01x14 - Tazzy Chris

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Wild Kratts". Aired: January 3, 2011 - present.*
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Live action/Flash-animated educational children's television series created by the Kratt brothers, Chris and Martin.
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01x14 - Tazzy Chris

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Wild Kratts ♪

Hey, it's the Kratt Brothers

I'm Chris and there's
my brother Martin.

I put a creature
that makes a special sound

right here in this log.

Let's see if Martin
can tell who it is.

Hey, Martin,
check it out.

What's going on?

Put your hand right here
in that hole.

Trust me.

All right.

(Creature squealing)

(Squealing and chirping)

That sounds like something's
going to rip my hand off.

I know.
It sounds really ferocious.

But we got to find out
who it is.

(Creature squealing)
Oh! Oh!

Just kidding.

A sugar glider.

Now that's a pretty scary sound

for such a cute and friendly
creature to make

Sure, gliders only make that
sound when they're surprised.

And now that he knows it's us,
he's not afraid.

He's our pal.

It just goes to show you,

you can't judge a creature
by the sound it makes.


A sugar glider is a type
of possum from Australia.

They're gentle creatures

that leap and glide
around the forest,

searching for food
like sap, bugs

and even nectar
from flowers.


Sometimes you just
have to get to know a creature.

Find out more about them

to understand
what they're really like.

Hey, I know another creature
who's misunderstood.

She lives on an island
off the coast of Australia.

Who roams around at night
making mysterious sounds.

Imagine if we could prowl
with that growl.

What if?

♪ On adventure with
the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans
to the trees ♪

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going
places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with
their creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready, it's the hour ♪

♪ We're gonna save
some animals today with ♪

♪ Creature Power ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild, wild ♪

♪ Cheetah speed
and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight
and lion pride ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild, wild, Wild Kratts ♪


(Creature growling and snarling)

Sounds like we're getting close.

Tasmanian devils,
here we come.

Sounds like a scary movie
to me.

That's it!

What's it?

That's one reason
we've got to tag them.

Because everybody's
afraid of them

and we have to show
what they're really like.

And there aren't many left,

so we've got
to keep track of them

and make sure they don't
disappear forever.

Oh, that would be
so sad.

Okay, I've got the headlamps,
tagging remote and fly cam.

What have you got?

This Halloween mask.

How is that going to help?

It could help me
fit in.

Hey, guys.
You've got the magnetic tags?

Sure do.

Just place each tag
on their ear.

Won't hurt the animal
and they send a signal

which allows us
to track them.

Be careful, guys.
Zap out.

All right, I think the remote
fly cam is the safest way

to get these tags
onto the devils, Martin.

(Tasmanian devil growling)

By the proximity
of the growls,

we must be only
a few yards away.

Fly cam is ready
to start tagging.

(Tasmanian devil snarling)

Uh, not that I'm a scaredy-cat,

but you sure
you want to do this?

We have to. T. devils
are disappearing so quickly.

And the more we know about them
the more we'll be able

to help protect them
from becoming extinct.


(Tasmanian devil growling)


Maybe I am a scaredy-cat.

Oh, it's a shadow.
There's the creature.

The Tasmanian devil.

Found nowhere else in the world
but in Tasmania.


What's so funny?

Do you really think
this is a good time

for a tickle fight?

I'm not tickling you.

Then who is?




Whoa, check out
the feeding frenzy.

Wow. By the way
they're munching,

you'd think that carcass was
a world-class ice cream sundae.

To them, it is.

Scavengers have it made.

You find an animal that's
already died, then eat it.

And if you're going to eat
dead things at night,

those long whiskers
on their face

help them feel around
in the dark.

It also helps to know
when other T. devils

are too close.



Ha! We were too close.
He's defending his meal.

They're jockeying for position
at the dinner table.

All those snarls
and the way he's standing

tells the other guy,
"I'm tougher than you,

so back off."

(Both growling)

Whoa, that guy
won the standoff

and so he's the one
who gets the prize.


(Bones crunching)

Do you hear that?

Pound for pound,
T. devils have

the strongest jaws
of any mammal.

T. devils can crunch
through teeth, bones,

almost anything.

Oh, if I were a T. devil

I could chew a branch
no problem.

Ah! Ow.

Problem in my mouth.

Let's start tagging, bro.

Nice one, Chris. Ha!

All right, T. devils,

nothing's going to happen
to you

now that the Wild Kratts
are on the job.


(Thunder crashing)

My next generation
security robot

is missing something.

Something that'll really
keep people away.

Especially pesky kids.

(Air whooshing)


(Doorbell ringing)


Ah! Ah! Ah!

Dog drool!

We're really sorry, mister.

We didn't mean to hit the ball
so far.

Thanks, Rufus.

Pesky kids.

Just like the Wild Kratts

who used to bug me
when we were kids.

I will collect all the frogs
in the park

to power my hopping Zach-bot.


Yay, yay!

Hey, Zach,
don't be mean to those frogs.

They live in the pond,
not your robots.





I'll get you, Wild Ratts!


Go away!

Stop bugging me.

(All screaming)

The sooner I finish
my security robots

the sooner I can keep
those pesky kids away for good.


What's this?

"The Wild Kratts crew
will be tagging

the endangered
Tasmanian devil."

Tasmanian devil.

What's that?



Those Tasmanian devils
are precisely what I need

to power my security robots
and get rid of those kids.

get the plane ready!

We're going to Tasmania.


It's a creature alert

from Wild Kratt kid Kenny
in Tasmania.

Hi, Kenny here.
I'm from Tasmania,

and I'm not seeing as many
devils around here as I used to.

Neither have my friends.

Ugh! Gross. Rotten meat.

Oh, yeah,
they're pretty scrappy.

I think it's cool.

I think I'm going
to be sick.

Well, look at this, Kenny.

I finished building
the tracking system programming.

Each of these icons
is a tagged T. devil

moving around in real time.

Very cool, Koki.

Our system will pick up
every T. devil

that Chris and Martin tag.

We'll be able to track them
no matter where they go.

Oh, wow, thanks. I'm really glad
you guys are here to help.

I'd be sad
if they disappeared.

No worries.
That won't happen on our watch.

Thanks, and call me
if I can help you.

I haven't seen you
so grossed out

since you watched me down
peanut butter cheeseburgers

topped with Brussels sprouts
and whipped cream.

Did you have
to remind me?

Both T. devils are tough,

but the hungrier one
always comes out on top.

A hungry, small one
will chase off

a not-so-hungry bigger one.

Amazing. They can eat
almost half their body weight

in minutes.

That would be like me
eating hot dogs.

Whoa, that's a lot of carcass.

(Zach-bots beeping)


Step aside, Wild Rats.

I have a real purpose
for these beasts.

My next generation
of security robots.

Hello, guard bots.
Bye-bye, kids.

(Tasmanian devil snarling)

Check out this little
tough guy.

You look scary,
you sound scary,

you act scary,
but you're kind of cute.



I'm going to call you

(Remote beeping)

Thought you were
protecting them?

Well, think again.

The Wild Ratts
are tagging them

so I can catch them.



get a transmitting tag
and bring it back to me.

By tapping into
the radio frequency,

I'll know where to find
the Tasmanian devils

so I can steal them all.


(Tasmanian devil snarling)

Hey, Martin,
check this out.


You're not going to give me
a taste test,

are you, T. devil?

(Electricity crackling)


Watch out, buddy!

This could cause a Creature
Power Suit malfunction.

I think I'm okay, though.

(Electricity zapping)


Something smells good.

Hey, Chris,
I think T-bone likes me.


Where'd you go?





(Flies buzzing)



Hey, why are you
yanking on me?

You were just trying
to eat a carcass.


I'd never eat
rotten meat.

Let's get back
to tagging the T. devils.

Chris, trust me, your suit
was malfunctioning like mad.

No, it wasn't.

(Electricity crackling)

Whoa! You're turning
into a T. devil.

Hey, and stop drooling on me.


Aviva, help!

There's something wrong
with Chris' suit.

Chris look fine to me.

Never been better.

What? He was just craving
carcass meat.

I'm fine, bro. Come on,
we got T. devils to tag.


You're the one
acting weird, Martin.

But we're on our way.


When T. devils are angry
or fighting,

their ears turn bright red.

Makes it easier to tag them.

Oops, I--


--dropped one.

I can't understand
what you're saying.

You just went all Tazzy
on me again.

Hand over the remote.

Relax, Martin.

I've never been
more focused.

Focused on what?
Being a T. devil?

I think you're malfunctioning.

The T. Devil could be
the most genius security robot

I've ever created.

I could just kiss myself.

Mwah, mwah, mwah.

(Zach-bots whirring)

Oh, ahem, Zach-bots,
I didn't hear you come in.

Give me that tagging

There they are.

Now I have all I need
to steal the T. devils.


Zach-bots, go collect
as many as you can.

And step on it.

(Tasmanian devils snarling)




Why am I craving
a big raw steak

that's been left out

Yeah, because you're half Kratt
and half T. devil.

No, I'm not. Look at me.
I'm in control.

(Electricity crackling)


Oh, no.
Here we go again.


Oh, yeah, T-bone.
I smell that too.


Rotten carcass
somewhere around here.

Got to find it.


We can smell well
from up here.

My nose seems
super sensitive too.

I feel like I could
sniff out a rotting carcass

from a half a mile away.


(Clearing throat)


T-bone, smells like
it's coming from over there--


Only young T. devils
can climb trees;

Not big Chris devils

in totally out-of-control
Creature Power Suits.

Relax, Martin.

I'm fine.

(Tasmanian devils snarling)


I'm thinking
the little T. devils climb

so they can get higher up

to get a better sniff
on the carcasses.

Over there!
Let's go!


We're getting close
to the guys' location.

(Monitor beeping)

What's up, Koki?

Aren't you supposed to be
keeping track

of the tagged T. devils?

I can't get any work done

because rotten meat
and carcasses gross me out.

I hear you, but as part
of the Wild Kratts crew,

we're going to meet
all types of animals.

Live ones and ones that have
died of natural causes.

Yeah, but animals that eat
rotten stuff? Yuck!

Hey, somebody's got to eat
maggoty meat.

At least it's the T. devils
and not us.


Nothing left but bones.

And the T. devils
are still munching.

Look at all that
good stuff inside.

Bone marrow.
That's nutritious food

if you can get to it.

Yeah, and not every animal
has the tooth and jaw strength

to bust open the bone
and get to the marrow.

But T. devils do.


Hey, stop breathing
on my neck.


Your teeth are huge.

And they're growing.

T. devil teeth
never stop growing.

Why? That's why.

Chewing on hard bones
wears them down.

They need teeth
that keep growing

so they can crunch bones.


The great thing
about being a scavenger

is you can eat things
that other creatures can't.

Nothing goes to waste
when a T. devil's around.

Want a bone, T-bone?

Hey, he was just with me
a minute ago.

Hm, I'm not getting any signal
on the T. devils.

You've lost your T. devil mind,
and now T-bone is lost too.

What do you mean lost?

He's off the radar.
Koki, come in!


Oops. I'll be right there,

Oh, no!
What's wrong, Koki?

Ten T. devils are quickly
moving west together.

that's unnatural.

And then their tracking lights
go out and they're gone.

Is tag number
(that's T-bone),

one of the disappearing
T. devils?


And number : his mom.

Oh, no.

Hover back, Zach-bots.

the T. Devil Bot .


(Electricity crackling)


(Remote buttons beeping)

Now that's what I call


My GPS tracking function
is going nuts.

We must be close.

Is that Zach's plane?


What's he doing here?

Is that me?

That's what I've been
trying to tell you, bro.


Hey, I'm pretty wild-looking.

And I've got great
night vision.

It's black-and-white,
but sharp as a tack.



He's using our T. devil
buddies for evil.


Did I just growl?

It was more like--



Koki, Zach's got
the T. devils.

I'm so sorry, Martin.

Rotten meat grosses me out,

so I wasn't keeping track
of the Tasmanian devils.

And I didn't notice
when they started disappearing.

What? Slow down, Koki.

Oh, no.
Zach's leaving.


I have the Tasmanian devils
and you don't.

Catch me if you can,
Wild Ratts.


And because of me, he's getting
away with the T. devils.

Don't worry, Koki.
We'll get them back.

Can you pick us up?

On our way.

Okay, the T. devil tags
are sending a signal

from inside Zach's jet.

degrees south,
degrees east.

Got it.

You've got to deactivate him,

He's been driving me nuts.

I had to do
all the tagging.

He wouldn't stop
drooling on me.

I can't do it if you keep
moving around, Chris.

Wait, don't deactivate me,

I have T. devil powers.

We're misunderstood

but now I understand why.

I could have the key
to getting the others back.


Ah! Don't bite me.

Come on,
I'd never hurt you.


I know we sound mean,
but we're not.

We don't hunt like predators.

All we do is scavenge.

We're nature's recyclers.

I get it. When a T. devil
eats a dead animal

it becomes part
of the live animal.

Like when I recycle
old, used parts

into my newest invention.




Fly faster, Jimmy.

We've got to safe T-bone
and the Tasmanian devils

before they're not only

but if Zach has his way,

Drive, Jimmy.
They need my help.


Whatever you say,
Devil Dog.


Time to chase away
those pesky kids for good.

T. Devil s,
go get them.

(Robots snarling)


(Both screaming)

Don't be scared

of the T. devils.

They won't hurt you.

It's the Wild Kratts.

Hurry, we're being att*cked
by Tasmanian devil robots.


Is that Chris?

Yeah. He's a T. devil.

It's a long story.

Don't be afraid.
T. devils aren't dangerous.

They just like to eat
dead things.

They're lying,
pesky kids.

You should be very afraid.
Trust me.

Why should we trust you?

You're a meany.

Here's the plan.
If you have any rotten food

toss it in front of you.

I found a yucky bologna sandwich
on moldy rye.

I've got a wormy apple,

a bruised banana
and a gnarly piece of pizza.

Great! Throw them.


(All growling)

Oh, they won't be able
to resist it.


Animals are no match
for technology.

You are so wrong.

Oh, stand back.

Looks like the T. devil
scavenging instincts

are about to kick in.


(All grunting and snarling)

Yes! You did it, kids.

Tasmanian devils
aren't scary.

They're the world's greatest
clean-up crew.

(Electricity crackling)



Oh! Get them away from me!

Hey, Zach, come back.

T. devils are really nice
when you get to know them.


Yummy. Last week's
moldy pizza.

I can't resist it either.

It's disgusting,
but I can't stop myself.

Chris, no!



You finish it, T-bone.

I'm done like dinner.

Mission accomplished.

We're bringing the endangered
T. devils home,

back to living as one of
nature's coolest clean-up crews.

And I was proud
to be one of you.

And sorry for being
grossed out by maggoty meat.

I promise it'll never stop me
from doing my job again.

I like you little guys,

but what you eat
makes me kind of nauseous.

And just so you all know,

I was the tag master
for this adventure.

And totally nailed it.

And I was the T. devil
and totally nailed it.

Right, T-bone?



Hey, I thought
I deactivated you.

(All laughing)

Oh, yeah.

So sometimes animals aren't
as scary as they may seem.

And sometimes when they do
something really gross,

it's really something
important for nature.

This is the turkey vulture.

And he's a scavenger
just like the Tasmanian devil.

But he's a cleaner-upper
from North America.

With those big wings
and his sharp eyesight,

turkey vultures are great
at searching out dead things

from high in the sky.

Check out that nose.
You can see right through it.

Turkey vultures are one
of only vultures

that have a great
sense of smell.

In fact, a turkey vulture can
smell a stinky, rotten carcass

from a mile away.


Over here.

Oh, he found some food.

Oh, turkey vultures'
thick, strong beaks:

they can make quick work
of a carcass,

cleaning it down
to the bone.

Check out that bright,
bald red head.

Turkey vultures
have bald heads

so there are no feathers
to be messed up

when he buries it into a stinky,
rotten carcass.

And it's not only
in North America

where you'll find vultures
cleaning up.

In Africa,
wherever there's a carcass

you'll find them swooping in
for a bite,

stealing food from cheetahs
or lions

and competing with their fellow
scavenger, the hyena:

A powerful creature
with jaws just as strong

as a Tasmanian devil's,

and able to crunch through
the biggest bones.

Nothing goes to waste
in a scavenger's world.

A special African vulture
called the lammergeier

can even eat large bones.

How? She carries the bone
high in the sky,

drops it.


Right onto a rock.

Now the pieces
are small enough to swallow.

Yeah, scavengers may not be
the prettiest creatures.

And what they eat
can be pretty gross.

But when it comes
to a healthy ecosystem,

animals like vultures
and Tasmanian devils

are super important.

As nature's recyclers.

We'll see you
on the creature trail.

To find out more
about cool animals...

And collect your own
Wild Kratts Creature Powers...

Go to the Wild Kratts website.

We'll see you there!
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