01x20 - The Blue and the Gray

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Wild Kratts". Aired: January 3, 2011 - present.*
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Live action/Flash-animated educational children's television series created by the Kratt brothers, Chris and Martin.
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01x20 - The Blue and the Gray

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, it's us,
the Kratt Brothers.

I'm Martin!

And I'm Chris.

And we're searching
for squirrels,

an amazing creature
we're so lucky to have

living close around us.

When you go for
a walk in the woods,

you have a really good
chance of finding squirrels.

Grey squirrel.

are incredible climbers.

Look at this.

It doesn't matter whether
they're going straight up

or straight down

it's those claws--

Where did he go?

Over here.

Looking for acorns?


Squirrels' bodies are built for
scrambling around in the trees,

and the trees give
them their food.


Squirrels love
to eat acorns.

You could think
of squirrels as tree farmers,

because they plant
the trees that grow their food.

You looking
for acorns?

Let's see if we
can find you any.

Do you like white oak
or red oak?

He chose the white.

These squirrels:
they're hiding the acorns;

saving them for later.

When they get hungry
in the winter,

they can just go
out, dig them up

and have
something to eat.

Any acorn that
a squirrel forgets

can grow into
a massive oak tree

that produces tens
of thousands more acorns

for squirrels to eat.

I wish I could race
around through the trees

just like a gray squirrel.

Oh, imagine if we had their
energy and Creature Powers.

What if?

♪ On adventure with
the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans
to the trees ♪

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going
places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with
their creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready, it's the hour ♪

♪ We're gonna save
some animals today with ♪

♪ Creature Power ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild, wild ♪

♪ Cheetah speed
and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight
and lion pride ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild, wild, Wild Kratts ♪

What an awesome hardwood forest.

Yeah, can you believe
almost all these trees

were planted
by gray squirrels?

No way!
No way!

Yeah, squirrels are
acorn-burying machines.

And an acorn is a nut

that grows
into an oak tree.

Yeah, but not
all oak trees.

Squirrels must
have had help.

Nope, all
squirrel power.

Speaking of squirrel power,

does anybody want to try my
latest Creature Power Disc?

Yeah, I'll try out
any Creature Power Suit.

And I'll use
the squirrel powers to prove

that squirrels are
the ultimate acorn buriers.


All right!

Okay, squirrel boy,
here's a riddle for you.

What is the best way
to catch a squirrel?

Hm, give me a sec.
I'll get this.

Climb a tree
and act nuts.


Good one, bro.

Okay, Kratt Bros,
let me know when you touch down.

Huh? Ow! Ugh.




Hey, guys, try out those
gray-squirrel powers.

Got it.

And keep your
Creaturepods on

so we can find you in there

after we find a spot
to land the Tortuga.

Got it. Sheesh.

(Martin laughing)


(Martin gasping)

Ooh, nice fumble,

Koki is not going
to be crazy about that.

Don't worry.
We've got mine.

(Goshawk shrieking)

(Goshawk shrieking)



(Goshawk shrieking)

Whoa. Phew!




Hey, what did you
attack me for?


That's why!


You touched down too
close to her nest.

And the goshawk
is the most ferocious

nest defender
of all raptors.

And her defense
worked on me!

She just didn't want me
any closer to her chicks.

While they were
being fed by Dad,

Mom took on
the role of defender.


Okay, okay,
we're going.

Imagine if you
were a squirrel

being att*cked
by a goshawk.

No, thanks.

Besides, I think
that's what they're eating.

I'm sure the crew will
be able to find us.


Now if only I could
find my Creaturepod.

Don't worry.
I'm sure it will turn up.

Meanwhile, I'm going
to prove to you, Martin,

exactly how little squirrels
can plant a massive forest.

Chris, I know
little gray fuzz-balls

can plant a lot of acorns,
but I just--

Think of it as
squirrels are tree farmers.

They plant acorns,
oak trees grow

and gray squirrels
have more acorns to eat.

Yeah, but how can they
plant the whole oak forest?

The best way to find out
is follow that squirrel.

(Martin chuckling)

Looks like the blue jay wants
in on the acorn action.


Blue jays eat
acorns too?

Hey, maybe blue jays are
the ones who plant the forests.


No, way.

Everybody knows
that the squirrel

is the best
acorn collector.

Not this body, buddy.

I think the blue jay
might have

a bigger part to play
in this than anyone thinks.

Let's have
a creature challenge.

And because my
favorite color is blue,

I'm on Team Blue Jay.

Because I plan to win,

I'm on Team Grey Squirrel.




Hey, they
creature-sized us.


Do you want to look
for salamanders

or find a tree to climb?


(Both giggling)

(Tortuga whirring)

Huh? Look, a plane!

Wait, is that
the Wild Kratts' Tortuga?

It couldn't be.

Could it?

This forest is thick with trees.

I can't find any
place to land.

I'll ask the bros if they
found a clearing or something.

Something's wrong.

I'm not getting
a signal.

Gummed up gears!

I forgot to take
a GPS reading.

I don't even know
where we dropped them off!

These trees look
all the same to me.

It's really hard
to find a place to land

in a mature oak forest.

Check this out.

The forests were once so thick
with oak and other trees

that a squirrel could travel
from the Atlantic Ocean

to the Mississippi River

without ever
touching the ground!


Now that's
a lot of trees.

And that would be
one tired squirrel.


The squirrel got it!

Now he hops off.

Digs a hole.

Pushes the acorn in.

Covers it with dirt.

Acorn hidden
to eat later!

That's squirrel power!

So? That's not the only
acorn in the forest.

An oak tree can drop
, acorns in the fall.

And the blue jay's
got one.

She flies off.

Finds some soft soil.

Pushes the acorn
into the ground!

Blue jays hide acorns!

Well, squirrels can remember
where they hid the nuts

and dig them up
in the winter.


And, hey, blue jays
are bird-brains.

Hah, for a blue jay,
that's a compliment.

Because this bird-brain
is smarter than a squirrel.

A blue jay is so smart,

she can remember where she hid
her acorns through the winter

and into next spring
and come back

to the exact
spot to eat it.

Ho-ho, better memory.

You couldn't do that.


Get this: any acorn
a squirrel forgets to eat

stays safely
in the ground.

Then when the snow melts and
the sun shines in the spring,

those acorns grow
into oak trees.

That's how the gray squirrel
plants the trees that feed it.

Well, any acorn a blue jay
chooses not to eat,

stays safely
in the ground.

Then when the snow melts and
the sun shines in the spring,

those uneaten acorns
grow into oak trees.

That's how the blue jay
plants oak forests!


Blue jay's better!

Grey squirrel's greater!

Blue jay!

Grey squirrel!



Grey! Hm.

(Both screaming)

(Bird singing)

Hah, check this out!

A gray squirrel
digs a fake hole

to fool acorn predators

like deer
and wild turkey.

Turkeys eat acorns too?

Yeah, look.

The turkey is tricked.

The squirrel buries
the acorn safely over there.

Hah, now,
that's clever.

And we can bury
acorns in a single day!


Just one acorn
at a time?

Us blue jays,
we can stuff one acorn

into our
expandable throat pouch.

Then two, three, four

in our throat pouch
and an extra one in our mouth.

Then fly off with
all five acorns at once.

All the way over here!

Hah, we blue jays can
carry more acorns at a time

and carry them further,

up to miles away,

and plant them!

That means we can spread the oak
trees farther and faster!

Go, Team Blue Jay!




(Suit beeping rapidly)


Whoa, didn't see
that coming.

I'm an acorn!


I'm growing roots?

A stem? Leaves?


I'm growing
into an oak tree!

(Birds singing)

It's going to be dark
before I spot a place to land.

And still
no sign of the bros.

Aviva, you know what
trouble those bros get into.

We should find them.

If they need us,

they'll find a way
to contact us.

Besides, what kind
of trouble can they get into

with little
squirrels and acorns?





where are you?

Uh, Chris?

I think you're
standing on my face.


Oh, being a tree
feels weird.

Get me out of this.

Where's the button?

I don't know
but deactivate me!

Ah, here it is.


It's stuck!


You got to go for help!

Get help.

Get help.

Get help.

Get help.
Get help.


Bury acorn.

Bury acorn.

Must bury acorn.


Chris, I'm a tree.

Go get help.

I've just got
to bury these first.


I'm going!
I'm going!

I'll find Aviva to
deactivate the suit. Phew.


There's a raccoon
family moving in.

They're clean,

they're soft,

but it feels like
they're living in my ear!

An acorn!

(Both laughing)

I didn't know
blue jays ate acorns.

Me neither.

Let's see if we
can find more.

Found one!

Here's another.

I found another one.

Me too!

Over here!

One in here.

Found another.


Hey, Ronan,
check it out.

Is that a--?

It looks like Martin's.

No way, that means
the Kratt Brothers

must be around
here somewhere.

There it is again!

It is the Tortuga!

Let's call them.

Guys, I've got an incoming
message from the bros.

Come... in... Wild...
Kratts... Come...

Something's not working.

I'll try to clean
up the signal.

Okay, this should do it.

come in, Martin!

Come in, Wild Kratts.

Come in.


And Ronan!

What are you two
Wild Kratt Teamers doing

with Martin's

We found it.

While we were
looking for acorns.

That's great.

Have you seen
the Kratt Brothers anywhere?

Nope, but we see
the Tortuga.

We're right under you!

Really? In the oak forest?

it's our backwoods!

Great. Do you know of any
clearings where we can land?

We lost Martin
and Chris in there!

Sure, I know
a secret meadow.

We'll go there
and call you back.

And look for Martin
and Chris too!

All right!

Get help. Get help.
Get help. Get help.



Whoa! Bobcat!

(Chris whimpering)



Chris, over here!

You got to get back
to the safety of the tree!


Whoo, squirrel defense!

Always keep the tree
between me and danger.

Uh, Chris?

You're standing
on my face again.

Hey, I'm glad
you escaped, dude.

But did you really have
to bring back Old Needle Claws?

Ow, ow,

ow, ow, ow, ow.

This is great.

My Creature Powers
as an oak tree

are nail sharpener,
animal apartment--

(Leaves crunching)

And now I'm getting
a haircut.

Hey, you might not be
able to move or do much,

but you sure are important

to a lot
of animals for food

and shelter.

And you have
a special relationship

with squirrels
and blue jays who you feed.

And by planting acorns,
they help your seedlings grow

and the oak
forests spread.

Yeah, we need each other.

That's pretty cool.

(Turkeys gobbling)

Oh, and I'm also a landing
strip for wild turkeys.

And, yes, believe it
or not, wild turkeys fly!

And pick acorns!

Better for them to eat up
here than down there.


And I'm not going
for help that way again.

I'll take
the treetop route! Ah!

Phew! Grey squirrels
are amazing climbers.

You know,
they have the ability

to leap '
from branch to branch.

Hah, don't go anywhere, bro.

I'll be right back.
I promise.

Wow, this forest
is thick with oak trees.

A lot of blue jays.

And gray squirrels.

But no clearing big
enough to land in

and no sign
of the Kratt Brothers.

Hey, over here!

It's me,

stuck in my squirrel powers!


(Goshawk shrieking)

Oh, no, goshawk!

(Goshawk shrieking)


Uh, Chris, I'm glad you
kept your promise to come back,

but where's the help?


That's not what I meant.

Oh, there's
a knothole, : ! Ugh!


Thanks, bro! Ah!

That's what I'm here for.


I'm noticing that a lot
of animals have sharp claws.

Whoa, you mean talons.

That's what they're
called on birds of prey.

I mean sharp.


Wha--? I get the point.


Okay, this is
getting ridiculous.

How many animals love
acorns and oak trees?

(Wood crunching)


Uh, Chris, need
a little help down here!

Martin, I'm not going
anywhere right now.

This beaver is going
to chop the tree down.

No, me!

This beaver is going
to chop me down.

If I come out,
I'm squirrel stew!

(Jenny laughing)

Yes! They can help us!


There's a beaver!

Whoa, it's chewing
down a tree

with its teeth!


Its teeth always
keep growing.

And chewing wood makes
them shorter again!

Hey, you know
a lot about creatures!

Beavers don't talk.

Right, the beaver's
not talking.

It's me, the tree.

Look a face!

It's Martin! We found him!

It's me, Jenny.

And Ronan.

We're on
the Wild Kratts team!


Where's Chris?

Oh, he's up there

trapped in a tree hole
by a hungry goshawk.

Hey, guys!


Hey, before I come
crashing down,

could you two help me out
with this busy beaver?


Okay, take this branch.


Now go down there and waggle
it in front of the beaver, okay?

Like this?

Was that
a creature rescue?

Oh, yeah, it was,
because trees are creatures too.

How did you turn into a tree?

Does it feel weird?

You look kind of weird.

Yeah, what happened?

My blue jay suit

I got turned
into an acorn

and got planted
and grew into a tree.

Yes, it feels weird and now
I need Aviva to deactivate me!



And I'm still trapped
in a knothole.

Oh, yeah, we were supposed
to call them when we found you.

My Creaturepod!

Where did you find it?

In some bushes
back there.


Oh, I've got
to get back to normal

before something
else happens.

(Liquid dripping)

Like being claimed as part
of a coyote's territory!


Oh, great!

He peed on me!

That's a message
to tell other coyotes

who come sniffing around
that this is his territory.

And his acorns.

Coyotes too!

(Martin laughing)

All sorts
of creatures love oak trees.

Oak trees are awesome.

But I don't want to be
an oak tree anymore.


Come in, Wild Kratts.

We found Martin,

and he's a tree person!

And Chris
is trapped by a hawk.

And we're right
on the edge of the meadow!

Where you can land!

Great job,
Ronan and Jenny!

You just got your
search-and-rescue badge.

And I've got coordinates.

We're on our way.

Hey, guys,
great to see you. I--

Hm, a lot of fizzle.


Energy low.

Give it a boost.


Ah, disc warped.



Clearing the area.


Go! Go! Go! Go!



(Goshawk shrieking)
(Bear growling)

(Goshawk shrieking)



So many animals
depend on oak trees.

And oak trees depend
on those animals.

Plant and animal
relationships are awesome.

(Raccoons chirping)

Whoa! Yah!

(Goshawk shrieking)






Oh, yeah, heh,
that's better.

Heh, but we
still don't know

who's the best acorn hunter
and oak-tree planter.

let's call it a tie.


(Both laughing)

Blue jays are
a beautiful bird.

And one of the smartest
birds in North America.

After the last ice age,

when the forests
were crushed and destroyed,

when it warmed up again,
it was the blue jays.

And the squirrels.

Who replanted them again.

And these amazing creatures

are right
in your backyard.

Chickadees too!

There are so many
amazing animals

right out in the woods.

And in your backyard.

And you can make your
backyard a great place

for wild animals to live.

By making sure wild
animals have plenty to eat.

Who wants to make
some feeders?


Whoo! All right.

Let's get started.

All right, guys, take these.

This is lard.

You got to squish this up

and then stick it
into the birdseed.

Just squish it all up

and put it
into the birdseed

and then smush it around.

The birds will bite
off pieces of this.

See? And they'll get some
good nutritious seeds.

And they'll get some
good nutritious lard.

Okay, and when you're done,
drop it right into the bag.

Drop them in there.

One giant...

Yeah, oh,
those are good ones.

You guys are good.

And now we can
tie up the end.


We did it!

We have a bird feeder!

They are going
to love this, guys.

You've all done
such a great job.

Everybody done
with their feeders?

KIDS: Yeah!
Ready to hang them?

Come on, guys. Yay!

Okay, I'm going
to tie it up for you.

And there it is.

Has everybody put theirs up?

KIDS: Yeah!
MARTIN: All right.

Let's go hide and wait
for them to come, okay?

Everybody over here!

Okay, everybody down
in the grass!

Come on!
Down in the grass!

You can call them by
saying, "Chickadee!"

Chickadee, dee, dee,
dee, dee, dee, dee, dee!

Chickadee, dee, dee.

Oh, here they come!


There's one
in the tree.

Oh, here comes
a chickadee right now.

See him high in the tree?

You see, he's coming
lower and lower.


We have our first chickadee!
Good job, guys!



They're eating it.

Nice. Good job, everybody.


If you learn about
and get to understand

our backyard creatures,

you can have
a great time hanging out

with all amazing animals

in your own backyard.


Yeah, keep on learning
about creatures,

and we'll see you
on the creature trail.

To find out more
about cool animals...

And collect your own
Wild Kratts Creature Powers...

We'll see you there!
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