01x18 - Let the Rhinos Roll!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Wild Kratts". Aired: January 3, 2011 - present.*
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Live action/Flash-animated educational children's television series created by the Kratt brothers, Chris and Martin.
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01x18 - Let the Rhinos Roll!

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Wild Kratts ♪

Hey, we're the Kratt brothers!

I'm Martin.

And I'm Chris!

And these are rhinos!

Famous for that
prehistoric look.

The tough armor-like skin,
and that amazing horn.

That horn,
and the weight behind it.

If you had that
charging at you,

Not many creatures
want to mess with a rhino!

The third-largest
land animal in the world!

Oh, and check out that horn!

It's made of a special
substance called keratin.

The same stuff
our fingernails are made of!

And our hair!

But in a rhino,

it's woven together
to make a very light horn.

But when the rhino
smoothes it out on the rocks,

it looks like, and is,
a pretty awesome w*apon!

Rhinos are near-sighted.

That means they can see things
pretty well close up,

but anything far away
is a little blurry.

And if they don't know
what something is,

they get nervous
and that is when they charge!

Rhinos have a special
relationship with a bird

that gives a warning call
whenever danger's near.

The bird is called an oxpecker,

and it hangs out
on top of the rhino!

The oxpecker picks ticks
and parasites

out of the rhino's ears
and off its skin,

getting a meal
and cleaning up the rhino.

Everyone gets something
out of the relationship.

And that kind of relationship

is called
a symbiotic relationship.

Creature teamwork!

The rhino's horn,
its impressive size

and its charging power
make the rhino

one of the most impressive
animals on earth!

Imagine if we had the creature
powers of the rhino.

What if?

♪ On adventure with
the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans
to the trees ♪

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going
places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with
their creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready, it's the hour ♪

♪ We're gonna save
some animals today with ♪

♪ Creature Power ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild, wild ♪

♪ Cheetah speed
and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight
and lion pride ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild, wild, Wild Kratts ♪


Ah, ooh, ah!

I am so stoked we found
those missing rhinos.

Yeah, me too!

But the Createrra
took a beating!

You can't jump
a foot ravine

when we're still
in truck mode, bro.

Hey, a charging hippo
doesn't change modes, dude.

I was going hippopotamus!

Hmm, just pass me the oil cap.

I don't think an equatorial land
snail is going to work.


(Growling off-screen)



What's going on
with that black rhino?

I don't know,
but we've got to find out!

Aviva, come in!

Something strange happened
to a black rhino

in the Serengeti!

I'll teleport you something

that will give you a bird's eye
view of the situation.

Voila, a collapsible

Too slow!
I got it!


Let's go, bro.

We've got a creature
mystery to solve!

More rhinos!

Maybe we'll find clues!

Back up, Martin!

Black rhinos are the most
ready-to-charge rhinos

in the world!


If we don't move,
she can hardly see us.

Poor eyesight, remember?



But the nose and ears
are super-sensitive.

That rhino will charge
if we sound,

or even smell
like a threat.

I took a shower,
did you?


How about cleaning those ears?


I mean, the oxpeckers!

Crawling right
into the rhino's ears.

Picking ticks
like flying Q-Tips.

The rhinos get
their ears cleaned.

The birds get a meal!

Both get something
out of the deal!

It's an amazing
symbiotic relationship.

Oh, yeah?

I think the coolest part is that
the rhino can chill out and eat,

'cause the oxpecker will sound
the danger alarm.

Dude, you got me
on that one!


Uh, did we just set off
the rhino alarm?

Yup, we set it off!





Did you see that?

See it?

I felt it!


No, I mean the oxpeckers
hung on

even when the rhino charges.

Now, that's the coolest thing!

I win!

Okay, you got me.

But what I don't get
is who would want to mess

with the third-heaviest land
mammal on the planet?

And take on that charge?


So, that's who the rhino
was going for!

We were just in the way.

They're after the calf!


Amazing, that's a pound

with some fancy footwork!

I've heard of tossed salad,
but tossed lions?



Ooh, that horn
is a serious w*apon!

Rhino's defense
is awesome!




Oh, no!

I just tuned it up!

I like it!

It gives it character.

You know, that made
no sense.

Black rhinos are solitary.

They'd never stampede
in a huge herd.

It's unnatural.

(Baby squeaking)

Hey, are you okay?

Oh, look at that little nub
of a horn you've got!

I'm going to call you Nubs!

Oh, but there's no way
your mom

would leave you behind,
little buddy!


Or not come charging
towards the lost call.

Something's very wrong


I don't know,
but we're going to find out.

Let's track them!

Uh-oh, don't look now,

But someone's tracking us!


They know there's no mom
to protect him.

We've got to get Nubs
out of here fast!

I think I'll stick around.

Something about
that rhino stampede

just didn't seem right.

I got you, Nubs!


Ahh-- ugh!

Createrra, don't fail us now!

Later, lions!

Dude, what are you doing
up there?

Getting a bird's eye view!

I'll take Nubs to safety,
and be right back!

Don't get distracted
and forget about me!

Oh, don't worry!

I won't leave you hanging!

He always finds a way
to hang out with a baby animal.

A flock of oxpecker birds

means a herd of some kind
of creature is nearby!


What is going on?

Got to check this out!

Martin, Chris here!

I'm definitely onto something.

I'll keep you posted,
over and out!

(Engine whirring)

No rhinos are taking off
on my watch!



Hey, guys!

I've got Nubs,
a baby rhino!

Isn't he adorable?

Nubs is a perfect name!

I thought you'd like him!

I saved him from
a bunch of lions.

Teeth, claws, the works!

What's going on with
the disappearing rhinos?

Oh, you know Chris.

He's all over it.

With this little pumpkin
in the HQ,

I can add some incredible
rhino-inspired features

into the Creature Power

There you go, sweetie.

I'm just going to scan
your skeleton.

Keep him distracted, M.K.


I didn't say scare him!



What kind of wildlife ranger
is that?

(Laughing off-screen)

Hey, want to hear me
snort like a rhino?


I should have known!

It's another Zach attack
on creatures!

Knock it off, Martin!

Zach can see you.

He's spying on us!

Green Guy!

Glad you could stop by!

And guess what?

Your silly little Creature Pod
doesn't work anymore!

So, the blue boy
can't hear you!

Oh, too bad!





Okay, I've got Nubsie
all decoded.

As soon as I have
the program done,

you and Chris can try out
your rhino-inspired suits.


What am I doing?

I've been here

I got to get back
to Chris!

Dude, it's me!

I'm on my way!

Stay where you are, bro!

It was just a park ranger
vaccinating rhinos.

He already took care
of the rhino calf.

Keep it as long as you want,

and have Aviva work on the disk
for the Creature Power suit.




Chris can be such a geek!

But something about him
didn't seem right.

M.K., I've got it!

Get over here!

Everyone has a bulldozer,

but I have a rhino-dozer!


Now with Blue Boy distracted,

I can finish building
my rhino-dozers.


My greatest invention ever!

With pounds
of strength,

I can dig up trees
and flatten things!

So, I can build
a parking lot!

Leave the rhinos alone, Zach!

They're seriously endangered.

They belong living free
and in the wild!

Not this week!

And you Wild Ratts
are going to help me.

And because I know Aviva,

I knew the little rhino
would inspire her

to work on
the Creature Power suit,

and then reveal the charge code
that I need for my rhino-dozers!

I gave the little rhino

a contact lens
with a camera feature

so I can see everything
going on in your headquarters.

I found the charge code!

Ready for testing!


Told ya!


Let's try a rhino horn.

It's working!




Oh, that's not what
I want to watch!

Stop acting goofy,
Blue Boy!

That's my bro!


Sorry, M.K.

Hold still while I recalibrate
the horn density.

Like I have a choice!

All right, here's the DNA code
that controls horn growth

and their strong charge impulse.



That's it!

Now I have what I need
for the rhino charge impulse!

I chose the black rhino
for their lack of brains!

They'll charge at anything,
even trees!

Lay off, Zach!

It's because they have
poor eyesight.


Poor eyesight!


Now that Aviva has delivered
the rhino charge code,

I can control my rhino-dozers!


Relax, Green Guy.

The only thing that can break
through those bars is--

uh, well, nothing!



Prepare the rhino-dozers to
flatten the African savannah!

I'll be back to deal
with you later.

Nubs is feeling
a little toasty.

You're right!

How do you keep
an overheated rhino cool?

I know!

Oh, rhinos love mud
for reasons, Aviva!

It cools them down, protects
them from getting sunburned,

and keeps flies away!

That's .

And... yahoo!

And feels great!

You just can't keep a rhino
out of the mud.


Looks like you can't keep
a Martin out of it either.


Hey, Green Guy!

Still think I won't
get away with it?

Heh, heh, heh!

My rhino-dozers will flatten
anything I want them to!

No way, Zach!

I might be locked up,
but Martin'll stop you!

Get off me, you pesky

Try oxpeckers!

And they can't help being
attracted to parasites.


Think I'm funny, do you?

Me too!

But you won't be laughing

when I knock down the barn
hiding your turtle ship.

You'll never find it!

I already did!

The rhino's contact lens
also has a GPS feature

to find your exact location!

Ha, ha!

Zach got your tongue?

Oh, goody!

We've arrived
at the demolition location.

Time to destroy
some nature!


Prepare the rhino-dozers!

Let's get this parking lot


That's it!

Oxpeckers are the key
to my escape!


But first, I need a tick!

Heh, heh!

Okay, let's see
if this plan works.

Hey, oxpecker,

I've got a nice tasty tick
for you!

Come on over!

Do it for the rhinos.

(Lock turning)


Way to go, oxpecker!

I'll pay you back
by freeing the rhinos.

Nothing will stand in the way
of my rhino-dozers!

All right, Nubsie!

If you ever get bored of us,

here's a totally awesome little
creature for you to play with.


Now we've got two orphans
in our rescue center.


It's so great having Nubs here!

But I guess I really should
get him back to his mom.

What's this?

A contact lens?

Since when do you wear
contact lenses?

I don't!

Time for a little demonstration!

One flat barn coming up!

And why is it flashing red?

It's got Zach Varmitech written
all over it!

Oh, no!

That's what was wrong!

Chris was wearing red!

He always wears green.

And he'd never tell me
to keep the rhino

for as long as I want.

That couldn't have been him!

Wait a sec.

It also has a transmitter.

With a tracking device!


Bye-bye, barn!


Zach's using the rhinos
as bulldozers?

Yeah, and they're charging
straight for us!

Rhinos charge
at miles per hour,

and at pounds per rhino,

that's a lot of force.

Enough to smash this hangar!

Oh, this is all my fault!

You were the bait all along,

and I led Zach right to us!

It's not over yet.

Koki, engage the emergency
escape protocol.

Oh, no!

Hover power isn't engaging!

Diverting all non-essential
power to hover thrusters!


I've got hover power!




Chris, buddy!

Talk to me!

There he is!

Climb like you've never climbed
before, Chris!

You can make it!

Excuse me!

Passing through!

Just keep those spiky horns

Hey, Chris!

Care to dance?

Whoa, ugh!


Nice grab, Martin!

Zach's going to run those rhinos
into the ground.

We've got to stop him!

Look, I got us into this mess.

I've got to get us out.

Okay, I'm pretty sure there was
a mud wallow around here.

I remember seeing it too!

It's past the baobab tree,

and then east
of the water hole.

First, I'm going to need help
from this lion cub!

Activate Creature Power

Now, I need you to help me
pull this off, Nubs.

To the creature rescue!

Yo, rhinos!

Look what I got!

That's it.

Protective rhino instinct
overriding Zach control!

Follow me!

So, that's how you want to play?

I need your help now, Nubs.


Yeah, not only will your mom
respond to your call,

but other rhinos will!


Right on, Nubs!

You can't stop me,
Wild Ratt!

So give up now!



The rhinos can't take
much more!

I got to get Zach's remote!

Here's some rhino power,



That was not good!

Rhino-dozers, charge!


All right, bro!

They're all yours.


Like I always say,

you can't keep a rhino
out of the mud.

Let the rhinos roll!


Ugh, help!

I'm contaminated!

Somebody save me!


Later, Zach!

Don't come by

Oh, yeah!

Saving the planet
with Creature Power!

Oh, it sure was great having
a baby rhino to hang out with.


Well, you'll always have
the rhino power suit

to remind you of Nubs.

He's with his mom
where he belongs,

and all the rhinos
are back,

living free
and in the wild.

Hey, what were you thinking,

I'd never tell you to keep
a rhino calf back at the HQ!

I know!

And since when
do I wear red shirts?

Yeah, I may have been
a little distracted.

A little?

And you thought
I'd say "Toodles"?

I'd never say

I did think that
was pretty dorky,

even for you!


Symbiotic relationships
are awesome!

Great examples
of creature teamwork.

And the rhino and the oxpecker
make a great team!

They each get something
out of the relationship.

The rhino gets all the ticks
and blood-sucking parasites

picked off its body.

And the oxpecker
gets a tasty meal

and a good place to perch!

And from that place,

the oxpecker also gives
the rhino a warning system,

sounding the alarm
if any danger

or predators approach!

There are all kinds of amazing
symbiotic relationships

all over the creature world.

One other great example
of symbiotic relationships

is under the sea.

The clownfish and the anemone.

The anemone is
an amazing invertebrate

with stinging tentacles,

and the clownfish
is the only fish

that can swim safely
through the anemone

without getting stung.

So, the anemone gives
the clownfish protection,

and the clownfish brings
the anemone little bits of food.

It's a classic symbiotic

And maybe the most surprising
symbiotic relationship

we've ever seen

was when we stumbled upon
some warthogs

that were hanging out with
a group of banded mongoose.

The warthog was approaching
really close to the mongoose.

We weren't sure what was going
to happen.

The warthog walked right up
to the mongoose.

And they didn't run!

And then, the warthog,
he laid down!

The mongoose approached
and started climbing on it!

They started nibbling his ear,

picking ticks off
the warthog's body!

The mongoose were getting
a meal,

and the warthog
was getting cleaned.

Now that was a really cool and
bizarre symbiotic relationship.

These rhinos, the white rhinos,
also live in groups,

but they don't always get along.

Oh, wow, cool!

But for the most part,
a group of white rhinos?

They graze pretty peacefully.

Hey, we have a symbiotic
relationship here going!

We got to check out
a cool creature,

and the rhino gets scratched!

So, that's the end
of this episode!

Keep on creature

We'll see you
on the creature trail!

See you later, bud!

To find out more
about cool animals...

And collect your own
Wild Kratts Creature Powers...

We'll see you there!
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