was right behind you.

Yeah, but today, we've got to be
at the top of our climbing game.

Like, can you do this?


So, what is this now?

A "Who's the best
climbing brother" contest?

I thought we were on a mission
to find a rare lizard.

We are. Draco volans,
one of the few species

of gliding lizards in the world.

There are other like
the flying gecko,

but the one we're looking for
is the draco lizard.

That's why you got to
climb like me.

It'll come down to
a split second,

whether we catch up with the
draco and discover the secret

of this mysterious
flying lizard, or not.

A draco lizard, zipping away!
Wait up, Zip!

Zip? You named him already?

Well, he kind of named himself.

Does he zip or what?

Come on, now I'll show you
how to climb.

Wait up, draco!

They found one,

a lizard that's mastered
the secret of gliding flight.



Woo-hoo! Hang on, buddy.




Uh-oh! I've got no glide!

Whoa! I forgot one basic law
of physics!

If there's nothing holding on
object up, it falls.

It falls faster
and faster until--

I grab something else
to hold me up.

Martin's going to
have to admit it.

I really am the best climber.


Wait, that's not fair.

Chris, bro!

Are you okay?

Pretty lizards,
land on my finger.

We better get him back
to Tortuga HQ.

We're there almost, Donita.

Good. I want these
pretty little reptiles.

Ooh, the colors
and wings like this

will make remarkable
hanging earrings,

big ones for a broach
and, ooh-la-la, a belt buckle.

This will be the new
fall collection

of Donita Donata's
living jewels.


Guys, I'm okay, I'm okay.

But Chris,
that was some big fall.

Yeah, when I fall off my chair,
I'm out for the day.

Yeah, you're lucky you touched
down in that mud puddle.

I'm absolutely fine, really.
It was just a little fall.

And I'm even better now!
A draco!

Oh, it's zippy!

Let's go!
Let's go!

Come on, Chris,
we can't lose a step

on this little speedster,

Uhh, yeah, you go ahead.
Lizards are tricky.

We'll need more climbing gear.
I'll go get it and catch up.

Come on, Chris, I'll help you
collect the gear.

(Phone ringing)


We're here, Donita.
I activate vacuum now.


Oh, oh yeah.

Now the lizards will be mine.

Now, aren't they fabulous?

Zippy, come on, slow down.

Or at least don't take off
until I catch up.

I've got to see how you do it.

What's your trick to being

one of the only gliding lizards
in the world?

How's it going, MK?

Going up, but not as fast
as zippy.

Tell Chris to hurry.
I could use some help.

Yeah, about that--

Okay, I got ropes, boots.

Yeah, Chris,
do your climbing thing.

Oh, who am I kidding?

Just thinking about climbing
is making my knees lock up.

I've lost my climbing mojo.
I've come down with--

A fear of heights?

Hey, Chris,
I know a lot about fear.

I'm afraid of the dirt
between my toes,

losing my controller
and heights too.

But check it out.
That's why I play with this.

Chris Kratt's Climbing Extreme.

I programmed in all your moves.

That's the swing, the flip,
with a lemur landing.

Just play this, see?
You'll get all your moves back.

Oh, yes!


Nice one, Jimmy.
You just made him feel worse.

I'm going to go for a walk,

not a climb, just a walk.

Control tower to pilot,
you're cleared for takeoff.

Zippy the draco lizard
is lining it up.

Face down is the takeoff
position. Are you kidding me?

That tree must be
almost ' away.

Can you glide that far?

A little breeze
coming in from the east.

Can you handle it, Zippy?

Okay, now show us your
creature power, little buddy.

What's your secret?

What? You've got wings!
Where did those come from?

Huh? That's not gliding.


As long as my feet
are on the ground,

I'm not going to bang my head.

But I've got to
get back up there.

Huh? Boots?

Boots live in trees?

All right.

I am so ready to max out
the Creature Power Suit

with draco powers.
I just need some data.

Okay. I'll bring up Martin

and his little buddy
Zippy-Doodle Zip-Up-Pants,

or whatever he's called him
this time.

Hey, Martin, where are you?

Huh, that's weird.
I'm not even getting a signal.

Do you think he fell?

His boots did.
But where's Martin?


Hmm. Uhh, Donita, there is clog.

So, unclog the clog.


Here is clog.

Hey, I've been called
a lot of things:

animal lover, tree hugger,
but never a clog.


Huh? What? What are you doing
to the draco lizards?

And where's my zippy?

Oh, so spunky. I like that.
You know my style, Martino.

I take the jewels of nature
to make fabulous accessories.

And this fall,
these precious gems

will be frozen
in suspended animation

and crafted into
luxurious living jewelry.

Dazzling, no?

No! I'd describe it as mean,
cruel, unkind, or maybe twisted.

Those lizards
are living creatures,

with feelings and thoughts,

and maybe even plans
for the weekend.

You've got to let them go!

Oh, I love his passion.


Oh, that is elegant design.

The angular features
of lizard and man--

Oh! A man's collection!
Martino, my darling,

I have plans for you
and your little friend.

Uh-oh, Zippy, something tells me
we're in real trouble.

Martin? Martin, can you hear me?

Ugh, maybe he can't.

The trees in
the Indonesian rainforest

are some of the tallest
in the world.

But I've got to get up there
and look for clues. I've got it.

Aviva, let's activate
the Tortuga wings

and fly the HQ up to the canopy.

Well, we could, except we can't.

I pulled out all the
solar panels this morning.

Nobody told me we'd have to fly
in an hour.

Tortuga is terrestrial today.

And so am I, grounded.


Eggs! And they're hatching!

Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Hmm.

Now, my Martino, wear this.

Are you kidding me?
Those aren't my kind of duds.

Don't disappoint me, darling.

No way are you getting me
into that costume.

Oh no?


Oh yeah.

Unless you have some kind of
manikin pose beam.

Now, let me help you into this

while your little friend
takes a trip

through my
jewelry-making machine.



Now, let's see what you are.

A draco! Eggs are laid in
that moist, lonely soil.

days later, they hatch.

What's the first thing
you guys do?

Climb, off the ground to
get away from the predators,

like wild pigs
and clouded leopards.

To survive, dracos have to
get into the trees.

Guided by instinct, they climb.

Instinct, that's it.

They don't learn it,
they don't think about it,

they just do it. They climb.

Wait up, guys.
Thanks to you, I'm me again,

Chris the wild climbing Kratt.


Nobody's picked out my clothes
for me since I was five.

And see? Your little lizard
friend makes a lovely headband.

How can you do that?

You've taken all
the life out of him.

There's no zip in zippy.

Now, strike a pose.

I don't want to.




Prowl the catwalk,
now swings those hips.

No cat walks like this.

Spin, and pose.
Now, smooch-y face.

Now, silly monkey.

Smooch-y face, silly monkey.

Smooch-y face.

You will be my top model
this year.

I will make millions with
my living lizard collection.

And Martino, your new career,
you will learn to love it.

Hey, it looks like
we're nearing the top.

I can see how this kind
of forest canopy

gets creatures gliding here.

Tall trees, spread out,
it'd take too much energy

to climb up and down
to get around.

To get from here to there,
they glide.

And I think we're nearing
a launch point.

Fantastic. And we're all ready.

We know what gliding is
and how it works. So--

We do?


Yes, you do.
Here, take a piece of paper,

crumple it into a loose ball,
throw it as far as you can.

It goes that far
before it falls to the floor.

Not too far. That's because
you throw like a--

Don't you say it.

It's because it doesn't have
any parachute-like features

to keep it floating
in the air longer.

But if I design it like this--

That's a paper airplane.

Exactly, with these features:
wings to keep it from falling.

That's gliding.


But the question is,
what parachute-like features

does the draco lizard
have for gliding?

Here comes the answer.

This one's ready
for his first flight.

Stations, everybody.

If we get the secret,
I can modify

the Creature Power Suit
with draco power.

And I can glide through
the rainforest

and find Martin.

We're recording.

Oh yeah, a draco
hatchling's first flight,

this has never been
documented before.

He's getting into
launch position.

Head down,
eyeing his landing spot.

Okay, get ready.

And he jumps!

Unfurls his wings,
whoa, I don't believe it.

His wings are ribs
that stick out from his body.

With skin spread
in between them.

Like opening a fan!

Yeah, and he's dropping at
a degree angle.

He's still falling, but the
wings are catching the air,

so he's moving forward
while he's falling.

That's gliding.

That's incredible!

Data capture.

Okay, he's nearing the tree.


Perfect landing!

Data replay.

Got what I need.

Rib extension into wings,
that's the secret.

Draco disc complete.


Energize teleporter
and zap it.

Coming at you, Chris.

Chris, can you touch
one of those baby dracos

for DNA activation?

Not a problem.

Activate Creature Power Suit!

Let's do it, draco.

Swing those arms,
silly monkey.

Hey, Donita, I think
I'm starting to feel this.

You are?




Oh yeah!

These clothes are so hot.

I'm feeling the beat.

Let me loose!

I knew you would!

Release him!

In just a few hours,
you will unveil

my Living Lizard collection
at the treetop runway.

Wearin' Living Lizards
and loving it.

Time to find my bro.

Let's glide!

Whoo hoo hoo,
this is awesome!

Muscles pull on the wings,

giving them steering control.

So I can head
right to the landing pad.

Wait, how do you land!?

I don't have the instinct,
what's the technique?

How do I land!?


Oh, not like that.

Okay, I got it, more of
a quick swoop up and land.

Now I've just got to find out
what happened to Martin.

Any sign of 'em, Zippy?

What, you don't think I was
seriously digging being a model?

I was just acting
to trick Donita.


I could do this!

Wild Kratts,
come in, quick!

Martin! What in the world
are you wearing?

You're at a Halloween party
and you didn't invite me?

No! It's
a fashion show, and--

A fashion show?

What are you doing
at a fashion show?

I'm trying to tell you!

It's Donita's fashion show

and she's selling
Living Lizard jewelry

at her treetop runway
in minutes!

Sending co-ordinates.

Got to go rescue release
these lizards

from Madame Crazy Clothes.

I just wanted to let you know,
in case I needed back up.

Actually, Martin,
don't back up.

Why no back up?
Because of the outfit?

I don't mean no back up,
I mean don't back up.

Uh, look behind you.



Donita Donata's got Martin.

Can you get a visual
from up there?



Five degrees south by
degrees east.

I'm on my way.

With draco power!

(Cheers and applause)

You're lucky you hired
my Zach-bots.

Best security force
in the universe.

Your fashion show
will go seamlessly.


Get it?


Get off my stage.

Welcome to
the heights of fashion.

Tonight, I, Donita Donata,
present you

my Living Lizard
collection for men.

(Cheers and applause)

Hey! That's a Wild Ratt!

Oh, that's cold.

Making my brother
wear that outfit, ouch.

And throw that move.

, pairs
of earrings!

Give me

I want all the draco
belt buckles!

But worse, making him
sell living draco lizards?

At this rate, she'll sell up all
the dracos in the forest.


I've got to stop that show!

If I could take out that beam
controlling Martin.

Oh, but it's too far.

Too far for me to glide to.

How am I going to get there?

I would be such a better
top model than that!

The other one, too?

Something's wrong here.

Get him!

Oh no!

Oh yes!

Zach-bots are exactly
what I need!

I'm gliding to the creature
rescue, draco style!

Whoo hoo!

(Beeping furiously)

Oh boy.

Go Chris!

(Beeping slowly)

Zippy, I'm free!


And now for you
and the rest of your kind.

You're much more beautiful
unfrozen and alive.


Dracos back where they belong.


Fashion may be fleeting,
but I'll be back.

Next season!

Gliding free
and in the wild.

Hold it, Wild Ratts!

I am not going to let you
ruin this fashion show.


Get it off!

Its sticky feet
are scratchy!


Now that's what I call
flying off the rack.

And way to work
those threads, M.K.

It's the new you.


I like Chris'
outfit better.

Yeah, you did it
again, Aviva.

All aboard.

Nothing like gliding around
on a moonlit night

making lizard
jewelry out of

tree resins
and flower pigments.

Now that's
real attractive.

And we invented
a new sport:

Lizard glide!

It's the height
of adventuring.

Did I mention
I love heights?

Hey, Zippy, what did
the draco lizard say

to the flying squirrel?

"You want to play
glide and seek?"

(Chris and Martin laughing)

Gliders glide to move
from tree to tree.

And we're zip lining through
a glider's habitat, whoo hoo!

Looking for the cutest
gliding creature in the world!

Whoo hoo!

Martin, where'd you go?

Over here, Chris.
I found her.

A flying squirrel.

She has all the features
and abilities a glider needs.

She's light, only weighs
about as much as a donut.

Lightness, plus the
parachute-like feature?

She has what it takes
to glide.

Fuzzy tail.


Looks like it tickles.

Oh yeah,
and she's cute, too.

What does that have
to do with gliding?

Nothing, but you can't hang out
with a flying squirrel

without noticing
how cute she is.

A flying squirrel's
parachute-like feature

is the skin stretched between
her front leg and her back leg.

That's all the loose skin
that stretches out

between her legs.

You see it right there?


Oh hey, she's ready
to do her gliding thing.

All right,
let's see her do it.

Yeah, go for it.

(Drum roll playing)

What, is that
all you've got?

Oh, I forgot,
you're nocturnal.

Flying squirrels
glide at night.

Flying squirrels are
awesome gliders.

Now that was just
a short warm-up hop.

A flying squirrel can
easily glide feet,

about meters.


He moves so easily
through the trees.

Head down,

he picks his landing spot...

And jumps!


The skin between his legs

acts like gliding wings.

Amazing creatures
are all around us.

Yeah, keep on learning
about creatures

and we'll see you on the
creature trail.

To find out more
about cool animals--

And collect your own
Wild Kratts Creature Powers...

We'll see you there!
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