01x12 - Eliza-cology

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Wild Thornberrys". Aired: September 1, 1998 - June 11, 2004.*
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Eliza travels the world with her unusual family, as her parents make wildlife films.
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01x12 - Eliza-cology

Post by bunniefuu »

This is me, eliza thornberry.

Part of your average family.

I got a dad, a mom,
and a sister.

There is donnie-- we found him.

And darwin?
He found us.

( Jabbering )

Oh, yeah, about our house--
it moves.

'Cause we travel
all over the world.

You see, my dad hosts
this nature show

And my mom sh**t it.

Okay, so we're not that average.

( Panting )

And between you and me

Something amazing happened...

And now I can talk to animals.

It's really cool

But totally secret.

And you know what?

Life's never been the same.

( Seagulls crying )

( Snoring... )

( Blabbering )

( Panting )

( Jabbering )

( Chattering )

( Yells, grunts )

( Darwin wails )

So, you see,
once every year

They return to this exact island
to lay their eggs.

In just two days, literally
hundreds of sea turtles

Will emerge from the ocean

In an instinctive
parade of life.

It'll be intense.

Yeah, turtles are my life.

You, too? Then you'll
want to spend the day

With your mother and me.

There's a million things
to do before the turtles arrive.

Oh, debbie, this has always been
your secret dream.


Debbie, I never knew.

This place is cool.

There's a ton of sea lions.



Oh, you, again.

( Insects buzzing )

Some hungry fish.



And a bird who's
attacking a tree.




( Groans )

We're stopping.

Okay... I wish you were
alive again.

Yes! The perfect spot
to catch

The turtles'
exultant arrival on the beach.

Just one question,

Where's the beach?

Oh, you've got to be kidding.

I can't sh**t the turtles
this far away.

We have to get in close.

I'm sorry, dear,
but we must take pains

To avoid disturbing the turtles

While they lay
their tiny eggies.

I'm afraid I have to
put my foot down on this one.

Oh, well, your mother makes
a convincing argument.

Shall we?

( Huffs, groans )

Wait, I think I saw this
in a nature movie.

When finches attack?

( Clears throat )

Hey, there, I'm eliza.

I'm a finch.

Yes, but what's your name?

I said I'm a finch.

You're using that,
that cactus spine...

To get food.

I use the cactus thing

To pull larva
out of these holes.

It's something, huh?

Not many birds can do
this kind of thing.

That's something.

Darwin, he's just having
a little trouble right now.

What do you mean trouble?

I'm doing just fine.

I bet I have a larva
by the time it gets dark.

One larva-- after working
the entire day?

Sometimes it takes
two days.

Aw, come on, you can do
better than this.

( Snaps it )

( Yelling ):
my cactus thing!

Hey, don't worry.

I can get you
something better.

Nigel, don't you see now?

We have to film from down here.

The sh*ts will be great.

But the turtles,
they have to lay their eggs!

If I was laying an egg

I wouldn't want someone
with a camera staring at my...

Um, egg laying.

We'll work it out.

There must
be a way.

I don't see how

We can possibly...

( Screams )

( Thumps, grunts )

( Groaning )

you're a genius!

We'll use camouflage.

( Grunts )

Come on.

hey, finch!

Oh, look, it's the human
who ruined my life.

♪ We brought
you a present. ♪

It's... Incredible.

It's called a needle.

Want to take it for a spin?

( Slurping )

( Laughing )

Oh, it's what I've been
waiting for all my life!

I guess I owe you an apology.

Maybe some other time.

Don't worry, glad to help.

No longer am I just a finch.

Today I'm a finch!

Dramatic little guy,
isn't he?

It's a good thing
we came along

To make his life
a little easier.

can you believe it?

Only one larva a day?

( Squawks )

he'll never be hungry again,
thanks to us.

( Squawks )

( Squawks )

( Squawking )

( Slurping )

It feels good

To make an animal's life
a little easier.

You're right, it does.

But you know, I've always felt,
oh, I don't know...

An odd connection
to the animal world.

( Sea lions barking )

( Squawking )

( Yells )

( Birds shrieking )

Hey, I'm a finch.

These are my associates

Finch, finch,
and, uh...


How you doing?

I understand you gave

A "nee-kle"
to a certain finch.



Yeah, so?

That finch

Is eating everything.

A year's supply
of larvae in 15 minutes!

At this rate,
by the end of day

He'll have eaten...

Even more of them.

We don't stand a chance

With him out there
eating everything.

Don't worry.

Dr. Eliza has the cure.

( All gasp )

( All squawking )

Whoa, we did it
again, darwin.

More happy customers.

( Tweeting, belching )


( Humming happily )

A tub of shellac

A healthy portion
of papier-mache

And we have the perfect
bit of camouflage.

I can't imagine
a turtle giving you

As much as a second look.

I'll do whatever it takes
to get the shot.

That's the spirit.

Oh, ah...


Uh, nigel.


Not to worry,
I'll soon have you back.

But if you end up
in the united states

Do drop a card.

( Laughs )

No way, dad.

Was that a joke?

Oh, your father was considered
quite the jester

In his college days,
you know.

Why, I remember once...

Excuse me, nigel.

( Grunting )

Look, dad!

Rock and roll.

( Laughs )

( Chuckling )

Yes, quite smashing joke,
terribly clever.

The rock is rolling.

Yes, I quite understand.


Of course, dear.

Sorry, now, um, just
how to get you back to shore.

( Wave rolling in, he gasps )

( She yells )

Oh, well done, dear.

Marvelous glue we used
on this rock.

Have to write
the company.

Poppet, do you
have a pen?


Whoa, mom?

Hello, eliza,
how was your day?

Oh, I gave some
feathered friends

A new reason to live.

Big deal.

We made
a mom pinata.

( Chortling ):
That's rich.

can you please

Get me out
of this thing?

Oh, absolutely.

Um, we'll have you
out of there in a jiff.

Certainly by morning.

Ow! Ouch!

( Buzzing )

( Shrieking ):

( All groaning )

Deborah, so glad
you're here to help.

Um... Would you mind
actually helping?

Uh! I've got
the string.

Oh, lovely.

Thanks, dear.

Well, I've no doubt
our latest brainstorm

Will be a spectacular

In the documentation
of nature.

Will it work?


I'm going to go

Explore some more,

Just be back
by dinner.

Come on, darwin.

( Yawning )
did I miss breakfast?

Well, that's all right,
I'll just grab a--

( Jabbering )

Let's see if anybody
needs us today.

The sea lions look okay.

And there's... Hey,
I don't see any fish.

Maybe they're off
eating breakfast.

I'm serious, dar.

I don't see them anywhere.

hold it a sec.

This is too weird.

Um, excuse me!

Aren't you far
from the south pole?

The south pole!

Of course not.

I'm a galapagos penguin.

So why didn't I see you
around here yesterday?

Well, I'm usually in the cove.

Plenty of my favorite fish
in the cove, but not today.

Today no fish anywhere.

I am very hungry.

You, too?

Now, just wait here.

I'll bring you
some fish.

Oh, really.

How thoughtful.

There we are.

The ultimate deception.

A camera kite
perfectly disguised

As a common,
indigenous bird.

As long as it fools
the sea turtles.

How smart are they, exactly?

All right, let's test
our handiwork.

Hold on tight, debbie.

When I give
the signal, lovely

We toss the camera
into the air.

The trade winds
will carry it up.

High above the beach

So it soars
over the entire island.

Let it go, darling!

Let it fly!

( Splashing )

( Gasps )

Oh, tasty, tasty.

Well, I am sort of a genius
at knowing what animals need.

Then why didn't you
bring me a muffin?

Oh! Oh!

( Groaning )

What's up?

Those big birds,
the boobies.

They went away.

Is that bad?

I have nothing to eat.

You eat boobies?

Ugh, no,
I eat their eggs.

Now there are no boobies.

No boobies, no eggs.

Well, hang tight.

I'll get you some.

Don't forget my muffin!

Oh! You lay those?

No, these are the kinds
of eggs I eat.

I'll bet they're a lot better
than the ones you're used to.

( Slurping )

( Anxiously ):

Wasn't today a fabulous
learning experience?

I, for one,
learned about persistence.

Debbie, what did
you learn?

Cameras don't fly?

Anything else?

Or float.

( Wild jabbering )

( Bonking )

( Grunting )

Could you give
a little push in there?

( Groans, yelps )


dad! Dad!

I'd help,
but, you know.

All right.

The turtles are due to arrive

At low tide, exactly 12:41 p.m.

Everybody, to the beach!


( Sleepily ):
good morning.

Do I have time
to grab a bite?

( Yelps )

We're right behind you!

( Panting )

I can't believe
you overslept again.

We must get ready
for the turtles.

hey, girl!

I hear you've got food.

Here we go again.

Can't this wait?

I don't have time
to feed you right now.

They got food.

Oh, doll, I'm so hungry.

I'm starved, I'm starved.

( Finches squawking )

( Barking )

Here! Here! Over here!

I wouldn't mind
a snack myself.

Ooh, everybody just
cool your jets for a minute!

( All whining )

( Panting )

( Yelps )

( Sobbing )

( Chanting ):
more food, hungry, please!

More food, hungry, please!

More food, hungry, please!

More food, hungry, please!

More food, hungry, please!

More food, hungry...

More food, hungry, please!

More food...

Hungry, please!

More food...

( All talking )

Look, everybody!

I'm out of food!

That's it! No more!

I'm sorry, but there's
nothing else I can do!

Let's go.
Come on.

( All complaining )

Nothing to worry about.

This is all just part
of the natural, uh...

Leaving process.

Oh, that's
a new one.

Everything's fine!

Come on, I'll prove it
to you.

Remember, everyone,
when I give the signal

Don your camouflage.

( Gasps )

( Inhaling )

I see them.

They're coming.

Right on schedule.

Told you, darwin.

Look at them,
moving as one.

An unstoppable force

Heading ever closer
to the island.

And look, now
they're turning around.

And swimming away.

"Told you, darwin."

I don't understand.

They've come
to this island

For hundreds of years.

( Yelps )

What are you looking for?

Whatever messed up
this island.

Quick, over there!

Hold it!

What is it?
Can this wait?

I've got to fly
while the wind's up.

But you're
the only one left
I can talk to.

W-w-what do you know
about this island?

It's simple: everything
has gone completely crazy!

I can see that,
but what started it?

I'm not the one

Who changed the way
things work around here.

You are!

Watch out!

I'm catching a gust!

There's no way you
and I could have messed up

The food chain.

But of course not.

We were helping.

Darwin, finches eat larva,

What if the finches ate all
the larva?

Larva become insects.

Fish eat insects.

Other animals eat fish.

Without the insect larva
the food chain falls apart.

It's all my fault.

Come on, darwin.

There's one!

( Yelling ):

( Squawks ):

Got it.

Just one more.

( Animal moans )

( Burps )

I hear it
but I don't see it.

( Moaning ):
mmm... Mmm...

Sorry, but I need
the needle back.

Hey! I need that!

I'm still hungry.

But if you eat
every larva

The entire island
will be destroyed.

Did I mention
I'm still hungry?

Sorry, you have to go back
to the old way of doing things.

The cactus thing?

Uh! I can't remember the last
time I used one of those.

( Grunts )

( Moans )

( Grunts of exertion )

( Falls, grunts )

( Groans )

We did it.

We got back every needle.

I just hope
we're not too late.

( Buzzing... )

Well, that's a start.

But there's still
the turtles.

Grab a paddle
from the comvee

And meet me at the beach!

( Gurgles )
( yells )

( Grunting )

( Chattering )


Wish me luck.

Good luck, eliza.

Let me through.

But you're headed
in the wrong direction.

No, you're headed
in the wrong direction.

I talked
to a sea lion.

He told me
to turn around.

There's no food
over there.

No, wait, the island's
going to be okay!

How do you know?

Because I guess...

I'm the one who messed it up.

But it's going
to be fine now

I promise.

( Gasps )

Um, dad,
could you move?

( Gasps )


They're coming back.

Quick, everyone!

In camouflage gear.

Dad, do I have to go--

Yes, debbie,
you have to!

I say, where's
my turtle shell?

No matter, plan "b."

( Eliza panting... )

Where are your parents?


eliza, over here!

( Jabbering )

Not a word, got it?

Hey, sis, I totally understand.

Turtles are your life.
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