01x10 - Honey Seekers

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Wild Kratts". Aired: January 3, 2011 - present.*
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Live action/Flash-animated educational children's television series created by the Kratt brothers, Chris and Martin.
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01x10 - Honey Seekers

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Wild Kratts ♪

Hi, I'm Chris!

And I'm Martin.

We're the Kratt brothers!

Doing what we're always doing,
looking for creatures.



An American badger!


Oh, that was a close call!

Let's just give him
some space,

and let him pass.


He wants to take on
the truck?



He's tough!

That's a badger for ya!


Like all members
of the weasel family,

a badger is one tough

A badger is so tough,
he'll stand up to a truck!

And he'll stand up
to predators

who are much bigger
than himself,

like wolves, bears
or mountain lions.


And now, he's under
our truck!

He's moving in
under there!

Oh, he's digging a burrow
under our truck.

Wherever a badger decides to be,

that's where he's going to stay
until he decides to leave.

Wow, the American badger
is tough!

But you know what other
creature's really tough?

Oh, Chris!

You're bragging about me


The honey badger
of Africa.

Oh, yeah!

The honey badger
is super tough,

because he has to deal

with the super predators
of Africa.

The leopard, lion,

the wild dog, the hyena,
and the cheetah.

Imagine if we could join up
with the African honey badger,

and learn some of his secrets
of survival.

What if?

♪ On adventure with
the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans to the trees ♪

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going
places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with
their creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready, it's the hour ♪

♪ We're gonna save
some animals today with ♪

♪ Creature power ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild, wild ♪

♪ Cheetah speed
and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight and lion pride ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild, wild, Wild Kratts ♪

(Bird tweeting)


All right!

Today's the day to figure out
which animal is the roughest,

toughest animal in Africa!

That's easy!

I already know
it's the lion!


Whoa, do you hear that?

That's just my ferocious

What do you want
for breakfast, Chris?

Well, we'll definitely need

a good energy breakfast
for this mission.

How about toast?

Toast? Again?

Yeah, the fun part's
what you put on top!

I got gooseberry jelly,
chocolate spread,

rainbow sprinkles!

Nah, I'm in the mood
for-- huh?

Not that!

It's delicious!

Uh, no, thanks.

I'm in the mood for,
let's see...

Big decisions, Chris.

I think you'll find out the
toughest animal in Africa

is the leopard, by the way.

But get this!

Koki just intercepted
a message

from illegal endangered species
chef Gourmand!

Yeah, my villain tracker
grabbed it on its way to Zach.

Tough code to crack,
but I unscrambled this.

Mr. Varmitech, I invite you
to Kalahari, Africa,

for a menu
of mystery animal,

served with a very special
honey sauce.

Mmm, mmm, mmm!

(Kissing fingers)

Honey, that's what I want
on my toast!

Sorry, Chris,
breakfast is over.

We've got an animal
to save.

A mystery animal
that Gourmand wants to capture

and serve for dinner.

An animal that has something
to do with honey.

We got to put a hold
on the search

for the toughest animal
in Africa,

and start "Operation: Save the
Mystery Animal from the Menu."

To the creature rescue!

Uh, guys?

Where are you going?

To the Kalahari!

But you're already
in the Kalahari!

Oh, yeah.

Okay, let's break it down.

If honey sauce is on the menu,

then Gourmand will be heading
for a beehive.

He always collects
his own ingredients.

And if we find him there,

then we can rescue the mystery
animal he's caught

or tries to catch.

So, we've got to find
a wild honey beehive!

Okay, I'm a honeybee!

What do I do?

I wake up in the morning,
and buzz off!

Ah, the personal
insect-o-copter pack.

Do you really need that?

Hey, why walk
when you can fly?

I'm a bee,
and I'm looking for flowers!

That's where all
the honeybees go.

We'll find a bee, and follow him
back to his hive!


Hey, find your own water
somewhere else!

Ah, this is
an excellent location

for a one-night-only endangered
species restaurant.

(Kissing fingers)


Honey is near!



Oh, we bees love flowers,

because they give us
that sugary water called nectar!

Whoa, look!

Uh, Chris, you might not
want to crowd them.

Us bees like our space.

He's sipping up nectar
with his tongue!

Then, he puts it in
his stomach for storage!

Uh, oh!


That bee was just doing his
thing, and then I--

Stuck your nose
in a busy bee's business?

Yeah, I bugged him!

So of course, he stung me.

Honeybees only sting

when they're protecting
themselves or their hive.

Oh, these bees
get really riled up.

Of course!

It's an African honeybee!

Sometimes called
the k*ller bee!

The most aggressive--

in the world!


I think I found the roughest,
toughest animal in Africa.

The honeybee!

At . pounds,
he's just a little guy,

so he gets extra toughness

for taking on a giant
like Chris.

That gets him an on the
Wild Kratts tough-o-meter.

Nah, the lion is still
the toughest!

Come on, he's a predator
who att*cks!

Take it from someone
who's been stung.

It's the African honeybee.

Uh, Chris,
is that your nose,

or are you wearing a tomato
on your face?

I'll always remember,
give a bee his space.

Cleared for take-off!

Follow that bee,
to the hive!

Don't lose him!

There he is!


(Crashing, lion growling)

I'm sorry!
I didn't see you!

It was an accident!


See, the lion's
the toughest!

Well, taking out
the size advantage,

while giving them
extra ferocity points,

because while bees
are defensive,

lions are aggressive predators,
we've got a !

It's too close to call
between the lion

and the African honeybee.

I need more data!

Keep your eye
on that bee!


Oh, the sweet smell strengthens!

Honey is near!


Hello, honeybees!

Hello, honey!

There goes the bee
back to his hive!

I couldn't be happier to see
Green Grape and Blueberry, heh!

They will help me
steal the honey!

Ugh, ugh, ugh!

(Bees buzzing)

Ha, ha, we did it!



Clever move, Gourmand!

Bother the bees, and make us
look like the bad guys.

Hey, Chris,
what's the difference

between one angry bee,
and a swarm?

About , stingers.

(Bees buzzing)


While you run for your lives,
I will visit another hive.

And there, I will capture the
mystery animal on my menu.

I'll give you a clue!

It has ferocious flavor!

It's not over yet,


Not again!


I'm going to get
a reputation now,

for rolling over lions.

(Bees buzzing)


The lion is running
from bees?

See? Bees are tougher!

Whew! They're going
back to the hive!

Well, a lion running
from a swarm of bees.

That gives the African honeybee

a bonus point
on the tough-o-meter,

and one up on the lion!

And Gourmand just got one
over on us!

You know, for a fry cook,

he's got some skill
in the wild.

Yeah, we got to figure out
a plan

to find that mystery animal
before he does.

Chris, look at this
little bird!

Are you trying to get
my attention?

Chris, I think she's trying
to tell us something!

Uh, Martin, we're on
a creature rescue.

We don't have time right now
to talk to an -inch-tall,

brownish, white-bellied,
curve-billed bird

doing a special
song-and-dance display.

Wait a second!

That's a--

honey guide!

She wants to tell us
where the honey is.

You guys should have
eaten more breakfast.

I didn't even have any yet!

That's why you're saying
strange things!

Why would a bird be
telling you where the honey is?

She is, because she's
a honey guide.

Yeah, a honey guide finds
a beehive full of honey.

Then, she finds an animal
that can smash into it.

Like a human.

Or a honey badger!

Honey badger,
what's that?

A honey badger.
Looks tough!

Then, the human--

Or honey badger!

Follows the bird
to the hive--

And smashes it open!

And the bird and the badger
both get food.

It's a symbiotic relationship!

Yeah, Aviva, just like we lead
you to really cool animals,

and show you
the amazing things they do.

And then,
you create inventions

that help us
on our creature missions.

Symbiotic relationship?

A kind of teamwork,

where everybody gets something
out of it.


The honey guide
and the honey badger--

Make a great team too!

Honey guide?
Honey badger?

This could make a dynamic duo
of creature power suits.

What else you got on them,


Whoa, that skeleton is rigged
for some serious muscles!

Wild claws!

Huh, you make a sweet little
sound, and eat honey!

Sweet tweet!

I'm going to call you
Sweet Tweet!


All right, Sweet Tweet!

We hear you loud and clear!

Yeah, Thweet Tweet--

That's hard to say!

All right, Sweet Tweet,

take us to the honey
so we can stop Gourmand!


Ah, the tracks
of my mystery meat!

The honey badger!

I can tell
from the way he walks,

he is searching for food!




Uh, sorry!

Hey, listen, I didn't mean
to roll over you before.

I couldn't move
out of the way in time!



Oh, you're not afraid of me?

See, I knew I was going to get
a bad reputation with lions.

I'm the "lion roller" now!

It's like the lion thinks

the toughest animal
in Africa is me!

Wait, this doesn't make sense!

Lions are ferocious,
super-tough predators.

Why would they be afraid of you?


Uh, Martin?

You think you're tough, huh?

Think you're really

Well, the lion does!

Brother, it's not you.

It's a honey badger!


Whoa, the honey badger
is tough!

So tough, a lion'll think twice
about tangling with him.


That puts the honey badger
right up there

with the African honeybee
on the tough-o-meter.

Tie for now!

And the honey badger
has a fierce sweet tooth too!

He's still following
the honey guide!


Honey badger
and honey guide.

Now, that is a dynamic duo.

Let's program some creature
power suits!

I'm with you, "honey"!


Okay, who wants
honey guide powers,

and who wants honey badger?

Ooh, ooh, honey badger!
Honey badger over here!

Did you have to ask?

Hey, it's my turn for
the more powerful creature.

Chris, I had caterpillar
powers last time!

Well, a butterfly
isn't exactly powerful.

I should have the badger powers,

because that lion's mad at me
for bumping him.

I got to watch my back!

Yeah, but if I had badger
powers, I could watch your back.

Uh, guys?

You're not going to have
any powers.

Because the animals you have
to touch to get the powers,

are getting away!


Mm-hmm, uh-huh--

He is following--

Wild Kratts?

And honey!

The little bird did it!

Led us right to the honey!

And now, it's the honey badger's
turn to do his thing.

(Bees buzzing)

Oh, nobody can be
that tough!

Ooh, he's going to get
so stung!


Ow, I feel your pain!

No animal can survive
that many beestings!

He's going to run!

I didn't see that


Of course.

Honey badgers are members
of the weasel family.

And they sh**t a stinky spray
from beneath their tails.

Just like his cousin,
the skunk.

Except the honey badger
also uses his stinky spray

like a living can
of bee repellent.


Can a smell be ferocious?

Don't know, but if it can,
this one is!


He'll actually attack
a swarm of stinging bees!

And stand up
to a lion.

The honey badger is
the toughest animal in Africa!

Yup, he scores a . on
the Wild Kratts tough-o-meter.

The toughest yet!

But as tough as he is,
he still has a little friend.

Sweet Tweet!

And Tough-o!

Two very different creatures
working together.

One is the guide;
one grabs the goods.

And they both get food.

Now that's a cool
symbiotic relationship!

And I can finally
have breakfast!


Oh, the laughing boys!

They think they're so good
in nature!

Ha! Curiosity cooked the cat.

While they giggle,
I will gather.



Oh, no!

We got to teleport
the new disks

with honey badger
and honey guide powers!

Like, now!


Jimmy, wake up!

Uh-- huh?

Is is time
for breakfast?

Forget it.

It takes Jimmy forever
to wake up.

Plus, I'm in the mood
for a bike ride.


Oh, you little piggy!

You are the mystery meat!

Medallion of honey badger,
drizzled in honey demi-glaze!

I just might need this!

Ah, ferocious flavor!

You will be so nice!

Nice is one thing
the honey badger isn't.

Yeah, you'll find out,

No, you will find out,

when the k*ller bees
discover you here

and blame you for destroying
their hive!

Heh, heh, heh!

Oh, you will find out!


(Bees buzzing)

Don't move a muscle, bro!

No way!

The bees are looking
for Gourmand.

But to a bee, one human
looks just like another human!

They'll take it out
on us!

I don't want
to get stung again!


Please don't start singing,
Sweet Tweet!

Any sound could set them off!

Ah, ah, ah--

Don't sneeze, bro!


It's stuck on the honey!

Ah, ah, achoo!


(Bees buzzing)



Nice move, Aviva!

Thanks, the buzz bike really--

Look out!

Zach's jet is heading
right towards you!

Whoa! Ugh!

Zach is so annoying!

After him,
before dinner is served!

Am I the first one here?

Oh, are you going to serve
that endangered mushroom salad

that you served at the Finding
Your Inner Villain seminar?

I never cook
the same dish twice!


There it is!

Hey, guys, do your thing!

Yes, honey badger!

Aw, I got
the little bitty birdie!

Oh, yeah!

To the creature rescue!

Whoa, cool!

That's the toughest creature
power suit yet!

Well, at least I have
a bird's eye view.

Hold it, Gourmand!

Let that honey badger go!

Oh, I'll let
the honey badger go--

if you can handle
my pastry dough!

Ha, yah!

Do you really think
globs of dough

can hold back the ferocious
powers of the honey badger?

Yes, I do!



Oh, no!

I didn't food-proof it!

If I can just activate the
auto-clean restart sequence--


Hey, why'd you invite them?

What kind of rescue
can a little songbird do?

I'm just a--

honey guide!


Martin, how can you be out for
a little fly-about sing-song

when Chris and Aviva
are all doughed up,

and a honey badger's about
to get baked?

Now, that's what I call


You got it all wrong.

I'm not distracted.

I am harnessing the power
of the honey guide!

To call out a cavalry of
the toughest animals in Africa!


And I'm taking them
all out to dinner!

At Gourmand's!

Hello, Gourmand!

Just step away from the honey
badger, nice and easy.

I've got the place


With a flock of little
birdie men like you?

Taste this!


It's not me
you have to worry about.

It's them!

Oh, this is going
to be good!




Get out of my kitchen!


Don't turn your back
on me!

Hold your breath!





Hey, that doesn't smell

Nope, it is one stinky
secret w*apon!

Should I put it
in the power suit?


Hey, that tickles!




Yeah, nice work,
honey badgers!

Finally, breakfast!

So, do we all agree
that the honey badger

is the toughest animal
in Africa?


Yeah, I think
I'll give it to him.


Living free!

And tough!

And in the wild!

I love badgers!

Yeah, me too!

And just like
the African honey badger,

the American badger
is one tough customer.

Oh, yeah!

And the American badger
is an incredible digger, too.

Oh, yeah!

Check out those super-long,
sharp claws.

They're perfect for digging.

They're about as long
as my fingers!


And they never stop

A badger can dig a hole
so fast,

that in seconds,
he can completely disappear.

That is some serious
digging power!

Oh, and it's nice and cool
in there too.

Yeah, the son's hot,
but the earth is so cool,

so he just likes to get
his body in there,

and cool off.

They're creatures
of the earth.



He likes to remind us
how tough he is!

Yeah, like in the last minute,
we forgot!


A badger's claws are like
natural shovels.

And garden claws!

Let's dig like a badger!

All right!

Dig with the forepaws,
push away with the back!

That's badger hole-digging


Oh, okay!

All right, you can have
that hole!

I'll work on more!

And he just watches.

He's going to try
that one now.


We got musical
badger holes here.



He's attracted
to flying dirt.

Come on in here,
I found a worm!

I got chased
out of the hole again!

I love the way
he just saunters over

and plops in.

He took over my hole again!

Oh, wait!

Okay, you want that one?

It's yours-- whoa!


Watch out, there's a lot
of badger holes!

Made some progress here.

I think Chris and I
are the workers,

and the badger's supervising.

It's kind of fun,
digging holes with badgers, huh?

Yeah, it's great!

It's just we're doing
all the work!

Thanks for helping us!

So, there he goes!

Another amazing creature!

A long-clawed,


American badger!

See you on the creature trail!

To find out more about
cool animals--

And collect your own Wild
Kratts creature powers--

Go to the Wild Kratts

We'll see you there!
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