01x05 - Mystery of the Squirmy Wormy

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Wild Kratts". Aired: January 3, 2011 - present.*
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Live action/Flash-animated educational children's television series created by the Kratt brothers, Chris and Martin.
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01x05 - Mystery of the Squirmy Wormy

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Wild Kratts ♪

Hey, it's me, Martin,
half of the Kratt brothers.

When it's raining outside,
a lot of people are like,

"Oh no, it's too wet.
I'm staying inside!"

But I like to be outside

like one creature who loves
to come out in the rain.


You always find them squirming
around on a rainy day.

But a worm's world
is underground.

Down there is home base
for lumbricus terrestris,

the scientific name for worms.

Wherever you walk,
there are worms underneath you.

They push through the soil
with their long, thin bodies,

contracting and expanding
as they move.

Hey, little buddy.

It's amazing to think that

a whole community of worms
spend their whole lives

living right underneath
the ground we walk on.

In fact...

If we could collect
all the worms

under this baseball field...

Which is an area about
an acre in size...

Coming at you, Martin!

You could find
up to one million worms.

That's bucketfuls of worms.

That's a lot of worms.

Oh yeah.

Their home is underground but
they do come up on rainy days.

So, here's the mystery:

why do worms come out
of the ground when it rains?

Imagine if we could
go underground

with the squirmy wormys
and find out.

What if?
What if?

♪ On adventure with
the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans to the trees ♪

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going
places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with
their creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready, it's the hour ♪

♪ We're gonna save
some animals today with ♪

♪ Creature power ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild, wild ♪

♪ Cheetah speed
and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight and lion pride ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild, wild, Wild Kratts ♪

Look out, there's another one!

Watch it! Over there!

Thanks, bro. To your left!

Whoa! They're everywhere!

It's a worm invasion.

But why do they do it?

Why do worms come out
of the ground when it rains?

Worms are coming up and
the rain's coming down, hard.



Really hard.


Come in, Kratt brothers.
Did you get my package?

Oh yeah, Martin got it good.

Took one to the head for you,

Oops. Sorry about the aim.

What? You said "Give it to 'em."

"To them" not "on them."

Are you ready for my latest
and greatest invention?

I'll let you know when I see it.

What is it?

Oh no!

Oh yeah!

Got to build it!
Got to build it!

Ooh, now this is my kind
of invention.

Hmm, let's see, transforming pad
here, integrated nanocircuitry,

reinforced tubing,
and, ooh, a sizing dial.

Wait, Martin!
We've got to figure out

what this thing does
before we try it out.

Aviva, is it supposed to
sound like that?

No, it didn't shake like that
in the lab either.


Ta-da! A miniaturizer,
and it works.

I can't believe it. This opens
up a whole new universe

of the coolest micro-creatures:

dragonflies, mantises,
spiders, worms. All right!

You got me! I'm crushed!
Smooshed! Finished!

Got you! Ha! I had you! Woo!

Yeah, but I'll get you back.

All right!
All right!

Aww, you guys are so cute.

Okay, now we're the right size

to solve the squirmiest,
wormiest mystery of all:

why do worms come out
in the rain?

The answer's somewhere
down here,

in the worm world.

All right, we need worm clues.
So, let's start with the worm.

It's body is like
a giant, pink water balloon

with about segments,
even tiny hairs,

and a head with no eyes.

Hey, Chris, you're talking to
the wrong end, right, Pinkie?

No, I'm not. You're talking to
the wrong end.

Uhh, no, you are.

No, you are.

You are.
That's the worm's behind.

No, the funny-looking
Band-Aid feature is right...

Uhh, you looking for this?

Uhh, yeah, that.


How could you forget this face?

No eyes, no ears, no nose,
just one big mouth.

Ugh, now that's a slimy one.

And the "funnest" thing
about worms:



Pinkie's on the move.

All the worms are on the move.

I wonder, could this be a clue?

Maybe if we follow the worms
into their holes,

we'll know why they come up
again when it rains.

Well partner, let's just get
a move on and find out then.

Ride 'em, worm-boy! Woo!

Let's rustle us up
some worm clues!

Hop on, partner. Worm's going
underground. Yee-haw!

Hey, wait for me.

Wow, hey, the worm
gave me the slip!


Wow, check out these tunnels.

Whoa, the worms can really
tunnel through this moist soil.

It's wet down here.

Chris, come on, speak up.

Remember what dad always said:
no mumbling.

It's wet down here!

Not listening to a mumbler.

Wet! Wet! It's wet down here!

Why didn't you just say so?

Look, all the rainwater is
seeping down into the ground.

When it rains,
the underground worm world

soaks up the water
like a sponge.

If there's so much water
under there,

when it rains really heavily,

the tunnels might get
completely flooded.

Yeah, I always thought
worms came up

so they don't drown underground.

Me too.

Grab on!

Chris really needs something to
help him get around underground.

Where are you going, Chris?

To another clue!


I hope.


What's that worm
doing underwater?

It's not moving. Did it drown?

Oh no, a largemouth bass!

Time for a little bass bait!

Hey Pinkie,
can I borrow some slime?

Oh, this'll help it
glide through the water.

Oh, I hope this clay minnow
looks tastier than Chris.


It's alive!

Underwater and alive.

See? I told you
worms don't drown.

It's been here all day
since this morning

and it's still fine.


Hey, it's Ellie and Katie,

part of Wild Kratts
Team North America.

Nice work. So, now we know.

Worms don't drown.
Worms don't drown.

Of course. Worms breathe through
their skin, in air and in water.

Slimy skin breathers!
Ellie's right!

Thanks, Ellie!

Guess she didn't see us.

Martin, what's with
the wind-up toy?

I could use a little help
with this mystery, you know?

What? I just saved you from
being lunch for a largemouth.

Bass? I didn't pass any bass.

But we did find another clue for
why worms come up in the rain.

It's not because rain
floods the ground with water.

No matter how wet the ground
gets, worms don't drown.

Come on, Chris.

Whoa, we're going off tunnel!

Ha, this'll put
my worm riding to the test.


The slip, the slip got me again.

Worm riding is
just not Chris's thing.


Oh no, I'm getting the slip.

I see, Pinkie, your slime.

It slips you through.

So, the water in the soil

and the slippery slime
helps a worm glide.

And that torpedo head
pushes right through the dirt.

Segments expand and contract
like an accordion.

That's what I needed to know.
Time to design.

Oh, and Martin.


Enjoy your worm slime facial.
It'll do wonders for your skin.

Zap out.

Chris, I think we're going up.

Pinkie, what are we
doing up here?

Okay, check the scene,
we've got a worm above ground.

Rain? Not a drop. So, worms do
come aboveground sometimes,

even when it's not raining.
But for what?

To eat a leaf!
That's clue number two.

Worms will come aboveground
to get food at night,

when it's cool and dark,

when the surface world
is more like the underground.

Yeah, let's just hope
nobody up here is hungry.

Look, even at night,
the worm says,

"No way I'm staying up here
for long."

Wait for us, Pinkie.

Now, if we can just track
the worm into the daytime--


Chris! Help!

Martin, what are you
lying around for?


Lying around? I just got
flattened by a bullfrog.

What frog?
Are you seeing things?

Chris, we got to
get out of here.

Worm eaters are everywhere.

What are you talking about,
Martin? We can't leave now.

The mystery of the squirmy
wormy: we're getting close.

Yeah, close to getting eaten.

There's got to be a faster,
easier way--

Oh! To move around down here!

Hmm. I've got just the thing.

Zap it, Jimmy!

It's out of here!


Oof! I think I found it.

Chris, get ready
to slip in style.

Ta-da, a Wormmobile!


Cool. Slime injecta-motion
with stretch-slide worm action.

Aviva, this is awesome.

Finally, I can move down here,

Hey, Martin.

Hey, Chris.

Woo hoo, looks like
we're going up.

Ha, even though your brain
is smaller than a pinhead,

I think you know something
we don't.


Like a mini-earthquake!




Mole attack! A Star-nosed mole!

Oh, you sensed its digging
vibrations, didn't you?


Chris, get out of there, fast!

Okay, left pedal stretches,
right pedal slides

and this lever steers me up.

Creature clue number three,
here I come.

Hey, this thing handles great.

Turbo boosters, cool.
Let's see how much power it has.


Wow, this Wormmobile
is a blast.

Uhh, Chris, a Star-nosed mole
almost blasted us.

Mole? What are you talking
about? There was no mole.

I saw a mole. That's the only
reason Pinkie headed up.

If you're a worm, you head to
the surface to escape a mole.

Pinkie doesn't even
want to be here. Look.

Wow, special cells
in the worm's skin

are sensing the sun, telling the
worm this is a bad place to be.

It's the mole!

What mole?

That mole!

Creature clue number three

in the mystery of
the squirmy wormy:

worms will come up
on a sunny day,

but only in
a life or death emergency.

Worms do not like the sun.

Chris, we've got to
get back to real size.

Worm eating monsters are
following every squirm we make.

Okay, okay, let's solve
this mystery fast then.

I've got an idea
but I have to check something.

It'll just take a minute.

If we last that long.

Are they going to make it?

What? Solve the mystery
or stay alive?


Just what I thought,
the ground is still wet.

The soil can lock in water for
days. Look, Martin.

Ha, got you.

Okay, and slime seals it in.

So, what did the baby slime say
to the daddy slime?




Got you back.



Phew, made it. Uh-oh.

Uhh, Chris, what does that
look like to you?

Let's see, scaly. I see toenails
so those must be toes.

The early bird,
the e who gets the worm!

Shh, don't wiggle.

Martin, we got fooled by a bird,
the perfect trick.

Robins peck at the ground,

making vibrations just like
the ones a digging mole makes.

So, when you're a worm,
you react, "Oh no, a mole.

To the surface! Sun or no sun,
surface, here I come!"

And when you get here,

that tricky Robin
is waiting to grab you.

Uh-oh, where's Pinkie?

Hold on, Pinkie! Hang on
with those setae hairs!

Pinkie, no!



I've got a signal on Martin.

He's being carried northeast,
heading across the park.

We need help.
Koki, try to find Ellie.

Whoa! Help!

Hey, was that Robin carrying
a tiny Martin Kratt in its beak?


Solve mystery, save brother.
Solve mystery, save brother.

Ah, I've got to save Martin.

Whoa! Brown thrasher!

Whoa, Blue jay!

Yikes! Brown thrasher!

Ah! Blue jay!

Okay, first things first,
I got to fix this thing.

Now what is he up to?

That'll do it. Perfect.

What? My high-tech engineering
fixed with blades of grass?

I can't believe it! It worked!

Second things second.
Hang on, Martin, here I come!

Pinkie, you're losing
your slime.

Slime flakes.

Chris, I'm hanging on to
a creature clue.

The sun's taking the water out
of the worm. Pinkie's drying up.

Of course.

We've got to get that worm back
underground, where it's wet.

On my way, Martin.

Uh-oh, I like animals,
but not being food for animals.


Whoa, woo, ooh, ah, whoa!

Told you I'd get you
out of this, Pink.

Uh-oh. That's going to hurt.

Hang on, bro,
I've got your position.


Uh oh, better slow down
this landing.


We made it, Pinkie. Pinkie?

Oh no, pinkie's burning up.

No, don't dry on me, Pinkie.

Don't dry on me! Don't dry!

Uh-uh, we're not going to
lose a worm on my watch.



Worm slime formula .


Harness and straps?


High power sprayer?


Jimmy, prepare to teleport.

A moving teleportation.
I love these.

Sending Sliminator. Energize!

What is that?

A Sliminator.

It blasts our special recipe
of wet, home-made worm slime.

Say, "Slime."


We got to get pinkie

out of the sun
to where it's wet.

Let's do this.

Are we almost there?

For a worm,
getting across the pavement

is like crossing
the driest dessert.

Pinkie can't take
much more of this.

We're not going to
make it in time.


Hey, guys. Need a hand?

Whoa, Ellie, just in time.
Whoa, Ellie, just in time.

Wow, you guys are tiny.
That's so cool.

I always wondered
what it's like being a worm.

Definitely not easy.

Yeah, we need to get down
that wormhole fast.

You got it.

Thanks, Ellie.
You're a lifesaver.

Make that a worm-saver.


Yes, we saved Pinkie.

Yeah, and we solved the mystery
of the squirmy wormy too.

All right. We did?

Oh yeah, the answer's in--

The slime.
The slime.

The wetness in the slime.

Exactly. Worms need to be wet
and slimy to survive.

The underground is a wet,
comfortable place.

But up here on the surface,
it's way too dry and deadly.

Yeah, the drying, frying sun

may be the worm's
deadliest enemy of all.

Except if it rains.

Rain turns the dry surface world
into a wet world

worms can survive in.

So, why do worms come up
in a rainstorm?

Because they can!
Because they can!

And it's the only time
they can move

from place to place quickly,

without having to push through
a whole lot of dirt.

Here's sliming at you.



I am Slimorg. I come from Planet
Slime. I am hungry.



When it's wet and rainy outside
worms travel.

They come up and move
from place to place aboveground.

Until the sun comes out.

Ah! Help me!

I'm drying! I'm drying!

Translation: worms can
get stuck on the pavement

or places that get really hot.

So, why not give them a hand?
A big hand!

There you go, buddy.

Calling out the worm patrol!

Kids to the creature rescue.

We got to rescue some worms.
It's hot out. They're drying!

You'll be helping a really cool,
slimy creature

find its way home to a wet,
moist place out of the hot sun,

to the worm's world.

You found one.

All right, now see, he's in
a little puddle here.

So, let's get him out of there.

It's so hot. You want to
take him over to the grass?

There you go! Good!

That looks like a good spot.
Good job. You saved a worm.

All right, guys, put them
in the ground. Let's go.

And by putting them
back in the dirt,

you'll be helping the Earth.

Worms are amazing soil farmers,
mixing up the dirt,

helping plants, grass
and trees grow.

We found one right here.

Okay, bring it back home.

It's nice and cool in here and
he can burrow into the soil.

Found one!

Good one, all right!
Slimy high five!

And if you take some home--

You can have pet worms
that make dirt.

It's composting,
and this is a compost bin.

All right, everybody,
put your worms in here.

That's where worms live,
inside the compost bin.

And now we got to feed 'em,

So, what do you do?
You get table scraps.

Banana peels,

who wants to throw a banana peel
in to feed the worms?

After we put the food in,

we take some leaves and you
cover it up. There you go.

So, you cover a layer
with leaves.

Now we cover the bin and wait.

They'll break it down
and turn it into dirt.

Look at this, perfect soil
for your garden.

That's worm power.
All right, everybody,

let's take some dirt
and take it to the garden.

All right, so the worms made
the dirt we put in the garden

to grow more fruits and
vegetables for ourselves, huh?

So, like all these
Wild Kratts kids,

get out there and go on
an adventure on your own.

See you on the creature trail.

To find out more
about cool animals--

And collect your own
Wild Kratts creature powers--

Go to the Wild Kratts website--

We'll see you there.
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